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Lee, Jennefer Brazil October 18, 2021

IT21S3 CITE 202- Web Systems and Technologies

Server-side Programming Languages: Major Difference and User Popularity

Scripting languages are in demand because of their competence in making dynamic and interactive
web-based applications with minimum effort and knowledge in programming. Interpreters translate
commands directly from the source code, unlike other programming languages that need compilation. The
significant advantage of using a scripting language is the simple creation of codes even when creating
complex programs, with only a few steps. Two types of scripting languages are the Server-side and the
Client-side. On the server-side, when a client sends a request, the server responds by transferring contents
by HTTP. The contents from the server are not viewable by the client, and it is focused on coding, resolving
errors, and accessing data. On the other hand, the client-side runs on the client's web browser, which allows
the webpage to load faster, and it focuses on design and interface.

Different scripting languages have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the main focus of
this discussion is the five most popular and widely used scripting languages. PHP is the most popular server-
side language used when making dynamic web pages. Developed by Microsoft is ASP.NET, which is a web
application framework. Perl is another scripting language that uses C language, Shell Script, and AWK.
Another scripting language is Python. It has been implemented by many non-programmers, such as
accountants, for managing day-to-day tasks, like managing and storing financial data, because it is easy to
learn. Lastly, Ruby is used for simplicity while still being dynamic.

Starting with an overview of each scripting language, PHP is popular and has a large community. It
is a free and open-source platform. It is easier to learn, and several programming languages are used, such
as HTML, JavaScript, and C language. On the contrary, ASP.NET uses a variety of libraries allowing
developers to do drag-drop features. ASP.Net is a licensed platform, and any programming languages are
usable. Python is utilized to create different programs, and it is a general-purpose language. It also has a
big community because it being an open-source program. Perl is an old language that started in 1987 and
focuses on text manipulation. However, it is now used for several purposes, such as GUI development,
system administration, and network programming. Ruby is pretty similar to Perl but fully object-oriented.
Yukihiro Matsumoto created it to be portable, simple, and complete. Ruby's basic structure makes it readable
by anyone familiar with modern programming language.
PHP is easier to learn. Unlike any other server-scripting language, it needs only a few codes to run
a function. However, programmers may need extensive knowledge of other things, such as how operators
and generators work in MYSQL , Apache HTTP Server, and LAMP. PHP is a combination of programming
language and a web framework chosen by the developer, making it suitable for small-sized or big-sized
organizations. Additionally, PHP does not give an option for validating or seeing alternative codes in a pre-
compiled stage. UX elements of webpages are already inbuilt since PHP is designed to maintain dynamic
webpages. To manipulate these HTML codes are needed for each static web page. PHP is executed by
blocking a process until it is calculated for page-load time efficiency, resulting in concurrency and slow
loading. Developers chose HHVM Virtual Machine as a solution to this. It boosts loading time by almost 75%
(2020, Kaneriya). Popular websites are built with PHP, such as WordPress, which is a free content
management system. Another is Wikipedia, the widely known online encyclopedia, which is powered by
software MediaWiki, which is also built on PHP. Etsy, an e-commerce platform with four million sellers and
81 million buyers. MailChimp, an e-mail marketing service with 12 million users.

ASP.NET is a paid Microsoft platform with a web application framework. Large-scale programs and
organizations usually use it. It has a smaller community compared to others because it is paid, making it hard
to address problems. The main applications for ASP.NET are for security and functionality. Unlike PHP,
ASP.NET provides developers information when errors are made before compilation. It is extensive which
requires more effort and time to learn. According to users, ASP.NET core, a framework of ASP.NET, is still
new (2018,Oamkumar). Some essential works such as Data Access may not give developers the expected
goal they want. Illegal events such as infinite loops are constantly monitored in ASP.Net, meaning users will
not need to worry about components and status because the platform will immediately solve the issue. The
framework is integrated with Visual Studio, meaning features like drag-drop for editing make works faster.
Web developers who use ASP.NET to make web applications are the largest group of developers in the .NET
development, making it the most popular framework (55%). However, ASP.NET MVC has become less
popular over time.

Perl is an open-source language just like PHP, which means that it is free to use, and there are plenty
of resources for how user can learn the programming language. Perl is available on any operating system as
long as Python is installed when it comes to ease of use. It is also known for being versatile and efficient,
which means developers can do various tasks with the same program, reducing the time consumed. Perl is
used in system administration, web development, and application development. However, users need
extensive knowledge when fixing errors , and they would need someone to maintain the system running
smoothly. It is not suitable for beginners as plenty of mathematical symbols should be mastered in Perl.
The Perl programming language subreddit currently has 12.5k accounts subscribed to it, without confirming
the real, dummy and active accounts and the community is having problems attracting beginner programmers

Python is easy to learn because it requires fewer codes to run a function and the language has an
English syntax which makes it easier to understand. Python is known for its simplicity and productivity, which
makes solving errors easier because users do not need broad knowledge of syntax. Additionally, codes are
scanned line-by-line, which means that if errors are encountered, the program will inform you, which makes
debugging easier. The variable's data type is automatically assigned, meaning it would be easier to declare
multiple variables without the need to code the type. It supports a variety of libraries, making functions broader
so users will not depend on external libraries. Python can be run in different platforms, which makes it

On the contrary, the line-by-line execution actually makes the program run slower. That is why
Python is the most minor choice when making programs that prioritize speed. Python uses a large amount
of memory and slow processing power. When it comes to databases, Python is still underdeveloped, which
makes it hard to interact with databases.

Ruby is one of the most time-efficient server-side languages. The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is
often utilized with Ruby and the Rails Framework. Many beginners choose Ruby in creating systems because
of this approach. The MVP approach is the idea where customer value and satisfaction are given with still
using minimal features. GitHub is the place where many Ruby developers can be found, and it is still growing.
Ruby has an extensive community which increases popularity and helps the program to grow.

Additionally, Convention over Configuration is applied where manipulating and configuring the
system will be reduced by replacing it with ready-made models. Additionally, testing applications become
easier because of advanced testing techniques like mocking and stubbing. Ruby also has a secured
technology. It has built-in protection against XSS, CSRF, and SQL injection attacks. However, one of the
arguments is that Ruby has a slower application runtime than other available technologies. Popularity is one
of the drawbacks of Ruby. It is not the first choice of programmers, and it has become less easy to access
than other languages. In 2020, Ruby only came in fourteenth from the ranking of Stack OverFlow. This is a
decrease by two positions compared to 2019, going from 8.4% to 7.1% of popularity (2020, Jakubowicz.)
Figure 1: Top server-side programming languages

This graph shows the rankings for the websites which use server-side programming languages. It is
broken down to the websites ranking in Tranco top one million lists. PHP, ASP.NET, and Ruby came as the
top three most used server-side programming languages.

Figure 2: Websites using server-side programming languages

According to the latest graph from W3techs, as of October 18, 2021, PHP is used by 78.5% of the
top 10 million websites from the Tranco top one million lists. Note that only technologies website and not
individual web pages are included in the data and sides that do not include credited, and valuable data are
excluded. ASP.NET comes next with 8.2%, Ruby with 5.6%, Python with 1.4%, and Perl coming as our last
with 0.1%.

From figure 1, we can see that 57.2% of the websites ranked as the top 1,000 are all using PHP, the
top 10,000 are 76.6%, the top 100,000 are 71.7%, and mostly the top 1,00,000 are 76.6%. This concludes
that PHP got an average of 78.5 as the most used server-side programming language. ASP.Net came as
second with 8.2% overall, and Ruby with 5.6% overall.

From figure 2, findings show that a server-side programming language that is free and open-source
does not affect popularity. ASP.NET is paid Microsoft platform. However, it was placed second in the
rankings. This confirms Oamkumar's view that large-scale organizations mainly use ASP.Net A programming
language is used based on its function and functionality, whether it is extensive and hard to learn. However,
PHP came first with 78.5% because of its capability to work with different frameworks chosen by the
developer which is also good for small-sized and big-sized organizations.

Additionally, the characteristic of it being easy to understand is an advantage. Since large

organizations require many programmers, it would be efficient to use a programming language that requires
minimum learning effort. Surprisingly, Ruby came third even if it does not have a large community and is new
and fresh. It only shows that security is the primary concern when making a system, as Ruby also has a
secured technology. It has built-in protection against XSS, CSRF, and SQL injection attacks. Although it only
came 14th in the rankings of Stack OverFlow, it shows that several security features are prioritized when it
comes to professional setting functionality. The graph also shows Python as the fourth popular server-side
language. Python's main drawback about the accessibility of databases contributed to these results.
ASP.NET, Ruby, and PHP all have a stable and usable database than Ruby.

Additionally, speed is also a factor. Python scans code line-by-line, which makes runtime slower,
unlike in ASP.NET, where Illegal events are constantly monitored, and it has drag-and-drop functionality.
Lastly, Perl is ranked lowest in our five programming languages. Perl has only 12k subscribers in the
subreddit, making it hard to gain popularity and opinions for development. Although it is also versatile and
efficient, developers can do various tasks with the same program, reducing the time consumed. This became
a way for the runtime to become slower.
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I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment, and that this work is my

Lee, Jennefer Brazil


JAKUBOWICZ, J. (n.d.). Pros and cons of ruby software development. Custom Software Development
Company. Retrieved October 18, 2021, from

Oamkumar, R. (2021, July 2). Advantages and disadvantages of ASP.NET: Software developer India.
Software Developer India | Your software developer works in our premises in India. Retrieved
October 18, 2021, from

Q-Success. (n.d.). Usage of server-side programming languages broken down by ranking. W3Techs.
Retrieved October 18, 2021, from

Schlothauer, S. (2019, July 11). Tiobe index July 2019: Perl hits its lowest popularity. JAXenter. Retrieved
October 18, 2021, from

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