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Camryn Constance

ELIS 3703
Observation Log

CHILD DATE/ Strengths/Weaknesses ADDITIONAL

DAY (Add Content Area) THOUGHTS
 The teacher has the student verbally
1(IEP) share his answers and the teacher writes
it on his paper in highlighter. The student
then traces what the teacher wrote.
There could be smoother
Observation Strengths: The student was able to give the transitions between
1 correct answer the majority of the time and activities because the
understood the reading. students seemed to become
very off topic and loud once
Weaknesses: The student had a hard time staying each activity was
on task when he was tracing the sentences written completed.
by the teacher.
The teacher could do
MATH- MONEY something to acknowledge
 Working hands on with coins when the student is on task
and learning each coin’s worth. and does complete work
Title teacher is in the classroom such as a sticker.
working with the student.
Just recently diagnosed with
Strengths: The student was able to separate the a learning disability and is
coins correctly according to size and physical in the process of getting an
appearance. IEP. Sits closest to the
teacher’s desk to make it
Weaknesses: The student struggled with the easier to assist the student.
worth of each coin.


 The students worked on phonics
Observation and reading in small groups Very off task and
2 with the teacher. The students uninterested in the lesson.
were asked to read the story
Didn’t have the best day
together then talk about it as a
behavior wise and was out
whole group.
of his seat multiple times.
What could I do to try to
Strengths: The student was able to follow
keep him on track?
directions in small group.
Behavior chart, stickers,
Weaknesses: The student gets pulled out of the
classroom by a title teacher for some time then
joins back with the class. He is off task and had a Cannot count past 15 so
hard time following directions and staying accommodations had to be
focused made and he was only given
nickels and pennies.
 The teacher focused more on
the worth of each coin by
displaying visuals on the board.
The students completed
morning work as well as a
worksheet together to learn
about the value of a penny,
dime, and nickel.

Strengths: The student was able to identify the

worth of the penny and dime with little to no help.

Weaknesses: Very off topic throughout the

lesson and was out of his seats many times.


Observation  The teacher started the lesson The teacher wrote his answer
3 by going over the phonics wall to the prompt for him, he
which they do daily. Then they traced it. Although, it took a
were given a writing prompt while to complete because he
and asked to work on it in their was out of his chair multiple
journals as the teacher was times and knocked his chair
conducting small group in the over many times too, he did
front of the room. complete it successfully.

Strengths: The student created his own idea as to As a whole class, the concept
what he wanted to write in his journal to answer of money is hard for them so
the writing prompt. the teacher said we will be
covering the concept again.
Weaknesses: The student had a hard time
following along with the phonics wall as well as At the end of the lesson, the
staying on task. teacher played “Around the
World” with the students
MATH- COUNTING MONEY using large paper coins she
 Today the teacher taught the has. The students face each
concept of counting the money other one on one and
now that the students are whoever identifies the coin
familiar with the coins and their first gets to move on. The
worth. We worked on kids love this game and it is
worksheets where the students something I would really like
had to write the worth of each to do in my own classroom!
coin above the coin displayed
and then count the money.

Strengths: The student did very well grasp the

concept of counting on but did need to use the
number line on his desk. He was able to identify
each coin but did need some help counting on.

Weakness: Today, the student had to keep being

reminded to try first and then ask for help. He
seemed like he did not want to do work and just
wanted to get the answers. When he did do his
work, he was successful on it.
M- 2/14 L.A- VOWELS

 Today the focus was identifying

vowel patterns in words. The The teacher tried to keep the
teacher introduced a sheet of student engaged and paying
vocabulary words that the attention by calling out his
Observation students were asked to break name and telling him to sit up
4 down on their phoneme sheet. in a good learner’s position.
When he would, the would
Strengths: The student was able to break down be playing with something in
some words on the phoneme sheet based on the his desk until the title teacher
vowel patterns in the words. entered the room and worked
with him so he had no choice
Weaknesses: Today the student had no interest in but to focus. Brainstorming
the lesson and did not want to apply himself at all other ways that would keep
to the work we were doing. him on task during whole
group instruction...
 Today the teacher went over system
adding and subtraction to  A chart
prepare the students for a test.  Keeping
She went over the rules of track of the
addition as well as subtraction. times he is
A worksheet was done as a out of his
whole class and then one was seat or not
completed individually and paying
turned in. attention.

Strengths: The student was able to solve some

addition and subtraction problems with little help
once the title teacher came into the room to work
with him.

Weaknesses: The student was not engaged at all

and did not ask questions either. He had his head
down on his desk for the majority of the time.
 The teacher gave the students
another writing prompt about 2- Today I talked to the teacher
2-22 to complete in their journal on ways I can help this
Observation while she conducted small
5 student stay on task.
group in the front of the Together we came up with a
classroom. plan that after every
completed assignment, every
Strengths: The student asked for help today time he asks for help and is
which is pretty uncommon. The teacher was more on task, he will receive a
than happy to help and told him how proud of him sticker on the chart I create
she was for asking for help instead of being off for him. If this does not
task at his desk. work, we will talk again to
come up with a further action
Weaknesses: After his work was completed, to take to resolve this issue.
things took a turn and he began to talk to
neighbors while they were working and being
disruptive. The teacher praised the
student when he asked for
MATH- REVIEW OF MONEY help in hopes that he would
 Today the teacher wanted to do continue to, but he did not for
a review of money because not the rest of the lesson.
all of the student’s had
completely grasped the concept.
She started with a game of
Around the World and then did
a worksheet with them. One the
completed together the other
was to be completed
individually. At the end, she
played a game where half the
class lined up on one side of the
room and then the other half of
the class lined up on another.
Whichever student added the
coins correctly first got to stay
and the other student went to the
back of the line.

Strengths: When reviewing money, the student

did identify each coin correctly. He was confused
by the dime and nickel but then realized his

Weaknesses: As far as behavior, the student

continued to act out especially during small
group, he had a very hard time following
directions and it came to the point of the teacher
threatening to call home.


 Today in language arts the
teacher used the projector to
show the students a poem.
Observation Using the popsicle sticks, the
6 teacher would randomly select With the help of the title
students to read the poem out teacher, the student is able to
loud. As a group, the teacher get the one on one help that
talked about the meaning of the he needs without the whole
poem and discussed it with the class instruction being
class. Afterwards, the students affected.
received their own poem and
used different colors to The title teacher uses a pull-
highlight different vowel out method during language
patterns. arts where the student is in
the classroom from some
Strengths: The student was strong in identifying time then goes to her
words that consist of vowel teams. classroom to work one on
one with the student.
Weaknesses: The student struggled identifying
silent e and the title teacher did need to work with Before moving on to time,
him one on one in her classroom because he was the teacher wanted to make
very distracted in the whole group setting. sure that the students
understood money.
 Today the teacher introduced
time to the students. She used
her plastic clock to introduce
the hour hand and the minute
hand to the students. After
whole class instruction, a work
sheet was done together and
explained thoroughly.

Strengths: Today the student was able to grasp

the concept that the larger hand is the minute hand
and the shorter hand is the hour hand.

Weaknesses: The student was not able to identify

times when working as a class, but the title
teacher was working one on one with him and
giving more of an in-depth explanation.


 Today the focus was on open,
closed, silent e vowel patterns.
There are many posters
The students were asked to
Observation around the classroom to help
identify each type of vowel
7 the students recognize vowel
pattern in a list of words that
teams as well as a huge
was given to them and write it
phonics wall in the classroom
in the correct column. Students
that they children have a
were to also mark the different
song for that is sang daily.
vowel patterns in the words.
using colored pencils. Closed-
red, open- green, and silent e-
The teacher mentioned to the
Strengths: The student is familiar with the types class that in the following
of vowel. Patterns from previous lessons but still weeks they would be creating
has some trouble identifying them on his own. their own clocks and learning
The teacher or I work with him on his worksheet more about time. Time is still
until he goes to title. He can say the types of a new concept to most of the
vowel patterns verbally. class.

Weaknesses: The student has trouble showing the

vowel patterns when it is on paper but can say For the most part, the student
them verbally for the most part. He receives was engaged in this lesson
assistance when completing the phoneme chart. and putting forth effort to
learn. for the majority of the
MATH- TELLING TIME class the student was sitting
 The teacher works on telling in a learning position and
time and being able to read a only had to be reminded by
clock. She starts with reviewing the teacher once or twice.
the meaning of each hand on the
clock as well. As showing
examples of times and how the
students are supposed to read
the clock. They do a few
worksheets from their McGraw
Hill math notebook, one
together and one individually.

Strengths: The student is able to read time when

it is on a piece of paper for example written like
3:10. He is able to understand the hour and minute
hand. He was on task during this lesson and only
put his head down once which is very good.

Weaknesses: The student struggles with telling

time on the clock using the hands as well positing
the hands to read a specific time.


 Each small group is reading a
different book based on its
reading level. Today, the focus
It was clear that there were
Observation 1 was a comprehension packet
some moments where the
based on the book each student
student became frustrated
was reading. They were to use
when she had to look for the
context clues, identify rhyming
answer. The teacher gave her
words, and find answers
positive words of
throughout the chapter.
encouragement and it seemed
to help for a little while then
Strengths: The student was very strong and she went back to getting
confident in this area. She quickly identified frustrated.
rhyming words and similar vowel patterns.

Weaknesses: The student was somewhat talkative

This student can quickly
during independent work and had a habit of
identify the names and worth
answering for the teacher when another student
of each coin and needed to be
would ask a question. She also gave up pretty
challenged more. She did
easily when she did not find the answer in the
enjoy getting to work with
book immediately.
the coin’s hands on.
 The focus of this lesson was to
have the students work with
pennies, nickels, dimes, and
introduce the quarter to them.
Each student received a bag of
coins and were about to identify
physical characteristics of each
coin to tell them apart and were
also told about the worth of
each one.

Strengths: The student shared the ways that she

can tell which coin which to other struggling
students is which was very helpful. For example,
for the dime she told the class it’s the smallest but
it worth the most besides the quarter. For the
penny she said it’s the only brown one!!

Weaknesses: This child struggles with not being

in charge. She likes to help others and to speak
out to the class. This can be in a very good thing
but in this specific moment, the teacher did not
want her to and she was asked many times to
focus on her own work.


 The teacher started the lesson This student loves to learn!
by going over the phonics wall She is so passionate and
which they do daily. Then they confident in herself. If she
were given a writing prompt could, she would run the
and asked to work on it in their classroom.
journals as the teacher was
Observation 2 conducting small group in the
The teacher has her do her
front of the room.
work from small group to
keep her busy. Once the
Strength: The student is very smart and high-level learners are done
outspoken. She was one of the first students with that, they have options
completed with the writing prompt and used to work on more morning
correct capitalization as well as punctuation with work or to read from their
little to no spelling errors. bag of books.

Weaknesses: Due to the characteristics of this The teacher is very aware of

student, it leads to a lot of free time. There are the fact that this student has
many times the student is out of her seat or talking the correct answer, so the
to a friend because she has completed her work. teacher tends not to call on
her often and calls on the
MATH- COUNTING MONEY lower level students.
 Today the teacher taught the However, a second-grade
concept of counting the money child does not understand
now that the students are that, and it makes her upset. I
familiar with the coins and their believe the teacher should
worth. We worked on have a one on one
worksheets where the students conversation with her and
had to write the worth of each explain the situation to
coin above the coin displayed prevent her getting upset. She
and then count the money. does get called on
sometimes, but not as often
Strength: She is very eager to answer all of the as she wants to.
questions during instruction as well as when going
over the worksheets.

Weaknesses: When this child does not get called

on a lot to answer the questions, she tends to get
upset and down on herself.


 Today the focus was identifying This classroom follows the
vowel patterns in words. The exact routine every single
teacher introduced a sheet of day. Math in the morning,
vocabulary words that the then language arts which
students were asked to break consists of reading/writing,
down on their phoneme sheet. small groups, and work
Observation 3 based on the reading.
Strengths: The student had a very good day and
controlled her emotions. She was very on task and
Due to the number of low
was able to identify all of the vowel teams and fill
out her worksheet correctly. Due to her behavior
learners, the teacher usually
she was picked to read a story to the class at the teaches the same content for
end of the day. about a week or so. For the.
high level learners, there is
Weaknesses: The student was out of her seat a
side work to be done when
few times without raising her hand and was asked they complete the work
to stop talking a few times during independent given to them. After all of
work time. the work is done, they are
able to take out their bag of
MATH- ADDITION/SUBTRACTION books and read quietly at
REVIEW their desk.
 Today the teacher went over
adding and subtraction to Sometimes the teacher does
prepare the students for a test. allow them to read with a
She went over the rules of partner while she has a
addition as well as subtraction. small group in front of the
A worksheet was done as a classroom.
whole class and then one was
completed individually and
turned in.

Strengths: Again, she had a great day and

participated greatly throughout the lesson without
getting upset.

Weaknesses: During this review, she did forget

some things and had many questions. There were
times she would get out of her seat without raising
her hand.


 The teacher gave the students
another writing prompt about 2-
Observation 4 2-22 to complete in their journal
while she conducted small In every classroom there are
group in the front of the going to be high- and low-
classroom. level learners. In this case,
there is no in between so a lot
Strengths: The student exceeded the expectations of times the high-level
and wrote more than was asked. She is a very learners lose interest in the
strong writer and used the correct punctuation as lesson. Today the student
well as capitalization. There were only a few showed interest in the lessons
misspellings throughout and were an easy fix. except for math. It was too
easy for her which is why I
Weaknesses: The student had a hard time getting believe she acted out by
started on her writing. She was unsure how to blurting. However, a lot of
start her journal. The teacher guided her by kids in the class needed this
brainstorming a few ideas with her. review because it was
beneficial to them,
 Today the teacher wanted to do
a review of money because not
all of the student’s had
completely grasped the concept.
She started with a game of
Around the World and then did
a worksheet with them. One the
completed together the other
was to be completed
individually. At the end, she
played a game where half the
class lined up on one side of the
room and then the other half of
the class lined up on another.
Whichever student added the
coins correctly first got to stay
and the other student went to the
back of the line.

Strengths: From the introductory lesson, the

student caught on very quickly in identifying the
different coins and their worth. Due to her
addition skills, she had no problem counting on
with the coins and adding up the total worth of the

Weaknesses: The student blurted answers

multiple times instead of letting other students try
to get the answer on their own. She was asked a
few times to stop and then she followed directions
afterwards. She was also pretty hyper during this


 Today in language arts the
teacher used the projector to
show the students a poem.
Using the popsicle sticks, the This student went to the
teacher would randomly select school counselor to help her
students to read the poem out process her emotions in a
loud. As a group, the teacher better way. She was given
talked about the meaning of the cards that have different
Observation 5 poem and discussed it with the strategies that will help her
class. Afterwards, the students calm down when she is
received their own poem and angry. When she gets mad or
used different colors to frustrated, she cries. Looking
highlight different vowel forward to seeing if the
patterns. strategies help her!

Strengths: This student correctly completed her

work and then went on to her finish her work The teacher has posters in the
from small groups without disturbing others. She front of the classroom on the
was very on task today. board that give students tips
and tricks as to. how to tell
Weaknesses: When the students name did not get time. During the lesson I
picked from the popsicle stick jar, she completely noticed a few students
shut down and was trying to hide her tears even referencing it when they
after the teacher had multiple talks with her. needed help.


 Today the teacher introduced
time to the students. She used
her plastic clock to introduce
the hour hand and the minute
hand to the students. After
whole class instruction, a work
sheet was done together and
explained thoroughly.

Strengths: This student was somewhat familiar

with telling time and did very well with being able
to read the clocks. She was engaged throughout
the lesson.

Weaknesses: She got confused when she was told

a time and had to move the hands to the correct


 Today we learned about
biographies and their
importance. We watched a
video on what a biography is
and then we read one about Dr. The student showed. very
Seuss. The students answered little interest in the math
Observation 6 comprehension questions and lesson today but loved the
then made their very own language arts lesson. I
flipbook about the life of Dr. believe she was not
Seuss. engaged in the math lesson
because she already knows
Strengths: Participated a lot during the lesson and and understands the
had many questions throughout. content. For her
specifically, the review was
Weaknesses: This student tends to work ahead on not necessary but for the
her work which sometimes leads to her rest of the class it was in
completely work incorrectly. During this lesson their best interest.
she ended up working ahead on her flipbook and
had to redo it since it was completed before we
could go over it.
For students who already
grasped the concept, I feel
should receive more
 Today we started the lesson off challenging work to grow
with a review of money and their brain and will be more
played “Around the World.” engaged throughout the
After baggies of coins were lesson.
passed out and the students
were given a certain amount of
money to make with the coins.
As a class we completed a
worksheet and discussed it.

Strengths: The student excelled in the game

“Around the World” and was able to add the value
of the coins up in her head very well. She also did
the worksheet correctly.

Weaknesses: She was very unengaged in this

lesson because she does well with this content.
She had an unhappy expression on her face
throughout the lesson and was not interested in


 Today a title teacher came into
the classroom and did a mini I think it was very beneficial
lesson on vowel teams and to allow the students to make
silent e’s in words. Afterwards their own clocks so they can
the students were given a list of physically move the hour
words as well as a chart and clock and minute clock. They
they had to place it in the did so well with it and
correct column. The columns understood the concept a lot
were open, closed, and silent e. better. I will be turning
Observation 7
The students were familiar with content into hands on
this because they work on these activities as much as possible
daily. because it was very effective
for this class.
Strengths: After completing her work, the student
asked the teacher if she could help a classmate The teacher started using
(who is a low-level learner). She moved her seat popsicle sticks with the
to his desk and did her best to explain how to children’s name on it to make
complete the worksheet and she also helped him it more of a fair/random
with placing a few words in the correct column. selection when calling on
Weaknesses: Today she was very emotional and
did cry a few times during the day. The teacher Note to self: When calling
did call home to try and figure out if something is students’ parents, talk to the
going on. parent in a way that shows
you are on the same side as
them and want the best for
MATH- TELLING TIME their child instead of blaming
and pointing fingers. It is
 The lesson started off by the
much easier to come up with
students making their own
a solution!
clocks and writing minute/hour
hand on the hands of the clock.
They were able to decorate it
and then use it as the teacher
gave them specific times. After
the teacher used her own clock
and the students had to tell the
time as a class.

Strengths: This child exceeds expectations at

telling time. She also raised her hand to answer all
of the questions and was eager to share.

Weaknesses: The student blurted out the answer

on a few occasions and the teacher told her she
was no longer aloud to share her answers after
being warned a few times.

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