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1. What is telecommunication or telecommunication system?

- The electronic transmission of signals for communications including such means as,
telephone, radio, and television.
2. What is telecommunication system in a building?
- Collection of individual communication networks, transmission systems, relay stations,
tributary stations and data terminal equipment (DTE) usually capable of interconnection
and interoperation to form an integrated whole.
3. What are telecommunication mediums?
- Anything that carries an electronics signal and interfaces between a sending device and
a receiving device.
4. What are the needs and importance of telecommunication system in a building?
 People of the organization can coordinate their action.
 Reducing the costs and expanding the capabilities of complementary.
 Increased the ability to access information and services.
 Increased productivity and better administration.

5. What are the basic of telecommunication system? Give brief details.
 Data Source - where the data originates
 Transmitter- device used to transmit data
 Transmission Medium- cables or non-cables
 Receiver- devices used to receive data
 Destination- where the data will be placed
6. What are the types of communication system in building service? Describe each
 Telephone- using cable as a transmission medium. Using electromagnetic wave as a
transmission medium
 Radio and Television- turns electrical signals into radio waves so they can travel
thousands of kilometers around the earth or even into space and back. Antennas
and transmitters are the key to virtually all form of modern telecommunication.
 Satellite- a space station that orbits the earth receiving and transmitting signals from
earth-based station over a wide area
7. What are several types of computer network? Give details.
 Local Area Network (LAN)- connects computer system and devices in the same
geographic area (can be ring, bus, hierarchical, star, hybrid)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)- ties together large geographic regions using microwave
and satellite transmission or telephone lines.
 Metropolitan Area Network- connects computer system and devices in the same
large city area

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