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# Insectoids

*The Insectums are a reclusive race that

often are found deep within undiscovered
forests, caves, and mountain platues. These creatures were shaped and changed by
the feywilds, their original home.*
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## Ordered and Classed

Insectums live in a society that is very class based and is very orderly. They do
not see anything wrong with classed systems, including but not limited to: Slavery,
Royalties, and Caste systems

## One for the many

Often times the Insectum colonies willingly sacrafice the few for the greater good
of the many, the only exception is for the queen of the colony or someone of
similar standing.

## Reclusive
Insectums are very distrustful of other races due to historic events causing the
Insectums to go into hiding, The only exceptions to this are Wood elves, and Dryads
as they were the only ones to help the Insectums in their time of need.

## Habits
Insectums often mimmic other insects without realizing it. They chatter away and
may exibit other instictual habits of the insect they look similar to.

Insectums hate the words bug, pest, and creepy-crawlies being used towards or
describing them. They consider these words deragatory in nature.

## Race Traits
Your insectoid character has an assortment of inborn ablities.
##### Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution is increased by 2 and Strength or Dexterity increased by 1
##### Age
Unlike their common bretheren these creatures live for a prolonged amount of time.
Typically living up to 150 year.
##### Alignment
The Insectums are normally in collonies of a very rigid order that everyone and are
joyuss about. Due to this they are typically Lawfully neuteral to Lawfully good.
##### Speed
Your walking speed is 30ft
##### Languages
You can read and write Common, Insectum, and either Sylvan or Dryadic. (Insectum
writing is similar to hiroglyphics)
##### Size
Your size can range from Small or Medium reaching from 2ft to 8ft tall.
##### Light Vision
You are able to see both Ultra Violet and Infared light giving you dark vision
based off heat, You see things in shades of red and violet up to 60ft. Perception
and investigation checks are at disadvantage if objects or entities do not emit
##### Highly Adaptive
At levels 2, 8, 14, and 20 an Insectum may shed it’s former shell and adapt in one
of the following ways:
- *You gain a stinger that deals 1d4 poison or acid damage, Considered an action
unless grappling or have landed an unarmed strike against the creature, in which it
is a bonus action. Each time taken increases damage by 1d4. Con Save DC 13 + 2 for
each time taken up to max of dc 17.*

- *You gain wings giving you a 25ft flying speed (+5ft for each time taken) you
must not be wearing armor that covers your back nor wear anything on your back for
this flight speed.*

- *You gain mantis blades that deal 1d6 slashing damage, these are considered
natural weapons; however, these take place of your hands*

- *You gain 270 degree vision causing your eyes to fractate like those of a fly,
unable to be sneak attacked other than directly behind you; however causes your
charisma to go down by 3 due to the new unnerving nature of your eyes*

- *You gain an extra pair of arms, cannot exceed total of 6 arms (including mantis

- *You gain a harder shell increasing your AC by +2 for each time taken (max of 2

- *You gain anteni granting you 15 ft of blindsight*

##### Hard Chitinous Shell

You gain natural armor of 12 + two of the following modifiers halved (rounded up):
***Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity***. Must be chosen at character creation
and cannot change.

Based off of modifiers chosen may influence your characters appearance.

- Strength causes you to be more short beetle appearance
- Constitution causes a cocroach, ant, or cicada appearance
- Dexterity causes you to have a tall flying insect appearance


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