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Talents for Vaesen

23 new talents for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying

BY Bjørn Ove Asprem

Additional Credit: Jens-Petter Palmqvist


Author’s Note:

Some of the talents here are direct translations of or inspired by

Jens-Petter Palmqvist’s Talanger för Torsdagsbarn -

Others are inspired (or stolen) from other excellent YZE Games
like Mutant Year Zero.

New Talents
Acrobat Fighter
Gain +2 to Agility when attempting to climb, jump, balance or Ignore penalties from Conditions when making Close Combat
otherwise perform an acrobatic trick. tests.

Agitator Intimidate
Gain +2 to Inspiration when you are trying to entice a crowd Use Physique instead of Empathy when using Manipulate.
to violence.
Backstabber Gain +2 to Stealth when trying to sneak or hide in the
Use Stealth instead of Close Combat when attacking from an wilderness.
ambush or a sneak attack.
Bodyguard Gain +2 to Medicine when healing physical conditions.
You can use your reaction to take a hit for someone else in the
same zone. You must succeed with an Agility roll to do so. Pacifist
Gain +2 to Inspiration when you are trying to defuse a volatile
Burglar crowd.
Gain +2 Stealth when trying to pick a lock or otherwise gain
unlawful entry somewhere. Pharmacist
Gain +2 to Medicine when treating poisons or diseases.
Gain +2 to Investigation when examining dead bodies. Seduction
Gain +2 to Manipulation when you are using flirtatious and
Deadeye Shot seductive techniques to achieve your goal.
Deal 1 extra damage with a ranged weapon if you hit a target
that is unaware of you. Skeptic
Gain +2 to Observation when interacting with the rich and
Eyes in the back of your head wealthy.
Gain +2 to Vigilance when being followed.

Use Precision instead of Physique when fighting with blades.


Sleep on it
Your subconsciousness helps you sort impressions and clues
while sleeping and can help you see problems and puzzles in a
new light when you awaken. Once a session, you may roll
Investigation +2 when you wake after a good night’s sleep. On
a success, the GM will provide with clues or insights you may
have missed so far.

Something in common
As a Thursday's Child, you have learned to recognize others with Requirements:
the Sight. After having spent a fair amount of time in someone’s
presence, the GM rolls a hidden Observation roll for you. A The GM may impose a requirement on the talent Something in
success leaves you with a sense of belonging. You know you common, if the group thinks it’s unreasonable that new
both have the Sight. members of the Society has this power. Examples of
requirements may be:
At the GM’s discretion, this test may be Challenging or even
Difficult if you have not spent enough time with the NPC. • Gaining an Insight through a Critical Injury
• Having completed at least x Mysteries
Stealthy • Having met at least y number of people with the Sight
Ignore penalties from Conditions when making Stealth tests.

Steady hands
Ignore penalties from Conditions when making Ranged
Combat tests.

Gain +2 to Force when resisting the effects of a long march, lack
of food or water or other strenuous activities that requires good

Ignore penalties from Conditions when making Force tests.

This product was created under license. Vaesen – Nordic

Horror Roleplaying and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan

This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB

and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Free League
All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Bjørn
Ove Asprem and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Free League Workshop.


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