Em and Lo Sex Toy

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Toy Story
There was a time, long ago, when procuring a sex t oy meant either
visiting the produce department or going to a seedy store with a neon
"XXX" in the wi ndow, curtained booths in th e back that s melled myst e-
riously like chlorine, and a guy behind the counter wi th o ne good eye.
You can thank pro-sex feminism, comprehensive sex education, Al fre d
Ki nsey, Ernst Gra fenb erg (of G-spot fame), Betty Dodson, Sex and the
City, et al., fo r cont ributing to the mainstrea ming of sex toys.
These days, countless on li ne ret ailers offer bedside props safely,
secu rely, and discreet ly (i.e., plain paper pa ckaging and generi c
billing detai ls on your credit card statement). Gone are t he days of
t he hum iliating face-to-face ha ndover of cash for a Fleshlight. Even
Drugstore.com sells sex toys! (And we're not just t alking about th ose
"back" massagers-they stock dildos and all!) The in-person shopping
experience has been transformed, too, by beautifully designed and
inviting toy emporium s where people can ask questions a nd get honest,
educat ed a nswers about sexual hea lth and exp lorati on without feel ing
like they need to wash their hands th irty-seven t imes when they get
home. Couples are even making a trip to their little sex s hop on the
corn er pa rt of an evening out.
It 's about frea kin' time. Sure, dildos have been arqund since at
least 10,000 B.C., and doctors were usi ng vibrators to cure women of
"hysteria" back in the n ineteenth century, but it's only in the last decade
or so that people have finally started to chill out and cons ider t oys part
of a healthy sex life. In l994, the fo urteenth World Congress of Sexology,
an international gathering of sex uali ty scie ntist s, declared, "Sexual
pleasure, includ ing au toeroticis m !masturbation], is a source of physi-
cal, psychological, intellectual , and s piritual well-bei ng." Ten years later,
Durex's annual international sex survey found that more than a third
o f women ow n a vibrator or a n "intimate massager." And a nationwide
s tudy by Chicago's Berman Center found that women who use vibrators
experience higher levels of sexual desire, hig her level s of sexual
satisfaction, and higher rates of success in ach ieving orgasm. Hot
day-umm. Toys aren't just for the ladies, though, and they're more than
just a "widow's comforte r," too. The sa me study foun d that women in
relat ions hips were even more li kely t o use sex toys than sin g le gals .
Before this sexual awakenin g, t he sex-toy industry was a "push"
market, driven entire ly by the manufacturers and distributors. The
businesses were run by men and marketed to men, without much thought
to women's bodies or real pleasu re. But over the past decade, women-
who, after all , are the on es who benefi t mo st from toys-have managed
to turn the industry into a "pull " ma rket. By put t ing the ir money
where their naughty bits are, fema le consumers have encouraged manu-
facturers to invest in research and development, place quality over
quantity, a nd listen to their complai nts (at least, when old-fa shioned
s hame hasn't kept t hem from piping u p about defective products).
Hence, sex toys have got te n a lot better-for everyone.
"Boy toy" no longer means just a blow-up doll and a vat of Crisco.
Vibrators are now designed with the clitoris in mind. Dildos have the
G-spot on t he brain. Novelties have taken a backseat to high-end sex
toys and ergonomi c, body-contoured vibes. Lubes got better. Condoms
got t hinner. Glass dildos can now pass as abstract art on your coffee
table. Some of the most popular sex toys don't bea r t he slightest
resemblance to a penis (no offense, guys, but it's not always about the
dick). A miniature vibrator attached to a cock ring offers women
vibrating clitoral stimu lation dur ing intercourse. Starter strap-on kits
mean women across the country are saying, "Bend over, boyfriend."
Bachelorette-party paraphernalia has been repl aced by toys that
actually get the job done.
The problem is, it's still a jungle out there, no thanks to stat es such
as Alabama and Texas, which co ntinue to honor outmoded laws bann ing
the s ale of sex toys (which th ey dee m obscene). Given this country's puri-
tan ical tendencies, it shouldn't come as a surprise that t he sex-toy industry
is entirely unregulated, and many less-than.upstanding companies con-
tinue to take advantage of this fact. The most benign effect is that the
market is still flooded with cheap, crappy, gimmicky toys abou t as likely
to get you off as an e pi sode of lan-y King live. They're often made in
China, most likely under dubiou s labor conditions. And since they're
billed as novelties, they don't come with instructions for safe use or care.
More troubling, it mean s many toys on the shelves are made of poten·
tially carcinogenic materials (see phthalates ), a nd because there's no
organ ization overseeing safety and package labeli ng, you'd never know it.
That's where thi s book comes in-it explain s why you shou ld use
sex toys, which toys yo u s hould check out, where you can buy them,
and how you can use them. We even tell you how to introduce a toy to
a hes ita n t partner (see communication) and how to h ide your toy col-
lection from a nosy aunt (see storage)' We have pers onally t ried just
about every sex toy reviewed in thi s boo k-and, where that wasn't pos-
sible, for obvious a na tomical reasons, we interviewed someone who
has. (You should h ave seen the brawl that almost broke out over which
one of us got to test-drive the Rock Chick vibrator.)
A word on h ow to s hop with this book: There is a dizzying array of
online sex-toy retailers out there. Most appeal to more prurient inter-
ests and are unhelpful a nd ill inform ed. They tell you what they th in k
you wa nt to hear ("She'll be wri thing and moanin g a ll night long!" or
"It'll make her puss y virgin-tight again!") rath er than what you need t o
know (like, oh, say, t hat a toy m ight ca use friggi n' cancer if you don"t
whack a condom on it). They regurgitate unhelpful package copy. They
sell "porn-star pussies." In s hort, they do everythi ng that the XXX neon
stores do, just on line. i\nd we think you should avoid them like the clap.
So we singled out some onl ine sex-toy retailers we like very much-
represented by the initials you see after each toy mentioned in this book.
We'd trust these stores with our gen itals and our credit card information.
For th e most part, we avoided the Wa l-Mart-esque biggies, such as t he
original AdamandEve.corn-we find t hey leave us a little cold. Whether
you·re a man or a woman, gay or straight, we believe that the smaller
stores with a more feminine approach (whether they're owned and
operated by women or n ot) will give you a better shopp ing experience.
The best six of the bunch are GoodVibes.com (GV), Babeland.com
(BL), A-Womans-Touch.corn (WT), Blowfish.com (BF), MyPleasure.com
(MP), and Libida.com (LB). The fi rst three in this list have bricks-'n'-
mortar stores you can visit, too, which is great for getting a sense of a
toy's size, vibration strength, noisiness, beauty, etc. But when that's not
co nvenient or geographically possi ble, th eir on lin e stores will do just
fine. We've also found Drugstore.com (OS) to be helpful for well-priced
mainstream stuff, ErosBoutique.com (EB) and ExtremeRestraints.com
(EX) for BDSM paraphernali a, ComeAsYouAre.com for Canucks, and
Xandria.com (XA) for price comparison and gimm icky-but-worth-it
items. You can even buy high-quality silicone dildos direct ly from one
of the best manufacturers in the biz at VixenCreations.com (VC). And
when we say a toy is "available a lmost ever ywhere," we mean it's stocked
at most of the aforementioned stores- we do n't mean tha t you can pop
down to the nearest Duane Reade and pi ck it u p. One day, though ...
By the way, many mom-and-pop sex toy s hops aren't on line like the
stores we mention here but are just as friend ly, responsible, and afford-
able. So, check out your local alternative newspaper to see whether there's
one in your town. If there is, cons ider it you r civic duty to support it!
We've includ ed price ranges for most toys : "$" mea ns less than
$20, "$$"means Sio-$60; "$$$"means $60-$100; and"$$$$" means
$100-$2 00. For anyt hing more expensive than that (a.k.a. bedroom
bling), we've included the actua l price. Pri ces can vary s ignificantly
from store to store, so shop around for the best deal. And by "best
deal," we mean the lowest price on that part icular t oy. not some chea p
knock-off made in China. At first g lance, you may thin k many of t he
toys we've included are quite pricey. But though high cost doesn't
necessarily guarantee high quality, in thi s industry you us ually get
what you pay for: Cheap toys are typically made cheap ly out of cheap
materials . High-quality sex toys a re an investment in the qua lity of
your sexual pleasure and satisfact ion. You probably wou ldn't th ink
twice about spending $50, even $100, on a nice meal or a new pa ir of
jeans; aren't your ge nitals wort h that same investment?
As a general rul e, we've found Blowfish.corn's prices to be
significantly lower on most products-but it's also a bitch of a s ite to
navigate. GoodVibe s.com and Babe land.com tend to be pricier, but
they both have a special place in our hearts (and pants). And though
A-Womans-Touch.com may have less of a selection, you're guaranteed to
get products deemed safe by their chem ist (he's t ested every s ingle toy
t hey sell). If you're toy s hopping for t he fir st time, we suggest st arting
with these t hree and then price shopping once you're more familiar
with what's out there. And, hey, you mig ht decide you feel so comfort-
able at GoodVibes.com or Babeland.com or A-Womans-Touch .com that
you buy t here. too. You're paying for the ent ire shopping experience,
and, when it comes to sex toys, t hat counts for a lot.
If you have trouble locating an item reviewed in t his book, it's
because stores are co nsta ntly u pdating t heir inventory, replaci ng toys
with item s they cons id er an improvement on an earlier model, and
renaming toys because they came up wit h something catchier. In fact,
only a handful of t oys- usually t he most famous ones, such as the
Hitachi Magic Wand-appear under the same name in every location.
The Lumina Wand, on the other hand. has at least six names! We've
made an effort to cross-refe rence various names to clue you in , but it
can still be pretty damn confus ing. If you can't fi g ure it out, ask a
sales assistant, either in person or by e-ma il. (And if no one will help
you, take your business elsewhere.)
One more point of bus iness: If a word or phrase is bolded , either
in this introduction or a nywhere else in th e book, that means it has its
very own entry in the encyclo pedia. This may require a bit of flipping
back and forth the first few t imes you open the book, but pretty soon
you'll pick up the lingo and won't need to turn back thirty pages to
figure out what t he hell it means fo r a t oy to be :monoga:mous.
Des pite this fancy system , o ur encyclopedia is in no way exhaus·
tive. If it were, it would be longer than War and Peace and we'd st ill be
road-testing vibes into our seventies (though, for the record, we plan
o n doing that rega rdless of our pub lis hing sc hedule). It 's simply an
introduction to the world of toys. We reviewed best-selling toys, our
favo rite toys, toys that cracked us up, toys our frie nds in the biz raved
a bout, toys our favorite retaile rs consider sleepers, t he toys we lost our
vibratory cherry to, etc. But your favorite toy might not even be in thi s
book. Your clitoris or your starfish or your nipples or your balls aren't
swayed by best-seller li sts, and they don't particularly care which toy
Charlotte from Sex and the City used, either. (Though we did, of course,
review the Rabbit Habit vibrator, too.) It 's okay to li ke a toy because
it's pretty or because it's got a funky li ght display-after all, that's part
of the experience. But bear in mind that some of the ugliest toys o ut
there (like, say, the Eroscillator) boast legions of fans who evangelize
with Sciento logy-esque fervor for t heir vibe of choice.
So, have at it. first , be su re to read the entries on materials,
cleaning & care, and storage, as well as the important sa fety appendix
in the back. Then, start with beginner toys. Try to buy toys manufac-
tured in North America, Japa n, or Europe. Don't forget to pi ck out a
lube that complements your toy (because some may destroy it). If
you're not sure what a toy is made of, put a condom on it. Keep spare
batteries on hand, because nothing kills a sex-toy moment like the
dying wa il of your littl e motor running out of juice. Get a toy for your
bath, for you r butt, for your best friend (see our entry about gift-giving
etiquette). Get another one for yoursel f. And another. Remem ber, who-
ever dies with the most sex toys wins!

Key to Abbreviations
BF= Blowfis h.com VC = VixenCreations.com
BL= Babeland.com WT = A-Womans-Touch .com
DS = Drugstore.com XA = Xandria.com
EB= ErosBoutique.com S =u nder S20
EX = ExtremeRestraints.com SS = S20 -S60
GV = GoodVibrations.com SSS = S60-S100
LB = Libida.com ssss =S100-$200
MP= MyPleasure.com
also phthalate free (yay!), but it
can't be s t erilized by bo il ing in
water, like silicone (eh).
To clean an acrylic toy,
sim ply give it a good scrub with
ant ibacter ial s oap and water.
Fa ux glass made of transpa rent If you clean with a bit of elbow
plastic, hard. Lucite is a popu- grease (i.e., you' re not the type
lar bra nd of acrylic. Sex toys to leave scraps of congealed
made of it are hard, nonporous, casserole on "clea n" dis hes in
and as s mooth as a baby's t he drying r ack). you ca n u se
bottom frozen solid. They are acrylic toys without condoms.
crack a nd s hatte r relli.Mant, Ju st to be on t he safe si de,
b ut you can break t he m (as we thou gh , we recommend always
found out after dropping a using con doms if you plan on
Lurnina Wand on the floor sha ring a toy. Seriously, fol ks ,
t wenty times). So, if you've got is it t hat much to ask that yo u
one with a crack, throw it away- buy one toy per partner if you
you wouldn't want it brea king want to go condom free? FYI, if
off inside you (plus, bacteria your acrylic toy comes with a
cou ld get in a hairline fracture). raised sea m or any bumps left
Acrylic toys are most often over from the casting process,
pelvic-floor-muscle stren gth- use a nail file to s mooth them
ening tools a nd G-spot d ildos - away before u se.
i.e., whe n your prim a ry focus is
hav ing something rock ha rd to
grip onto. And we mean rock
hard, not the k ind of hyp e rbolic
"o h, baby, you're rock hard"
t hat refers to nonacryl ic, real-
C ompuls ive phys iologica l a nd/
or psycholog ica l dependence
life dongs, esp ec ially in m ovies on one's favori te sex toy. This
wit h titles such as Between a condit ion ca n be observed in
Rock and a Ha rd-On. Acrylic is t he Sex and the City ep isode in
which Charl otte buys a Rabb it the fact that most women know
(see Rabbit Habit & Rabbit a vibrator cann ot pay her com-
Pearl vibrators) and conse- pl iments or cuddl e with her.
quently never wan ts to leave Male addict ion is much less
her apartment and Carrie and common due to the fact that the
Miranda are forced to hold a n basic formula for his orgasm
intervention. (We were always a is typi cally much simpler than
little disturbed by how comfort- hers (inse rt, thrust, repeat).
ably they handled Char lotte's However, in rare cases, the
vi brator when t hey knew severely socially awkward have
exactly where it had been.) been known t o fall for their
Women commonly worry Real Doll. Such creepy obses-
that t h ey wi ll become addicted s ion was t he subject of t he low-
to their toys, unable to experi- budget, so-horrendously-bad-
ence the sa me pleasure with it's-almo.<1t-good, soon-to-be-
their nonrobot partners. Men cult-class ic Love Object (2003).
commonly worry that t hey can't > See also the Safety Tips
compete with robots. But as long
as a woman mixes it up and is
willing to try new things, with
and without toys, there's noth-
ing wrong with reaching for a
battery-powered fr iend every
now and then . It's true, some
women find they can reach
Videos, DVDs, ski n rags, live
shows, Web sites- pretty much
orgasm only with the intense
anything X-rated that did,
vibrations from a machine-
actually, mean to turn you on.
but this is not addiction; it's
So, super-stea my R-rated
simply an individual anatomi-
French cinema doesn't really
cal imperative. And we'd say
count. But everything from
machine-assisted orgasms are
soft-core "Skinemax" features
better than no orgasms at a ll.
such as The Plea.<1ure Zone 13 up
Men should be comforted by
to hardcore gonzo titles like-
warning to the faint of heart!- Starr's im peachment report:
Cu.m Guzzler.o (featuring women Monica Lew ins ky handed th e
s lurping ejacu lation out of prez a printout of the e-mai l
dog bowls) doe.o count. About while she herself was sucking
99.9 percent of adult entertain- on an Altoid (cheeky monkey).
ment is plagued by at least The jury's sti ll out on whether
t hree of the following: fake tit- it's all hype. Do your own
ties; bad dye jobs; dialogue that research. whether with Altoids,
makes One Life to live sound Tic Tacs, Fisherman's Friend,
like /\nnie Hall; a disturbing Hall's Mentholyptus, or Oral
lack of foreplay; a distur bing Fixation (hipster mints in a chic
lack of pubic hair; mysterious cigarette case), and report back.
st a in s on the packagi ng (if it's See also edible accessories.
a renta l) ; mul lets.

anal beads,
T he "curious ly strong mint"
with sexy ad tag lines ("Pleasure
Anal beads look like a s napped·
together kids' plastic necklace-
in pain," "These mints have not
the kind you can win in a
yet been rated," "Shrinkage may
occur," "Dental Damn!") that gumball machine. In other
words, totally unlike something
was the s ubject of a widely cir·
culated 1997 e-mai l extolling you should stick in your bee-
hind. But they feel rilly, rilly
the mints' powers as an oral sex
aid . (Hmmmm, we wonder who good, both on the way in and on
ori gin all y sent that e-mail? the way out. The pros say you
Could it be ... Altoid.o?!) The shou ld insert the string slowly,
faux e-mail reached widespread one bead at a time, pausing for
urban legend status when it was permiss ion ~fter eac h bead like
referenced in that noted co llec- a d i1-ry game of Mother May I?
tion of hot erotica, Kenneth Then pull the beads out (gently
but not as slowly) either just
before, or at, t he moment of
anal b eads,
orgasm. Do not-repeat, do not-
yank the beads out: Thi s is not
an area where you want rug
burn. (J ust the phrase "anal
T hese are jelly-rubber anal
beads on a jelly-rubber s ta lk.
The gradual esca lation in s ize
chafing" makes us clench.)
makes them good for nervous
The cheapie kind of anal
nellies: The smallest bead is
beads are attached on a nylon
114 in ch in d iameter, and the
cord a nd made of plast ic-so
sizes build up to the largest,
make s ure you smooth down any
still a modest 1 inch around.
rough plastic seams fi rst (owee!)
The large bendy ring at the top
using a nail file. And be warned:
gives you somethi n g to pu ll on
That cord is going to get ria.;,ty
when you sense your partner
after only three or four u ses. So
is rounding that final bend-
we'd say throw down a bit more
or if they scream, "Enough
mon ey and go fo r high-quality
already!"-t hough, as with any
beads built on a sta lk of t he
anal toy, jelly beads s hould
same material (instead of on
always be removed steadily and
a s tring), like the nexi Felix.
smoothly: No matter the emer-
This kind of to y is s turdier and
gency, a jerky yank is always
easier to clean, especially if
a bad idea. If the house is on
ifs made of silicone, like our
fire , for example, just leave the
friend Felix. A more affordable
beads in place whi le you find
option is jelly-see anal beads,
jelly fo llowing-but then you'll
the nearest emergency exit.
Because jelly is porous
have to contend with possibly
and contains phthalates, they
toxic phthalates. And remem-
shou ld a lways be used wit h a
ber, as with any a nal toy: Lube
condom. though admittedly
is your friend (th e one you have
thi s can be a litt le awkward. If
to play with, 'cause your mother
you in sist on bareback bead-
said so).
ing, the toy s hould at least be
anal play
a monogamous sex toy. (But,
honest ly, you're better off
s pring in g for a more expensive Accord ing to TantusSilicone
silicone version s uch as the .corn, o ne of the biggest trends
Flexi Felix so you r condom- in sex-toy sa les right now is
fre e poking can be worry free, consumers' interest in the ass.
too.) Wash the jelly ones in soap Ana l play is any sexua l s t imul a-
and water after use. Available tion, externa l or internal , of
as Blue Beads on !3L, as X-10 th e anus. The area is ch ock-ful l
Beads on MP, or as the Grapes of n erves, so attent ion in th e
of Writhe on BF($). fo rm of vibrat ion or pe net ra·
tion can be very pleasing, as
long as you do it correctly-and
yo u're not so me sex ist, hom o-
phobi c clea n freak. Prepare fo r
any incoming objects by get·
tin g plenty of fib er in yo ur di et ,
dropping the kids off at the
pool, tak ing a thorough s hower,
and maybe even orgasming
first to loosen ever ythi ng up
down there. Was h any probes
before and after use (because
microscopic fecal bacteria can
cause infection). In fact, use a
anal beads, condom to help keep things
tidy and STD free.

S ee Flexi Felix.
Any toy yo u take s pelunk·
ing s hould h ave a fl ared base,
so it won't get lost up th ere,
and sh ou ld n ot be breakab le.
Obvious, right? Th in k agai n.
Not a ll those emergency-room
stories are urban legends-a
nurse frien d of ours has per·
sonally relieved patients of,
among ot her th ing s, a slimline
vibrator, a TV remote control.
and a can of Axe Body Spray.
Best t o stick with t he soft,
bendy, size-a ppropriate toys
made speci f ica lly for th e tush.
Start off sma ll and work your
way up: There's no s uch th ing
as a 1 2 .inch Colon Pound er Aneros butt
Starter Kit.
The ass hole is not self·
lubricating, so you've got to use
lube-see lubes, water-based
fo r products that won't degrade
Actually, make that the Aneros
Prost ate St imu lator. No, seri-
ously: This best-selling wh ite
latex, unlike Crisco and other
pla stic med ica l device wa s
oils. Never fo rce anyth ing in
invent ed by a bunch of sc ien·
t here, and don't pull a nything
ti sts to help relieve congested
out like yo u're tugging on a
prostate fluid (sexy, we know).
goddamn emergency brake,
But it didn't take Aneros long
either. TLC is key. Read Anal
to figure out that dudes wi th
Plea.oure & Health, by Jack
prostate probl ems were rea lly
Morin, for more deets.
enjoying their prescribed treat·
Also, sec the index fo r
ment (can you imagine the co n-
a comprehen sive list of ana l
versati ons at go lf clubs across
toys featured in thi s book. For
t he count ry?), so now it's sold
no ntoy, anal-related info, see
fo r health a nd plea su re. And,
gerbils, P-spot, a nd perineum.
actually, even if you r prostate
has a clean bi ll of health, it ca n
a lways benefit fro m a good
ma ssage. Plu s, regular use of
this baby can tone a guy's help things along. (By the way,
pelvic floor muscles, giving women can get in on the Aneros,
him more control over his too; in their case, the hand le
orgasm (see kegels). will dip into the vagina.)
The Aneros plug basically Once it's in, the rest is up
s urrounds his te rritories down to you. As with any anal play,
there, s timulating his prostate don't forget to use lots of lube-
internally and externally. any kind with this toy-and
lt's got three parts: 0 The ex pect Aneros to feel a little
inserta ble plug pa rt cur ves uninvited For t he f irst few min-
slightly to hit hi s prostate a nd utes aher insertion. Some men
is 1 inch by 4 inches, about the claim they can come from the
size of a rather large man's Aneros alone, though they do
thumb (t hough it's not just for admit thi s requires Sting-l ike
men who fantasize about a concentrat ion a nd dedication,
large man's thumb in the bum). at least the first few times.
6 The wide, flat ha ndle rests Others, like o ur gu inea pi gs,
pleasa ntly again st hi s per- prcl'cr to wear it while rubbing
ineum. 0 The curlicue handle one out or having sex, which
is used for insertion and can result in "super-intense
removal, and n estles bet ween orgasms." And more than one
hi s butt cheeks during use user quoted on flneros.com
(cute, huh?). And here's the reported an uncontrollable
genius part: It's totally con- desire to "growl." (Remember,
trolled by the ass musc les! We, k.ids, we don't laugh at other
er, s hit you not. fls he relaxes people's orgasms.) Sure, th e
and contracts down there, the Aneros is a little more expen-
plug shihs a little, gently mas· sive than your average butt
sagi ng t he prostal"e as it goes. plug, but boy toys that actua lly
Look, ma, no hands! That sa id, work are rarer than a Tofu Pup
the wearer, or his partner, can at a NASCAR race. Besides,
also use the curlicue handle to doesn't your guy de1>erve a
rock the plug back and forth to custom-built, pate nted poker?
The Aneros is nonporous and luvver food of a certa in, um,
s hould be washed with mild texture- oysters, say, or the
soap a nd water. Sold by name mystery d ish at d im sum-to
most everywhere($$). Buy it o n ascerta in his comfort leve l with
Aneros.com, a nd the orig ina l cunnilingus. However, any man
design (there are new shapes) who refers to his oral prowess
comes with a ninety-day wh ile sucking a Blue Bay oyster
money-back guara ntee. off its s hell is to be regarded
wit h t he h igh est suspicion.
Subtlety, dudes: It's underrated.
See also edible accessories.
Any food or dr ink item r umored
to put you in the mood, including Aqua Arouser
oysters, truffles, strawberries,
dark chocolate, Spanish Fly,
Slippery Nipples, ecstasy, and
a slice of pi zza at just the rig ht
time. Scientists have never
been able to prove their efficacy
Thi s multi speed waterproof
vibe is a very strong swimmer.
(and you ca n bet your chocolate- Admittedly, it's not exactly an
covered strawberries they undercover operat or, like the
tried). but the placebo effect Duckie waterproof vibrator,
is not to be und erestimated. but some of us like our sex toys
Aphrodisiacs are employed to look like they were bu ilt for
mostly by men in s hiny su its grown-ups. This vibrator is
who think playi ng a Marvi n fairly s lim (11/4 inches across)
Gaye CD will get them laid. They and the clear jelly s haft is what
will typica ll y serve up their they call in the biz "realistica lly
aph rodis iac o f choice with a veiny" (we wish there were a
wink and a "sexy" grin. On a sex ier way to say that). for
side note, some women have added sensation. In addition,
been known to serve a potential the Aqua Arouser featu res a
cluster of n ubbins (now thereLi
a name for a candy bar) at its
base to gently st imu late t he
." butterfly
clitoris. Because the AA is
made of jelly (i.e., contains
phthalates), kee p your t oy
monogamous and to be extra

I f you like doing it to music,
th is vi be 's for you. A miniature
safe, cover it in a condom. MP vibrator-connected by cord to
is the only place you can get it a battery pack about the size
in aq ua, though LB se lls it in and weight of a brownie (wit h
blue as the Wat er Wi lly, and BL nuts)- is held in place by a
has a longer, wider one called butterfly harness. The vibe is
the Sparkle Sp lasher, with-you bui lt to respond to sound, ere-
guessed it-p ink sparkles! ($$) ating an infinitely va riable
range of vibrations, instead of
a boring, repet itive pattern or
cont inuous vibration (t hough
you can adj ust the contro ls to
give you just that). You can wear
it in public (preferably under
your clothes) to dance clubs, .::.·
concerts, or your Abnorma l
Psych seminar. You can also
input sound directly from
audio devices li ke a portable
CD player or your iPod, bu t
you'll need a 1/s-inch audio
cable and a Y adapter (that
thingamajiggy that turns one
output hole into two). And, to
get the bullet in and out of the
butterfly easily, you'll need a
litt le water-based lube (also not
included). Great for tech geeks
and music fascists. It 's worth
getting one just so you can hear
a new song and say, "It's got a
good beat, and yo u can co me to
it." Ava ilable mos t everywhere,
including Audi-Oh.com($$$,
not including the nine-volt
battery you'll need). See also
remote control toys.
" Maybe we need a National
Strap-On Association : l t's easier
to get a gu n than a dildo in
most parts of the country." So
say Rach el and Claire, owners
of the sex-toy retai ler formerly
known as Toys in Babela nd
(last yea r they got a new look
for their Web s ite, a new logo,
a nd an easier-to-remember
name: Babeland.com) . With a
great on lin e s hop chock-full of
merch and helpful sexed, plus
two funky stores in N.Y.C. (the
Soho location is the best ), on e ~' ,,, .
in Seattl e, and one in L.A.,
Babeland is second only to Good
Vibes in the sex-toy race, which
means BL can get away with
charging a bit more than most
of its compet itors. Its only exclu-
s ives are Babe land·bran cled
con doms, lube, a vibra ting
flash light key chain (the
Babclight), an d a Babeland
Si lver Bullet; the compa ny
prefers to fo cus on generating doesn't feature a sn uggle-butt
original sexed content while baby on its packaging-try
letting the manu facturers do Cottonell e Pre-Moi stened
what they do best. Babeland is Wipes (flus hable, portable, and
women owned and operated, like alcoho l free, though they do
GV, and its sensibility is a little contain fragrance). Three cheers
more urban, a little more rock 'n' for a new way to kill the ra in
roll. In other words, Babeland forests! A.k.a. intimacy wipes.
would be the sex store feat ured
on Showtime's The L Word.

baby wipes
Once you get over the slightly
seedy feeling of using a baby
S ashes, tiaras, boas, ''Wild
Girls" caution tape, plastic ball
product for sex, you'll realize
and chain, "naughty" confetti,
what an ingenious invention
"pin the hose on th e fireman"
these things are. Use them to
games, poseable male pinups,
wipe off a sex toy immediately
Jell-0 s ho ts, "diamond rin g"
after use, or grab one after a
shot glasses, pecker straws,
facial or any kind of anal explo-
glow-in-the-dark penis-shaped
ration. (A note to lazy fuckers:
to-go cups, "cocksucker" lolli-
They're no substitute for a
pops, condoms-on-a-stick,
good scrub with soap before
4-foot inflatable willies, pecker
and after your sesh.) Discretion
party horns, peni s balloons,
would suggest that you not keep
penis candy rings, penis Mardi
them prominentl y displayed on
Gras beads, penis tatt oos, penis
your nightstand , though within
straws, penis strobe pins-we
arm's reach (perhaps in your
could go on. See also edible
"party drawer") is a nice touch.
accessories, gag gifts, and
And good ta ste would suggest
that you purchase a brand that
bachelor-party Decades later, back mas·
sagers are still selling like

S trippers.
hotcakes, p roviding ext ernal
genital stimulation to women
who've never experienced a day
of back pain in their lives. In
fact, the Hitachi Magic Wand
"back" is the most popular vibrating
massage rs
sex toy in the world- and yet the
packaging feat ures a leotard·
Remember back in the seventies. clad. squeaky-clean housewife
when you used to go over t o tending to her aching back and
your friend Saman tha's hou se s houlders. While back mas·
to play, and on special days sagers may not be as sexy or
s he would say, "Wanna see my cute as all the custom-made sex
mom's back massager?" And toys out there, they hold a spe-
you kind of knew there was cial place in our hearts (okay,
somethi ng secret about this t hey hold a specia l place in Em's
back massager because of how pants). And, hey, some people
well it was hidden (and what it like that whole medical-product
was hidden with), and you and vibe: It makes them feel less
Saman tha would take turns trashy, and it's easier to exp la in
holding it on each other's backs. when your kid and her best
And then there was that one friend discover it in your
time when Samantha went drawer. Let us count the ways
downstairs to get more apple we love back massagers: You
juice and Oreos, and you had can purchase one at a drugstore
the serend ipitous idea to hold it (DS; $$), you don't have to worry
on your happy place (you barely about going th rough airport
even knew you had a happy secu rity, back massagers tend
place back then), and after that to be sturdier and longer lasting
Samantha became your Best than a lot of plastic novelty
Friend Forever. vibes, and, next t ime you get a
real backache after a gruelin g the mou th open, mu zzles, pony
tra nsatla ntic flight, presto!-you bits, a nd masks or hoods that
own a back massager! Other cover the mouth. Gags come in
popular back massagers include handy if you want to turn your
the Wahl vibrator and the BDSM play up to eleven, or if
Essential Multi-Ma ssager (the you're role-playing a kidnappi ng
latter is available almost every- scenari o and your "kidna pper"
where; BL call s it the Essential has a bit of a Quentin Tarantino
Vibrator and GV names it the thing. lf you're prone to t he
Essential Coil ;$$). giggles at the sl ightest spank
or hint of di rty tal k , however,
a gag is not for yo u. Needless
to say, you're n ot s upposed to

ball gags
For advanced players on ly, and
in particular for t hose players
wear thi s for extended periods
of time (it can seriously irritate
the joints in you r jaw), nor do we
suggest donning on e if you've
who take their sex play very
got a stu ffy nose or there's even
seriously. A ball gag co nsists
t he sli ghtest ch an ce your mom
of a ball , usually made of rub-
might walk in on you. Visit EB
ber or s ilicone, with stra ps
a nd EX for some Aeriou.Li exam-
at tached at either si de to hold
ples($-$$$). See also restraints.
it in place-in your mouth. You
know, like what Bruce Willis
and Ying Rha mes had in their
mouths when they woke up in
the basem ent with the Gimp in
Pulp Fiction. The ball s its beh ind
your teeth, and t he straps go
around your head. Variations on
this theme in cl ude gags with a
nubbin in the basic s hape of a
penis head, 0-ring gags or meta l
dental contraptio ns that force
We know of n o better foreplay
t han a bubble bath, whether solo
or a deu x. If you're on e of th ose
corporate busy bees who find s it
hard to s hut down at the end of
th e d<ty, try su bstituting a bath
for al l that mindless TV you've

come to rely on. Light some
ball stretchers candles, play some music, and
leave t he freak in ' Blackber ry in
A strip of material, us ual ly
the k itchen. We like the bath
attached to a cock ring, that
products from the Kama Sutra
pushes the testicles down
line or V'Tae (BF), but, really,
deeper into the scrotal sac and
whatever fl oats your bath toys is
pulls them away from the penis
fi n e (though if it's patchouli oil.
and body, with the intention of
we don't want to know). If you
making them feel more vulner-
or your partner has a sen s it ive
able, exposed, and/or sensitive.
veegee, avoid overly fragranced
There may also be a noth er
products. Aveda products are
strap that separates each ball
pricey, but they're a ll-natural,
or a D-ring to whi ch weights or
so they're ohen a good fi t with
leashes can be attached. Good
easi ly irritated private parts.
if you prefer your testicles to
If you find yourself getting
look like two balloons about to
sleepy. administer a r u bdown
pop rather t han two balloons
with a vibrat in g sponge (BL, MP,
that have been deflated quite a
XA; SJ or a vibrati n g shower
bit (EX ; S-SSSl. See also BDSM.
scrunchie (LB; SJ. or just invite
your Duckie waterproof
vibrator into the tub. 1f you've
got company, check out t he book
Hot & Steamy: Erotic Bat/u,
for Two, by Annalise Witberg, for O verlapping acronym for one,
some saucy suggestions-it's two, or all three of the following
waterproof. so you can actually types of kinky play: bondage
read it in the bath, and it's and discipline, domination and
designed to fit in your soap submission, and sadism and
di s h! Or, for some wet and wild masochism {or sadomasochism).
erotic fiction. whether alone or Though there are certainly mem-
with a friend, try the adults-only bers of BDSM communities who
waterproof book Aqlla Erotica. take their kink very serious ly,
But here's the rub (or, you don't need to know any
rather, the rope burn): Being secret handshakes or Trekkie
i>queaky clean mean s bath or lingo to dabble in power play
shower water will wash all your using BDSM paraphernalia,
natural lube away, and regular such as ball gags, blindfolds,
water-based lu bes will slide bondage belts and tape, candle
right off, too. You're going to wax. canes, collars, cuffs.
need some waterproof {i .e., sili- gimp suits, nipple claznps,
cone) lube if you're plann ing nylon rope, paddles, rol e-
on doing more than just wash- playing outfits, spreader bars,
ing behind your ears. and whips {see kinky toys).
If you thi nk squeaky clean Of course, accessories
is overrated, enlist the help like these do have a learning
of some edible accessories- curve, so you should research
basically, an excuse to put your al l the safety concerns and read
mouths all over each other. Just all the instructions thoroughly
be sure to eat all your veggies before picking up any BDSM
at dinner first. Because you're toy. If you're looking for details
a lready in the shower, cleaning on the end less supply of instru-
up the leftovers will be a cinch. ments for cock-and-ball torture
or how to interior decorate
your own dungeon, you've
got the wrong encyclopedia. comes with the Nubby G vi bra·
Bu t t here are sever a I good tor, the Sil ver Bu ll et miniature
resources fo r beginners: GV's vibrator, a s ilicone Little Flirt
Whip.omart instructional video, butt plug, and a sa mpler pack of
and th e books Sen..ouolJ..<l Magic, lube. The s ty Iis h Mile-High m.t
SM 10 1, When Someone You is a good place to start, too, with
Love 1.6 Kinky, an d our favorite it s cool carr ying case. If you·ve
tit le, Screw the Ro.oe.o: Send got a new backdoor fr iend, try
Me the Thom.o (all available the Bend Over Beginner Kit. Or
online). A.k.a. fetish pl ay. you ca n build your own starter
ErosBoutique.com has an kit: Try a "back" massager to
extens ive collect ion of BDS M warm u p to t he idea of sex toys,
gear for both beginn ers and a pocket-s ize vibrator that
full-t ime gimps. See a lso could pass as a fl as hlight key
ExtremeRestraints.com and chain , like BL's Babe ligh t ($), a
restraints. waterproof toy to play wit h in
the s hower, a G-spot sti:mula-
tor to see if that's your (or your
bedroom bling
S ec high-end sex toys.
part ner's) bag, a mini butt plug
t o see if that:C. your (or your
partner's) bag, and a Rabbit
Habit, because it's got a bit of
beginner toys
Once you've figu red out
wh at ki nd of stimulation or
Are you over whelmed by the penetration gets you off- and
tyra n ny o f ch oice? Or do the we're taking a wild guess t hat
ball gag and the spreade r you'll get hooked on at lea.ot
bar sound a bit too much li ke one kind-you ca n experiment
Dungeons & Drago ns for your wit h di ffere nt toys in that
taste? A begin ner kit will be range; nobody expects you t o
ri ght up your alley. We like BL's feel comfortable with a fu ll
Sex Toys 101 Kit ($$$), wh ich chest h arness and twelve-inch
purpl e-veined dildo plus vi bra t·- store. Some women prefer to
ing butt plug unti l the second use them in conjunction with
date at the earliut. See the a penis or a dildo, like a mini
index for all the beg inn er toys ga me of pool.
feat ured in the book. See also Ben Wa enthusiasts claim
communication. that women who don't "get it"
have been spoiled by phall ic-
centric, indus trial-strength toys

Ben Wa balls
T raditionall y, these arc two
smooth, solid, occasionally gold-
and just haven't learned how to
tune into life's more subtle
pleasures. (We t hi nk it sound s
like something Sting's wife
plated, u nattached spheres, just would en joy.) Poo- pooers point
a bit bigger than kids' marbles, ou t that t he balls don't reall y
that a woman inserts into her move around much, no matter
vagi na (keep 'em out of your how much lube you throw
butt). Sometimes, though, .~ on the s ituation, beca use a
they're two s lightly bigger hol- woman's vagina kind of grabs
low m etal ball s with a loose onto whatever you insert into it.
weight in each (for more on this And most vaginas a ren't reall y
version, see duotone balls). sensit ive enough to get off on
Apparent ly, women started stationary object s. So you'd
using egg-shaped inserts, carved have t o jump around, maybe
fr om ivory, centuries ago in with your hands in t he air li ke
Asia-these days, they're round you just don't care, in order to
a nd can be made of steel, plastic, fee l anyth ing going on down
or Lucite. Once insert ed, the there. And if th e ball s ar e heavy,
balls are su pposed to help tone all that jiggling could dislodge
yo ur pelvic floor :muscles a nd, them (as coul d a hefty s neeze.
if you're incredibly lu cky, lead for that matter), at which point
to s heer ecstasy during your you'd be forced to mutter some-
morning commute, say, or thing about losing your marbles
whi le s hopping at the grocery before skulking away from
your s pot in the grocery line. sayin', is all. Ava ilable at BL, BF,
Avail able at LB or MP($). For or GV ($$). See also anal play,
a more effective toy along th e

Bend Over
Bend Over

Beginner Kit
T his sta rter strap-on kit by
0 A must -have for anyone with
an anally retentive boyfr iend,
Tantus comes with two very this ins tructional video, made
approachable silicone dildos , by GoodVibes.com's res ide nt
an adju stable two-strap nylon sexologist, Carol Queen, and
harness that fits hips up to her "partner in life," Robert
60 inches in circumference Morga n Lawrence (th ey als o
(made of ca nvas, so it looks cofounded the Center for Sex &
wholesome and crunchy, like Culture, in San Fra n), teaches
climbin g gear or backpack hetero coupl es how to enjoy
straps), a nd a miniature vibra- male penetration with a strap-
tor that fits snug ly into a pocket on. The film is occasionally
located on the front of the har- cheesy, but the couples are real,
ness, meaning she'll get a littl e and the anal play info is price-
clit st im ulation wh il e riding less. For years, it was GV's best-
you like a bucking bronco and selling vid. There's even a Bend
whoopin g, "Who's your daddy Over Boyfriend 2 , subtly subt i-
now, bitch?" Warning: The tri· tled More Rockin; Le,v, Ta/kin'.
a ng ular section of the harn ess And GV (among others) conve-
that covers the mons is made niently sells the Bend Over
of purple velvet (which just Beginner l{it. 0 A male partner
happens to match the shimmer y who enjoys taking it up t he
purple dildos). We know some tookus.
people can't get enough purple
velvet in their lives-we're just
vibe (GV; SSL the Bendy-G
bendable vibrating d ildo (LB ; SSL t he
dildos & Flexible Fantasy dildo (MP; SSl.

vibrators and the Flexible Ecst asy water-
proof vibe (MP; SS). See a lso
T hese are the Gum by dolls of the the Rock You r World vibe in the
sex-toy wor ld: Th ey co me wit h Rabbit Habit entry.
a flex ible spine so you can bend
them into whatever pose works
for you, because n ot all G-spots
a re alike (t hat includes hers
and his). and not al l coochies
a nd t us hies are alike, either.
Don't contort your body to the
toy- make th e toy bend to your
whim! Another upside to the
Gumby dildos is that you can
use them for packing and play·
ing. "ls that a bendable dildo
in your pocket, or did you just
s uddenly become eve n happier
to see me?" Most bendy di ldos
are made of Cyberslcin, and
Berman Center
mos t ben dy vibes are made of Intimate

jelly rubber- both are porous.
probably have phthalates, and
s hou ld therefore be used wit h a Dr. La ura Berman, LCSW, PhD,
condom. Some popular toys in run s Chicago's Berman Center,
this genre include the Mr. Bendy a s pecialized health center
Cybersk in dildo (BL; SSSl. th e fo r wom en focus ing o n sexual
Real Deal Softs kin dildo (GV; health a nd menopause manage-
SSl, the Technobend Softski n ment (BermanCenter.com).
d ildo (GV ; SSSJ. the Big Bender She's developed a complete line -+
of "hygienica lly s u perior and improved on from a therapeuti c
clinically a pproved" devices s t andpoint. but Ber man does
that address a wide ran ge of good work, so we'll go with it.
sexual cha llenges. For t he most The insertable toys are
part, Berma n has t aken popu lar i oo percent silicone, with t he
t oys a nd t ried to im prove on exceptio n of her pelvic-floor-
t hem in terms of m ateri als muscle toy. Ju no (made of
and/or design, so you'll find, fo r Lucite), and the non insert able
example, a hybrid of the Hitachi t oys (made of PVC). These
Magic Wand and the Wahl and more come in uni fy ing
vibrator back massagers that's shades of purple and pink
made i>pecifically for the geni· in elegant packaging with
ta ls. And a clitoral pump call ed detail ed instructions and dia-
Selen e t hat's based on t he one- grams about proper use on
a nd-o nly FDA-approved device EvesGarden.com ($$- $$$).
for female s exual dysfu nction
(the Eros CTD). And a cli t-slash-
G-spotter called th e Adoni s Betty's Barbell
that's more subtly shaped than
the Rock Chick vibrator.
We're not quite sure how the
vibrating pan ties cou ld be
Designed by sex ologis t Betty
Dodson, author of the class ic
masturbation manifesto Sex for
One, th is is a dildo with a s t rong
work eth ic: It's built to h elp you
tone your vaginal muscles for
im proved sexual response and
bladder control. Made of super-
s afe st a in less steel (to match
a ll your chi-chi Crate & Barrel
kitchen appl iances), the Barbell
is 6 31. inc hes by 1 v. inches a nd
we igh s just under a pound (so
you r pelvic floor muscles a re Maybe you want to span k your
pretty much th e on ly on es this boyfriend but don't want him to
baby will work out). Plus, this see you until you've perfected
metal ba rbell can double as a your swi ng; m aybe you're role-
stylish G-spot toy. Clean it playing and find it easier to get
with soap and water. Available into character if you can't see
on BL, BP, or GV ($$$). A.k.a. that your "doctor" is wearing h is
Betty Dodson's Vaginal Ba rbell. stethoscope back to front; etc.
See also kegels. And a blindfold is the simplest
way to try out sensation play:
It adds an element of surpr ise

T he bl ind folds that co me free
with a transatlantic Virgin fl ight
(especially pleasant when receiv-
ing cunnilingus) and makes
everything feel more. You know
how your radio always sounds
(oh, reall y, you s hould n't have, louder after you've turned off
Richard Branson) are printed your bedside light? Yeah, it's like
with the phrase "forty winks"- that, except it's not KROC: it's
and we t h ink we know what k ind ./Jex! Back in th e eighties, people
of winks they're talking about. used to say, "It's like sex on ac id!"
Who hcu11'r stuffed a compli· We prefer the more contempo·
me ntary blindfo ld into th ei r rary "It's like sex on broadband!"
carry-on and thought. "Ooh, I
should use that sometime"? But,
really, you should. You can go
high end (a suede-and-silk Blowfish.com
number from JimmyJane.com;
$$$) or DIY (a cotton scarf or
tee knotted to the .1Jide of the
head for comfort).
Allerg ic to mission statements,
the folks at Blowfish.com rely
Blindfolds help you get in on the short but sweet tagline
the mood if you're trying some· "Good products for great sex" to
thing new and are feeling shy: get their message across. And
though they also seem allergic center for straight guys who
to decent Web design and navi · want to start experiencing anal
gation, their site boasts a big play for themselves. As BF presi-
selection of high-quality prod· dent Christophe hilariously told
ucts at awuome prices (consi s- us , "No one has ever lost money
te nt ly the lowest around-as selling th ings for straight guys
much as $30 cheaper than to shove up t heir butts."
other outlets in some cases).
Around for more than a decade,
Blowfish carries on ly products
they think will last, they never Bodybouncer,
use a manufacturer's marketing
copy to review products, t hey
take their own photos (whi ch
can sometimes look a little low
We don't know if t hi s product-
a natural-rubber saddle with a
budge), they inspect every glass hole in the middle mounted on
dildo, they usually pick higher· a steel frame-is the height of
quality items from small arti· ingenui ty or the height of lazi ·
sans over cheaper versions from ness. It's intended for hetero
mass manufacturers, and they couples: The man aligns his
pride t hemselves on decent erect penis under the hole, and
customer service (e.g., you' ll t he woman sits on the sadd le,
never get an "Oh, just toggle whi ch hovers over the man's
the power" response). erection; she then starts to
Bl owfi s h caters to those bounce up and down, apparently
ready to try somet hing a little to ecstasy. This "velvet vise"
bit more adventurous than a requires only a slight flexing of
slimline vibe. (Their video the thighs to set it in motion,
department even has a su bsec· and very little effort to s ustain-
tion called "Surrealistic Weird the idea being that you won't
Shit.") And though they sell to get tired or cramped or hung
every persuasion, Blowfish has up on awkward mechanics.
become the one-stop s hopping
body paint
Of course, it's hard not to
imagine horrific "accidents"
involving poked cervixes and Who wants to paint the town red
smashed balls, but the manu · when you can stay home and paint
facture r clai m s it's safe: "If each other? Pl aying with edible
you're pictu ring your intimate fin ger paints is like having a
anatomy slamming together smokin'-hot Montessori teacher
in preca ri ously impreci se encourage you to "indu lge your
orbits, you're thinking of a sex inner Picasso" wh ile going down
swing, not a Bodybouncer. The on you to help "unleash your ere·
Bouncer sadd le moves in on ly ative juices." We bet you ten bucks
one direction-straight up and the first time you try body paint,
down-and either partner can you won't be able to resist painting
contro l exactly how mu.ch it cheeky arrows and "open for busi·
travels. Within seconds of set· ness" signs. Oh, who are we kid·
ting up, most men realize that ding? We bet you paint cheeky
they can close their eyes and arrows every rime you try it . The
navigate t he experie nce by feel U:illt\a Sutra Lover's Pa intbox is
alone." You can't fully compre· all chocolate, if that's what you
hend it unti l you see it in action, fancy- don't forget a glass of milk
so vis it Bodybouncer.com fo r a for the nightsta nd. And if James
video demo. The site's design is Bond is more your speed, try the
slick-and tasteful, to boot! ($$$) Liquid Latex Sta1ter Kit and make
like Goldfingcr. Liquid Latex dries
in minutes, and, unlike paint, it
allows the sk in to breath e-it's
your very own, custom-fitted
fetish outfii. The kit comes with
red and black latex (Catwoman's
got nothing on you). plus a few
jars of stardust for glamming the
whole thing up. Let's see those
jazz hands! (/\II available at BL.)
bondage belt lot of tape, and keep blunt-ended
medical scissors near by fo r
A bad-ass leather belt (1 % inches qui ck release. Usually comes in
by 45 inches) that t ransforms red or black, 65 feet to a roll;
into a n easily adj ust able fi g ure- available at BL or GV ($).See also
eight restraint and can be BDSM, ErosBoutique.com,

used as a wrist, ankle, or neck ExtremeRestraints.com, and

restra int. For those t imes when restraints.
you s uddenly need to drop your
pants and tie up an errant love
slave. Nearly ever y babe on staff
at Babeland has bo ught her-
self one of these, but for so me
reason they haven't caught on
I t's certainly a sign t hat times
are a'-changi n' when a man can
with t he masses ($$). See a lso walk into a sex-toy shop and ask
BDSM, ErosBoutique.corn, pla intively, "Where are the toys
and ExtremeRestraints.com for me?" (In case you m issed it,
sex-toy s hops weren't exactly
fe male frie ndly a decade or
bondage tape
Soft, reu sable PVC tape t hat
won't stick to s kin , hair, or
so back-unless you're using
friendly as a euphemis m for
"unwant ed leering attent ion,
plu s a little indecent exposure
clothes-only to itself. Good for if you're lucky.") What the men
binding, gagging, even mum mi- really mean is, "Where are the
fying, but only if you know how! toys fo r my penis?" After all,
Jay Wiseman's book SM io 1 or butt plugs, anal beads, strap-on
Glori a Brame's Come Hith er: A dildos, and nipple clamps are
Common Seru,e Guide to Kinky all equal opportunit y accessories.
Sex are bot h good places to start. Plenty of guys already use their
Never cut off circ ulation or a ir- g irlfr iend 's vibrator on them-
ways, make sure you r partner selves. An d anyone can get tied
doesn't overheat if you're using a
up with rope, spanked with a and the jelly SWAK is a s leeve
flogger, and cal led "bitch." that stretches to fit over t he
But we know you want hea d and then vibrates. Or, you
toys to call your very own, too, could just buy one of t he tulip·
so here are the options for you r shaped attachments th at fit
number-one guy: th e Aneros ~ onto your girlfriend's Wahl
butt plug, a cock ring (regular vibrator (see Wahl attach-
or vibrating), French ticklers, ments). We doubt any of these
masturbation sleeves (like peni s- head vibes will actually
th e Fleshlight), and penis get you off (u nless you used t o
extenders (worn d uring sex, masturbat e in flower beds as
either regular or vibrating). a young boy). Rather, they're a
You might also want to con- way to tease yourself before a
si der a penis vibrator, like t he hand job or to let your partner
Hugger Vibrator (BL;$; top tease you-assu mi ng you're
illustration below) or the willing to give up the remote,
SWAK Kit (GV; $;bottom illus· of course. See also finger toys,
t rati on bel ow), both of which Fukuoku 9000 finger toy
a ttach to a miniature vibrator (M assage Glove) , Laya Spot
(included). The Hugger is a
tulip-shaped vinyl cup-the
vibe causes the pet als to flu tter
against the head of his penis-
Buddy butt
plug, the
T hi s massively popular mid·
range (3 'h inch by i 1/4 inch) butt
plug by VixenCreations.com
is curved for improved prostate
s timulation. It doesn't stay in
place quite as obediently as
other butt plugs, however, and is
therefore best su ited for gently stim, usually in conjunct ion
pulling in and out, rather than wit h a miniature-vibrator
leaving in place. For something sleeve or a cock ring. Available
with a little more staying power, everywhere ($).
try t he Ryder plug, by Tantus,
instead. Buddy is ·1oo percent
s ilicone, so wash or boil to clean butt plugs,
and use with water-based
lube. Availab le almost every·
where ($$). See also anal play, Before you start backi ng away
butt plugs, and P-spot. from th is entry, ass cheeks
clenched in fear, hear us out: 1f
you've ever enjoyed a little pinky
in the bee-hind-or if you've ever
even entertained the idea of
enjoying it some day-you can
ha ndle a butt plug. A butt plug
is inserted at some point during
sex or masturbation and is
then pretty much ignored while
you go about your business.
(Actually, we guess you cou ld
insert one before going to pi ck
up the dry cleanin g, t oo- it
might make dr ive-t ime radio a

M iniature vibrators shaped
more like an elo ngated egg or a
little more bearable.) All butt
plugs have a flared base (so
they don't get lost up there),
and most are diamond shaped:
symmetrical OB tampon (in its pointy at the tip for easy entry,
wrapper) than an actual bu llet. wider in the middle, and with a
Not usually intended for inse r· s kinny neck just a bove the
tion, but, rather, fo r externa l base (so th ey stay in place).
Whatever size of butt plug bigger than that pinkie finger
you're working with, the idea is you might have once got jiggy
the same: to give you that pleas- with, except no one's going to
ant "filled-up" feel ing, to give get an arm cramp trying to keep
your muscles something to it in. (Seriously, if one partner
clench onto when they contract is long bod ied and the other is
during orgasm, and to stimu late short armed, pinkie act ion dur·
the prostate (if you've got one). ing sex just isn't happening.)
Either way, "filled up" is a gender· Another diminutive option is
ne utral d iversion no matter the Little Zinger, which has a
your sexual orientation-nerve loop in the base, like a pacifier,
endings are nerve endings, and for easy removal.
we've all got plenty back there:
The anus conta ins more ne1·ve
endings than any part of the
male body, and more than any
part of the fema le body except
t he clitoris. Pl us, for women, get -
ting filled up back there during
vagina l penetration can create
a knock-on effect, causing the
finger or phallus in the front
door to stimulate her in brand·
new places. See also Aneros
and Divine-Interventions.com.

butt plugs,
butt plugs,

T he smallest butt plugs. like the
Once you're ready to graduate
from Little League to the minor
lea gues, consider the liber-
Little Flirt (illu strated), are no
po pu lar, prostate-friendly
Buddy (it's like the Heather actually latex free and phtha-
of the butt-plu g world). For a late free (B F, on BL as the 1\tlip;
slight step up (harder to insert $$). Vibratex also has a s imilar
but with more staying power plug called the Stopper, made
once in), try the Ryder p lu g. from food-grade vinyl, but it's
h arder to find in stores. Sensi-
tive tushes might prefer the
soh feel of the squishier rub-
butt plugs, ber toys to the harder s i Iicone

Are you ready for the big time?
You m ight never be, but, just in
of most plugs, but those are
porous and thus harder to keep
clean (espec iall y if you're not
using a condom!). Or perhaps
case, we've got four words for what you're missing in your
you: Tristan 2 butt plug. Oh, plug is more of a je ne Aai..6
wa it, we've got three more for quoi? Role-players, BDSM dab-
you: Lots. Of. Lube. blers, or animal lovers might
enjoy plugs with horsetails or
feather p lumes attached (illus-
butt plugs trated; EB, EX, BL; S$). And
with a twist
L ess-traditional, knobbly butt
plugs like the sili cone Ripple
you thought your Halloween
costume went the extra mile.
See also riding crops.

butt plug are meant more for

pulling in and out than leaving ,,
be. Or, if you're finding your
butt plug a little lifel ess and
dul l, consider upgrading to
a vibrating plug, like th e sil i-
cone Pro-Touch or Vibratex's
elastomer Tushy plug, which
feels like Cyberskin but is
butt toys
harnesses), but it makes great
company in a bath (just make
S ee anal play. s ure the battery compartment
is closed and dry inside) or
while "cybering." Try it during
Butterfly Effect phon e sex if chat room s ar en't
your thing-or, hell, wear it next
wearable time you watch a dirty movi e,
Pop-quiz time, kids! The Butterfly
Effect is 0 a long-forgotten
and you can get some crochet-
ing done at the same time! The
butterfly part is porous jelly,
but its design makes using a
movie starring Ashton Kutcher, condom with it damn near
e a widely m isappropriated impossib le, s o make sure yo u
aspect of chaos theory, or €) a at least keep it monogamous.
wearable, waterproof triple- Wash with m ild soap and water.
action vibrator? We"ll take door Watch batteries included (GV:
number three, Monty! This ten- $$). Non-waterproof versions
speed vibe is a solo toy, unlike with A/\ battery packs include
the butterfly vibrators with the Mutant Butterfly (BF) and
harnesses, which encourage Buzzing Butter fly (MP) .
co mpany. The head of t h is
butterfly bu zzes the clitoris,
the body acts as a dildo to stim-
ulate a woman's G-spot, and the
tai l (do butterflies eve n have
tails?) tickles the surface of
the anus-all kept in place by
adj usta ble straps worn around
t he hips and thighs.
The Butterfly Effect is too
bulky to wear in public (again,
unlike the butterfly vibes with
butterfly happens that most of t hem are.
There's the nerd-chic Audi-Oh
vibrators with butterfly vibrator($$$), of

B ack when we were littl e g irl s
daydrea ming about growing up
to become sex-advice colum-
course, or LB's Pl utter Bug ($$)
a n d M P's Gossa mer Butterfl y
($$$, because ifs co rdless),
which both come with vari able
s peed s an d a jock-strap-style
n ists for a living, we used to harness (allowing fo r easy pen-
imagine that one day, some- etration; see harnesses). WT
thing like t his pretty butterfly went a ll o ut wit h t heir Leat her
would fl utter down to save us all Butterfly($$), which does th e
from nonorgas mic penetrat ive same thing, bu t is made of-you
sex. It comes in a few vers ions, guessed it- black leather.
but th e basic gist is the sa me: A Then t here's the Remote
miniature vibrator sits s nugly Butterfly (illustrated on page 4 2;
ins ide a jelly butterfly-sha ped available almos t eve rywhere;
sleeve, which sits on a woma n's $$$).which comes with a wire-
clitori s and is held in place by a less remote control with a
harness. The vibrations ca use 25-foot ran ge. This o ne has a n
the wings to fl utter over th e cl i- elastic G-string-style harness
tori s, an d the whole contraption you have to kind of pus h as ide
is so s mall that yo u ca n have to make way for penetration-
sex a ny way you wish with out t h us, t hi s toy is better s uited
it getting in th e way. Which for non penetrative play or
means-hello!-vibrating clitoral masturba ti on, either at home
stimulation during interco urse! or in public. The butterfl y will
(Jus t li ke with a vibratin g cock fit easi ly under you r clothes,
ring, except t he vibe is worn by assuming you're not into Lycra.
her in st ead of by the penetrat or.) Warn in g: If you're out and
Of course, there's no pa11:icu- about, just be s ure to use it in
lar reason the jelly sleeve s hould a crowded bar or loud cl ub-it s
be shaped like a butterfly-it just vibes are a bit too no isy for
that quiet romantic candlelit
If you've got someth ing
against butterflies (we bet you
hate rainbows and ponies, too),
check out the heart-shaped
Sweetheart vibrator (BL, and Exotics
MP calls it the Heart Throb;$$).
Same vibrating deal, though
not exactly an improvement in
terms of corniness.
T he California Exotics Novelti es
company (calexotics.com) takes
Jelly toys should be monog- a very macho approach to toy
amous and can be washed in sales: quantity over quality. But
soap and water. Because of we gotta hand it to them: They
the p hthalates in jelly, you can distribute about a bazilliorz toys.
us e a d ental dain as a barrier And t hey're the go-to co. for
between your s kin and the toy- celeb rities wanting a branded
especially recommended if the line of toys with limit less dis-
toy is really cheap or r ubbery tribution (see Berman Center
s melling, or if you're planning Intirnate Accessories and Sue
on weari ng it all even ing long. Johanson's Royal Line). Plus,
See also Butterfly Effect wear- they have a line of phthalate-
able vibrator. free products-w ith "phthalace
free .. actually advertised on the
packaging (made for European
clients whose uppi ty gove rn-
ments demand product safety).
Most of their ge neric toys are
made from crappy plastic or
jelly a nd come in packaging
even Britney Spea rs would fi nd
S ome thi ngs should never be
attempted in fluorescent over·
stores for "emergencies" (a nd
don't even thi nk about filching
t he candles from your terrorism·
survival backpack). Better still
are soy candles, which bu rn
head lighting: fi rst dates, mar·
riage proposals. and rimmi ng, cleaner a nd at an even lower
to name just a few. Everything temperature than paraffin.
looks better in cand lelight-so The stop, drop, and rolls of
why shoul d the goths have all hot-wax play: Blow t he ca nd le
the fun? But beware: That two· out before dripping t h e wax;
dollar Hindu -godd ess candle test th e wax on the back of your
you bought at Urba n Out fitters hand first; once t he wax hits
is fo r decorative pu rposes only. J th eir s kin, r u b it in to d is perse
If you 're going to actually drip t he heat; do not drip the wax on
wax on to your luvver, you need your partner's face; and, final ly,
to buy t he ri gh t k ind of can d le do not indu lge in ca ndle play on
(see candle wax). yo ur b rand-new Tempur-Ped ic
bed with your $500 Calvin Klein
s h eet set. In fact, to avoid pick·

candle wax ing dried wax out of carpets and
back hair, go for a purpose-made
Here's a quick science lesson for massage candle-its wax melts
you: Scen ted a nd colored can- into a body oil when ru bbed,
dles often contain plasticizers, without any messy buildup. Try
which make them burn m uch BL's Body Wax Candles($), GV's
hotter-i .e.. way too hot for your Massage Cand les ($), or Sunset
sweetie's fleshy parts. Black Moun ta in's Lava Lotions (B F;
candles an d beeswax cand les $),all of which come in various
burn th e h ottest of all. (Besides, scent s like va ni lla, lave nder,
black candles are so Tren chcoat mango, cucumber, and sandal-
Brigade.) You're better off with wood (or just u nscented).
the p lain white paraffin candles Alternate with ice for extreme
sold at grocer y a nd hardware sensation play.
Long, stiff sticks made fo r
whacki ng (bottoms mostly) . This
obvious reasons, they were
adopted by the gay leather com-
munity, which grew out of the
s ixties counterculture. If the
word chap.6 came up during a
prop goes nicely wit h a sch ool-
marm outfit, complete with cat- word-assoc iation game, Tom of
eye glasses and a tight , white, Finland or the Vi llage People
buttoned-down s h irt. (Decades wou ld probably spring to mind .
ago. teachers really did use canes
on trouble makers for corporal
rather than erotic puni s hment.)
But a cane is no joke: It can
cau se severe bruising a nd welts,
especially when you don't know
where and how to wield it. Unl ike
a paddle or a good h and spank, a
cane causes sha rp an d s tinging
pain. The tip t ravels faster than
the hand wie lding it, so use the
lower part of the can e for a less
inten se blow. Fortunately, canes,
unlike whips, are easy to handle
at slower speeds. So definit ely
go slow! See BDSM for more
on safet y resou rces. Sec a lso
floggers and riding crops.
As ia n uten s ils, which can be
used to eat s ushi off your luvver
(wasabi belongs on t he nips, far
away from the nether regions; soy

Ass less, crotchless, leather
pants mean t to be worn over
sauce can go in the belly button),
or to fashion your own homemade
nipple claznps (bind two chop-
sticks together by wrapp ing a
jea ns for motorcycle ri di ng. For rubber ba nd around each e nd) .
cleaning & care
Any toy you buy lihould come with
specific clea ning instructions-
product, allow it to thoroughly
air dry before storing it away.
The only sex toys you
should be sharing without a
condom are those that arc non-
if it does n't (and no "novelties"
do), be sure to ask or e-mail one porous. Silicone toys (without
of the nice sex-toy salespeople built-in vibrators) are best,
for advice (and if there are no because they can be steri li zed
nice sex-toy salespeople in sight, in boil ing water for several
shame on you for not s hopping minutes. (If it has a removab le
at one of our recommended vibrator, be sure to remove it
outlets). Do we have to say, first.) But if, like one of the
Fol low these instructions? Yes, authors of this book, you are
we think we do: Follow thue particularly forgetful and cou ld
inlitruction,o. Dirty sex toys can imagine leav ing a silicone dildo
spread disease and ca u se in fec- in boiling water on the stove top
tion, so wash them before their while running out to th e gym
first use, immediately after and returning an hour later to a
every use (as opposed to just postnuclear mass of melted sili-
waiting to clean it before the cone welded t o your pan, you
next time), and immediately might want to just pop it on the
before each use. too, if you're not top shelf of you r dishwasher to
storing it correctly (i.e., if it's disinfect it (aga in , sans any
gathering dust bunnies under plastic or vibe parts).
your bed). To prevent corrosion Don't use any harsh dish-
of motor parts and battery washing d etergents if you're
compartments, don't immerse using the dishwasher-with
vibrators in water unless they're al l the heat and water, you
waterproof (and even then, shou ldn't need it. If the dildo is
make sure the battery pack is a monogam.ous dildo, you ca n
sealed tightly). In stead, use a just wash it off with ant ibacter-
washcloth to carefully soap it ial soap and water. lf you like
up and rinse it. Whatever the to sha re, boili ng is best. Hard
acrylic (a.k.a. Lucite), glass, most sex-toy stores sell bottled
and metal toys should not be sex-toy cleaners; while purpose-
boiled, though they can be made cleaners like these might
shared without condoms if you make you feel more secure
clean them really thoroughly about passing t he white-glove
(with antiba cteri al soap and test , t hey're no better than a
hot water). as they are non- good scrub with soap and water.
porous. Toys made of all other
materials-Cyberskin, soft
elastomer, jelly rubber, latex,
soft vinyl-should be cleaned Clitoral
with soap and water a nd must Hummer
not be shared without a co n-
dom, as they are porous.
In fact, though we fully
understand the desire to ride
one's dildo bareback, if you use
a condom with these materials,
We have to hand it to California
Exotics Novelties: This shim·
not only will cleanup be a mery s il ver vibe actually works.
cinch, but your self-love will The head of th is hard plastic
be safer (especially if you' re toy looks like a little hooded
us ing a toy that might be seep- elf in profile, and the body is
ing phthalates). Keep in mind , gently curved. so it fee ls pretty
however, that cheap toys are good to hold. That said, because
often so poorly designed that the ent ire thing-as opposed to
they can't be cleaned properly. just the head-vibrates, your
For instance, if a toy has sca ms hand and arm will start to fee l
but can't be taken apart with- all jangly pretty quickly, espe-
ou t it breaking, it'll never get cially on the highest setting,
really clean; those nook s a nd which is very strong.
cran nies can harbor bacteria Though this low-p itched
that's harmful to sens itive vagi- vibrator can be used internally
nal and anal canals. Finally, (the little nubbin on the tip of
the elf's hood can stimulate before submerging). See a lso
t he G-spot- or any particu lar bath accessories, clitoris, an d
spot, for that matter), the rea lly ;· waterproof toys.
neato part is the scooped-out
sect ion that can cup t he clitoris. '»
Imagin e holdin g a s hallow, ).;·
vibrating ice cream scooper
over you r clitoris, a nd you gee
t he idea. It's great For particu-
larly sens itive cl its, because
the vibrator doesn't actually
touch down on the clitoral head
(unl ess you've got a s li ghtly
larger-than-average clit) ; it just
cradles it From above a nd d is-
perses vibrations t hroughout
the genital area. If you decide

you want to switch to more
direct clit stimulation, you can
just Flip it over-barn! All t hat, Th e clitor is is t he on ly orga n in
and you can take it in the b ath, th e human body (eith er male or
too. We'd say S (at BF) is a Frig- Female) whose sole purpose is
gin' ba rgain - t hough, adm it- t o tra n sm it sexual sen sation.
tedly, it's pretty cheap looking. And it goes much deeper than
The Cl itoral Humm er goes you'd think (kind of like a
by vari ous aliases elsewhere: Ba rbara Walters special): Ifs
the Humm ingbird at BL, t he actually a comp lex organ that
Contoured Pearl at MP, and the extends throughout a woman's
Leia at WT. Wash in a ntibacte r- genitals and is therefore some-
ia l soap a nd wat er (make su re times referred to as the clitoral
the two-AA battery-compartment network. To keep th ings simple,
hatch is screwed on really eight however, whenever we use the
words clit or clitori..o in this
book, we're referring just to the the hood once they're aro used,
cli toral glans, or head-that and others pop out when they're
sens itive little nubbin you a ll turned on. Some women like
know and love as the clitoris. direct clitoral stimulation, and
For those of you on the s hort others prefer it over the hood-
bus : The nubbin sits in a little and some find even thattoo
hood where the tops of the intense. And clitorises have
labia meet. It's analogous to mood swi ngs, too-whafs too
the glans of the penis. much on Monday may fee l just
Most women need some right on Wednesday. It's a mat-
kind of clitoral stimulation in ter of experimenting-on your-
order to come-and who can self or your partner-until you
blame them? The clitoral head find what works.
has more sensory nerve end- The toys lis ted at the end
ings t han any other stru cture of t hi s e nt r y are a great pl ace
in the body (again , female or to start. Rem ember that most
male)-somewhere between cl its can take more (and more
6,ooo and 8,ooo, four times as varied) stimulation when you
many as on the (much larger) use lube and/ or when the
head of the penis. And, just like woman is very turned on. Start
the penis, the clitoris fills with on the lowest setting with any
blood and swells when it's toy a nd work your way up so
aroused. But not a ll clitorises you don't give the poor cl it a
are alike, as you should know heart attack. And if the cli toris
if you've had th e pleasure of in question isn't yours, pay co n-
knowing more than one in your stant attention to the woman
life. Some are small er than a ups tairs-you need the feed -
grain of rice, a nd others are the back. Want to read more? We
s ize of a lima bean (talk about know of no better resource than
flicki ng the bean). Some are The Clitora l Truth. by our friend
very s hy and rarely peek out of Rebecca Chalker. It's a must-
the hood, and others arc big read for anyone with a vagina in
show-offs. Some di sappear into their life. A.k.a. chickpea, little
man in the boat, magic button, you're looking for somethin g to
nubbin. See also butterfly match your dungeon, t ry BL's
vibrators with harnesses, Hot Grip clothes pins- t hey're
Clitoral Hununer waterproof black with rubber tips; S for a
vibrator, clitora l pu mps, pack of twenty-five.
vibrating cock rings, sensitiz-
ing creams, and vibrators.

Clas sic BDSM accoutrements
worn by s ubmiss ives as a sym·
bol of their st atus. Go with
purpose-made ones for humans
rather than DIY pet collars.
Blowfish has a wide variety of
mostly leather collars with

D IY approach t o nipple clamps
for advanced players on ly {due
silver studs, metal spikes, rings
for leas h or restraint attach·
ments, and different linings for
added comfort {or discomfort,
to their being nonadju stable). as the case may be). They vary
Word to the wi se: Bran d-new in width from a slim 3/ 4 inch
clothespins will grip way harder for a si mpl e Victorian-choker-
than the on es your grandmother necklace look t o a thick chin -to·
has been using to hang out her clavicle brace fo r fo rced posture.
laundry for the past s ixty years. Allow room fo r at least two
Hey, what Gran dma doesn't fingers betwee n skin and collar,
k now won't perv her out. If lead around from the front
(never tug on the back), and to Sex and Di.liability. He's
don't ever hang anyone up by also had the honor of being Sue
one-duh. ($-$$$at BF, EB, EX.) Johans on's sex-toy wrangler for
the past six years. "The only
drag about our name,'' Cory
ComeAsYou explained to us, "is that when

you do a Google search, th e
Are.com other things that come up are
Nirvana, of course. and a lot of
"We don't care if you're liberal
church Web sites-apparently
or conservative, queer or
the 'Come as you are' motto is
straight, a religious Mormon or
big with the churches."
the Ant i-Christ-we all have the
right to sexua l exploration, and
we al l deserve to have a place
to go to talk about it without
baggage or judgment." So say
the fo lks at Come As You Are,
probably the best sex-toy out·
Or, how to introduce sex toys to
your ].Crew-clad partner, who
thinks vibrators are for "tat-
fitte r north of the border (with
tooed weirdos and lezzies." The
a retail s hop in Toronto). lt is
first step in getting your partner
one of only two co-op sex stores
to give sex toys a chance is to fig-
in the world, the first being
ure out what it is he or she has
Good Vibes. In fact, the com-
against orgasms. Okay, so maybe
pany was able to open its doors
you shouldn't put it quite so
thanks to the financia l support
antagonistically, but you do need
of Joani Blank, GV's founder.
to determin e the exact breed of
Come As You Are also spe·
the bug up their ass, by asking
cial izes in providing access ible
gently, outs id e of the bedroom.
services to people Jiving with
Does he think it's "too
physical a nd developmental
tacky," "too desperate," or "too
disabilities. One of their
soon" in the relationship to go
worker-owners, Cory Silverberg,
down that road? Reassure him
coauthored The Ultimate Guide
that a) You'll s tart with th e jelly-rubber cock ri ng with a
basics: something small, discreet, n ubbin-th at way, h e's still d riv-
and quiet-h e'll barely notice it's ing, and you still (might) get off.
there! b) you're not going to run Whatever you do, don't let him
out of new t oys t o try-exhibit A, shame you into fo rgo ing your
this book! an d c) you don't t hink favorite toy forever-a person
it's too soon to h ave an orgas m, has to have som e limits.
an d, fran k ly, you co uld use the If, on the other hand, you're
help. Of course, that last point a toy whore andAhe insists she's
has to be approached wi t h the not "that kind of girl," remind her
utmos t delicacy. of t hat Sex and the City epi sode
Remember, when it co mes wh ere i.iber-prude Charlotte
to s ex, his ego is more sen s itive spends s ome quality time wit h
tha n an orphaned baby duckl ing. her Rabbit Habit. Or t ake her to
Re mind him , "It's not you; it's a Web s ite like Babeland.com
my mechanics." Adding a toy is or GoodVibes.com (or, even
about your body, not his s hort- better, t o one of th eir in-person
comings. Suggest something s t ores if you happe n to be in
s mal l (to ward off dildo envy), N.Y.C., Seattle, Sa n Fran, Boston,
qui e t (so he can't blame the or L.A.) so s he can witness
toy for killin g t he mood), and first hand that you don't have to
prefera bly non- penis s haped be "tha t kind of gi rl " to s hop
(remember t he duckling?). And there. Check out beginner toys
ha nd over the toy or battcr y- for a li st of suggested imple-
pack contro l to him, exp laining ment s that would ba rely shoc k
that it's way hotter when he:.O your grandmother. Whatever you
wield ing your Pocket Rocket. choos e, if it's going to be a s ur-
If he 's con cerned about your prise present a nd its packaging
toy's sexual h ist ory, t ake hi m is n't up to Martha Stewart
s hopping and as k him to pick stand ards, th en remove the toy
out so methi ng new for you. an d put it in a nice g ift box.
Maybe you can break him in See also etiquette, gift giving
wi t h a vibrating cock ring or a and etiquette, recycling.
the condom out between ho les.
If it's a monogamous toy, you
G reat for keeping your toys won't need to use a condom
clean, bacteria free, and STD with it so long as all th e follow-
free. Plus, when you s lap one ing criteria are met: You clean
on your dildo, it'll never com· the toy thoroughly (between
plain that the sex feels "like uses and orifices), you store
clapping with gloves on"! Invest it properly, and it's made of a
in some decent water·based or high-quality material that
silicone-based lube a nd a high· doesn't contain phthalates,
quality, sensat ion-en hancing porous or not (though the less
condom like Pleasure Plus or porous , the better).
Kimono Micro Thins to maximize If you're the MacGyve r
pleasure. Use only water-based type, use condoms to turn a
or s ilicone-based lubricants miniature vibrator into an
with latex con doms or latex insertable toy-just be extra
dental dams, because oil of ca reful to keep a ho ld of the
any kind-Vaseline and hand end of the condom on the out·
lotion included -destroys latex. side of you r bod!
Also, steer clear of so-called Keep condoms in a cool,
water-.<10/uble lubes, which fre· dry place (not your wallet),
quently co ntain oil, and take never reuse them, and chuck
a pass on rubbers with the 'em on t he expiration date. If
s permicide Nonoxynol-9. Try you're allergic to latex, try
the Pleasure Condom Sampler polyurethane condoms instead
from Condomania.com ($) to see (which are compatible with
which pole sock you like best. water-based, and silicone·
Always use them on toys based, and oi l-based lu bes, by
employed by more than one the way). See also the Safety
person or on toys that go from Tips Appendix.
a nus to vadgc (or any other ori·
fice fo r that matter), swapping
contour toys Cosmic
Did you hear the one about
the gi rl who got carpal tunnel
It's not just a party in your pants
from herd i me-store vi bra tor?
with t he dee p-purple, gl itt ery,
Ergonomic d esig n and sex toys
7 'h-inch Cosmic G-spotter vibe;
are not two concepts you hear
it's a disco in fe rno! This toy has
discussed in the same sentence
t he classic come-hither curve,
very often, but some forward-
with a rounded knob on the tip
thi nki ng des ig ners are st arting
that vibrates gently and steadily
to cal ch on. Hey, if we can have
for direct G-spot action. The
ergonomic toothbrushes and
wider shaft vibrates with more
razors, why not ergo vibrators?
vigor to stimulate the outer t h ird
Enter contour toys. They're
of the vagina, where all the nerve
des ig ned to fit comfortably
endi ngs are. Just add two AA bat-
around a woman's curves, they're
teries for a boogie night. It 's
easy ro hold and control. and
made of jelly rubber, so wash
th ey loo k more like bathroom
with soap and water, and alway11
accessories than sex toys (which
use with a condom($ at BL).
you rn ay appreciate when go in g
t hrough a irport sec urity). Most
importantly, t hey're designed
by peop le who know from vagi-
nas. They're the polar opposite
of novelties, basically. The two
biggest names in contour toys
right now are Emotional Bliss
and Natural Contours. Other
contour toys include t he Laya
Spot vibrator, the Lelo vibra-
tors, the Pure Bliss vibrator,
and th e Rock Chick vibrator.
crotchless and take off tha n complicated
nylon·rope bondage. Available

0 Jus t what it sounds like.
in nylon, s il k. leather, fur, and
faux fur (or some combination
thereof) with Velcro clasps, buck·
les, or locks (make sure they're
adjustable to get the ri ght fit).
Often, they' ll come with tethers
a few feet long (to tie to bed·
posts, for examp le). ri ngs to
which you can attach your own
tethers, or clasps that you can
simply attach to each other.
Start wit h th e cleverly
named Ja ne's Bond s-two nylon
cuffs wit h faux·fur linin g and
4·foot tethers($$ at LB, WT,
BL). Or, get more bang for your
buck with the Prisoner of Love
Kit, which comes wit h basic

S ometimes it's nice to have an
excuse to lie back a nd receive
wrist and ankle cuffs (four in
a ll), each with teth ers, plus a
blindfold, all for$$ (LB, GV). If
you don't have a nything near
pleasure without lifting a finger. the bed to tie the tethers to, tr y
And restraints for wrists a nd Under th e Bed Restra ints ($ $
a n kles (sometimes even for on EX and BL). You posit ion
thumbs) give you just th at. the fou r straps (adjustable for
Purpose·made cuffs are cer· different·size beds) under the
ta inly safer and more comfort· mattress wherever you choose
able than metal police·style ones and attach t he adjustable cuffs
(which can cause nerve damage), wherever you'd li ke your loved
and they're quicker to put on one's appendages pinned down.
When you're done, simply even after a good cleaning. The
remove the cuffs an d tuck away base materials are usually com-
the straps until next time. binations of silicone and latex;
Finally, for standing-up restraint th e more latex in a "skin" prod-
without having to take a Home uct, the more it seeps oils (eww!).
Depot workshop on dungeon- But they may also be made from
hardware installation, try Door unstable vinyl (PVC), as Futurotic
Ja m Cuffs($ at BF;$$ at BL or is, so that means they may con-
GV). See also BDSM, bondage tain phthalates, which have
belt, and bondage tape. been connected with health
probs. And because the names
are all used interchangeably, you
can never be sure that the prod-

Cyberskin et al.
Cyberskin, manufactured by nov-
elties giant Topco, is the most
uct you're looking at doei>n't con-
tain phthalates. Thus, you should
probably use a condom (hey, just
like in real life!) to keep things
well-known brand of artificial
safer and make cleanup a breeze.
sex-toy mat erial-it feels .<ID flesh-
After use, clean your skin-
1i ke, it's a Iittle creepy. Other
1ike product with mi ld soap
brands in clude Cyber Jel-lee,
and water, completely air dry it
Eroskin, Futurot ic, Softskin,
iruide and out, and dust with
Ultra skin, an d UR3-tho ugh
cornstarch (not cervical cancer-
retailers often use t hese terms
causing talcum powder) to help
interchangeably (and therefore
stave off the inevitable: the mate-
inaccurately) to mean s uper-soft
ri al getting sticky, discolored,
material that feels like skin. Used
and generally nasty. Store in a
mostly for masturbation sleeves,
cool, dry place away from intense
dildos, and softpacks that are
light sources, like, um, the sun.
meant to hold a mirror up to life.
Handle carefully, because
Unfortunately, these holes
t his ki nd of material tears eas-
and poles are very porous, which
ily. Don't use oi l-based lubes
means they can't be sterilized and
(wh ich will react with t he lat ex,
can transmit bacteria and STDs,
if there's any in the toy), a nd
don't use silicone lube (which
will react with th e s ili co ne, if
any), unless of course you want

your fake-fles h dong to melt
like a fle s h-colored ice cream
cone. And you're going to need To the two people who actually
a lot of lube (water-ba sed onl y), paused to read this entry: Vay
becau setheporessoakitup for you! We bet you never wore
(ironically, the lube will also a h ips ter trucker h at, e ither.
make it degrade fa s ter). It's not easy being a dental -da m
A better option is a toy girl or guy- popular wisdo m
made from Vibratex's flesh li ke h as it that "no one" uses them ,
but phtha late-free elastomer after all. It's true: The majority
they ca ll Softwear, li ke their of people are pretty lac kadaisi-
vibrati ng Tus hy butt plug or cal when it comes to dams. They
their elastomer vibes mentioned know t hat oral is safer than
in the Rabbit Habit & Rabbit intercourse, so they jus t don't
Pearl vibrators entry. The be.t>t bother. But t hat s houldn't be
alternative, thou gh , is VixSkin, good enough for you, da mn it.
from VC-a lifelike material Using a dental dam during
made of nonporous silicone cunnil ingus or analingus (a.k.a.
that you can ste rilize by boiling! rimming) can help prevent
(And th e name VixSkin is not the transmiss ion of STDs like
u sed interchangeably with t he herpes, gono rrhea, chlamydi a,
others, so you can be sure it's syphilis, and HIV (both ways). A
sa fe, too.) Tantus Silicone denta l clam-so metimes referred
s hould have its own safe vers ion to as an oral-sex dam- is basically
out by now- it wa s too late for just a square of latex lai d fla t
us to test drive for thi s book, over the vulva or tus hy in ques-
but knowing Tantus, we have tion. A piece of s turdy Saran
no doubt it will be equa lly Wrap will do fine, as will a cu t-
mi racu lous. Vay, s ili cone! open, unlubricated co nd om or
latex glove (wash any powder of the right kind of lube under the
off the latter first, as talc has dam will make things feel much
been linked to cervical ca n cer). n icer for all parties involved.
But if you're going to buck
the trend and go damming, why
not treat yourself to a custom- desensitizing

made produ ct ? Sh eer Clyde
Latex Dams (BL, LB, WT, BF;
creams , anal
about $1 each) are built for
Aher a tough day in the sex-
licking, which means they're
writing biz, we have been known
designed to transmit sensation,
to refer to anal desensitizing
they're flavored , and they're FDA
creams as the roofies of the
approved for STD protection dur·
lube world, but that's probably a
ing oral sex a nd even rimming!
bit harsh. Nevertheless. they are
(Who knew the FDA was allowed
seriously bad-news lubes . T hey
to discu ss r imm ing?) GV's own
numb you r chocolate starfis h
Slicks Dams (about $1.50 each)
so that anal play doesn't hurt
are sold in condom-size packages
so bad. But here's the thing:
to fit in your wallet-perhaps the
If it hurts, it means yo u're
packaging wi ll he lp dams over-
not relaxed enough, you're not
come their stigma, too. Or check
us ing enough lu be, or you're
out a polyurethane version
just plain not do ing it right. So
ca lled Hot Dam (GV, WT; about
your pain receptors a re a good
$1 each)-flavorless, odorless,
thing, geddit? They're like a
great if you've got latex aller·
"Keep Out" sign for your ass-
gies. and better than latex at
hole. Sure, creams li ke Anal-Eze
transmitting heat and sensation,
(from Uber-cheesy, occasionally
too! (Plus, no latex ahertaste.)
s leazy sex-toy di stributor
If you can't keep your dam in
California Exotics Novelties)
place, take a tip from the lad ies
might let someone plow right
at A-Womans-Touch.com and
through that roadblock, but we
attach it with a garter belt. What-
like to think that listening to
ever kind you choose, a wee drop
your body is just part of good
sex. Besides, Anal-Eze is petro- Just try explaining to your girl-
leum based, which means it's not friend why she suddenly can't
compatible with latex condoms. feel her vagina . And then get
Unprotected anal sex? Now, ready to apologize real good,
there's an even worse idea. If because it's kinda hard to come
you need yet more convincing, when you've got a numb veegee.
responsible sex-toy shops like Besides, it's not like these
Babeland and GoodVibes don't creams have even been proven
even stock desensitizing creams. to work-not even the "ancient
And you know who dou give a Chinese penis balm," we're
thumbs-up to anal desensitizers? afra id-so why take the risk? If
Porn stars who specialize in you really want to go longer, try
ana l sex, that's who. So, you a cock ring instead. If you've got
know, if you want to just pretend a serious premature-ejacu lation
like you're enjoying the anal, go problem, th ere are safer, non-
ahead and desen sitize, but don't topical treatments: tra ining your
come crying to us when you body durin g masturbation prac-
end up in the emergency room. ti ce, seeing a sex therapist, or
wearing extenders or even just
t hick Trojan condoms. See also
desensitizing lubes; sensitizing creams ; and
tightening creams, vaginal.

creams , penis

If a lube or cream claims to
give a man "staying power," it's
dildo envy
a desensitizer. It probably ha s 0 The covet ing of your best
a cheeky name, too, like Man- friend's titanium Elemental
Delay. Call us crazy, but isn't Pleasures vibrator set she got
the whole point of sex to f eel
at her bachelorette party.
something? Who wants to 6 The wis h that your own dick
numb their freak in' peniA? And was as long, thick, veiny, and/
not only that, but the cream is or vibratory as your pa rtner's
bound to rub off on your partner. favorite dildo .
dildos, about
0 Phallic-s haped objects that
can be worn or held and used
Cup Dildo (BF;$$) or the Big
Red (BL;$$): Just stick it to the
s hower wall, bend over to pick
up your bar of soap, and-ooo h,
hello, sailor!
to do things that penises are
famous fo r, like penetrating a Many people think of dildos
vagina, an asshole, or even a as a stand-in for a penis; others
mouth (see strap-on blow jobs), th ink those narrow-minded
or just filling out a ni ce pair of people should go fuck them·
Levi's (see softpacks). A di ldo selves. Increas ingly, dildos
doesn't vibrate or move unless don't resemble dismembered
you move it. The only exception penises. Aside from the fact
is a vibrating dildo (see page 65). that a pale-apricot penis with
Most di Idos have a fl ared base so bulging blu e veins just isn't as
they can be worn in harnesses pretty as some of the glittery
or inserted into t he butt without opt ions o ut t here, many women
fear of getting lost up there. If feel that a "real istically vei ned"
a dildo doun't have a flared (that's a technical term, we
base-li ke ma ny glass dildos, swear) dildo sends the message
fo r example-that means it's a that a woman needs a man-or,
handheld dildo and s hould not more specifically, his penis- to
be used in the butt. If you don't get off. It's kind of like soy "meat"
li ke harnesses but sti ll want products: Some vegetarians
to wear your dildo, see dildos, like their tofu prodded and
double. Any d ildo meant for molded until it resembles a hot
using-as opposed to wearing in dog or even a full-grown turkey,
your underpants-wil l be erect; while others think this sends the
only softpacks are flaccid. If you message that vegans a re just
plan to hold the dildo in your repressed ca rnivores (tofucki ng,
hand, any kind will work. If you anyone?). See al so dildos, non-
intend to employ your dildo realistic and dildos, realistic.
solo, try one with a s uction-cup Dildos aren't just for les-
base like the Master Suction bians, by the way. A stra ight
woman can buttfuck her boy·
friend (or even-ga.op-her
husband!) with a dildo. A
straight or gay man can use a
dildo as a kind of wingman,
dildos, double
Double dildos are designed to
give the penetrator a little (or
more than a little) penetrating.
while his own penis and hands They work like this: One end
are busy with other orifices or goes in a person's vagina (if
body parts, or after his own they have one) or ass, and the
penis ha s exhausted itself. And other end goes in their partner's
anyone can use a dildo during vagina (if they have one) or ass.
masturbation-some people like Kind of like the spaghetti scene
something to grip onto or some· in Lady and the Tramp, except
t hing poking their G-spot while with a di ldo, and ori fices other
they get to their happy place. than mouths. The original
6 A tiny (population 1,200) versions you sec in tacky sex
town in Newfoundland , Canada. shops are straight and loo k like
This hamlet has been called a British bobby's police trun·
Dildo for centuries. Some people cheon; with those, you'd have to
claim the town was named after employ some tricky positions
the sex toys Nordic women used and maneuvers. Much better,
to carve from whal ebone, but, at least for women penetrating
then again, some people <i re their g irlfriends or boyfriends,
still forwa rding the Neiman· are t hose built on an angle-
Marcus cookie recipe, too. Back somewhere between 45 and
in the eighties, a few res idents 90 degrees. She grips on with
of Dildo proposed changing the her vagina for dear life-he/lo,
town's name, but in a vote, tra- kegels!-and then thrusts. (The
dition won out, and you can sti ll driver can be male and can
find Dildo on the map. Which we drive with his bum hole-if, say,
think is kind of sweet. See also his dick is out of commission
dildos, history o[ or his partner want s to try a
See the Toy Guide for a different s ize for a change-but
listing of dildos in this book. this is much less common.)

If you tend to be a little
lazy about doing your kegels,
nothing inspires like a double
dildo! Try practicing solo-
insert your end of the DD and
wat ch the other end bounce up
We know what some of you are
thinking: What kind of dildo
party is it if n obody com es? All
and down as you contract your
right, if you in sist: The Pet er
pelvic floor muscles. In fact,
North Ejaculating Cock (BL;$$$)
if you're home alone with your
is the ultimate in realistic dil-
double dildo and none of the
dos: It's molded after porn star
other kids wi ll play with you,
Peter North. and it vibrates
you can even use the d ildo to
(okay, so maybe not chat realis-
target your G-spot or P-spot:
ti c). You can fi ll it with warm
In sert it as usual and use t he
water and s queeze the balls to
"poking" end as a handle.
make it-you guessed it-"ejacu-
In addition to provid ing
late" at the appro priate time.
double penetration. ODs also
It's made of a jelly-vinyl combo,
do away with the need for a
so definitely use a condom if
harness, which can make the
it's going a nywhere inside. As
whole dildo-diddling process
Babeland.com recommends,
feel smoother and more natural.
you ca n pu ll out and rip off the
That said, even a double di ldo
condom for the "money s hot."
will feel more s turdy when
s trapped into a harness-it all
depends on how much work your
pelvic floor muscles are willing dildos,
to do. A pair of button-fly jeans
or well-fitting t ighty-whities
can provide a similar support
structure-plus, that 's kind of hot.
history of
It's not impo1>1>ible that a town
in Canada-see dildos, about,
The most popular ODs out there second definition-was named
are the Feeldoe by Tantus, and after a faux pha llus . After all,
the Nexus by Vixen Creations. the d irty mea ning of the word
dildo has been in English Tantus doesn't sell directly to
usage since at least the seven- co nsum ers, VC does on its Web
teenth centu ry (in i673, the ~% s ite, and the prices are signifi-
Earl of Rochester penned a cantly lower than if you go via a
rat her indeli cate ballad ca lled retailer.) Pure silicone makes for
"S ignor Dildo"), and d ildos ·" a great di !do, beca use it's easy
themselves have been around to clean, it retains body heat (so
since at least io,ooo BC (ju st as not to feel like a speculum
ask the archaeologists). The in th ere), it's durable, it doesn't
ancient Chin ese made theirs get st icky or tacky, it's phthalate
out of jade and bronze, and the free, and it's nice and firm.
anci ent Greeks used leather, while sti ll having a bit of give.
wood, or sto ne (olive oi l was Then there are t he more
t hei r DIY lube of choice back fleshlike Cyberskin dildos,
then). In Renai ssance Italy t hey though, being made of unstabl e,
ca ll ed their si lver or ivory phal- porous material, their s helf
1uses dilettoA, a nd in Vi ctorian life is pretty brief (as opposed
Engla nd t hey call ed the rubber to a si licone dildo, which can
dong "the widow's comforter." last for years, if not a li fe time).
Unfortunately, Cyberskin and
its ilk (Softskin, etc.) may give
off phthalates, plus they're
dildos, super absorbent, wh ich means
materials for
T h ese days, most dildos are
made of silicone, and most of
you have to use a ton of lube.
We've even heard of a Cyberskin
dildo getting, er, stuck back
there, because all the lube got
t he high-quality silicone di ld os absorbed. The moral of th e story?
on the market are manufactured Whack on a condom. Jelly dildos
by eit her Tantus or Vixen are way cheaper than silicone
Creations, though stores often or Cyberskin, though price is
sell them under different na mes, pretty much the only thing they
so it's hard to tell. (Hint: Though have going for them. They get
very tacky, they' re hard to clea n,
they smell like jelly, they degrade
easily, they contain phthalates,
and they're kinda wobbly (who
wants a wobbly dick?).
However, a cheap 'n' ch eer-
N onrealistic dildos are usually
made of silicone, they might
be purple or green, they might
ful (less than twenty bucks)
rubber-jelly dildo like BL's Ballsy curve significantly for G-spot or
prostate action, and they usually
Su percock or LB's Randy, dressed
taper to a point for easy entry.
up in a condom, isn't a bad way
Some might even feat ure very
to fi gure out what s ize is rig ht
for you before yo u go splash ing un natural ri pp les or bumps for
added s timul ation during thrust-
out on a s ilicone dong. Of course,
ing. A classic in this gen re is VC's
you could just as eas ily perform
Wi llow dildo($$), which cu rves
th is experiment with a selection
rath er signifi cantly for G- and
from the prod uce de partment-
P-spot stimu lation. Its modest
just be sure to wash all samples,
whack on a co ndom, and don't proportions (4 13/16 inches by
i 13/16
in ch es) and tape red end
pus h anything too far up the
butt, as we have yet to meet a make it a great choice for begin-
ners. Another VC opt ion is the
cucumber with a flared base.
Acrylic dildos li ke the Lumina
shortish and fattish (4 13/16 inches
by 13/s inches) Stimulator
Wand or blinged-out glass
($$),which curves s lightly and
dildos are completel y hard and
therefore best used for very con- features a rounded, rather than
pointy, tip. Two of VC's top sell-
trolled play onl y-i.e., handheld.
See glass for more on glass d il- ers are best described as semi-
dos; see also VixSlcin in dildos, realistic: Th e Leo (7 in ches by
l 1/i inches) and the Mi st ress
realistic on page 64.
(6 inches by i 3/ 16 inches). Both
feature smoot h shaf1's, gentle
curves, and "proper" heads, yet
they can be ordered in "gli tter"
or "two-color swirl," too. And to double as a softpack (with
look, ma- no veins! Available semi-chub)! Or check out BL's
almost everywhere ($$). 'Ultraskin d ildo($$$): This
one comes with blue veins an d
spongy balls, and is made of a
dildos, realistic
hybrid of silicone and PVC, which
is hardier tha n Cyberskin (but
How much wo ul d you li ke still porous and phthalate-y).
your dildo to resemble a penis? GV's El Rey($$, peach or black)
VC's Tex dildo($$$; BF ca lls it is not quite as lifelike. but it i..o
Boitoy and sells it for a little 100 percent silicone. Yay! Slightly

less; illust rated) is about as real- unrealistically, the Ultraskin and

istic as di ldos come. It's made of El Rey both feature a suction-cup
t heir very own VixSkin-it's got base-but. h ey, who's counting?
the fleshy feel of Cyberskin
but is actually lOO percent sili-
cone, with all of si licone's ben-
efits (ingenious!). Tex is pale
peach and a pleasantly average
5 inches by 1 lJ/16 inches. lt has
a ge nt le curve and a ve ry penis-
esque head (i .e., it's not po inty,
and it's got a frenulum instead
of a face). Some backdoor
beginners might find this kind
of dildo a litt le t ricky to take in
because the head doesn't taper,
but vaginas and seasoned butt

dildos, sizes of
pirates will en joy the grand
ent rance made by this rea li sti-
cally bulbous head. It's sturdy Okay, so, ahem, size dou matter.
enough to work in a harness, A little bit. But just because
but it's soft and lifelike enough you can go large doesn·t mean
you should. We're going to go find t hat a harness doesn't give
out on a limb here and say that you en ough control, in which
VC's veiny, wrin kl ed 7 1/2-inch case you'll have to use your
(plus ball s) Johnny dildo (BL, hand in conjunction or instead.
BF, GV, VC, WT;$$$) is so me-
th ing you s hould work up to. Be
careful of buying long if your
dildo is mostly meant fo r the
vagina , especially if it's a dildo
with a poi nty end that might
poke at her cervix (yowza').
Vaginas like girth. Bums, on the
V ibrating dildos, like the sili-
cone Echo by Tantus (B L, BF,
other hand. can handle plenty of GV; about $$), have a hole in the
length: it's t he girth they need base for in serting a miniature
to work up to. Plus, don't forget vibrator. If one is worn as a
th at di ldos h ave to travel past a strap-on, the vibrations can be
few inc hes of ass cheek before felt by the penetrator as well as
getting in, so a too-s hort dildo the receiver-.ouch a giver! You
can easily pop out of a bum (and, could also make your vibrating
if you're not careful , you'll shoot dildo do double duty as an
you r eye out). Once your dildo is extern al vibrator (see vibrators,
strapped int o a harness, yo u'll external), if you're a one-size·
lose about half an inch, so bear fits -all kind of shopper. Dildos
that in mind as you're holding made of ioo percent si licon e
up your test-run cuc umber to with stowaway vibrators are
various si licon e sch longs. If eas ier to clean than most vibes
you're sta rting really small (like (just pop out the miniature
Vixen's winsomely named Willie, vibrator and boil t he si licone
a mere 4 '3/i6 inches by 1 inch. part). When the vibe motor
available everywhere;$) be sure eventually kicks the bu cket (as
to go with the Terra Firma h ar· all batter y-operated toys do,
ness, as it's the most adjustable. sooner rather than later) you can
Though , at that size, you may just replace that little bullet ,
which costs less than ten bucks, availability, or because your
instead of having ro replace the local sex-toy store is attended
whole toy. For info on whether by s leazy men in raincoats and
you should go with a cordless the only toys they sell are the
bullet or one with a separate California Exotics Novelties
bat tery pack, see miniature brand . See blindfolds, chop·
vibrators. See also the vibrati ng st icks, ice, lube , paddles, and
Feeldoe double dildos. rope for some ideas. 0 Slang
term for masturbation.

dirty talk
lt's t he cheapest DIY sex
accessory out there. Don't
believe us? Next time you're in
the mood for some light BDSM
and you can't find your rope.
just tell your partner exactly
The most offensive, blasphe·
mous, and in genious online
retailer of handcrafted and
what you won't do to them if
hand-colored silicone dildos:
they move so much as an inch.
"Home of the Baby Jesus Butt
Be sure to go into sordid deta il ,
Plug'" We shit you not. No thing
us ing lots of four-letter words.
we wr ite cou ld be funnier than
We guarantee it'll hold better
their own product descriptions,
than Alabama police-issue cuffs .
so, without further ado-Jack-
hammer Jesus (illustrated):
"Jesus was a ca rpenter; now
DIY he's a powertool." Th e Virgin

Mary d ildo: "Like most smart
(do-it-yourself) women, Mary knows there's a
0 When you make your own sex Second Coming ... and a
toys, whether out of desperation, thi rd ... and a fourth. And,
thrift, creativity, need, lack of with the Holy Lube, you betcha
these ain't gonna be immacu· quality model. Still, t hey've got
late." The Judas dildo: "Our boy some popular products that
sold Jesus for thirty silver pieces, work well, like the Pocket
and we're selling him for even Rocket vibrator and the sim i-
lv...i! If he cou ld fuck the Son lar iVibes series (BF, MP]. And
of God, imagine what he could they're the exclusive makers of
do to you! Judas, the only non· Vivid-porn-star-branded items.
believer of the bunch, will make . .~~ ..
a believer out of you." Yes, we
know: We're going to hell. double dildos
See dildos,double; Feeldoe;

S ome serious butt pirates refuse
to use the servant's entrance
until they've douched back there.
We say, what's wron g with a daily
dose of fiber and a good shower
beforehand? An anal douche,
sometimes called an enema, is
meant to ease constipation or
Doc Johnson just get you squeaky-clean back

T he biggest manufacturer of
adult novelties in the world.
there: You inject a solution into
the anus, hold it for a few m in-
utes, then open the floodgates.
That doesn't sound much like
They've been around for more foreplay to us, but if you think
than thirty years, making tons it does, check out a book called
o' money with the quantity-over· Intimate Tnva,oion: The Erotic
f n.6 & Ouu of enema Play, by
M. R. Strict, for advice we're
too squeamish to give.
FYI, the ch emica ls in
enema sol ution s can irri tate
the a na l lin ing, so, if you m1.1..<1t
do it , at least d um p the solution
a nd use warm water ins tead.
However, some studies have
s hown that any kind of enema,
even just a plain water douche,
ca n increase the likelihood
of HIV transmission once yo u douche,
get to t he sex. Pl u s, as with
laxatives, your bowels can get
hooked on enemas. So why not
just stick a soapy finger where
D on't go there. Th e vagina is
not s upposed to s mell li ke a
the su n don't s hine and repeat "summer's eve." It's supposed
as necessary (be sure to rinse to sme ll like a vagi na, people!
thoro ug hly afterward, becau se And, believe it or not, someone
soap res idue can be irritating wh o is att r acted t o a va gina
back there). If you're rea lly set owner tends to like t h e s me ll
on th at final rinse cyc le, th e of that woman's healthy vagina.
only product we ca n kind of We act ua lly find it hard to
get behind, as it were. is th e be! ieve these products are still
cheery-looking s ma ll plastic o n th e market, consider ing t hat
anal dou che sold for about ten they've been linked to pe lvic
bucks (BL. LB) . It ba sica ll y infl a mm atory d isease, infertil -
wor ks like a big syringe-use ity, and ectopic pregnancy. Plu s,
it to gently squ irt a litt le wa rm douches ca n upset the balance
water up there after a BM. J\nd of your natural. good bacteria
eat your Bran Flakes, already. down there, actually creating
See also anal play. a bad smell once all that fake
ea-u-de-meadow bouquet wears here. The great thing a bout
off. An d, while we'r e on th e Drugstore.com is that th ey
s ubject, t he perfum e a nd deter- organize th eir items by m anu-
gents in those "vagina spr ays" factw·er and actually use the
ca n be extreme ly irritat ing, too. manufact ur er-give n toy na me.
Stop th e mad ness! If yo u're self- Plu s, a ll the accompanying
con scious, by all m ean s s hower images of dildos and the like
before sex-we all feel more com- featu re a 2-inch daisy bes ide
fortable having our various nooks t hem , not only to provide you
a nd crannies exp lor ed a fter a with a size comparison, but also
good. soapy ru bdown. If you still to give your sex-toy s hopping
s mell kind of fun ky down there, experience a kinder, gentler fe el.
it could indicate some kind of
vaginal infe ct ion, in wh ich case

you s hould see your doc. Or it
cou ld jus t mean t hat you s hould
wear looser pant s and cotton If Dual-actio n vibrators ar e
undies, drin k more wat er a nd designed t o s im ultaneous ly
less coffee, ea t better, and stop s timul ate a woman's clitoris
sm oking. Do you really need that and th e vaginal canal (usually
mu ch Lycra in your wa rdrobe? the G-spot). Dou ble wham my!
See a lso vaginal canal. Dual-action vibes reviewed in
this book incl ude th e Rabbit
Habit & the Rabbit Pearl
(the ent r y includes reviews of
Drugstore.com multiple dual-action vibes), the
Hell o? They sell Iike a hu ndred
vi brators! Wh o says sex toys
Rock Chick, th e Ult ime (see
Natural Contours toys), a nd
t he abs olutely mass ive Thunder
Cloud . A.k .a. twice-as-n ice
haven't gone ma instream? vibes. See als o triple-action.
Of course, you won't find
butt plugs or spreader bars
your Duckie at Blowfish-they
donate 5 percent of every sale to
the international Bird Rescue
Research Center, in Fai rfield,
California. Made of phthalate·
free PVC, Duckie is porous, s o
don't sha re Duckie with more
than one fr iend, no matter how
ma ny times he or s he s hares a
bubbl e bath wit h you! See also
bath accessories and water-
Duckie water- proof toys.

proof vibrator
A cute little yell ow "rubber" duotone (and
duckie that doubles as a water·
proof vibe. No wonder Se.Mme
Street's Ernie was obses sed
with his! This battery-operated,
tritone) balls
Like Ben Wa balls, only mea tier.
Usual ly s lightly bigger tha n
super -quiet toy goes by differ- the Ben Wa kind , duotone a nd
ent nicknames, depending on t r itone bal ls are conn ected by
which store you visit-I Rub My a cord a nd have a loose weight
Duckie on BF and GV, the Ducky ins ide each of the two (d uotone)
Vibe on BL, the Lucky Duck on or three (tritone) hol low spheres,
MP, etc.($). Comes in lavender , causing subtle vibrations again st
black, travel size, a devil cos· the vaginal walls when you move
tume, or a BDSM vers ion co m- (some free- floatin g Ben Was
plete with duckie gimp suit! a re s imilarly weighted, in stead
GV and BF sell al l these varia- of solid). Dependi ng on the make,
tions, plus Duc kie's fr ie nds I the weights in side each ball may
Rub My Wormie a nd I Rub My knock or jingle a udibly (though,
Fis hie. lf you like your orgasms admittedly, the sound is muf-
on the phi lanthrop ic s ide, get fl ed). It's a little like carrying
a bag of marbles in your body
cavity. To help turn it up a notch,
you ca n play around with inser-
tion a nd removal , keep one ball
on the outside for ext erna l stim,
or use a strong external vibrator
like the Hitachi to get things
shaking. Unfortunately, many
of these products are cheaply
produced, with plastic seams
Haven't you ever had the urge to
take a vat of room-temperature
and absorbent strings, both of Smart Balance Buttery Spread.
which can foster bad bacterial get naked with your partner,
growth. Better to go with balls and wrestle? Well, make your
and cords that are coated in dreams come true with a vinyl
silicone, hard elastomer (like sheet. Or simply jump in the
Srnartballs), or at least latex. shower. Ju st be s ure to keep
And unless it's made specifically any foodstuffs away from
for the caboose, we'd keep it sensitive vaginas, which are
away from your tush. Available prone to infecti ons and allergic
as the Private Reserve on MP ($). reactions. There are plenty of
digest ible products to choose
from, li ke edib le massage oil,
warming fluid, lube, and body
paint, most of which taste like
shit. But goingDIY isn't always
the best-laid pla n to get laid,
either. For instance, smearing
your honey in honey or choco-
la te syrup may sound sinful and
sumptuous in theory, but in
pract ice it's a terribly uncom-
fortab le, sticky s ituation.
Instead, try anyth ing from penis- and boobie-s haped cup-
one of the best, most sophisti- cake pans (GV), which give us a
cated names in edible products, cozy Betty Crackwhore feeling.
Kama Sutra: They've got Honey
Dust (see massage oil, body); a
Lover's Paintbox, with dark, milk, edible
and white ch oco late "paints":
massage creams in Flavors like
honey almond and raspber ry
creme; latex-compatible Oils of
You probably received this
Fruit Roll -up wannabe as a gag
Love; and erogenous-zone-safe
gift at a bachelorette party a
Pleasure Balm, whi ch is remi-
few years back. The thou ght of
n iscent of mi nt spice drops-
puttin g something st icky and
non e of which wi.11 t rigger your
cherry fl avored aga in st your
gag reflex. They're a ll ava il able
cooch wa s so un pleasant that
from BF at tastefully affordab le
you s hoved it all the way to the
prices. Or try GV's oi I-based,
back of your und ies drawer,
petroleum-free, and vegan Body
where it passed its sell-by date
Butter massage ba lm, in mint
and congealed itself onto your
jul ep or raspberr y-chocolate
favor ite black lace bra.
t r uffle, or th eir Body Ca ndy,
in strawberry champ agne, thin

mint, a nd toasted coconu t.
And you can get a Chocoholics
Chocolate Shower Bar at most c lCliltomer is an umbrella term
on line wedding-favor sh ops for va rious polymers with the
for about five bucks. Then, elastic properties of n atu ral
of course, there are th e rea lly rubber. So this could include
mature novelties t hat you Cyberskin, jelly, latex, sili-
aren't actually supposed to p lay cone, and vinyl (including PVC).
wi th , li ke Macweenie & Cheese, However, in the sex-toy industry,
Boob Pasta, Hard Pecker Candy, the word is usually used to refer
etc. (GV). Our faves are the to thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) -+
or thermop last ic ru bber (TP R). sion of T PE as Elastomed, but
Th e chemical process involved becau se the re a re no industry
in making T PE is different from standards for the materials of
that of vinyl and jelly, so the sex toys or the terms used to
res ulting product is phthalate describe them , any ma nufac-
free a nd latex free (woo-hoo!). turer ca n us e t he word e/a.L>tomer
Even Greenpeace recommends t o describe a toy that migh t
it as a better alternative to PVC. have phthalates or latex in it.
It can be manipul ated into Similarly, becau se elastomers
a wide variety of textures much can be s ilico ne based, ma nufac-
more easily than sil icone, and turers can promote a product
with vary ing poros ity. For as si licone, even though it's got
exam ple, Vibratex has a n ew other stuff in it t hat makes it
ge ne rati on of pht ha lat e· a nd porou s . Buyer beware.
latex-free soft toys (sec Rabbit
Habit & Rabbit Pearl vibrators
for examp les) ma de from this
materi al, which they're s imply
calling elastomer. This soft Pleasures.com

elastomer (like Vibratex's Pixie
vibrator) is s uper squi s hy a nd
porous (unlike s ili cone). wh ic h M akers of the relatively
mea ns you s hould use a condom new, high-end, handc rafted,
to keep it bacteria free and wash American-made vibrator series:
it with mild soap and water. Leopard (made from posh
But elastomers ca n also be stainless steel). Le Tigre (light-
hard and nonporous (like Fun blue, anodized, aircraft-grade
Factory's Srnartballs), which al uminum). Le Lynx (medical-
mea n s you ca n forgo th e con· grade titanium), and Panth erc
dom and wash it in the top rack (pin k, anodized, a ircraft-grade
of your dishwasher. Fun Factory aluminum). They each come with
has trademar ked th e ir hard , thr ee s wappab le tips, mu lt iple
nontoxic, hypoa llergenic ver· speed settings, a nd a s ilver
attac he case with velvet lin ing
and lock and key. They're a ll
" hot tub safe" (i.e., waterproof).
boilable for sanitation. and
pretty darn quiet for the crazy-
intcnsc vibrations they give off.
Bliss toys
Thi s li n e of U.K. contour toys
is distributed exclusively in
Use them externally or inter- t he United States by CV. Like
Natural Contours toys. they're
nally: EP says you can use them
sleek, discreet (they look like
either vaginally or anally; we say,
cosmetic products!), and ergo-
t hese vibes don't have a fla red
nomica lly designed (all can be
base, so keep 'e m out of your
control led by t he light touch of
butt . Founders and "S upreme
a finger). They're al so, li ke, three
Commanders" Peg and Den nis
t imes as expe nsive as Natural
arc both degreed mechanical
Contours product s. For th at you
e ngineers who spe nt fifteen
get medica l-grade materials and
years designing and manufactur-
a forty-five-L>peed control, and
ing components for commercial
aircraft(!) . And, with a starting they're all rechargeabl e! (Most
of the toys last sixty to ninety
pr ice of $250. they're coming
minutes after a twelve-hour
close to a irplane st icker prices.
charge; the finger toys last three
Too bad their choice of an animal-
hours when fully charged.)
pri nt design theme on the pack-
The Femblossom ($$$$)
aging cheapens them a tad.
covers most of the vulva-
imagine a hand cupped to hol d
wat er- for ge nt le, ge neralized
vibes. It's great for se ns it ive·
ponytail clits a nd wo men who
like a Iittl e attention pa id to
the la bes. Jas m ine ($$$$) look s
like a wom an's electric s haver
and is meant fo r more di rect
cl itoral stimulation. Womolia
($$$$)vibrates either externally
or just in the first few inches
of the vagina-i.e., the most
sensitive part. Finally, Isis
($$$)and the sl ightly larger
and more vigorous Chandr a
($$$) are Emotional Bliss's
.com (EB)
A good place to get all your BDSM
gear, when the blindfold you
answer to finger toys. Each got free on you r transatlan ti c
flight just won't cut it. You
one comes with three finger
want hog-tie cuffs, collars
bands so you can find the per-
with attached nipple clamps,
fect fit (or share the toy with
impression paddles that leave
your big-handed rugby-player
the word,i/ut imprinted on
boyfriend). Emot ional Bl iss
your tush, a catsuit, or a gimp
toys are mad e of medical-grade,
suit? Th ey've got it. A better
nonporous thermoplastic
selectio n than EX, but quite a
elastomer, and you can clean
bit pricier. Plus, some of t h eir
them by wiping with a damp,
descriptions aren't exactly deli-
soapy cloth. There's more info
cate ("great for pounding your
at EmotionalBliss.com, though
cock into your partner" or "ton-
you can buy them only via
Good Vibrations . See also
si l diving"). Their retail shop is
located in Boston's South End,
for all your south end's needs.

Eroscillator 2

Plus vibrator
T his old-school, ugly-ass vibra -
tor is the only sex toy ever
endorsed by Dr. Ruth. It looks
like a cross between a n electric
toothbrush and something a
Victorian doctor might have
if you came up with it .) These
heads are all des igned for labia
or clit stimu lat ion and include
a Golden Spoon attachme nt
that is scooped out Ii ke the
Clitoral Hummer waterproof
vibrator and serves a similar
purpose. If you spring fo r the
more expensive version of
the toy, the Erosc ill ator Top
De luxe, you' ll also get an inser-
used to treat hysteria. And the tion attac h ment called the
packaging wou ld be more fit- Seven Pearls of the Orient a nd
ting fo r a Star War.<1 figurine. someth in g dubbed the French
But who says a ll sex toys have Legionna ire's Moustache, which
to be pretty in pink? The nifty basicall y turns you r toy into a
t hi ng about this copper-colored vibra ting false moustache. (The
plastic toy is that it o..icil/ate.o perfect accessory for watching
instead of vibrating-i.e., it some vintage seventies porn!)
moves kind of like your electric The Erosci Ila tor is one of
toothbrush. (And don't tell us the few plug-in vibes that's made
you've never made bedroom eyes specifically for naughty doings
ac your Sonica re on a quiet (unlike all those "baclc" mas-
night in.) This means it's less sagers, whose manufacturers
vigorous than someth ing like rend to be more coy about
the Hitachi, so it's less likely things). Lightweight, quiet, and
to cause a numb clitoris. easy to hold, this toy doesn't
This toy comes with get too warm, its 12-foot cord is
three power settings and three handy if your bedroom is outlet
interchangeab le heads the challenged, and the toy is sve lte
manufacturer describes with the enough to fit between two part-
trademarked te1m flabber9a.omic. ners during intercourse. We've
(Hey, you'd crademark that, too, come a long way, baby, but don't
knock o ld-school unti l you've racks, "surgical" tables, and
t ried it. Clean your Ero sc i Ilat or maybe that futon you had in
with a damp washcloth (the toy college t hat you co uld co nvert
is waterproof, but the plug and into a bed with one foot whi le
converter aren't. obvio us ly). you were lying down a nd mak-
Available at most places, incl ud - ing out on it with someone.
ing Eroscillator.com ($$$$;the
more powerful Deluxe model is
about $30 more). etiquette,
gift-giv ing
erotic furniture
- -
We happen to think that sex
toys make great gifts (way bet-
R emember that sce ne in Harold
ter than lingerie). but there's a
&. Maude when she tells him to
world of difference between an
"'stroke, palm, caress, explore"
unassuming soft jelly vibrating
her s·foot wooden sculpture
cock ring and a 7 1/z-inch veiny
and he puts his head in its hole
dildo called johnny, even if you
like he's perform ing arboreal
do tie a pink ribbon around it.
cunnilingus? That piece would
Kits tend to make great g ifts,
pass as erotic furnitu re. It's
because they're nicely packaged
pretty much anything that's
and they're typically beginner
bigger t han a bread box and is
friendly. If the g ift is for your
designed specifically for sexual
partner, toys you can share-
purposes. like water-resistant
1ike a bath accessory-are a
foam Liberator wedges a nd
pretty safe be t. too. And little
ramps (that lift one's pelvis or
toys, l ike miniature-vibrator
butt for eas ier penetratio n or
accessories or finger toys, are
oral sex; ava ilab le everywhere),
Jess scary to newbies. If it 's a toy
swings and slings, fu cking
for a fr iend, try an undercover
mach ines, the Bodybouncer,
toy like a vi brating lipstick-
queening stools, BDSM bon-
that way, they can always choose
dage beds, s t ocks a nd pil lories,
to accept it in jest. if they're
em barrassed. But there's no or a high-end sex toy bo ut ique,
guarantee your partner won't like Kiki de Montparnasse
freak out and say, "You think I (Kikidm.com), or log on t o one
need this?" or "What kind of perv of their Web sites together.
do you take me for?" (lf your See a lso conununication;
friend r eacts that way, just give etiquette, recycling.
them this book and tell them
what nice girls we are, and that
they should just get over them- etiquette,
selves and enjoy the gift.)
Don't give a "gih" that's
o bvious ly a present to you rse lf,
like polyester butt-floss lingerie
"reuse" a sex toy that outlasts ~ <·
that may look good to you but
the re lationship it was o rig i-
fee ls terri b ly uncomfortab le to
nally purchased for. This rarely
the person you're supposed to
happen s with battery-operated
be pampering. (Make requests
vibrators, as the ir shelf life is so
for that kind of thing on your
limited, but it's often an issue
own birthday.) And make sure
with something more hardy, like
the present you're giv in g is
a silicone dildo. If you're only
appropri ate to the person: A
going to reuse it on yourself,
leather harness for the vegan
fine: Go nuts. But if you're think-
in your life or a PVC dildo for a
ing of reusing it with a new part-
beloved environmentalist prob-
ner? Our answer is always no.
ably won't be well received (you
We don't care how "hygienic" sil-
may as well get them fruitcake
icone is or h ow it's "tota lly safe
while you're at it) . Shopp in g
if you boil it fora few mi nutes
together might be a better idea-
on the stove top" : Th at's just
it mean s they get to pick out
plain dis respectful, in ou r book
something t hey truly want. Take
(the one you're ho ldin g and ou r
them to a clea n, well -lit sex-toy
metaphorical book). It's kind of
shop with helpful staff, li ke
like recycl ing the sex-mix tape
Babeland or Good Vibrations,
that your first true love made -+
for you (pl ease don't te ll us nervous about admitt ing your
you've ever done t hat). We know electronic needs to your partner,
sex toys are expensive-but, hey, since doing so can feel like the
hearts are precious, too, a nd we equ ivalent of sharing a family
brea k those all t he t ime. secret or con fessing to a love of
If you' re convinced yo ur rea lity TV. If this is the case,
part n er is cool enough to be only an assho le would demand
down wit h sloppy seconds and that you throw the toy out the
you're totally broke a nd you window. But if the partner in
think our rule is stupid. go question would simply prefer
ahead and ask nicely. (But just you not use yo ur old standby
in case you're wrong, here's one in their presence and then
for the road: We told you .<10.) offers to replace your toy with a
Regifting is coo l on ly if brand-new equivalent model-
the toy has never been used- at least for your couple time-
and we're talking not even out well. that's just dandy.
of its packaging. Who wants a
toy that's been manhandled,
poss ibly dropped on the floor,
or even licked by your dog? Eves Garden
The on ly except ion to
these etiq uette guide lin es is
th is: You have a toy you've on ly
ever used on you rself before
F ounded in 1974 by women's
r ights activist Dell Williams,
that you'd like to introduce to Eve's Garden is the world's
your partner. Hey, some people first mail -orde r catalogue and
n eed a helping hand to get off. sexuality boutique des igned
even if t hey've got a pa rtner specifica lly for women. You
with two willing, working ha nds. won't find any gag gifts in
An d your toy m ig ht very we ll be their m idtown Man hattan
one of those high-end sex toys store, wh ich fee ls quiet a nd
that's wort h at least ha lf a pair cli nical. kind of li ke a doctor's
of Man olos. You mi ght be q uite office (especia lly because it's
discreetly located on the upper
levels of an office bui lding).
Eve's Garden takes sexual fun Restraints.com
very serio usly. After all, the
eighty-three-year-old founder
still believes that a woman who
is unfettered sexually is unfet-
L ooking for the best deal on a
leather horse muzzle for your
tered politically, socia lly, and loved one? You've come to the
economically. Amen, sister! right place. EX has got better
select ions and prices than
your general sex-toy shops for
extenders, BDSM paraphernalia, though

their safety and material info
penis on each accessory often leaves
something to be desired. And
S heaths worn by the male
t houg h their s ite looks slightly
member to add girth, length,
more hardcore than the fetish
and texture (because you
emporium ErosBoutique.com
wouldn't want a real penis to
(maybe it's the large shackled
come with raised bumps along
man screaming on their home
the shaft that look contagious).
page), ExtremeRestraints.com's
Great for the receiver looking
prices arc much, much softer.
for a change of pace: bad for
the wearer who hopes to feel
anything during penetration.
Of course, that might be just
what the sex doctor ordered for
chronic premature ejaculators.
Vihratex makes variously
shaped Crystal Sleeves (sold
as the Chief on LB; $$). Not
to be used as contraception or
STD protection. A.k.a. penis
sleeves, French ticklers.
F an asshole (the body part, we
mean). Feeldoe drivers can use
it in their butts, too, b ut it was
designed by a woman for women

Feeldoe and their partners. The steep

angle (45 degrees) of th is dildo
double dildos
T antus's number-one best
se ller, the Feeldoe is your sure
makes it perfect for face-to-face,
harness-free sex.
This double-happiness
dildo comes in t hree models:
thing if you want to go hands the Feeldoe, the Feeldoe Slim,
and harness free while fucking and the Feeldoe Stout. The orig-
your boyfriend or girlfriend ina l Feeldoe can be bought with
with a silicone dong. It'l l still or witho ut a miniature vibrator
ta ke a bit of practice-and regu - in t he elbow joint; the Feeldoe
lar kegel exercises-to get it Slim automatically comes with
right. In fact, some people prefer a miniature vibe. The driver's
to steady their Feeldoe with a end of any kind of Feeldoe is
harness. tighty-whi ties, or a i'li in ches lo ng and i'/i in ches
helping hand. But the Feeldoe wide. The poking end of the
has been specially design ed to original model is 6 inches long
s tay put. The driver's end o f the and 1 1/, inches wide. The Feeldoe
Feeldoe is bulbous a nd weighted, Slim is ideal for butt begi nners:
to help with st ability and G-spot The pokin g end is 5 'h inches
s timulation. Plus, three s mall long a nd just over i 1/4 inc hes
ridges, located where the two wide. The Feeldoe Stout's poker
halves meet in the middle. pro· is 5 3/4 inches by i3/4 inches.
vide clitoral s timulation. For more info a nd in spira-
The other end of the tional Maya Angelou quotes
Fccldoc, a.k.a. the poking end, (no, serio us ly), check out
curves up s li ghtly (li ke an erect Feeldoe.com, where you'll also
penis might) and can be inserted learn that the plural of Feeldoe is
into eith er another vagina or Feeldoe. You know, like the deer.
The Fee ldoe is mad e of finger cots/
pure silicone, so it can be
washed or boiled-be sure to finger
remove the vibe first! And don't
forget to buy so me water-based
lube. Available all over (BL L atex sheaths for individual
ca lls it the Divining Rod, and fingers that are s maller a nd
WT call s t he ori ginal t h e thicker than regular con doms.
Cagney & Lacey and the slim Handy if you have fingers with
o ne t he Kate & Allie;$$$). See cuts, if you're grossed out by
also dildos; dildos, double; anything you might r un into
harnesses; and strap-ons. in an orifice, if you want a
smoother entry (espec ially
a nally). if you have lon g or
jagged fingernai ls, or if you
like to wear Lee Press-Ons.

finger toys
One of the only complaints we
ever hear abo ut vibrators is
that they can make you fee l
a bit distant from the whole
orgasm process. Like you may
as well get maintenanced by
fetish play & a cold, impersona l fuck ing

S eeBDSM .
mach ine while you read th e
paper or do the dishes. And
how many guys, on firs t be ing
introduced to thei r girlfriend's
Rabbit Habit, have pouted and
sa id, "Wel l, I don't see why you s ide so it's your own vibrating
need me around"? Sure, you fin ger that's touching down on
could hand over the control yours or your partner's genitals.
pan el or buy a remote control Either way, you'll get much more
toy, but that doesn't change the subtlety and range of motion
fa ct that when you're us ing a than you do with a regular ol'
vibra tor, your own hand can't v ibrator-it's like someone
really feel what you're doing. replaced one of you r fingers
But what if you could let with a vibrating prosthetic. And
yo ur fingers do the wa lking, who could possibly feel trumped
like t he g ood folks at the by their own pros thetic dig it?
Yellow Pages a lways say? What Finger toys are qui et and
if your fingers could vibrate inconspicuous, wh ich makes
at a pproximately th e same them great for couples play.
frequ ency as a Hitachi Magic The mack daddy of fin ger toys
Wand? Enter-cue the singing is undoubtedly th e Fukuoku
ange ls-finger toys! 9000, though a few other manu·
A fing er toy, sometimes facturers are s tarting to get in
called a finger extension, is on the game. Finger Fun (BL;$)
basically a finger-siz e vibrator is bulkier than the Fukuoku,
covered in a soh s heath that so it's better suited for forep lay
s traps onto your own finge r. or s olo pl ay rath er than during
Lube it up, turn it on. and intercourse, but it does have t he
carry on doing what ever you benefit of being waterproof. Or,
would u s ually do with your if you want to get fan cy, the high-
hands during sex-handwor k end sex toy company Emotional
fo r her, ha nd job for him, per- Bliss makes two ergonomi cally
ineum mas sage for either, etc. designed , rechargeable finger
(Note: Fin ger toys are for ex ter- toys: Isis (GV; $$$)a nd the
nal use only.) You can strap th e s lightly larger, s lightl y pricier
toy onto the finge rtip s ide for Chandra (CV).
direct application, or you ca n
sw ing it around to the knuckle
I t's a penis pump des igned to
T he king of masturbation
sleeves. if only for its great
gimmick fa ctor: It's shaped like
look like-yo u got it!-a fire·
a g iga nti c fla shlight, but there's
man's pump. 'Tor the ma n who
Cybersldn-esque materi al
wants a rea l fi re hose!" the
sculpted into a mouth, vagina,
packaging promises. Well , yo u
anus, or coin slot on the busi·
kn ow our pos ition on pumps,
ness end (i.e., where the bulb
penis. But if you really rnu..it
would be). You get to choose
indulge, wha t better excuse
whethe r the 10-inch canal is
than t o "put out a really big
ribbed, bumpy, tight, ultratight,
fire"? Where's your truck, big
or wavy. An d it's available in
boy? A California Exotics
pink, mocha, ice, and gold.
Novelties product, natch,
Though the Fl eshlight is one
cheapest at OS ($).
of the most-if not the most-
popular men's toys, you might
find the flas h lig ht casing heavy,
unwie ld y, a nd too wide. Pl us,
you can't sq ueeze the casing to
increase the pressu re around
your d ick. If that's t he case, you
ca n remove the sleeve in order
to better man ipulat e the fles hy
canal with your ha nds. Just
make s ure you remove the hard
s tabi Iiz i ng tube from th e inside
be fore you go poking away! It's
ava ilabl e everywhere, though
you ca n get the most customiza·
tion fo r the leas t amount of
money($$) on Fles hl ight.com.
But, frankly, the less gimmicky love1·'s assh ole with. The FF is a
Dream Sleeve (MP) and GV's modern take on anal beads by
exclusive Ecsta-S leeve (with Fun Factory. It's 12 inches long
miniature vibe!) will bot h cost and cons ist s of five 100 percent
you less and give you more. silicone beads (ranging in width
from 3/4 in ch t o l in ch) attached
to a bendy stalk. As the Flexi
Felix is inserted into the anus,
the beads wil l nestle toget her
in a cozy bundle, creati ng a
comfortably full feel ing (as
opposed to the uncomfortably
invasive fee ling i2 inches would
g ive you in a straight I ine). Felix
comes in black, blue, or pink
(because even girly-girls like
to entertain backdoor friends).
Wash by hand, throw it in t he
d is hwasher, or boi l. Available

Flexi Felix almost ever ywhere($$).

anal beads

(on a stalk)
Did you ever meet a sex t oy
so damn cute you wanted to
cuddle with it more than you
wanted to fuck it? That's the
Flexi Fel ix, a caterpi llar whose
funny little head featu res a shy
smile, dinky fee lers, and two
holes for your fingers-all the
better to pull Felix out of your
P addles, s la ppers, riding
crops, canes, whips, belts, or
anything else used to spank a
partner in a sexual scenario. As
with any toy intended to inflict
a sort of pleasurable pain , do
your homework on safety mea·
s ures and proper technique to
avoid serious or permanent
injury. FYI. some people also Fukuoku 9000
finger toy
useflo99erto mean a certain
kind of whip-see whips for
details. See also BDSM and D on't be fooled by th e packag·
safe, sane & consensual. ing: Though the Pu k uoku 9000
cla ims to ease "muscle tension ,
headaches, eye fatigue, and sinus

food play
S ee edible accessories.
pain," it's actually the finger
toy for sex on the market. And,
in fact, if you read the Pukuoku
ins truct ion book closely enough.
yo u'll noti ce t he coy "for enjoy·

French m ent with your friend s and

companions" suggestion. (Heh·

C heaply made extenders.
See also sleeves.
heh. t hey said "companions.")
The Fukuoku 9000 is.
hands down (sorry), the best
finger toy to use during sex. The
ol' reach-a round? How about
the brand-new, vibrating reach·
around? You decide. The P-9000
con s ists of one vibrating plastic
Fun Factory
finge r strap and fou r variously
textured jelly sleeves to sl ide
over it (though they all feel pretty T he Germans make great
much the same, if you ask us). cars, so it follows that they'd
Your Fukuoku should be rnonog- make great sex toys. Located
am.ous. Plus, don 't use it inter· at Fun Factory.de, they're kick-
nally, and wipe it clean with a ing serious butt in the biz
li ttle alcohol on a cloth between these days, manufacturing non-
uses. Available everywhere! BF is toxic, odorless, ioo percent
cheapest, at under twenty bucks. hypoallergenic, easy-to-clean,
And, while we're at it, whisper-quiet, ergonomic toys
we should introduce you to the like the Laya Spot vibrator
extended Fukuoku family. The and Flexi Felix anal beads,
Fukuoku Power Pack($$) is basi· made from either medical ·
cally three Fukuoku 9000s con· grade silicone or nonporous,
nected to a battery pack that phthalate-free, hard elastomer,
straps to you r wrist. And then which they have trademarked
there's the Fukuoku Massage as Elastomed. Plus, their prod-
Glove($$), a soft, washable glove, ucts work wonderfully and
available in either lefty or righty. feel fantast ic-you can't really
with a teeny vibrator embedded get any better than that these
in each fingertip. Hello, hand job! days. Their tagline is "Love
Yoursel f,'' and they believe that
doing so s hou ld be as norma l
as going to the grocery store.
Their toys actually come with
helpful instruction manuals-
unheard of with novelties.
Yes, their brightly colored
designs, cutesy inchworm faces,
and smiling dolphins will
remind you of Se.oame Street
and kids' beach paraphernalia
(Exhibit A: Their squi nty-eyed ,
flo wer-holding Dinky Digge r
illustrat ed on previous page),
but maybe that's what makes
these vibes so approachable:
They're cheery!
Mainstream department
stores all over Europe s uch as
Galleries Lafayette, Printemps,
G-spot, hers
T he spongy t issu e surroun ding
her urethra that ca n be felt
through t he top wall of th e
a nd Ott o carry FF it ems, a nd va gina, about 2 in ches in s ide.
eve n high-end Henri Be ndel, on Some doc tors consider thi s
5th Avenue in New York, have area the female prostate. For
so ld their Srnartballs. Check so me women, it 's th e key to
out their rech a rgea ble vibes orgas m (or a noth er key bes id es
with docking station s and their the clitoris) and even femal e
line of Astro Toys, one vibe for ejaculation . Since those things
each s ign of the Zodiac (great often require firm. steady,
b-day gifts) . Avai lable most extended press ure that a penis
everywhere, though many or even a hand can't manage
places rename them($$-$$$). for too long, many sex toys
See also G-Swirl & G-Twist have been made specifically to
vibrators . target the G-spot (see G-spot
stirnulators). However, it's
worth noting-before you start
dem a nding you r money back
on yo ur G-spotter-that some
women fee l nothing at all when
this a rea is poked, while oth ers
find it a nnoying (as in, it
makes them want to pee). or
even painful.
G-spot, his G-Spotter
T he prostate gland. For more
details, see P-spot.
(brand name)
S ee Hitachi Magic Wand

stimulators G-spotters

(his & hers)
I f a toy is meant to be inserted
and it's got a curve to it,
(variety of toy)
Toys intended to target a
woman's G·spot.
chances are it has G·spot stim·
ulation (either his or hers) on
the brain. However, toys that
are curved but don't have a
flared base should not be used
up the bum, as they m ight get
lost. This includes boomerangs.
Male-spec ific G·toys target in g
the prostate (or P-spot) can
usua lly be used by women,
either in t he tus h (where they
won't find a prostate) or in the
vagina (where they may fin d
their G-spot). Just don't swap
between orifices without a G-Swirl & G-

thorou gh cleaning first.
Twist Vibrators
Des igned and sold by Good
Vibrations and produced by
Fun Factory, these vibrating
G-spotters are big sellers.
Here's why: sleek design, quiet,
waterproof, hypoallergenic,
nonporous, latex free, phtha-
Board and card games centered
on sex don't just facilitate fun ,
they can also impart sexual
late free, and silicone. Just knowledge, add spice, and
reading an impressive list like im prove communication
that gives us a mini orgasm.
between partners, especiall y
They each take two AA batteries long-term ones. (Of course, a
(included by GV); $$. good ol' game of Truth or Dare
might work just as well.) Store-
bought fun ra nges from simple
tr ivia games to full-on orgiastic
gag gifts
Any sex accessory primarily
intended to elicit laughter
Candy Lands . One best se ller is
Sex Smarts, a trivia quiz using
fl ash cards contain ing multiple-
rather than genuine desire, cho ice and T/F quest ions to test
s uch as edible underwear, a nd teach people of a ll sexual
gold-lame thongs for dudes, persuasions about the history
mac & cheese with penis· o f sex, sexual s lang, positions,
shaped pasta, and anything a natomy. etc. Then there are
li sted under bachelorette- games intended for one hetero
party paraphernalia. If it's couple, like Nookii or the ele-
cheap and you'll never use it, gantly packaged Eros Trix, or
it's a gag gift. For one small t he position-driven Kama Surra
step up the evolutionary chain, Gam e, which gives each player
see novelties. See also edible naughty directions (for instance,
accessories. one might have to frisk th e
other like an inappropriate cop).
Fin ally, for a cheap t hril l that

loses its novelty after about ten
gags, mouth minutes, but is still kind of
S ee ball gags . sweet in its simplic ity. there's
Dirty Di ce: One die names a having a bad day, give it a listen:
body part an d th e other d ie It 's sure to brighten your day.
tell s you what to do with it (for
instance: "suck/lips," or "lick/
below waist"). For only a couple
bucks, it makes a fun gag gift
Gimp, the
(available in Engli sh and (as in, "Bring
Spanish; for a ll orientations).

out the Gimp")
0 The character clad in head-

S ee Hitachi Magic Wand
to-toe leather from Quentin
Tarantino's 1994 movie Pulp
Fiction. A cop named Zed and
his red neck friend Maynard keep
him locked in a chest in their
basement. The two take Butch

N ot sex toys! We're sure you're
famil iar with the number-one
(Bruce Will is) an d hi s nemesis,
Ma rse ll us (Ving Rhames),
hostage a nd ball-gag them.
Wh en Butch and Marsellus
urban legend of al l ti me: awake, Zed tells Mayn ard,
"Richard Gere once got a gerbi I "Brin g out th e Gimp." ft was, by
stuck u p his ass." Which doesn't fa r, the most quoted line from
even make sense, s ince the a movie that year-at least
actor's a vegetarian. The on line a mong our circle of friends.
bull shit detector, Snopcs.com.
debunks this myth once and

gimp suit
fo r all at Snopes.com/ risque/
homosex/ger bi l.h tm. There,
you'll also find that hilarious 0 A full leather onesie com-
radio clip of a DJ reading the faux plete with face mask (with two
news piece t hat detai led the eye holes and a zipper mouth),
same s t or y, sans Gere. If you're
like the one worn by th e Gimp Because blown g lass is seam-
in Pulp Fiction. 0 Any seriou s less a nd nonporous, a little bit
BDSM outfit. of lube will make yo ur glass toy
s lipperier than a sea l drown ing
in an oi l s pill. It's des igned to
girl's best withsta nd heat extre mes and

will warm up with you r body
friend temp ni cely; run it under warm
water firs t to heat t hings up,
H int: You ca n"t buy it from
or pop it in the fri dge (not the
De Beer s.
freezer!) for a minute to make
your own creamsicle (get it?

I t sounds like a really bad idea
to stick something inside you
Gl ass toys come in endless
s hapes a nd sizes. Some are
perfectly clear, som e have hints
of color, a nd some even have
t hat's made out of glass. But
actual artwork embedded
purpose-made glass dildos and
in.oide the glass (of course, the
butt plugs are some of the
artwor k is more velvet Elvis
sturdiest-not to mention most
t han Picasso, but st ill). And if
beautiful-sex toys around. Put
the toy is hand-blown g lass
one on your mantle, a nd it could
{h e h-heh), yo u know you've got
pass as a n a rtsy-fartsy paper -
a one-of-a-kind. They run the
weight. Accidentally kn ock it
gamut from a s imple $50 wa nd
off your mant le, a nd it probably
to a $700 butt plu g mad e from
won't break (t hough if it's
obsi dian {vo lcanic glass) by
thrown around carelessly, it can
high-end designe r Mi-S u,
chip a nd become a dagger of
though with th eir popul a rity
death , a t whi ch point it's tim e
on t he rise, prices a re co ming
to say bye-bye). The firmness
clown. Ph a ll ix is the k ing of
a nd weight of g lass toys make
glass-d ildo ma nufactur ing and
them great fo r kegel exercises
ui s lTibuti on. Look for the bra nd
and G- or P-spot s timulation.
name Pyrex (or at least a sleeve and the G-Swirl &
"medical-grade" description) G-Twist-designed by their
to guarantee high-quality heat- trained staff (which includes
and chemical-resistant g lass. If their sexologist goddess, Caro l
the instructions say you can't Queen, PhD, the nicest woman in
boi I it, it's not worth getting. And the sex biz) in conjunction with
need we say that a glass bottle accom plished manufacturers
(et aL) does not a dildo make? like Fun Factory. They've even
got an online magazine, an in-
store Antique Vibrator Museum,

Good a nd an online video rental

service that's as easy as Netflix
Vibrations.com {do yo u really need to own The
(also Good Devil in Mrl>. Jon.el>?).
Sex therapist and educator
T he but sex-toy seller there is!
Punky, sophisticated design;
Joani Blank says she founded
Good Vibrations in San Francisco
almost thirty years ago because
women didn't have a comfortable
thorough product info; respon-
place to shop for sex-related
sible health info; high-quality
products (except for New York's
product se lection ; and a healthy
Eve's Garden). But, almost
sense of progressive inclusion.
immediately, men started show-
They take what they do very
ing up to ask, "Can I shop here,
seri ously but somehow manage
too? I don't like those other
to keep it fun and cheese free.
places, either." So GV stocked
They have a line of about eighty
men's products over time and
GV-branded products: Most
eventually bega n hiring men.
are just high-quality toys you
Just recently they've been
can get elsewhere, with the
noted as the largest employer
GV sta mp of approval and
of transgendered people in
funky GV packaging. But about
San Francisco (their other retai l
twenty are GV originals-like
stores are located in Berkeley,
t he Ecsta-Sleeve masturbation
CA and Brookline, MA). And concern is more about protect-
they've got a legacy, t oo: Former ing your glass dildo, check out
GV interns and employees went the velvety Padded Pou ch (B F;
on to open women-oriented $$). If discretion is the order of
Babeland, Grand Opening, the day, one of BF's travel cases
and Vixen Creations. And , ($)cou ld pass for a shaving
final ly, they're on e of only two kit-just what you need to take
s hops that sent us two-count your toy on the road, though of
'em, two-sets of toys (one for course it's no guarantee th at
Em and one for Lo) when we the airport X-ray machine won't
requested free product samples pick up on your dildo. For t he
for "research purposes" (VC record, we recommend checking
was the other). See also ·Bend all sex toys-es pecially that tita-
Over Boyfriend. nium Le Lyn x, by Elemental
Pleasures. A.k.a. toy cozies.
See also storage.

Goody Bag
W ant to keep yo ur toy s nu g
as a bu g in a rug? The Goody
Bag (BF, MP, WT: $) hides your
toy from prying eyes or from
wandering pets who might
mistake it for a chew toy. The
A cleverly named sex shop in
Boston with a terribly cheesy
drawstring bag is velvety on Web s ite featuring lots of pie·
tures of the owner, Kim Airs-
the outside a nd lined with
waterproof nylon, to help keep a woman who looks more like
the toy clean (or in case your an elementary sc hool teacher
toy travels wi th lube or is th e than a "proprietrix ... But once
"leaky" Cyberskin kind). The you hear her wax enthusiastic
Goody Bag is machine wash· about sex, you'll be a Grand
able a nd accommodates a toy Opening believer, lame purple
Web s ite and all.
up t o 9 inches long. If you r
H -
S ee cuffs.

Did you know tha t the Gi llet te
Mac h 3 Power razor vibratelJ?
Don't te ll us we're t h e only ones
to think d irty thoughts when
we saw that. Shaving each other
down th ere is one of t h e most
intimate acts a couple can share.
Casual ri mming is one thing,
but letting someon e near your
private parts with a razor? Now,
that takes trust. If razor blades harnesses,

don't soun d like fo replay to you,
try a buzzy electric s haver or
clippers instead. And, not to get
If you want to go all look-ma-no-
all New Age-yon yo u or an y-
ha nds with your dildo, you're
t hing, but, honestly, you'd be sur-
goi ng to need a harness (unless
prised what you can learn about
you've got one of those n ewfan-
your lover's ge nitals by gettin g
gled strapl ess double d ildos
that up close and personal.
like the Feeldoe or the Nexus).
Just please approach the task
A d ildo plu s a harness equals a
with as much res pect, caution,
strap-on (said dildo must have
and attent ion to detail as a
a fl ared base to hold it in pl ace).
neurosurgeon wou ld a brain
Strap-on sex ha s a lot to do with
op. mmkay?
s us pens ion of di s beli ef; a we ll-
fitting, co mfortable harn ess
that holds your dildo (or, if you but once a year on her birthday,
p refer, your "di ck") firmly in why not? A two-strap harness,
place will he lp with th at. on the other hand, fits exactly
Because noth ing kills a "Who's like a jock strap, making it per-
your daddy?" moment like a fect fo r guys, not to mention a
mandatory t ime-out as a res ult great a lternative for women
of malfunct ion ing equipment. who can't stand t he wedgie-li ke
Basi c strap-on harnesses feeling of a thong. See also
come in two styles: single strap Bend Over Beginner Kit and
or two strap (see illustration, Bend Over Boyfriend.
page 95). A single-strap harness
fits exactly like a G-string and
is therefore pretty impracti ca l
for men, because, duh, there's
already a nons ilicone willy in
t he way. Women, though , have
no preexisting package to worry
about and might actua lly enj oy
the additional cl it s timulation a
si ngle-strap harness provides.
A single-strap exception for men
is BL's Man's Harness ($$$$)-
you'll recognize it by the hang-
ing "codpiece" designed to hold

his original equipment. And, yes,
sometimes men li ke to strap one
harnesses, face
on, too: Maybe he wants to keep
C hin s traps, head harnesses,
going after he's, uh, petered out,
and ball gags with 0-rings
or perhaps his gi rl friend gets
all ow you to strap a dildo onto
a huge crush on a supersize
your face, so you look like a
purple dildo at her local sex-toy
XXX unicorn or a stem-cell
shop-not the kind of thing
scientist's research project
she'd want to face every night,
gone horribly, horribly wrong.
For obvious reasons, they're
fixin's for
usually named something like
the Humiliator. You'll find a
few at EB (SSS) and EX($$).
You'll need to make sure your
harness works with your dildo(s)
of choice (s peaking of: see
receiver's choice). For extra-
harnesses, small (aww!) or extra-large
Most harnesses are one s ize
fits all, though a few offer s ize
(eek!) d il dos, you'll probabl y
need a harness that comes with
an adjustable 0-ring, like those
in the Terra Firma range (BL, GV,
options. The black patent LB, WT; SS-SSS. depending on
leather Black Cat h arness (BL, material). The 0-ring is the part
SSS) is particularly good for where the di ldo pokes through.
thin li zzies. Adjust your harness If the ring is too small , you
(us ing the buckles or D-rings) might break your di ldo (double
until it is comfortably snug- eek!). and if the ring is too large,
the s nugger the fit, the more you'll be stuck with a wobbly
control the wearer has over the dildo-terribly embarrassing,
silicone do ng, and the more not to mention pretty use less.
cl itoral stimulation she will get Or, worse, the dildo could slip
from t he base of the dildo. right out of your harness, leav-
Buckl es won't loosen during the ing you feeling all emasculated
ses h, which sometimes happens and' your partner feeli ng all
with D-rings. But the corollary abandoned with a dildo sticking
to that is that D-rings allow t he out of their bottom (turkey's
wearer to easily adjust the har- done!) . For more average pokers,
ness mid-sesh-especially handy most any ha rness will work-
for beginners sti II getting used harnesses with fixed-size 0-rings
to the fit of their setup. are all 1 3/4 inches in diameter.
just be sure to test yo ur perfect for a first ha rness (and,
dildo with the harness before if you ask us, a second, and a
you buy. If you're dead set on a third ... ): The nylon Te1Ta Firma
certain harness but find it is is affordable($$ at BL), it's
too big for your favorite s lim· non-scary looking (the straps
jim dildo, ask a sales ass istant look and work just like back·
if they stock foam rin gs (called pack straps), and it 's machine
Slip Nots at GV; $)to he lp you washable. And, hey, that last
correct the problem. Finally, feature means you can take it
some harnesses are fitted with in the shower!
a pad t hat sits on the mons If nylon isn't hardcore
behind the 0 -rin g; others are enough fo r you, t here's always
built wit h an open 0 -ring, so leather-the Terra Firma
that the dildo presses directly comes in cowh ide, too. It's more
against your sk in . The wearer expensive($$$) and way harder
might prefer the stimu lation to get clean, because you can't
of direct skin contact; alterna· soak it-you have to just wipe
tively, she might f ind that the it clean with a soapy cloth.
pad preve nts her pubes from Patent leather, however, is eas-
getting caught in the co ntrap· ier to clean-and so sh iny, too!
tion (yowz a!). Open 0-rings also You can try t he Corset Harness,
all ow for double dild os (see by Sportsheets (available on
dildos, double), in case you EX. $$$); it's got garter straps
like to get while you give. and a lace·up back that makes
your butt look like a heart.
Kinky vegans can opt for rubber
instead-it's got all the fetish
harnesses, cred of leather, and it's water·
materials for
proof, too! Then there's vinyl,
which is a nice mix of deviant·
Once you've settled on the style lite (like leather and rubber,
that's right for you, you'll need it usually comes with buckles
to pick a material. Nylon is rathe r than D·r ings) and practi·
cal (the material is sturdy and in nylon or$$$ in leather) lets
long lasting). The Peek-a-Boo you take advantage of a ll t hose
ha rness (cheapest at BF,$$) is squats at the gym- you can even
actually made of totally clear wear one each and sc rew in
vinyl- perfect for those days the sc issors posit ion for an all ·
when you've just tr immed your arou nd silicone sesh. BF sells
pubes into a heart shape and/or " a s lightly less sexy neoprene
decorated them with jewels, and thigh harness t hat looks like a
just ca n't bear to cover the m kn ee brace($). Thigh harnesses
up. (Though we can't i magi ne also leave your genitals open to
that it stays too clean and anything-partic ularly handy if
you've got a pi nch hi tter in town.
Or you could t ry the Night
Rider harness (B L; $$). which


Looking for a little extra for the
missu s? Many harnesses con·
t ain han dy pockets designed to
fit a miniature vibrator so the
lady can get a little cl it ora l
stimul at ion when she stra ps
harnesses, one on. BL's leather Buzz Me

Who says you have to strap one
on in the same place every sin·
Tender harness (single-strap
vers ion is$$$, two-strap is a
few dollars more} even has two
pockets so the receiver can get
g le time-that's s o bourgeois! a litt le vibe action, too. If your
BL's Thigh One On harness($$ harness doesn't have a pocket,

you can always make it buzz when you choose to lean in real
by pairing it with a dildo that close and lift their headphones.
has a bullet vibe in its base- This all helps your partner
see dildos, vibrating. focus-exactly what tha t prissy
cubicle worker is going for, too,
except the object of focus in this
case is not what's happening on
headphones/ a spreadsheet but, rather. what's

ear plugs
Ear plugs aren't just for construc-
tion workers and insomni acs,
happening on a beds heet.

and noi se-canceling head·

phones aren't just for prissy
cubicl e workers. Controlli ng
your partner's soundtrack (or
lack of one) takes sensory
deprivation to a whole new
level, especially when com·
bined with a blindfold. If white
noise is too nerdy for you,
make a booty mix on your iPod
and have your partner listen
to it through headphones. Hello Kitty

Headphones and earplugs
deprive your partner of aural
clues and distractions, insulat·
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
ing them from sounds like your
far away-okay, so it was in
breathing, the smack of a pad-
Japan, and the yea r was 1997-
dle hitting their skin. the dog
this toy company called Genyo
barking. etc. They can only
licensed the Hello Kitty brand
speak when spoken to, and
to make a lin e of toys, one
they can only be spoken to
of which was a Hel lo Kitty
v ibrat in g s ho ulder massager. " diarrhea (or "rushed jobs"),
Of course, it d idn't ta ke long pregna ncy, labor (again, all
fo r people t o figu re out th at that stra in ing), or obesity. They
the, ahem, shoulder massager are decidedly not caused by
co uld be used elsewhere. A few anal play, dildos , anal beads,
years later, the Hello Kitty (or butt plugs, a reach-around
K.itty-chan, as t hey say in pin ki e, or any other activity
Japan) "vibrator" became a reg- encouraged in this encyclope-
ular fixt ure in Japanese adu lt dia, at lea.,1;t if all the,1;e thin9,1;
videos. By 1999 , the toy was for are high qualitt;, ,1;afe, and u.,1;ed
sa le in vending machines in or done correctly. Sure, anal
"love hote ls" across the country play might irritate preexisting
(you know, the same vending hemorrhoids, or you mig ht di.,1;-
machi nes that stock teen girls' cover hemorrhoids right after
soi led un dies). Need less to say. an anal sesh-in which case you
Hello Kitty's peeps were pissed should see your doc for treat-
off, and a lengthy lega l battle ment, and you should probably
ensued, which finally ended lay off the ana l until they're
only because Genyo was busted healed . But the idea that safe
on tax fraud a nd the Hello and informed anal play caU..6e,1;
Kitty team was able to swoop in hemorrhoids is an urban myth
and break the massager molds. spread by tightasses.
Bye-bye, Kitty! (Unless, of course,
you're comfortable bidding for
a used vibrator on eBay . . .)

H emorrhoids are swollen veins
sex toys
S ome ho ity-toity fo lks (or
those aspiring to be hoity-toity}
believe that if something is
in the anal region caused by
iiber·expensive and as s leek
constipation (all that straining),
and ch ic as an iPod, it's okay to
stick it down your pants. Hence
the emerging product lines and
store retailers catering to ladies
who lunch and Diddy (or wh at-
ever th e fuck he's call ing him-
sel f today). The new des igns
are elegant, the materials are
(us ually) better for you, the qual-
ity is (usually) skyscraper high ,
a nd t he price t ags are what's
t ruly obscen e about the toys.
PVibe's se lf-titled patented fur ta il : it comes with a s ilver
penis vibrator (bas ically a posh engraved sta nd and is packaged
vi bratin g cock ring) is s mall in a ha ndcrafted s nakeski n
and si len t; it comes in stai nless box with s at in lin ing ($300).
s teel ($ 130), si lver ($200), and Mi-Su .com sell s two butt plugs
gold ($300). They also make a (one of obsidian, or volcanic
s leek and simple miniature glass, and one of rose quartz)
waterproof Cigar vibe in the for $700, a diamond cock ring
same materials (and in the same for alm ost $1,000, and a $1,600
price range). IimmyJane.com 's black obs idian dildo in t he shape
Littl e Somethings are pretty of a s ma ll, Dalfesque bow ling
much the sa me cigari llo idea, p in. They wi ll even work with you
only s lig htly bigger, and at about to creal e yo ur very own custom
the sa me price-one of only a Mi-Su Couture toy (your kids
handful of innocuous designs. don't need to go to college, do
Conce ptual designer Shi ri they?). And don't forget the aero-
Zi nn (shirizinn.com) makes a nauti ca lly ins pired Elemental
few erot ic pieces, incl uding Pleasures wands ($200 -$400)
the Minx (illu strated), a h and- or the s lightly less expensive
crafted pink vibrator decorated mini Lelo vibes, from Sweden.
with Swarovski crystals and Then there are the fancy-
a detachable pink feather or schmancy retail stores that sell
many of these designers' items. is marketed as a muscle mas·
New;, week reported that when sager. It makes sense-after all,
Myla (Myla.com), a London- electric body massagers work
based "sensuality boutique," by bringing blood to the area,
opened a store in New York, it which is-hey!-exactly what
had a one-month waiting list for happens when you get turned
its almost-$400 handcrafted, on. And because the Hitachi
black, rechargeable vibrator was designed to be a work-
call ed Bone (as in s keletal, not horse, it can last for decades-
phall ic). On 5th Avenue, Rykie l unlike those crappy novelties
Woman is Henri Bende l's third· des igned to last for th e dura-
flo or den of expens ive s in. t ion of a bachelorette party.
And Kiki de Mont parnasse The Hitachi is the t oy
(Kikidm.com) is New York City's that insp ired Joan i Bla nk
latest destination for chic bed- to start Good Vibrations.
side accessori es. We're just Masturbation maven Betty
waiting for the cheap knock-offs Dodson started ordering them
to s how up on Canal Street. by the case in t he seventies
to give out to women taking
herself-love classes. Sure, the
Hitachi Hitachi sounds like a dying
cow, but once you feel its
Magic Wand strong vibrat ions, you won't
care a bout waking th e neigh·
Wh ere to start? It's the Cadill ac
bors. Just try notto have an
of vibrators, th e Tom Cruise of
orgasm when you hold one of
turbo-toys, the best seller, th e
t hese puppies aga in st you r
MVP, the girl's best friend , the
clitoris-though you may
box office s ure thing, that sev-
need to temper its strong vibra-
enties toy. The Hitachi is the
tions with jeans or a pillow
most popular vibrating sex toy
in between. Or just squeeze it
in the world. The world' Like
between your thighs and let
the Wahl vibrator, the Hitachi
the vibes travel north . The
Hitachi has a soft foam head
covered in soft vinyl, about the
size of a tennis ball. and a foot -
long white plastic handle (so
no arm cramps!). Sure, ifs not
as cute as rhe Rabbit Habit-
in fact, it's rather medical
looking. But if you've got a
nosy hou sekee per or a dog
who likes t o drag inappropriate
"presents" into t he living room
whenever your mot her-in-law
is over for tea, that might be Hitachi
a good t hin g. The Hitachi is a
plu g-in device, and it's an outie
Magic Wand
vibrator only-but it can be
turned into an innie toy with
one of the specially designed
attachments (see follow ing).
Th e Cadillac of vibrators is an
outie vibrator only-but it can
be turned into an innie toy with
The Hitachi's head is porous,
one of the s pecially designed
so no sharing. It can be
attachments. The silicone
cleaned with a damp soapy
Gee-Whiz attachment, by VC
cloth. Remember, if it doesn't
($$), fits over the head of t he
say Hitachi, it's a knock-off.
Hitachi to provide probing
Imported from Japan by
G-spot or prostate sti mula-
Vibratex and available every-
tion. Then there are a slew of
where; BF is cheapest($$). See
vinyl attachments: The Wonder
also "back" massagers and
Berman Center Intimate Wand fits over the Hitach i head
for straight- up {literally) pene-
tration ($),the vinyl G-Spotter
(illustrated; also available in
rubber) is shaped like the Gee-
Whiz (BF. GV: $),the Deluxe
G-Spotter has a stiff er, more puke if it doesn't make you come
solid protrusion (BF, BL; $), and first. It's 3 inc hes fro m head to
the Magic Connection has a toe, hidin g a vibrating bullet
kn ob fo r att ach ing Wahl vibra- within, with a long cord to the
tor parts, which s hould not be s lide control. And the little a rms
used for penetration (BF; $). raised over t he pin k c u b's head ,
Finally, MP sells a jelly attach- a s if h e wer e practicing for The
ment that turns t he Hi tachi Nutcracker, wi ll fli tter a n d flut-
into a beaded insert a bl e vibe ter against your clit, nips, or any-
($).The attachments s hould thi ng else external. So wron g
be cleaned according to their it's rig ht. Takes two AA batteries;
respective materials and dressed monogamous u se only($$ on
up in a condom if you're s ha ring BL, DS, MP; ha! f the price on BF).
or if they're jelly or vinyl.

Honey Dust,
A bigVibratex sell er , this little
bear of h ig h-quality vinyl is s o
by Karna Sutra
S ee second defi nition of
massage oil, body.
damn cute it might m a ke yo u
hysteria Doctors who ran out of elbow
grease would fob off the work
W hat vibrators were born of. to midwives.
Back in the 1800s, hysteria Then, in 1869. an American
(literally, "womb disease") was doctor invented a steam-powered
considered the most common mechanical device to replace
"disorder" among women; its the manual genital massage-
symptoms were mental a nd and, behold, the world's first
emot iona l d istress, thought to vibrator! These devices became
be brought on by the womb's widespread (and, eventually.
revo lt against sexual depriva- battery operated), and women
tion. (Live in a sexist society continued to return from the
where you can't vote or work doctor's office with flushed
and you have to submit to the cheeks and secret smiles. Then,
u ninspired jackhammering of in the 1920s, the porn industry
your owner/ husband, and you'd finally figured out what was
be distressed, too.) By some going on, and these "medical
estimates, as many as three- devices" started making guest
quarters of a ll women s uffered appearances in adult films. The
from this "hysteria," and, in secret was out! Kinda-it wasn't
fact, mention o f the ailment can until 1952 that the American
be found as early as 4 BC. The Psychiatric Association finally
..cure" was a doctor-administered dropped the term hy.oteria from
genital massage that would its books.
lead to "hysterical paroxysm"-
in other words, an orgasm. Talk
about bedside manner. Not
surprisingly, these treatments
never provided a permanent
"cure"; rather, doctors found that
t hei r "frigid" fema le patients
kept returning in droves for
regular manual administrations .
I ice cubes,
I Rub My
Jazz up yo ur frosty play with
some fragrant ice cubes, a nd

See Duckie waterproof vibrator.
stimulate two senses at once!
(Yes, we were Home Shopping
Network hosts in a former li fe.)
Sephora.com sells "sensual rice
steam-perfumed ice cubes" by

Kenzoki . They're chem ica l free
ice a nd full of essent ial oils, which
must be why they cost about
One end of the temperature-
$30 for twelve cubes. ("For
play continuum (hot candle
ice?f' we can hear our mothe rs
wax being the other). Cheap.
asking.) Th e rice-pla nt ingredi-
readily accessible, nonstaining,
ents cause the cubes to turn
and just a teeny bit kinky. one
into a crea my, milky fluid as
cold cube-traced down some·
they melt-we guess that could
one's back on a hot summer"s
be a good thing. For a cheaper
day, or strategically placed on a
DIY sensation accessory, make
lazy nipple, or sucked on right
your own by freezing floral
before an oral administration-
water, essences, infu sions,
can make an otherwise ordinary
etc.-all avai lable at your local
sesh extra hot. Just be su re to
health food s tore or crunchy
keep the actual ice on the out-
pharmacy-in an ice cube tray.
side of the bod and away from
delicate internal linings. See
also sensation play and DIY.
Yes, your iPod is a sex toy! Come
on, a music mix t hat lasts longer
than forty-five m inutes, wit h no Japanese

commerc ial breaks? Th at's the
best thing to happen to sex s ince sex toys
dimmer switches• (See lighting.)
Ah, Japan: home of ge is has,
By the way, if your booty mix
pornographic comics. pillow
doesn't include either Muse or
books. automated "love hotels,"
t he Brazilian Girls, you're miss-
and sidewalk vend ing mach ines
ing out.
that dispense soi led schoolgirl
undies. Is it any su r prise that
the famous Rabbit Habit hails
from this country? Th e legend-
ary toy is a sexy Iittle loophole:
A now-defunct Japanese law
once prohibited the manufac-
ture of sex toys that resembled
gen ita lia, so Japanese vibrators
featured rabbits, dolph ins,
beavers, fish, and funny cartoon
faces. The law is now gone, but
the dolphins and rabbits buzz
on. (For a German version of
disturbingly cute sex toys. see
Fun Factory.) The Japanese
porn industry, on the other
hand. continues to be heavi ly
regulated: A still-active law
states that in moving anima-
tion or video, genitalia must

always be distorted by a blurred t o phthalates may do serious
section called a "mosaic." (i.e., permanent) damage. Yes,
Now do you understand why you may be co mpletely happy
the Japanese came up with with your jelly Nubby G-for
bukkake? (Google it if you dare.) now. So, to be safe, slap a con-
Necessity might be the mother dom on before in sert ion. (You
of invention, but repression is want explosive orgasms, not
its n aughty little fri end. And radio act ive ones.) Use only
don't even get us st art ed on water-based lubes, as others
the complicat ed art of l>hib ari, will actua lly melt t he mat erial.
otherwise known as Ja pa nese In fact, a jelly toy may break
rope bondage ('cause, to be down simply from being in
honest, we don't rea lly k now contact wit h a toy of another
anything about it). See a lso mat erial. Expect some discol-
Hello Kitty vibrator. oration over the years, even if
you're a clean frea k. So me say
t o use mil d soap or toy clean er

jelly rubber
Cheap plastic made with a
phthalate soft ener. Jel ly is
t o wash it, whil e oth ers say
use n o soap at all ; every on e
agrees you s houl d avoid har sh
dis hwas hi ng liquid or alcohol,
high ly flexib le, usually translu- which may a lso dissolve it. And
cent with lots of littl e bubbles, make sure your jelly toy is air
s ti cky to the touch , and s ti n ky dried be fore st oring it in a
like a cheap shower-curta in locked box by itself in the corner
liner-that's t h e unstable of a closet in your basement .
chemica ls seeping out. Do you So, why are we even
rea lly want to stick t hat you- includ ing a ny je lly toys in
know-where? Some peop le this book ? Because t h ey are
report inflammation , burni ng, everywhere: If you s py a sex
and a yeast li.ke disch arge after toy, cha nces are it's jelly. Plus,
usin g jelly toys, and recent because it's so malleable, it
stud ies suggest th at exposure often makes for toys with really

interesting textures that people
love, and, because it's so cheap,
it makes for very affordable toys
(consider the endless array of
jelly sleeves), so they become
big sellers. But here's to putti ng
Kama Sutra
our money where our twats arc bath & body
and making jelly toys tank in
the market.
T he Bath & Body Works of the
sex-toy indust ry. Kama Sutra
makes affordably priced oils,
creams. bath gels, and balms,
most of which are edible and
all of which are tastefully pack-
aged . We like them so much,
in fact, that we're raving about
them despite them refusing to
send free samples our way
(how "Eastern'· is th at?). They
specia lize in gift baskets, and
probably make a killing 'round
Va lent ine's Day. More in fo at
KamaSutra.corn. See also body
paint; edible accessories; and
massage oil, body.

A sta inl ess-steel vaginal
barbell-pretty much the exact
same thing as the Betty's
Barbell dildo (BL; $$$). See in struct ions for your pelvic
Kegelcisor.com for more info. workout. Doub le dildos (see dil-
dos, double) like t he Feeldoe
and th e Nexus will work, too.
Or, fo r a prop-free routine,

keg els
A rnold Kegel, M.D., spent the
middle of the last centu1·y study-
browse Kege l·Exercises.com
or the "Pumping up Your Love
Muscl es" chapter of our first
boo k, Th e Big Bang.
ing urinary incontinence and
sexual dysfunction in women
and found that strong pelvic
floor muscles (which include
the PC muscle) are key to right-
ing such wrongs. (These muscles
Every sex·toy out let sells its own
kits, and they a ll make great
contract involuntarily during gifts. The kit packaging is like a
orgasm and voluntarily when reass urance from on high that,
you've got to pee like a race- yes, people give and receive sex
horse.) "Kegels" are the squeez- toys all the time. ("You got an
ing technique the good doctor erection .oet for your birthday?
developed to tone the pelvic Man. l want one of tho.oe!'} Plus,
floor and, today, there are sev- buying a k it t ypi cally means
eral toys are made specifically that you don't have to figure out
with that workout in mind. Men what lube goes with yo ur dildo
can work on their kegels with or cock ring, etc., because every-
the Aneros, while women can thing you need is already in
also choose among Betty's there. Th ere a re way too many
Barbell dildo, the Kegelcisor, kits for us t o Iist them all, but we
the Berman Center's Adonis, have yet to meet a kit we didn't
the Lurnina Wand, and the new Iike. Wh at ca n we say? We're
kid on the block that everyone's suckers for packaging. In partic-
raving about, Natural Contours' ular, for bath t ime, we like GV's
Energie. All these toys come with Fri day Night De li ght($$). For
covering all your bases, we like
BL's Sex Toys 101 Kit($$$; see
beginner toys). For form and
function. we like the Mile-High

Kit($$). And. for anal play, the
fina l fron tier. it's gotta be the
latex gloves
Bend Over Beginner Kit ($$). L atex gloves get a bad rap-
See also etiquette, gift-giving. mention them in the context of
sex (as opposed to, say, doing
the dishes or home-dyeing your

kinky toys
A nything outs id e the ma in·
stream , wh ere mai n..l>tream
ha ir). and most people wi ll joke
nervously abou t body-cavi ty
searches, prostate exams, or
havin g their legs up in stirrups .
mea ns women's magaz in es, But, hey. some of the hottest sex
an e pi sode of Sex and the fantas ies begin their lives as
Citlj. a bachelorette party, a nervous jokes, a nd what better
Tupperware-style sex-toys accessory to these fantas ies than
party, or th e sex-toy sect ion of a pair of latex gloves? Some
DS. A kinky toy would not be fetish retailers even stock elbow-
refe rred to as a "marital aid" length gloves in multiple colors,
and is pro bably not the kind if you're reall y serious about
of toy you r couples counselor getting into character (EX;$$).
would recommend. Also, a ki nky But latex gloves aren't just
toy is not the kind that would aesthetic props-they're handy
be feat ured in a slapstick com· for safer sex. too. Tiny invisible
edy featuring a rascally dog cut s on your ha nds can transmit
that li kes to go rummaging in STDs - both ways, and in both
guests' s uitcases-a kinky toy is cavities. Bes ides, if you're tak·
not a punch line. For exampl e, a ing a whol e han d anywhere, a
Rabbit is mainstream; a gimp well ·lubed latex g love wil l ease
suit is k inky. See also BDSM. your entry. (Just put "hangna il "
and "delicate anal tissue" in
the same sentence and you'll going anywhere else-a vagina,
know exactly what we're talking say. (You'll give the vagina
about.) But even if you're not owner one mother of a urinary-
going in whole-handedly, barrier tract infection if you don't
protection is a pretty good idea. wash up or use gloves between
(Yeah, yeah, we know you're not orifices.) You can simply change
going to do it, but it's our duty or remove the glove and keep on
to mention it anyway.) Sure, t rucking-no buzz-ki II i ng trip
fingering is safer than fucking, t o the bathroom required. For
but jumping off a two-story all uses, you should avoid oi l-
building is safer than leaping based lubes, as oil can degrade
off a skyscraper, too, you know. latex. Stick to water· or sil icone-
For vaginal fantasies, you should based lubes, unless you're using
avo id powdered gloves, since po lyurethane gloves (if your
talc has been linked to cervical partner has a latex allergy,
cancer (or just thoroughly rinse say), in which case any lube
off the powder first). Some will do. "Okay, Mr. Ben Dover,
people like t o make dental the doctor will .1>ee you now..,
dams out of latex gloves by
cutti ng off the four fingers,
slitting up the side opposite the
thumb, rinsing off the powder,
and lubing up-but that seems
like an awful lot of work when
latex rubber
As found in nature, latex is
the mi lky-white juice of many
a piece of sturdy Saran Wrap plants, most co mmonly the rub·
does the job just fine. (There arc ber tree, which can be made
also purpose-made Sheer Glyde into natural latex rubber. But
dental dams.) latex can be made syn t hetical ly
But wa it-there's more! and then turned int o r ubber,
Wearing latex gloves when too. It's inex pensive (probably
you're knocking on someone·s the most inexpensive toy mate-
back door means you won't have rial besides a cucumber). it
to stop and wash up before can be sculpted into most any
s ha pe, s ize, a nd color (though avoid anything with latex on the
fles h tone and bl ack are t he label). Jf you start experi encing
most common). a nd , t hough it 's inflammation, a r ash, or d is-
fir mer an d less s m elly than charge after u sing latex, it's time
jelly, it wil l wear out faster. to switch to silicone toys and
Latex is porous, so you polyuretha ne condoms . A note
should use a latex condom with to the allergic: In addition to
your latex toys (is n't it ironic?). t est in g all the ir toys for phtha -
It's not porous enough to make lates, A-Wom ans-Touch .corn
condoms, latex gloves, and has a chemist check all t he ir
dental dams ineffe ct ive-unlike t oys for lat ex, so, if th ey say
ver y porous animal-skin co n- something is latex fre e, you
doms. Never use oil-based lubes, know you can trust 'em. An
becau se t hey'll break down the example of a lat ex dildo is
latex; water- a nd s ili cone-based Mr. Real ist ic (MP;$$$).
lubes are a-okay. Alcohol will
also break it down , s o, in stead,
clean it wit h a soa py cloth. Laya Spot
Keep in a cool, dry place.
Allergies to latex were fi rst
recognized in t he lat e seventies
and have bee n on th e r ise with
the increase of the materia l in
Thi s petite externa l vibrator
is one of those contour toys -
chic, ergonomic, a nd designed to
t he environme nt. Caused by a
fo llow the curves of a woman's
protein in natural latex rubber,
body. It's a tad s ma ll er than a
al lergies can develop over time
computer mouse (4 1/4 inches
the more you are exposed to the
by 1 1/2 inches), which mea ns it
material. (Thoug h sy nthetic
can sit in s ide you r cupped hand,
lat ex is not a n a ll ergen, most
lie on your pu bic bone, or s it
products that mention latex
between yo ur thighs, giving
m ean t he n atural ki nd, and
you a more intim ate experience
there's us uall y no way of know-
than some of t he bu lkier vibes
ing fo r sure-so, if you're allergic,
out there. The Laya's perfect for
women who like a little labia
atte ntion; hold it down a little
Le Lynx
farther for a nice perineum
massage. Guys might like it
cupped around the ir balls. too.
Controlled with two light-up,
S ee ElementalPleasures.com.

soft-touch buttons. it's got eight
speeds of constant vibration leather
and three of pulsing vibration,
T reated cow flesh. Doesn't
from barely there to pretty
sound so sexy when we-okay,
intense. It's no Hitachi, but
when Lo-puts it like that, huh?
its vibrations arc nevertheless
And yet people, especially the
pretty fierce for a small AAA
BDSM and gay-bi ker commu ni-
battery- operated toy. And
ties, embrace it as the ultimate
quiet! Laya's manufactured by
sex material. Dildo harnesses
Fun Factory, so you know it's
are often made of leather, but
built to last: It's made of their
why? It ca n't be disinfected or
Elastomed, a hard, nonporous,
boiled or even cleaned very well,
hypoallergenic elastomer. Just
so body fluids sink into it. like,
wash with soap and water. A
forever. You could try using
packet of lube is included($$).
leather cleaners and saddle
See also Lelo vibrators and
soaps. But for safety and sani-
Pure Bliss vibrator.
tary reasons, you might want
to go with machine-washable
nylon, wh ich is better for the
environment than rubber,
vinyl, and, yes, leather. Be free,
Bessie, be free! If you simply
rmut add a little lea ther to your
collection, do it with somethi ng
that's not likely to get soiled,
like a bondage belt.
Lelo vibrators
You could even use one as a
nipple teaser. And, because
Did you ever find a smooth piece they're so small, you can easily
of sea glass on the beach and and comfonably incorporate
keep it in your pocket because them into intercourse or oral.
it fe lt so nice to hold in your Still feel ing gypped by t heir high-
hand and rub with your thumb? end price tags? Un li ke the Laya,
A Lelo "pleasure objec t" is like the Le los are rechargeable-just
tha t, only you hold it in your pl ug them in like you would a
hand and rub it against your cell phone! When fully charged,
clitoris. This high-end sex toy they can go for seven hou rs,
compa ny based in Sweden and they have a 90-day stand-
makes several versions of its by time. All Lelo toys come in
elfin pebbl e vibe (3 'h inches by a gift box with a satin storage
2 inches): the Lily vibrator pouch, are quieter than a mouse,
("pearly" nonporous elastomer; feature LED indicators, and
around $130), the Nea (porcelain- have a one-year warranty. The
like with a floral motif; just under most popular and a ffordable,
$100), the Ida (shiny, water· the Lily v ibe, is available on
proof rubber, with lips that hug BL, BF, LB, and MP; they're al l
the clitor is; around $170), and available on Lela.com. See also
the Yva (medical-grade s urgical Pure Bliss vibrator.
steel; around $1,300-or 18K
gold plate; about $1,500).
They're basically the
s poiled little sist ers of the Laya
Spot vibrator (thou gh they're
not offic ially related-more like
BFFs): external, ergonomic,
contour toys that can be set on
or around the clitoris, curved
around the vulva/balls. or
pressed against the perineum.
Libida.com (LB) try, where there are no industry
sta ndards. Except when it
T he only on line retail s ite comes to prices-and theirs are.
des igned especially for straight Ind ustry s tandard, we mean .
women, Libida .com features
n ot just toys but also an erotic

ga llery, erotic lit erature, two
staff sexologist s, a sexual-
hea lth library, advice, and even S ometimes candles are a little
weekly sex ual horosco pes (.<10 too Ha rl equin Romance or
gi rly!). Their "Decision Maker" Colonial William sburg- and that
guides newbies throug h an easy doesn 't work for ever y k ind of
step-by-step proces s to findi ng sex. Bu t overhead fl uorescent
the perfe ct toy. But what reall y light ing doesn't work for any
sets t hem apart : a Libida Meter ki nd of sex (except for maybe
that rates toys (on vibe intensity, that sexy-gynecologist role·
volume, versatility, and cl itora l/ playing scenario yo u've been
anal/ G-spot friendl iness) and working on). For t imes like these,
DVDs (on explicitness, romance, have some 15-watt bulbs on
cinematography, acting, plot, hand, or in stall a dimmer sw itch
men's appeal, chemi stry, women's in th e bedroom. You can buy a
pl easu re, taboos, and racial kit at t he hardware store, and
divers ity). Unfortunately, the it's a cinch to insta ll-we swear.
Libid a Mete r gave the Pocket Cheap, too! Bulb: $1. Dimmer
Rocket vibrator three out of kit: $7. Not worrying about
five stars for bein g G-spot a nd whether your lover is distracted
anal friendly. Huh? We wou ldn't by your ass pimples: pricel ess.
stick that toy inside anywhere.
especially not the butt! Pl us,
t heir site design is jus t not that
inviting, and their collectio n is
lim ited. Well , nobody's perfect-
especially in the sex-toy indus-
S ee Lelo vibrators.
lipstick vibe sl ip in the ba ck without much
fu ss-see anal play and butt
See undercover toys. plugs for more tips on how to
make yo ur rear entrance. Made
of silicone, so boil or wash and
use with a water-based lube.

liquid latex
S ee body paint.
Ava il able everywhere (WT calls
it Petunia) for about t en bucks.

lubes or
If you don't think of fri ction
relievers as sex toys. you're not
using them rig ht. If you always
assumed that lube was just a
post menopause su bstitute
fo r t he real thing, or a prison
guard's tool of t he trade for
a kinder, gent ler body-cav ity
Little Flirt search, you've been seriously
missing out. Like parsley. lube is
butt plug
T antusSilicone.com's Little
Fli rt is just about t he smalles t,
th e ideal garnish for any dish .
First off, you s houldn't be going
anywhere near the anu s with-
cutest butt plug you'll ever out a litt le lube, not even with a
meet (3 inches by 7/s inches). s ma ller-tha n-average pinkie-
As long as you use enough there's zero natural lubrication
back there, a nd s pit just won't
water-based lube, a wee butt
cut it. Next, all handwork fee ls
plug like this should be able to
better with a litt le Iube. On not be considered a measuri ng
him, lube means you can pump stick for how into it she is-some
his pole harder and faster with- women gush at the brush of an
out giving him rug burn. On elbow, while others produce
her, lube means she can take only a drop or two during the
more, an d more varied, stimu- best sex of their life. Pl us, deh y·
lation all over, without getting dration, the time of the month,
chafed or oversensitive (her medi cations, age, and a hang·
little man in the boat is partic- over are just a few facto rs t hat
ularly delicate). may diminish her own geyser.
During oral, you might Lube: lt does a body good.
enjoy the addition of a littl e Most sex-toy shops offer
lube (may we interest you in a lube samp ler packs or t rial-size
fl avor?) to help you s lide around, sachets. Blowfish sells a water·
especially if you're hungover based lube sampler and a sili·
and suffering from a serious cone sampler($$ each), both
case of dry mouth. Or, next of wh ich include most of the
time you're goi ng down on your lubes we review here. Once
partner, just put a li ttle lu be on you've settled on a favorite- or
your f inger and let it wander to a few favorites-you can invest
the perineum or the starfish in a full bottle with a pump
(just don't let it wander back dispenser (put it in a cup of
to the front). Finally, even old· warm water to avoid the shock
school penis·in-vagina sex can of freezin g-co ld liquid on yo u r
be improved by lube, especially n uts) . The dispenser allows for
during a quickie (when there's one-handed reapplication (which
no foreplay buildup) or a mara· means that reapplication is
thon sesh. Adding lube to a less likely to disrupt the flow
condom means it's less likely to of events). If, however, you're in . ..:-~

break, and adding a drop of lube a casual-dati ng phase and are

iruide a condom will improve entertaining a steady stream of
his latex expe rience, t oo. A luvvers, you might want to steer
woman's natural lube should clear of those industrial-size vats
lubes, DIY
of lube-it's a little off-putting,
especiall y when there's only
half an inch left in the bottom. DIY lubes are for hand-jobs-for-
Save the econ omy s hopping fo r him on ly: The vagina is too prone
your LTRs. to in fection (bless its sen sitive
You have a number of lube little lining), and most do-it-your-
opt ions, depen din g on t he body se lf lu bes tend to be oil based,
part or toy, the body cavit y. the which means they're not latex
condom , and the conditions compatible. But if a hand job is
(can you say "hot tub"?). Th e all that's on rhe menu (i.e., you're
three basic lube food groups are sure it won't escalate to some-
oi l ba sed, silicone based, a nd t hing requiring a condom or a
water based. For lube reviews by vagina) , you might want to try
categor y, see lubes, oil-based; cheap h and lotion like Vaselin e
lubes, silicone-based; an d Int en s ive Care (the more expen-
lubes, water-based following. sive s tuff absorbs too well), olive
If you've been contemplating oil , Crisco, baby oil, ha ir condi-
just u s ing a handy house hold tioner if you're in the shower
product instead , please see (shampoo is too drying), and Kiss
lubes, DIY first. My Face Mo is ture Shave mixed
None of the lubes we rec- with one part water (five bu ck s
om mend conta in Nonoxynol-9. at OS- just try it ). Spi t can feel
And please not e: Some lu bes, good a nd raunchy, but it does n't
especia lly flavored lubes. con- las t long. and cotton mouth
tain a natural suga r ca lled glyc- will set in almost immediately.
eri n (for sweetness), which ca n
be irritating t o oversensitive
vaginas, somet imes causing a
yeast infection (not so sweet). lubes,
So, if you·re not working with a
vagina of steel. s teer clear of
any lubes containing glycerin. -
O il-ba.JJed lttbeil can 't be Uiled
with latex producu (condoms,
darns, diaphragms), and they're Oil·based lubes are mostly
not particularly compatible with household products like ba by
vaginas, either. Oil has a ten- oil and Cr isco-see lubes, DIY-
dency to ha ng around, which or produ cts designed s pecifi·
makes it a very hardy lube, but cally for manhandling. The
a very likely culprit in urinary- latter can be eas ily s potted by
tract infections in women , too. their oh-so-m anly names like
(If you mus t k now, it's becau se Elbow Grease (comes in a one-
UT!s ar e ca used by microscopic gallon plastic bucket with han-
fecal bacteria, and, during a dle; SSS at Cheap Lubes.com),
particu Jar athletic sesh, even Boy Butter (m ade of vegetable
just penis-in-vagin a sex. that oi l; S for 16 ounces at BF),
bact eria gets bumped around. Men's Cream (petroleum based;
It's why women prone t o infec- $for 4 ounces at BF), Rocket
t ion should always pee right Balm (ti ngl y peppermint oil;
after sex: It clears the tract. But S for 1 ounce at CV), a nd the
oi l can't be peed away easily; it pr act ica I ly-d r ipping-with-
just hangs around, kee pi ng the testosterone-named Stroke 29
bacteria company. And lube gets by Gun Oil (almond and coconut
everywh ere, so even if you're oil; SS fo r 6 ounces at BL). For
using it in th e back door, it's a lat ex-frie ndly m anhandling
gonna travel around to t he front.) product . see Eros Power Cream
So, the only oil·appropriate in lubes, silicone-based- $$
occasions are a) anal sex with a for 5 ounces at CV.
polyurethane condom, b) a man
hand job t hat's not going to end
up in vaginal sex, c) anal fisting lubes,

(yowza!). or d) unprotected anal
sex between two men (double
yowza! Need we remind you
T he future of sex is silicone,
that unprotected anal sex is
and th e future of sex is now.
the highest-risk sexual activity
(And. no. thi s has nothing to do
out there for STD s and HIV?).
with fake ta·tas.) Silicone lube silicone queen and Tantus
fee ls and works just like oil- president Meti s Black told us,
i.e., it's waterproof (bring on it all depends on the grade of
the shower nozzle!), a little s ilicone involved: If the toy is
goes a long way, a nd it's longer made from m edica l-grad e plat·
lasting t han wat er-based lubes in um silicone (like all Tantus
because it doesn't absor b into dildos) and the lube's ingredients
the body. But, unlike oi l, it's contain dimethicone (first),
safe to use on latex condoms di methiconal, and cyclomenthi·
and dazns (bring on the hard· cone (and no unnecessary addi·
core anal fucking!). It's the only tives like aloe or vit amin E), like
inert lube out there, mean ing with Eros Gel and Eros Original
it won't react at all wi th your Bodyglide, then it should be
own body's chemistry-though perfectly safe.
if a silicone lube contai ns But since it's hard to k now
additives, as Pink does, it's no exactly what's in a toy, you
longer cons idered inert. You should alwayL> do a small patch
can even shave with it (to help test on the base of your toy
keep the razor s harper longer). first: If the lube stays slipper y,
There's one very important you can keep on sliding. Even
ru le about sili cone lubes, how· if you prefer to s lap a latex
ever: Do not iue Liilicone lubu condom on the toy just to be
on toyL> made from Liilicone or safe, you're still goin g t o need
Cyberslcin et al. Because the to wash t he sil icone lube off
only thing s ili cone bonds to you with soap and water,
is sil icon e, a weird chemical because it doesn't wash away
reaction occurs between silicone as easily as water-based lube.
or Cyberskin toys and s ilicone (That's why it works in th e hot
lubes, causing the surface of the tub. remember?)
toys to get gummy (not really "But what about the horror
somethin g you want going on health stories of silico ne seep·
in.Aide you). However, there is age from burst breast implants?"
an exception to this rule. As you ask. Have no fear; silicone
lubu are safe: Th ey don't get
absorbed by the epidermis of
your body, which includes the
lining of your body cavities.
Here are a few of our
favorite silicone-based lubes
W ater-based lubes are great
t eam players: You can use them
with any toy, you can use them
(sensitive vaginas should avoid
with latex condoms or darns
the products that conta in glyc-
(and diaphragms, for t hat mat-
erin). They're avai lable all over,
ter), and they wash off easily
an d most are about $10 for a
with water. They are not water-
30-milliliter bottle. Silicone
proo f, however, so if you need a
lu bes tend to be more expensive
lube for the h ot tub. you should
than the water-based k ind, but
check out lubes, silicone-
you need less, so it evens out.
based. And beware of so-ca lled
And so, withou t further
water-L>oluble lubes, whi ch
ado: Eros Gel or Eros Original
frequent ly contain oil (and thus
Bodyglide (glycerin free and
are not latex compatible). Herc
safe to use with Tantu s s il icone
are a few of our favorite water-
dildos); Eros Power Cream (con-
based lubes (sensitive vaginas
tains glycerin); Wet Platinum
s hould avoid the products that
(glycerin free); and Pink (best
contain glycerin). They're ava il -
suited for her veegee, Pink
able all over ($).
comes in an elegant, hand-
Astroglide: Fans claim it's
blown Italian glass jar, meaning
the most natural -feeling lube
it could easily pass for a chic
out there; plus, they love its
bottle of perfume; g lycerin free,
sweet taste. Detractors say it's
though its additives-vitam in E
so thin that it s lides all over
and aloe vera-make it imposs i-
the place. Contains glycerin.
ble to use with high-quality
Liquid Silk: The perfect My
pure s ili cone dildos, so don't
First Lube-glyceri n free, li g ht,
bother with the patch test).
and nonsticky. The taste isn't
great, so we'd steer clear of this
one if you've got oral in mind.
Maxi mus: Very long lasting can't pick just one). Maybe you
for a water-based lube, so a popu- don't like the taste of genital ia .
lar pick for anal activities. Tast e Or perh aps you're one of those
free, odor free, glycerin free. rare upstand ing citizens who
Probe Classic: Probe's actually-9Mp- uses barri er
Classic formu la is the thickest protection for casua l encoun-
water-based lube out there, and ters of the oral kind, in which
thus a favori te among backdoor case these lubes can jazz u p
friends. Probe's Silky Light the flavor of latex. It's better
formula is better suited to than grabbing something ra n-
han dwork and old-school inter- dom from yo ur fr idge-chances
course. Taste free, odor fr ee. are t hat'll either contain oi l,
Both contain glycerin. which will destroy the latex ,
Sensua Personal Lubri- or sugar. which may give her
ca nts: Chemical free, homeo- a yeast infection (or, worse,
pathic, vegan, all-natural, both). As a bonus feature, Wet
available in peac h or raspberry lubes come in an easy-gr ip con-
flavors, and g lycerin fr ee. t oured bottle, which will sound
Sensual Power Lube: much more impressive if you've
Glycerin free. ever tried to open a tube of
Sl ippery Stuff: Taste fr ee, lu be with a g reasy hand. Wet
odor free, glycer in free. Flavored Lubes a re all surpris-
ingly glycerin free.

For a p lethora of flavo rs, from
passion fru it to pifia colada, the
In high schoo l, Lo m ade a
pilgrimage to the Pink Pussycat
Wet water-based range is your
friend (try a sampler pack if you Boutique in NYC to get a
Valentine's Day present for
her boyfriend and came back
with a cheap bottle of Emotion
Lotion that got hot when you
rubbed it and t ast ed like straw-
A common brand name for hard
acrylic. See a lso materials.

berries (actually, it tasted like

shit). Fifteen years later, K-Y
comes out with a warming liq-
uid (containing glycerin), and
suddenly it's big news? Guess
so. 'cause even your grand-
T his hard acrylic, pretty-in-
pink magic wand is one of
those sex toys that could pass
mother's heard of the new K-Y.
as abstract art-but, unlike
The benefit of K-Y's brand is
many of those toys, it's more
that it's available freakin'
tha n just a pretty face. Two
everywhere. The ladies at Good
orbs at the base make for a
Vibrations prefer the water-
firm, easy-to-grip handle, and
based ID Warming Liquid,
the curve is specially formu-
though it does contain glycerin.
lated for easy G-spotting. Or,
too. For a glycerin-free warm-
flip it around and use the
ing experience, there's Sliquid
knobby end in the vagina or ass
Sizzle. Some ladies swear by
for a pleasantly ridged approach
these muff warmers, while
to penetration. (Though the
others claim it's a ll gimm ick-
wand doesn't have a flared base,
make up your own mind. Try
it's long enough-9 inches by
mixing your warming lube with
i '/4 inches-that every retailer
a regular water-based lube for
seems to consider it safe for
a more pleasingly slippery
anal play. Just don't let go of the
effect. These warming lubes,
knobby handle, and don't try to
all water based, are not to be
get all 9 inches in there, either.)
confused with genital warming
It's got no seams, which
massage oils-see massage
means it's s ilky smooth , and it's
oils, genital.
shatter resistant, too (as long
as you don't keep droppi ng it
on the ground over an d over
again to "test" it, as we did).
And did we menti on it comes
with a black pleathe r carrying
case? (Doesn't rea lly go with
massage oil,
t he pi n k, but vegetarians will
like it.) The Wand is water-
proof, compatible with any
ki nd of lube, nonporous, a nd
If you're new to sex toys, this is
one of the best sex accessories
can be washed with soap and to start with: affordable, sensual
water. Manufactured in China, rather than s hocking, and readily
it's distributed in the Un it ed ava ilable. Oi ls are incom pat ibl e
States by BL ($$) and is also with latex, a nd not g reat on
avai lable at BF (as the G-spot coochies either, so, for the "spe-
Bloop Wand), DS (as t he Crystal cial" portion of yo ur massage,
Wave). GV (as the Jupiter Di ldo), you shou Id switch to a specially
LB (as the Crystal G). and MP formulated genital massage
(as Dangerous Cu r ves). Yep, it's oi l (see fo llowing). But for t he
just that pretty that none of body, a ny kind of oil will do.
them cou ld resist g ivin g it At beauty outlets like the

th eir own s pecia l name. Body Shop (BodyS hop.co m)

or Aveda (Avecla.com). you can
buy pla in oil (e.g., organ ic soy
oil) and flavor it with your own
favorite essential oil. For a fla-
vored oil you can actually nibble
on, try something from GV's
Body Candy range (see edible
accessories)- t hese surprisingly
unst icky poti ons are made
from a sweet almond -o il base.
Body Butter (a GV exclu s ive;$),
which comes in mint julep or bar of soap, but it's actually a
raspberry-chocola te truffle, is a body-heat-activated massage
si milar (edible) idea, except it oil mad e from cocoa butter and
comes in solid balm form a nd peppermint. You just r ub it
rubs in more like a moisturiz- between your hand s and you're
ing lotion than an oil. None of good to go (which, "handily,"
these oil-based products is warms the oil, too). This bar is
latex or coochie compatible, neither latex nor coochie com-
but they are compatible with pa tible. 0 Karna Sutra Honey
vegetarians (they contain no Dust ($ for 8 ou nces at BF) is a
animal by-products). sweet, edible body powder that
A favorite among massage com es with a feather applica-
therapists (not to mention Betty tor. We know, we k now, a light
Dodson) is Charlie Suns hine's dusting of shimmeri ng gold
Secret Formula Massage Oil isn't exactly a full-body massage,
(OS;$). It looks and feels like but if you' re a lazy sensual ist,
lotion (Le., it's not go ing to slop this might come in handy every
all over your sheets like regular now and then. €> Massage can-
oil), but it's actually oil (so you dles whose warm wax turns
won't need to reapply every ten into massage oi l like magic.
seconds, as with some moistur- For details, see candle wax.
izing lotions). It's made of a ll-
natural products and contains
lots of Vitamin E, which is good massage oil,

for the skin. For something very
simi lar, try GV's own Ma ssage
Lotion, available in Sugar
You want to avoid gett ing any
Plum, Venus (whatever the hell
kind of oil ins id e her cooch-
th at planet s mells Iike), an d
either via internal massage or
unscented($ for 4 ounces).
via oil on you r pen is that ends
Finally, our three favorite body-
up giving her a very different
massage gimmicks: 0 GV's
kind of internal massage. Oil
Massage Bar($) looks like a
has a tendency to hang around, same cheesy nam ing strategy.
which makes it a great massage We like Kama Sutra Oil of Love
lotion-and an even better host (BF; S for 4 ounces) for its fairly
to all sorts of microscopic bac- classy packaging; it comes in
teri a that can lead to veegee cinnamon, vanilla, or plain.
infections. Some lad ies are These warming oi ls are all latex
never affected by this (in fact, friendly and edible, though ed i-
we know one woman who's been ble and tasty are us ually two
masturbating with olive oil for entirely different concepts in
years-.<10 European), but is it this industry. None of them
wonh the risk? Because nothing sh ould be used internally (see
says "thanks for the erotic mas- the lubes section for that) or
sage" quite like a piss-burning over the entire body, either.
urinary-tract in fection. So, keep Menthol balms are the
your slaked snake out of t here, same basic deal, except t hey're
and use the following products cool and tingly instead of warm
for exrernal gen ital massage and tingly. Try Flower Balm for
only. Afterward, make sure you her, peppermint Rocket Balm
pee and shower to remove all for him ($at GV). or Kama Surra
the oil and keep things kosher Pleasure Balm (uni sex; Sat BF).
down there. These balms are all edible, they
If you really want to h eat are all for external, erogen ous·
things up, try an edible warm- zone use only, and they are not
ing oil or a tingling menthol latex compatible.
Warming oils and gels
heat up as you blow on them masturbation

(neato!). Motion Lotion (different
from Emotion Lotion) comes
in twelve fruity flavors-buy a
If you left an eighth-grade
sampler pack (GV; $)and try
science geek-slash-chron ic
'em all! Wet and Midnight Fire
masturbator alone for long
are two other brands-same idea,
enough. eventually he'd come
up with a mastu rbation s leeve. Some vibra te, some have
In fact. most sleeves sound like stimulating beads, some have
they were named by horny ridges, and some have all three .
.<lixth-grade science geeks: the One could co nsider this techno-
Fleshlight (the best seller of the logi cal advancement to be a
bunch) , t he Ecsta-Sleeve (GV's step backward for humankind,
excl usive sleeve, so you know it's the way so me believe video
good), the Dream Sleeve (a better games distract from beneficial
choice than the Fleshlight, in reading for fun. After all, think
our humble opinion), the Erotic how a you ng man's imagination
Embrace (smaller and cheaper, used to be pushed to its limits
for travel), the Tunnel of Love, as he retooled everyday house·
the Pocket Gal, Alexa's Vibrating hold objects in to masturbation
Pussy, and our favorite, at least devices: a Ziploc-ed baggie of
in co rny con cept, t he Cheri. warm oatmeal s hoved between
(The Cheri actually comes with two mattresses, a si lky scarf
a thin vinyl "hymen" for that pushed into a lump of foam, a
special first-time feeling.) A duct-taped banana skin, or-if
masturbation sleeve is meant the boy was a Philip Roth fan-
to simulate the feel of a vagina, a cored appl e or a baseball
mouth, or anus. The inside is mitt. But, hey, if the Flesh light
t yp ica ll y made of e ither porous prevents just one apple pie from
jelly rubber (if it's a bargain· being defiled before d inner, it
basement model) or, more co m- wi ll all have been worthwhi le.
monly, one of the new. porous. Guys willing to seriously
lifelike materials s uch as invest in their wank habit can
Cyberskin. Whatever's inside, fork over a couple hundred
the only way to really keep it bucks for toys like the Ultra-
clean is to wear a condom-or, Realistic Vibra t ing Pussy and
in a pinch, you can wash it out Anus (XA has a selection).
with antibacterial soap and These are basica lly sleeves in
water and dry it with a little context and are often molded
cornstarch. after porn stars-you get all the
naughty bits of t he Rea!Doll includes your bod). Since people
without paying fo r those unnec· use these toys on very intimate
essary limbs . Some people refer parts, especially in areas such as
to mastu rbation s leeves as cock t he vagina and the ana l canal,
or peni s sleeves, while others where the skin is delicate and
say "cock sleeve" actually highly absorpt ive, it is impor·
means penis extender. People, ,, tant to use safe products: ones
can't we a ll get along? Sleeves that work with your a natomy
are ava ilable just about every· (one s ize doesn't always fit all),
where for$$. See also pumps, t hat won't cause abrasions to
penis a nd porn-star toys. your most sensitive flesh (for
instance, fro m rough sea ms),
and that won't result in physi·

cal react ions to it s chemi cals
(though so me people are more
I t's amazing what we'll put in sensitive or allergic than others).
our bodi es. Do you read the Toys made of inferior
ingredi ent labels on everything materia ls are usually st icky,
you ea t? And, if you did, woul d a re imposs ible to clean, a nd/or
you kn ow what half that stuff carry a very strong odor. This
was? As consumers, we're odor is a result of a chemical
respon sible for educating ou r- reactio n called outgass ing (the
selves about what we stick in release of vapors) ca used by
our pie holes, baby ho les. and phthalates in jelly rubber,
bung ho les-'cause th e ma nu· unstab le vinyl (a.k. a PVC), and
facturers just tryi ng to make a other soft plastics . That does n't
buck sure aren't going to inform mean you can't use them; just
us. Fortunately, t hough, with use them with a condom (hey,
more and more informed con- it makes cleaning your toy a
sumers ma king better choices, ci nch) . Adm ittedly, that can
there's a growi ng consciousness be tough, especia lly when the
about maki ng toys that are good interesting textu re of porous
for the environment (whi ch toys is probably what you
bought it for in the firs t place. cleaner, you'l l be swapping
A harder plastic like acrylic bacteria via the toy's pores).
or silicone is a much safer, Basically, if you open a package
nonporous option, however. and fee l like you need a gas
But maybe you don't know mask, some duct tape to hold
what a toy is made of. lf, a fter it t ogethe r, or anesthesia to
you use a sex toy, you're red keep from hurting yourself,
or swollen or you fee l "not stick with your gut instinct
right," cha nces are it was crap and don't s t ick it in anywhere.
material. Even popular brand For more specific detail s
items that seem like a great on the various materia ls toys
idea may be poorly executed in are made of, see the entries
term s of materials and design. for the bo lded words in this
And often e ither t he materia ls entry, as well as acrylic ;
aren't labe led on the packaging Cyberskin; elastomer; glass;
or the labels are mi slead ing latex rubber; leather; metals;
(i.e., they cal l it silicone when plastic, hard; and silicone.
it's only partly made of silicone). See also cleaning & care and
There are no industry stan· storage, and the Safety Tips
dards about what materials go Appendix.
into mak ing a sex toy, or even
about what those materia ls are
ca lled, so it's often imposs ibl e
to k now fo r s ure. When in
doubt with a mystery material,
use a condom (with water- or
Chrome, brass, titani um, alu-
mi n um, sta inless or surgical
si licone-based lube); if you just steel, si lver, gold-sex toys can
gotta ride bareback, though, be ma de out of any of them.
stick with a water-based Iube (Stain less steel may he t he most
and dedicate the toy to just one environmentally consc ious but
person, 'cause it's probably may cause reactions in people
porous (i.e., no matter how well allergic to nickel.) Like glass,
you wash it with soap or a toy metal insertables are nonporous,
phthalate free, Firm on the alcohol and wi ped with a damp
G- and P-spots. super -sl ick cloth. And keep metal away
with any kind of lube, and from your glass toys to avoid
ha ndy at transm itting heat breakage-they go together like
and cold (j ust don't freeze it, opera and l3ri tn ey Spea rs. Tn
lest you end up in a n X-rated fa ct , keep them away from all
version of that scene from A ot her t oys, with the batteries
Chri..<ltma.o Story). Go for s olid ou t, beca use even non r us ting
metals rather than ch eap metal meta ls can rust each other if
coatings, which may fl ake off- they come in contact, or t he
iru,ide you. Check for burrs as ba tteries inside them ca n rus t.
soo n as you get a new metal See also sto rage .
toy anyway, just to be safe, and
was h it before u se (indu strial
ma nu factu ri ng tec hn iqu es Mile-High
to lathe a toy don't do a body
good). If you can't wea r a ny-
thing but solid gold earrings,
only use elemental metals (like
tita nium, niobium, etc.).
Kit, the
L uggage can make or break
travel, a nd this kit's s leek
carryi n g case. in tange r ine or
Clea nu p varies, depend ing
s ilver, is cool and con venient.
on th e toy's con struction and
Throw it in your weeke nd
quality. For ins tance, t hough a
s uitcase a nd go! Comes with
cheap metal-coat ed toy might
s cented cloths. a tin of h ot cin-
easily corrode if immersed in
namon mints, a folding pocket
water, a high-end vibe from
mi r ro r, a blindfold, bottles
Elemental Pleasures can
of massage oil a nd persona l
be put in the dishwa s h er-or
lubrica nt, a fea ther tickler
the h ot tub, fo r t hat matter.
(wh ich m ay sound cheesy but
Thorough ly dry you r m etal
actu all y fee ls rilly good), a
number to keep it from rusting
mini personal massager (i.e.,
and s potting. Metal can also
a miniature vibrator), three
be wiped down with r u bbing
condoms . a "pleasure ri ng" (so
much nicer sounding than run out quickly (though here's a
"cock ring"), and the requisite handy hint: Buy the batteries at
"Do not disturb" door hanger sex stores, where they tend to
(available all over;$$). Also be much cheaper than at watch
comes in a mini version with stores). Bullets with regular bat-
half the stuff at half the size tery packs usually give you more
and half the price. Either makes control options and come with a
a great gih. (And they didn't belt clip that you cou ld hang on
even pay us to say that!) Sec a harness, but there are some
also beginner toys and kits . drawbacks: The cord can easily
get tangled between two moving
bodies, there's always a tempta-
tion to tug on the cord (which
miniature risks damaging the vibe). and

A miniature vibrat or, some-
times known as a bullet vibra-
tor, is exactly what it sounds
regular bat teries, though
cheaper than watch batteries,
can wear o ut th e vibe motor
faster (so go wit h no-name
brands over stronger Energizers
like: a teeny-tiny buzzing toy. to help the vibe last longer). We
Typical ly 1 to i in ches long and like the One-Touch (or Magic
less than 1 in ch across. 1·hesc Touch) Mini Bullet, GV's wire-
vibes can be used on the ir own. less !tty Bitty vibe (a.k.a. BL's
but they're much more com- wireless Zippy), and-the tiniest
monly employed to add vi bra· out there at i inch by 'h inch-
tions to something el se: a butt Vibratex's batter y·pack Red
plug, a cock ring, a dildo. a Zinger (Bf, MP; BL calls it Red
harness, nipple clainps, etc. Hot s). That said, you can find a
Cord less bul lets with wide selection of miniature vibes
watch batt er ies g ive you the in any of t he sex-toy shops dis-
greatest freedom of mobility. cussed in this book, and quality
but the batteries thems elves and price ($) tend to be pretty
can be expensive a nd tend to cons istent across the board.
If you're going t o use a
miniature vibe un adorned-
maybe you like its very fo cused
approach- it's best used exter-
nally: The wireless bullets
could easily get lost up there-
vibrator sleeves
T hese are like cozies for a
miniature vibrator, and there
are more of them for sale than
obviotuly-and the wired ones
we care to mention. As with the
aren't strong enough to tug o n.
mini vibes, they're sold every-
If you d o wa nt to use it in the
where, and price and quality are
vagina, slip it inside a condom
fai rly consist ent. Some are jelly,
so you can pull on the condom,
some are Cyberskin or fle shlike
rat her than the wire, when you're
material, some have frond s, some
done playing. Even then, keep it
have bumps, some have bunny
out of your butt, pl ease, lest you
ears, some are dolphins, some are
end up with a bull et vibe and a
tongue s haped, some cup over a
condom s tranded somewhere up
peni s (see the SWAK sleeve in
nea r your co lon. To dress yo ur
th e boy toys entry)-and most
bullet up in somethin g bes ides
cost less than t en b ucks. The
a condom , see miniature-
basic idea is to help diffuse th e
vibrator sleeves fo ll owing. See
vibration s in a more "interes t-
also boy toys, butterfly vibra-
tors with harnesses, Feeldoe ing" fa s hion . As with the mini
vibes, they s hould never go in the
double dildos, and Tristan 2.
bum, and they should be inserted
into the vagina only if t hey're
inside a condom. Actually, seeing
as most of them are made of
jelly, a condom's always a good
idea anyway. Or just buy them
from A-Womans-Touch where
t hey're all silicone, vinyl, or
latex. Can't make up your mind?
Get an !tty Bitty J(j t wit h a vibe
and five jelly s leeves (GV; $$)! It's selection of toys, shopping
okay-sex-toy shopp ing makes guides, customer reviews, staff
gluttons out of t he best of us. product picks, sex and romance
FYI, you ca n also get textured tips, and expert advice from
sleeves for your Pocket Rocket two licensed sex therapists
or Water Dancer vibrators. (Dr. Sandor Gardos and Dr. Linda
R. Mona - or shou ld that be
Moan-ah?). But what sets them
apart is what you won't find :
explicit DVDs, live demonstra-
tion workshops, nudity or offen-
sive imagery, or any part icular
po litical views (that means no
don't -trust-t he-Man warnings
monogamous abo ut phthalates in jelly t oys) .
toy Unfortunately, you won't find
inviting design , helpfu l naviga-
A sex toy used by only one per- >1, ti on , or very thorough heal th
son, never s hared wit h a nother, ~. info, either. But their prices are
to avoid the s pread of STD s and industry standard, and they don't
bad bacteria. However, if yo u accept outside advertising. They
have a comm itted, monoga mous say the very first e-mail th ey
partner with whom you a re ever received was from a lonely,
body-fluid bonded, then sha ring eighty-something widow who had
a t oy just between the two of ordered her f irst-ever toy from
you is okey-dokey. them because MP was the only
store that d idn't appall her; turns
out she'd never had an orgasm
MyPleasure before and was writ ing to thank

A nother friendly online reta iler
featuring the us ual: a wide
them for giving her that experi-
ence before she died. Ch eck out
t heir one and only exclusive toy,
t he Pure Bliss vibrator.

N jewels (because you're not stuck

with them for life). Some t oys
are crying out for an ironic,
porn-inspired moniker like th e

nail file Pounder or Debbie. Si ngle women
in particular are wont to give
You m ight not t hink this belongs their favorite toy a pet name,
in your sex-toy ches t, but that's like Chad, as in , "What are you
because you've never felt a hang- doing on Saturday?" ·'oh, you
nail you-know-where. Th is is a know, I'll probably just order in
public service announcement: and watch a movie wi th Chad."
If you're going in the vagina In such cases, it is seemly to
or up the ass, pleas e file your retire this ni ckname wh en on e
nails first! And no precariously wishes t o introduce Chad to a
attached Lee Press-Ons, ei ther. new, flesh-and-b lood partner.
A nail file is also good for
smoothing out the seams or
manufacturing flaws of your Natural
Contours toys
cheap plastic or ac rylic toys.

Th is 1i ne of contour toys,

naming toys
People name their cars, their
boats, their houses, their laptops,
designed in conju nction with
porn-for-chicks producer
Candida Royalle, would look
more at home on your cosmetics
their genitalia-why not their shelf than in your vibrator col·
sex toys? Certainly, the names lection. There are no sharp edges
th ey come wit h lack s u bt lety- or corners on these toys-they're
who'd want to invite the Super des igned to fit comfortably
Duper Ballsy Dong into their around or inside a woman's body,
bedroom? Puh-lease. Sex toys and the external vibrators can
can be nicknamed with more even fit comfortably between
abandon than one's own family partners during sex, thanks to ...
their ergonom ic curves. Entirely
unthreatening, t·hey're g rea t for
Nexus double
nervous nellies who aren't sure
whether they're the sex-toy t ype:
discree t, quiet, gent le, and com-
pletely unrealis tic (i.e., not a
T he Nexus, by Vixen Creations,
comes in two models: the original
Nexus and (by popular demand)
single one bears the remotest
resemblance to a penis!). Nexus Junior. The driver's end
of both Nexus models is longer
Magnifique is their largest and
most popular vibrator, a nd can and wider than on the Feeldoe
double dildo and has a realist ic
be used either internally or
head-some lady drivers find
externally. Ultime penetrates fo r
the Nexu s easier to gr ip onto
G-spot access whi le al so s timu-
because of this, while others
lati ng the clitoris; Liberte is just
pre fer the stubbier, more
for G-spotting. Energ ic is their
bulbous-headed Fee ldoe. Bot h
widely revered lcegel exerciser-
it's made of metal, for the double dongs provide G-spot
weight, t hen covered in plastic to stimu lat ion and ridges for
avoid t hat cold s peculum feeling. clitoris attention, a nd the
It's enough to make you forgive poking ends are very s imil ar on
them the dorky Prench-wannabe both the Feeldoe and the Nexus.
names, oui? These nonporous The main difference bet ween
plasti c toys are all batte ry oper- the two is the ang le: The Nexus
ated (AA) and can be wiped clean is bui lt on a 9 0 -degree a ngle,
with a damp, soapy cloth. They're as opposed to t he Feeldoe's
available everywhere, or you 45-degree angle. Th is angle
means that t he Nexus is harder
ca n order directly fro m Natural·
Contou rs.com. All are in the SS to keep in place, and you may
find that you need to em ploy
range, cheapest at BF! Hey, we're
the help of a harness or a pair
on nobody's s ide but yours. See
of button-fly jeans. (In ge neral,
also contour toys, Emotional
Bliss, and Pure Bliss vibrator. women seem to find that the
Feeldoe handles better without
a harness than the Nexus does.) favorite inanimate object-coffee
But if you have super-fly PC table, desk, door, (stat iona ry)
muscles (see kegels), you may motorbike, washing machine-
wel l prove us wrong on that insert your favorite silicone
front. This toy is pure silicone: dildo, and hump away. We must
bo il or wash. Don't fo rget the insist, however, that you not strap
water-based lube! It's avai lable it to a pet. (BL;$$.) See also har-
everywh ere for$$$ (WT calls nesses, thigh and strap-ons.
the orig inal one Th elma &
Louise a nd the Junior one Betty
& Veron ica). See also dildos
nipple clamps,

Why would you want a tool to
p inch your nips? Because pain
fee ls a lot like pleasure when
you're really turned on. And
because reducing the circu la-
t ion in your nips increases
sensitivity- like, a lot. The most
blase nipples have been known to
blossom into full-on erogenous
zones with the aid of a little
clamping. And the pain sub-
sides after you've been clamped
for a while-it's like icing a
Night Rid er s pra ined ankle: Eventually, your

T his washable nylon harness
attaches to anything- and we
body just stops freak ing out
about the cold an d gets n umb to
it. Though remember t hat circ u-
lat ion is your body's life force,
mea n anything. Attach it to your so never clamp for more th a n
ten to fifteen minut es at a ti me. good th ing-well , we think you
(And even Jess r im e tha n that know what t o do. See also
if you notice anything getting
blue or co ld.)
When applying the cla mps,
think back co playground fights: nipple clamps,

The Jess skin you pinch, the
more it hurts, and the b igger
and wider t he clamps are, the
T hese Japanese-style clamps($
less t hey'll hurt . You can apply
on BF) are known as such du e
to pl aces other than the nips:
to their popularity in Japanese
Some people like t·o attach them
bondage fi lm s. Clover cla mps
to th eir labia or their ba ll sac or,
get tight er as you pul l on t he
more ra ndomly, their earlobes.
chain , which makes them per·
You can also go DIY with so me
fe et for a little power play: The
more you resist, the more it
The craz iest feeling comes
hurts. (What's that they say
when you release the nipple
about resistance being futile?)
clamps. The sudden r ush of
blood back to the area hurts like
a mother, which, as we said, can
be a good thing-in context. (And nipple clamps,
when is sex not about context?
Take your 0-face, for example.
How tardo does that look out of For a slightly softer touch than
context?) If the s udden pain is the clove r clam ps, go with the
too much, you can slow down the tweezer k ind, which look like
return of blood by pressing your a set of tweezers on a string.
palm or fin gers to the nipples in They've got rubber tips and arc
question. After thi s release, the completely adjustable, so you can
nips will rem a in extra sens itive st art with a very light squeeze.
for a while. If th at 's a ba d th ing, You can test the gri p on you r
jus t ice them down. If that's a inner wrist. Grab the ni pple close
to the base, or even on the areo la, clamps (available at most sex-
for a gentler hold. Tweezer toy stores; $$). These have
clamps are attached by a chain, a looser grip, so t hey won't
wh ich you can use to lightly tug completely cut off circu lat ion,
on the clamps, add weights, or whil e the vibrati on wi ll raise
yan k o ff the clamps in one fe ll your se nsit ivity level enou gh to
swoo p. Some versions, ca lled make your n ipples t he star of
"Y chai ns," have a t hird chain
and clam p, which exten ds down
to the clitoris. (Ava ilable at

most sex-toy shops; $.)
nipple jewelry
T he best way to adorn your
rosebuds without hardcore
pi ercing or clamp ing. There
are rin gs t hat s im ply hang off
erect nipples, or jewelry that
enc ircles t he n ipple (one brand
is called Nipple-Huggers.com; $),
or stainless-steel nipple shields
a la Janet Jackson (E B; $$). or
mini nipp le cuffs that screw
around the tip of t he nip (a pair
with brass hoops at WT sell s
fo r $$).
nipple clamps,
vibrating &

I f numb nips a ren't your cup
of tea, you might want to t hin k
nipple pumps
S ee pumps, clitoral & nipple.

about vibrating or pu lsati ng

nipple suction lab ; in fact, it can actually
cause tiny tears in t he lining
Also called nipple suckers or
sucklers, these are small, often
of the vagina and the a n us,
wh ich would increa..oe the risk
of transmitting HIV. D'oh! Plus,
the amount of N-9 found in lubes
clear, tubular suction cups
an d condoms isn't enough to
t hat bring b lood to t he su rface prevent pregnancy, and many
quickly, increasing sens itivity women find the ingredient
like a nipple clantp does.
in cred ibly irritating down there.
However, t he pace is less vi olent That was enough for us: No ne
t ha n wh en r emovi ng clamps. of the lubes or co ndoms recom-
But r eme mber, t he fiftee n- mended in this book cont a ins
m inute r ule a pplies to these, N-9 . Some sex-toy ou tlets-B L
too. WT's Ni pple Sucklers wit h and GV, for example-do n't even
co nn ect ive cha in se ll fo r $$. By stock any lubes or condoms that
the way, if you happen to h ave a
contain N-9 . But many retailers
snakebite kit handy, you ca n use don't thi nk it's a big deal ; if you
its venom-extract ing s uction do, then be sure to always check
cu ps for the same saucy result. the ingredient s before you buy.

Non oxynol-9 is a s perm ic ide
found in some co ntracept ive
Hav ing a solid surface that will
not ha rbor bacter ia or em it
jell ies, condoms, and lubes . chemica ls (i.e., t he opposit e of
Years ago, lab tests fo und that porous). It 's defin itely a qual ity
Nonoxynol-9 ki lls HIV- in t he you want to look for in a sex
la.b-so ma nu fact urers started t oy. Materials that are non-
adding it willy-nilly to lubes and porous include ha.rd acrylic,
condoms. Unfortunately, N-9 is ha.rd elastomer, glass, metals,
not qu ite so helpfu l outoide the an d silicone.
there exist ed female-friendly
shops like Eve's Garde n, Good
You might think this word means Vibrations, and Babeland,
"nice, fun sex toys," but you'd be the driving force in product
wrong. It's actually a legal term development was gimmick. Sure,
for products not intended for vibrators had been around
serious use. And thanks to b ull- since the Victorian era, thanks
s hi t ty obsceni ty laws s till on to a serious misd iagnosis of
the books in some states (every· hysteria, b ut almost a cent ury
thing's dumber in Texas), no later, sex is m continued to
governm ent regulati on of sex hamper sex toys' ability to get
toys, and manufacturers who the job done (talk abo ut one
foc u s on qua ntity over quality, h undred years of solitude). Both
most toys in your average adult sex sh ops a nd the prod ucts they
store are marked "for novel ty stocked were designed wit h
pu rposes only" (read: "Don't men in mind (and we're not even
use thi s a nywhere near your goi ng to start on the peo ple who
genitals !"). As novelt ies, t hey worked there), whi ch mea nt
don't come with instruction that vibrators were cheap,
ma nua ls or ingredients list ings; plastic affairs with no more
if th ey d id, they'd be considered intent to plea se a woman than a
medical devices and would be frat boy after s ix s hots of Jager.
subject to expensive safety reg· (And, in fact, most novelty toys
ulations. "Fuck that," say the have about the same s taying
big-biz manufacturers. "We' ll power as a sou sed frat boy, too.)
jus t keep doing what we've been As we mentioned above,
doing for t he past thirty years, you ca n still find these products
th ank you very much." (Good today, not onl y in th e kind of
for them, bad for you.) sex-toy shop that makes you
These novelty items are fee l a bit dirty-and not the good
actua lly th e old-timers of the ki nd of d irty-but also in more
sex-toy world. Back in the sixties female-friendly stores, because
an d the early seventies, before they are .<10000 inexpens ive (and
many people just aren't used to the clit/anus/perineum as you
the idea of investing in th eir rock the toy back and forth. The
own sex lives yet). You'll ohen vibrations can feel pretty intense
find th e nove lty toys s ha ring in there, even on the lowest set-
sh elf space wit h other low-brow ting, s o it's n ot for everyon e-
items s uch as Anal-Eze desensi- it depends wh at kin d of act ion
tizer, "pu ssy t ighten ers," and a your G gets off on (i f, indeed, it
cream called Sta-hard l.<1ic]. gets off o n a nythi ng at all). T he
Novelty t oys are bas ically the basic model is 4 11.z in ch es by
Victoria's Secret of th e s ex-toy i 3/s in ches; it al so comes in a
world- i.e., they work wit h a junior vers ion and a wat erproof
defin ition of ;1ex y that exists vers ion . Made o f jelly, s o clean
mostly i n boys' wet dream s. l with m ild soap an d wat er and
As for a woman's own defini- use with a co ndom , wh ether it's
tion of sexy? Fuggedabo ud it . ~' monoga mou s or you're s haring,
For one step backward , see gag because of phthalates. (If you're
gifts. For t oys t hat a re t rul y in the mood fo r con do m-free
novel witho ut being trashy, see G-huntin g, check out the Pixie
undercover toys. vibrator instead .) The Nubby G
is avai labl e at BL an d MP (as the
Nubby G), GV (as the Crysta l
Jell y Deluxe), or LB (as the
NubbyG Class ic G) for $.

Don't beli eve in "th e G-spot7
Well , Virgin ia , this battery-
operated toy-a li as Jelly-G-may
we ll convert you. This jelly
rubber innie vibrator fe atures
a s ign ifi cant curve to reac h the
G-spot (h ers or h is) and a nu bby
ri ng at the base t hat stimulates
p inch , and so on. Chances are,
these anal attempts wi ll be
best received if you ha ppen to
be givin g him a blow job a t the

P-spot time. A little Pavlovian condi-
tioning never hurt anyon e.
T he male G-spot. It's a just- See also anal play, and G-s pot
because present for guys who stilnulators (his & hers).
have an open backdoor policy.
It 's more clin ically known as
the prostate, which is why
some people refer to it as the
P·spot, and is located about
3 inches in from his anus. To
find your partner's magic button,
have him lie on his ba ck a nd
inse rt your well-lubed index
fin ger, palm up, al most all th e
way in, a iming for th e navel. (Be
s ure to file your nail first! Or
use latex gloves .) Then curve
your finge r in a come-hither
gesture and rub his walnut-s ize
nubbin of lovin' ever so gently.
If your male partner has the S ee softpacks.
backdoor jitters (h ey, we've all
been there), you may need t o
work u p to hi s G-spot: St art
wi th a brief perineum massage
du ri ng on e ses h, t hen next
time rub just t he surface of his
If you've always wanted to try
a good old-fashioned school-
starfish, and maybe t he t im e teacher spanking but are
after th at go in just hal f an embarrassed about you r limp
wrist, or if you ca n't think of a For the bipolar spanker, try
nice way to tell you r pa rt ner a paddle that's leather on on e
th at he or s he spanks like a wet s ide and fl eece on the other (BF;
noodle, a paddle is your fri end $$).If you fancy your self a bit of
in need. Paddles have a comfo rt· an artist. you might enjoy one
ingly low kink facto r (that is, of the padd les with heart or sta r
if you find a lot of leather and s hapes on them (GV, BL, MP;
latex uncomfortable). Put it about $$$)-if you wield it just
this way: If the Gap sold whips, so, you'll leave a nice imprint
babyGap would s tock paddles. on your spankee's ass. It's like
In fact, many happy paddlers toast stenciling for grown-ups!
never venture any fur ther into Speaking of kitchen appli·
t he world of BDSM-it's not ances: Your kitchen is chock-full
necessarily a gateway t oy, no o f potent ial DIY padd les: A
matter wha t the ant i-k ink wooden spoon, a sma ll chopping
brigade would have you thi nk. board, a woode n scrubbing
A spanking paddle ca n be made brus h, a s patula-washing up
of wood, leather, vinyl, o r was never so much fun. We've
rubber, a nd it looks kin d of al so h eard t hat hard-soled sl ip·
l ike a Pi ng- Pong paddle (though pers make handy-dandy paddles,
it may be larger). In fact, now just in case you r ultimate fa n·
t hat we think of it. a Ping-Pon g tasy involves a crotchety old
paddle would ma ke a firze gra nd pa who's pissed th at you
s panking apparatus. broke his wi ndow playing ball.
Different kinds of paddles Ready for your just
provide varying s pank.ing d esserts? Try bending over your
experiences: A thick, h eavy partner's lap-that position could
paddl e will impart a satis fying be all th e role-playin g you need.
t hud , whi le a thi nn er, ligh ter (Or-you never k now-the posi·
paddle (sometimes call ed a slap· t ion mi ght in s pire yo u to new
per) will give more of a s mack. role-playing heights. Scene!) If
The more rod like the paddle, you're the spanker, never paddle
the more of a s ting it will y ie ld. someone a nywhere near bones:
Aim for the fl eshy part of their boots in Pretty Woman) . Or per-
bum only (if they don't have a haps your shiny patent leather
fleshy part on the bum, make paddle holds a s pecia l place in
them a sandwich in stead). The your heart because it reminds
ass cheeks are safe and sexy- a you of those patent leather Mary
good thud back there will se nd Jane party s hoes your thi rd ·
ting les throughout the gen itals. grade crush was wearing when
Build up gradually-you can even she beat you up in the school
s tart off by paddling your partner courtyard. For vegetarians who
over jea ns or underwear while want to get in on the action, there
yo u get used to you r spanker of is poromeric imitation leather,
choice. See also canes, floggers, with a similarly glossy appear·
ance. Both are cleaned by wiping
down with a damp clot h, adding
a mi ld soap if need be. You
can buy purpose-made patent
leather and porome ri c clean ers
to help remove minor scuffs.

PC muscle
S ee pelvic floor muscles.

pelvic floor
patent leather
Materia l frequen tly used for
sex accessories a nd fet is h
A group of muscles (whi ch
includes the pubococcygeus,
clothing, due to its hooker-lite or PC muscle, and the bu lbo-
aestheti c (see Juli a Roberts' cavernosus musc le) that hel ps
hold the pelvic organs in pla ce toys for the penis as there are
and provides s upport for other fo r the clit (probably because
internal organs all the way up to it's rea lly hard to compete with
your diaphragm, in both men and one's own hand and a little bit
women. They relax and contract of lube), b ut the opti ons are
during arousal and orgasm, pee· improving: cock rings, mastur-
ing and pooing, and, in women, bation sleeves (including the
childbirth. A woman's pelvic popular Fleshlight), porn-star
muscles pass around the urethra, toys, a RealDoll-okay, maybe
t he cl itoris, the vagina, and the improving is a poor choice of
anus, so you can see how sen- word. See also boy toys.
sations can cross and overlap
down there. For women, strong
pe lvic floor muscles can m ean
stronger orgasms or even
orgasms, period (not to mention
less chance of incontinence
later in life). Men might notice
improved O's, too, though the
A penis-size serenity prayer:
"Grant me the serenity to accept
effect is less dramatic. You can the things I cannot change, the
strengthen t hem by doing kegel courage to change the things 1
exercises (see that entry for can, and the wisdom to know the
speci fic strengthening toys). For difference." Need some exegesis?
some good diagrams and further What you cannot change: Your
descript ions of these mu scles, penis s ize. Seriously, dudes: Stop
check out Rebecca Chalker's opening all that pen is spam! We
book The Clitoral Truth. know t he e-mail subject lines
th reaten your very manhood,
but it wouldn't be an epidemic
if so many of you didn't keep
T he male analog of the clitoris.
There aren't nearly as many
clicking on links li ke "larger
ur damn small di-ck with plas-
ter," "No More !onliness, add
to 2 4 3,000 parts per m illion
(ppm); in Cana da , the tolerable
maxi.mum daily exposure is
1,000 -3,000 ppm.
Today, many vendors of
jelly-rubber s ex toys advise
covering them in condoms when
used internally due to t he pos-
s ible health ri s ks. And at least
one. A-Womans-Touch.com,
refu ses to even carry jelly toys,
because jelly co ntai n s the worst
kind of phthalates at the high·
est levels. In fact, WT works
with a chemist who tests every
Pixie vibrator
T he first vibe to mimi c the
com e-hither movement favored
kind of toy they sell for phtha· by G-spot enthusiasts (see Pro-
Iates. Mos t of the toys WT sell s Touch). This pink Vibratex toy
are completely phthalate free; also vibrates and is covered with
the rest contain phtha lates hu ndreds of soft and squi shy
only at extremely low levels nubbins. Its hook sh ape m ay be
and contain non e of t he t op ten a little intimidating at first, but
worst kind s of phtha la tes, so once yo u get it in your V, you'll
t he ch emist con s iders th em be impressed by the finger-
s afe for u se. Th erefore, if you'r e s t roking si mulation. Even if
ever confused a bout a toy. here's you hate having you r G·spot
a good rule of t humb: If you can prodded, you still might enjoy
find it at WT, you know it's been it by fli pp ing it over s o it s tim-
throug h a pretty rigorous tes t- ul ates your rectum indirectly
ing process. And until th e gov- (never insert anally). It's not that
ernment decides to ste p in an d q uiet, and if you're prone to
regul at e t his freakin' indu s try, really clench ing your vaginal and
that's the best you ca n hope fo r. PC muscles, the pis to n act ion
We know, science is hard. can actua lly be in capac itated.
It's made of Vibratex's own high· jagged and bacteria-friend ly
quality brand of elastomer, "' seams, it may have a metall ic
so that means it's latex and coating (which could flake o ff),
phthalate free, but that a lso and many pl astic toys feature
means it's porous . If you're cords (like in the case of some
going to share it, always s lap a bullet vibrators) that shou Id
condom on it, but if you make ·•, not be tugged on. If you're
it a monogamous toy, clean it going to insert it somewh ere,
very carefully, and store it prop· use a condom! (A better ver·
erly, you shou ld be able to enjoy sion of hard plast ic is hard
all those nubbins condom free acrylic.) Plastic can be wiped
without consequence. Available down with rubbing alcohol fol -
for extra dough wi th a cl itoral lowed by a water rinse or just
attachment on a cord ($$ at BF; washed with soap and water.
$$$at DS and BL).

Soft elastomer, jelly rubber,

Hard, cold, completely inflexible- and vinyl-all materials th at
plastic is the material exes are
made of. Plastic's not great for
the environment, but so few sex·
toy materials are. Vibe motors Pocket Rocket

encased in hard plastic really
give off strong vibrations, since
there's no soft material to absorb
Of the smaller-size v ibes, th is is
the shock. Plastic toys are usually
the Biggie. It's sol d practical ly
fine for external stim , but often
everywhere. Made by Doc
not so great for internal us e or
Johnson, the Pocket Rocket is
thrusting because, even though
large enough to hold in your
hard plastic is nonporous and
hand and pack a decent vibratory
phthalate-free , it can have
punch (unl ike some miniature
vibrators) and s mall enough to comes with a handy wrist cord ,
just throw in your purse and and is waterproof. (It's not called
go (unlike, say, the Thunder the Water Dancer Jr. because it's
Cloud dual-action vibrator). made by Doc Johnson.) Vibratex's
Having a bad day at the office? Titan is the slightly longer,
Just s neak off to the bathroom, slightly stronger (two batteries),
press it against your happy and therefore slightly pricier ver·
place (external on ly), and feel sion of the Water Dan cer. (Doc
the stress just melt away. Some Johnson's t aller version is cal led
versions even come with three the Pocket Miss ile.) None of the
interchangeab le tops for differ· toys in this range should be
ent cl it st im, or you ca n buy one inserted anywhere: Th ey are all
of many miniature-vibrator for externa l use only. The PR and
sleeves to dress it up. WD are available everywhere ($).
Tho ugh the Pocket Rocket
has a cat chy, kick-ass moniker,
Vibratex's wate rproof version
is a better bet, despite its corn·
ball name: the Water Dancer
vibrator. Made by this smaller,
more quality-conscious company,
the Water Dancer is eas ier to
clean, and you ca n take it in the
shower (just be ca reful to keep
the battery compartment closed
and dry). If you add the jelly
rabbit s leeve for another $10 or
so (wh ich also fits the Pocket

porn-star toys
Rocket , natch), it's called th e
Rabbit Dancer. Both are quiet
and req uire on ly one-count it, Toys for porno "swim fans" and
one-AA battery. The Pocket John Hinckley )rs. There are lines
Rocket Jr. is ha lfthe length. of toys branded after certain
~ ....
porn s tars and toys made from in a sex toy whenever possible-
actual molds of certain porn stars' when you don't avoid it, you'll
various disembodied anatomical need to clean the toy carefully
parts (mouths, vaginas, penises, and either keep it monoga-
anuses). For example, Jenna mous or use it with a condom.
Jameson has lent her name, image, -:.:::
(And if it's on e of the many
and form to Doc Johnson for a porou s toys that co ntains
vibrating mouth, a vi brating phthalates. you'll need to u se a
vagina-ass combo (for missionary- condom ei th er way.) Mate rials
position view), a vibrat ing ass· t hat are porous include s oft
vagina combo (for doggy-style elastom er. je lly rubbe r, latex
view, 'cause you gotta have both),
a masturbation s leeve that we're
sure looks noth ing like herveegee,
and even a vibrating virtual
dol l with a removable vagina and
ass (only $200!), available on
Edenfantasys.com. In Japan.
you can buy inflatable "love
.' pillows" featu ri ng life-size
pictures of porn stars or anime
characters a nd an optiona l hole
for who lly un lifelike poking.
See als o RealDoll.

Havi ng a s urface with pores
butt plug
that wi II h arbor bacteria and
may emit chemicals (i.e., the
oppos ite of nonporous). Jt's a
qual ity you s hould try to avoid
A mong butt toys, this Tantus
product is on e of the popu lar
kids. Have you ever heard
someone say that the way to
a woman's vagina l G-spot or a
man's rectal P-spot is to make
a come-hither motion with your
finger inside those canals,
aimed toward the n avel? Well,
this butt plug looks like an
extra-large finger (5 inches by
11/ 4 inches) making that ges-

ture (so it can do doubl e duty as

a G-spot toy for her). For m ore pumps, clitoral
operating instruct ions, see
& nipple
anal play and butt plugs. Pro·
Touch is made of mo percent
silicone, so wash or boil to
P umps aren't just for penises:
Try one out on your nipples or
clean (remove the vibe first!),
the number-one cl it in your life,
and use with a water-based
too. The effect isn't quite as
lube. Available at BL, BF, DS,
dramatic as it wou ld be on a
and GV ($).
penis, of course, but the device
will nevertheless draw blood to
the area being pumped, which

A g land of the male sex organs
that secretes fluid t hat is part of
mimics the arousal process and
makes everyth ing even more
sensitive to touch. Many women
love the feeling of suction on the
the semen concoction. Known clitoris (espec ially those women
as the P-spot when referred who kinda like having their blood
to in a sexua l context. See the pressure taken-you know who
P-spot entry for more details you are), and s ome women with
on its location and stimulation. sexual dysfunction actually need
it. (The FDA approved a device
for female sexual dysfunction
called the Eros CTD that doctors th at any erect ion is ordinary-
can prescribe.} Plus, once you've don't get us wrong, fellas), b lood
pump ed, you've got a (temporar- flows into th e penis, causing it
ily) extra-large clitoris to play to stand to attention. A pump,
with, too! The cheapest n ipple on the other hand.force.& the
and cl it pumps are plast ic($$). blood in, creati ng an erection
The Berman Center came on demand-it's what docs used
out with its own based on the Eros to prescribe before the magic
called the Selene (EvesGarden blue pil l came a long.
.corn; $$). Or, if you want to get A pumped-up stiffie (a.k.a.
a bit fancy, BL and GV both se ll an Ah-nold) will be all that you
Lucite one-handed pumps($$) can be, because it pushes the
that can be attached to a nipp le maximum amou nt of blood in
and clit cylinder (sold separately; there-so if you are prone to less-
$$).If you want to go in on the tha n-fu Ily- in flated erections, a
purchase with your boyfriend, pump will probably make you
this fancy pump can also be fe e l bigger. Of course, this lasts
attached to a penis cyl inder only for as long as the erection
(BL, GV; $$$). See a lso nipple itself-o nce your schlong has
clamps; nipple suction cups; deflated, you'll be left with the
same old penis, except it might
be a little tender and maybe
even bruised. Or, if you pump
pumps, penis
fo r too long or too often or t oo
vigorous ly, the pump might
You know how reall y organized cause burst capillaries, t issue
people pack just the right damage, ligament damage at
amount of stu ff for th e ir lug- the pen is base, or lymph blist ers
gage, wh ile t he rest of us have on t he head of the penis. (Hey,
to jump up and down on our don't shoot t he fine-print mes-
s uitcase to get it to close? Tha t's senger.) Some gentlemen also
kind of li ke the pen is pump. report t hat they find it, er, harder
With an ordinary erection (not to ejacu lat e with an Ah-nold.
These devices work by blood·thinning medicatio n. If
creat ing a vacuum around you r somethi ng fee ls funny down
trouser s nake-lubing up first t here, s uck it u p a nd t ell your
will help seal this vacuum. doc what you did. See a lso
Besides. anytime you're sliding pumps, clitoral & n ipple .
something over your dong, it's
a good idea to lubricate. Also,
don't pump for more t han ten
minutes without taking a break-
Pure Bliss
that's more abuse than any
penis s hould be forced t o take.
The peni s pumps you'll fi nd
in sex-toy shops aren't med ica l
MP has a great little toy- th eir
only exclusive one- that's an
grade, and they s ho uldn't be undercover vi be d isgui sed as a
considered a fall·back plan if mini neck and "back" massager
you're too embarrassed to ta lk but design ed for the nether
to your doctor abo ut erectile regions. It's no high-end sex
dysfunction. (Come on, if Bob toy ($$), but it comes in a nice
Dole ca n do it ...) The novelty box, is whisper quiet, and ha s
p umps, like the Fireman's s trong vibrations, making it a
Pump, are mea nt only as a good deal for a contour toy.
masturbation prop or as a pre·
sex stupid human trick (adding
a cock ring to your Ah-nold
may help maintain it longer).
Speaking of your doctor, don't
use a pump, even for novelty
S ee vinyl.

p urposes-ready for more fine

pr int?-i f you bleed eas il y, have a
blood-clotting d isorder, arc d ia·
bet ic, s uffe r from any peripheral A bra nd name for h igh-qua lity
vascula r disease, or take anti· glass.
coagulants, aspirin. or any other
queening Rabbit Habit &

Low seat s th at ope n the s itter
to oral attention from the per·
·~ Rabbit Pearl

Probably the m ost widely recog-
son lying below, often employed
nized vibe in the world , thanks
in BDSM pl ay. A.k.a. smother-
in large part to the Sex and the
boxes. See also erotic furniture .
City epis ode in which pr ud ish
Ch arlotte get s so addicted to
her battery-powered, floppy·
eared companion that her
fr iend s s tage a vibrator inte r·
vention. Th e Rabbit Habit and
t he Rabbit Pearl (ava ilable most
everywhere; $$-SSS depend ing
on retai ler) are both dual-action
vibrators by Vibratex that boast
a sw irling sh aft, und ul a ting
pearls inside the base for stim-
'· ul a t ion of t he s en s itive vaginal
ope ning, a nd a n external rabbit
wh ose ears flu tter against t h e
cl itoris. There's so much going
on, this vibe does everythi ng
but your dis hes! You ca n var y
both t he vibration intensity
and sw irlin g speed with the
contro ls at ei ther the bas e of
the unit (Habit; ill ust rated) or shaped Paul & Pauline, the Mary
o n the batt ery pack attached by Merma id, with tai l-fin cl it stim,
a cord (Pear l). and the Sally Sea, shaped like two
The Rabbit is a Japanese - seals- a ll in a variety of bright
made, high-performance prod- sol id colors. Their s hafts are
uct-i t's not go ing t o crap out s inches by 1 'h. inches, and they
on you, unlike its cheap knock- use fo ur AA batte1ies apiece ($$$).
offs (such as California Exotic Ori gin al Deluxe Japanese
Novelties ' jack Rabbit, among Butterfly: One of several new
others). The only bummer: It's cordless th ermopl astic elas-
made of vinyl. Thou gh the tomer dual-action vibes from
Vibratex kind is much higher Vibratex-the toy is lighter than
quality (i.e_, less porous) th an a s ili cone equ ivalent, latex free
most and deemed safe by (for t hose with allergies), and
A-Womans-Touch.corn's phtha late free (yay, no seeping
chemist, it's still made with toxi ns!) but porous . It's got every-
phthalates and can harbor bac- thing the Rabbit has, plus more
teria, so you might want to use girth (the shaft is 4 inches by
a condom with it-definitely, if i 5/s inches), an accordion-shaped

yo u're s haring. For this reason, head, and a freakin g light

we're goi ng to comm it sex-toy ins ide! Understandably, it's one
bl asphemy and say there are of Vibratex's biggest sellers_ (It's
severa l ve ry s imil ar dual-action called t he Flutter Vibe on WT and
vi bes that are better than the th e Rock Lobster on BL; $$$.)
Rabbit: Quiver: Another of
Twist & Shake series: These Vibratex's variable-s peed elas-
three co rdless vi bes from Fun t omer toys. It's got a clit attach-
Factory all have a rotating shaft, ment that's more substa ntial
undulating beads, and an external th an most (which may give you
cl it sti mulator, but they are made more diffused clit stim), a shaft
of prem ium silicone- wh ich with a bigger, bulbous head, and,
makes these babies the best of in st ead of beads, t iny tentacles
the bunch. There's the inchworm- sprouting from the iridescen t
material. Its shaft is 4 in ch es
by i 1/2 inches, and it ta kes fo ur
AA batt eries (B F; $$$).
Rock Your World: This
Vibratex elast omer toy, like the
Quiver, looks funky, with simi-
lar (though fewer) sof-t s pikes
protruding from its s ur fa ce.
The shaft is r ibbed and slig ht ly
bendabl e t o the angl e of you r
liking. Same s ize as the Quiver,
but requires only t h ree AA
doll in t he world . Our dolls
b atteries. (BL se lls it as t he
feat ure comp lete ly arti cu lated
Space Invader; $$$.)
skeleto ns, which all ow fo r
An d, drum roll , p leas e .. .
anatomically correct pos ition-
The Pht halat e-Free Ra bb it:
ing, an exclus ive blend of t he
Vibratex has made a new vers ion
most expens ive s ili cone rubbers
of t heir signature vibe with
for an ul tra fl es h like fee l, and
thei r new elastomer. Yippee!
are each custom made to order,
(Now, let's jus t keep our finge rs
to our cus tom er's specification s.
crossed for a s ilicon e one down
We offer a n extensi ve Iist of
the road- wh ich they've told us
opt ions, fro m body type an d
they're looki n g into.)
fa ce type all t he way dow n to
See also Thunder Clou d
fin gernail color. If you've ever
dual-action vibrator.
drea med of creati ng yo u r idea l
wom an , t hen you have come to
the right place." St ill not clear?

Realdoll.com's s pi el: "Since i 9 96,
we have been u sing Hollywood
They'r e p imped-up mannequins
you can fuck , tell your fears
to, punch in th e fa ce, take t o a
dr ive-i n mov ie- if th is was n't
special effects techn ology to a judgment-free zone, we'd say
produce the m ost r ea listic love t hey're toad-lickin g cra zy.
. '
receivers to throw away! Some come with
docking st ation s (Fun Factory

W hen choosing a strap-on
harness and dildo, the giver
and Emotional Bliss toys), and
others come with s mal l jacks,
jus t like a cell phone (like Lelo
vibrators). Right now, it's mostly
may pick the harness he or she just the high-end sex toys that
find s most comfortabl e and/ or
offer this, but we have faith t hat
aesthetically pleasing (purpl e
soon enough, this option will be
crushed velvet may or may
available for the little people, too.
not qualify as either), but the
receiver alwayll chooses the
dildo. Givers, we don't care how remote control

long you've been pining for a
7 inch- long, 3-inc h-wide purple toys
glittery sch long: Do not s tamp
Vibes you or your partner can
your feet like Veruca Salt and
control with a detached remote
demand it now. And no passive-
control. The qu intessential
aggressive "challenge" moves
remote control accessory is t he
either, like, "Well, you're bigger
vibrating panty or thong, made
than that, and I take you back
of cotton. Lycra, PVC. or stretchy
there at least once a week." Shut
lace, with a little pouch over the
up and count your blessings that
clitoris for inserting a cordless
you're n ot dating some tight·
miniature vibrator. The acti·
assed corporate lawyer with a
vation ra nge is usually around
roadblock sign at his perineum.
12 feet, though some m ay still

wor k up to 25 fee t away. Good if

rechargeable you like a little clitoral stimula·

tion during intercourse a nd your

T he wave of the future: no cords
to get in t he way, no batteri es
partner has control issu es, or
if you t wo wan t to s pi ce up a
borin g ho liday office party-zap
each other unexpec tedly and

unbeknownst t o your fellow cutti ng off. /\voi d t hin ropes,
partygoers while t hey discuss twine, t hread, and electrical
spreadsheets and last night's cord, as t hey're more likely to
episode of Lo.flt. Vari ations on cut off circulat ion. Whatever
this theme include the Audi-Oh you're using, keep restraints a
butterfly vibrator, whi ch is little loose (es pec ially on joints
controlled by nearby noise, a nd a nd p ulse po ints), distri bute
the Vibra-Exciter Cell Phone tension, don't cut off ci rculation,
vibrator, which is activated by don't pinch nerve pathways,
cell phone signals. The pa nties and make su re the tie-er-upper
are available most everywhere, (i f not the one who's tied up)
including the Berman Center ca n easily and qu ickly get th e
($$$). restraints undone in a pinch.
Medical scissors with t he blunt
edges (li ke the ones you use to

T he tools of bondage: ball gags,
bondage belts, bondage tape,
cut a kid's toenai ls) are a lways
good to have on hand. For more
info on technique and safety
(and you do need more if you're
cuffs, rope, spreader bars, etc. new to t his), check out The
For a more comprehensive list Erotic Bondage Handbook, by
of all t he purpose·made t ies that Jay Wise man.
bind, visit ErosBoutique.com
or ExtremeRestraints.com.
But if you'd rather go DIY, just
use a thick necktie, a long sock,
a woven leather belt, a winter
scarf, or a cotton handkerc hief.
riding crops
Long, flexible sticks, usually
encased in leather, with a
Contrary to popular belief, silk handle at one end and a small
scarves and stock ings aren't leather flap on the other used
all that: They have a tendency to deliver a st in ging slap. Often
to get too tight under tension. used by women who had a thing
making them unsafe and nearly for horses growing up or men
imposs ible to untie without too tall to realize their jockeying
dreams. Those on the receiving may prefer the more pedestrian
end of a riding crop e ither enjoy "penis ring" or "erection ring,"
di scipline or get off on pretend- or perhaps the s lig ht ly whimsi-
ing to be a pony (no joke-they cal "love ring." Maybe you call
wear saddles on their backs, bits your leather version a cock ring
in their mouths, and butt plugs and your pink, stretchy ed ition
with long horseta il s attached in a love ring. Whatever-a rose by
their butts). As with any flogger, any other name, and all that.
fami liarize yourself with the What's important is what you
crop's safety guidelines before do with it. Traditionally, a cock
you go swatting at open flies. ring is meant to strap around
a man's penis and behind his
balls so that they sit in fron t of
the cock ring, t hough some
men prefer to just place it
around the base of the shaft,
like a little belt. The idea is to
restrict blood flow out of the
peni s, which can lead to harder,
longer-last ing, and more sensi-
tive erections. Because blood
flows into the penis at its cen·
ter a nd flows out through veins
closer to the surface, the ring
can restrict the outgoing supply
without affecting the incoming.
rings, Neato! (Note from our lawyers:

cock or penis
T here's something about t he
term "cock ring" that's just
Cock rings s hould not be used
to trea t erectile dysfunction. If
you think you may be suffering
from erectile dysfunction, talk
so ... so .. . well, it's got the TO your doc.) Of course, pen ises
word cock in it, for a start. You arc as unique as snowflakes
(like Grandma always said), so even if you're already hard, you
some men will find that the can experiment with different
ring really affects t heir sensi- levels of constriction, and they
tivity, causing them to come can be removed faster than you
even sooner, thus overriding can say, "My penis is turning
the longer-lasting benefit. purple!" (Sold everywhere; $.)
Others won't notice much dif- Or try a plain rubber stretch
ference at all-but, still, it's cock ring for more simplicity
always nice to accessorize. ($; i3/4 inch diameter). They even
come in glow-in-the-dark vari-
eties! But the cock rings we get
rings , really excited about are those
that are a little more giving.

materials for
C ontrary to popular belief, a
cock ring does not have to
The Stretc hy cock rings (WT
sells a set of four for about ten
bucks) feature little nubbins
along the entire surface, which
resemble a medieval torture
gently stimu late her clitoris.
device (though if that's your bag,
These rings are super-stretchy
go for it-just make sure there's
(hence the name), so the grip
a safety release). Cock rings now
is pretty light, especially if he
come in stretchy Cyberskin and
wears it around the shah only.
jelly rubber as well as leather,
Unfortunate ly, most of the
metal, nylon, rubber, and sili-
super-stretchy cock rings out
cone. Some feature cutesy a ni -
t here conta in phthalateS-and
mal faces, wh il e others boast
it's not like you can whack a
punk-rock metal s tuds, cha in s,
condom on a cock ring easily.
ball-separating straps, and hang-
(We actually tried covering one
ing weights (see ball stretchers).
with Saran Wrap, but it was a
A basic leather or Neoprene
disaster: Saran Wrap doesn't
cock ring with ad justable snaps,
stretch.) So, here's what we sug-
Velcro, or D-rings is a great place
gest: A-Womans-Touch.corn is
to start. These are easy to don
the only st ore we know of that
uses a chemist to test every toy men ting with something like
they sell fo r phthalate leve ls. BL's solid ch rome Teard rop cock
Most of t heir toys are completely ring (a lmost $100!), s tunning
phthala te free , and some have though it may be. In fact, GV is
very, very low levels of phtha- so aga inst solid metal rings th at
lates. but at a level that they, it refuses to even ca rry them.
and their chemi s t, deem safe. A cock ri n g s hou ld never
So, if you're looking to invest in be worn for more than twenty
a mega-stretchy cock ring, st ay minutes at a ti me-a nd less than
s afe and s hop t here. t hat if it starts to fee l u n co m-
forta ble. Dude, you're tra pping
blood in your penu: Use a bit of
rings, comm on sense. If you ignored

safe use of ou r adv ice (a pparent ly it hap-
pens so metimes) a nd have a
Cock rings go o n easiest when solid aluminum r in g (B L) s tuck
the penis is eith er fl accid or on your swollen penis, try bring-
semi erect. A bit of lube will help ing down the er ection wi th ice.
s lide things along if it's not a If that does n't do the trick , th en
s na p-o n ring, and you might get thee to th e ER. Trust u s-
wa nt t o trim the pubes around yo u won't be th e fi rst. just cross
th ere, too, if he's particularly your fingers that t he hospital's
hirs ute (especially if your ring met al cutters are strong enoug h
ha s a Velcro attachment). If that they won't h ave to call in
you're a newbie cock-r ing user, the fire d e partment for he lp.
never u..<1e a .wlid ring: Your cock (Oh, it happe11.L>.)
ring s hould be either stret chy
or s hou Id have a s nap, Velcro,
D-ri ng, or bolo-style closure. In
fact, we're gonn a go a hea d and
s ay you s hould have at leas t a
decade of ex perience litera lly
rings, vibrating
V ibrating cock r ings are bu ilt
to hold a m.iniature vibrator.
under your belt before experi- Vibrating clitoral s timulation
during intercourse? Now, that'.!, toys, as we! I as butterfly vibra-
sex the way Mother Nature tors with harnesses.
intended it. Most of t hem arc
super-stretchy, though some
are made of leather (like GV's
Perfect Pair Ring;$$; vibe
included). Unfortunately, like
the stretchy cock ri ngs with
nubbins-see rings, materials
for-mos t vibrating cock rin gs
on the market contain phtha-
lates. So, as with the nubbin
cock rings, we s uggest you s hop
for your stretchy vibrat ing cock
rings at the phthalatc-conscious
A-Womans-Touch.com only,
just to be safe. Their Blu e
Caress($$, vibe included) is
Ripple butt
almost compl ete ly s il ent and
covered in nubbins. Then
there's t heir s tretchy ring called
Binky (illustrated;$$; vibe
T his butt plug is Tantus's
biggest seller, and t hat's saying
included) , a s uper-squis hy pink somethi ng once you know what
rabbit that ta kes a mini vibe else t hey stock. The Ripple
through the head so his ears co mes in unassum ing Small
can stimu late your clitoris (5 inches by 1 in ch) or slightly
(what a guy). As long as you ca n more impressive-slash-don't-
get over th e vision of a pin k bring-that -near-me Large
bunny gripping onto your ma n's (7 inc hes by 11/i inches). Kind
penis like a koala bear (it u of like anal beads disgui sed
rid iculous look ing, we admit), as a butt plug, it featu res four
we predict O's all around. See knuckle-like bumps along th e
also the PVibc in high-end sex stem. which fe el parti cularly
nice as you move the plug in and
out. Plus, the ripples allow you
to insert the toy very gradually-
a particularly encouraging
partner might even cheer you
on by saying, ''Two knobs down,
two to go!" Even better for
beginners, the Ripple s tarts
small a nd gradually widen s
toward the base, which gives
you ample bui ldup time to
breathe deeply and get used Rock Chick
to that foreign object in your
rectum. It's way sexier than it
sounds. trust us. (GV's exclusive
Spiral plug, SS. is a comparabl e
product.) The Ripple is made of
At first glance, the Rock Chick
looks a little scary, like a
Grimace-colored clamp. But
silicone, so it can be washed or
once you get it in your hands,
boiled and should be used with
all fear fades away. This U.K.
a water-based lube. Available
import is made of nothing
just about everywhere (MP calls
but super·supple, high-quality
it the Smooth Seducer)-Small is
silicone that bends and gives.
S. Large is SS. See also P-spot.
And, once you get it in your
vagina. you realize how ergo-
nomically designed it actually
is. The U-shape simu ltaneously
targets your G-spot (with the
curved end) an.d your clitoris
(with the ridged end). S imp ly
use your palm to rock it back
and forth to your liking-no
awkward in-out thrusting nec-
essary! Or, sit up or lie on your
stomach to get your hips in
on t he rocking act ion. It even
rope (bondage
comes with a bullet vibe (with
three watch batteri es) that fits
in the clitoral end; one touc h of
t he protruding end of t he bullet
or nylon)
A cheap, versati le, and readily
avai lable restraint for BDSM
play. Soh, s h iny, twis ted (or
turns it on. Or use a free t humb
to tap the bu llet t ip for a pul · bra ided) nylon is stro ng. com-
sating vibration. If you prefer fo rtable, and nonchafing. It
stays clean, it's long las ting,
to handle the clitoris yourself,
you could turn t h e Rock Chick and it's easy to loosen (though
around and give your butt crack maybe too easy in s ome cases).
some vibration in stead. Even For a more rugged look and fee l,
try all-cotton clothes line- it's
women wh o don 't love having
their G stroked might learn to pliant and kn ots ti ghtl y (some·
t im es too t ightly). Even better
love it just because thi s t oy is
fo r a beginner is GV's Love
so coo l.
Me Knots rope, a super-soh
Sin ce the bullet's wa ter·
polyester-fiber cord t hat's sa fe
proof, you can take the whole
on furniture and won't chafe or
thing in the s hower. Remove
cut off circulation($ for 9 feet).
the bullet to was h with hot
Whichever material you go with,
water and soap, run through
the dis hwas her, or boil for a get about 50 to ioo feet so you
few minutes to truly sterilize can cut it into several shorter
it. Ava ilable for$$-$$$ (super- pieces, varying from about 10 to
cheap on BF!), which comes 30 feet; shorter lengths are
with water-based lube. toy good for tying ankles and wris ts
cleaner, a nd baby wipes- together, and longe r lengths
sorry, "intimacy wipes." work well for full-body binding.
Th e thi cker th e rope, t he less
likely it is to ca use circu lation
problems: Stick with som e-
thing between 3/s of a n in ch
a nd i 1/2 inches in diameter. For
the tip of the safety·tips iceberg,
see restraints; for more in·
depth safety and technique info,
check out Jay Wiseman's The
Erotic Bondage Handbook or, if
safe, sane &
you can get you r hands on a
copy, The Seductive Art of
Japane;,e Bondage.
A universally accepted credo of
the BDSM community, though
it should apply to all kinds of

rubber sex, even the most vanilla, toy·
free sex. "Safe" means the re's
S ee latex rubber and jelly no risk of serious or permanent
rubber. injury. "Sane" means that all
parties involved are in control
of themselves a nd interested in

mutual p leasure. "Consensual"
Ryder butt plug means that everyone has know·
T his butt plug tends to have a ingly and voluntarily agreed to
little more staying power than the sexual activities. See also
the s imilarly sized Buddy butt the Safety Tips Appendix.
plug. The Ryder is made by
Tantus and is 4 1/i inches by
Saran Wrap
1 1/i inches. It's not tapered, so

it might be a little harder to

insert than Buddy, but its oblong
base means it's less likely to
P eople used to use Saran Wrap
for sexy mummification, espe·
pop out mid·sesh. The Ryder is cially in the BDSM community,
silicone, so can be was hed or but we're not quite sure how
boiled and s hould be used with much of this has been going on
a water·based lube (BF;$). See since Kathy Bates tried it out
also anal play and P-spot. on screen in 1991's Fried Green
Tomatoel>. Great for ma k ing t h e core principles of BDSM.
impromptu dental dams. Pa in tri ggers th e autonom ic
ner vous system, wh ich produces
endorphins a nd increases your

heart rate, breathing, and blood
sensation play pressure-a ll of whic h is a lot
Or should we say l>er11>ational like sex. This endorphin rush
play? Sex s houldn't always be rub, ca n enhance sexual pleasure
come, rin se, repeat. Add a little and also make the pain feel less
subtl ety to your sex uality and like di scomfort and more like
you getl>en.,mality, the driving inten se sensation. Ju st make
forc e behind sensat ion p lay. It's sure sa fet y co mes first when
notoriously been th e domain you're dab bli ng wit h different
of sen s it ive ponyta iled men sen sati ons. (Race Ba nnon's
Learning the RopM: A Bal>ic
and earnest granola chicks who
Gu ide t o Safe & Pun SI M Love-
own specul ums, but it does n't
have to be. No matter whether making is a good pl ace to start.)

you have a se nse of irony or not,

experiment ing with different
textures a nd temperatures, sensitizing

both on a nd aro und your eroge-
nous zo nes, wakes up you r
body to new experiences and
Intended for clitorises that need
surprises your nerves with the
t o be h it over the head with a
unexpect ed: the chill of an ice
ha mmer, these ointmen ts are
cube, the warmth of candle
supposed to increase se nsation
wax, the thud of a paddle, th e
and th erefore pl easu re. Bu t they
pinch of a nipple clamp, th e
may n ot be as effect ive or prob-
crack of a riding crop or whip,
lem free as manufacturers would
th e tickle of fe ath ers.
h ave you believe. Definite ly
Hec k, it m ight not even
don't use th em interna lly. As
feel t hat good and you could
fa r as topica lly on you r cl it
still get off o n it-that's one of
goes, proceed with caution. The
ingredients, like menthol, may everything but touch, and your
make you feel tingly, may make orgasm will feel like the center
you feel like there are fire ants of the universe: Blindfold your
in your pants, or may not cause partner, add headphones to
much sensation at all, depending restrict th eir ability to antici -
on t he concentration and your pate your tou ch, and maybe add
react ion to it. All-natural minty restraints to limit their move-
toothpaste might work just as ment so the touching is all one
well (S/M people do it all the way. We know, that's not quite
tim e). Some sensitizing bal ms all t he senses-wh at do you
also co nta in L-argini ne, an t hink t his is . Abu Ghraib?
enzyme that may encourage
~,.,,.: outbreaks in herpes sufferers.

So, if you're sensitive down
th ere or have herpes, it's better
to just take the time to work Sex shou Id a Iways be a little
some lube over and around your d irty, but sometimes it's actually
little chickpea-the attention quite messy, too: on a heavy day
alone should increase sen sation! of your period , when p laying
See also desensitizing crecuns, with food or chocolate, when
penis and tightening creams, using a lot of lube, when exper-
vaginal. iment ing with female ejacula-
t ion, etc. Throw ing caution t o
the wi nd is sexy and all, but
sensory what about those 700-thread-

Just as not deciding is a form
of decision making, so sensory
count sheets you just took out a
second mortgage for? You could
relocate to the bath, you could
th row down a dark-colored towel,
deprivation is a form of sensa- or you coul d use a waterproof
tion play. Here's th e idea: You sheet protector (available ontine
limit one or more senses, a nd or in the incont inence a is le at
the others gets stronger. Lim it you r loca l pharmacy or surgical
supply sto re). We know that That said, sometimes
shopping for sex props in the something is so cheesy it's cool
incontinence ais le is not the a ll over aga in. Like Sheets Gone
sexiest thing in the world, but Wild, by DamonAnthony.com
maybe you're a bigger person ($$$$).These sateen cotton
than that. Maybe your vinyl sh eets are covered in illustra·
sheets or absorbent m attress t ions of sexual positions to
pad will even inspire a little inspire you. But wait-there's
saucy role-playing. Maybe more! The sheets are a lso an
Mommy is really, really mad that adult board game. We're not sure
you wet the bed. Maybe someone exactly how it works, but we're
deserves a good spanking. pretty sure there are no losers.
Speak ing of sheets, we'd
li ke to take a brief moment to
discuss satin s heets. We adm it, shops &
it can feel pretty damn good to
screw on satin, and we're all for
a couple shopping together fo r
satin sheets (and even if you
don't particularly like the feel,
See the introduction to this book.

there's just something about the

concept th at's hot ). But most
peop le would be highly suspi·
cious if they went home with
someone for the first time and
A n inorganic polymer. Or, better
put, the safest soft material for
discovered satin sheets on their anything you're going to insert
new friend's bed-especially if in your bod -no contest. Here's
those sheets were black. There's the long li st explaining why:
a fine line between sexy and There are no pores to harbor bad
cheesy, and if you choose to bacteria, you can put it in your
sleep on black satin on a regular dishwasher, yo u can sterilize it
basis-well, our dear friend, you by boiling it in water or clean-
have crossed it. ing it with a 10 percent bleach
sol utio n, you can swa b it with Repu ta ble s ilicone toy
a lcohol, it's phthalate free , it's manu fa ct uers include Tantus,
h ypoallerge nic, it 's in ert (s o it Vixen Creations, and Fun
won't react with other materials), Factory dildos. In gen eral , s il i-
it's long lasting, and it has little con e lu bes shoul d not be us ed
to no od or. Plus, s ilicon e toys with s ilicon e toys, due t o a
are often made by small com pa- we ird chem ical react ion , but
n ies t hat design t hem in house- see lubes, silicone -based for
t h ey hand pou r the molds in an except ion to t hi s ru le.
s mall batches to creat e effective, Trivi a t idbit : Silico n, t he

.·"· funct ion al toys. For a ll these

reasons, s ilico ne toys cost
element , is often m is ta ken co l-
loqui ally for s ilicone, as in the
m ore, but they'r e oh so wort h it ! poi gna nt pop classic "Objection
Ma ke su re th e prod uct is (Tan go)," where Shakira s ings,
advert ised as 100 percent s ili- "Next to h er cheap l>ilicon I look
cone; oth erwis e, it may be mi xed mi nim al" (lyrics off her offi cial
with jelly or other crappy m at e- Web site). Thou gh we like t he
r ial (sneaky bastards), nu ll ifyi ng sent iment , it s hould rea ll y be, "
all it s kick-ass qualit ies. Kee p it " Next t o her chea p .l>ilicone I
away from your cats; they love the look m in imal." Class dis m issed.
fee l of silicone, but one scratch
an d you'll have to donate it to
th eir squeaky-toy coll ectio n fo r
good. The only real bummer 'bout
.... · -.-·~
s il icone is that , h istorically, man-
u fa cturers haven't been able to
mani pulate it into super-soft and
s u per -fun ky t extures like th ey
See harnesses.

ca n with elastomers a nd jelly

rubber. But even that's changing
with the invention of VixSkin,
a lifel ike m aterial m ade from See paddles.
10 0 percent boilable si li con e.

Old-school, missile-shaped, hard
pla stic vibrators-what most
people pi cture when you say
"sex toy." Some stores call them
rockets; others, like Good Vibra-
tions, refer to them as smooth-
ies. Thoug h we're grateful t o be
living in a time when a slimline

is no longer the only option
avai lab le, th ese vibes shouldn't
0 Masturbation aids for men be discounted entirely: They
to help simulate the feel of ma ke a great beginner toy
penetrating a vagi na, anus, or (due to their nonscary, famil iar
mouth. For much more detail, des ign), they're su per cheap ($),
see :masturbation sleeves. they're low key (for times when
0 Something you put over your your Rabbit is just too much
penis or dildo to extend or t ex- bunny), and yo u can find them
turize it. For much more detail, everywhere (even in the s uper-
see penis extenders. A.k.a. s leazy sex s hops we've tried our
French ticklers. 0 Something best to ignore in this book). Who
you put over a toy, usually a says nostalgia isn't what it used
smaller vibrator or :miniature to be? Some slimlines are water-
vibrator (like the Pocket proof (BL;$), some have variable
Rocket, t he Itty Bitty Vibe, or vibe pattern s like "escalating"
bullet vibrator), t o give it a and "staccato" (BF's Lime
new shape and feel. Rocket; $$), and some have a
ribbed shaft fo r more interesting
thrusting (M P's Pearl Rocket;
$$). But the traditional slimlines
are just this si mple-6 inches
long, just over 1 inch wide, and mild soap. The package claims
with two settings: On or Off. they st imulate, massage, and
Plastic vibes are nonporous, exercise the vagina; t ighten up
are not safe for anal play (no the vaginal muscles ; support
flared base!), and can be wiped postnatal regenerative gymnas-
clean with a damp cloth. t ics (what ever that means); and
help prevent incontinence.
What, that's it? Plus, a patented
slings, sex
ma nufacturing process makes
Smartballs the quietest love balls
Kind of like arm slings, except in the world. In fact, they were
they wrap around the back of so quiet, Lo forgot she had them
your neck and keep both your in. After all, like any vaginal
legs raised comfortably when ball s, the sensat ion is subtle,
you're lying in the receptive with a capital S. Still, their low-
missionary position. Good for level sensation might be the per·
lazy bastards prone to cramps feet niggling to subconsciously
(BF;$$). Not to be confused get you ready for a hot date or
with a sex swing. simply brighten your day. But
if you prefer your toys to club
you over the head, try wearing

them to a step class($-$$; sold
Smartballs as Erotispheres on MP).

Like Ben Wa and duotone

balls, only smarter. The outer
casing and the removal string
are made of Fun Factory's
trademarked Elastomed-hard,
nonporous, hypoallergenic,
phthalate free-which makes
them long lasting and a cinch
to clean with warm water and
smoothies polite, a fter all). Most of them
are purely aesthetic-i.e., they're
S ee slimline vibrators. good for grabbing onto (and
you'd be surprised what a real-
istic handful it makes throu gh
pants) but not fit for penetration.
Vixen Creation's Mr. Right
($$on BF) is the best of the soft-
packing bunch-it's made of
VC's patented silicone VixSkin,
which means it feels as lifel ike
as Cyberskin but is more
durable and can be cleaned and
steril ized like silicone. Mr. Right
can be affixed with a packing
strap($ on VC) or a less bulky
"cock sock" ($ on BL; GV ca lls
them Packy Pockets), which is

Th ese are dildos that look and
fee l like real penises that women
basically a jockstrap. Or, more
s imply, a pair of tight tighty-
whities will hold him just as
firmly. If Mr. Right gets st icky,
or tran sgendered folk can wear just dust him with a little corn-
under their clothes and outside starch (not talc, as it has been
the bedroom-to a bar, say, or linked to cervical cancer). For a
even just to the launderette. cheaper option, try one of the
It's ca lled softpacking or pack· Softskin (see Cyberskin) soft-
ing, and ladies who pack are packs ($-price vari es depend-
sometimes referred to (not par· ing on s ize-at BL or GV). For
ticularly creative ly) as chicks a wearable dildo that you ca n
with dicks. Unlike most dildos, actual ly use fo r penetrat ion
softpacks t end to be fl accid, or later in the evening, try VC's
semi erect at the mos t (it's only Tex-see dildos, realistic.
Finally, if you've a lways wanted bed-t hen again, you never
t o pee standing up, try one of know.) Do hospital beds just
GV's Mango Packers($$$; peach make you want to ti e someone
or coffee colored): It's too floppy up with bedsheets? So, what
for penetration, but it does happen s when you fall in love
come with a built-in urinary with so meone who sleeps on
device made of medical-grade t he futon? That's where the
latex . Yep, you can actually pee Bare Spread Bar comes in (BL;
through your softpack! (Though $$). lt's made of bl ack rubber
it'll take a bit of at-home prac- for extra kink effect and is
tice to g·et used to.) See also designed to spread someone's
bendable dildos & vibrators. cu ffed hands or feet-each end
of the bar features a ring to
attac h a cuff to. Plus, you can
easily attach other appendages
to the bar wit h extra restraints
See Cyberskin. for bent-over bliss. For a practi-
cal man's spreader bar, there's
Under the Bed Restraints,

spatula, kitchen made of lightweight, foldable,
easi ly portable and hide-able
S ee paddles. nylon (BL;$$). See also cuffs,
EB and EX .

spreader bar
Be honest: Are you th e kind of
dirty bird who thinks "Hand·
cuffs!" whenever you spy a set of
nice, stu rdy bars at the head of
a bed? (A bed you're about to
do it in, we mean, not your
grandparents' classic sleigh
STDs doesn't accidentally switch on
and run them down). Remove
See the Safety Tips Append ix. all miniature vibrators from
dildos and butt plugs.
Th e best (and cheapest)
s torage method we've heard yet

S ex toys are like condoms:
Th ey're best kept in a cool, dry
is to take all those stray socks
and p ut t hem to good use: One
toy per sock, and you're done!
If you don't have room in your
place. They're also best kept nightstand, use s hoeboxes
away from dust bunnies (espe- under your bed fo r overflow stor-
cially the toys you put inside age. If you're prepared to invest
you-geez). And toys don't play a litt le, most sex shops se ll cool
well with other toys in storage- lockboxes ($$) or washable,
soft, squishy ones can melt nylon-lined Goody Bags. Then
into each other, hard toys ca n there are t he nifty Hide a Vibe
tear soft toys, metal toys can Pill ows (BF; BL call s them
chip glass toys, heavy toys can Treasu re Pillows;$$): Th ey look
dent impressionabl e ones, etc. like regular throw pil lows, but
Bear in mind that Cyberskin there's a secret zippered com-
toys and their ilk "leak" pretty panment, lined with silk, for
substantially, so don't s tore storing all your sex toys and
them among your nice und ies, lubes. The concept is awesome,
and don't leave them sitting on thou gh we wish the fabric
your antique dresser, either. choices weren't jaguar, cougar,
Never ever put a toy away cheetah, leopard, or zebra. (What
before it's completely dry. Dust is it with t he sex biz and animal
Cyberskin (et al.) toys with corn- prints?) Fi nal ly, if you have way
starch before storing them. t oo much t ime on your hands
Remove all batteries from t oys (a friend of ours actual ly did
when not in use (so they don't this for a beloved butt plug),
corrode inside or the toy you could go all p rison chic and
build a secret hidey-hole in s ide
a book by gluing the pages
blow jobs
together and carvi ng out a toy
s hape, just like Tim Robbins in
Shaw..ihank Redemption. See
also cleaning & care.
Not for everyone, to be s ure. But
maybe you've always wondered
what it migh t fee l like (in the
h ead, at least) to get su cked off,

or wanted your partner to expe-
strap-ons rience exactly how hard it is
to deep-throat, or just fanc ied
W hen you take your dildo and
saying, "Suck my dick!" and
put it in a harness so you can
meaning it .... Or, on the other
wear it like it's your very own
hand, maybe you've always won-
dong, it's ca lled a st rap-on.
dered what it might feel like (i n
When you fu ck your gi r lfriend
the head and in the mouth) to
or boyfriend wh ile wearing
suck s omeone off. Well, wi th a
your strap-on , it 's call ed strap-
strap-on you ca n make you r
on sex. When a woman fu cks
d ick d reams co me tr ue.
her straight boyfrie nd up the
butt with a strap-on, it's ca lled
d isrupting the cos mic order,
and it's a very good thing. Sec Sue Johanson's
als o anal play.

Royal Line
C anada's Dr. Ruth, Sue Joha nson,
took time out from her popular
Oxygen call-in show Talk Sex to
make her own line of waterproof,
s ilicone-based thermoplas t ic
rubber vi brators (produced by
California Exotics Novelties).
There are a bu nch of model s
t hat appear to be ripped off
from Fun Factory, including th at seem to defy physics a nd
several dual-action vibrators gi·avity ($$$$).Popula r among
(like the Rabbit) with "o ne th e BDSM crowd, swingers,
touch" activation , independent fisters, and apparent ly Pame la
controls for reversible rotation Anderson (at least during her
and vibration, a nd an "EZ"-load Tommy days ). Sometimes
battery pack (we didn't know referred to as a sex sling. See
it was that difficult before). also erotic furniture.
Unfortunately, they're not
ioo percent silicone (shame
on Sue and Cal Exotics for not
making that perfectly clear-
even we got confused!), so you
should use them with a condom,
'cause we have no idea what's
in their "thermoplastic rubber."
Fortunately, the manufacturers
had the good sense to decorate
the packaging with a cute little
cartoon of Johanson rather than
a seminaked photo. like they
do with most of their toys. Visit
Talksexwithsue.com/ Royal Lin e
.html to order($-$$$).

swings, sex
Contrapti ons, usually made of
leather or nylon, attached via
chains to the ce iling. that allow
the rider t o experience weight-
less sex in a number of positions
T Metis Black, their defin i·
tively kick-ass president, is com-
mitted to informing cons umers,
s tore clerks, and writers of sex-
toy encyclopedias about the
TantusSilicone pros and t he cons of various
A leader in the dildo-
manufacturi ng industry, right
accessories and t he materials
they're made of-specifically.
the pros of si li cone dildos
a nd the cons of everything else.
beside Vixen Creations. Makers (Sure, s he's biased, bu t s he's
of the patented Feeldoe double also right.) "People will st ick
dildos, the Bend Over Beginner almost anything up ins ide them
Kit, the slim Ripple butt plug, because t hey're so ill informed,"
and the popular Pro-Touch Black says. "Our manufacturing
vibrating butt plug, Tantus firm is based right outs ide
uses only ioo percent medical - San Di ego, and the two biggest
gradc silicone, so it's the safest emergencies that come into the
materia l on the market (boil- local hos pital are husbands
able, durab le, hypoallergenic, st abbed by their wives and men
easy to clean, a nd phthalate with inappropriate objects stuck
free!). Ret ailers say Tant us dil- up their butts-like li9/1tbulb.6!"
d os and plugs. with their wide See also dildos, vibrating and
variety of shapes and colors, are Ryder butt plug.
always bi g sellers, though stores
don't always advertise t hem as
Tantus brand or use the manu-
facturer's name-so ask. You can
even fam il iari ze yourself wit h
their extensive product line by
s ight on Ta ntusS ilicone.com,
tea, hot
Take an oral sex break to sip from
your steaming cup of chamomile.
Don't ask why; just try it. (But
but, unfortunately, you can't don't stop to dunk a cookie-that's
order on line from their less- r ude.) See al so sensation play.
than-kick-ass Web site.
tempe rature

See ice; sensation play; and
te a , hot.

Terra Firma

See h arnesses, fixin's for and
harnesses, materials for.
lucky) . And get this: Its shah
lig hts u p in a fl ashing display
of green. red, an d bl ue when it's
on the hig hest sett ing. Groovy,
m an. Design-w ise, t he Thunder
Tex dildo
S ee dildos, realistic.
Cloud is a cousin of the compa ny's
Rabbit series (rotating s hah
plu s clit tickler), though Vibratex
adm its it is th ei r on e t oy that
wasn't really built to complement
Thunder Cloud the average fema le anatomy. I n
other words. it's fo r s ize queens :
dual-action The bul bo us hea d is 23/ s inches

We must admit, our m ain reason
for including th is Vibratex toy
across (a lmost tw ice the girth
of the Rabb it) a nd the main
s hah is 2 inches in diameter.
The Thu nd er Cloud is made of
is that it cracks us up every time Vibratex's n ew phthalate-free,
we loo k at it: The t hing is huge! porous mat erial (minera l oi l
You're lucky i f you can even le nds it a life like, Cyberskin-
get your h and aro und it (and esque textu re), so yo u n eed
som e people cons ider that really t o use a (Magnum) condom
only if yo u're s haring or have
a particula rly sensit ive vadge.
Was h with soap a nd water an d
use with a water-based lube.
Cheapest on DS ($$$$), it's also
ava ilable on BL as Moby or
GV as Twice as Ti ta n fo r a few
dollars more.

tightening Tingler, the

creams, vaginal
Known in the vernacula r as
T he closest you ca n get t o s heer
ecstasy without taking MDM H
"pussy-t ightening creams," t hese or having an orgasm. This cheap
arc rig ht up t here with vaginal (DS; $) meta l scalp-massaging
douching and anal desensi- tool is so simple-but t he n most
tizers in the bad-idea stakes: inge nious ideas a re. It looks
At bu t it will do nothing at all; k ind a like a s plit-a part kitchen
at worst it might ca use a yeast whisking tool. The Tingler gent ly
infection or els e jus t n u mb t he to uches acu pressure points to
vagina-the idea being t hat if send s hivers t hroughou t your
s he ca n·t feel anythi ng. s he's less ent ire body. And t hat's not just
likely to lu bricat e, and therefore regurgitated marketing copy-
her vagina wi ll feel t ighter. that's for reals.
Charm ing. If you're really set on
s haping thi ngs u p down there,
try kegels instead. And if your
partner is reall y s et on you try· Toys in
in g one of these crea ms despit e
our wa rning. consider trading
him in. See a lso Xandria. -
Bab eland
S ee Babeland.corn.
triple-action Tristan 2

Toys that st imulate a lady's cl it,
G-spot, and anus at the .1>ame
butt plug
Th e sil icone TI·istan 2, a beer
can of a butt plug at 4 inches
time, such as the Butterfly by 2 inches, is designed by the
Effect wearable vibrator. Butt Queen herself, Tristan
A.k.a. t hrice-as-nice. See a lso Taormino , in conjunction with
Vixen Creations. The Tristan 2
even co mes with a miniature
vibrator t hat can be in serted

Tristan into the core! (The original

Tristan plug is "only" 33/4 inches

T ristan Taormina is the und is·
puted queen of anal sex. She
by i 'h inches but doesn't vibrate.)
A Tristan pl ug can be recognized
by its particularly bulbous head
a nd its rectangular base, which
is the author of a how-to book
is designed to sit between the
called 711e Ultimate Guide to
ass cheeks and make the pl ug
Anal Sex for Wom en and the
eas ier to hold in place. It's
star of two adult videos based on
ma de of silicone , so it can be
that book, The Ultimate Guide
washed or boiled. (Remove the
to Anal Sex I & f f (d irected by
vibe first !) Use with a lot of
t h e infamou s John "Buttman"
water-based lube. Availab le
Stagl ian o and co-starring porn
supah -star Nina Hart ley). She
even des igned her own freak in'
butt plu gs, th e Tr istan and t he
Tristan 2 . What have you done
fo r butt sex lately, anyway? For
more info, visit PuckerUp.com.
Because most towns and cit ies in
rh is count ry aren't blessed with
a Iittle sex-toy shop on the sex toys may be sold for "edu-
corner Ii ke Good Vibrations cational" or "novelty" purposes
or Baheland, women are only. Some stores in these states
in creasingly buying sex toys may make you sign an affidavit
at Tupperware-style sex-toy swearing you won't be doing any
parties, organized by companies sinn ing with your purchase. We
like PassionParties.com and guess that whole "pursu it of
Safina.com. Don't be surprised if happiness" t hing holds true only
you're invited to a "Tupperware" if you can get to your happy
party-wink, wink: A few years place just by think ing about it
back, a Texas lady named Joanne (though even then, you're still
Webb was arrested for hosting a proba bly go ing to he ll}.
Passion Parties eve nt in Texas.
Two undercover cops posed as
a couple t r ying to spice up their
sex life, and as soon as Joanne tweezers
started explaini ng how to use a
vibrator, they busted her. That's
right, a sex-toy st ing! Under S ee nipple clamps.
Texas obscenity law, it's per·
fectly legal to se ll sex toys as
novelties, but it's a big no-no to
suggest t hat the toys might actu·
ally get you off Webb-a mother
of th ree, a com mitted Baptist,
and a former schoolteacher-
was fac ing up t o a year in jail
until the charges were dropped.
If you're looking to stay on
the right side of the law, the three
U.S. states with restrictions on
sex-toy sales are Texas, Alabama,
and Georgia. In all three states,
u vibrate.) None of these vibrators
is particularly sop hi sticated or
sturdy-it's approximately the
same idea as holding your elec-
tric toothbrush down th ere-but
S ee Cyberskin.
th at's not t he point, damn it.
You're paying for the gimmick
more than for a good vibra t ion.
Pop an undercover toy into
your wash kit before a business
undercover trip, into your pocketbook before
a tough day at work, or even into
yo ur pocket before a nig ht on
L ooks like a pump, feel s like a the town with your beau (sur-
s nea ker? How about looks like prise him or her by sli pp ing it
a lipstick. feels like oh oh ohhh into their pants under the table
OHHH YES YES YES YES at the bar). Cons ider it your
YES!!! Undercover toys are the secret weapon- just like James
Southern sorority girls of the sex- Bond, except without all t he
toy world: They look all innocent killing and misogyny.
on the outside, but they're Unde rcover toys a lso
secretly totally s lutty. The re's the make great gi fts. A less-than-
lipstick vibe (GV calls it the Purse enlightencd wo man might take
Pal;$). the nail polish v ibe (MP: offense at receiving a Rabbit
$$).the mascara vibe (BL; $$). for herb-day, but a novelty vi be
the VibraPen (BL;$$). the vibra t- can be accepted "in jest" and
ing hairbrush (BL;$), the rubber then experimen ted with later in
Duckie, and the vibrating sponge secret. Hey. if it takes a batte ry-
and s hower scrunchie (sec bath operatcd "pe n" to convert a
accessories)-all everyday house- nonbeliever, we'll a ll for it.
hold items that just happen to Sec the Toy Guide for a
vibrate. (And we all know wha t we comprehensive list of under-
do with things that just happen to cover toys featured in t his book.
v mos t of the nerve endings live.
(Now do you understand the
Rabbit's pearls?) The G-spot
is usually in (or around) this

vacuum neighborhood, too-it's t he

s pongy area on the upper wall,

N ot a sex toy. Don't stick your
dick in it or your cl it on it. You
about 2 inches ins ide. Women
can feel prl!.ll,Ottre in th e back
two-thirds of the ir vagina, of
course, but there's really not
migh t th ink this is obvious. but a lot of sensitivity back there
you'd be surprised. (though getting your cervix-
the door to the uterus a t the far
end of t he canal-slammed may

vagina, artificial
S ee masturbation sleeves.
A.k.a. pocket pussy.
not feel so hot). So, size doesn't
really matter, you see-at least,
not length. Curves and girth are
usuall y more important. That's
why so many of the inn ie toys
in this book look fairly insub-

vaginal canal
T he vagin a is kind of like the
perfect studio apartment-
stantia l to an untrain ed eye:
They've actually been designed
with a woman's anatomy in
mind. Shocking, we k now.
there's a whole lot more room By the way, you might have
in there than you'd think. The heard people talk about another
back two-th irds of the vagina area of the woman's vagin a,
can actually doubl e in size d ur- somet imes called the T-Zon e or
ing a ro usa l. (N ow do you under- the A-Zone or (less jaunt ily) the
s ta nd fi st ing?) The front third ante rior fornix: Th is is another
of the vagina, however, swells area that can be massaged
and tighten.<1 during arousal. through the upper wall of th e
And it's this front third where vagina, except much farther
inside-a s deep as, or some- bu llwhip. There's noth ing wrong
times deeper than (i.e. pa.ot, not with fee ling a little vani lla-it
t hrough) , t he tip of th e ce rvix. just means you haven't tried
Some women say they actua lly all thirty-one fl avors yet. Nor
prefer this to G-spot st im ula· is there anything wrong with
tion, and, as we expla in in the never wanting to try all thirty-
pelvic floor muscles entry, one flavors- not everyone l ikes
everything is so interconnected peanut-butter swirl. It's not
down there that t here's no rea- vanilla to veto the occasional
son why it shou ldn't. The on ly act, as long as you're open to
thing that really matters is get- what turns your partner on a nd
ting in there and figuring out promise not to laugh when they
what, exactly, you like the most, confess their deepest, darkest
and where, exactly, you like it . fet ish. What van illa is not is a
Once you find the s pot(s). you synonym for normal. Normal sex
can call it whatever the hell you is a concep t th at exists only in
want! See also clitoris. the minds of right-wing extrem-
ists. (Actually, screw that -i n the
darkest corners of their minds,

they're probably the kinkiest
ba stards around.) "Normal" is
The oppos ite of kink. If t he what you want your doctor to
most "experimental" thing say about that big, hairy mole
you've ever done in bed is leave or what you want your pi lot to
the light on, you are decidedly say about the turbulence. Good
vani lla. Vanilla, however, is a Vibrations actually sells a
relative concept. If, for example, Va ni lla Bondage Kit, a kind
you consider BDSM a li festyle of on-ram p into the world of
choice and like to be peed on as BDSM-lite accessories: a com-
foreplay, you might call some- fortab le, ad justable, silk blind-
one "vani lla" for choosing a fold an d two sil k ties (2 1/2 feet

cute little paddle over a rn·foot long each) come in an ice

cream container($).
of you receives a call, for that
vegetarian & matter), the vibe action lasts for

vegan toys
I f you're a veg-head, it's hard
enoug h trying t o fin d products
the duration of the call, and when
you (or anyone near you) get
a text, it lasts thirty secon ds-
same goes fo r when you make a
wi th no a n im al p arts or by- ca ll or t ext. Great fo r pl a nned
products to stick in you r mouth, phone-sex seshes. Jus t m ake
let alone your lower body cavities. s ure your call ing plan has lots
Bu t there are a couple places of free minutes. If you fear you
specializing in an imal-friendly might go over your minutes, you
kink: Vegan Erotica.com and can also use the vibe ma nually.
VegSexSh op.com. Plus, general (BL;$$; t wo AAA batte ri es.)
sex s hop Early2Bed .com has a
special vega n category in its
navigation bar.

Cell Phone

A sort of undercover/remote
control toy hybrid from
Vibrafun. It's a silve r p lastic
bullet vibe at tach ed by a cord
to a battery pack in t he shape
of a s mall, cheap, fake cell phone
that clips to your belt. The vibe
is actually act ivat ed by your real
cell phone: When you get a call
B est known as th e maker of th e
Rabbit Habit & Rabbit Pearl
(or when any phone within 3 feet vibrators and the importer
of t he Hitachi Magic Wand, on t he safe side.) An d they've
man ufactu rer and d istri butor got a new Iine of t oys made of
Vibratex was the fi rst company ioo percent phthalat e-free and
to bring dual-action vibrators <,: latex-free elast omer! (See t he
to North America. Before that. Rabbit Habit & Rabbit Pearl
it was just missile-style and vibra tors entry fo r exa m ples.)
rea list ic-look ing vibes with th e Thou gh you do n·t need to wor ry
knob on the bottom of the shaft; about toxins seeping out with
none had a separate motor fo r t hose, bacteria could still seep
clitoral stimulation. A smal l, in. so condom use is suggested
fa mily-owned compa ny prizing if you've got a sensit ive vagina
quality over quantity (mu ch like and highly recommended if
Tantus and Vixen Creations), you're s ha ring. They a lso make
Vibratex strives to design prod- the popu lar Wat er Dancer
ucts that complement a woman's vibrator (see Pocket Rocket).
anatomy, won't break down after Thou gh there are certa inly
three uses, and are made in more high-tech dual-action
Japan from high-qu al ity mat erial vibes out there- like California
(well, about as h igh qu ali ty as Exotics Novelties's Chinese-
you can get when you don't use made Jack Rabbit wit h LED
s ilicone). They use nonsilicone in dicator. g low-in-th e-dark
elastomers that can be molded pu sh buttons, and seemingly
into various textures more eas- infi ni te combinations of rota-
ily. That means all Vibratex tion, vibration, a nd pulsing
products are porous, and many pattern s- they can't compare t o
of t he oldie but goodies (I ike Vibratex's superior production
t he Rabbit) contain phthalates. an d m aterial. (Tech geeks
However, unlike ch eaper beware: As wicked cool as the
brands, Vibratex toys a ren't Jack Rabb it sounds-and ki nd
nearly as toxic: They don't reek of is-it 's unbearably sticky and
an d are m uch less porou s. litera lly st inks!)
(Even A-Womans-Touch.com
sel ls th em, so you k now t h ey're
vibrating just north of the ent rance to
the vagina. Sure, th ere arc
panties some nerve end ings in the
vaginal canal-mos t of them
in the ou ter third-but it's the
clit that responds most dramat·
ically to good vibrations. And
when we say "dramatica lly,"
we mean it. Many, many, many,
many, many women learn to
achieve orgasm us ing a vi bra·
tor, and so me women can only
ever get there with a littl e help
fro m th eir bu z7.y fr iends (for
th e record, th ere's no s ha me
in t hat; see addiction). And we
have yet to meet a sex educator
who wouldn't encourage a
woman to enlis t th e help of a
vibrators, about
Sex-toy newbies often get
confused when they first see a
vibe to reach her happy pla ce.
Even Dr. Ruth says so-see the
Eroscillator she endorses.
Don't think of the vibrator
vibrator like the Hita chi Magic
as a replacement for a penis;
Wand. "But where does it go in?"
think of it as a n extens ion of
th ey as k con cern edly. (In case
your ha nd. Take th e toy wher-
you don't read on: It doesn't .)
ever your han d likes to roam:
Here's the thin g: Th e ma jorit y
thig hs, mo ns , labia, cli toris. (If
of vibrators (at leas t, the ones
your hand likes to roa m ins ide,
th at reall y care) are desig ned to
make s ure yo u pi ck a v ibe that
s timul ate the clitoris , first a nd
can safely go th ere-sec fo llow·
foremost. And , as we a ll know,
ing.) Yo u may fin d that holding
though the clit runs deep, its
the vibrator d irect ly over your
most sensitive nubbin lives
' I
clit is too much-the cl it is a A dildo, by definition, always
sensitive little bugger Iike t hat. goes in somewhere (given
Start with the lowest setti ng enough lube and patience); a
on your toy (if it h as options), vibrator doesn't necessarily-
move it to your mons or la bes though some do. So, the first
(your clit will sti ll benefit from question you have to answer
the vibes), or hold it over a p i1- when picking a vibe is, innie or
low or blanket to help di s perse outie? Am I looking for internal
more mellow vibes throughout stimulation, external stimula-
yow· genital region. Experiment tion, or a bit of both?
with moving it around or keep- Vibrators may turn you
ing it in one place. Tease your- into a reverse size-ist: That
self with it-or hand the toy over honking Hitachi might be okay
to your partner and let them company when it's just you,
tease you. but it doesn't make for the sexi-
By the way, externa l est three-way when your part-
vibrat ion isn't just For fema les: ner's in town. Dim inutive vibes
A guy might enjoy runn ing a like t he Pocket Rocket or a
vibe up and down the s haft of miniature vibrator are less
his penis, too, or pressing into likely to b e a buzz kill (as it
his perineum (it's a baby step were). Consider whether you'll be
toward a vibrating butt plug!). using a toy solo or with company
If yo u want to keep us ing the before making your purchase-
toy throughout intercourse (like and, if you're in the store, turn it
we sa id , there's no s hame in it), on to hear and feel it. Smaller
rear-entry or woman-on-top vibes are typically quieter and
positions work best. However, if buzz less vigorously, though
the penis or dildo owner dons a there's not always a direct cor-
vibrating cock ring, you can do relation. For example, all Fun
it however the hell you want! Go Factory toys-even the biggest
nuts and do it miss ionary style! o nes-are quiet as a mouse, and
Here's the basic difference yet they all buzz with zeal, too.
between a vibrator and a dildo : Others, Iike the Eroscillator,

shi mmy more like an electric discussion of the rumors sur-

toothbru sh. (See the individual rounding nerve damage and
roy descriptions in this book for vibe use. (Don't pa nic; there's
more details.) Good Vibrations no bad news.)
also offers a handy chart com- There are more kinds of
paring toys' volume and inten- vibes than kinds of sh rimp.
s ity. Hint: A noi sy toy can be See the Toy Guide for vibes
drowned out by cranking up featured in this book, grouped
your iPod. by category.
You may have noticed
that throughout this book,
vibrating is used as an adjec- vibrators,
tive in fronr of names of toys
that wouldn't traditionally be
classified as vibrators. You've
got your vibrating cock rings,
your vibrating finger toys like
the Fukuoku 9000 finger toy,
Most vibes are battery
operated-it's pretty much just
your vibrating butt plugs, your the Eroscillator and the "back"
vibrating dildos, your vibrating massagers like the Hitachi
nipple clamps. your vibrating Magic Wand and the Wahl
penis sleeves, your vibrating vibrator that plug into an outlet.
harnesses, and your vibrating Plug-in toys last longer and tend
penis cu ps (see boy toys). Most to be more powerful than their
of these employ the help of a battery-operated kin, but you
~ miniature vibrator, which is typically can't put them inside
inserted into, or strapped onto, you, you can't take them in
the toy. water, and you can't take th em
Finally, a quick safety more than a few feet from an
note: Never use your vibrator outlet. The latest development
on unexplained calf pain. See in this field is rechargeable
the Safety Tips Appendix for sex toys. Some battery-operated
an explanation, as well as a toys, like the Rabbit Pearl, come
with control sw itches on the
,. miniature vibrators, and any·
batte ry packs, wh ich can be fu n thing marketed as a "back"
for your partner to play with massager. However, t he
when the vibe is in side you . Erosc ill at or, the Hitachi, and
Others even come wit h a remote the Wahl can al l be converted
control so your partner can int o innies with t he h e lp of spe-
tease yo u from ac ross the room. cially des igned attac hments .
Battery vi bes (a nd t he batteries
themselves) will last longer if
you remove the batteries when
the toy is not in u se. If your bat- vibrators,
tery t oy has a cord, never pull on
it. And don't Iie on or fa ll asleep
on a buzzing toy-those babies
get hot! For info on watch batter-
S ometimes called innies, vibra-
tors that are designed speci fi-
ies, see miniature vibrators . ca lly for intern al stimulation.
They may have gi rth or beads to
focus on the opening, gyr ation
for t h e internal edges of the
vibrators, vagina l canal, a curve or hook

S ometimes called outies,
vibrators that are b u ilt purely
to target a favorite s pot like the
G-spot, or some combination
thereof (see Rabbit Habit &
Rabbit Pearl vibrators). Note:
for external stimulation (i.e.. Many s ites and stores are an noy-
the clit an d labia) include t he ingly vague about whether a
Duckie waterproof vibrator, vibe is safe to use internally.
t h e Eroscillator, t h e Hitachi A safe rul e of thumb is, if the
Magic Wand, the Laya Spot, the packaging does n't explicitly say
Lelo vibrators, Pure Bliss, t hat it's safe to use as an innie,
the Wahl vibrator, t he vibrati ng assu me it's external-use only (or
sponge (see bath accessories), ask a frie ndly sa les ass istant for
any novelties, finger toys, or help). See also dildos, vibrating.
vibrators, shouldn't have any sha r p edges
or potentially irri tati ng knobs

M ultitasking toys provide both
internal and external vibration
and seams, and, if it's going
up the butt, it should have a
flared base so it does n't get
lost up there. (If it's goi ng in
l>imultaneotUly. The most com-
the veegee only, then it doesn't
mon are dual-action vibrators,
need a flared base, but it
which stimulate the cl itoris
shouldn't be so diminutive tha t
and inside the vagina. Not con-
it could get lost up there-like,
tent with thi s double-action, say, a miniature vibrator.)
triple-action vibes take it up
one more notc h. meaning t hey
stimulate the ba ck door, too.

' -
A materi al often associated
with and used by the BDSM

community. Sometimes referred
switch-hitting to as PVC (short for polyvinyl
chloride), though not all vinyl
S witch hitters arc vibrators
is PVC (we know. it confuses
that can be either internal or
the hell out of us, too). Vinyl is
external, depending on your
a widely used plastic that is
mood. These include the Aqua
durable, inexpen sive, a nd easily
Arouser waterproof vibrator,
manufactured but can cause
the Clitoral Hummer water-
serious pollution in its produc-
proof vibrator, the Cosmic
tion, often ha s additives (like
vibrator, Fun Factory's s ilicone
phthalates) that can leak, and
Patchy Pa ul (ca lled the Heart-
cannot be readily recyc led.
breaker vibrator at BL,$$), and
(Greenpeace is pullin g for a
slimline vibrators. Basical ly,
PVC-free futu re.) Most so ft and
the ins ertab le part of any innie
flexible vi nyl products wil l con-
vibe s hou ld be waterproof, it
tain phthalates, t hough they're
proba bly better for you tha n
jelly rubber toys, since they're
not as porous. Generally, vinyl
feels firmer than jelly, it lasts
longer t han jelly (but no t as long
as silicone), and is less expen -
What ever you do, don 't ca ll
their dildos "novelties." More
like "works of art." After al l,
sive than silicone.
the ladies at this small but
S in ce it's porous, the only
exceptional manufacturer take
way to keep v inyl toys clean
pride in what t hey do: They
and bacter ia free is to use con -
hand make all their d ildos a nd
. ~
do ms over th em; plus, yo u'll be
redu cing your exposure to pos-
butt pl ugs out of 100 percent
premium silicone and offer a
s ibly ha rmful phtha lates a nd
li fet ime guar antee on each (we
maki ng cleanup a ci nch in the
don't know anyone else who does
process. But if you know it's a
t hat). The founder, Marilyn
hi gher-quality vinyl tha n most
Bisha ra , used to work at Good
(e.g., all Vibratex vinyl product s,
Vibrations and saw that no one
like the Rabbit, are made of food-
could s u pp ly silicone d il dos fast
grade vinyl, and all vinyl prod-
enough-so she pounced on the
ucts at A-Womans-Touch.com
opportuni ty, launching Vixen
have been tested and considered
Creations (so called "because a
safe), if you make it a monoga-
female fox does not take shit
mous toy, a nd if you clean it
from anyone")_ Un like Tantus,
pro perly, condoms may not
the other leader in primo pokers, ..:··-'!·
be necessa ry (especiall y if it's
Vixen sell s their products to ;:,t.
jus t u sed externa lly). To wash
the public on their Web s ite,
th e actua l t oy, use a damp,
VixenCreations.com, often at
soapy cloth (mild soa p is best).
signi fican t ly lower cos ts than
Exam pl es include some of the
th e general reta ilers do. For
Hitachi Magic Wand attach-
description s of some o f their
ments and th e spongy hea d
best-sell ing product s, see Buddy
of t he Wand.
butt plug, Nexus double dildos,
and Tristan 2 butt plug. Other
popular Vixen products are
discussed in dildos, realis tic;
dildos, nonrealistic; dildos,
vulva puppet
H andmade satin pill ows of
the fe male gen italia made by
size; Hitachi Magic Wand House O' Chi cks that ed ucat e
attachments ; and softpacks. about anatomy, glor ify goddess
power, and give people second-
hand embarrassment.

- VixSkin
A new miracle material created
by t he wonderful women of
VixenC reations.corn: It's rea l-
istically fles hy like Cyberskin
et al. . b ut somehow it's ioo per-
cent silicone! That means it's
nonporous, latex free. boilable.
and won't degrade or break
down in quali ty, unlike most
softpacks, th e Fleshlight, and
oth er masturbation sleeves.
Plu s, it's phthalate fre e. We
haven't heard good news like
this s ince we saved a bunch of
money on our car ins urance.
Use either a high-quality,
pure silicone lube without addi-
t ives like Eros Gel (see lubes,
silicone-based) or any water-
based lube, such a Liquid Silk.
Check out the M r. Right soft·
pack and Tex dildo at VC. See
al so dildos, realistic.

I -.
from us), it's not supposed to
be used on the ge nita ls - it
even says so in th e manual.
Unofficially. well, wom en have
been us ing it on thei r happy
place for years, and responsibl e
stores li ke BF, BL, and GV con·
tinue to s tock it, so we fee l pretty
good abou t tu rning a blind
eye. (WT sells it but caut ions
against genita l use-riiiight.)
Acco rding to Carol Queen ,
GV's staff sexo logist , "The Wahl
Clipper corpor at ion app arently
h ad a Catholic priest on their
board of directors, and the

'gen itals' warning reflects the
Wahl vibrator cu ltural image he wanted to
S omerimes called the Wahl porrray. The compa ny knows
7-in-1 or the Wahl Coi.1, the Wahl damn good a nd well what we
is second only to t he Hitachi se ll these vibrat ors for, and
Magic Wand in the wink-wink, they seem perfectly happy t o
nud ge-nudge, "no, really, it's a con tinu e to s uppl y us." Then
'back' massager" charade. The again, Wa hl told the ladies at
A-Wornans-Touch.co:rn that
Wahl is coil operated, which
some peopl e have reported
means it's lighter. faster, a nd
waaay qu ieter t ha n the Hitachi. injuries after u sing their mas-
Li ke t he Hitachi, a Wahl can sager downtown . so proceed at
last for years i f you treat it you r ow n r isk.
righ t. Officia lly, according to The Wa hl looks kind of
Wahl (a nd if you ta lk to our like a h and h el d ble nder, and
lawyer, t hi s is wh at you heard comes wi th a bunch of attach·
ments fo r "scalp massage," "deep
muscle massage," "spot appli-
cation massage." etc. The spot
tool is best suited for external
clitoral stimulation. though
we'd like to add that the scalp
tool gives a damn good scalp
massage, too. (Hey, there's only
so much clitoral vibration a
woman can take in a day.)
One downsi de is t hat hold-
ing th e Wahl for a n extended
period ca n make your ha nd go Wahl
numb. If you find th at parti cu-
larly annoyin g, check ou t the
comparable Essential Massager
(sec "bacl<" massagers)-it's
less numbing, though it isn't
Anywhere th at se ll s th e Wahl
vibrator wi ll typica lly also
stock Wah l attachmen ts that
as quiet as the Wahl. (The
turn your external vibrator into
Essential's warning simply
an innie, either regu lar (i.e.,
says not to use on "sensitive
straighr) or G-spot (i.e.. curved).
skin," FYI.) The Wah l is for
These are mostly made of vinyl
externa l use only-if you want
and run about ten bucks a
to make it an inni e vibrator
pop. For boys, you can buy a
(see vibrators, internal), see
tulip-shaped attachm ent to fit
Wahl attachments. Made of
around the head of the pe ni s for
hard plastic. so it can be wiped
a few dollars less: It's ca ll ed the
down with a clamp soa py cloth.
Hugger Attachme nt at OL and
(Unplug it first , Eins tein.) The
the s lig htly un savory-sounding
Wahl is ava il ab le all over for
Come Cup Attachme nt at GV;
$-$$,depend ing o n the model
it's available at WT as t he Cu p
and number of attachm ents.
Attachment. Use condoms
See also Berman Center
with 'em for safety.
Intimate Accessories.
Water Dancer whipped

S ee edible accessories.


Toys aren't just for the bedroom-
J ust the thought of whipping
real good, a la Devo, makes a
lot of people want to curl up in
they make great shower-time
sweats and rent a Julia Roberts
companions. too. There are a
fl ick. But if eit her sensation
buttload of waterproof props out
play or BDSM is your th ing,
there (see the Toy Guide for a Iist
whips can really turn it up to
of ones featured in thi s book).
eleven. For those in th e BDSM
Or, make any small battery-
community, the bullwhip-their
operated vibrator waterproof
nickname for a single-tail whip-
by putting it in a condom and
is something of a holy grail
knotting the end. By the way,
(see StormyLeather.com for
if somethi ng is described as
a selection-and be prepared
water resistant or splash proof,
to drop a couple hundred).
that's not the same thing as
Enthusiasts (see Bu llwhip.org)
waterproof. Even with water-
rave about the "po p" noise the
proof vibes, always make sure
tip of the whip makes as it moves
their battery compartments
through the air (even going so
are tightly sealed and kept dry
far as to claim that t h is is a
in s ide. Don't forget that show-
result of breakin g the sound
ering will rinse away your natu-
barrier-yes, serious BDSM
ral lube, as well as water-based
play seems to attract its share
lubes. Try a silicone-based lube
of science geeks). However, we
for a little more underwater
must insist that you attend a
staying power.
how-to seminar before even made up of hundreds of rubber
coruiderin9 using something as s paghetti-esque strands that
hardcore as a bullwhip at h om e offer a light, stingy sensation.
(even if you've been whipping BF sel ls a s imilar product cal led,
actual bulls all your life). Sex rather prosaically, the T hin
s hops often offer classes- as k Rubber Whip; MP calls theirs
your friendly s ales rep if they t he Velvet Tanta li zer. Bu t eve n
can recommend one. with cute whips like these in
Significantl y less hard- cheery primary co lors, you
core th an the bullwhip is the s hould a pply with caution . (If
flogger: Rath er than a single yo u were ever rat-tailed at
ta il, this consists of a whole s ummer camp, you know what
bunch of much shorter t ail s- we'r e tal king abou t.) Bu ild
typica lly wide, flat strips of up slowly, avoid t h e face and
leather-attach ed to a handl e genit als, a nd play nice. And
(ava ilable everywhere fo r $$; remember: You can leave your
try the BARE products at BL). Devo hat on.
A flogger del ivers more of a
thud than a s ting, though it
s houl d n evertheless be wielded
with care: A human tushy is a
sens it ive bruise-able pear, and
we shudder at t he damage th at
could be done to someone's
ge ni ta ls by a clumsily wielded
whi p. Browse Tes.org and
Sexuality.erg or pick up a copy of
Joseph W. Bea n's book Flo99in9
if you want to learn more.
But what if you just want
to tu rn it up t o, like, ten and a
half? Why not try a sta1ier whip
like BL's Red Mini Wh ip($): It's

A-Womans- Their flagship store is in
Madison, and th ey're about to
Touch.com open another b ricks-'n'-mortar

A-Womans-Touch.com is a little
pocket of integrity in the sex
biz. Of course, every store rec-
store in Mi lwaukee (if they
haven't a lready). WT likes to
replace the manufact urers'
off-putting, cheesy packaging
with their own discreet bags to
ommended in this book has make customers feel more com-
integrity to s pare (that's why fortab le with their purchase.
we picked 'em-duh) but WT in The staff all bring thei r dogs
particular takes its sex-cd role to work. And. most n obly, they
very seriously. Check it out: are committed to finding and
They don't even stock jelly toys, selling t oys th at address sexual
because of the phthalates issue! dysfunction or changes due
In fact, they work with a chemist to illness, disability, or aging.
who tests every freak in' toy they The busi ness is run by founder
s tock for phthalate level s! (Their Ellen Barnard and h er friend, a
chemist al so tests for latex, physici an; their extended staff
which will be good news to all is trained to answer questions
those who are allergic to it.) Most on everything fro m orgasmic
of the toys WT sells are com- function and erectile dys func-
plete ly phthalate free - th e rest tion to post menopause or even
have super-low levels of phtha- postcancer sex. They're such
lates and don't contain any of the good souls that it would be
top ten most dangerous kinds of downright ev il to mock their
phthalates, so t he chemist (and earnestness (or their stated
WT) considers them safe to use. fondnes s for hugging) . So all
It s hou ldn't be surprising we can say is, we love yo u,
to learn the company is based A-Woman s-Touch.com!
in Mad ison, Wisconsin (where
everyone's so freakin' nice and
x virgin feeling") on their home
page. And the customer reviews
often veer into Penthouse
Forum territor y. But it's a wonh-

wh i\e stop-off if you're price
X-rated shopping, and they do have a
very nice return policy: You can
S omething that did, in fact,
return an item for any reason
mea n to turn you on (though
and get a replacement, a sub·
there's no guara ntee that it will).
stitution, or even a refund. So,
just in case you decide to ignore
our two-thumbs-down and order
Oh, Xandria, why all the purple?
Does it really make people wa nt
that Oh So Tight anyway, they've
got you covered. Now, go do
sixty k e ge ls as penance.

to buy more sex toys? You prob·

ably know Xandria's name from
those ads in the back of maga·
z ines like t he New Yorker a nd
Harp erli: They've been around
for thirty years (second o ldest
in the biz, a ft er AdamandEve
.com) and are able to advertise
in '"upstanding" pubs because
0 The sound of a little love
they don't sell pornos (only
motor. 6 The sleepy sigh of
inJitructional v ideos). Th ey're
satisfac ti on you'll be mak ing
not the most sensitive or
after you find-and play with-
enlightened of sex-toy outlets,
your perfect toy.
however-the last time we
logged on, th ey were pushi ng
Oh So Tight pussy-tightening
cream (for that "snug-like-a·
ISBN- 10 0-8118-5283-0
ISBN-13 978-0-81 18-5283-8

91 1~ m~l,l lll llJlllllJlll 11l 11i11f1[11iI

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