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1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

a) What are hypertext and hyper media? Compare.
b) Explain Huffman coding with example.
c) What do you mean by term QoS? Discuss the applicability of QoS concept.
d) What is MIDI? What are the various MIDI massages?
e) What is SMIL? Why SMIL uses wallclock( ) function?
f) Explain VRML with a short example.
g) What are the various levels of RAID? What is the difference between RAID 4 and 5 levels?

a) Explain MPEG-4 video compression. What are I, P & B frames and what is their relevance?
b) What is augmented reality? Explain any two Virtual reality tools.

a) Explain JPEG image compression. What are the differences in JPEG and JPEG 2000
b) In a conventional Multimedia Operating system, how process management and recourse
management are performed?

a) What do you mean by multimedia authoring system? Explain with suitable examples.
b) Explain the query processing strategies to the adopted for efficient retrieval of images.
c) Write a short note on:
i) Sampling rate
ii) Raster graphics
iii) Signal to noise ratio

a) Write a short note Content based image retrieval and its application.
b) Write a short note on MIDI interfacing.
c) Explain in detail the MPEG-7 format. Compare it with other versions of MPEG video

a) Explain OLAP operation in multi dimensional data model.
b) Discuss the MP3 audio coding. How it is comparable to .aac extension audio files?
c) Compare GIF and TIFF image coding. Write comment weather these encoding schemes
store the images in spatial domain or in frequency domain?

C6-R4 Page 1 of 2 July, 2012

a) What are the various QoS specifications to be considered when we deliver a multimedia file
on internet based workstation?
b) Describe the hand tracker and data globe utilities used in virtual reality system.
c) Describe the RTP protocol components and its conjunctions with RTCP, Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) & Session Description Protocol.

C6-R4 Page 2 of 2 July, 2012


1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

a) Why visual rhetoric is important in developing multimedia applications?
b) What are the functions of region element of SMIL? Give example.
c) What are the three layers of IEEE 1394?
d) What are the components in the basic architecture of a distributed multimedia system?
e) How RTCP and RTSP are different?
f) What is RAID technology and what advantages does it offer as a medium for storage and
delivery of large data?
g) What is temporal redundancy in video encoding?

a) Write the steps of mp3 encoding algorithm. Can mp3 support variable bitrate?
b) Video-phony and video-conferencing are two different techniques. Justify.
c) Describe the advantages of HDTV system over the other Television system.

a) How Steady State CPU Time is allocated for multimedia resource handling?
b) Write the main elements of the MPEG-7 standard.
c) Illustrate the quantization technique in JPEG compression scheme explaining its’

a) What is the difference between inter-object and intra-object synchronization.
b) Construct a Huffman binary tree using the given a set of symbols with a list of relative
probabilities of occurrence within a message.

m0 m1 m2 m3 m4
0.10 0.36 0.15 0.2 0.19

c) Why is multicasting relevant to multimedia traffic? At what level in the networking stack
would it be appropriate to facilitate multicasting for time sensitive traffic and why?

a) What is QoS for multimedia delivery? Illustrate the QoS Framework for the same.
b) Why is TCP not suitable for real-time traffic? How does RTP overcome the limitation of TCP
for real-time traffic? Also comment on quality of service guarantees in RTP.

C6-R4 Page 1 of 2 January, 2013

a) Why should you use an authoring system? What are the differences between Authoring Vs
Programming? What are the different authoring paradigms?
b) Why MMX processor is efficient? Write two other properties of MMX.

a) Give the block diagram of Conceptual Model of a VRML Browser. Write the header syntax of
a VRML file.
b) Distinguish between the artisan metaphor and factory metaphor as a multimedia production

C6-R4 Page 2 of 2 January, 2013


1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

a) Describe the basic Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language structure and its
difference with basic HTML.
b) Explain Standard MIDI file format. What are the various MIDI messages?
c) Describe the term QoS & its importance in multimedia.
d) What do you mean by Content-based image retrieval? Explain with example.
e) Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous mode of transmission.
f) Explain Huffman coding with example.
g) What is the Immersive interaction in Virtual reality system?

a) Write short notes on:
i) SMIL Media format
ii) Temporal vs Non-temporal media
iii) Raster Graphics
b) Explain JPEG image compression. What are the differences in JPEG and JPEG 2000

a) What do you mean by multimedia authoring system? Explain with suitable examples.
b) Multimedia production process consists of different strategies in the planning and project
management. Illustrate such strategies.

a) Discuss the elements of virtual environment of a generic VR system.
b) Describe the MPEG-4 encoding scheme. How is it different from MPEG-7?

a) Distinguish between the artisan metaphor and factory metaphor as a multimedia production
b) Encode the following symbols using Huffman coding tree method.

Symbol Frequency
A 20
B 15
C 5
D 15
E 45

C6-R4 Page 1 of 2 January, 2014

a) What are the various video conference standards as per international telecommunication
union (ITU)?
b) Explain the Real-time Transport Protocol. How does it monitor the QoS.

7. Write short notes on:

a) OLAP operation in multidimensional data model
b) Temporal redundancy in video encoding
c) RAID Technology and its advantages for multimedia storage

C6-R4 Page 2 of 2 January, 2014


1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same sequence.
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

a) What is meant by static and dynamic media? Give examples of each type of media.
b) Explain the compression methodology used in MPEG-4.
c) Differentiate between inter and intra - object synchronization.
d) Describe various attributes of multimedia systems.
e) Explain card and page based authoring tools.
f) Is the Program Change MIDI message a Channel Message? What does this message
accomplish? Based on the Program Change message, how many different instruments are
there in General MIDI? And state the number of bits, it requires.
g) Write the advantages and disadvantages of using GIF in animations.

a) How does the human eye sense color? What characteristics of the human visual system can be
exploited for the compression of color images and video?
b) Multimedia Databases (MMDBs) have to deal up with the increased usage of a large volume of
multimedia data being used in various software applications. Explain the major challenges in
designing multimedia databases.
c) Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and digitized audio in
multimedia production.

a) Briefly describe, using a suitable diagram if necessary, the MPEG-1 audio compression
algorithm, outlining how frequency masking and temporal masking are encoded.
b) Huffman coding is an entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless data compression. Generate
binary Huffman tree for frequency (5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 45) and value (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) respectively.
Calculate Huffman code for 4 and 6.

a) The Video Compression is possible by eliminating this redundant information from the sequence
of incoming video frames. Explain four important types’ redundancies in video compression.
Explain the Factors associated with video compression.
b) Various codecs are fundamental to many file formats and transmission methods. What is
codec? Explain the MP3 encoding process.

a) What is Run Length Encoding? Give example of Run Length Encoding.
b) Explain the real-time challenge in multimedia networking. Draw the format of RTP header fields.
c) What is multimedia? What are the hardware and software requirement that can be used as a
terminal to display? What are the hardware and software components needed for development
of multimedia system?

C6-R4 Page 1 of 2 January, 2018

a) Present and explain a general purpose architecture to support a Multimedia System.
b) Distributed multimedia systems consist of multimedia databases, proxy and information servers,
and clients, and are intended to for the distribution of multimedia content over the networks.
What are the challenges other than networking issues in distributed multimedia?
c) Explain the JPEG compression scheme. “JPEG isn't always an ideal compression solution.”
Justify the statement.

a) A major distinction of VR (Virtual Reality) systems is the mode with which they interface to the
user. Describe some of the common modes used in VR systems.
b) Differentiate between 360 view, virtual reality and augmented reality.
c) What is the need of Orientation Tracking and Simultaneous Localization in VR/AR System?
Propose methods to incorporate them.

C6-R4 Page 2 of 2 January, 2018


1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same sequence.
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

a) What is meant by the terms Multimedia and Hypermedia? Distinguish between these two
b) Briefly outline the MPEG-4 structured audio standard.
c) What issues of functionality need to be provided in order to effectively use a wide variety of
media in Multimedia applications?
d) Briefly describe the four basic types of data redundancy that data compression algorithms can
apply to audio, image and video signals.
e) Give a definition of a Multimedia Authoring System. What key features should such a system
f) Explain how is the computer information coded?
g) What is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?

a) GIF and JPEG are two commonly used image representations. What images are suitable to be
represented as GIF and JPEG? Do they usually use lossless or lossy compression? Explain the
reason by showing the major compression algorithm (for lossless) or the lossy steps of the
algorithm (for lossy).
b) Explain Skeltonization and pruning used in Image Processing.
c) Which features of MIDI make it suitable for controlling software or hardware devices? Explain
the two different components of MIDI interface.

a) List three distinct models of color used in Multimedia. Explain why are there a number of
different color models exploited in multimedia data formats.
b) Show how you would use Huffman coding to encode the following set of tokens:
BABACACADADABBCBABEBEDDABEEEBB. How is this message transmitted when it is

a) Draw the block diagram of Conceptual Model of a VRML Browser. Write the header syntax of a
VRML file.
b) How the protocols RTP, RTCP and RTSP are different?

a) Compare temporal vs Non-temporal media.
b) Give I, P and B-frames technique of MPEG video compression.
c) Virtual Reality is not only for entertainment. How can Virtual Reality helps in professional
environments? Your answer may include current applications in this or address future avenues
for this application of the technology.

C6-R4 Page 1 of 2 July, 2018

a) In MPEG-4 Audio an alternative synthesis-based approach may be adopted to achieve
compression. Briefly discuss how are Musical Audio Signals, Spoken Word Audio compressed
with MPEG-4. What are advantages and disadvantages of such approaches?
b) Describe the term QoS & its importance in multimedia.
c) Explain RAID storage Technology and its advantages for multimedia storage.

a) Why is scene description information separate from audio-visual objects?
b) Explain Earliest Deadline First scheduling Algorithm used in Multimedia Operating system.
c) Where is virtual reality used? Explain with examples.

C6-R4 Page 2 of 2 July, 2018



1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.

2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

1. (a) What do you mean by Content-based video retrieval ? Explain with

(b) Explain the role of key frames in video processing.
(c) How to create a multimedia presentation ?
(d) What is mixed reality ? Give example.
(e) What are the Real-Time considerations for resource scheduling in
multimedia system ?
(f) What are the basic characteristics of temporal media ?
(g) What is video on demand ? Write applications of video on demand.

2. (a) With diagram show how MIDI instruments can be interfaced with a PC. In
relation to MIDI distinguish between channel message and system
(b) What are the uses of synchronized multimedia integration language ?
Describe SMIL authoring.
(c) What is MMX instruction set ? List out characteristics of MMX instruction

3. (a) What is the need of video compression ? Describe MPEG-4 natural video
compression scheme.
(b) What are the differences between audio compression and video compression ?
Illustrate any one audio compression scheme in detail.
(c) What is the synthetic Graphic Objects ? Illustrate with example.

4. (a) What are the supports required for multimedia data from multimedia
operating system ?
(b) What is QoS ? Explain the QoS required for video conferencing.
(c) What are the differences between USB port and IEEE 1394 interface ?
C6-R4 Page 1 of 2 January, 2019
5. (a) Explain Real-Time protocol and resource reservation protocol in detail
with their QoS.
(b) What are the issues of standardization of multimedia database ? Write the
important differences between relational and object oriented model of
multimedia databases with examples.

6. (a) What do you mean by immersive virtual reality ? List out the essential
hardware that are required for any immersive VR application.
(b) Describe Mixed Reality. What is the significance of simultaneous
localization and mapping in Augmented Reality ?
(c) What is the use of VRML in virtual reality ? Write short note on haptic
input device.

7. (a) What do you mean by file format ? Describe MP4, PNG, PDF, TIFF file
format with their uses.
(b) Why Filter is used to an image ? Briefly describe the architecture of a
video frame grabber.


C6-R4 Page 2 of 2 January, 2019

Sl. No.
No. of Printed Pages : 2


1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR questions from 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same sequence.

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

1. (a) Differentiate between synthesized and captured media. Describe in brief the
concept of virtual environment in multimedia.
(b) An analog signal has bandwidth that ranges from 15 Hz to 10 KHz. What is the
rate of sampler and the bandwidth of band limiting filter required if:
(i) the signal is to be stored within computer memory.
(ii) the signal is to be transmitted over a network which has a bandwidth from
200 Hz to 3.4 KHz.
(c) Given the following Run Length Encoded (RLE) Sequence reconstruct the original
2D 8×8 (binary) data array.
(0; 8),
(0; 1); (1; 1); (0; 4); (1; 1); (0; 1),
(0; 1); (1; 2); (0; 2); (1; 2); (0; 1),
(0; 1); (1; 6); (0; 1),
(0; 2); (1; 4); (0; 2),
(0; 3); (1; 2); (0; 3),
(0; 2); (1; 1); (0; 2); (1; 1); (0; 2),
(0; 1); (1; 1); (0; 4); (1; 1); (0; 1)
(d) What do you mean by QoS ?
(e) What is Silence compression ?
(f) What are the key differences between the JPEG and MPEG I-Frame Compression ?
(g) In MPEG audio compression, what is frequency masking ? (7x4)

2. (a) How much space will a one minute speech (stereo recording) take, if sampling
rate 44Khz and sample size is 16 bits ?
(b) Name any 4 multimedia authoring tools.
(c) What Challenges are involved with multimedia communication ? (6+6+6)

3. (a) What are the various audio - cards used in multimedia? Explain the steps involved
in audio digitization.
(b) With the aid of an example frame sequences, explain the meaning of following
types of compressed frame and reasons for their use :
(i) I-frames
(ii) P-frames
(iii) B-frames
(c) What are some of the enhancements of MPEG-2, compared with MPEG-1 ? Why
hasn’t MPEG-2 standard superseded the MPEG-1 standard ? (5+6+7)

Page 1 C6-R4-09-21
4. (a) What are the stages of a multimedia project development ?
(b) Explain the various multimedia building blocks.
(c) Explain at least two television broadcasting standards. (7+3+8)

5. (a) Explain JPEG Compression in detail.

(b) Differentiate between MIDI and digital audio. Give the formula to determine the
size (in bytes) of a digital recording from a monophonic recording. (9+9)

6. (a) With the aid of suitable diagrams, explain the meaning of the terms :
(i) color gamut
(ii) Additive color mixing
(iii) Subtractive color mixing
(b) A text message contains 5 distinct symbols and their frequencies in the text are
given below :

Symbol A B C D E
Frequencies 15 7 6 6 5

Construct the Huffman tree and generate the Huffman code for each symbol.
(c) Briefly outline, with the aid of suitable diagrams, MPEG-1 video encoder and
decoder. (6+6+6)

7. (a) Explain Multimedia communication over IP.

(b) Explain the hardware structure of MIDI. Explain the structure of MIDI
(c) Enumerate any two applications of multimedia in Education. (5+6+7)


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