Tawi Tawi School of Arts and Trade: A Research Proposal

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A Research Proposal

𝖯 𝗋𝖾 𝗌 𝖾 𝗇 𝗍𝖾 𝖽 𝗍𝗈
𝗍𝗁 𝖾 𝖠 𝖼 𝖺 𝖽 𝖾 𝗆 𝖾 𝗈 𝖿
Senior High School Department
Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in
𝗦 𝗰 𝗶𝗲 𝗻 𝗰 𝗲 , 𝗧 𝗲 𝗰 𝗵 𝗻 𝗼 𝗹𝗼 𝗴 𝘆 , 𝗘 𝗻 𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗲 𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝗴 𝗮
𝗠 𝗮 𝘁𝗵 𝗲 𝗺 𝗮 𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝗰 𝗦 𝘁𝗿𝗮 𝗻 𝗱

— This study represents the chapter's introduction which include the background of the study,
statement of the problem, hypotheses of the study, conceptual framework, scope and
delimitation of the study, and significace of the study.

This experiment was conducted to find the influence organic fertilizer on the quality of Onion
(Allium Cepa).


In Bongao Tawi-Tawi, due to over population, the high rates of using

chemicals disrupt the natural balance of environment and human health. In this sense, natural
resources, such as water, soil conversation and productivity by natural sustainability are
important. In this regard, organic fertilizers are considered important. Organic material such as
farmyard manure improves soil physical chemical properties that are important for plant
growth. Organic fertilizers has positive effect on root growth by improving the root rizosfer
conditions (structure, humidity, etc.) and also plant growth is encouraged by increasing the
population of microorganisms. Organic fertilizers contain plant nutrients. Organic acid which
occur in decomposition increases the benefits of nutrients. In several studies, the effects of
fertilizer on quality of Onion were investigated. Onions are produced in our country as widely as
possible. The main objective of this investigation was to study the effect of organic fertilizers on
the quality of Onion.

- Seaweeds is not just for food, not just can add flavor, body, and extra nutrition. Seaweed
is one of contains several useful plant nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, phosphate and
magnesium. There are dried or liguidised forms available from garden centres and seaweed is
common addictive to fertilizer. A fertilizer is a material that is added to soil to put nutrient into
the soil and provides nutrient to plant. Large outbreak of the brown seaweed gracilaria edalis
have been reported. The ocean is a treasure trove of many useful novel living and non-living
materials. Even seaweeds can be a boon for farmers as they are sources of some of the best
organic fertilizers. There is a long history of coastal people using seaweeds, especially the large
brown seaweeds, to fertilize nearby land. Seaweeds help in stimulating soil bacteria, increase
fertility of the soil by humus formation (which feeds on the bacteria), promotes aeration and
moisture retention. More recently, seaweeds have come under more scientifi c scrutiny and
discoveries are highly encouraging.The sea acts as a huge septic tank of the earth where every
bit and pieces of trash and trace elements are fl ushed through rivers and streams. Seaweeds
found on the ocean fl oor thrive on these trace elements for sustenance. Seaweeds have been
reported to concentrate more than 70 minerals, vitamins and enzymes from the ocean in their
tissues (Jiménez-Escrig, and Goni, 1999). Seaweeds contain all major and minor nutrients, trace
elements, alginic acid, vitamins, auxins, gibberellins, antibiotics and hormones useful for both
animals and plants. Melatonin is abundant in many types of seaweeds where brown seaweeds
are the only known non-animal sources of thyroid hormones. The mineral macronutrients in
seaweeds consist of sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sulphur, nitrogen and
phosphorus whereas the micronutrients include iodine, iron, zinc, copper, selenium,
molybdenum, fl uoride, manganese, boron, nickel, and cobalt all of which are benefi cial to
plants. Nitrogen is essential for the production of nitrate, a key component needed by plants
during photosynthesis. Auxins extracted from seaweeds have been found to enhance the
growth of plants. One of the auxins also stimulates growth in both stems and roots of plants. At
least two gibberellins (hormones which simply encourage growth) have been identifi ed in
seaweeds. Cytokinins are another group of important plant hormones that initiate and activate
basic growth processes. The cytokinins available in liquid seaweed extract stimulate growth
with greater vigour, because they mobilise nutrients in the leaves. They also provide protection
from marginal frost (-30 C). Cytokinins also retard the senescence (aging processes) in the plant
(Blunden, 1977).Most seaweeds are rich in vitamins, especially the B vitamins, including B12
and iodine. Brown seaweeds possess vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Fucoxanthin – a precursor of
vitamin A, and B group vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (ribofl avin), B12, as well as
pantothenic acid, folic acid and folinic acid. In brown seaweeds vitamin E (tocopherol), vitamin
K, and other growth-promoting substances have also been reported (Crouch and Staden,
1993).Using seaweed extract at germination stage showed encouraging results in terms of
increase in growth of roots and shoots, high nutritional values in fruits and vegetables, healthier
foliage, fl owers and fruits and greater resistance to nematodes, parasites, diseases and pests
(Abdel-Mawgoud et al., 2010). Seaweed extract (2-10%) in combination with NPK fertilizer
containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium when used as fertilizer in someng countries,
showed better yield and high resistance against many pests. Seaweed extract can be used for
variety of commercial plants at lower concentrations showing no harmful effect to the plant.
Seaweed extract from Sargassum sp showed 35 to 40% higher growth when it was used as
fertilizer for turnip, chillies, pine apple, paddy, some fl owering plants, vegetables etc (Thivy,
1961).Seaweed is one of the most valuable soil conditioners in the world. Liquid seaweed
fertilizers (especially the alginates) act as soil conditioners (Thivy, 1961). The alginates react
with metals in the soil and form long and cross-linked polymers in the soil. These polymers
improve the crumbing in the soil and swell up when they get wet, and retain moisture for a
longer period. It has been observed that by the use of seaweed fertilizers as soil conditioner,
the structure of silty and sandy soil improved considerably preventing the soil, seedlings and
nutrients from being washed away even during heavy rains. The water-holding capacity
increased by 11% when sodium alginate (0.1 g) was added to 100 g of soil. The availability of
nitrogen to growing plants can be increased by use of seaweed extracts. Super concentrated
seaweed fertilizer from the North Atlantic sea plant Ascophylum nodosum, helps the plant to
thrive well in an environment of extreme stress which causes the plant to produce a
phenomenal level of natural hormones. Seaweed organic fertilizers can also be used in powder
form for soil “watering”, hydroponics, or foliar feeding.


— This study examine the nutrients of fertilizer to the growth of the plant and to make the
plant growth better.

1. What is the possible nutrients of fertilizer on the plant?

2. Does it need essential nutrients will produced good quality of plant growth?

3. How long plant growth within nutrients of fertilizer?


1. If the amount of fertilizer is increased, then the plant growth t


2. If the amount of fertilizer applied to plant is increased, then plant growth (height) will

3. As the amount of fertilizer increase the plant growth increases.










– As illustrated the process starts with picking the essential materials needs
for the research. Afterwards, continues with the seaweeds production. In fertilizer
is feasible to be a piece of seaweed, then it will atain and tested by the
respondents to rate the satisfactory in terms of its physical characteristics such as:
NUTRIENTS, SCENT and COLOR. The researcher will have the final product that is

— This study limited to find out the possibility of fertilizer as a source of

seaweeds. Hence, this study will be conducted at Damsik's recidence. 1kl
seaweeds will be used and it will take one (1) week to have product done.


This is study significant is to explore the effect of seaweed fertilizer, especially for being a
source of Onion.

Furthermore, this study is significant to the following :


The study significant to the farmer to plating the seaweeds for their livelihood and
also help them to increased the productivity of seaweeds for there livelihood and also help
them to increased the productivity of seaweeds.


This study significant to the community since the island of tawi tawi it's lots of seeds
one of lucky natural resources to human health.

— In order to comprehend the terms used in this study, the following are
operationally defined:

FEASIBILITY – capable of being, used or dealt with successfully.

SEAWEEDS – scientifically known as phaeophyta, locally known as "agal-agal" or

gulaman. Is a favourite food of Filipinos. It is one of the most widely grown crops
in the Philippines.

FERTILIZER — a liquid obtained by fermentation of delute soil and as a chemical


SATISFACTORY – fulfilling expectation or needs, acceptable, though not, but

standing or perfect.

Related Literature

Seaweeds is a common name for countries spieces marine plants and algae that grow in the
ocean as well as in rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. Some seaweeds are microscopic, such
as the phytoplankton that live suspended in the water column and provide the base for most
marine food chains. Some are enormous, like the giant kelp that grow in abundant "forest" and
tower like underwater redwoods from their roots at the bottom of the sea.

However, seaweeds are the best dietary sources of essential minerals. All essential minerals are
providing dietary seaweeds. The elements abundance of seaweeds include Potassium, Sodium,
Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chlorine, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Cobalt, Manganese, Selenium,
Bromine, Iodine, Arsenic, Iron, and Fluoride.

The onion, also known as the bulb onion are common Onion, is a vegetable that is the most
wildely cultivated species of the genus Allium. The shallot is a botanical variety of the onions.

Onions are the one of the word the most popular vegetables and have been cultivated for their
intrinsic properties for more than 4000 years (Hanelt 1990). (Brewster 2008). Onions are a
versatile vegetables used worldwide to add flavor to an extensive variety of culsines. Such is the
importance of Onion bulbs in India the time magazine reported a price hike for onions in 2013
threatened to destabilise the government (Bhowmick 2013)


— Seaweed, or macroalgae, refers to thousands of species of macroscopic, multicellular,
marine algae. The term includes some types of Rhodophyta (red), Phaeophyta (brown) and
Chlorophyta (green) macroalgae. Seaweed species such as kelps provide essential nursery
habitat for fisheries and other marine species and thus protect food sources; other species,
such as planktonic algae, play a vital role in capturing carbon, producing up to 50% of Earth's


– Seaweed (phaeophyta) there various types of seaweeds but they are
known to be divided into three color groups. Which are GREEN SEAWEED,
BROWN SEAWEED, and RED SEAWEED. Each seaweeds groups contains more than
a thousand species. The green seaweed also known as Chlorophyta usually comes
with kepl while the brown seaweed called Phaeophyta has approximately 1500
species. Brown seaweed has the most complex structure compared to any other
algae. The last one is red seaweed or Rhodophyta. Red seaweeds contains more
than. 4,000 species. Red seaweeds body is average size compared to brown algae
and built by branched filaments. The last seaweed groups is the green seaweeds.
Free seaweeds has more than 7000 species and unlike brown and red seaweed,
green seaweed are divided into freshwater seaweed and marine seaweed. You
can found them easily in any kind of beach.

– Seaweeds lives in the ocean and tend to be benthic. Benthic means they
lives on a hard surface and usually at the ocean floor. Seaweeds is very popular
specially for its enormous benefits such as human foods, toothpaste, paints,
cosmetic, fertilizer, and medical and industrial used Indonesia, Philippines, Korea,
Japan, Malaysia, Iceland, Wales, California especially the one located in the
coastal area are producing and consuming seaweed constantly.

Seaweed fertilizer is beneficial for plant growth because of the presence of organic inorganic
and constituents, which increase the nutrient uptake and help in assimilation of carbohydrate
and protein contents of the plant and hence increase the plant yield. Marine algae contain a
good amount of minerals, therefore in USA , UK, France and Norway etc.

Seaweed fertilizer is used as a liquid spray to supplement the horticultural plants utilized
seaweed fertilizer along with normal fertilizer in the field. He noted favourable results by
increase of 60-70 percent yield of thd experimental plants. It is noticeable that seaweed
fertilizer increase the resistibility against disease and reduce the chance of insect attack. This
fertilizer also increase the water holding capacity of the soil. Nature of the seaweed fertilizer is

From the present study I am confident that it will surely give good results at large scale, use of
seaweed fertilizer as supplement will be feasible in the Karachi and its surroundings, because of
tones of seaweed cast as drifted seaweed at the seashore, which nature has given us so
generously, can be collected free of charge and may be utilized as a best fertilizer in our
horticulture and agriculture.

— In this portion explains the method and procedures in the study such as:
Research Design, Materials and Equipment, Preparation of Materials, Collections
of Data, and Evaluation of Data.


— This research applied the quantitative experimental research design to

delineate the obtained data from the respondents.It simply used single group
design for the satisfactory of the product


• To produce the product that the researchers intended to have these are the materials
and equipment needed such as:

One (1) 1kl. Brown Seaweeds,

Two (2) 1kl. Mascubado sugar,

Three (3) 1Hr. of water,

Four (4) Small basin,

Five (5) Kitchen knife,

Six (6) gloves,

Seven (7) Electronic Blender,

Eight (8) Spoon,

Nine (9) Big sterilized jar,

Ten (10) Two fifty (250mL) bottles for the product


— Seaweeds and other essential materials needed will be produced from the
local market. Afterwards, it is will be prepared in the workplace. Seaweeds is cute
into (5. 7mm) using kitchen knife, wash with distilled water and put into basins.
Liquidised using electronic blender (Panasonic) after that dry it into the sun. Then
transferred to a jar and add 1ltr of water, 1kl mascubado sugar and mixed it all
together until the sugar was dissolved. And put a cover for one week.


— In collecting data the researchers are going to provide an evaluation sheet for
the respondents to rate the product. It will be tested and rated by the
respondents according to their satisfactory on the nutrients, scent, and color of
the product. So, the parameters of the product are: NUTRIENTS, SCENT and
COLOR. This will be rated from 1-5. Five (5) means the taste is very high
satisfactory, Four (4) means the taste is highly satisfactory, Three (3) means the
taste is satisfactory, Two (2) means the taste is least satisfactory, One (1) means
the taste is not satisfactory.


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Congress of international practice of computer, p:133. Agudelo Bacerra MY. Casierra - posada F

Effect of Mycorrhizae and manure fertilization and quality of Onion. Revista - Facultad Nacional
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Effect plant density and manure on the yield and yield component the common onion (Allium
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