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ICSE2010 Proc.

2010, Melaka, Malaysia

A study for Optimum Productivity Yield in 0.16µm

mixed of Wafer Fabrication Facility
Mohd Azizi Chik, Ve Chun Yung, Puvaneswaran Balakrishna, Uda Hashim, Ibrahim Ahmad & Bashir Mohamad
Institute of Nanoelectronic Engineering of Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Universiti Tenaga Nasional and Silterra Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Abstract- This research is to study the opportunity to achieve investments that a full wafer fabrication facility can be easily
optimum productivity yield in 0.16µ µm product mixed through cost more than USD one billion dollars [1].
understanding the impact of loading utilization towards the capac- Till today the closest research regards optimum productivity
ity. The study is important to model the overall strategy of product yield is only been focus on the cycle time optimization to ob-
loading planning to get highest achievable product output at re-
tain the Cycle Time Versus Throughput curve (CT-TH) [2].
spective time like monthly or yearly. The product mixes target
used in this analysis includes 0.20um to 0.13um for high voltage, Most of this study is related to understand the queue time mag-
logic CMOS and also mixed signal RF. Input in analysis are list of nitude and variability. Proved that reducing the inherent varia-
process flow for various technologies and products, major manu- bility of a manufacturing operation improves the overall cycle
facturing activities and equipment configuration that is based on time [7]. Nevertheless, the new variability introduces as high
actual wafer fabrication facilities systems. Part of the complexities volume output fabout thus can be reduced in term of cycle time
of the research is its long cycle time process from 45minutes to 9 improvement [3]. However, none of this further study of the
hours, for respective same processing step that drives from varies related reveals the productivity yield in optimum fabout. This is
technology and process equipment capable. Overall cycle time is due to the requirement to enhance the study required longer
from 30 days to 90 days that is various comparing product-to-
time period versus more configurations towards the equipment
product requirements. Further added to the complexity is the
equipment used for this analysis that is more than 100 difference WIP profiling validation and intensive time effort [4]. Thus,
equipment configurations. More than 50% of the equipments are another study is required.
with difference configuration. Most products experienced re-
entranced more than 85% times to same equipment type. This II. METHODOLOGY
analysis done on generic semiconductor fab modeled using indus-
tries software, AutoSchedAP. The fab model configured intensive- This study is been done using AutoSched AP (ASAP) and
ly so match with exactly operation of the fab, with equivalent al- Advanced Productivity Family (APF) software. This software
most 100% manufacturing operation, product loading and tool was widely used in the semiconductor wafer fabrication indus-
configuration. The results have been successfully developed into a
curve an equation shows the optimum product loading and gives
tries [6]. List of company that used the software include Intel,
opportunity of improvement in revenue and also overall efficiency AMD, Global Foundry, Silterra Malaysia, and many others [1].
of more than 10%. Further results of this study also summarized The software was configured and integrated with current the
ranges of fab utilization versus cycle time that support overall respective automation systems to get the accurate information
product delivery. Other impacts are also discussed in the sum- automatically. The automation is needed since the study is
mary. based on the actual loading of the product for start of the simu-
lation period. The information that was configured into the
Index Terms—Cycle Time, Simulation, Work In Progress model are WIP, equipment utilization, setup time, preventive
(WIP).Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Plan (Fab).
maintenance, process efficiency, recipe availability, dispatching
method at respective equipment and process, lot on hold trend
for future hold, current lot on hold and release timing, manufac-
turing efficiency on traveling or transferring and loading to
unloading the equipment, future loading plan and also possible
The study to get the optimum yield for productivity in wafer
seasonal interruptions [5]. This is needed to compensate time
fabrication is critical in order to determine optimum product
taken to remodel the complexity of wafer fabrication processes
allocation of the capacity available. The results then can be
that do re-entrance for photolithography processes. Fig. 1
used to translate commitment of product volume to delivery
shows overall wafer fabrication process flow complexity. Fig. 2
date to the customer at optimum productivity yield. The opti-
illustrates overall architecture of the input data into the simula-
mum productivity yield is critical target to exercise for every
tion model. After the model was configured with the foundry
opportunity available as wafer fabrication is capital-intensive
requirements, it was tested to validate its accuracy.

978-1-4244-6609-2/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 377

ICSE2010 Proc. 2010, Melaka, Malaysia

In the simulation model, the station is consists of equip- tion accuracy. After the verification process, the simulation
ments, equipment groups and dispatching rules criteria to select results were validated to ensure they were adequately
product priorities. A total of 521 equipments were configured representing normal wafer fabrication operations indices. The
in the model to tailor existing dispatching rules in the real man- actual data set such as stage Moves, production out or known as
ufacturing operation. Equipment recipes dedication and capa- wafer out, WIP level, tool efficiency and utilization data was
bility were also automatically integrated in the model. Each analyze.
product process flow was integrated with real production route It took almost 8 months to fill up respective gaps compared
that consists of more than 100 routes or process flows, which to actual. The analysis performed to compare wafer moves had
ranges from 300 to 900 steps for each product process flow. successfully identified major gaps for the throughput, equip-
The step cycle time was also integrated with each product. The ment availability, and manufacturing efficiency. In earlier veri-
production plan was created for duration of 2 years, equipment fication stage, the results only achieved 75% of the accuracy
calendar for future maintenance; WIP priority and historical compared to actual. Further improvements in equipment confi-
hold trend were well integrated into the model. After the simu- guration; have led to the average of 96% model configuration
lation modeling was completed, verification process was done matched with the benchmarking wafer fabrication operation.
to ensure the AutoSched AP (ASAP) model run accordingly. Fig. 3 and 4 show the comparison analysis between the actual
moves versus forecasted moves, which achieved the average of
96% accuracy today.

Fig. 1. Overall processing step, a complexity arouse in re-entrance to same

equipment for wafer fabrication operation.

Fig. 3. Overall move forecast vs actual

Fig. 2. The element factors in simulation model. Fig. 4. Move forecast vs actual by wafer fabrication area

During the simulation run, all events were traced properly III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
into respective database that allowed verification steps could be
conducted properly such as lot through steps and to check if More than 100 simulation runs were done with different
there was any error. During the preparation mode, many trial loading percentages that take up month of simulation run to
runs were conducted to validate specific equipment configura- complete. Fig. 5 and 6 shows the breakdown of the loading

ICSE2010 Proc. 2010, Melaka, Malaysia

volume at respective utilization percentage yield trends of the results published [2]. However, the difference density of the
productivity yield and overall productivity yield by month. A curve is due to the product mixes used and different type of
quick view shows that a cumulative number for a year for prod- capacity or equipment types.
uctivity yield line for 100% capacity utilize is lower compared The results show that if the product volume is above 83%
to 80% capacity utilize line. However, for 2 years comparison, capacity utilize percentage, wafer out monthly will be in wave
it does give the highest overall productivity yield. shape instead of linear line. This result raised interesting topic
The results show that if the product volume is above 83% to understand further regards the relationship between cycle
percentage, wafer out monthly will be in wave shape instead of time and equipment utilization.
linear line. 83% product loading yield gives more output com-
pared to 100% product yield in yearly period. A verification
towards queue time established comparing to the cycle time.
Fig. 7 shows the curve where the cycle time increases at an
exponential rate when the capacity utilization reaches 100%.

Fig. 7. Cycle Time Vs. Utilization Rate


A study for optimum productivity yield in 0.16mm mixed of

wafer fabrication facility had given an insight idea for overall
planning for wafer foundry. For the high mixed of product re-
quirement, 100% capacity loading can help to maximize the
Fig. 5. Monthly wafer out behavior analysis equipment utilization or assets utilization. However, it does not
give good contribution towards product, cycle time and maxi-
The results obtained from the simulation model had revealed mum throughput for overall monthly or yearly. Therefore for
the cycle time behaviors when the wafer Fab is running under this analysis, 100% loading to the capacity limit does not give
different utilization rate. the maximum output for period of a year. The production vo-
lume gain for capacity utilization rate at 83% is 10.3% more
output in first year compared to 100% utilize. However for
second year the volume for 100% loading recovered. As com-
pany work for yearly based annual report and high demand
product needed in shortest possible period, this analysis needed
to be reviewed.
Results also explained in the queue time chart figure 7. How-
ever, the significant results can be seen twice yearly. Neverthe-
less, most of the company does financial yearly and do not
guaranteed product for next following year. Further study to-
wards this results to be explored In this analysis, a good num-
ber to reach better control of stabilization is at 83% utilizations.
More studies like an impact of dispatching rule may lead to
higher stabilized capacity utilization rate. Further study in this
same topic and difference scope analysis is in progress where
Fig. 6. Extended Chart for Monthly wafer out behavior analysis
more comprehensive results to understand the WIP and equip-
vs the loading percentage ment utilization behaviors can be further discussed.

This trend for the average total product cycle time versus V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
product loading utilization is quite similar with the generics

ICSE2010 Proc. 2010, Melaka, Malaysia

Authors would like to thanks Silterra Managements and In- [3] F. Yang, B. E. Ankenman, and B. L. Nelson, “Estimation of percentiles
of cycle time in manufacturing simulation,” In Proceedings of the 2005
dustrial Engineering, for their continued supports in this re-
Winter Simulation Conference, 2005, ed. M. E. Kuhl, N. M. Steiger, F.
search. B. Armstrong, and J.A. Joines.

[4] S. Park, G. T. Mackulak, and J. W. Fowler, “An overall framework for

VI. REFERENCES generating simulation based cycle time-throughput curves,” In Proceed-
ings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, 2001, ed. B. A. Peters,
J. S. Smith, D. J. Medeiros, and M. W. Rohrer.
[1] Mohd Azizi bin Chik, Hazmuni bin Saidin, Tay Yee Yau and Uda bin
Hashim “Impacts of Capital Investment Towards Increasing Number of [5] Daniel Babbs and Robert Gaskins, “Effect of Reduced Equipment Down-
Metallization in 180nm CMOS Products”. In Proceeding of the 2009 time Variability on Cycle Time in a Conventional 300mm Fab,”
Nanotech Malaysia, 2009, ed. Halimaton Hamdan and Burhanuddin IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference, 2008,
Yeop Majlis pp. 237-242.

[2] R. T. Johnson, J. W. Fowler, and Gerald T. Mackulak, “A discrete simula- [6] Applied Materials, Inc., AutoSchedTM AP 9.3.0 User’s Guide, 2008.
tion model simplification technique,” In Proceedings of the 2005 Winter
Simulation Conference, 2005, ed. M. E. Kuhl, N. M. Steiger, F. B. [7] Kan Wu. “An Examination of Variability and Its Basic Properties for a
Armstrong, and J. A. Joines. Factory,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 18,
no. 1, February 2005.


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