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Chapter 2: The Stages of Development and

Developmental Tasks

Physical Emotional/Social Cognitive

Infancy and toddlerhood: Taking a first step, Smiling for Imitates some sounds, Active Start following simple
Less than 1 yr. old the first time, Rolling, crawling, crying, Active sleep, Drowsy directions such as “blow me a
Finger grasping and picking up waking, Fussing, Quiet alert, kiss” or “sit down”, Point to
things. Quiet sleep. their own head, eyes, ears,
nose, or mouth, Understand
basic commands like stop, Say
no mama and several other
words, Start testing cause and
effect, such as what happens
when they throw a cup on the

Infancy and Toddlerhood: Sit without leaning on Smile and laugh in reaction to Know the use of everyday
At 1 yr. old anything or being held up, somebody else or when objects, such as a spoon, a
Belly crawl, scoot, or creep on playing, Cry when someone toothbrush, or a phone, Start
hands and knees. Pull to nearby is upset, Feel simple pretend play, like
standing and move, holding on comfortable exploring the room feeding a stuffed animal, Show
to furniture, Stand alone and when a caregiver is nearby, a reaction to familiar songs
walk, holding on to your Show affection to familiar and stories.
hands. people, Be nervous around
new people and clingy with
caregivers, Have mild temper
tantrums when frustrated.

Infancy and Toddlerhood: Walk, run, and start learning to Have tantrums when Enjoy more complicated
At 2 yrs. old jump with both feet, Stand on frustrated, Be happy to play pretend play, like pretending
tiptoes and balance on one near, if not with, other kids, that a box is a spaceship or
foot, Pull or carry toys while Mimic what other kids and assigning people characters
walking, Walk upstairs while adults do and say, as well as when playing, Recite favorite
holding the railing; may how they say it. Disobey more books and nursery rhymes
alternate feet, Throw and kick than before, doing things with you, May follow two-step
a ball, try to catch with both they’re told not to do, just to directions, like “take off your
hands. Climb on furniture and test what happens, Start to coat and hang it up”, Do three-
playground equipment. realize they can do things to four-piece puzzles, Group
without your help. toys by type, size, or color.

Infancy and Toddlerhood: Run and walk without tripping Be interested although hesitant Recite numbers to 10 and start
At 3 yrs. old over their own feet, Jump, hop, about going new places and counting groups of things,
and stand on one foot, Climb, trying new things, Start to play Name the eight colors in a
Draw a circle with a crayon, with other kids (as opposed to crayon box (red, yellow, blue,
pencil, or marker, Turn the only playing side-by-side), Play green, orange, purple, brown,
pages of a book one at a time, “real life” with toys like play black), Start understanding
Play with toys that have small kitchens, Show (but maybe not time in terms of morning, night,
moving parts and/or buttons, name) a variety of emotions and days of the week, Follow
Work door handles and open beyond happy, sad, and mad, simple three-step directions
twist-on bottle tops. Start finding simple ways to (“Brush your teeth, wash your
solve arguments and face, and put on your
disagreements, Take turns pajamas.”), Remember and
while playing (even if they retell favorite stories.
don’t like to).
Infancy and Toddlerhood: Jump with two feet, Control big Start to show and express a Start sorting things by
At 4 yrs. old muscle movements more wider range of emotion, Share, attributes like size, shape, and
easily they may be able to cooperate, be helpful, and take color, Compare and contrast
start, stop, turn, and go around turns, Start playing with other by things like height, size, or
obstacles while running, Get kids and separate from parents gender, Begin to understand
dressed with little help and caregivers more easily, the difference between real
(zippers, snaps, and buttons May still have tantrums and make-believe, but may still
may still be a little hard), Put because of changes in routine confuse them, Understand that
together a simple puzzle, Write or not getting what they want, pictures and symbols stand for
some letters or make Have imaginary friends and real things, Count to at least
separated, distinct marks that play the same imaginary 20 and point to and count
look like letters, Draw or copy games over and over. items in a group, Get abstract
basic shapes and crosses. ideas like “bigger,” “less,”
“later,” “ago,” and “soon”, Put
things in order, like from
biggest to smallest, shortest to

Infancy and Toddlerhood: Start to move in more Want to act like their friends Recognize and name colors
At 5 yrs. old coordinated ways, doing things and seek their approval, and basic shapes, Know the
like swimming, dribbling a Become jealous of other letters of the alphabet and
basketball, or dancing, Stand people spending time with letter sounds, Know that
and hop on each foot, Walk on “their” friends, Enjoy showing stories have a beginning,
their tiptoes and heel-to-toe, off; they’ll sing, dance, or be middle and end, Count groups
like on a balance beam, jump silly to get attention, May have of objects up to 10 and recite
rope and pump their legs to tantrums or get angry if they numbers to 20, Make plans
swing alone, Be able to wipe think they’re not being listened about how to play, what to
and wash after using the to, Start to understand why it’s build, or what to draw.
bathroom, Cut out basic helpful to share and get along
shapes with scissors; may be with other kids.
able to cut a straight line.

Middle Childhood to late Run, hop, skip, and jump, Be More independent, but less Start developing the skills to
Childhood able to dance in time with the secure (they may want a lot of reason and think logically, Try
music — and even add some attention and approval from to think about things before
cool moves like spinning in adults), Form and break making decisions, Learn from
place without moving from one friendships easily, and can be what they hear and read not
spot, Have handwriting that’s critical of other kids, Are eager just from what they see and
getting neater and easier to to please and want to “be first” do, Have trouble making
read, Know how to use and win, Get their feelings hurt choices because they want to
utensils the right way (even if more easily and start being do everything at once, Can
they don’t always do it), May very aware of other people’s read several sight words
begin playing a musical feelings, Understand right from (words they see frequently and
instrument, Be capable of wrong, but look for the can read without sounding out)
doing chores like sweeping or loopholes in rules to get what and sound out other words,
making the bed, Tie shoes and they want, Begin to understand Begin to have a better sense
button and zip independently. what it means to feel of time, understanding
embarrassed. increments of time, days,
weeks, months, and seasons,
Write and recognize the
numerals 0 to 100, and the
words for numbers from one to
twenty, Do basic addition and
subtraction up to 20.

Adolescence Start showing signs of puberty, Are insecure or have mood Start predicting the
like hair growth or oily skin, swings and struggle with self- consequences of an action
girls may have weight gain or esteem, Form stronger and and plan accordingly, Can
redistribution and boys’ voices more complex friendships, argue more than just one side
may start to change, Show Have a deeper understanding of an issue, Develop a better
improvement in handwriting of how relationships with sense of responsibility and
and the ability to use tools, others can include more than help out around the house,
Have a bigger appetite and just common interests, Are Start understanding how things
need more sleep, May be kind, silly, and curious, but are connected (For example,
clumsy because of growth also can be self-involved, kids may understand the
spurts, May try to develop moody, and disrespectful, May effects of climate change or
strength and endurance due to test out new attitudes, clothing how the mood of one person
increased muscle mass styles, and mannerisms while can impact others).
especially in boys. figuring out where/how to fit in,
Value friends opinions, share
secrets and inside jokes, Have
a first crush or pretend to have
crushes to fit in with peers.

Early Adulthood Physical development Have the ability to share Usually knows how to profit
complete intimacy, as well as forming from errors, Start to recognize
relationships and finding that there is more to life than
intimate love. Long-term simple good and wrong ideas.
relationships develop, and
marriage and children are
frequently the result, Want

Middle Adulthood Hair begins to begin to thin Brain is calmer, less neurotic, Some cognitive processes
and gray, Hearing and vision better at managing emotions, decrease, like reaction time
decrease, Wrinkles appear, and better at negotiating social and memory.
Muscles lose tone. settings.

Late Adulthood The skin continues to lose May experience feelings of Some memory problems.
suppleness, reaction times guilt, shame, or depression,
reduce even more, muscle may feel useless and helpless.
strength and mobility
deteriorate, hearing and vision
deteriorate, and the immune
system weakens.

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