Lessott: R Íook

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t Lessott
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1 íook (ike?

Goals: · Ask"~_n~ an~wer1about app•arance.
li' Lanquaqe: ·· Verb·; _h,ave
· Oescrlbinq appearance
= ~~ ·-- ---~. .

• Usteti atid Read ~ 3 0/Tr Describing appearance

Match the photos to the descriptions.

A. He's in hís thirties. He has B. She is twenty seven years C. He is fifty. He has gray hair
a shaved head and his eyes old. She has brown hair, and dark eyes.
are brown. dark eyes and grasses.

D. She is in her twenties. E. He's seventeen years old. F'. She's twenty six.
She has short dark hair, He has short red hair and She has blue eyes and long,
dark skín and <lark eyes. freckles. blond hair.
What does your best friend look like? Tell a classmate

8 Gro.111111a,r Time 1 Have

Affirmative \ Negative Complete these sentences. fJii

1am _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __
1have 1don't have
lhave _ _ __ __ __ _ __
You have You don't have
He/She/lt has He/She/lt doesn't have 1don't have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
We have We don't have l'm not _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
You have You don't have My eyes are _ _ _ _ __ _ __
They have They don't have My hair is _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Adjectives Describing Younelf

- ~ 4
Write your name and draw a picture ofyourselfin the center. Toen write seven adjectives that describe you.

Learnlng Activlty


Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


,é,.Y L:,.

~CTIVITY 12 Learnlng Activity


Cities around the World.

Listen and match the dcscription to the picturc.

l. This city has a lot ofpeople. There are ancient Aztec ruins under
the city. TI1ere are pyramids outside this city. The language in
this city is Spanish . It is the capital ofits country. _ _ _ __

2. This is a city in the United States that is famous for movie

production. The city is near tl1e ocean and near sorne mountains.
The weather is wann ali year in this city. _ _ _ __

3. This city is the home of a very famous rut museum called the
Louvre. lt also has a very famous tower. lt is famous for great
food and shopping. _ _ _ __

4. This city is the home ofthe famous basílica San Marco. This is
aromantic city which is famous for its canals. You need to take a
boat, instead of a car, to travei ru·ound this city. _ _ _ _ __

S. TI1e people speak Spanish and Catalan in this city. This city has
beautiful architecture including a famous cathedral designed
by Antoni Gaudí called La Sagrada Familia. There is a very
popular Picasso museum in tl1is city. _ _ _ _ __

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

. . 2 ,r,..-,G
r\ ·
f •
ls _your famií.Y b(g? ' ·flll·
oa 5 •
• td•nt;f~:n; ~~lk a~ut ~uclHr
, Lanoua"qe: • Posnssivt CHt • ~
~, -
Posnsslv• alfJectlves
- ""' - - -

Listel\. o.n.d Read MyFamíly


l'm Sheila and my family is not big. My father Daniel is si xty

seven and my mother's name is Cathy. My husband's name is
Robert. He's thirty seven years old. He comes from Spain. We
have two ch ildren: one daughter, Paola. She's eleven and very
tall, and a son, Tonio. He's six and has beautiful blue eyes.
My family is very friendly and likes to have fun.

,_~ My husband's family

, ... .,.. Robert's family is really big. He
, \. , . has two sisters and one brother.
:--.""" ,. His brother is twenty seven. His sister
~ ,, 1 ~\ • Jenny is married to Carl and they have two da_ughters, so Robert
' ··" ' has 2 nieces, but doesn't have a nephew. H1s s1ster Leonora has a
• '' - boyfriend, Carlos, he's from Cuba. Robert 's parents are very nice .
•"'<' My father·in-law is a surgeon and always busy. My mother·in· law is a
housewife and loves family reunions.

ft3 Reo.do.tul Circle ~ 3 1ó

True False
1. Sheila 's family is big. r-~ ,:]
2 . She has two sons.
3. Her husband is thirty six years old.
4 . Her son has blue eyes.
s. Robert comes from Spain.

Rea,d a,~d Atiswer ~ 3

1. Is Robert's family big? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 . How many brothers and sisters does Robert have? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
3. Is Leonora married? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 . Where is Carlos from? _ _ _ __ __
S. Who is a surgeon? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

6 . What's Sheila's mother·in-law occupation? - - - - - - - - -- - - - - , -- - - - -

7. Who is twenty seven years old? _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

r J
NAME: _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE: _ _ _ _ _ __

AS ... AS (Comparisons with Adjectives)
1 am
You are
He is
She is (not) as busy as Michael. *
lt is
We are
They are

• ALSO: / am as busy as Michae/ i§..

• Re-wrlte the sentences uslng 'as ... as' comparisons. Use 'not' when necessary.

1. My brother is twenty years old . Patrick is twenty-five years old .

My brotber istt,t as old as Patrick.

2. Australia is big. Ganada is bigger.

3. 1am very tired . Kevin is also very tired.

4. lceland is colder than England.

5. This chair is expensive. That chair is also expensive.

6. Andrew is lazier than Wendy.

7. Carol and David are both ten years old .

8. 1think action movies are more interesting than comedies.

Perm1ss1on graried to reproduce for c/assroom use © www.atlthingsgrammar.com

Active Grammar: Comparative Adjectives
• Write each adjective In the correct column.

short handsome hardworking

tall interesting lazy
healthy serious athletic
Irregular Cotnparatjye Fortns
good - better than
talkative small big bad - worse than
beautiful thin little - less tftan
shy heavy long
frie ndly quiet

short lazy athletic


• Write the comparative form of each ádjective in the chart below.

shorter than lazier than more athletic than

Tradc 1
Pronunciation. Listen and repeat the comparative adjectives in the
chart above.

iF : ::== 11
NAME:_______ DATE: _ _ _ _ _ __
AdJecllves with cold Adjectives with ex-pen-sive
one syllable, add: two ormore
'-er' or '-r' + 'than' "In Ganada, syllables, add: "This book is
winter is co/der 'more' + '!han' !!!!!!! expensive Irregular
then summec" then that book."
r,ood- better than

bad -worse t han

Adjectives with Adjectives that
hap-py end in a single big far - fa rther than
two syllables that
vowel and furt her t han
endin '-y', "John is "Russia is
happ/er1ll!!l consonant:
change '-y' to 'i'
double the final bigfm1ll!!l
and add: '-er' + David." Ganada."
letter befare
'than' addlng 'than'

• Fil/ in the blanks belaw to complete the stmtences. Study the abave baxes.

1. 1(tall) --'ª"'-LL,;W\'--'--t.X.a=.L.llf....e'-'-r:-JOtCL..h=a=fl\.'-=-_ my sister.

2. Sarah (busy) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mary.

3. The sun (hot) the earth .

4. The earth (large) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the moon .
5. Elephants (big) horses.
6. Action movies (exciting) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ comedies.
7. This restaurant (good) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that restaurant.
8. Salads (healthy) hamburgers.

9. 1think weekends (nice) weekdays.

10. Lions (dangerous) rabbits .

11. The sun (far) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !he moon.

12. That hotel (bad) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this hotel.

13. Cars (fast) bicycles .

14. Comedies (funny) action movies.

15. 1(nervous) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my friend .

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Comparing people, objects and places

In Grammar Box 3 you will see the degrees of comparison .

-- -- --... -
-- - - - -

L-~- ,o
Grammar Box 3
Degrees of companson
. - - . -~· ... -~ ··-
--- - · - - - - - ~ - - - - ---- - -~ ~-- 1

The comparative (-er/more) compares two people, things or places.

The super1ative (-esl/most) compares three or more people, things or places.

Positiva adjectlve Comparativa Superlative

Adjectives with old older (than) The oldest (of ali)
one syllable big bigger (than) The biggest (of ali)
Adjectives that pretty prettier (than) The prettlest (of ali)
end in -v easv easler (than l The easiest l of am
Adjectives with expensive more expenslve The most expensive (of ali)
two ormore importan! (than) The most important (of ali)
syllables more importan!
(than )
Irregular fonns good better (than) The best (of ali)
bad worse (than) The worst (of ali)
far farther/further The farthest/furthest (of ali)
(than )

~ l.Practice what you are learning

¿;} Activity 5
Look al the pictures and discuss the following questions with your superlative.s can
Observa fas fotografia s y comenta las siguientes preguntas con tus compar'leros
"''º br used to
,onipnre people
and places.
1. What do you see?
2. What are people doing? \....


NAME: _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE: _ _ _ _ _ __

• Listen to your teacher and complete these sixteen sentences with
the superlative forms of the adjectives you hear.

1. Summer tJ-\e 1-\otteSt season of the year.

2. Elephants _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ land an ima Is.

3. Which country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

4. Who _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person in the world?

S. Steve _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person I know.

6. Asia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ continent in the world.

7. Our history exams _ _ _ _ __

8. Jupiter _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ planet in our solar system .

9. Which flowers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

10. The Burj Khalifa _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ building in the world .

11. 1think science _ _ _ _ __ _ ______ subject.

12. Alisan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person in our fam ily.

13. I _ __ _______ student in my class!

14. The cheetah _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ land animal in the world.

15. Jake's Bistro _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ restaurant in town.

16. Don't watch that! lt _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ movie in the world!

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26. Compare t he pictures and choose YES or NO. Compare objects that you find in your

/.. Car; i:; not as old as cs 1· .2. YES NO

i., , Vase 2 1s nor as sm all as vase l. e o
C Building 1 is notas high as building 2. e,
O. The mouse is notas dangerous as the t iger. e cJ
.... Bart Simpson is notas strong as Superman. 00
F. Baby 2 is not as you ng as baby 1. 00
27. Make changes in th e senten ces so that ti1ey are tru e. ,._,

1. A scor pion is notas dangerous as a cat. __ - ~ scorp ion is more dangerous than a cat.

2 China is notas popul ated as Poland.

3. Shorts are notas long as pants. -------------------.

Cars are not as small as t rucks.

J. Ch ile is notas spicy as curry.

Grandparents élre notas old as grandchildren.

7. Shopping rnalls are a, sma ll as boutiques.

Honey is notas sweet as yog urt.

\, B1cycles are not as safe as ;; :r pla nes.

h. Ferrari is not as expens ive as Vc lvo.


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