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Project Report On










As part of ciriculam of MBA semester 4 . We have done project report of Business Ethics &
Corporate Goverance project report . we take honor to thank the management. We would
also thank Prof. Yashpal Zala for their constant help to complete this project.

We would lastly thank R.K. university to have particular studies as part of syallabus to help
us to get particualar knowledge.
We Deepak Prithiani-20SOMBA21514, Bharvi Dave-20SOMBA21505 students of 4
semester MBA of RK university, hereby declare that the business ethics & corporate
governance work done in this report is our original contribution and has been carried out
under the supervision of Prof. Yashpal Zala (SOM).

SR Title Page no.

1. Introduction 1-7
2. Ethical practises of company 8-14

3. Corporate governance of company 15-24

4. Conclusion 25

5. suggestion 26

6. Learning from project 27

1. Introduction of Company

 Infosys limited is an Indian information technology company that provides global

business consulting & information technology services.

 Infosys helps clients in 45 countries to create and execute different strategies for
their digital transformation.

 Infosys has more than 2,00,000 employees working and with their dedication and
hard work today Infosys has grown to become US$10.9 billion with market
capitalization of US$39 BILLION.

 Infosys limited known as Infosys technologies limited was established in the year
1981 by N.R. Narayan Murthy and team of six engineers in Pune and with just initial
capital of US$250.

 In the year 1993 Infosys went public and introduced employee stock program.
Infosys is recognized as one of the most ethical companies by Ethisphere Institute.

 In the year 1999 it was the first Indian company to be listed in NASDAQ thus
making it costliest share on the market of India. In the year 1999 Infosys was among
the 20 biggest companies by market value on NASDAQ.

 In year 2021 they crossed milestone of Rs 1,00,000 crore revenue in FY 21. They
announced Canadian expansion to Calgary doubling workforce to 4000 by 2023.

Functional areas of Infosys

1. Personnel management –

 Recruitment is the process of actively seeking out, finding and hiring candidate for
specific position or job. The recruitment process of Infosys is as under

Identify vacancy

Prepare job description & specification

Advertising the vacancy

Managing response


Arrange interview

Conducting interview & decision making

 Infosys technology has one of the most structured recruitment processes

among all IT companies in India. They do not have and distinction between
any branch of engineering. whatever the branch one can sit up for the
selection process if one qualifies their eligibility criteria.
 Infosys recruitment done for the sectors like ITIS (INFORMATION

 There are three modes of recruitment in Infosys are direct mode, indirect
mode and third-party mode.

 There are various facilities provided to employees are employee training,
events, recreation, insurance & security facilities, maternal facilities,
transport facilities, ESOP and rewards system.

 For training and development of employees they have organize induction

programme. the new recruiters are trained at Global Education Centre in
Mysore. others skills like soft skills, technical training, quality training,
middle management leadership programs.

2. Financial Management -

Detail of Company Product & Services

Infosys enjoys a hard-won reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing.
Without question, this reputation for integrity is an invaluable part of our success.
There are certain regulations that Infosys is subject to and we should ensure that we
comply both in letter and in spirit with these as is applicable.
Digital advancements and focus on customer centric business models is creating new
opportunities for enterprises. Our digital architecture drives outcomes for enterprises
across five areas – Experience, Insight, Innovate, Accelerate and Assure.

Industry overview

o The information technology industry accounted 8% of India GDP in 2020.

According to STPI, software exports by IT companies connected to it stood at
RS 1.20 Lakh crore in first quarter of 2022.

o India software exports increased by 4 % in FY 2021 compared with FY 2020

and are estimated at USD 133.7 billion during 2020-2021.

o The global sourcing market of India continues to grow at higher pace

compared to IT-BPM industry. India is leading sourcing destination across
the world, accounting approximately 55% market share of US$ 200-250
million business in 2019-20.

o Indian IT core competency and strengths have attracted significant

investment from major countries. India attracted foreign direct investment
inflow worth US$ 74.12 billion

o In august 2021 the union minster of state electronics and information
technology announced that they are focus on areas like cybersecurity,
artificial intelligence and block chain technology.

o So, India is a topmost offshoring destination for IT companies across the

world. having proven their capabilities in both on shore and off shore services
to global clients. India IT business is expected to grow US$19.93million by

Market Share, revenue & customer base

o Revenue can be defined as the amount of money a company receives from its
customers in exchange for sale of goods. Infosys revenue for the quarter
ending December 31, 2021 was $4.250B, an 20.88% increase year over year.

o Infosys annual revenue for 2020 was $12.78B an 8.31% increase from 2019.

o Infosys annual revenue for 2019 was $11.799 B an 7.86% increase from

Market share -

2.Ethical Practises of Company

Core values of Company-

1. Client value: to surpass client expectations consistently

2. Leadership by example: to set standards in business and transactions and to be
an exemplar for industry & service
3. Integrity & transparency: to be ethical and sincere in all transactions.
4. Fairness -:to be objective & transaction oriented and thereby earn respect and
5. Excellence: to strive relentless, constantly improves ourselves, our teams, our
services and products to become the best.

Mission: “To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty and

courtesy towards our clients, employees, vendors and society at large.

Vision: “ To be globally respected corporation that provides best-of-breed

business solutions , leveraging technology , delivered by best-in- class people “.

Ethical policies

Infosys enjoys a hard-won reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. Without
question, this reputation for integrity is an invaluable part of our success. There are certain
regulations that Infosys is subject to and we should ensure that we comply both in letter and
in spirit with these as is applicable.

Code of conduct

o The code of conduct of Infosys expresses commitment to conducting business

ethically. It explains what it means to act with integrity and transparency in
everything we do and in accordance with our unique culture and values.
o Understand the areas covered by the Code, Company policies and
o Procedures, and laws that apply to our job.
o Follow the legal requirements of all locations where we do business.
o Conduct ourselves in ways that are consistent with the Code, Company
o Policies and procedures, and laws.
o Speak up if we have concerns or suspect violations of the Code,
o Company policies and procedures, or laws.
o When requested, certify that we have reviewed, understand and agree
o To follow the Code.
o Understand that following the Code is a mandatory part of our job

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Ethical and unethical Practices in the Company

Ethical Practices
Marketing Department
The service marketing mix is a combination of the different elements that companies
use to communicate their organizational and brand message to customers. The mix
consists of the Seven Ps i.e. Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion, People, Physical
Evidence and Process. It is the key foundation on which most modern marketing
strategies and business activities are based. We shall now decode the Marketing Mix
of Infosys.

 Product Strategy
The product strategy of Infosys is to provide business and consulting solutions to
various industries like pharmacy, insurance, mass media, transport services, retail,
manufacturing, banking, defence, energy, etc. Also, it exercises data for these
companies and cultivates software that is based on the needs of the business.

Infosys provides corporate governance data as well, analytics like sentiment analysis
of different companies to see how consumers are reacting to their products.

 Pricing Strategy
Infosys has diverse service and solutions offerings and the pricing is dependent on
factors like client, geography, industry, forex and the solutions sought by the

Infosys enjoys the benefit of lower labour costs in India with a high skill set. The
company capitalised on the increasing volume of engineers in the 2000s and hired
cheap, high-skilled labour.

The main aim of Infosys is to enter into more and more diverse industries. Therefore,
it follows a penetration pricing strategy, which means that it offers services at a low
price while ensuring the precision and quality of services.

 Place & Distribution Strategy

Infosys has a presence in over 50 countries and has more than 1000+ strong global
clients. It is the largest IT Company in India and is present in the United States and
Europe as well. Besides that, the company has offices in China, Germany, Sweden,
Australia and Belgium. Infosys also has training and development centres in many
other locations. Their scale of operations is worldwide. In fact, it is the biggest
employer of H-1B visa holders in the USA.

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 Promotion Strategy
Infosys regularly organises and conducts promotional activities that build interest
and maintain goodwill at the same time. The company has undertaken various
academic initiatives which provide opportunities for employees to manage working
and learning together by company-sponsored trips, case studies, speaker sessions,
etc. An initiative called Infosys Foundation which caters to the green aspect of the
company has been underway leading to Infosys becoming the one of top twenty
green companies. Infosys also hands out an accolade called the Infosys Prize to a
scientist, engineer, researcher, etc. from India, a corpus of rupees sixty-five Lacs, a
certification and a golden medallion. Infosys has brand awareness in the field of
software, BPO, KPO, etc.

 People
Infosys is one of the top recruiters in India in the IT and consulting sector.
Employees are required to possess competencies like advisory skills, communication
skills, management skills, technical language skills, etc. Infosys employs 200,000
employees that serve globally.

Physical Evidence
Infosys Marketing Strategy and Case Study - Marketing Mix of Infosys - Physical
Evidence. The company has 82 sales and marketing offices and 123 development
centres across the world as of 31 March 2018, with major presence in India, United
States, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East and Europe.

In 2019, 60%, 24%, and 3% of its revenues were generated from projects in North
America, Europe, and India, respectively. The remaining 13% of revenues were
derived from the rest of the world.

 Process
Infosys is involved in software development tailored to the needs of the client, ISP
providers, interactive data access, analytics and online database management. At
Infosys, there are units like BPOs and LPOs, etc., where clients are divided based on
their functional needs. Zero Distance is a framework followed at Infosys which
stands for eliminating all gaps between the client, his needs and the employee
working on it. So that the processes are faster, more apt and streamlined to client
needs. This leads to increased customer satisfaction. Infosys is perceived to be a
company that hires and values only performers.

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HR Department

The current research is an attempt to identify the HRD-climate practices in Infosys

Pune. The investigator has used standardized planned opinionnaire together
information from the 50 employees of Infosys opinionnaire’s information collected
was analysed by applying Factor analysis, Friedman-test, one-way anova,
Correlations and mean score. The main aim of present research was to examine the
temperament of HRD-climate in Infosys and identify the factors conducive towards
HRD-climate. Here researcher makes an effort to pull out notable HRD-Climate
components derived from the inter-relationship of variables of HRD-Climate. Based
on belief of Infosys employee’s influence of HRD components is measured. The
result of the study involves 50 respondents from Infosys. The correlation analysis it
has been observed that all three components HRD Mechanisms, General climate and
OCTAPACE Culture are highly correlated to each other the value of r is lies 0.687 to
0.834, which highlights that deviation in single component will have strong influence
on other two components. HRD-mechanisms are the top influencing element with
mean score of 2.14. On account of overall result research determines that employees
are motivated in their organisation, there is high level of team spirit and employees
are encouraged to bring creative ideas and are supported by top management of

Finance Department
In, 2020 ushered many hardships for the world putting us through one of the most
difficult tests of all times. While addressing various tough challenges, we saw
companies not just working towards earning the trust of stakeholders through
resilience and a commitment to ethics, transparency, and integrity but advancing
their corporate cultures for the greater good. We are delighted to acknowledge
Infosys for its firm commitment to creating the highest value for the communities
they serve while prioritizing social imperatives. We would like to congratulate
everyone at Infosys for earning this designation."

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Workplace ethics and Ethical Leadership
Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) is committed to helping leaders assume greater
roles and positively influence their teams, clients and the community at large. We
believe that it takes an entire community including internal and external stakeholders
to nurture an environment for learning and growth.

Infosys Leadership Blueprint is our common point of reference, and knits the four
key dimensions i.e. Inspire Transformation, Unlock Synergies, Amplify Team
Potential and Unleash Impact for Clients and Infosys to help our leaders be ready for
the future. This framework is integrated into our developmental interventions,
assessment and talent review cycles.

Developmental Insights: We deploy a host of tools to help our leaders become better
aware of their leadership personalities and styles.

At an Individual and Group level: We use psychometric and 360-degree feedback

tools to help leaders gain good insights about their own styles, and also be aware of
the predominant style of their team members and peers.
At an Organizational level: Annual Talent Reviews are held each year to understand
the fitment of leadership talent in the Performance - Potential grid.
Developmental Approach: ILI’s charter is to be in-sync with business, stay agile and
continuously explore new and impactful developmental efforts.

We adopt a T-shaped approach that includes generic and specific interventions:

Our universal offerings include blended learning experiences that addresses common
developmental needs across levels and geographies.
Customized interventions for Sales and Delivery Units, including the Infosys Sales
Academy dedicated to assessment and business linked developmental modules for
our sales leadership.
For select promising leaders, we have an esteemed program in partnership with
world-class universities and learning partners. This includes stretched global
assignments to apply their learnings on a real-time basis, internal and external
coaches as well as opportunities to interface with senior leaders within Infosys and
the industry.
Infosys Leadership Institute works towards facilitating an ecosystem that helps
leaders invest in their own development and become better at not just what they do
but also the kind of leader they become.

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Structure of Corporate Governance

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Board Formation

Size and composition of the Board

We believe that our Board needs to have an appropriate mix of executive, non-executive and
independent directors to maintain its independence, and separate its functions of governance
and management. Listing Regulations mandate that for a company with a non-executive
chairman, who is a promoter, at least half of the Board should be independent directors. As

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on March 31, 2018, our Board comprised nine members, consisting of one non-executive,
non-independent Chairman, two executive directors, and six independent directors.
Independent directors constitute 67% of the Board’s strength – more than the requirements
of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations. Three out of nine members are
women, making up 33% of the Board’s strength. The Board periodically evaluates the need
for change in its size and composition.

The average tenure of members on our Board is 2.6 years as of March 31, 2018. The average
tenure of executive directors (whole-time directors) is 2.2 years, independent directors is 3.1
years and that of the non-executive, non-independent director is 0.6 years.

Non-executive / independent directors’ remuneration (commission)
Shareholders, at the 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on June 22, 2015, approved
a sum not exceeding 1% of the net profits of the Company per annum calculated in
accordance with the provisions of Section 198 of the Act, to be paid and distributed among
some or all of the directors of the Company (other than the Managing Director and whole-

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time directors) in a manner decided by the Board. This payment will be made with respect to
the profits of the Company for each year.
We have paid ₹ 8.71 core to our independent directors for the year ended March 31, 2018.
Nandan M. Nilekani, Chairman, voluntarily chose not to receive any remuneration for his
services rendered to the Company. Additionally, independent directors are also reimbursed
for expenses incurred in performance of official duties. The aggregate amount was arrived at
using the following criteria:
Particulars in ₹ core in US$

Fixed Board fee 0.49 75000

Board / committee attendance fee 0.16 25000
Non-executive chairman fee 0.98 150000
Chairperson – audit committee 0.20 30000
Members – audit committee 0.13 20000
Chairperson – other committees 0.13 20000
Members – other committees 0.07 10000
Travel fee (per meeting) 0.07 10000
Incidental fees 0.01 1000

The Board believes that the above compensation structure is commensurate with global best
practices in terms of remunerating non-executive / independent directors of a company of
similar size, and adequately compensates for the time and contribution made by our non-
executive / independent director

Rights and Responsibility

Responsibilities of the Chairman
The Chairman is the leader of the Board. As Chairman, he is responsible for fostering and
promoting the integrity of the Board while nurturing a culture where the Board works
harmoniously for the long-term benefit of the Company and all its stakeholders. The
Chairman is primarily responsible for ensuring that the Board provides effective governance
to the Company. In doing so, the Chairman will preside over meetings of the Board and of
the shareholders of the Company.

The Chairman will take a lead role in managing the Board and facilitate effective
communication among directors. He is responsible for matters pertaining to governance,
including the organization, composition and effectiveness of the Board and its committees,
and the performance of individual directors in fulfilling their responsibilities. The Chairman
will provide independent leadership to the Board, identify guidelines for the conduct and
performance of directors, and oversee the management of the Board’s administrative
activities, such as meetings, schedules, agenda, communication and documentation.

The Chairman will actively work with the nomination and remuneration committee to plan
the composition of the Board and Board committees, induct directors to the Board, plan for
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director succession, participate in the Board effectiveness evaluation process and meet with
individual directors to provide constructive feedback and advice.

Responsibility Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

The CEO & MD is responsible for corporate strategy, brand equity, planning, external
contacts and all matters related to the management of the Company. He is also responsible
for achieving annual and long-term business targets, maintaining awareness of both the
external and the internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers,
markets, new industry developments and standards, and acquisitions for enhancing
shareholder value and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall

The CEO & MD acts as a link between the Board and the Management and is also
responsible for leading and evaluating the work of other executive leaders including Chief
Operating Officer (COO), presidents and executive vice presidents as per the organization

Whistle-blower policy of company

How to report
You can also write to, or to the Chief Compliance Officer at if you have concerns about reaching out to the Chief
Compliance Officer your report may be made to the Audit Committee of Infosys’ Board of
Directors (the “Audit Committee”) at: because you have several means of reporting, you need
never report to someone you believe may be involved in the suspected violation or from
whom you would fear retaliation. Your report should include as much information about the
suspected violation as you can provide. Where possible, it should describe the nature of the
suspected violation; the identities of persons involved in the suspected violation; a
description of documents that relate to the suspected violation; and the time frame during
which the suspected violation occurred. Where you have not reported anonymously, you
may be contacted for further information.
Investigations after You Report
All reports under this Policy will be promptly and appropriately investigated, and all
information disclosed during the course of the investigation will remain confidential, except
as necessary to conduct the investigation and take any remedial action, in accordance with

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applicable law. Everyone working for or with the Company has a duty to cooperate in the
investigation of reports of violations. Failure to cooperate in an investigation, or deliberately
providing false information during an investigation, can be the basis for disciplinary action,
including termination of employment. If, at the conclusion of its investigation, the Company
determines that a violation has occurred, the Company will take effective remedial action
commensurate with the nature of the offense. This action may include disciplinary action
against the accused party, up to and including termination. Reasonable and necessary steps
will also be taken to prevent any further violations of Company policy
Retaliation is not tolerated
There shall not be any adverse action against any Person for complaining about, reporting,
or participating or assisting in the investigation of, a reasonably suspected violation of any
law, this Policy, or the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. The Company takes reports
of such retaliation seriously. Incidents of retaliation against any Person reporting a violation
or participating in the investigation of a reasonably suspected violation will result in
appropriate disciplinary action against anyone responsible, including possible termination of
employment. Those working for or with the Company who engage in retaliation against
reporting Persons may also be subject to civil, criminal and administrative penalties.
Document Retention
All documents related to reporting, investigation and enforcement pursuant to this Policy
shall be kept in accordance with the Company’s record retention policy and applicable law.

The Audit Committee or the Board of Directors of Infosys can modify this Policy
unilaterally at any time without notice. Modification may be necessary, among other
reasons, to maintain compliance with federal, state or local regulations and / or
accommodate organizational changes within the Company.
I understand and agree that to the extent I do not use the procedures outlined in the Whistle-
blower Policy, the Company and its officers and directors shall have the right to presume
and rely on the fact that I have no knowledge or concern of any such information or conduct.
Employee’s signature
Employee’s Name

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CSR Practices
Infosys Limited (“Infosys” or “the Company”) has been an early adopter of corporate social
responsibility (“CSR”) initiatives. Along with sustained economic performance,
environmental and social stewardship is also a key factor for holistic business growth. The
Company established the Infosys Foundation in 1996 as a not-for-profit nodal body aimed at
providing a dedicated approach to community development and also to fulfil our CSR
commitments. Infosys Foundation works towards removing malnutrition, improving
healthcare infrastructure, supporting primary education, rehabilitating destitute individuals
and caring for animals, and preserving Indian art and culture. Infosys Foundation partners
with non-government organizations (NGOs) to make a difference among local communities.
The Company’s focus has always been to contribute to the sustainable development of
society and the environment, and to make our planet more liveable for future generations.
Infosys’ CSR Policy intends to:
• Strive for economic development that positively impacts society at large with minimal
resource footprint.
• Embrace responsibility for the Company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through
its activities to alleviate hunger, poverty and malnutrition; to protect the environment; and to
support communities, stakeholders and society.



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Eradicating extreme hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive healthcare and
sanitation and making available safe drinking water.
Promoting education, including special education and employment-enhancing vocational
skills, especially among children, women, the elderly and the differently abled, and
livelihood enhancement projects; monetary contributions to academic institutions for
establishing endowment funds, chairs, laboratories, etc., with the objective of assisting
students in their studies, this also includes skilling and reskilling initiatives for those who are
in need.
Strengthening rural areas by improving accessibility, housing, drinking water, sanitation,
power and livelihoods, thereby creating sustainable villages.
Promoting gender equality and empowering women; setting up homes, hostels and day care
centres for women and orphans; setting up old age homes and other similar facilities for
senior citizens; and adopting measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and
economically backward groups.
Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna,
animal welfare, agro-forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining the quality
of soil, air and water.
Protecting national heritage, art and culture, including the restoration of buildings, sites of
historical importance, and works of art; setting up public libraries; reviving, promoting and
developing traditional arts and handicrafts.


Infosys will undertake its CSR activities (being projects / programs / other permitted
activities), approved by the CSR Committee either directly or through the Infosys
Foundation and / or such other eligible entity / organization as approved by the CSR
Committee. The surplus arising out of the CSR activities shall not form part of the business
profit of the Company. Such surplus shall be spent towards its CSR activities in accordance
with this policy. Identification and implementation of multi-year CSR projects / programs
(“Ongoing Projects”) will be monitored by the CSR Committee and the Board of Directors
of the Company (“the Board”), as required under Applicable Law.
The CSR Committee shall decide on the locations for CSR activities and formulate and
recommend to the Board for approval a CSR annual action plan, which shall contain all
matters which are required under Applicable Law and any other matters as the CSR
Committee may deem fit from time to time. The Board may modify the annual action plan

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as per the recommendations of the CSR Committee at any time during the financial year,
based on reasonable justification.
Impact assessment shall be undertaken by the Company or by recipient or by implementing
agency as required by and in the manner set out under Applicable Law, and the impact
assessment report(s) shall be placed before the CSR Committee and the Board, and shall be
disclosed as legally required.
The CSR Committee shall be comprised in accordance with the requirements of Applicable
Law. This CSR Policy, details of the composition of the CSR Committee and projects
approved by the Board shall be hosted on the
The Company can undertake CSR activities either by itself or through other entities eligible
to undertake CSR activities under Applicable Law. Accordingly, Infosys Foundation or such
other entity will work closely with and support the Board and the CSR Committee in
carrying out the CSR activities of the Company. Infosys Foundation or such other entity will
assist the CSR Committee in identifying the areas of CSR activities and execution of
initiatives as per defined guidelines. Infosys Foundation or such other entity will also assist
the Board and the
CSR Committee in reporting the progress of deployed initiatives and in making appropriate
disclosures (internal / external) on a periodic basis.
Infosys Foundation or such other entity will receive requests for funding of projects
throughout the calendar year. Its panel of experts will evaluate proposals received under the
Infosys Foundations’ or such other entity’s focus areas and projects will be prioritized by
assessing their potential impact. The Infosys Foundation or such other entity will then
forward its recommendations to the CSR Committee. The CSR Committee will deliberate on
the proposals and approve proposals for implementation at its discretion.
Infosys’ representatives and / or Infosys Foundation or such other entity will collaborate
with stakeholders to monitor the status of each project and will report its findings to the CSR
Committee periodically to enable the Board and the Management of the Company to meet
their reporting, monitoring and other legal obligations. In any year, where the Company has
spent in excess of its CSR obligation, such excess spending shall be available for set off
against the Company’s CSR obligations for up to the next three financial years in
accordance with Applicable Law, and the Board shall be competent to pass a resolution in
this regard.

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Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. It has enabled
clients in 46 countries to navigate their digital transformation, with nearly four decades of
experience in managing the systems and workings of global enterprises. Their distinct
service offerings clearly have many takers and they only continue to grow and expand their
portfolio. The company is doing well on promotional fronts, while maintaining its brand as
one of the top names. But with increasing competition in the industry, the company needs to
constantly evaluate its position and be at par with the rest.

Infosys is one of the top reached company when it is termed to be with the ethical practices
and the governance of the system
It is one of the finest structured process in today’s era.

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 They need to even expand their business in other sector also.
 They should try in the telecom sector as they are having very good
 They should focus more on still the employees training and some of the other
 They should take over small companies.
 They should not change the board directors at growing market.

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Learning from project
 To gain such a deep knowledge about in and out of such a huge MNC
 To know the proper meaning and working of ethics and governance system of any
 To educate the new company laws and the frame work of the same.
 The time bound ship and the practical implication for the same.

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