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Salon Nuvo

Final Social Media Strategy

By: Miranda McArdle
Overview of Salon Nuvo
Our Story: As daily downtown life rounds the corner of Pittsburgh’s 6th Street and
Penn Ave, we’re a smile and a seat away from updating your elegance.


● Haircutting and styling (normal and special occasion)

● Color
● Chemical texture services
● Additions and extensions
● Braiding
● Nail services
● Waxing
● Best social media practices
● Taking a look at competitors
● Recommended strategies
➢ Specific social media posts
➢ How to use
➢ How often to use
➢ How to maximize engagement
➢ Timeline strategy
Overview of Salon Nuvo Cont.
Located: 607 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Second floor (Downtown Cultural

Notable History: Based on the dates given on the website, the website was last updated
in 2013.

Target Audience: Frequent downtown-goers. This includes people who work in

buildings downtown, attend school in the downtown area, and/or live in the downtown
vicinity or nearby neighborhoods.
Best Social Media Practices To Follow
1. Who are you trying to connect with?

This would be men and women who frequent the downtown area. The age range
is quite wide, ranging from college aged students to business men and women. For
example, it would not be beneficial to target your posts to people who live near
South Hills Village Mall. It would however be beneficial to target specific colleges,
universities, and surrounding buildings by tagging their locations in posts.
Best Social Media Practices To Follow
2. What do you want to succeed by revamping the social media?

The best plan to go by is showing people who you are as a salon, give them
reasons to choose you, and show them what makes you different. The social
media is all about leaving a good and lasting impression. People WILL rely on
social media, and scope out the salon before making an appointment.
Best Social Media Practices To Follow
3. Establish social media voice and tone! (very important)

● Consistency is key. Be sure that each caption follows the same voice as the rest. If
you want the salon voice to be fun and friendly, each post needs to have the same
● If you want the salons voice to be more professional, use more professional and
elegant wording.
● Use emojis! This avoids captions from sounding dry, and adds to the salons
personal aspect.
● If more than one person will be posting, be sure everyone knows what is expected
before posting.
Best Social Media Practices To Follow
4. Be clear on what you expect the social media to look like...

● Your social media feed should not look chaotic. Choose a color scheme that you
would like to stick with when posting any promotions or photos besides employee
● Be sure that all photos taken of stylists and technicians work is taken in good,
clear quality, and it is preferably in natural sunlight to show the work in the best
quality. Consider taking photos near a window, rather than a dark corner of the
Best Social Media Practices To Follow
5. Monitor comments and mentions.

● Respond to all comments. This creates a more personal relationship.

● Share and interact with mentions and tagged posts. If a client posts a photo of
their new nails or hairstyle, be sure to share the photo onto the social media to
show others your happy clients!
● Follow your clients! Try to follow your clients back, and let them know about your
social media. Many existing clients may not follow Salon Nuvo’s social media
being it hasn’t been put to use in the past, so bring it to their attention while they
are making their next appointment!
Overview of Competitors Social Media

Twelve27 Salon is another downtown salon, that it only a 5 minute walk from Salon
Nuvo. They are also a fellow second floor location, so they have to make sure their
social media makes up for that. It is important to learn from your competitors by
observing their social media, and evaluating what you would like to do differently with
your own.
Overview of Competitors Social Media

Cardamone’s Salon is on the other end of town, closer to Point Park University.
Although their location is ideal for college students, Salon Nuvo has more college
friendly prices. College students are used to doing research, and they also do research
when finding a good quality, budget friendly salon. By keeping Salon Nuvo’s social
media updated, this will give them photos to compare and research. You want to
INTRIGUE your potential clients by giving them a sneak peek at what it inside your
Overview of Competitors Social Media
● Business page
● Includes contact info
● Includes address and web
● Photos are consistent
● They follow a good amount of
their followers
● Lists some of their specialties
● Has a highlight reel of their
stylists and some of their
work (faces shown)
● Logo is profile picture
Overview of Competitors Social Media
● Business page
● Includes contact info (...more)
● Includes address and web
● Photos are consistent
● Follow many people, but not as
many as Twelve27
● List their specialties in bio
● Has a highlight reel of their
stylists and their work (faces
not shown)
● Logo is profile picture
Overview of Salon Nuvo’s Social Media
● Is not a business page
● Does include contact info
● Does not include address or web
● Photos are outdated. Some are a
collage, some have a darkened
filter. Last photo is from over a
year ago
● Not many followers
● Does not list specialties
● Does not have highlight reels
● Profile picture does not include
Social Media Strategic Recommendation
Instagram & Facebook:

● Instagram will apply to the younger, college aged audience

● Facebook is less popular among the college aged audience, so this will be more
directed towards the “older” audience
❖ These platforms are best to use to post photos, opposed to platforms such as
❖ Instagram and Facebook can be linked together so all posts go to both
❖ Facebook can be used for additional posts, not found on Instagram. This
includes status updates or upcoming events.
❖ Instagram story can be used for creative posting and advertising
Example Posts: Main Page
● Clear quality photos of work
● Before and after pictures
○ If choosing to use a side by side
“collage”, be sure it is clean cut and
simple like the example.
● Stylists are credited. Clients may
choose who to book an
appointment with based on shown
quality of work on social media
Example Posts: Main Page
● Photos are in clear quality, showing
the work in clear quality
● No obvious filters are added. When
they are added, this alters the true
color of the work
● Photos are taken in good lighting,
avoiding shadows
● Location is tagged
Example Posts: Instagram Story
● Story allows you to be more
● Great place to share posts from
clients and stylists
● Also a great place to advertise
your products in fun, creative
How To Use Social Media: What Type Of Content To Post
Instagram Both (linked) Facebook
● Work done on ● Share beauty articles
● Available clients. regarding hair and
appointment times ● Beauty and inspiring nails.
for the day on the quotes every once in ● Sharing clients and
story. a while to break up employee’s posts
the feed. (main page)
● Sharing clients and
● Products available in
employee’s posts
How Often To Update Social Media
Main Page: Aim for at least 2-3 posts a day of hair/nails done.
Tip- Not all photos need to be posted right away. If you have 7 photos of
good quality work to be posted, consider saving a few of those to post on a slower day
in the salon.

Stories: The more the better. Stories are more free and less calculated than the main
page. Aim for at least 3 a day. Some examples could be…

❖ Sharing hair & nail photos or inspiration

❖ A quick video of the salon in action
❖ Special promotions, for example 25% off all hair products
❖ Available appointment times, maybe a client cancelled and there’s an opening
How To Maximize Engagement With Target Audience
Take advantage of location: When posting, be sure to tag surrounding schools, offices,
and small business social media pages. Not only will the people running the accounts
see your posts, but also people who look at the accounts tagged posts as well.

Tag your location: From time to time, instead of using Salon Nuvo as the tagged
location, use Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania instead.

Following: Follow your clients back on social media, and even follow some new people
first by scrolling through photos using the “Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania” location tag.

Strategic hashtags: Hashtags, if done correctly, can make it easier for people to find
you. The hashtag #pittsburghsalon is simple and strategic for people observe who are
looking for their new salon home.
How To Maximize Engagement With Target Audience
Keep it personal… always respond to comments. Always respond to and share positive
feedback and posts from clients.

Encourage engagement… spontaneous promotions! Share three of our posts onto your
own social media, and your next service is 20% off!!
Measurable Objectives
After this complete social media revamp, our accomplished goals should include…

● Gained awareness about the salon and its abilities

● A larger demographic
● Competitive reputation among other competing downtown salons
● More followers and engagement
● More appointments being made from new clients
1. Fresh Start: The Instagram needs to start on a clean slate. Delete all previous posts,
convert it into a business page, and let the revamp begin. (Facebook does not need
any previous posts deleted.) Clean and simple bio, and updated Instagram profile
picture are needed (logo).
2. Work on building the main page: Your first post should be a good representation
of what clients can expect from the social media in the future. Be sure to have a
few things posted before moving forward with getting the word out about the
revamped social media.
3. Word of mouth & announcement: Staff should share the social media
handles/screenshots onto their personal pages for friends, families and clients to
follow as well. Share the exciting news on Salon Nuvo’s existing Facebook.
4. Advertise in the salon: Have a simple designed sign near the front desk saying “Don’t
forget to follow us on Instagram & Facebook! *insert handles*. Clients paying or
booking another appointment will see the sign either on the way in or out, and will be
encouraged to follow.

5. Engage: Once the revamped social media is up and running, focus on posting and
engaging! You will begin to get a feel for what your followers enjoy seeing most, and
know what to post more of as time goes on. Comment, follow, like and share!
Thank you!
~Miranda McArdle~

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