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1 The Politics of the 1920’s

Question 1: The Harding Administration

Question 2: Economic And Foreign Policies


3-5 sentence summary

7.2 A Growing Economy

Question 1: The Rise Of New Industries

The Consumer Society

Question 2: The Farm Crisis

3-5 sentence summary

7.3 A Clash of Values

Question 1: Nativism and Immigration Policies
Question 2: A Clash Of Cultures


3-5 sentence summary

7.4 Cultural Innovations

Question 1: Arts and Literature
Question 2: Popular Culture


3-5 sentence summary

7.5 African American Culture and Policies

Question 1: The Harlem Renaissance
Question 2: African Americans and 1920’s Politics


3-5 sentence summary

Chapter 7: Annenberg Media: The Roaring Twenties

1. How do the professors describe the 1920’s?

2. How did Henry Ford contribute to modern society?

3. What was “Fordism”?

4. What’s the story of Ford’s first ride in his vehicle?

5. What was the best way to make a car, according to Ford?

6. How could Ford make a less expensive, but same quality car?

7. As cars got better and were made more efficiently, what happened to the quality of work?

8. How did Ford solve this problem?

9. What was the Rouge? How did the Rouge help Ford become more efficient?

10. What is the significance of the “Criss-Crossing Conveyors” picture series?

11. What was a fault of Ford’s?

12. Who was Alfred Sloan?

13. How were GM’s cars different than Ford’s?

14. What was the impact of Cars on Los Angeles?

15. Who was Henry Huntington? What did he contribute to LA’s history?

16. Why did the city planners of LA want to spread out the city?

17. Why were people drawn to Los Angeles?

18. What was the impact of movies for Los Angeles and the world?

19. Why was LA such a great place to make movies? Who made them?

20. How did Ford respond when the times got tough…during the great depression?

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8.1 The Causes Of The Great Depression

Question 1: The Long Bull Market
Question 2: The Great Crash

The Roots Of The Great Depression


3-5 sentence summary

8.2 Life During The Great Depression

Question 1: The Depression Worsens

Question 2: Arts And Entertainment

3-5 sentence summary

8.3 Hoover’s Response To The Depression

Question 1: Promoting Recovery

Question 2: In An Angry Mood

3-5 sentence summary

9.1 The First New Deal

Question 1: Roosevelt’s Rise To Power
Question 2: The Hundred Days

Banks And Debt Relief

Farming, Industry, And Power

Relief Programs

3-5 sentence summary

9.2 The Second New Deal

Question 1: Launching The Second New Deal

Question 2: Reforms For Workers And Senior Citizens

3-5 sentence summary

9.3 The New Deal Coalition

Question 1: Roosevelt’s Second Term

Question 2: The New Deal Ends

3-5 sentence summary

Chapter 8 & 9: FDR and the Great Depression

1. How many American workers were unemployed during the 1900’s?

2. What did the government do to help?

3. What resulted in the cities?

4. What happened on the farms? What did families do?

5. What personal battles did Roosevelt overcome?

6. What was the new deal?

7. What new programs did the New Deal create?

8. What financial reforms did Roosevelt put in place?

9. How did Roosevelt connect to the American People?

10. Who was Dorothea Lange?

11. What was the story of the migrant mother?

12. Who attacked FDR’s new deal? Why?

13. What were come of the goals of the WPA?

14. How did people feel about the AAA? Did it work?

15. What was the CCC?

16. What role did Eleanor play during the New Deal process?

17. How were African Americans impacted by the Great Depression?

18. What was the significance of the Scottsboro case?

19. Who were some of the people who challenged Roosevelt?

20. What was the Congress on Industrial Organization? What did these members do?

21. Why were there so many strikes in the 1930’s?

22. What happened on Memorial Day 1937?

23. What was Social Security? How did it work?

24. What was the overall impact of the new deal?

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