As19 Music - Music in Cultures

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They used music to give signals to enemies and to break the gatherings of people.

Example Of Babylonian Song:


"(Once I have) endeared (the deity), she will love me in her heart,
the offer I bring may wholly cover my sin,
bringing sesame oil may work on my behalf in awe may I...
The sterile may they make fertile.
Grain may they bring forth.
She, the wife, will bear (children) to the father.
May she who has not yet borne children bear them."
(Note: Only a part of the song)
Details about the song:

The song “Hymn to Nikkal” was an invocation to the Ugaritic goddess Nikkal, goddess of the
orchards and wife of the moon god, Yarikh, to bestow her fertility upon barren women. Nikkal, meaning
"Great Lady and Fruitful”.

They used music in their religious rituals and social activities.

Example of Egyptian song:

Seikilos Epitaph

Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἔστι[2] τὸ ζῆν
τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.
hóson zêis, phaínou
mēdèn hólōs sỳ lypoû
pròs olígon ésti tò zên
tò télos ho khrónos apaiteî.
While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due.
Details about the song:
Seikilos epitaph is the oldest surviving complete musical composition, including musical
notation, from anywhere in the world. The epitaph has been variously dated, but seems to be either
from the 1st or the 2nd century CE. The song, the melody of which is recorded, alongside its lyrics, in
the ancient Greek musical notation, was found engraved on a tombstone (a stele) from the Hellenistic
town of Tralles near present-day Aydın, Turkey, not far from Ephesus.

Music was interwoven with their religious ceremonies and festivities.

Example Of Hindus Songs:

1. Om Jai Jagdish Hare – English translation
Oh Lord of This Universe
Mighty Lord of the Entire Universe
The problems of devotees
The problems of servants (of God)
Within a minute, thou removest
Oh Lord of this Universe
He who is immersed in dedication
His mental agony ceases
Lord, his mental agony ceases
Joy, wealth enter the house
Joy, prosperity enter into the house
A body without any troubles
Oh Lord of this Universe
Thou art my mother and father
Whom should I take shelter
Lord, whom should I take shelter
Without thee, There’s no one
Without thee, There Isn’t Anyone
For whom I’d wish
Oh Lord of this Universe
Thou art the soul that is absolute
Thou art the omnipotent master
Lord, thou art the omnipotent master
Perfect, Total, Supreme God
Perfect, Total, Supreme God
Thou art the Lord of all and everybody
Oh Lord of this Universe
Thou art a sea of mercy
Thou art the guardian
Lord, thou art the guardian
I’m a simpleton with vain wants
I’m a servant and thou art the Lord
Oh Lord, give me thy divine grace
Oh! Lord of this Universe
You are the one imperceptible
Of all living beings
The Lord of all living beings
Grant me a glance
Grant me a glance
Guide me along the road to thee
Oh Lord of this Universe
Friend of the helpless and weak
You’re my lord
Lord, you’re my savior
Lift your hand up
Give me thy refuge
At thy feet
Oh Lord of this Universe
Remove the desires form materials
Remove sins, Supreme Soul
Lord, conquer evil
Grow my faith and dedication to you
Oh Lord, develop my faith and dedication
so That I could serve the saints
Oh Lord of this Universe
Body, thoughts, and wealth
Everything is yours
Oh Lord, everything is yours
I give you what’s yours
I give you what’s yours
Nothing is mine
Oh Lord of this Universe
Oh Lord of this Universe
Mighty Lord of the Entire Universe
The problems of devotees
The problems of servants
Details about the song:
Om Jai Jagdish Hare is a Hindu religious song. It is dedicated to supreme lord Vishnu and is
mostly sung in Vishnu temples. Although the religious hymn is a Hindi-language composition, it is widely
sung by Sanatanis. The prayer is sung by the entire congregation at the time of Aarti a form of Satya
sanatan worship.

He who is the divine star who always does good to lotus,

Who is complete , devoid of sin , who is the helping hand for Gods,
Who is the famous thief of curd and butter and cloths of women,
Who has prettiest face , who talks nectar like words,
Who is a cowherd , who is ever happy who is consort of Lakshmi,
And who ensures safety of all worlds.

He who nourishes the nectar as well as Goddess Lakshmi,

He who is the wind that scatters the enemies of Devas,
He whose feet are saluted by innumerable monkeys.

He who is body is of the colour of blue Sapphire,

He whose eyes are Sun and moon , He whose divinity cannot be measured
He who is the father the lord of words, He who sleeps on the good serpent
He who is praised by the enemy of the God of death.

He who holds several arrows in his hand, He who destroys the pride of asuras,
He who is the protector of devas and Asuras, He whose story is praised by great poets,
He who is the one praised by Thyagaraja.

He who causes creation , upkeep and destruction, he who is limitless,

He who gives desired results, He who has incomparable strength,
He who is praised by the consort of Sachi*, He who destroyed pride of ocean,
He who creates soulful music, He who is kind to every one

He who won the feet of sage when he cursed him, He who looks after all equally,
He who is eager to know blessed mantras, He who has a mind which is very peaceful,.
He who is the Lord of Janaka’s daughter, He who blesses Brahma and also takes care of the entire world.

He who is first Purusha, He who is son of a king, He who is slave of his devotees. He who killed
Khara, Ravana and Viradha, He who is sinless. He who is not dependent on others,
He who is pretty, He who is stable , He who is praised by Thyagaraja.

He who is the cooler of the heart of good people, He who rides on the plane of lotus,
He whose feet are worshipped by Hanuman, the enemy of Surasa,
He who destroyed the pride of the group of Asuras,
He who is perennial and praised by Lord Brahma.
He who is in the cage of Pranava, He who has the form of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu,
He who is the enemy of Ravana, He who supports arts, He who is the treasure of pity,
He who takes care of people surrendering to him , He who makes mind happy,
He who does not have emotions, He who is the essence of Vedas.

He who has countless virtues, He who wears golden robes,

He who subdued the seven sala trees, He who has shining feet,
He who is very great and wonderful fame ,
He who lives in the heart of great poets, He who takes care of sages and devas,
He who is the consort one who was born out of the ocean,
He who likes Narasimha destroys sins as big as elephant,
And he who is being sung and praised by Thyagaraja.

Details about the song:

Jagadananda Karaka is the first of the Pancharatnas (five gems) composed by Saint Tyagaraja
and is the only one written in Sanksrit, while the others are in the Telugu language and this song was
well known as Muthuswami Dikshithar’s Mahaganapatim Manasa. 'Jagadanandakaraka' as the word
says, glorifies Sri Rama as the giver of happiness to the worlds. This song tells that Sri Rama is good to
the good and deaths/ Yama to the evil minded.

Considered music as a spiritual gift of God, because to them music was a matter of religion than

Example of Hebrew songs:

1. The Wild Gazelle

The wild gazelle on Judah's hills

Exulting yet may bound,
And drink from all the living rills
That gush on holy ground;
Its airy step and glorious eye
May glance in timeless transport by:—

A step as fleet, an eye more bright,

Hath Judah witnessed there;
And o'er her scenes of lost delight
Inhabitants more fair.
The cedars wave on Lebanon,
But Judah's statelier maids are gone!
More blest each palm that shades those plains
Than Israel's scattered race;
For, taking root, it there remains
In solitary grace:
It cannot quit its place of birth,
It will not live in other earth.

But we must wander witheringly,

In other lands to die;
And where our fathers' ashes be,
Our own may never lie:
Our temple hath not left a stone,
And Mockery sits on Salem's throne.

Details about the song:

The wild gazelle was originally a poetry made by Lord Byron which was a accompanied with
music by Isaac Nathan. This poem is derived from the stories of the Bible and is composed to express the
homesickness of the Jewish from all over the world for their home land.
2. She Walks in Beauty
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Details about the song:

"She Walks in Beauty" is a short lyrical poem in iambic tetrameter written in 1814 by Lord Byron,
and is one of his most famous works. It is said to have been inspired by an event in Byron's life. “She
Walks in Beauty” was originally written not as poetry to be read or recited but as lyrics to be sung to
music composed by Isaac Nathan. The poem praises and seeks to capture a sense of the beauty of a
particular woman. The speaker compares this woman to a lovely night with a clear starry sky, and goes
on to convey her beauty as a harmonious "meeting" between darkness and light. 

Used music in their religious ceremonies and rituals.

Here are a few types of tribal Assyrian Music that has survived to this day, especially in the
Assyrian villages and towns of Northern Iraq, southeast Turkey, northwest Iran and northeast

 aweh: An ancient melodic chant which features wailing echoed voices, usually of a male.

Raweh is reminiscent of how one's voice echoes in a valley between mountains.
 Zurna O Dawolah: These are two traditional music instruments, literally meaning a drum
and wind-pipe (or flute). They are played together, either with or without singing in many
ceremonies such as weddings, welcoming and, albeit rarely, funerals.
 Diwaneh: Sung in gatherings and meetings; lyrics cover aspects of life such as, working in
the fields, persecution, suffering, religion.
 Lilyana: Wedding songs usually sung by women only, especially for the bride before leaving
her home to get married. Also sung for the bridegroom the day before his wedding by his
family and relatives.
 Tanbur: Another tribal music instrument, a string instrument with long neck, originated in
ancient Assyria, discovered being depicted on carving from South Iraq
from Ur to Akkad and Ashur. Albert Rouel Tamraz was a famous Assyrian Singer from Iraq
who played this instrument and sung many folkloric songs accompanied by hand-drum

They had their music and myths combined which give us the mythical Gods and Goddesses.

Example of Greek songs:

Σπάρτας παιάν (Τυρταίος)

Ἄγετ᾽ ὦ Σπάρτας εὐάνδρου
κῶροι πατέρων πολιητᾶν,
λαιᾶι μὲν ἴτυν προβάλεσθε,
δόρυ δ᾽ εὐτόλμως πάλλοντες,
μὴ φειδόμενοι τᾶς ζωᾶς
οὐ γὰρ πάτριον τᾶι Σπάρτα

English translation

Sparta’s paean (Tyrtaeus)

Advance, oh goodman* Sparta’s
warriors** of fathers (that are) citizens,
jugging on one hand the shield out
bravely brandishing on the other hand the spear
without sparing (your own) lifes
because this isn’t patrimonial in Sparta.
Details about the song:
The paean was sung during battle to rally troops which made the soldiers brave and fearless of death.
Tyrtaeus used this marching meter when he urged the Spartan troops to march on, shield and spear in
hand, with no thought for their lives, sparing no one.

Orphic Hymn to Hecate

Εἰνοδίην Ἑκάτην κλῄιζω, τριοδῖτιν, ἐραννήν,
οὐρανίαν χθονίαν τε καὶ εἰναλίαν, κροκόπεπλον,
τυμβιδίαν, ψυχαῖς νεκύων μέτα βακχεύουσαν,
Περσείαν, φιλέρημον, ἀγαλλομένην ἐλάφοισι,
νυκτερίαν, σκυλακῖτιν, ἀμαιμάκετον βασίλειαν,
θηρόβρομον, ἄζωστον, ἀπρόσμαχον εἶδος ἔχουσαν,
ταυροπόλον, πανdὸς κόσμου κληιδοῦχον ἄνασσαν,
ἡγεμόνην, νύμφην, κουροτρόφον, οὐρεσιφοῖτιν,
λισσόμενοις κούρην τελεταῖς ὁσίαισι παρεῖναι
βουκόλωι εὐμενέουσαν ἀεὶ κεχαρηότι θυμῶι.


Orphic Hymn to Hecate

I call Einodian Hecate, lovely dame,
Of earthly, wat'ry, and celestial frame,
Sepulchral, in a saffron veil array'd,
Leas'd with dark ghosts that wander thro' the shade;
Persian, unconquerable huntress hail!
The world's key-bearer never doom'd to fail;
On the rough rock to wander thee delights,
Leader and nurse be present to our rites
Propitious grant our just desires success,
Accept our homage, and the incense bless.
Music in Rome before the introduction of Grecian was crude and unsatisfactory. Roman
philosopher who devised notation by placing letters over syllables, the next was placing letters over
syllables, the next was placing signs (called NEUMES) over the words.


The Secular Ode of Horace

Southern Europe had the French (singers from the nobility) (knightly singers) and the
minnesingers (love singers).
Hubava Milka

Милкина мама Милка хвалеше:

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле,

"Мари твърде й работна, много й скопосна"

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле.
Еее, мари Коладе ле, Коладе ле.

Чула се Милка, мари, чак в Цариграда,

Хей Коладе ле мари, мой Коладе ле.

Чак в Цариграда, мари, чак в чаршията.

Хей Коладе ле мари, мой Коладе ле,
Хей Коладе ле, леле мой Коладе ле,
мой Коладе ле, леле чак в чаршията.

От де я зачу Марку, търговец.

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле.

Еее, мари, чи купи Марку всякаква купа.

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле,
Еее, мари, Коладе ле, Коладе ле

купа коприна, сърма и злато.

Хей Коладе ле, мари, мой Коладе ле.

Че си нат'вари, мари, Марко гимийка.

Хей Коладе ле, мари, мой Коладе ле.
Хей Коладе ле, леле мой Коладе ле,
мой Коладе ле, леле Марко гимийка

Ачи са Марко ясно провикна:

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле.

"Мари, който му трябва тука да дойди"

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле,

Хей Коладе ле, леле мой Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле,
леле вървяло мало, мари, мало й голямо.

Хей Коладе ле,мари, мой Коладе ле.

Най-подир върви, мари, хубава Милка
Хей Коладе ле,мари, мой Коладе ле.
Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле,
мой Коладе ле хубава Милка.

Чи стъпа Милка, Милка в гимийка.

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле,

Мари, да си купува тънка коприна

Хей Коладе ле, мой Коладе ле, мари,
Коладе ле, Коладе ле.

Затвори Марко, мари, Марко гимийка

Хей Коладе ле,мари, мой Коладе ле.

Чи си отнесе, мари, хубава Милка.

Хей Коладе ле,мари, мой Коладе ле.
Хей Коладе ле,мари, мой Коладе ле,43
мой Коладе ле, хубава Милка.

Beautiful Milka
Milka's mother has praised her
Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le1

"My dear, she is so hardworking, so skillful"

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,
Eh, you, Kolade le, Kolede le.

Milka's name got famous, dear, even in Tsarigrad2

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

Even in Tsarigrad, dear, even on the main street.

Hey, Kolade, mine Kolade le,
Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,
Mine Kolade le, dear, even on the main street.

From where Marco, the trader, heard about her?

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

Eh, dear, so Marco bought all kind of stuff,

Hey, Kolade, mine Kolade le,
Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,

A load of silk, tinsel and gold,

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

So Marco loaded, dear, his boat3

Hey, Kolade, mine Kolade le,
Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,
Mine Kolade le, dear, Marco his boat.

And Marco has shout out load:

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

"If someone needs something, he has to come here4"

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

Dear, young and old have passed

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le

At the end walks, dear, beautiful Milka.

Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,
Mine Kolade le, beautiful Milka.

So stepped Milka, Mika, on to the boat,

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le,

Dear, to buy to herself thin silk

Hey, Kolade le, mine Kolade le, dear
Kolade le, Kolade le

Marco has closed, dear, Marco, the boat

Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,

So he took away, dear, beautiful Milka.

Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,
Hey, Kolade le, dear, mine Kolade le,
Mine Kolde le, beautiful Milka.
Music had a prominent niche among the Chinese intellectuals. They used the PENTATONIC (five
notes) scale.

Example Of Chinese Song:


The east is red, the sun is rising.
From China, appears Mao Zedong.
He strives for the people's happiness,
Hurrah, he is the people's great savior!
Chairman Mao loves the people,
He is our guide
to build a new China
Hurrah, lead us forward!
The Communist Party is like the sun,
Wherever it shines, it is bright
Wherever the Communist Party is
Hurrah, the people are liberated.

Details about the song:

 The East is Red is a Chinese revolutionary song that was the de facto national anthem of
the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.The lyrics of the song were
attributed to Li Youyuan, a farmer from Shaanbei (northern Shaanxi province), and the melody was
derived from a local peasant love song from the Loess Plateau entitled "Bai Ma Diao" (White Horse
Tune), also known as "Zhima You" (Sesame Oil), which was widely circulated in the area around Yan'an
in the 1930s. He allegedly got his inspiration upon seeing the rising sun in the morning of a sunny day.


We march for the 25000 li, toward one direction.
We struggle for 10 years, become an unconquerable force.
When enemy invades boundary, we go to frontline with heroic but mournful tone.
Our first battle is Pingxing Guan, our fame is known in all the world.
We are guerilla in the base of enemy, eradicate the false government.
We are guerilla in the base of enemy, Insist anti-destroy.
We are knives in the chest of enemies.
Lofty Changbai Mountain, overflowing Yalu River, We vowed to get back the lost land and deprive
We should struggle the independent of peoples, and the liberation of whole world.
The holy and important duty, is undertaken by us.
Details about the song:
The Military Anthem of the Eighth Route Army is a patriotic song of the Chinese poeple,
since Eighth Route Army is a special army in National Revolutionary Army of Republic of China. It can
also be considered as a patriotic song. This song is one of the six songs in Chorus of Eighth Route Army
all songs are written by Gong Mu, composed by Zheng Lücheng.


They also used pentatonic scale. The national music instrument of Japan is the “KOTO”.

Example Of Japanese Songs:

1. "Ue o Muite Arukō" (I Look Up as I Walk)


I look up as I walk
So the tear won’t fall
Remembering those spring days
But I am all alone tonight

I look up as I walk
Counting the stars with tearful eyes
Remembering those summer days
But I am all alone tonight

Happiness lies up above the clouds

Happiness lies up in the sky

I look up as I walk
So that the tears won’t fall
Though the tears well up as I walk
For tonight I am all alone

Remembering those autumn days

But I am all alone tonight
Sadness lies in the shadow of the stars
Sadness lurks in the shadow of the moon

I look up as I walk
So that the tears won’t fall
Though the tears well up as I walk
But I am all alone tonight.
But I am all alone tonight.

Details about the song:

"Ue o Muite Arukō" was translated in English as "I Look Up as I Walk", alternatively titled "Sukiyaki", is a
song by Japanese crooner Kyu Sakamoto. The lyrics tell the story of a man who looks up and whistles
while he is walking so that his tears will not fall, with the verses describing his memories and feelings. Ei
wrote the lyrics while walking home from participating in the 1960 Anpo protests against the U.S.-Japan
Security Treaty, expressing his frustration and dejection at the failed efforts to stop the treaty. However,
the lyrics were purposefully generic so that they might refer to any lost love.

I would hate babysitting beyond the Bon Festival.
The snow begins to fall, and the baby cries.
How can I be happy, even when Bon festival is here?
I don't have nice clothes, I don't have an obi sash to wear.
This child continues to cry, and is mean to me.
Every day, I grow thinner.
I would quickly quit here and go back.
To the other side (of the mountain) I can see, my parents' house.
To the other side (of the mountain) I can see, my parents' house.
Details about the song:
“Takeda no Komoriuta” is Japanese lullaby not just a lullaby for baby, but one which awakes
people who try to “sleep” pushing their countless experiences of discrimination away and trying to make
those forgotten for good.  Its lyrics makes us notice that Japanese nursery rhyme cannot be represented
only by the peaceful, innocent, and adorable ones like “Akatonbo”, “Edo no Komoriuta”. We should not
forget the grievous voices of young baby sitters who were too impoverished to study at school.
The art of singing came to perfection with the development of the opera in Italy in the 17 th and 18th
centuries largely due to the development of a new vocal composition.
Examples of Italian Songs:
1. "O Sole Mio" English translation
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day
The air is serene after a storm,
The air is so fresh that it already feels like a celebration.
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!

But another sun, even more beauteous, oh my sweetheart,

My own sun, shines from your face!
This sun, my own sun,
Shines from your face; It shines from your face!
Your window panes shine;
A laundress is singing and boasting about it;
And while she's wringing the clothes, hanging them up to dry, and singing,
Your window panes shine.

When night comes and the sun has gone down,

I almost start feeling melancholy;
I'd stay below your window
When night comes and the sun has gone down.

Details about the song:

’O sole mio is the Neapolitan equivalent of standard Italian Il mio sole and translates literally as "my sun"
or "my sunshine". ‘O sole mio’, which translates as ‘My Sunshine’, is a song whose melody you’ll
probably know better than its lyrics. The song was written by Giovanni Capurro, its Neapolitan lyrics
rhapsodize about the beauty of a sunny day, creating an enviable picture of southern Italy in the
sunshine. But the melody is known and understood worldwide.

2. Funiculì, Funiculà - English translation

I climbed up high this evening, oh, Nanetta,
Do you know where? Do you know where?
Where this ungrateful heart
No longer pains me! No longer pains me!
Where fire burns, but if you run away,
It lets you be, it lets you be!
It doesn't follow after or torment you
Just with a look, just with a look.

Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Funiculi, funicula, funiculi, funicula!
To the top we'll go, funiculi, funicula!

Let's go from here below up to the mountain,

A step away! A step away!
You can see France, Procida, and Spain,
And I see you! And I see you!
You rise, pulled by a cable, quick as a wink,
Into the sky! Into the sky!
We'll rise up like a whirlwind all of a sudden
Knows how to do! Knows how to do!

Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Funiculi, funicula, funiculi, funicula!
To the top we'll go, funiculi, funicula!

The car has climbed up high, see, climbed up high now,

Right to the top! Right to the top!
It went, and turned around, and came back down,
And now it's stopped! And now it's stopped!
The top is turning round, and round, and round,
Around yourself! Around yourself!
My heart is singing the same refrain:
We should be wed! We should be wed!

Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Let's go, let's go! To the top we'll go!
Funiculi, funicula, funiculi, funicula!
To the top we'll go, funiculi, fu
Details about the song:
‘Funiculì, Funiculà’ was composed by Luigi Denza in 1880, to lyrics in Neapolitan dialect by Peppino
Turco. The merry Neapolitan tune sings of a young man, who compares his sweetheart to a volcano and
invites her to join him on a romantic walk up to the summit. It was written to mark the opening of the
first funicular railway on Mount Vesuvius.


Music is their main source of communicating their feelings and emotions.
Example Of Filipino Songs:

1. “Kay Lungkot Nitong Hatinggabi”

By Ruben Tagalog

Kay lungkot nitong hating-gabi

Wala man lang kahit isang bituin
Nawala rin ang buwan
Kaya ngayon ako'y lubhang naninimdim
Giliw kahit na walang tanglaw sinta
Ang palad ko sa gitna ng dilim
Manungaw ka't ang buhay ko'y
Kusang magniningning

Nagsusumamo ang puso ko paraluman

Nakikiusap sa iyong pagmamahal
Hindi mo man pinapansin ang panambitan
Pag-ibig ko'y ikaw pa rin kalian pa man hirang

Maawa ka na sinta
Sa pusong walang aliw
Pangarap ko ay ikaw
Sa pag-giliw
Kahit na walang tanglaw sinta
Ang palad ko sa gitna ng dilim
Manungaw ka't ang buhay ko'y
Kusang magniningning.

Details about the song:

Kay lungkot nitong hatinggabi is a type of HARANA song which was a traditional form of
courtship in the Philipines. Harana was performed by a man who tries to woo or serenade the woman
he like by singing underneath her window at night. This song contains the things that the man wants to
say to the girl about what he really feels and begging her to notice and accept his love for her.

2. Minamahal Kitani
By Mike Velarde
Kung aking wariin sinta
Ay naghihintay pagtapatan ka
Kung nais malaman sinta
Bakit tangi kang minamahal
Ikaw lang ang tunay at siyang dahilan
Ng aking kaligayahan
Minamahal, minamahal kita
Pagsinta ay di magiiba
Hindi mo ba nadarama sinta
Bawat kilos ko'y pangarap ka
Minamahal, minamahal kita
At nasa iyo ang tanging pag-asa
Asahan mong dalangin ko twina
Minamahal, minamahal kita
(Repeat Chorus)
Details about the song:

Minamahal Kita by Mike Valerdi is one of the kundiman song which speaks about the persona of
the song’s unconditional love. The persona of the song tries to convey his feelings towards the girl that
he loves through the song which tells that she was the person that he loves the most, the reason of his
smile and happiness and his everything although she doesn’t recognize his feelings yet.

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