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# Path of the Marrow

The path of the Marrow is a perilous and painful one. Not only for the power you
weild, but for what the power makes you become. Many consider it a path of an
abonation. Others consider it as a path that utalizes everything the gods have
given you. Will you fully embrace this power or fall to it's madness? Only time may

## Class Features
As a Path of the Marrow, you gain the following class features
#### Hit Points
- **Hit Dice:** 1d12 per Path of the Marrow level
- **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 12 + your Constitution modifier
- **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per
Path of the Marrow level after 1st

#### Proficiencies
- **Armor:** Light armor, Medium armor, Shields
- **Weapons:** Simple weapons, Martial weapons
- **Tools:** Torturers Tools

- **Saving Throws:** Constitution, Strength
- **Skills:** Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature,
Perception, and Survival
#### Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by
your background:
- *(a)* A Greataxe *(b)* Any martial melee weapon
- *(a)* Two hand axes or *(b)* Any simple weapon
- An explorer's pack and four javelins

<div class>
| *Barbarian Level* | *Feature*
| **1st** | **Rage of Marrow, Power of Bone**
| **6th** | **Skeletonization**
| **10th** | **Power of the Core**
| **14th** | **Eternal Bone**
| **20th** | **Eternal Pain**

## Rage of Marrow
*1st-level Path of the Marrow feature*

When you rage you may choose to apply you rage bonus modifier to your AC instead of
your attack rolls. You also gain damage reflection of 1/2 damage taken if damage is
Bludgening, Slashing, or Peircing damage via boney protrusions on your body. Due to
using your bones as weapons outside of your body you must make a wisdom dc 13 save
or else become *Maddened*. While under the Maddened condition you randomly attack
anyone within your attack range, including thrown weapon range. You may attempt
another save at the end of each turn while under this condition.
## Power of Bone
You may create any simple weapon using your own bones. Doing so you loose max
health equal to the weight of the weapon. This health is returned back once bone is
replaced into the body. These weapons are considered magical for any resistances or
immunities to slashing, peircing, or bludgening damage. At 6th level you may make
Martial weapons using this ability.

If the health taken from making these weapons exceeds total max health you fall
unconscious until one of the weapons is reinserted.

## Skeletonization
You've conditioned yourself to feeling immense pain allowing you to have advantage
on wisdow saves to prevent abnormal effects. While raging you are able to spend hit
die as an action to heal yourself up to current max hp (cannot go past max hp set
by **Power of Bone** weapons.

## Power of the Core

You have hardened your bones to immense levels. While raging if you choose to apply
your rage modifier to your AC you may also add you profeciency modifier to your AC
as well.

You also gain access to an ability while raging to slam the ground extending your
bones through it and causing a 10ft AOE of 1d6 Slashing, 1d6 Peircing, and 1d6 of
Bludgening damage. Targets must make a Str or Dex dc 15 save or be knocked prone.

## Eternal Bone
You have grown your prowess with your own bones causing you to use less to make
more. You take 1/2 max HP reduction when making new weapons from your bones. You
are also able to make more delicate items out of your bones such as lock picks for
lowered hp cost equal to 1/2 their gold cost. (minimum of 1 hp lost per item or

## Eternal Pain
You have become accustomed to the constant pain that comes with this path. You no
longer have to make a wisdom save when raging. While raging you also gain access to
the ability to sacrafice X hp (not max hp) and take on the pain of someone else
giving them advantage on wisdom saves against abnomal effects for X minutes.

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