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# Dyad Prósopo Domain

The followers of Dyad Prósopo domain worship the Thudta, Goddess of Duality. To
life there is death, to light there is darkness, to joy there is fear. The clerics
of this goddess are few and far between due to the tempermental nature of this
domain. Those who remain faithful to the ever chaning wants of the goddess gain
extrodinary powers in return for their faith.

## Class Features
As a Dyad Prósopo Domain Cleric, you gain the following class features
#### Hit Points
- **Hit Dice:** 1d4 per cleric level
- **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 4 + your Constitution modifier
- **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d4 (or 3) + your Constitution modifier per
cleric level after 1st

#### Proficiencies
- **Armor:** Light armor, Medium armor
- **Weapons:** All simple weapons, Two sided weapons such as double bladed scimitar
- **Tools:**

- **Saving Throws:** Charisma, Wisdom
- **Skills:** Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

#### Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by
your background:
- *(a)* a mace or *(b)* a warhammer (if proficient)
- *(a)* scale mail, *(b)* leather armor, or *(c)* chain mail (if proficient)
- *(a)* a light crossbow and 20 bolts or *(b)* any simple weapon
- *(a)* a priest’s pack or *(b)* an explorer’s pack
- A shield and a holy symbol

| Cleric Level | Feature |

|:----:|:------------- |
| 1st | Blessing of Thundta|
| 2nd | Mask of Two Faces |
| 6th | Call of Duality |
| 8th | Flip of Fates |
| 17th | True Duality |

##### Expanded Spell List

| Level | Spells |
|:----: |:------------- |
| 1st | Create or Destroy Water, Find familiar|
| 3rd | Remove Curse, Counter Spell |
| 5th | Danse Macabre, Enervation |
| 7th | Power Word Pain, Tether Essence |
| 9th | Power Word Kill, Imprisonment |

## Blessing of Thundta
*1st level Dyad Prósopo Feature*

Thundta has taken your unwavering faith and grants you the ability of having a
'second face'. This second face is of a different race, typically one oposite of
your original, and alignment. You may choose one feature,such as darkvision, of
both faces to remain while in the other face. If original race is undead /
construct second race must also be undead / construct.

## Mask of Two Faces

*2nd level Dyad Prósopo Feature*

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to freely change to your
second face for 8 hours. When changing to you second face you may swap two ability
scores and chose to remove 1 proficiency and swap it to another. You physically
change into that race gaining its passive features along with the permenant feature
from original race. You may freely swap between the two once every 2 minutes during
the duration.

## Call of Duality
*6th level Dyad Prósopo Feature*
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to cast a radius of 15 ft
around you in which any creature rolling with advantage or disadvantage rolls
normally. Any creature that starts their turn in this zone may roll a dc 15 wisdom
save or have its effects remain on them.

## Flip of Fates
*8th level Dyad Prósopo Feature*
Starting at 8th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to target two creatures in
touch range to swap their current HP. Both creatures must fail the DC 10 + Cleric
level Con save for this effect to happen. Creatures targeted by this may willingly
fail this save and you may target yourself with this effect. Health regained cannot
exceed max hp. If one target is under 1 hp then the other target is dropped to 1 hp
instead of going to 0.

## True Duality
*17th level Dyad Prósopo Feature*

Starting at 17th level, You may freely swap between your two faces and utilize the
Mask of Two Faces to instead touch one target and cause them to change race for 1
hour before the effect wears off. Any time you are attacked with advantage or
attack with disadvantage you may use your Channel Divinity to cause it to be a
normal roll.

# Thunda, the Goddess of Duality

The goddess Thunda is a mainly forgotten goddess as she is one who has caused many
misgivings on who she really is. Many mortals disregarded her as false or a made up
goddess due to the lack of temples and clerics in her name. The reason behind this
is due to how she chooses those who may channel her divine powers. Only those who
walk a path in both the light and shadows may be one of her chosen, whether that is
a dark past or a secret of theirs matters not to her. When visiting her clerics she
may take the guise of an extremely stunning and beautiful young lady of Devil
descent or as an old weathered woman of fey descent. While as the young lady she is
sadistic, cunning, and without mercy while also acting very pompus and occasionally
teasingly suductive. When she is the older woman she is very kind and motherly
while acting very concerned over her clerics and occasionally grants gifts of minor
enchanted objects or information needed in times to come.

When she is seen in her true divine form she appears as a 15 ft tall Woman with one
pair of Angelic wings with another pair of Devil wings below them. She holds a
censer in one hand and a mace in the other. She wears minimally covering black
leather bindings over her chest, arms, and legs covered by billowy and flowing
white dress. When you look at her face is it covered by a mask that is split
diagonally across the face. One half showing a scowling woman while the other shows
the face of a smiling grandmother.

Her holy symbol is that of the mask she wears in her true form. Many of her follows
have a mask made similar to it, only depicing their two faces instead. They may
also have her holy symbol made into a small necklace or bracelet for casting


> ##### Blessing of Thundta's Effects Expanded

> The Blessing of Thundta allows for the character to have a second race in which
they are able to swap to using a use of Channel Divinity. During this time every 2
minutes they may change to the other face. When this happens they must wait another
2 minutes before changing again. They are allowed to choose two racial features to
remain when changing faces. One from original face and one from the second face.
These have to be cleared with DM during character creation. Ex. Kobold / Dragonborn
character may choose pack tactics to remain and breath weapon options to remain no
matter the face. Dm may Veto any racial features they deem to be too overpowered to
remain with other racial features of a different race. Ex. Kobold's pack tactics
may be banned as a perminent feature.

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