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# The Chakram

These warlocks are a very unusual type of people. These warlocks seek their packs
to be formed with gods of the Life and Light domains. These gods typically use
their warlocks as specialized soldiers to combat the acts of evil in the world
without directly implicating the god.

## Class Features
As a archivist, you gain the following class features
#### Hit Points
- **Hit Dice:** 1d8 per Chakram level
- **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 8 + your Constitution modifier
- **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per Chakram
level after 1st

#### Proficiencies
- **Armor:** Light armor
- **Weapons:** Simple weapons, Chakram
- **Tools:** None

- **Saving Throws:** Wisdom, Charisma
- **Skills:** : Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation,
Investigation, Nature, and Religion

#### Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by
your background:
- *(a)* a set of 4 small Chakrams or *(b)* a set of two medium Chakrams
- *(a)* one large chakram or *(b)* any simple melee weapon
- *(a)* a scholar’s pack or *(b)* a dungeoneer’s pack
- Leather armor

| Warlock Level | Feature |

|:----: |:------------- |
| 1st | Holy Chakram, Holy pact |
| 4th | Chakram Prowess |
| 6th | Holy Prowess |
| 10th | Chakram Mastery |
| 14th | Holy Grace |

##### Expanded Spell List

| Level | Spells |
|:----: |:------------- |
| 1st | Armor of Radiance*, Divine Favor |
| 2nd | Zone of Truth, Moon Beam |
| 3rd | Conjure Barrage, Crusader's Mantle |
| 4th | Faithful Hound, Resilient Sphere |
| 5th | Conjure Volley, Hallow |


## Holy Chakram
*1st level Chakram Feature*
You are able to use your chakram as an arcane focus for any cleric cantrips,
healing spells, or any spell dealing radiant damage. Any radiant damage added to
Chakrams you are using is increased by proficiency modifier (Ex. 1d4 extra turns
into 1d4 + proficiency)

## Holy Pact
*1st level Chakram Feature*

Due to your patron being on holy nature you are able to use any cleric cantrips as
if they were warlock cantrips. Whenever you use a cleric spell to heal you add your
charisma modifier to the health regained.

## Chakram Prowess
*4th level Chakram Feature*

Your familiarity with the chakrams have increased allowing you to weild them in
special ways as well as more of them. *Max small chakram is increased to **6**,
medium chakram is increased to **3**, large chakram is increased to **2**.*
* As an action you may use your small chakram you use all of them throwing them out
at once. You may target one or multiple targets with this ability. Upon using this
ability all small chakram that have been thrown out return at the end of your turn.
* As an action you may use your medium chakram hitting 3 targets in a 30ft cone
twice per chakram. Chakrams do not return when used by this ability unless chakrams
are enchanted to do so.
* As an reaction you are able to fill your large chakram with holy energy to
protect a set amount of people equal to equipped large chakram from attacks adding
AC to them equal to one damage roll die. Only one large chakram can be placed on an
entity at a time. You may target yourself with this ability as well. You may recall
your large chakrams as a bonus action on your next turn.

## Holy Prowess
*6th level Chakram Feature*

Your familiarity with your patrons holy energy allows you to utilize radiant energy
to a greater extent. You now double any radiant damage modifier added to your
weapons. You also are able to add 1d4 extra radiant damage to any magical attack
that already deals radiant damage.


## Chakram Mastery
*10th level Chakram Feature*

You have become a master in utilizing your Chakrams. Whenever you use your chakram
as an arcane focus you may add 1/2 your dex modifier to spell attack rolls. You
gain access to new way to weild your chakrams as well as increased total chakrams.
*Max small chakram is increased to **8**, medium chakram is increased to **4**,
large chakram is increased to **3**.*
* As an bonus action you may throw out up to 4 small chakrams in a 30ft radius.
These chakrams hover there and may be used as an arcane focus for any spell dealing
radiant damage. Any creature placed between the chakram and yourself is considered
flanked. These chakram stay unless called back or hit by an attack. AC for chakram
is equal to your AC.
* As an action and bonus action you may throw out your medium chakram in a 10ft
radius around you dealing 5d6 and have them return to your hands. All creatures in
this radius must make a dex save equal to your spell save. If successful they take
1/2 damage.
* As an action and bonus action you may throw our you large chakrams and have them
circle you for one round. On next round you may cast ***Radiant Missle*** At 9th
level using a level 5 spell slot. Upon doing this you must use your next action to
catch the large chakram or else the become damaged lowering hit modifier
negatively. If using ***2*** large chakram you must also use your bonus action to
catch it. If using ***3*** large chakram you must use half your movement to catch

## Holy Grace
*14th level Chakram Feature*

Your patron has filled you with powerful holy grace. You are able to pick 1 spell
for each level spell from the Cleric spell list. These spells do not count toward
total spells known and are considered warlock spells for you.

Any heal spells you cast you may add your constitution modifier to it.

#### Radiant Missle

*1st-level Evocation*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 120ft
- **Components:** S, V
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Classes** Cleric, Warlock, Paladin

You create 3 burningly bright darts of holy force. Each dart hits a creature of
your choice that you can see within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 radiant damage to
its target. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one
creature or several.

##### At Higher Levels:

When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell
creates one more dart for each slot above 1st.


##### Chakram Damages

| Size | Cost | Damage | Weight | Properties
| Small | 2 gp |1d4 slashing| 1lb | Light, Finesse, thrown(range 20/60)
| Medium| 5 gp |1d6 slashing| 2lb | Light, Finesse, thrown(range 30/70)
| Large | 10 gp |1d8 slashing| 5lb | Light, Finesse, thrown(range 40/80)

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