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British St andur ds lnstitution. No part of thi . publication may bo photocopied or othervvise ruproducad without tho prio: permission in writin9 .:.';8SJ


ritish Standard Specification for

ortland cements

pecif icati on des ciments ezif ik ation

Por tlarids

flit' Poni<lIlcizt::mellte




ritish Standards Institution

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BS 12 : 1989

. -.



This Britist: Standard has been pr e par ed under the direction of the Cement, Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee. It was revised to bring it into line with current practices followed in the production and t e s t.nq of Portland cements. This standard supersedes BS ·i2 1978 which is withdrawn.' Fer many years thure has been a demand by specialist users tur a cement which makes it easier to remove excess water Ire ::~ the concrete durinq' compaction. Moreover, in some appli ca tioris the fineness of the cement is more critical th;JI its cornpr cssive strength. A controlled fineness I)o~tianci cement has therefore been introduced, with the sarne strength limits as were given for ordinary Portland CI;"1,,_·nt in BS 12 1978. Consequently the specified str"tlgth minima for ordinary Portland and rapid- hardening "or rland cements have now been revised. Furthermore, .. ,1 Older to emphasize the distinction between these cement ty:;"s, the early minimum strength for rapid- hardening Pcr~:~H\(J cernent is now specified to have at 2 days the same • v",ut.: as ordinary Portl;nd cement at 3 days.
5 have expressed concern that improvements in manut~!_",re have lecl to ordinary Portland· cements developinq hic;h~r strengths at earlier ages, thus enabling specified -co.rc.e te strengths to be achieved with insufficient cement to cusureadequate durability. A maximum value for the su .",n~Jth of or dinarv Por tland cement at 28 days .has thereIor c ilucn intr oduccd as a control measure. USC"

in Portland cement. was less sensitive.

This new test method'


one that

In this revision, a limit for the chloride content has been introduced. Also in this revision, the lime saturation factor re quir ernen t has been omitted; this was ori jinallv introduced esser-tiallv as a safeguard against unsoundness which is adequately covered by the soundnessrequ:rements specified in clause 6, The lime saturation factor provides no guidance on strength-giving properties.


Guidance on the use of cement has been tn-:luded in appendix A, and attention is drawn to the safety precautions recommended therein when worklllg·.·with cement Portland cements will partially hydrate whenexposed to water vapour, and appendix A also includes guidance on storage. .. The U I( is participating actively in the work of Technical Committee TC 51, Cement and building limes,oftha European Committee for Standardization (,~EN) on the preparation of a European Standard specification for cements. One of the types·of cement to be included in the European Standardis intended for use in,: e same way as ordinary Portland cement complying with BS 12, It is expected that BS 12 will eventually form r.srtof a new British. Standard that will be published in crder to implement the European Standard, once the latter has been approved, as required by the CEN rer,!Jlations. Assessed copebilitv. Users of this British Srmdard are advised to consider the desirability of assessment and' registration of a supplier's quality systems ,gainst the appropriate Part of OS 5750 by a third party cer titicatior.
body. s t andar d makes reference to BS 4550 : Part 2 for ch er ni ca l test methods. BS 4550 : Part 2 :1970 was "r"t.::lded in 1983 t o include, in 16.2, a method which gives ;]1:';"1: values tha: canbe L1sed when ca.culati.uj the alkali ctJ'1:~rlt of concr c tu. BS 45S0 : Part 2 : 1970 was Iurther cn,~;;deJ in 1988 to include, as clause 17, a new test r(,·.-:i'od for rne.rsurinq the'vurv low levels of chloride found

Compliance with confer immunity

a British Standard does of itself from legal obligation •.









-.' •.. : ',:,


Page Inside

Foreword, Committees Specification


cover cover

1 Scope 2 Definitions 3 Composition and manufacture 4 Fineness 5 Setting times' 6 Soundness , 7 Compressive strengih' 8 Chemical composition ; 9 Sampling and tests.for complirrice~' 10 Marking '" 11 Information to be provided Appendix A Product Table Compressive

2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
3 4



of cemcn"s

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's pacification

1 Scope
This British Standard specifies requirements for the composition, the manufacture and the physical and chemical properties of controlled fineness, ordinary and rapid- hardening Portland cements. .
·NOTE. The .titles of the publications 'arc listed on the inside 'back cover. referred to in this standard

3.3 Pigmented Portland cements shall comply v/ith this British Standard provided that: . . ( :;. . (a) the pigments comply with BS 1014; ,


chemical composition of the P~;tl~!1ci c~irIent constituent, excluding pigment, complies with·Cl'hlse 8 of this 'British Standard; ':-, ,. . c. . (c) the cement as a whole, including pigment c~mlplies with this British Standard, with the exception clause 8,.
(b) the


or: '

!2 Definitions
. for the purposes of this British Standard the definitions ~n BS 6100 ; Section 6.1 apply toqether with the following. ' fineness Portland cement. Portland cement raving a specific surface controlled within a small agreed an . 'iat usually lies below that for o'"fdinary Portland
pontrotled -en1cllt.

4 Fineness
When tested for fineness in accordance with BS .155.0 : Section 3.3, the cements shall have the followhg minimum specific surfaces:' ;~'. . '.-~~~\~.~ .. controlled. fineness Portland cement :225 ordinary Portland cement: 275 rapid-hardeninq Portland cement: . 350
Ir, 2

~otE. This range is usually agreed between ~nd, the purchaser,

the manufacturer




fineness Portland cement {CFPCl. ordinary Portland cement {OPCl. or rapid-hardeninq Portland ; ~¢el1lent {RHPCl. shall be obtained by grinding Portland !~el1\~nt clinker.
3.1 Controlled 3.2 The .cernents shall contain no other added materials except as follows: (a)


S Composition and manufacture

5 Setting times
When determine'd in accordance with _.SS4550 : Section 3.6, the Setting times of cement pastes of standard co.islstence (us determined in accordance with BS 4550 : Section 3.5) shall be: , ,_ initial setting time: final setting time: not less than 45 min: not more than 10 h.

sulphate. ):

gypsum or anhydrite or other forms of calcium or (lilY combination of them (sec 8.4 for

not more than 0.10 % oy mass of propylene glycol when determined in accordance with clause 18 of BS 4550: Part 2 : 1970. " ~,~ ;; iron or water rernaininq after the grinding process 1;lIll1ot be regarded as additions (see 8.5 for loss 011
nirion Iimit) .

6 Soundness

The cements shall have en expansion of not.:;,lore than' 10 mm when tested for soundness in accordance Nitti· BS 4550 : Section 3.7. '

: Ta'?l~ 1. Compressive strength of cements

Test age Strength Concrete Mortar

'\~.:,:':l;~ ~


days Controlled fineness Portland

3 (72 ± 1 h)

N/mm2 . Not less than 13 Not less than 29 Not less than 15 Not less than 34 and not more than 52 Not less than 15 Not less than 38
~. ~~

.~ .:

Ordinary Portland
3 (72 ± 1 h)

Not less than 41 " ,.';:';/' ' Not less than 25





---_. .... ---.---.--.-.---.:.._~-+--------+----------'--+-------~--.., .

hardeninq PO"':Od

Not less than 47 and not more thlm67 Not less than 25'

~-~'"~,-~~.---~+---------~~r--~---------~ .. ~~ .. --~.
Not iess than 52 ,',
,l_ -;;"._, ----'

2 (48 ± lh)

.•.. ~:,.

.~'--=::::---'-,-~::-:-.-._--:-:--""",,-_-=_ ..,...J.-~~_

J. ~

BS 12



If tile cement fails to comply with 6.1, a further test be made by the some method on another portion of the same sample after it has been aerated by being spread out to a depth of 7.0 rnrn to 80 rnrn at a relative humidity of 50·% to 80 % tor a total period of 7 days:


The 'tricalcium following: where



i; calculated

Iro rn ,he

(CJA) =2.65A - 1.69F A is the prop'ortion (in %by' rr:assY"of aluminium oxide (All 03) of the total cernentdetermlned-ln accoro ance with 7~2 of BS 4550 :Part 2: 1970 excluding any aluminium oxide inthe insoluble residue (see 8.1:. F is the proportion of the total cement clause 8 of BS4550 8.5 Loss on ignition

.6.3 If the expansion of this aerated portion as described in 6.2 does not exceed 5 mrn, the cement shall be deemed to comply with 6.1.

(In'% by mass) of Iron (III) oxide

determined : Part 2 :


7 Coineressive strength
7.1 Concrete specimens When tested in accordance with BS 4550 : Section 3.4 : 1978, using concrete of mix C1 of that standard, the compressive strength of the cement shall be as given in table 1. 7.2 -Mortar specimens




Wh'en deter~ined in accordance v.~ith ;3.2 of BS 45SJ : Part 2 : 1970, the loss on ignition shall not exceed 3.0 % by mass. ". .

WI1en 1e~ted in accordance with BS 4550 : Section 3.4 : 1978, using mortar of mix V1.of thatstandard, ~he compressive strength of the cement shall be as given in table 1..

9 Sampling and tests for.ccrnpliance

- .. '.rt; ,.'. :

8 Chemical composition
Insoluble residue : When determined in accordance with clause 3 of BS 4550 Part 2 : 1970, the proportion of insoluble residue shall "not exceed 1.5 %by mass.

9 ..1 If required bythepurcnaser,;ompliance shall be assessed by t~king a representativ"sa'rr.ipleot'the cement in accordance with BS 4550: Part 1 either before, C at ,the time of, del iverv. A certificate oiiampli[19. as i i! u;· trated in figure 3 of BS4550 : Pan 1 ::1978 Shad be completed at the time of sampling and shall accorncanv the sample. This certiflcateshall also confirm that the sample was stored in a clean dry afrtight rigid cont a.nei made of plastics, metal or gl.ass irrunediatelv after it V".'JS taken. 9.2 Testing may be delayed for IJP t~'5weeks from ~he time of sampling provided that there is confirmation that·:: the sample has been stored continr ouslv in the manner described in 9.1.

"J;:~: .



8.2 Magnesium


When determined in-accordance with 9.2 of BS 4550 : Part 2 : 1970, the proportion of magnesium oxide shall not exceed 4.0,% by mass.

8.3 Chloride
When det~1mined in accordance with clause 17 of BS 4550 : Part 2 : 1970, the chloride ion content shall not exceed 0.10 o/c,' by mass.

9.3 When the cement is to be tesr- dtor chemical composition (see clause 8) the samples shall be prepared bv the method described in 1.2.1 of BS 4350 :. Part 2 1970.

10 Marking
Controlled fineness, ordinary' or repid-hardeninq Portland' cement shall be marked on the bag, the certificate. thedeliverv note or the invoice witnthe following particulars: ' (a) the name, trade of the manufacturer

Tot,,1 sulphur

When tletf:rmined ill accordance with clause 12 of OS 4550: Part 2 : 1970, the proportion of total sulphur Iexpressed as 503) shall not exceed 3.0 % by mass for controlled fineness Portland cement and 3.5 % by mass for ordinary Portland cement and rapid- hardening Portland Cl)ment. . When the tricalcium aluminate content (C3 A) is less then 3.5 % by mass, the proportion of te-al sulphur (expressed as SOJ i shall not exceed 2.5 % by rTHlS~ for controlled fineness, ordinary and rapid- hardening Portland cements ..

mark or other means of idcntiiicatio'n

to facilitate traceabilitv to the ..··

works in which the Cement was -uanutacturcd:

(b) the name of the material, ordinary or rapid- hardening (c) the number and date i.e. BS 12 : 1989t. i.e. ccntrclled-tinencss,


Por.Iand cement,
Standard, .

of this ,dritish

·as 811~ rc.~.?mm.~r.~d~s ~,I~Jaxi(r1Y":l. hloride' content: of the concrete-mix of 0.4 % chloride by mass of ceme~(inA_he mix to c reduce the risk of corrosion of embedded metal. For prestressed concrete BS 8110 also recommends a maximum value.of 0.1· % 'chloride kin- by' mass.' -', ,. " .~ . ,, . . ~." ,.-.
t rvia~king BS ',2. : .1.9.8~pn or if) relaJion toe.oroduct.reorcsenrs


.;,. . ,~:-.~:

a manufacturer's declaration of confermltv, i.e. aci;i'im by or on, behalf :~:,: .of' Ihc m?n~\ J,cture_r _iha,t ,thC"I?.ro'o,u,S~:.e~\~ the requir~~'\1,~Jl\5of the standard. The accur acv olth.e clalm l~ th'ere'or~' solely the re'PO")ibil!~~ n 01,lhe~fl~lso!l niilRihg th~ 'claim.·S"uc~ a dcciaration is not to be confused with third party certification of conloirolity;'which rnav ~"~ be' .Ff; •. d~sirablr, .

6512 : 1989

11 Information t~ b~ provided
.~:: :

11.2 Additional



11.1 Certificate .\'1- ~ ~ :;; If requested. the manufacturer shall provIde a certificate. to aUirm that the cement complies with. this standard. The ccni::c,,!,; shall state that the Cement contains riO addition~ O\11Cr then those permitted by ,3.2 and 3.3 and I inc!utJl! results of the !':Jllowing te~ts':

:he following inforr:nation sh~1I also be made ~v:~rl~ble, If requested at the time of ordering: . . .; ~,,>
.' . .

(a) the contents of silica, aluminium oxide, Iron !III) oxide and calcium oxide; . (b) the content of total sulphur (expressed as S03) (see 8.4); .' (c) for piqrnentcd cements, the tarqct mean pigment content; . "

50 .:lC!"l'55

(see clause 6);

) cen1pressive strength at 2 days or 3 days as appro.7 GJYS {if requestel):and~? dllYS, and whether dtJ or mortar specimens weretested (seeclause 7); Chlori(!e content (see S 3); :~" \he content of alkali soluble in 'nitric acld determined dunce with 16.2 ',axcept of as 4550 : 2 . 1970, or by an X·ray fluore~cence tecnnique ...ted "gainst the Britl'.h Standard method, expressed as the certified sodium oxide equivalent "'IIl":ltll,d OVCI the manufacturer's latest 25 consecuuve

(d) an indication of the variability of the chloride 'content when its mean level exceeds 0,05 % ~Y mass; (e) ~n indication of the variability of the sodium oxide' equivalent for the manufacturer's latest 25 composite' samples. ..,.

. .

.:- ~'.:"

..~ ...





BS 12 :'.1f)89



. '~,.

Appendix A. Product guidance A.1 Safety warning

A.3 Test temperature

~:+;~. ":
. '.'~." .'..


Dry cement in normal use has no harmful effect on dry skin. When cement is mixed with water. alkali is released. Precautions should therefore be taken to avoid dry cement entering the eyes, mouth and nose and to prevent skin . .... contact with. wet cement. Repeated skin contact with wet cement over a period may A.4 Grouting and rendering cause irritant contact dermatitis. The abrasiveness of the .,~ . -.' ..;;J:\,.,". . " Where cement is to be used in ~routs or renders that are' pertlclcs of cement and aggregate in mortar or concrete pumped through small apertur~;:s'u'ch as spray nozzles;' can contribute to this effect. Continued contact during a ·it is recommended that the cel(,en~orsuspension is passed working day can lead to cement burns with ulceration, · through a screen of suitablemesh:'~pertu[e to retain any' but this is not common. Some people are sensitive to the · occasional coarse particles,.j;_;-'· .' . ':~', small amounts of chromate which may be present In .'.;.:., ceme.Clts and can develop allergic contact dermatitis, _. -:.. ~. :;?but this .i,~tare .. When working i11 places where dry cement becomes A.5 Heat generation -\ airborne, protection for the eyes, mouth and nose should The cement hydration process causes siqnif icant generation be worn. of heat, This may be an advarnsqewhen small concrete .. When work inqwith wet mortar or concrete, suitable sections are being cast or when, cO,ricreting.·is undertaken .. protective clot~ing should be worn such as long sleeved in colder weather. This may be a disadvantage when larger shirts, full length trousers, water proof gl,ovesand wellington concrete sections are cast becausecf the temperature ~ .. boots. Clothing contaminated with wet cement, mortar or gradients which can be set up,"> .,. ...? concrete should be' removed and washed before further use. When higher heat generation is required, rapid- hardening' If cement enters the eye it should irnmedlatelv be washed cements complying with this sr: n~~rdmay be used, -:~t out thoroughly with clean water and medical treatment When lower heat generation is ,'qq\.lired, control leo fin~riess should be sought without delay. Wet mortar or concrete cements complying with this standardrnav be used, and-In on the skin should be washed of.' imrnediatelv, these circumstances .surface areils:lielow ::3"00 m~ Ikg would normally be appropriate·:~>W::'X:{;,' BS 1370 spec'ifies requirements f9Ei.~w heat Portland:' A.2 Storage .. cement and BS 4246: Part 2 sj:e'c1fiesrequirements fo'r; . low heat Portland- blastfur~ace c:eOle·nt. ' To protect cement from premature hydration after delivery, bulk silos should be waterproof and internal Other cements which may be be,)~fi~ial w,hen lower heats condons ationshould be minimized. of hydration are required, are th',)s~~com.plying w;th 8S'146, . BS 4027 BS 6588 and as 66·1'l.:~~(·':· Paper baas should be stored clear of the ground, not more' , . ...... :~: .., . :, than eight bags high and protected by a waterproof ':·,~i"":::··· ':~: .... '. structure. As significan,t strength losses begin after 4 to 6 weeks of storage in bags in normal conditions, and considerA.6 Pigmented cements': ably sooner under adverse weather conditions or high The quantity of pigmented cement used in a COil';' cte or humidity, deliveries should be controlled and used in order mortar mix may need to be grCi.)terthan that of i~'1, of receipt. Manufacturers are able to provide a system of unpigmented cement to take account of the arno.rnt of mark inq a high proportion of the bags in each delivery to inch:at.; when they were [illcd. '. pigment present.
'~. . • ,~\; •. ,' .. ' .'1" ~ •••

BS 4550 requires that-the cohl;xei;ivestr'ength and setti'ng time tests are carriedoutat atemp'~rature of 20 ± lOe. When cement is tested at a difierel1i temperature the results are likely to be affected, A'ppr6priate advice may · be obtained from the manufacturers', ..



BS 12'1989


Thi!1 8rhis!l


1~i.1Vln9 been prepLJied uncJ'(~r the direction A~grcgates nubl,ishcd, orl lnsti tui ion, 1904 and Ouarry Products uncer tbc authority 28 Anr;1 1989 1989'-


: !"" C~I neru, Gypsum. 'Pel icy Cornmittce,cw.,s '~I G'SldllU , Uritish First conics

Standards of the Bour d

E'"quiry Section, BSI, Milton 0908221166, telex 825777,'

Kev nes MK14 ,




Copyright. Users of Brit'ish Standards are reminded th,otcopyrigl]t subsists in all BSI r.ubticarious. No part of this puulicetionrnav rupr oduced in any form without tho prior perrriission .n wriiin.g 8SI, This does not preclude the free usc, in the courssol ;.~:,'

bn ' of



First revision June 1907 Second revision AU9llst 1910 Third revision March 19,15 Fourth revision August 19:10 Fifth revision October 1925 Sixth revision November 1931 Seventh revision July .1940 , Eighth revision November 1947 Ninth revision March 1958 Published in'metriC units as Part July Elcvenih revision as 6S 12 June 1978 T"/~Jfth rl!V~sion April 1\)89

implcmum inU the st andurd, of -necessarv de lairs 'such ... s symbols and size, tvneor urade designations, Enquiries should b,j I.'ddres~ed to the Publications Manager, BSI, Linford Wood,Milton

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.,. ".;.....1

of British Standards, Br itish St andnrds are .(!vi~~d; when necessarv , by the issue either of amendments or of r nvised ediricns. II is Important thatusers o(Uritish Standards shoulc' rscertain that they are in p ossession of tho latust amendmentsor ·eclltions, Revision Automatic updating service. BSI provides an

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~u •• -.----.--.-.----.-.•••••• -_.------------



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this British Standard

County Surveyors' Society Department of the Environment (Building Hesear ch Gstablishment) Department of the Environment (Property Services "ge(lcyl Department of Transport • .'.,:::: Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors Institution of Civil Engineers Institution of Structural Engineers Mortar Producers' Association Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Society of Chemical Industry Water Authorities Association

The pr eparution of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cement, Gypsum, Aggrc9aies and Quarry Products Standards l'olicyCom(n'itlce (CAB/,) to Technical Committee CAB/1, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Associauon of Consul tinq Engineers I:lrick Development Association

, BritishAggregate Construction Materials I3ritish'Cement Association BritiSh Precast Concrete Federation BritiS,h Ready Mixed Concrete Association British Steel Industry " Cemunuucus Slag Makur s ' Association ~rcte soc.ew ' Industries


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