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1)On the basis of physical properties, matter is classified as _____, _______ and _____.
!"#$% &'() %* +,-. /., /0-12 %3 _____, _______ 4. _____ %* 5/ 67 8&9%: $ ;%<- =-$- >?@

2) On the basis of chemical properties, matter is classified as _____, _______ and _____.
.-A-<#B% &'() %* +,-. /., /0-12 %3 _____, _______ 4. _____ %* 5/ 67 8&9%: $ ;%<- =-$- >?@

3) The particles which make up matter are ____ and ____.

/0-12 CB-B* 8-D* %( ____ 4. ____ >E@

4) The zigzag movement of the small particles suspended in a liquid (or gas) is called _______.
;%AF G8 (<- &?A) 67 #BDH#C$ I3J* %() %K 8L &#$ %3 _______ %>- =-$- >?@

5) The particles of matter have __________________ between them.

/0-12 %* %() %* CFM ___________ >3$- >?@

6) The particles of matter are constantly _____.

/0-12 %* %( D&-$-. _____ >3$* >E@

7) The best demonstration that particles of matter are constantly moving comes from the
experiments on __________________ and ______.
/0-12 %* %( D&-$-. &#$6-B >E NA%- ACA* OPI- Q0R2B __________ 4. ________ /. Q<3&) A*
+$- >?@

8) The __________________ of attraction between the particles of the same substance is known
as cohesion.
S% >F /0-12 %* %() %* CFM +%T2( %* ___________ %3 AAH=% %* 5/ 67 =-B- =-$- >?@

9) BEC stands for ________________.

BEC %- 6$DC _________ >?@

10)The force of attraction is maximum in the particles of __________________ and minimum

in the particles of a _____.
+%T2( CD ___________ %* %() 67 O#,%$6 4. _____ %* %() 67 U<VB$6 >3$- >?@


11) Solids have a fixed shape and fixed ______ Liquids have fixed _________ but they have no
fixed shape .Gases have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed ________.
W3A) %- S% #B#X$ +%-. >3$- >? 4. ________ $.D /0-12 #Y1. _____ >3$* >E, D*;%B ZB%- %3[
#B#X$ +%-. B>\ >3$- >?@ &?A) %- B $3 %3[ #B#X$ +%-. >3$- >? 4. B >F #B#X$ _______@

12) According to the kinetic theory of matter, the particles of matter are in continuous motion
and possess _______.
/0-12 %* &#$= #A]-H$ %* OB'A-. , /0-12 %* %( #B.H $. &#$ 67 >3$* >E 4. ZB67 _________ >3$* >E@

13)The forces of ___________ tend to hold the particles together and control their movements.
________ %K CD %() %3 S% A-1 .^$F >E 4. ZB%K &#$ %3 #B<H#_$ %.$F >E@

14) The spaces between the particles are the __________________ in solids, a little more in
liquids, and the maximum in gases.
%() %* CFM %- Y1-B W3A 67 ___________, G8 67 13`- O#,% 4. &?A) 67 O#,%$6 >3$- >?@

15) The forces of __________________ between the particles are the strongest in solids, less
strong in liquids and negligible in gases.
%() %* CFM __________ %K $-%$ W3A 67 ACA* 6=CV$, $.D 67 %6 6=CV$ 4. &?A) 67 B&a< >3$F >?@

16)the movement of particles is the _________ in solids, more in liquids and the maximum in
%() %K &#$ W3A 67 __________ , G8 67 O#,% 4. &?A) 67 O#,%$6 >3$F >?@

17) The spreading out and mixing of a substance with another substance due to the motion of its
particles is called ________________.
;%AF /0-12 %* %() %K &#$ %* %-.( 0VA.* /0-12 %* A-1 b? DB- 4. ZA%- #6c( _________ %>D-$- >?

18) Diffusion is the ________ of matter which is based on the motion of its particles.
QA-. /0-12 %- ________ >? =3 ZA%* %() %K &#$ /. +,-d.$ >3$- >?@

19) Diffusion is fastest in ______ and slowest in _____

#8A.( ______ 67 ACA* $*= 4. _____ 67 ACA* ,F6- >3$- >? |

20) The rate of diffusion increases on increasing the ________ of the diffusing substance.
QA-. /0-12 %* _________ %3 Ce-B* /. QA-. %K 0. Ce =-$F >? @

21) The rate of diffusion of a gas depends on its __________.

;%AF &?A %* QA-. %K 0. ZA%* _________ /. #B!2. %.$F >? @

22) The ________ and oxygen gas present in air diffuse into water, and dissolve in it.
>8- 67 6"=V0 ________ 4. fgAF=B &?A /-BF 67 b? D =-$F >?, 4. ZA67 h'D =-$F >?@


23) The aquatic plants use the dissolved carbon dioxide for preparing _________ by
photosynthesis and aquatic animals use the dissolved oxygen of water for breathing.
=DF< /",* Q%-R AHi*T( j-.- ________ $?<-. %.B* %* #DS h'DF k[ %-C2B l-NfgA-Nl %- Z/<3&
%.$* >E 4. =DF< =H$' A-HA D*B* %* #DS /-BF %K h'DF k[ fgAF=B %- Z/<3& %.$* >E@

24) The process in which a solid substance converts into a liquid on heating,is called ______.
8> Q;L<- #=A67 %3[ W3A /0-12 &62 %.B* /. G8 67 /d.8m$2$ >3 =-$- >?, _______ %>D-$F >? |

25) The temperature at which a solid substance melts and changes into a liquid at atmospheric
pressure,is called ________.
8> $-/6-B #=A /. %3[ W3A /0-12 8-<'6HlDF< 0-C /. #/hD %. G8 67 /d.8m$2$ >3 =-$- >?, _______
%>D-$- >?@

26)Higher the melting point of a solid substance, greater will be the __________ of attraction
between its particles.
;%AF W3A /0-12 %- &DB-H% #=$B- O#,% >3&-, ZA%* %() %* CFM +%T2( %- ________ Z$B- >F
O#,% >3&-

27) The process in which a liquid substance changes into a gas rapidly on heating, is called
8> Q;L<- #=A67 S% $.D /0-12 &62 %.B* /. $*=F A* &?A 67 C0D =-$- >?, _________ %>D-$- >?

28) The process of changing a __________________ to a liquid by cooling is called

S% ___________ %3 WH l- %.%* G8 67 C0DB* %K Q;L<- AHhBB %>D-$F >?@

29) The process of changing a _________ into a solid by cooling is called freezing.
S% _______ %3 WH l- %.%* W3A 67 C0DB* %K Q;L<- %3 #>6F%.( %>- =-$- >?@

30) Latent heat does not raise (or increase) the ________.
&'n op6- ________ %3 B>\ Ce-$F >? @

31) The ____________ of a solid is the quantity of heat in joules required to convert 1
kilogram of the solid (at its melting point) to liquid, without any change in temperature.
S% W3A %- __________ =VD 67 op6- %K 8> 6-_- >? =3 1 ;%D3q-6 W3A (NA%* &DB-H% /.) %3 #CB-
$-/6-B 67 C0D-8 %* G8 67 C0DB* %* #DS +8r<% >?@

32) The latent heat of fusion of ice is _____ joules per kilogram.
Cb2 %* AHD<B %K &'n op6- _____ =VD Q#$ ;%D3q-6 >? @

33) The __________________ of a liquid is the quantity of heat in joules required to convert 1
kilogram of the liquid (at its boiling point) to vapour or gas, without any change in temperature.


G8 %- __________ =VD 67 op6- %K 8> 6-_- >? =3 1 ;%D3q-6 $.D (ZA%* s1B-H% /.) %3 $-/6-B 67
#CB- ;%AF /d.8$2B %* 8-p/ <- &?A 67 C0DB* %* #DS +8r<% >?@

34) The latent heat of vaporization of water is __________ joules per kilogram
/-BF %* 8-p/F%.( %K &'n op6- __________ =VD Q#$ ;%D3q-6 >?

35) The changing of a solid directly into vapours on heating and of vapours into solid on cooling,
is known as __________________.
S% W3A %3 &62 %.B* /. AF,* 8-p/ 67 4. 8-p/ %3 WH l- %.B* /. W3A 67 C0DB* %3 __________ %>-
=-$- >?@

36) The three common substances which undergo sublimation are: ______,_____ and _______.
ot8/-$% A* &'=.B* 8-D* $FB A-6-U< /0-12 >E: ______,______ 4. _______

37) When these solids are heated, their particles move so quickly that they separate completely to
form _________.
=C NB W3A) %3 &62 ;%<- =-$- >?, $3 ZB%* %( N$BF $*uF A* MD$* >E ;% 8* /V.F $.> A* OD& >3%.
__________ CB-$* >E @

38) Plasma is a mixture of ____ and ____

vD-w6- ____ 4. ____ %- #6c( >? @

39) _________ gas can be liquefied by applying high pressure and lowering the temperature.
________ &?A %3 Zx 0-C D&-%. 4. $-/6-B %6 %.%* G8F!V$ ;%<- =- A%$- >?@

40) Decreasing the pressure and raising the temperature can change the state of _________.
0-C %6 %.B* 4. $-/6-B Ce-B* A* ________ %K #Y1#$ C0D A%$F >?@

41) Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) is stored under high ____________.
W3A %-C2B l-NfgA-Nl (AV^F Cb2 ) Zx _________ %* $>$ AHq#>$ %K =-$F >?@

42) The process of a liquid changing into vapour (or gas) even its boiling point is called
;%AF G8 %* 8-p/ (<- &?A) 67 ZA%* s1B-H% $% C0DB* %K Q;L<- %3 _______ %>$* >E@

43) The wet clothes dry due to ________ of water present in them.
&FD* %/`* ZB67 6"=V0 ___________ /-BF %* %-.( AV^ =-$* >E@

44) The evaporation of a liquid depends mainly on the factors ______ , Surface area, Humidity
and _________ speed.
S% $.D %- 8-p/F%.( 6'y< 5/ A* ________, A$> z*_, +G2$- 4. _______ &#$ %* %-.%) /. #B!2.
%.$- >?@


45) If the same liquid is kept in a test tube and in a china dish, then the liquid kept in the _____
evaporate more rapidly.
<;0 S% >F G8 %3 /.^BDF 4. M-NB- #lR 67 .^- =-S $3 _____ 67 .^- G8 O#,% $*=F A* 8-#p/$ >3
=-$- >?@

46) The amount of water present in air is represented by a term called _____
>8- 67 6"=V0 /-BF %K 6-_- %3 _____ B-6% R{0 j-.- 0R-2<- =-$- >?

47) During _________ days, water is usually kept in an earthen pot (called pitcher or matka) to
keep it cool.
___________ ;0B) %* 0".-B, /-BF %3 WH l- .^B* %* #DS +6$". /. #6|F %* C$2B (#=A* h`- <- 6J%-
%>- =-$- >?) 67 .^- =-$- >?@

48)It is recommended to wear ______ in hot summer days to keep cool and comfortable.
&69 %* ;0B) 67 WH l- 4. +.-60-<% .^B* %* #DS ________ />BB* %K AD-> 0F =-$F >?@

49) _______ vapour comes into the air from the evaporation of _______ present in ponds, lakes,
rivers and oceans.
$-D-C), }FD), B;0<) 4. 6>-A-&.) 67 6"=V0 _______ %* 8-p/F%.( A* ______ 8-p/ >8- 67 +$- >?@

50) ______________ vapour is also given out by plants by the process of transpiration.
8-p/3~A=2B %K Q;L<- j-.- _______ 8-p/ !F /",) j-.- ;0<- =-$- >?@

1)Solid ,liquid and Gases/W3A,$.D,&?A

2)elements, compounds and mixtures/!"#$, %&'()!*+!',-.
3) atom and molecules//.6-(' 4. O('
4)Brownian motion/!/01'2%2!('"
7) diffusion and Brownian motion/!670+!*+!/01'2%2!('"
9)Bose Einstein Condensate/!897!:;< =>52!)< ?@27@>
10)solid and gaseous/!A97!*+!(B75%
11) volume/+<$B•
12) Kinetic energy€&-#$=•o=-2•
13) attraction€+%T2(•
14) minimum€U<VB$6•
17) diffusionC670+!
18) propertyC(F.!


19) Gases and SolidsC(B7!*+!A97!
21) densityCH2#$!
22)Carbon dioxideC)08I2?0;JK70;?!
24) melting or fusionC!'GH42@!%0!7<4%2N
25)Melting point of substanceC!GO0PI!)0!(420<)
27) BoilingC•QP20<)
29) LiquidC"+4!
30) temperatureC"0G,02!
31) Latent heat of FusionC!7<4%2!)R!(FS!TU,0
33)Latent heat of vaporisationC!$0UG5)+.!)R!(FS!TU,0
34) 22.5x105
36) Camphor ,aphthalene and AnthraceneC!)GE+, WXP452!*+!WDY@752
38)free electrons and ionsC!,FZ!;4@K[\2!*+!:%2!
44)Temperature and windC!"0G,02!*+!^$0
45)china dishC30;20!'?_!
48)cotton clothesC!7E"5!)Gb@

Unacademy biology class link -


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