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OnLoad Wide ma [_-—— vgn gh — WIG Ae ne ee a L, “goal Use FUL ER abae tive aloft, —__ ae ec $ | \ 1 [gop = wen Peactas | [icetpean STICK CRAET | GuadveT MODEL CRAPT Toy MAKING . DikuwAcn PowDER -MAKING - | WACHING PowDER. MAKING GReeting _¢. MAKING . SOCIAL WIELEapE SXHeme - a Eoceel College , Mo Following | gunckiontig ude. dbo Community Gradeus — Red C05 Sosety . Nalioval Welk, Suing The Ouk College , neoaly eo Rtudant Apron, 5 wd Bo yo & Wundergiad cits Otadewie Coursey sadysto OusaAQNeH Rally M™ 20-0%- dod . AU ts Ktudeuts dom Ow. college upaly pakcipated Gy tho sally Our College Unaizmaur Yang «Ark: Nakaan , }uu Vite- Onaigman Pr. N. Mathan kastak SYpnizations Wwelkara Wa Prour theta - The College chateuran Prog, Br. Ark. Nateau, Gpoxs albout dhe — gheckrcal Buiprunts ard how we Hon th Ws apedal goada . 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YOM Minichoy on hak aienivg, we Plasned, tS modliz os Jowpige Or ARE ounces tk oer fe save quuaves Ome the People “at Village hak tte | vattamalai Village - | others Grom Parchayat Aeadest oud Jota adult une pote Rvetfoody we — ivan a lauakpat on thal oy He puble cud deliciow —gancky wen provided et lodvatls ta, tla public - se Vilage Panchayat Teodor and Lod adults ster, we Wed te, we took up he wg the \lattowalar Murugan temple LORI vauo acopted rug Quran! Wekowedl w- tuk Sf Ceavi CKisvraxapahayom AXDS Couto! ; Or. Givawwusugar Mré- Rajeswat and : to 7 or a Rpeciok quar 4% PRo' epomnyyt PAGE No, [ | According Rr. Bivarnvtugens Awe te &proads Luxough unprotected bleed , unboated uti cow se wed , wate soxuall J 4 mother ‘te leaby ° pls doid Us tee people Like Cxjocons Que aud — from caged Atws peciowt py agely % vor Lipo S02 bod the hor clo wok hove te Super ron thus Aiseqe . 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Fah qxoup Sold take pur ome e Me (ow * Polio Vaccination Comp ake { | # Blood donation Camp zz Camp . | | % AIDS Owareness ~~ » Enviannmental Ptoduchou Camp | * Rengue Qwarever Camp S5UPW- oak Paaekse : > Food i Giving practise pr x Growing e% Aelected Vegetal + Orranental plo UW pol oc Pll wh — Peasille Apr Aaa - x Sood collacHen oti! “taaking Urttias clipteu kindy ei Boh = Clotiang , Offering practise pk ¥ Spinning : * Tailoai * Hand Kuchies - x Mating Schad bags : x Mateing Pillow covare - = Shutter 5 Giving practise Apa we Kopala Oy Furniture x WWie wosling : aa Sis PAGE No.) y Piishing door - Cosuah Jolloour Work - aA = Anckeation: paowing ¥ macing “Toys - Fainking Photograph “Taki : Ropataing rut cal ak ond tied octal hewten: x qu tat x x £ * \ihumeit - | | tompuler wo Hebping adult, oa wR, Pagjecla Buchas taping peciger Our dean, Kebping ty Que a tek, Raat ool, helping OF dunckicis anal dig Geslifedls oud tronete Condo , balping ut io literacy Compalgn ° Peacho — Cm give troiving Aradouls Puticipaliy th = Portal walparo : OFFICE FILE aq PAGE No, ( PAGENo.(__| SUPW - Qoreiphim Oo making PADcus - ining omgier file Cua OF Comes : lal’ cul Material: | Tape ope Old calendar Cod - Binding Cloth Glue - Croy Colon, Paper - ~e me kk OF Proenns ° Take O Colewder cord 4 To Ome» Gray (elo. 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