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I don't know how to approach this with you on line,
I have been fighting a battle within myself,
my heart says I should tell you how I feel,
but my head tells me not to be stupid
that it would just cause terrible damage to our new friendship
and that you wouldn't be interested.
I know that distance may not allow our actions and reactions to be seen and
but, words can convey feelings when distance hinders...What do you say?
Let me start by saying that I thank God that I met you.
Distance doesn't permit the action to be seen,
rather, words convey the feelings when distance hinders.
I wish I could do this in person while gazing into your eyes,
but since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness,
this expression must come in the form of letters such as this
=======================================Distance doesn't permit the action to be
rather, words convey the feelings when distance hinders.
No matter the barrier between us now,
I can assure you that this gap will be bridged as we really get to know each other.

As the saying goes: "True Love and Friendship knows no boundaries and no distance;
miles and obstacles mean absolutely nothing in the face of love"
Though miles may lie between us right now, we'll never be apart forever,
for love doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.
It is a great pleasure to be you friend
and a greater one to be able to look our future and see a mixture of serenity,
hope, love and happiness.
This fairly recent relatioship of ours is something i consider sacred already.....
trust me, it came by God's special intervention and devine connection.
Believe me, this friendship is very precious to me,
and that is why i intend to keep it till the end of my day.
I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere.
How I wish I could be there with you, but distance has already kept us apart.
The test of true love is not when we are together, It comes when we are not
together and realize that despite the distance, thoughts and feelings are still
there. I just wish you could see how much you mean to me now. God has reason for
allowing things to happen this way now. Those who thank God even in every situation
turn burden into blessings.
everyday I wake up thanking God for us.
Because what started out as a internet contact between us
has now turned into a strong bond between two people who have now discovered the
true meaning of love the natural way.
I have learned a lot from this relationship of ours and I have seen what it is like
to give yourself completely to the other person when you're so far apart. The most
important thing I have learnt, among many more things, is to trust and to be
sincere to you
From the day I came across your profile, I knew that you would turn out to be my
one and only true love and you have more than proved that. Whenever you think of
me, please know that no matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives
comes between us, you are and always will be the the true love I desired all this
Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a great reminder of just
how strong true love can be. You are my shinning star
I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of angels, but if I
have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy is the link that holds
two hearts together.While many a soul are unhappy with love, no one is ever happy
without it.
I enjoy woman who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express
themselves in a diplomatic way. I think it is very important that two people want
the same thing in a relationship. I believe that this should be discussed and
communicated clearly when two people first meet.

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