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Gunpowder, also commonly known as black powder t o dist inguish it from modern smokeless
powder, is t he earliest known chemical explosive. It consist s of a mixt ure of sulfur, carbon (in t he
form of charcoal) and pot assium nit rat e (salt pet er). The sulfur and carbon act as fuels while t he
salt pet er is an oxidizer.[1][2] Gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant in firearms, art illery,
rocket ry, and pyrot echnics, including use as a blast ing agent for explosives in quarrying, mining,
and road building.

Re-enactors volley firing with black powder

Gunpowder for muzzleloading firearms in granulation size

Flash pan starter dispenser

Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of it s relat ively slow decomposit ion rat e and
consequent ly low brisance. Low explosives deflagrat e (i.e., burn at subsonic speeds), whereas
high explosives det onat e producing a supersonic shockwave. Ignit ion of gunpowder packed
behind a project ile generat es enough pressure t o force t he shot from t he muzzle at high speed,
but usually not enough force t o rupt ure t he gun barrel. It t hus makes a good propellant , but is
less suit able for shat t ering rock or fort ificat ions wit h it s low-yield explosive power. Nonet heless
it was widely used t o fill fused art illery shells (and used in mining and civil engineering project s)
unt il t he second half of t he 19t h cent ury, when t he first high explosives were put int o use.

Gunpowder is one of t he Four Great Invent ions of China.[3] Originally developed by t he Taoist s for
medicinal purposes, it was first used for warfare around 904 AD.[4] It spread across Eurasia by t he
end of t he 13t h cent ury.[5] It s use in weapons has declined due t o smokeless powder replacing it ,
and it is no longer used for indust rial purposes due t o it s relat ive inefficiency compared t o newer
alt ernat ives such as dynamit e and ammonium nit rat e/fuel oil.[6][7]


A simple, commonly cit ed, chemical equat ion for t he combust ion of gunpowder is:

2 KNO3 + S + 3 C → K2S + N2 + 3 CO2.

A balanced, but st ill simplified, equat ion is:[8]

10 KNO3 + 3 S + 8 C → 2 K2CO3 + 3 K2SO4 + 6 CO2 + 5 N2.

The exact percent ages of ingredient s varied great ly t hrough t he medieval period as t he recipes
were developed by t rial and error, and needed t o be updat ed for changing milit ary t echnology.[9]

Gunpowder does not burn as a single react ion, so t he byproduct s are not easily predict ed. One
st udy[10] showed t hat it produced (in order of descending quant it ies) 55.91% solid product s:
pot assium carbonat e, pot assium sulfat e, pot assium sulfide, sulfur, pot assium nit rat e, pot assium
t hiocyanat e, carbon, ammonium carbonat e and 42.98% gaseous product s: carbon dioxide,
nit rogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, met hane, 1.11% wat er.

Gunpowder made wit h less-expensive and more plent iful sodium nit rat e inst ead of pot assium
nit rat e (in appropriat e proport ions) works just as well. However, it is more hygroscopic t han
powders made from pot assium nit rat e. Muzzleloaders have been known t o fire aft er hanging on a
wall for decades in a loaded st at e, provided t hey remained dry. By cont rast , gunpowder made
wit h sodium nit rat e must be kept sealed t o remain st able.

Gunpowder releases 3 megajoules per kilogram and cont ains it s own oxidant . This is lower t han
TNT (4.7 megajoules per kilogram), or gasoline (47.2 megajoules per kilogram, but gasoline
requires an oxidant , so an opt imized gasoline and O2 mixt ure cont ains 10.4 megajoules per

Gunpowder also has a low energy densit y compared t o modern "smokeless" powders, and t hus t o
achieve high energy loadings, large amount s are needed wit h heavy project iles.[11]

Gunpowder is a low explosive: it does not det onat e, but rat her deflagrat es (burns quickly). This is
an advant age in a propellant device, where one does not desire a shock t hat would shat t er t he
gun and pot ent ially harm t he operat or; however, it is a drawback when an explosion is desired. In
t hat case, t he propellant (and most import ant ly, gases produced by it s burning) must be
confined. Since it cont ains it s own oxidizer and addit ionally burns fast er under pressure, it s
combust ion is capable of burst ing cont ainers such as a shell, grenade, or improvised "pipe bomb"
or "pressure cooker" casings t o form shrapnel.

In quarrying, high explosives are generally preferred for shat t ering rock. However, because of it s
low brisance, gunpowder causes fewer fract ures and result s in more usable st one compared t o
ot her explosives, making it useful for blast ing slat e, which is fragile,[12] or monument al st one
such as granit e and marble. Gunpowder is well suit ed for blank rounds, signal flares, burst charges,
and rescue-line launches. It is also used in fireworks for lift ing shells, in rocket s as fuel, and in
cert ain special effect s.

Combust ion convert s less t han half t he mass of gunpowder t o gas; most of it t urns int o
part iculat e mat t er. Some of it is eject ed, wast ing propelling power, fouling t he air, and generally
being a nuisance (giving away a soldier's posit ion, generat ing fog t hat hinders vision, et c.). Some
of it ends up as a t hick layer of soot inside t he barrel, where it also is a nuisance for subsequent
shot s, and a cause of jamming an aut omat ic weapon. Moreover, t his residue is hygroscopic, and
wit h t he addit ion of moist ure absorbed from t he air forms a corrosive subst ance. The soot
cont ains pot assium oxide or sodium oxide t hat t urns int o pot assium hydroxide, or sodium
hydroxide, which corrodes wrought iron or st eel gun barrels. Gunpowder arms t herefore require
t horough and regular cleaning t o remove t he residue.

Earliest known written formula for gunpowder, from the Wujing Zongyao of 1044 AD.

Stoneware bombs, known in Japanese as Tetsuhau (iron bomb), or in Chinese as Zhentianlei (thunder crash bomb),
excavated from the Takashima shipwreck, October 2011, dated to the Mongol invasions of Japan (1274–1281 AD).


A 'flying-cloud thunderclap-eruptor' firing thunderclap bombs from the Huolongjing

The first confirmed reference t o what can be considered gunpowder in China occurred in t he 9t h
cent ury AD during t he Tang dynast y, first in a formula cont ained in t he Taishang Shengzu Jindan
Mijue ( 太上聖祖金丹秘訣) in 808, and t hen about 50 years lat er in a Taoist t ext known as t he
Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe ( 真元妙道要略). [13]
The Taishang Shengzu Jindan Mijue ment ions a
formula composed of six part s sulfur t o six part s salt pet er t o one part birt hwort herb.[13]
According t o t he Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe, "Some have heat ed t oget her sulfur, realgar and
salt pet er wit h honey; smoke and flames result , so t hat t heir hands and faces have been burnt ,
and even t he whole house where t hey were working burned down."[14] Based on t hese Taoist
t ext s, t he invent ion of gunpowder by Chinese alchemist s was likely an accident al byproduct
from experiment s seeking t o creat e t he elixir of life.[15] This experiment al medicine origin is
reflect ed in it s Chinese name huoyao (Chinese: 火药/火藥; pinyin: huŏ yào /xuo yɑʊ/), which
means "fire medicine".[16] Salt pet er was known t o t he Chinese by t he mid-1st cent ury AD and
was primarily produced in t he provinces of Sichuan, Shanxi, and Shandong.[17] There is st rong
evidence of t he use of salt pet er and sulfur in various medicinal combinat ions.[18] A Chinese
alchemical t ext dat ed 492 not ed salt pet er burnt wit h a purple flame, providing a pract ical and
reliable means of dist inguishing it from ot her inorganic salt s, t hus enabling alchemist s t o evaluat e
and compare purificat ion t echniques; t he earliest Lat in account s of salt pet er purificat ion are
dat ed aft er 1200.[19]

The earliest chemical formula for gunpowder appeared in t he 11t h cent ury Song dynast y t ext ,
Wujing Zongyao (Complete Essentials from the Military Classics), writ t en by Zeng Gongliang
bet ween 1040 and 1044.[20] The Wujing Zongyao provides encyclopedia references t o a variet y
of mixt ures t hat included pet rochemicals—as well as garlic and honey. A slow mat ch for flame
t hrowing mechanisms using t he siphon principle and for fireworks and rocket s is ment ioned. The
mixt ure formulas in t his book do not cont ain enough salt pet er t o creat e an explosive however;
being limit ed t o at most 50% salt pet er, t hey produce an incendiary.[20] The Essentials was
writ t en by a Song dynast y court bureaucrat and t here is lit t le evidence t hat it had any immediat e
impact on warfare; t here is no ment ion of it s use in t he chronicles of t he wars against t he
Tangut s in t he 11t h cent ury, and China was ot herwise most ly at peace during t his cent ury.
However it had already been used for fire arrows since at least t he 10t h cent ury. It s first
recorded milit ary applicat ion dat es it s use t o t he year 904 in t he form of incendiary project iles.[4]
In t he following cent uries various gunpowder weapons such as bombs, fire lances, and t he gun
appeared in China.[5][21] Explosive weapons such as bombs have been discovered in a shipwreck
off t he shore of Japan dat ed from 1281, during t he Mongol invasions of Japan.[22]

By 1083 t he Song court was producing hundreds of t housands of fire arrows for t heir
garrisons.[23] Bombs and t he first prot o-guns, known as "fire lances", became prominent during t he
12t h cent ury and were used by t he Song during t he Jin-Song Wars. Fire lances were first
recorded t o have been used at t he Siege of De'an in 1132 by Song forces against t he Jin.[24] In
t he early 13t h cent ury t he Jin ut ilized iron-casing bombs.[25] Project iles were added t o fire
lances, and re-usable fire lance barrels were developed, first out of hardened paper, and t hen
met al. By 1257 some fire lances were firing wads of bullet s.[26][27] In t he lat e 13t h cent ury met al
fire lances became 'erupt ors', prot o-cannons firing co-viat ive project iles (mixed wit h t he
propellant , rat her t han seat ed over it wit h a wad), and by 1287 at t he lat est , had become t rue
guns, t he hand cannon.[28]

Middle East

The Muslims acquired knowledge of gunpowder some t ime bet ween 1240 and 1280, by which
point t he Syrian Hasan al-Rammah had writ t en recipes, inst ruct ions for t he purificat ion of
salt pet er, and descript ions of gunpowder incendiaries. It is implied by al-Rammah's usage of
"t erms t hat suggest ed he derived his knowledge from Chinese sources" and his references t o
salt pet er as "Chinese snow" (Arabic: ‫ ثلج الصين‬thalj al-ṣīn), fireworks as "Chinese flowers," and
rocket s as "Chinese arrows" t hat knowledge of gunpowder arrived from China.[29] However,
because al-Rammah at t ribut es his mat erial t o "his fat her and forefat hers", al-Hassan argues t hat
gunpowder became prevalent in Syria and Egypt by "t he end of t he t welft h cent ury or t he
beginning of t he t hirt eent h".[30] In Persia salt pet er was known as "Chinese salt " (Persian: ‫نمک‬
‫ )چینی‬namak-i chīnī)[31][32] or "salt from Chinese salt marshes" (‫ نمک شوره چینی‬namak-i shūra-yi

Hasan al-Rammah included 107 gunpowder recipes in his t ext al-Furusiyyah wa al-Manasib al-
Harbiyya (The Book of Military Horsemanship and Ingenious War Devices), 22 of which are for
rocket s. If one t akes t he median of 17 of t hese 22 composit ions for rocket s (75% nit rat es,
9.06% sulfur, and 15.94% charcoal), it is nearly ident ical t o t he modern report ed ideal recipe of
75% pot assium nit rat e, 10% sulfur, and 15% charcoal.[30]

Al-Hassan claims t hat in t he Bat t le of Ain Jalut of 1260, t he Mamluks used against t he Mongols,
in "t he first cannon in hist ory", formula wit h near-ident ical ideal composit ion rat ios for explosive
gunpowder.[30] Ot her hist orians urge caut ion regarding claims of Islamic firearms use in t he 1204–
1324 period as lat e medieval Arabic t ext s used t he same word for gunpowder, naft, t hat t hey
used for an earlier incendiary, napht ha.[35][36]

Iqt idar Alam Khan claims t hat it was invading Mongols who int roduced gunpowder t o t he Islamic
world[37] and cit es Mamluk ant agonism t owards early musket eers in t heir infant ry as an example
of how such weapons were not always met wit h open accept ance in t he Middle East .[38]
Similarly, t he refusal of t heir Qizilbash forces t o use firearms cont ribut ed t o t he Safavid rout at
Chaldiran in 1514.[38]
The musket appeared in t he Ot t oman Empire by 1465.[39] In 1598, Chinese writ er Zhao Shizhen
described Turkish musket s as being superior t o European musket s.[40] The Chinese milit ary book
Wu Pei Chih (1621) lat er described Turkish musket s t hat used a rack-and-pinion mechanism,
which was not known t o have been used in European or Chinese firearms at t he t ime.[41]

The st at e-cont rolled manufact ure of gunpowder by t he Ot t oman Empire t hrough early supply
chains t o obt ain nit re, sulfur and high-qualit y charcoal from oaks in Anat olia cont ribut ed
significant ly t o it s expansion bet ween t he 15t h and 18t h cent ury. It was not unt il lat er in t he
19t h cent ury when t he syndicalist product ion of Turkish gunpowder was great ly reduced, which
coincided wit h t he decline of it s milit ary might .[42]


Earliest depiction of a European cannon, "De Nobilitatibus Sapientii Et Prudentiis Regum", Walter de Milemete, 1326.
De la pirotechnia, 1540

Some sources ment ion possible gunpowder weapons being deployed by t he Mongols against
European forces at t he Bat t le of Mohi in 1241.[43][44][45] Professor Kennet h Warren Chase credit s
t he Mongols for int roducing int o Europe gunpowder and it s associat ed weaponry.[46] However,
t here is no clear rout e of t ransmission,[47] and while t he Mongols are oft en point ed t o as t he
likeliest vect or, Timot hy May point s out t hat "t here is no concret e evidence t hat t he Mongols
used gunpowder weapons on a regular basis out side of China."[48] However, Timot hy May also
point s out "However... t he Mongols used t he gunpowder weapon in t heir wars against t he Jin, t he
Song and in t heir invasions of Japan."[48]

The earliest West ern account s of gunpowder appears in t ext s writ t en by English philosopher
Roger Bacon in 1267 called Opus Majus and Opus Tertium.[49] The oldest writ t en recipes in
cont inent al Europe were recorded under t he name Marcus Graecus or Mark t he Greek bet ween
1280 and 1300 in t he Liber Ignium, or Book of Fires.[50]

Records show t hat , in England, gunpowder was being made in 1346 at t he Tower of London; a
powder house exist ed at t he Tower in 1461; and in 1515 t hree King's gunpowder makers worked
t here.[51] Gunpowder was also being made or st ored at ot her Royal cast les, such as
Port chest er.[52] The English Civil War (1642–1645) led t o an expansion of t he gunpowder
indust ry, wit h t he repeal of t he Royal Pat ent in August 1641.[51]

In lat e 14t h cent ury Europe, gunpowder was improved by corning, t he pract ice of drying it int o
small clumps t o improve combust ion and consist ency.[53] During t his t ime, European
manufact urers also began regularly purifying salt pet er, using wood ashes cont aining pot assium
carbonat e t o precipit at e calcium from t heir dung liquor, and using ox blood, alum, and slices of
t urnip t o clarify t he solut ion.[53]

During t he Renaissance, t wo European schools of pyrot echnic t hought emerged, one in It aly and
t he ot her at Nuremberg, Germany.[54] In It aly, Vannoccio Biringuccio, born in 1480, was a member
of t he guild Fraternita di Santa Barbara but broke wit h t he t radit ion of secrecy by set t ing down
everyt hing he knew in a book t it led De la pirotechnia, writ t en in vernacular. It was published
post humously in 1540, wit h 9 edit ions over 138 years, and also reprint ed by MIT Press in 1966.[53]

By t he mid-17t h cent ury fireworks were used for ent ert ainment on an unprecedent ed scale in
Europe, being popular even at resort s and public gardens.[55] Wit h t he publicat ion of Deutliche
Anweisung zur Feuerwerkerey (1748), met hods for creat ing fireworks were sufficient ly well-
known and well-described t hat "Firework making has become an exact science."[56] In 1774 Louis
XVI ascended t o t he t hrone of France at age 20. Aft er he discovered t hat France was not self-
sufficient in gunpowder, a Gunpowder Administ rat ion was est ablished; t o head it , t he lawyer
Ant oine Lavoisier was appoint ed. Alt hough from a bourgeois family, aft er his degree in law
Lavoisier became wealt hy from a company set up t o collect t axes for t he Crown; t his allowed
him t o pursue experiment al nat ural science as a hobby.[57]

Wit hout access t o cheap salt pet er (cont rolled by t he Brit ish), for hundreds of years France had
relied on salt pet remen wit h royal warrant s, t he droit de fouille or "right t o dig", t o seize nit rous-
cont aining soil and demolish walls of barnyards, wit hout compensat ion t o t he owners.[58] This
caused farmers, t he wealt hy, or ent ire villages t o bribe t he pet ermen and t he associat ed
bureaucracy t o leave t heir buildings alone and t he salt pet er uncollect ed. Lavoisier inst it ut ed a
crash program t o increase salt pet er product ion, revised (and lat er eliminat ed) t he droit de fouille,
researched best refining and powder manufact uring met hods, inst it ut ed management and
record-keeping, and est ablished pricing t hat encouraged privat e invest ment in works. Alt hough
salt pet er from new Prussian-st yle put refact ion works had not been produced yet (t he process
t aking about 18 mont hs), in only a year France had gunpowder t o export . A chief beneficiary of
t his surplus was t he American Revolut ion. By careful t est ing and adjust ing t he proport ions and
grinding t ime, powder from mills such as at Essonne out side Paris became t he best in t he world
by 1788, and inexpensive.[58][59]

Two Brit ish physicist s, Andrew Noble and Frederick Abel, worked t o improve t he propert ies of
gunpowder during t he lat e 19t h cent ury. This formed t he basis for t he Noble-Abel gas equat ion
for int ernal ballist ics.[60]

The int roduct ion of smokeless powder in t he lat e 19t h cent ury led t o a cont ract ion of t he
gunpowder indust ry. Aft er t he end of World War I, t he majorit y of t he Brit ish gunpowder
manufact urers merged int o a single company, "Explosives Trades limit ed"; and a number of sit es
were closed down, including t hose in Ireland. This company became Nobel Indust ries Limit ed; and
in 1926 became a founding member of Imperial Chemical Indust ries. The Home Office removed
gunpowder from it s list of Permitted Explosives; and short ly aft erwards, on 31 December 1931,
t he former Curt is & Harvey's Glynneat h gunpowder fact ory at Pont neddfechan, in Wales, closed
down, and it was demolished by fire in 1932.[61] The last remaining gunpowder mill at t he Royal
Gunpowder Fact ory, Walt ham Abbey was damaged by a German parachut e mine in 1941 and it
never reopened.[51] This was followed by t he closure of t he gunpowder sect ion at t he Royal
Ordnance Fact ory, ROF Chorley, t he sect ion was closed and demolished at t he end of World War
II; and ICI Nobel's Roslin gunpowder fact ory, which closed in 1954.[51][62] This left ICI Nobel's
Ardeer sit e in Scot land as t he sole gunpowder fact ory in Great Brit ain; it t oo closed in Oct ober


In the year 1780 the British began to annex the territories of the Sultanate of Mysore, during the Second Anglo-Mysore War.
The British battalion was defeated during the Battle of Guntur, by the forces of Hyder Ali, who effectively utilized Mysorean
rockets and rocket artillery against the closely massed British forces.

Gunpowder and gunpowder weapons were t ransmit t ed t o India t hrough t he Mongol invasions of
India.[63][64] The Mongols were defeat ed by Alauddin Khalji of t he Delhi Sult anat e, and some of
t he Mongol soldiers remained in nort hern India aft er t heir conversion t o Islam.[64] It was writ t en in
t he Tarikh-i Firishta (1606–1607) t hat Nasiruddin Mahmud t he ruler of t he Delhi Sult anat e
present ed t he envoy of t he Mongol ruler Hulegu Khan wit h a dazzling pyrot echnics display upon
his arrival in Delhi in 1258. Nasiruddin Mahmud t ried t o express his st rengt h as a ruler and t ried t o
ward off any Mongol at t empt similar t o t he Siege of Baghdad (1258).[65] Firearms known as top-
o-tufak also exist ed in many Muslim kingdoms in India by as early as 1366.[65] From t hen on t he
employment of gunpowder warfare in India was prevalent , wit h event s such as t he "Siege of
Belgaum" in 1473 by Sult an Muhammad Shah Bahmani.[66]

The shipwrecked Ot t oman Admiral Seydi Ali Reis is known t o have int roduced t he earliest t ype of
mat chlock weapons, which t he Ot t omans used against t he Port uguese during t he Siege of Diu
(1531). Aft er t hat , a diverse variet y of firearms, large guns in part icular, became visible in Tanjore,
Dacca, Bijapur, and Murshidabad.[67] Guns made of bronze were recovered from Calicut (1504)-
t he former capit al of t he Zamorins[68]
Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, hunting deer using a matchlock

The Mughal emperor Akbar mass-produced mat chlocks for t he Mughal Army. Akbar is personally
known t o have shot a leading Rajput commander during t he Siege of Chit t orgarh.[69] The Mughals
began t o use bamboo rocket s (mainly for signalling) and employ sappers: special unit s t hat
undermined heavy st one fort ificat ions t o plant gunpowder charges.

The Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan is known t o have int roduced much more advanced mat chlocks,
t heir designs were a combinat ion of Ot t oman and Mughal designs. Shah Jahan also count ered t he
Brit ish and ot her Europeans in his province of Gujarāt , which supplied Europe salt pet er for use in
gunpowder warfare during t he 17t h cent ury.[70] Bengal and Mālwa part icipat ed in salt pet er
product ion.[70] The Dut ch, French, Port uguese, and English used Chhapra as a cent er of salt pet er

Ever since t he founding of t he Sult anat e of Mysore by Hyder Ali, French milit ary officers were
employed t o t rain t he Mysore Army. Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sult an were t he first t o int roduce
modern cannons and musket s, t heir army was also t he first in India t o have official uniforms.
During t he Second Anglo-Mysore War Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sult an unleashed t he Mysorean
rocket s at t heir Brit ish opponent s effect ively defeat ing t hem on various occasions. The
Mysorean rocket s inspired t he development of t he Congreve rocket , which t he Brit ish widely
ut ilized during t he Napoleonic Wars and t he War of 1812.[71]
Southeast Asia

A double barrelled cetbang on a carriage, with swivel yoke, ca. 1522. The mouth of the cannon is in the shape of Javanese

Cannons were int roduced t o Majapahit when Kublai Khan's Chinese army under t he leadership of
Ike Mese sought t o invade Java in 1293. Hist ory of Yuan ment ioned t hat t he Mongol used
cannons (Chinese: Pao) against Daha forces.[72]: 1–2 [73][74]: 220  Cannons were used by t he
Ayut t haya Kingdom in 1352 during it s invasion of t he Khmer Empire.[75] Wit hin a decade large
quant it ies of gunpowder could be found in t he Khmer Empire.[75] By t he end of t he cent ury
firearms were also used by t he Trần dynast y.[76]

Even t hough t he knowledge of making gunpowder-based weapon has been known aft er t he
failed Mongol invasion of Java, and t he predecessor of firearms, t he pole gun (bedil t ombak), was
recorded as being used by Java in 1413,[77][78]: 245  t he knowledge of making "t rue" firearms came
much lat er, aft er t he middle of t he 15t h cent ury. It was brought by t he Islamic nat ions of West
Asia, most probably t he Arabs. The precise year of int roduct ion is unknown, but it may be safely
concluded t o be no earlier t han 1460.[79]: 23  Before t he arrival of t he Port uguese in Sout heast
Asia, t he nat ives already possessed primit ive firearms, t he Java arquebus.[80] Port uguese
influence t o local weaponry, part icularly aft er t he capt ure of Malacca (1511), result ed in a new
t ype of hybrid t radit ion mat chlock firearm, t he ist inggar.[81]

Port uguese and Spanish invaders were unpleasant ly surprised and even out gunned on
occasion.[82] Circa 1540, t he Javanese, always alert for new weapons found t he newly arrived
Port uguese weaponry superior t o t hat of t he locally made variant s. Majapahit -era cet bang
cannons were furt her improved and used in t he Demak Sult anat e period during t he Demak
invasion of Port uguese Malacca. During t his period, t he iron for manufact uring Javanese cannons
was import ed from Khorasan in nort hern Persia. The mat erial was known by Javanese as wesi
kurasani (Khorasan iron).[83] When t he Port uguese came t o t he archipelago, t hey referred t o it as
Berço, which was also used t o refer t o any breech-loading swivel gun, while t he Spaniards call it
Verso.[84]: 151  By t he early 16t h cent ury, t he Javanese already locally-producing large guns, some
of t hem st ill survived unt il t he present day and dubbed as "sacred cannon" or "holy cannon".
These cannons varied bet ween 180-260-pounders, weighing anywhere bet ween 3–8 t ons, lengt h
of t hem bet ween 3–6 m.[85] Javanese bronze breech-loaded swivel-guns, known as cet bang, or
erroneously as lant aka, was used widely by t he Majapahit navy as well as by pirat es and rival
lords.[86] Following t he decline of t he Majapahit , part icularly aft er t he paregreg civil war (1404–
1406),[87]: 174–175  t he consequent decline in demand for gunpowder weapons caused many
weapon makers and bronze-smit hs t o move t o Brunei, Sumat ra, Malaysia and t he Philippines lead
t o widespread use, especially in t he Makassar St rait . It led t o near universal use of t he swivel-
gun and cannons in t he Nusant ara archipelago.[88][86]

Salt pet er harvest ing was recorded by Dut ch and German t ravelers as being common in even t he
smallest villages and was collect ed from t he decomposit ion process of large dung hills
specifically piled for t he purpose. The Dut ch punishment for possession of non-permit t ed
gunpowder appears t o have been amput at ion.[89] Ownership and manufact ure of gunpowder was
lat er prohibit ed by t he colonial Dut ch occupiers.[90] According t o colonel McKenzie quot ed in Sir
Thomas St amford Raffles', The History of Java (1817), t he purest sulfur was supplied from a
crat er from a mount ain near t he st rait s of Bali.[91]

Gunner of Nguyễn dynasty, Vietnam

On t he origins of gunpowder t echnology, hist orian Tonio Andrade remarked, "Scholars t oday
overwhelmingly concur t hat t he gun was invent ed in China."[92] Gunpowder and t he gun are widely
believed by hist orians t o have originat ed from China due t o t he large body of evidence t hat
document s t he evolut ion of gunpowder from a medicine t o an incendiary and explosive, and t he
evolut ion of t he gun from t he fire lance t o a met al gun, whereas similar records do not exist
elsewhere.[93] As Andrade explains, t he large amount of variat ion in gunpowder recipes in China
relat ive t o Europe is "evidence of experiment at ion in China, where gunpowder was at first used as
an incendiary and only lat er became an explosive and a propellant ... in cont rast , formulas in Europe
diverged only very slight ly from t he ideal proport ions for use as an explosive and a propellant ,
suggest ing t hat gunpowder was int roduced as a mat ure t echnology."[47]

However, t he hist ory of gunpowder is not wit hout cont roversy. A major problem confront ing t he
st udy of early gunpowder hist ory is ready access t o sources close t o t he event s described.
Oft en t he first records pot ent ially describing use of gunpowder in warfare were writ t en several
cent uries aft er t he fact , and may well have been colored by t he cont emporary experiences of
t he chronicler.[94] Translat ion difficult ies have led t o errors or loose int erpret at ions bordering on
art ist ic licence. Ambiguous language can make it difficult t o dist inguish gunpowder weapons from
similar t echnologies t hat do not rely on gunpowder. A commonly cit ed example is a report of t he
Bat t le of Mohi in East ern Europe t hat ment ions a "long lance" sending fort h "evil-smelling vapors
and smoke", which has been variously int erpret ed by different hist orians as t he "first -gas at t ack
upon European soil" using gunpowder, "t he first use of cannon in Europe", or merely a "t oxic gas"
wit h no evidence of gunpowder.[95] It is difficult t o accurat ely t ranslat e original Chinese
alchemical t ext s, which t end t o explain phenomena t hrough met aphor, int o modern scient ific
language wit h rigidly defined t erminology in English. [29] Early t ext s pot ent ially ment ioning
gunpowder are somet imes marked by a linguist ic process where semant ic change occurred.[96]
For inst ance, t he Arabic word naft t ransit ioned from denot ing napht ha t o denot ing gunpowder,
and t he Chinese word pào changed in meaning from t rebuchet t o a cannon.[97] This has led t o
argument s on t he exact origins of gunpowder based on et ymological foundat ions. Science and
t echnology hist orian Bert S. Hall makes t he observat ion t hat , "It goes wit hout saying, however,
t hat hist orians bent on special pleading, or simply wit h axes of t heir own t o grind, can find rich
mat erial in t hese t erminological t hicket s."[96]

Anot her major area of cont ent ion in modern st udies of t he hist ory of gunpowder is regarding t he
t ransmission of gunpowder. While t he lit erary and archaeological evidence support s a Chinese
origin for gunpowder and guns, t he manner in which gunpowder t echnology was t ransferred from
China t o t he West is st ill under debat e.[92] It is unknown why t he rapid spread of gunpowder
t echnology across Eurasia t ook place over several decades whereas ot her t echnologies such as
paper, t he compass, and print ing did not reach Europe unt il cent uries aft er t hey were invent ed in


Gunpowder is a granular mixt ure of:

a nit rat e, t ypically pot assium nit rat e (KNO3), which supplies oxygen for t he react ion;

charcoal, which provides carbon and ot her fuel for t he react ion, simplified as carbon (C);

sulfur (S), which, while also serving as a fuel, lowers t he t emperat ure required t o ignit e t he
mixt ure, t hereby increasing t he rat e of combust ion.

Pot assium nit rat e is t he most import ant ingredient in t erms of bot h bulk and funct ion because
t he combust ion process releases oxygen from t he pot assium nit rat e, promot ing t he rapid burning
of t he ot her ingredient s.[98] To reduce t he likelihood of accident al ignit ion by st at ic elect ricit y,
t he granules of modern gunpowder are t ypically coat ed wit h graphit e, which prevent s t he build-
up of elect rost at ic charge.

Charcoal does not consist of pure carbon; rat her, it consist s of part ially pyrolyzed cellulose, in
which t he wood is not complet ely decomposed. Carbon differs from ordinary charcoal. Whereas
charcoal's aut oignit ion t emperat ure is relat ively low, carbon's is much great er. Thus, a gunpowder
composit ion cont aining pure carbon would burn similarly t o a mat ch head, at best .[99]
The current st andard composit ion for t he gunpowder manufact ured by pyrot echnicians was
adopt ed as long ago as 1780. Proport ions by weight are 75% pot assium nit rat e (known as
salt pet er or salt pet re), 15% soft wood charcoal, and 10% sulfur.[100] These rat ios have varied over
t he cent uries and by count ry, and can be alt ered somewhat depending on t he purpose of t he
powder. For inst ance, power grades of black powder, unsuit able for use in firearms but adequat e
for blast ing rock in quarrying operat ions, are called blast ing powder rat her t han gunpowder wit h
st andard proport ions of 70% nit rat e, 14% charcoal, and 16% sulfur; blast ing powder may be made
wit h t he cheaper sodium nit rat e subst it ut ed for pot assium nit rat e and proport ions may be as low
as 40% nit rat e, 30% charcoal, and 30% sulfur.[101] In 1857, Lammot du Pont solved t he main
problem of using cheaper sodium nit rat e formulat ions when he pat ent ed DuPont "B" blast ing
powder. Aft er manufact uring grains from press-cake in t he usual way, his process t umbled t he
powder wit h graphit e dust for 12 hours. This formed a graphit e coat ing on each grain t hat
reduced it s abilit y t o absorb moist ure.[102]

Neit her t he use of graphit e nor sodium nit rat e was new. Glossing gunpowder corns wit h graphit e
was already an accept ed t echnique in 1839,[103] and sodium nit rat e-based blast ing powder had
been made in Peru for many years using t he sodium nit rat e mined at Tarapacá (now in Chile).[104]
Also, in 1846, t wo plant s were built in sout h-west England t o make blast ing powder using t his
sodium nit rat e.[105] The idea may well have been brought from Peru by Cornish miners ret urning
home aft er complet ing t heir cont ract s. Anot her suggest ion is t hat it was William Lobb, t he plant
collect or, who recognised t he possibilit ies of sodium nit rat e during his t ravels in Sout h America.
Lammot du Pont would have known about t he use of graphit e and probably also knew about t he
plant s in sout h-west England. In his pat ent he was careful t o st at e t hat his claim was for t he
combinat ion of graphit e wit h sodium nit rat e-based powder, rat her t han for eit her of t he t wo
individual t echnologies.

French war powder in 1879 used t he rat io 75% salt pet er, 12.5% charcoal, 12.5% sulfur. English war
powder in 1879 used t he rat io 75% salt pet er, 15% charcoal, 10% sulfur.[106] The Brit ish Congreve
rocket s used 62.4% salt pet er, 23.2% charcoal and 14.4% sulfur, but t he Brit ish Mark VII
gunpowder was changed t o 65% salt pet er, 20% charcoal and 15% sulfur. The explanat ion for t he
wide variet y in formulat ion relat es t o usage. Powder used for rocket ry can use a slower burn rat e
since it accelerat es t he project ile for a much longer t ime—whereas powders for weapons such
as flint locks, cap-locks, or mat chlocks need a higher burn rat e t o accelerat e t he project ile in a
much short er dist ance. Cannons usually used lower burn-rat e powders, because most would
burst wit h higher burn-rat e powders.
Other compositions

Besides black powder, t here are ot her hist orically import ant t ypes of gunpowder. "Brown
gunpowder" is cit ed as composed of 79% nit re, 3% sulfur, and 18% charcoal per 100 of dry
powder, wit h about 2% moist ure. Prismat ic Brown Powder is a large-grained product t he Rot t weil
Company int roduced in 1884 in Germany, which was adopt ed by t he Brit ish Royal Navy short ly
t hereaft er. The French navy adopt ed a fine, 3.1 millimet er, not prismat ic grained product called
Slow Burning Cocoa (SBC) or "cocoa powder". These brown powders reduced burning rat e even
furt her by using as lit t le as 2 percent sulfur and using charcoal made from rye st raw t hat had not
been complet ely charred, hence t he brown color.[107]

Lesmok powder was a product developed by DuPont in 1911,[108] one of several semi-smokeless
product s in t he indust ry cont aining a mixt ure of black and nit rocellulose powder. It was sold t o
Winchest er and ot hers primarily for .22 and .32 small calibers. It s advant age was t hat it was
believed at t he t ime t o be less corrosive t han smokeless powders t hen in use. It was not
underst ood in t he U.S. unt il t he 1920s t hat t he act ual source of corrosion was t he pot assium
chloride residue from pot assium chlorat e sensit ized primers. The bulkier black powder fouling
bet t er disperses primer residue. Failure t o mit igat e primer corrosion by dispersion caused t he
false impression t hat nit rocellulose-based powder caused corrosion.[109] Lesmok had some of
t he bulk of black powder for dispersing primer residue, but somewhat less t ot al bulk t han
st raight black powder, t hus requiring less frequent bore cleaning.[110] It was last sold by
Winchest er in 1947.

Sulfur-free powders

Burst barrel of a muzzle loader pistol replica, which was loaded with nitrocellulose powder instead of black powder and
could not withstand the higher pressures of the modern propellant
The development of smokeless powders, such as cordit e, in t he lat e 19t h cent ury creat ed t he
need for a spark-sensit ive priming charge, such as gunpowder. However, t he sulfur cont ent of
t radit ional gunpowders caused corrosion problems wit h Cordit e Mk I and t his led t o t he
int roduct ion of a range of sulfur-free gunpowders, of varying grain sizes.[51] They t ypically
cont ain 70.5 part s of salt pet er and 29.5 part s of charcoal.[51] Like black powder, t hey were
produced in different grain sizes. In t he Unit ed Kingdom, t he finest grain was known as sulfur-free
mealed powder (SMP). Coarser grains were numbered as sulfur-free gunpowder (SFG n): 'SFG 12',
'SFG 20', 'SFG 40' and 'SFG 90', for example; where t he number represent s t he smallest BSS
sieve mesh size, which ret ained no grains.

Sulfur's main role in gunpowder is t o decrease t he ignit ion t emperat ure. A sample react ion for
sulfur-free gunpowder would be:

6 KNO3 + C7H4O → 3 K2CO3 + 4 CO2 + 2 H2O + 3 N2

Smokeless powders

The t erm black powder was coined in t he lat e 19t h cent ury, primarily in t he Unit ed St at es, t o
dist inguish prior gunpowder formulat ions from t he new smokeless powders and semi-smokeless
powders. Semi-smokeless powders feat ured bulk volume propert ies t hat approximat ed black
powder, but had significant ly reduced amount s of smoke and combust ion product s. Smokeless
powder has different burning propert ies (pressure vs. t ime) and can generat e higher pressures
and work per gram. This can rupt ure older weapons designed for black powder. Smokeless
powders ranged in color from brownish t an t o yellow t o whit e. Most of t he bulk semi-smokeless
powders ceased t o be manufact ured in t he 1920s.[111][110][112]



The original dry-compounded powder used in 15t h-cent ury Europe was known as "Serpent ine",
eit her a reference t o Sat an[32] or t o a common art illery piece t hat used it .[113] The ingredient s
were ground
t oget her wit h a mort ar and pest le, perhaps for 24 hours,[113] result ing in a fine flour.
Vibrat ion during t ransport at ion could cause t he component s t o separat e again, requiring remixing
in t he field. Also if t he qualit y of t he salt pet er was low (for inst ance if it was cont aminat ed wit h
highly hygroscopic calcium nit rat e), or if t he powder was simply old (due t o t he mildly
hygroscopic nat ure of pot assium nit rat e), in humid weat her it would need t o be re-dried. The dust
from "repairing" powder in t he field was a major hazard.

Loading cannons or bombards before t he powder-making advances of t he Renaissance was a

skilled art . Fine powder loaded haphazardly or t oo t ight ly would burn incomplet ely or t oo slowly.
Typically, t he breech-loading powder chamber in t he rear of t he piece was filled only about half
full, t he serpent ine powder neit her t oo compressed nor t oo loose, a wooden bung pounded in t o
seal t he chamber from t he barrel when assembled, and t he project ile placed on. A carefully
det ermined empt y space was necessary for t he charge t o burn effect ively. When t he cannon
was fired t hrough t he t ouchhole, t urbulence from t he init ial surface combust ion caused t he rest
of t he powder t o be rapidly exposed t o t he flame.[113]

The advent of much more powerful and easy t o use corned powder changed t his procedure, but
serpent ine was used wit h older guns int o t he 17t h cent ury.[114]


For propellant s t o oxidize and burn rapidly and effect ively, t he combust ible ingredient s must be
reduced t o t he smallest possible part icle sizes, and be as t horoughly mixed as possible. Once
mixed, however, for bet t er result s in a gun, makers discovered t hat t he final product should be in
t he form of individual dense grains t hat spread t he fire quickly from grain t o grain, much as st raw
or t wigs cat ch fire more quickly t han a pile of sawdust .

In lat e 14t h cent ury Europe and China,[115] gunpowder was improved by wet grinding; liquid, such
as dist illed spirit s[53] was added during t he grinding-t oget her of t he ingredient s and t he moist
past e dried aft erwards. The principle of wet mixing t o prevent t he separat ion of dry ingredient s,
invent ed for gunpowder, is used t oday in t he pharmaceut ical indust ry.[116] It was discovered t hat
if t he past e was rolled int o balls before drying t he result ing gunpowder absorbed less wat er
from t he air during st orage and t raveled bet t er. The balls were t hen crushed in a mort ar by t he
gunner immediat ely before use, wit h t he old problem of uneven part icle size and packing causing
unpredict able result s. If t he right size part icles were chosen, however, t he result was a great
improvement in power. Forming t he damp past e int o corn-sized clumps by hand or wit h t he use
of a sieve inst ead of larger balls produced a product aft er drying t hat loaded much bet t er, as
each t iny piece provided it s own surrounding air space t hat allowed much more rapid combust ion
t han a fine powder. This "corned" gunpowder was from 30% t o 300% more powerful. An example
is cit ed where 15 kilograms (34 lb) of serpent ine was needed t o shoot a 21-kilogram (47 lb) ball,
but only 8.2 kilograms (18 lb) of corned powder.[53]
Because t he dry powdered ingredient s must be mixed and bonded t oget her for ext rusion and cut
int o grains t o maint ain t he blend, size reduct ion and mixing is done while t he ingredient s are damp,
usually wit h wat er. Aft er 1800, inst ead of forming grains by hand or wit h sieves, t he damp mill-
cake was pressed in molds t o increase it s densit y and ext ract t he liquid, forming press-cake. The
pressing t ook varying amount s of t ime, depending on condit ions such as at mospheric humidit y.
The hard, dense product was broken again int o t iny pieces, which were separat ed wit h sieves t o
produce a uniform product for each purpose: coarse powders for cannons, finer grained powders
for musket s, and t he finest for small hand guns and priming.[114] Inappropriat ely fine-grained
powder oft en caused cannons t o burst before t he project ile could move down t he barrel, due t o
t he high init ial spike in pressure.[117] Mammoth powder wit h large grains, made for Rodman's 15-
inch cannon, reduced t he pressure t o only 20 percent as high as ordinary cannon powder would
have produced.[118]

In t he mid-19t h cent ury, measurement s were made det ermining t hat t he burning rat e wit hin a
grain of black powder (or a t ight ly packed mass) is about 6 cm/s (0.20 feet /s), while t he rat e of
ignit ion propagat ion from grain t o grain is around 9 m/s (30 feet /s), over t wo orders of magnit ude
fast er.[114]

Modern types

Hexagonal gunpowder for large artillery

Modern corning first compresses t he fine black powder meal int o blocks wit h a fixed densit y
(1.7 g/cm3).[119] In t he Unit ed St at es, gunpowder grains were designat ed F (for fine) or C (for
coarse). Grain diamet er decreased wit h a larger number of Fs and increased wit h a larger number
of Cs, ranging from about 2 mm (1⁄16 in) for 7F t o 15 mm (9⁄16 in) for 7C. Even larger grains were
produced for art illery bore diamet ers great er t han about 17 cm (6.7 in). The st andard DuPont
Mammoth powder developed by Thomas Rodman and Lammot du Pont for use during t he
American Civil War had grains averaging 15 mm (0.6 in) in diamet er wit h edges rounded in a glazing
barrel.[118] Ot her versions had grains t he size of golf and t ennis balls for use in 20-inch (51 cm)
Rodman guns.[120] In 1875 DuPont int roduced Hexagonal powder for large art illery, which was
pressed using shaped plat es wit h a small cent er core—about 38 mm (11⁄2 in) diamet er, like a
wagon wheel nut , t he cent er hole widened as t he grain burned.[107] By 1882 German makers also
produced hexagonal grained powders of a similar size for art illery.[107]

By t he lat e 19t h cent ury manufact uring focused on st andard grades of black powder from Fg
used in large bore rifles and shot guns, t hrough FFg (medium and small-bore arms such as musket s
and fusils), FFFg (small-bore rifles and pist ols), and FFFFg (ext reme small bore, short pist ols and
most commonly for priming flint locks).[121] A coarser grade for use in milit ary art illery blanks was
designat ed A-1. These grades were sort ed on a syst em of screens wit h oversize ret ained on a
mesh of 6 wires per inch, A-1 ret ained on 10 wires per inch, Fg ret ained on 14, FFg on 24, FFFg on
46, and FFFFg on 60. Fines designat ed FFFFFg were usually reprocessed t o minimize explosive
dust hazards.[122] In t he Unit ed Kingdom, t he main service gunpowders were classified RFG (rifle
grained fine) wit h diamet er of one or t wo millimet ers and RLG (rifle grained large) for grain
diamet ers bet ween t wo and six millimet ers.[120] Gunpowder grains can alt ernat ively be
cat egorized by mesh size: t he BSS sieve mesh size, being t he smallest mesh size, which ret ains
no grains. Recognized grain sizes are Gunpowder G 7, G 20, G 40, and G 90.

Owing t o t he large market of ant ique and replica black-powder firearms in t he US, modern black
powder subst it ut es like Pyrodex, Triple Seven and Black Mag3[110] pellet s have been developed
since t he 1970s. These product s, which should not be confused wit h smokeless powders, aim t o
produce less fouling (solid residue), while maint aining t he t radit ional volumet ric measurement
syst em for charges. Claims of less corrosiveness of t hese product s have been cont roversial
however. New cleaning product s for black-powder guns have also been developed for t his
market .[121]

Edge-runner mill in a restored mill, at The Hagley Museum

The old Powder or Pouther magazine dating from 1642, built by order of Charles I. Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland

Gunpowder storing barrels at the Martello tower in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
1840 drawing of a gunpowder magazine near Tehran, Persia. Gunpowder was extensively used in the Naderian Wars.

For t he most powerful black powder, meal powder, a wood charcoal, is used. The best wood for
t he purpose is Pacific willow,[123] but ot hers such as alder or buckt horn can be used. In Great
Brit ain bet ween t he 15t h and 19t h cent uries charcoal from alder buckt horn was great ly prized
for gunpowder manufact ure; cot t onwood was used by t he American Confederat e St at es.[124]
The ingredient s are reduced in part icle size and mixed as int imat ely as possible. Originally, t his
was wit h a mort ar-and-pest le or a similarly operat ing st amping-mill, using copper, bronze or ot her
non-sparking mat erials, unt il supplant ed by t he rot at ing ball mill principle wit h non-sparking
bronze or lead. Hist orically, a marble or limest one edge runner mill, running on a limest one bed,
was used in Great Brit ain; however, by t he mid 19t h cent ury t his had changed t o eit her an iron-
shod st one wheel or a cast iron wheel running on an iron bed.[100] The mix was dampened wit h
alcohol or wat er during grinding t o prevent accident al ignit ion. This also helps t he ext remely
soluble salt pet er t o mix int o t he microscopic pores of t he very high surface-area charcoal.

Around t he lat e 14t h cent ury, European powdermakers first began adding liquid during grinding t o
improve mixing, reduce dust , and wit h it t he risk of explosion.[125] The powder-makers would t hen
shape t he result ing past e of dampened gunpowder, known as mill cake, int o corns, or grains, t o
dry. Not only did corned powder keep bet t er because of it s reduced surface area, gunners also
found t hat it was more powerful and easier t o load int o guns. Before long, powder-makers
st andardized t he process by forcing mill cake t hrough sieves inst ead of corning powder by hand.

The improvement was based on reducing t he surface area of a higher densit y composit ion. At
t he beginning of t he 19t h cent ury, makers increased densit y furt her by st at ic pressing. They
shoveled damp mill cake int o a t wo-foot square box, placed t his beneat h a screw press and
reduced it t o half it s volume. "Press cake" had t he hardness of slat e. They broke t he dried slabs
wit h hammers or rollers, and sort ed t he granules wit h sieves int o different grades. In t he Unit ed
St at es, Eleut here Irenee du Pont , who had learned t he t rade from Lavoisier, t umbled t he dried
grains in rot at ing barrels t o round t he edges and increase durabilit y during shipping and handling.
(Sharp grains rounded off in t ransport , producing fine "meal dust " t hat changed t he burning
propert ies.)

Anot her advance was t he manufact ure of kiln charcoal by dist illing wood in heat ed iron ret ort s
inst ead of burning it in eart hen pit s. Cont rolling t he t emperat ure influenced t he power and
consist ency of t he finished gunpowder. In 1863, in response t o high prices for Indian salt pet er,
DuPont chemist s developed a process using pot ash or mined pot assium chloride t o convert
plent iful Chilean sodium nit rat e t o pot assium nit rat e.[126]

The following year (1864) t he Gat ebeck Low Gunpowder Works in Cumbria (Great Brit ain) st art ed
a plant t o manufact ure pot assium nit rat e by essent ially t he same chemical process.[127] This is
nowadays called t he 'Wakefield Process', aft er t he owners of t he company. It would have used
pot assium chloride from t he St aßfurt mines, near Magdeburg, Germany, which had recent ly
become available in indust rial quant it ies.[128]

During t he 18t h cent ury, gunpowder fact ories became increasingly dependent on mechanical
energy.[129] Despit e mechanizat ion, product ion difficult ies relat ed t o humidit y cont rol, especially
during t he pressing, were st ill present in t he lat e 19t h cent ury. A paper from 1885 lament s t hat
"Gunpowder is such a nervous and sensit ive spirit , t hat in almost every process of manufact ure it
changes under our hands as t he weat her changes." Pressing t imes t o t he desired densit y could
vary by a fact or of t hree depending on t he at mospheric humidit y.[130]


The Unit ed Nat ions Model Regulat ions on t he Transport at ion of Dangerous Goods and nat ional
t ransport at ion aut horit ies, such as Unit ed St at es Depart ment of Transport at ion, have classified
gunpowder (black powder) as a Group A: Primary explosive substance for shipment because it
ignit es so easily. Complet e manufact ured devices cont aining black powder are usually classified
as Group D: Secondary detonating substance, or black powder, or article containing secondary
detonating substance, such as firework, class D model rocket engine, et c., for shipment because
t hey are harder t o ignit e t han loose powder. As explosives, t hey all fall int o t he cat egory of Class

Other uses
Besides it s use as a propellant in firearms and art illery, black powder's ot her main use has been as
a blast ing powder in quarrying, mining, and road const ruct ion (including railroad const ruct ion).
During t he 19t h cent ury, out side of war emergencies such as t he Crimean War or t he American
Civil War, more black powder was used in t hese indust rial uses t han in firearms and art illery.
Dynamit e gradually replaced it for t hose uses. Today, indust rial explosives for such uses are st ill
a huge market , but most of t he market is in newer explosives rat her t han black powder.

Beginning in t he 1930s, gunpowder or smokeless powder was used in rivet guns, st un guns for
animals, cable splicers and ot her indust rial const ruct ion t ools.[131] The "st ud gun", a powder-
act uat ed t ool, drove nails or screws int o solid concret e, a funct ion not possible wit h hydraulic
t ools, and t oday is st ill an import ant part of various indust ries, but t he cart ridges usually use
smokeless powders. Indust rial shot guns have been used t o eliminat e persist ent mat erial rings in
operat ing rot ary kilns (such as t hose for cement , lime, phosphat e, et c.) and clinker in operat ing
furnaces, and commercial t ools make t he met hod more reliable.[132]

Gunpowder has occasionally been employed for ot her purposes besides weapons, mining,
fireworks and const ruct ion:

Aft er t he Bat t le of Aspern-Essling (1809), Dominique-Jean Larrey, t he surgeon of t he

Napoleonic Army, lacking salt , seasoned a horse meat bouillon for t he wounded under his care
wit h gunpowder.[133][134] It was also used for st erilizat ion in ships when t here was no alcohol.

Brit ish sailors used gunpowder t o creat e t at t oos when ink wasn't available, by pricking t he skin
and rubbing t he powder int o t he wound in a met hod known as t raumat ic t at t ooing.[135]

Christ iaan Huygens experiment ed wit h gunpowder in 1673 in an early at t empt t o build an
int ernal combust ion engine, but he did not succeed. Modern at t empt s t o recreat e his invent ion
were similarly unsuccessful.

Near London in 1853, Capt ain Shrapnel demonst rat ed a mineral processing use of black powder
in a met hod for crushing gold-bearing ores by firing t hem from a cannon int o an iron chamber,
and "much sat isfact ion was expressed by all present ". He hoped it would be useful on t he
goldfields of California and Aust ralia. Not hing came of t he invent ion, as cont inuously-operat ing
crushing machines t hat achieved more reliable comminut ion were already coming int o use.[136]

St art ing in 1967, Los Angeles-based art ist Ed Ruscha began using gunpowder as an art ist ic
medium for a series of works on paper.

See also
Ballist ics

Bert hold Schwarz

Black powder rocket mot or

Black powder subst it ut e

Bulk loaded liquid propellant s

Faversham explosives indust ry

Gunpowder magazine

Gunpowder Plot

Gunpowder warfare

Technology of t he Song dynast y


1. Agrawal 2010, p. 69.

2. Cressy 2013.

3. Buchanan (2006), p. 42

4. Andrade 2016, p. 31.

5. Buchanan 2006, p. 2.

6. Hazel Rossotti (2002). Fire: Servant, Scourge, and Enigma. Courier Dover Publications. pp. 132–37.
ISBN 978-0-486-42261-9.

7. "Explosives – History" ( . Retrieved 2 February 2017.

8. Flash! Bang! Whiz! ( , University of Denver

9. Ritchie et al. 2021.

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External links

Wikimedia Commons has media relat ed t o Gunpowder.

Look up gunpowder in Wikt ionary, t he free dict ionary.

Gun and Gunpowder (ht t p:// l/gun.sht ml)

The Origins of Gunpowder (ht t ps:// t p://www.geocit i hens/2430/ ml)

Cannons and Gunpowder (ht t ps:// t p://

~jcalvert /t ech/ m)

Oare Gunpowder Works, Kent , UK (ht t ps://archive.t oday/20120802102720/ht t p://www.gunpow

Royal Gunpowder Mills (ht t p://

The DuPont Company on t he Brandywine (ht t p:// s/brandywine/in ml) A digit al exhibit produced by t he Hagley Library t hat covers t he founding and early
hist ory of t he DuPont Company powder yards in Delaware
"Ulrich Bret schler's Gunpowder Chemist ry page" (ht t ps://archive.t oday/20120523235357/ht t
p://www.musket ml) . Archived from t he original (ht t p://
sket ml) on 23 May 2012.

Video Demonst rat ion (ht t ps:// t p://

m/medieval-siege-societ y/gun-powder-demonst rat ion/) of t he Medieval Siege Societ y's
Guns, Including showing ignit ion of gunpowder

Black Powder Recipes (ht t ps://archive.t oday/20120911093724/ht t p://www.musket

ckpowder/ ml)

" "Black Powder" search at DTIC" (ht t ps://archive.t oday/20130616025606/ht t p://dsearch.dt ic.
mil/search?sit e=default _ collect ion&q=black+powder&bt nG.x=-1050&bt nG.y=-126&bt nG=Goo
gle+Search&client =dt icol_ front end&proxyst ylesheet =dt icol_ front end&proxyreload=1&filt er=
0&t len=200&get fields=*) . Archived from t he original (ht t p://dsearch.dt e=def
ault _ collect ion&q=black+powder&bt nG.x=-1050&bt nG.y=-126&bt nG=Google+Search&client =
dt icol_ front end&proxyst ylesheet =dt icol_ front end&proxyreload=1&filt er=0&t len=200&get fi
elds=*) on 16 June 2013.

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