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University of Eastern Philippines Module in PE-2 Self Defense

Course Title: Self-Defense (ARNIS)
Course Code: P.E. 2

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Good Day! Welcome to the Physical Education 2 module in Self-Defense!

For the first set of topics of this course, we will go back in time by dealing with the History of
ARNIS. It is crucial for you to know this matter before we go directly in assessing your
capabilities towards this type of physical activity. What could be the possible reason why we
need to deal with this as a course will unfold right in front your very eye.

This module will tackle everything about ARNIS, as a sport and a life skill. It will start with
the topics from its history to the facilities, equipment needed and terminologies used in

In a greater sense, we are hoping that you will understand its historical concepts and what
to extent it can affect you as a person and as a student. Aside from acquiring the set of
skills needed, we are hoping that you will also acquire life skills that you may use whenever
the situations need it.

Self-Defense is a life skill that can bring you greater safety, buckets of enjoyment and years
of better health. Once you get into it, it’s incredibly hard to stop. With all honesty, the
success of this module will depend on you. So keep yourself on track, use varied materials
available, and read so may find it easier for you to grasp on what lies ahead of the context
as you move further. Keep in mind that not all who wander are lost. Have fun!

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Course Pretest:
Before we begin our lessons, let us try to answer the following questions below by
encircling the letter of your choice.
1. NARAPHIL stands for what?
a. National Armed Association of the Philippines
b. National Arnis Association of the Philippines
c. National Arnes Association of the Philippines
d. National Arnis Armed of the Philippines

2. Techniques of the art that is focused on bladed weapons fighting.

a. kali c. ice
b. eskrima d. arnis

3. Which of the early Philippine heroes used Arnis in fighting the Spaniards?
a. Raha Humabon
b. Lakandula
c. Lapu-Lapu
d. Diego Silang

4. The picture shows which Arnis category?

a. Solo Baston
b. Solo Baton
c. Doble
d. Double Identical Weapon

5. Which Republic Act establishes Arnis as Philippine Martial Arts and National Sports?
a. RA 10627
b. RA 10533
c. RA 9850
d. RA 9760

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6. Who signed the law proclaiming Arnis as our national sport?

a. Pres. Rodrigo Duterte
b. Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
c. Pres. Joesph Estrada
d. Pres. Benigno Aquino III

7. Who authored Republic Act 9850?

a. Sen. Bam Aquino
b. Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago
c. Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano
d. Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri

8. Which principle/value is not taught/encourage in Arnis?

a. Self-discipline
b. Perseverance
c. Pride
d. Brutality

9. Kali is being taught in a school like training grounds, which was called
____________along with military tactics.
a. Bothoan c. Arnes
b. Eskrima d. Espada

10. Arnis is a Filipino martial art that can be performed individually or with a partner
using a single stick or a pair of sticks for striking and blocking; can also be used for
a. True b. False

Congratulations and thank you for taking the test with all honesty and without peeking!
You did a great job! You are now ready for your lessons!
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Module 1

Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima/Escrima, is the
national martial art of the Philippines. The three are
roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the Learning Outcomes:
traditional martial arts of the Philippines ("Filipino At the end of this module, you will be
Martial Arts", or FMA), which emphasize weapon- able to:
based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, 1. Trace and discuss the history of
and various improvised weapons, as well as "open
hand" techniques without weapons. Arnis.

There have been campaigns for arnis to be 2. Explain the importance self defense.
nominated in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural 3. Perform the Salutation in Arnis.
Heritage Lists, along with other Philippine martial
arts. As of 2018, UNESCO has inscribed nine
martial-arts–related intangible heritages.

Lesson 1.1
History of Arnis

The History of Arnis dates back before the

colonization of the Spaniards, during those
periods it was called Kali and the techniques of
the art is focused on bladed weapons fighting.
Kali was widely practiced throughout the
archipelago; both nobleman and commoners
were enthusiast and practitioners of the said art.
Also, during those days Kali is being taught in a
school like training grounds, which was called
Bothoan along with military tactics, Alibata (Native
Alphabet), and herbal medicines.

On the dawn of April 27,1521, the Portuguese

navigator and warrior named Ferdinand Magellan
was defeated by a native warrior chief named
Lapu-lapu this was the recorded incident which
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Kali was used against foreign invaders. Forty years after that event, on April of 1564
another warrior navigator from Spain named Miguel De Legaspi landed in Abuyog Leyte
Philippines. He was aware of the unfortunate fate of Magellan so took a non-hostile
approach to avoid battle with the native. He be-friend the warrior chief Malitik, it is at this
point he witnessed the deadly fighting skills of the natives through a demo to entertain
them. Afterwards he traveled to the nearby island of Sugbo and met another warrior chief
named Tupas, he took a non-hostile approach to again avoid confrontation. For the second
time he witnessed the formidable fighting techniques of the natives through a demo.

Years have passed by Spain was able to

colonize the Archipelago thru the use of religion
and what was then regarded as modern
weapons such as Muskets and cannons. The
Spaniards claimed the Archipelago and named
it “Philippines” in honor of the King Philip of
Spain. This was the start of the dark age of Kali,
in the year 1764 the Spanish overlords banned
the practice of Kali to the natives. Using the alibi
that the natives were wasting time practicing it
instead of tilling the fields. However, the natives
knew too well that their colonizers were just
afraid that such skills would be used in a
revolution against them because due to
oppression the revolutionaries were gaining
support from the natives.

The natives, hidden from the watchful eyes of

their colonizers, practiced Kali secretly. Due to
some cultural influence of the Spaniards the
term Escrima, Estoque, Fraile, and Kaliradman
were used to regard the native fighting system.
It was also during this period when the natives
were able to develop the stick fighting
techniques of the art, which was proven to be as
versatile as the bladed weapons technique.
Even the Moro-Moro stage play to entertain the
colonizers was utilized as an excuse to practice
the fighting system.

In 1873 the fighting system was renamed “Arnis” derived from the word Arnes which means
colorful trapping on defensive armors used on the Moro-Moro plays. Some of the heroes of
the Philippine revolution were also practitioners of Arnis namely Andres Bonifacio, the
spouses Diego and Gabriela Silang, and the young General Gregorio Del Pilar. The
National Hero Jose Rizal was also reported to practice the fighting system. As well as the
founder of Aglipayan Church Rev. Gregorio Aglipay was also recorded as a practitioner of
the art.

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After hundreds of years with Spanish colonization the Japanese invaders took their place to
invade the Philippines during the World War II, again experts of the native fighting arts were
called upon to fight for the country’s freedom. Kali, Escrima or Arnis whichever term the
individual prefers to use was once again employed on the battlefield. Its efficiency was put
to a test again but this time against the Japanese invaders.

The Filipinos fought side by side with the Americans. Natives with skills in the fighting art
signed up to be freedom fighters known as “Guerillas”. It is also these “Guerillas” who were
usually front liners during the encounter and they were usually sent on a commando
mission for reconnaissance against the Japanese.

After the war ended and peace took its path in 1975 then Major Favian Ver also noted
enthusiast and practitioners of Arnis formed the National Arnis Association of the
Philippines (NARAPHIL) with the objective to unite all Arnis group in the Philippines, but
unfortunately according to records the Generals effort was futile, some claimed that the
association that the General led tends to favor only one group and ignored the request for
recognition of the majority of the existing Arnis clubs.

After the Historical EDSA revolution General Favian Ver was exiled and NARAPHIL as a
dominant Arnis grouped ceased, eventually another brotherhood of Arnis was formed by a
group of great Masters on Arnis. July of 1986 Arnis Philippines (ARPHI) was established
with the same objective as NARAPHIL, at present time the government sanctioned groups
NARAPHIL and ARPHI exist together with a non- governmental organization PIGSAI, these
organizations share a common goal which is to promote, preserve, propagate, and regain
the popularity of Arnis throughout the country because economically even though the
Filipino Martial Arts be it Arnis, Escrima, or Kali earned its popularity in the different parts of
the world. It is less popular in the Philippines. Its birthplace, probably due to strong colonial
mentality influence or just plain negligence of the Filipinos to their Cultural Heritage, but
these noble groups are striving to ensure that the next generations of Filipinos will be able
to claim their cultural heritage and once again have these Filipino Martial Arts as the
national system of fighting art.

Modern History
The system of Filipino martial arts founded by the late Remy Presas as a self-defense
system. His goal was to create an injury-free training method as well as an effective self-
defense system in order to preserve the older Arnis systems.
The term Modern Arnis was used by Remy Presas’ younger brother Ernesto Presas to
describe his style of Filipino martial arts; since 1999 Ernesto Presas called his system
Kombatan. It is derived principally from the traditional Presas family style of the Bolo
(Machete) and the stick-dueling art of Balintawak Eskrima , with influences from other
Filipino and Japanese martial arts .
Arnis is a Philippines’ national martial art or sport, After President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
signed the Reoublict Act. No. 9850 in 2009.The act mandates the Department of Education
to include the sport as a Physical Education course. Arnis will be included among the
priority sports in Palarong Pambansa (National Games) beginning 2010 .

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Let’s have a breather after trying to put the history of Arnis into context.
You can have a sip of tea or look for a place to relax when you are finished.
We’ll have an assessment about your takeaways on the previous topic.
The activity below will help you measure your understanding on to what

Knowledge Check

Activity 1-1
- With the use of graphical representation of your choice, illustrate the evolution of Arnis.

Lesson 1.2

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Lesson 1.2
Importance of Self-Defense

The ability to protect oneself physically

from harm is a basic human right that
should be accessible to everyone.
Teaching  self-defense is something we
often overlook in today’s society, but it is
of utmost importance. In an age when
the bullying epidemic in school is a huge
problem, it is important to ensure that
everyone can defend themselves if the
need arises.

Self-defense not only allows everybody to

tangibly defend themselves against
physical attacks, it also sparks various
benefits to them in everyday life.
Important values and principles can be
learned, such as hard work, dedication,
and perseverance, as well as the
importance of maintaining personal

Martial arts teaches self-defense and much more. There are so many benefits that can pick
up from martial arts, that it definitely becomes something you should consider. A person
can go through many stages of development, so it is best that you make that you are
exposed to the correct principles of self-defense.

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One of the best martial art for self defense is Arnis. This is a martial art which teaches the
use of stick weapons from the very beginning of the training process. The sticks are
generally made of wood and are around 26 inches long.

Benefits of Arnis to Person:

- Effective self-defense
- Arnis contribute to the development of Physical Fitness
- Develop mental qualiies such as alertness and precision
- Desirable character traits such as self-confidence, fortitude, and self-discipline are
develop in practice of Arnis
- Develops mental strength and courage that allows someone to face danger and
- Develop virtue of perseverance to the highest degree

At this point, let’s stop and see how well you understand importance of self defense by answering the
following self-assessment question.

Knowledge Check

Activity 1 – 2
- What are the importance of Self-defense?

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Lesson 1.3
Salutation in Arnis

Popularly called “yuko” or “yukbo” a salutation’s main function is to show respect, it

should be performed before and after a session, and also when entering and leaving
practice area. Otherwise known as “saludo” or “pugay” as a matter of practice, students
perform it when facing or meeting an instructor or higher rank personality or dignitary.
Although between and among to students or members of different Arnis organizations, the
practice is commonly used in greeting other in the form of a “Saludo”

There are two type of “saludo” the first being the “ordinary” type, which is common
performed in regular practice sessions and in casual occasions. The movements are as

From natural stance (p.1). slide your left foot close your right foot, and the same time place
your right hand (with olisi) on your left chest (p.2) Bow your head slowly (p.3), then bring it
up (p.4). Finally, slide your left foot back to the left return to Natural Stance or normal
position (p.5).

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The next type is “formal” saludo, is perform in highly ritual functions and very solemn
ceremonies or occasions. This is also normally reserved for high ranking eskrimadors or top
government dignitaries.

From natural stance (p.1), bring your left foot close to your right foot as your bring your left
hand (with olisi) to the right side (p.2). Drop left knee down to kneeling position, raise your
right hand to your forehead (palm inside) as you bow your head (p.3). Stand up and bring
your left foot close to your left foot, with your left hand still holding your olisi (p.4). Finally,
move your left foot to your left to return to a Normal Stance (p.5).

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Congratulations! you’ve managed to accomplish the first module of this course! The next module
will be easy for you. But before we go to the second module, let’s put your learning into context.

Arnis is known as the national martial arts here in the Philippines. In Spanish era, it is called
eskrima.  It is a weapon-based fighting using sticks as wooden swords. Arnis includes
hand-to-hand combat, joint locks, grappling and weapon disarming techniques.

It is also known as one of the best martial arts for defense. Many students joined this kind
of exercise in their schools. Some of them are chosen to compete at other schools and be
one of their school's representatives.


Congratulations... Job well done! You’ve managed to accomplish the First module of this course!
For the last time, share to the class your final insights by completing the following sentence prompts.

I have learned that

I still wish to ask my teacher about

Suggested Reading
Coñete, Dionisio - Eskrima, Kali, Arnis, (ESPADA Y DAGA)

1. Perry Gil S. Mallari (November 28, 2011). "Bruce Lee and Escrima". FMA Pulse.

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2. Pangilinan, Jr., Leon (October 3, 2014). "In Focus: 9 Facts You May Not Know

About Philippine National Symbols". National Commission for Culture and the Arts.

Retrieved January 8, 2019.

3. []=vocabulary_ich-


4. Wiley, Mark V. (2000). Filipino Fighting Arts: Theory and Practice. Tuttle Publishing.

pp. 1–15. ISBN 0-86568-180-5.

5.  Edgar Sulite. The Secrets of Arnis.[page  needed][unreliable source?]

6.  Santos de la Paz, Francisco (1712). Ilustracion de la Destreza Indiana. p. 167.

7.  "History of Filipino Martial Arts". Retrieved November 11, 2009.

8.  "Warriors Eskrima  – Worcestershire". Archived from the

original on May 19, 2009. Retrieved November 11, 2009.






College of Arts and Communication

Physical Education Department

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