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# Nightmare's Scythe

This weapon is one scathed in mystery, from origins to true use, no one truly knows
the truth. Some say that it was forged to hunt the Rogue Kalashtar, others say it
was forged from the remains of the evil spirits from Dal Quor to defend the
Kalashtar peoples. It is said that the weilders of both this weapon and the
dreamer’s cards may undertand it’s mysteries.

### Nightmare's Dormancy

In the weapons dormant form it appears as a normal quarterstaff or walking stick.
However once awakened it changes drastically. The appearance of these weapons vary
from weilder to weilder; however, one thing remains the same the etheriel scyth
blade sprouting from the very end of the weapon.

### Nightmare's Awakening

To activate this weapon one must use a sacrafice one vial of blood or take 1 die of
damage halved of awakened type for sacraficing your own blood. Once activated you
roll *1d10* to choose damage. If you choose to activate this weapon with two vials
of blood, or take 1 die of damage of awakened type you may roll a second die. *If
both die are the same number you may pick the chosen damage type.*

Each damage type may have a temperary effect added to it as noted in chart above
(max of 1 turn per hit with the exception for poison) which may affect you as well.

**This feature is up to DM’s discression.**

##### Damage Types

|Roll | Type| Damage Effect
| 1 | 1d10 Poison |May inflict **Poisoned** condition on enemy. **Con save dc
13**. *Save happens each turn to remove condition.*
| 2 | 1d10 Acid | Can melt through materials such as leather, iron, wood, etc.
| 3 | 1d10 Fire | Cast a radius of 30m bright light and 30m of dimlight. May
cause extra 1d4 fire damage for 5 turns. **Dex sav dc 13** *Damage is rolled at
begining of turn*
| 4 | 1d10 Cold | May inflict **Restrained** condition. **Athletics or
Arcabatics save dc 13**
| 5 | 1d10 Radiant | May inflict **Blinded** cinditon. **Con save dc 13**
| 6 | 1d10 Necrotic | May inflict **Frightened** condition. **Wis save dc 13**
| 7 | 1d10 Lightning| May inflict **Paralyzed** condition. **Con save dc 13**
| 8 | 1d10 Thunder | May inflict **Deafened** condition. **Con save dc 13**
| 9 | 1d8 Force | May inflict **Prone** condition. **Str save dc 13**
| 10| 1d10 Psychic | May inflict **Stunned** condition **Wis save dc 13**
### Nightmare's Beckoning
Being attuned to this weapon may cause weilder to experience nightmares while
sleeping. If such happens too often you may gain a point of exhastion. **(Every
night must make a *Wis save dc 13* or experience a nightmare. If you fail this *3
nights in a row* you gain one point of exhaustion)**

This effect does not apply to those who do not sleep or those who do not dream.
This effect triggers when under the effects of sleep and dream spells.
>* **Requires Attunement**
>* **Weapon is considered as Exotic, quarterstaff, or glaive for profenicies.**
>* **This weapon has the versitile and finnese attributes.**
>* **If weapon is dropped or removed from Attuned person it reverts back to its
unactivated form. As an action you may deactivate the Scythe.**

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#### Made By IRHB
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