Field Trip Worksheet

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Field trip worksheet

Student name: Bui Lien Huong Student ID: 11201703

Class: IB – 62A

Bat Trang
Geographic map
Make a rough geographic map of the locality that you visited. It doesn’t have to be accurate or
detailed. Just trace out the geography and add important landmarks. You can use icons to
represent different features of the community. If possible, use different colours for different types
of organization (ex: factories, shops, housing, government buildings, etc) This map will help inform
your social action projects (how the place might be improved)
Community of interest map
Mapping and identifying community concerns/key themes which have emerged (social issues)
such as transport, drainage, health, space, jobs, freedom, drugs, etc)
A brief explanation to/your thoughts on the key points presented in the maps.
From the mind map, it can be seen that there are 3 issues that are noticeable in Bat Trang ceramic
 Enviroment:

Ceramic producing firms have also generated a huge amount of air and land pollution ->
significant impacts on the health of the residences and agriculture activities in the region
Air pollution from coal-burning kilns as well as land pollution from improperdisposal of solid waste
have both contributed to the village’s higher than national averagerate of respiratory, skin and
eye infection diseases
ceramic industry has also created serious environmental degradation to the village
Things you would like to know more about.

Your recommendations for the sustainable development of the community.

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