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Sally Jones-McNamara, MCS, CCC-SLP, CCP, CCE

Healthcare Executive
Certified Healthcare Compliance Executive
90 Ohio Avenue
Jackson, Ohio 45640
703-795-6692 cell
749028604272 home office
April 1, 2010 a" present: Vice-President of Corporate Compliance Holzer Consoli
dated Health Systems, Inc. Gallipolis, Ohio Hired to plan and implement first c
orporate compliance program within this two hospital (one Critical Access) and s
even clinics, Home Health, Hospice, Skilled Nursing Facility, Extra Care system
in Southeastern Ohio. Wrote Compliance Plan, wrote Code of Conduct, wrote polici
es and procedures for Compliance; wrote and/or revised policies and procedures f
or HIPAA, HITECH, Student Interns, reviewed Charge Master changes, set up Hotlin
e for reporting areas of concern to employees; changed annual performance evalua
tions to include a section requiring all employees to report any known violation
s of law and evaluation fo their compliance with compliance; managed Recovery Au
dit Contractor (RAC) audits, Medicare Integrity Contractor (MIC), ZPIC audits, c
oncurrent documentation review and documentation improvement among nursing, phys
ician, rehabilitation staff; involved in revenue cycle improvement in efficienci
es; performed Risk Assessments and prioritized those for auditing and monitoring
. Performed numerous audits; wrote action plans for improvement of systems and p
rograms; conducted 39 investigations into allegations of non-compliance with hos
pital system, state, federal laws and regulations; changed policies to decrease
employee fear of retaliation for reporting areas requiring further inquiry and i
nvestigation; provided compliance education and training; answered questions abo
ut Best Practices in healthcare operations; provided solutions to complex and co
nfusing situations; attended all Board of Directors meetings; reported to the Bo
ard; developed a Compliance Manual, a HITECH Breach policy and log; and a file o
f all incidents and areas of concern brought to my attention. Advised CEO and Pr
esident in the areas of Sarbanes-Oxley, Anti-Kickback violations; STARK, QuiTam,
False Claims Act, OIG investigation procedures, Corporate Integrity Agreements
and how to avoid federal scrutiny; close coordination with Director of Quality,
a Joint commission surveyor. Increased employee morale; developed a culture of c
aring to comply; member of senior administrative staff; involved in employee rec
ognition and retention activities.
Known to be experienced, wise, accessible and interested in addressing concerns
of employees.

August 30, 2009 a" Dec. 30,2009 Director of Ethics & Compliance CareFusion, Sa
n Diego, California. A global company operating in 20 countries focusing on imp
roving patient safety by combining cutting edge technology with intelligence to
provide equipment and devices that improve care to patients. Responsible for all
routine ethics and compliance officer activites. Expert on the development of S
tate Aggregate Spending reporting and tracking and the Physician Payment Sunshi
ne Act. Fostered a culture of compliance. HIPAA and HITECH training. Strategic p
lanning; Medicare expert in the area of physical medicine and rehabilitation reg
ulations. Expert Witness in Medicare Administrative Law Judge hearings for denie
d claims in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Provided medical recorf/ chart analysis, ad
vised ALJ if medicare rules were followed in the provision of services to patien
ts, participated in ALJ hearings; provided education and training to the ALJudge
, summarized with a detailed written report prior to the ALHearing.
January 2002 a" April 15, 2010 Senior Consultant Bloomingdale Consulting G
roup, Inc. Tampa. Design, develop & present seminars for healthcare providers
& suppliers to assist them better understand Medicare, Medicaid,& other third pa
rty reimbursement rules, regs & audits. Taught how to maximize reimbursement in
legal, ethical ways. We perform audits, consultations, documentation training, a
ppeals training & focus on keeping profrssionals abreast of the latest changes i
n correct billing & coding, reimbursement trends, managed care contracting, surv
ey preparation (we do mock surveys); compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, SOX, False C
laims Act, Anti-Kickback Statute, Fiscal Intermediary and Medicare Audit Contrac
tor (MAC) interpretations of the regs. We manage RAC audit preparation and appe
als & work on risk management skills. We are invited speakers at national conven
tions. We consider our group The Compliance Experts. Details are available at w
My team consists of Nancy Beckley, MBA, CHC, Rec Therapist, Managed Care expert;
CORF expert; Dr. Mel Cohen, MBA, CCC-SLP, formerly of Cedars-Sinai hospital.

August 2007a"September 2009 Senior Advisora"Compliance Resource Group Incorporat

A for-profit division of The Health Ethics Trust/Council of Ethical Organization
s, based in Alexandria, Virginia and Tucson, Arizona.
Team member of six certified healthcare compliance professionals and executives
who travel to major healthcare organizations (hospital systems) to evaluate thei
r Compliance Programs and Compliance Plans based on the OIG Compliance Guideline
s. Detailed reports with suggestions for improvement are provided. Customized
Compliance Programs are developed for corporations and companies who request the
1999a"October 2007 Consultanta"Rehabilitation and Healthcare Compliance, Private
Consulting Practice
Private practice providing consulting in PT, OT and SLP in skilled nursing facil
ities and hospitals; provide
documentation training, rehab program development, compliance, HIPAA, HIPAA Trai
ner; survey preparation, Medicare regulations and reimbursement; MDS, PPS, RUGS
and Sarbanes-Oxley; denials management and appeals; provide advice re: acquisiti
ons of private practice by larger companies; Chair of ASHA Financial Planning Bo
ard overseeing construction of a new $48 million national office and the sale of
the present national office building on Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland for
$24 million. Staff moved into the new national office on December 1, 2007.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)a"Mid-Atlantic Office of Medicar
e Denials and Appealsa"Expert Witness in Administrative Law Judge Hearings; Arli
ngton, Virginia (Still serving, 05/08)
2002a"2007 Adjunct Graduate Facultya"Regent University and Longwood University
Legal and Ethical Issues, Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism, Language Developmen
t and Disorders, Management of Behavior Disorders, Dysphagia (Swallowing Disorde
rs), Language Development Across the Lifespan, Characteristics of Special Educat
ion Populations. Institute for Special Educatorsa"Qualified Professional Progra
m; Language Acquisition and Symbolic Communication; Behavior Management and Soci
al Skills Training; Helping Students with Disabilities in Life Science, Earth Sc
ience, Social Studies, Algebra, Geometry; Paraprofessional Training in Language
Acquisition and Symbolic Communication; Paraprofessional Training in Behavior Ma
nagement and Social Studies Training
1997a"1998 Vice President of Operations/Compliance Officer
Therapy Unlimited/CGB Rehab
Responsible for all aspects of day-to-day compliance and operations, program dev
elopment, contract acquisition, strategic planning, regulatory compliance and ma
rketing; supervised Vice President of Operations in Virginia; Clinical Superviso
rs in physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech language pathology; Mana
ger of Denials and Appeals. Responsible for survey preparation; Clinical Fellow
ship Year (CFY) supervision; compliance with state Practice Acts and Codes of Et
hics for Physical and Occupational Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists.
1996a"1997 Vice President of Rehabilitation for five New England states
Mariner Health and Rehabilitation
Responsible for Physical and Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology
services in nine sub-acute facilities, three hospitals, sixty skilled nursing fa
cilities, seven school system contracts in New England. Negotiated managed care
Implemented their first corporate compliance plan
1995a"1996 Private Consulting Practicea"Rehabilitation and Healthcare Consultan
Worked with numerous clients including Sundance Rehabilitation, Manor Care Healt
h, Advanced Rehab, Butterfield Hospital System, PRISM
1989a"1996 Executive Director of Professional Services/Regional Director of Ope
Continental Medical Systems and Horizon Health Care, Senior Management Team
Executive Director of Professional Services in Physical and Occupational Therapy
and Speech Language Pathology Services; corporate position
Regional Director of Operations in Alabama and Mississippi (38 long-term care fa
Corporate Crisis Management Team
Compliance/Regulatory Affairs Chair
Responsible for Regulatory Compliance and Survey Preparation; annual meetings of
sixteen Rehabilitation Agencies with 278 extension sites in skilled nursing fac
Scholarship Chair; placed 217 interns with company therapists; awarded scholarsh
Involved in due diligence and integration of new staff into operations
Clinical Education and Training staff
Pro-Rehab and CommuniCare became Premier Rehab, Incorporated, which merged with
Rehab Works; was purchased by Continental Medical Systems who then acquired Hori
zon Health, now a HealthSouth company
1986a"1989 NovaCare (formerly InSpeech, Incorporated)
Clinical Supervisor for Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia and Ohio operati
Area Manager of Physical and Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology
in eleven northeastern states
Grew region from $5 million to $20 million
Worked as Clinical Consultant, Regional Director and Quality Assurance Director
Responsible for compliance with state and national regulations and multi-state (
eleven) Practice Acts in Speech Language Pathology, Occupational and Physical Th
Responsible for new therapist orientation, education and training of Clinical Su
Ensured all clinicians and policies complied with the Codes of Ethics of the Ame
rican Speech, Language and Hearing Association, the American Physical Therapy As
sociation and the American Occupational Therapy Association
1984a"1986 Adjunct Graduate Facultya"Marymount University
Taught Language Development and Disorders
Speech Language Pathologista"Arlington, Virginia public schools

1984a"1986 Adjunct Facultya"James Madison University

Taught Dysphagia (swallowing) Disorders
1976a"1979 Diagnostician, Italy and Spaina"Department of Defense (DODSUER)
Responsible for evaluation of children with special needs who could not be prope
rly served in bases outside the continental USA; responsible for coordination wi
th physician, chaplain and attorney to process Early Return to CONUS of Dependen
ts to locations where their children with special needs could be provided with a
ppropriate medical treatments and therapies.
Worked in ENT clinic at Torrejon Hospital Madrid, Spain and in the base preschoo
l as a Speech Language Pathologist
Speech Language Pathologist, Torrejon Elementary School; 1979
1971a"1976 Speech Language Pathologist; Hampton, Virginia Public Schools
Worked with special education students and deaf preschoolers
Laubach Literacy tutor for relocated military officers and their families from V
ietnam. Education Chairman for Vietnamese relocation committee Langley Air Forc
e Base, Virginia
1968a"1970 Speech Language Pathologist; Jackson, Ohio Public Schools
Wrote Title VI grant for speech pathology clinic
Worked as staff Speech Pathologist 1968 and was lead program director in 1969 an
d 1970
Resident Assistant in university dorma"Ohio University
Alpha Xi Delta sororitya"Treasurer
Pianist for local Rotary Club meetings
BS Speech Pathology, Audiology and Speech Sciences; 1971; minor in Abnormal Psyc
MED Special Educationa"Clinical Studies
CCC-SLP: Certificate of Clinical Competence from ASHA
CCP: Certified Healthcare Compliance Professional earned from The Health Ethics
Trust and the Council of Ethical Organizations, 2005.
I am working on the Certified Healthcare Compliance Executive credential (CCE),
which I should complete in April 2008
Licensed in Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and California
Ohio Educational Administrative Credentials in Supervision
Education Credentials (inactive) in Ohio, Virginia and Georgia
American Speech, Language and Hearing Association
Elected Legislative Councilor from Virginiaa"five three-year terms
Elected to the Financial Planning Board
Elected Chair of Financial Planning Board; July 2005
SID 11 Administration and Supervision Steering Committee Member; 2002
SID 13 Dysphagia member
President of Council of Clinical Supervisors in Speech Pathology and Audiology
National Association of Rehab Agencies and Providers (NARA)
Speech, Language and Hearing Association of Virginia
Recipient of Martha Mullins Callendar Award from the Speech and Hearing Associat
ion of Virginia
Ohio University College of Health and Human Services, appointed to Advisory Boar
Ohio University School of Hearing, Speech and Language, appointed to Advisory Bo
Communication Disorders Foundation of Virginiaa"Board of Directors
Virginia Licensure Board of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, appointed b
y Governor, second term expires 2010; trained in Conflicts of Interest Managemen
National Council of State Boards of Examiners in Speech Language Pathology and A
udiology member; trained as an Investigator
Council of Ethical Organizations and The Health Ethics Trust: Education Committe
e; Membership Committee
Over thirty years of local, state and national presentations at conferences and
Personal Quote: Quality Rehab Changes Lives
Mottos: Trust but Verify
Assume Nothing
Be Kind. Everyone is Fighting a Difficult Battle
Ethics Rules!
Married to Colonel (Ret.) Roger T. McNamara, JD, LLM, Corporate Ethics Officer;
White House Aide; flew O-2 aircraft in Vietnam; West Point class of 1962; one fo
ster child
We have moved 35 times.
International Diplomatic experience in Italy and Spain; current passport and I a
m a million miler on Delta
References available upon request

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