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 Identification of the specific locations for sampling considering the demand of the borrow
 Collection of the samples from the desired sampling locations.
 Conducting the laboratory experiments required and plot the particle size distribution of
all the samples.
 Preparation of a finalized map including the locations of sampling points.



This section includes the methodology which will be implemented regarding this study. The
objectives of the study comprise of collecting river sand samples from several places of interest
and conducting certain laboratory experiments in order to illustrate particle size distributions.
Ultimately a map containing the sampling locations will be prepared as well. Followings are the
sampling locations from where samples will be taken.

1. Mahaweli Ganga– Mahiyanganaya, Manampitiya, Kanthale

2. Yaan Oya – Horowpathana, Pulmude
3. Kelani Ganga – Ambatale
4. Maa Oya – Alawwa

Samples will not be taken during the Monsoon season. They will be taken in the month of June.

Following three tests can be stated as the laboratory experiments which will be conducted related
to this study.

 Sieve Analysis
 Compressive Strength Test
 Slump Test

Sieve Analysis

This is the mostly focused experiment regarding this study since the particle size distribution of
the samples will be discovered through this experiment. The particle size is what usually
determines the effectiveness of any kind of product while it is applicable in this situation. Many
characteristics of any material such as bulk density, permeability, stability are governed by the
size of the particles it comprises. The sizes of the particles might vary and for that reason, the
particle size distribution needs to be determined. To determine the particle size distribution, the
most effective method which has been discovered is the Sieve Analysis test. In this test, the
particle size distribution is expressed in terms of mass or volume. In case of Sieve Analysis test,
the particles are made to move vertically or horizontally through sieve meshes of different sieve
sizes. Here the sample will be the river sand taken from several sampling locations.

Materials Needed:

 Sample
 Set of Sieves
 Sieve shaker
 Sample splitter
 Brush
 Balance sensitive to 0.1g
 Clock

Figure 1: Stack of sieves


 First the sieves of different sizes of the sieve shaker have to be cleaned with the use of
brush if any of the particles are being struck in the openings.
 Weights of the each and every sieve and weight of the receiving pan has to be recorded.
 If the sample has not dried before, it has to be dried by keeping inside the oven for about
3-4 minutes.
 The sample has to be weighed and weight needs to be recorded.
 The available sieves selected as appropriate should be arranged in such a way, sieves
with smaller openings are at the bottom while sieves with larger openings are held on top.
Sieves can be arranged in the ascending order of the sieve numbers mentioned on each
 Place the weighed sample on the topmost sieve and place other sieves inside the sieve
shaker orderly.
 The lid and the receiving pan should be kept in appropriate places.
 Allow the shaker to shake for 5-10 minutes.
 Have to remove the sieve stack from the shaker and record the weights of each and every
sieve with portions of the sample and the weight of the receiving pan held at the bottom
should also be weighed.

Compressive Strength Test

The compressive strength test of concrete cubes is responsible for giving an idea about the
characteristics of the concrete. By doing this single test, it can be figured out whether the
concreting has been done up to the standards or not. Compressive strength of concrete used for
general construction purposes vary from 15 MPa to 30 MPa while it might be a bit higher in case
of commercial and industrial construction activities, depending on the requirement.

There are many factors which govern the compressive strength of concrete. Followings are some
of them.

 Water-cement ratio
 Cement strength
 Quality of concrete material
 Quality control during production process

This test is usually carried out for cubes or cylinders while in this case, concrete cubes will be


 Compression testing machine

 Adequate number of moulds


First the preparation of Concrete Cubes has to be done. Here 150 mm ×150 mm moulds will be
used. Concrete cubes will be prepared to the grade M30 with mix proportion 1:0.75:1.5 (Cement:
Sand: Coarse aggregate). Here the sand which will be used is the river sand taken from the
several sampling locations mentioned above. It is the variable quantity. The concrete mixing will
be conducted as per the mix proportion using the laboratory batch mixer. Following procedure
will be followed for the sampling of cubes for the test.

 The moulds should be cleaned and oil will be applied.

 The moulds will be filled with concrete in layers of approximate thickness 50 mm.
 Each layer will be compacted with not lower than 35 strokes using a tamping rod.
 After filling the mould completely, top surface will be leveled and smoothened with a
 The moulds will then be stored in moist air for 24 hours and removed from the moulds.
After removal, they will be kept in freshwater for the required number of days.

After adequate curing the concrete cubes will be tested for compressive strength by following the
procedure stated below.

 Concrete cubes are removed from water and excess water will be wiped from the
 The dimensions of the concrete cubes need to be noted.
 The bearing surface of the testing machine should be cleaned.
 The specimen should be placed in the machine so that the load will be applied to the
opposite sides of the cube. It should be placed at the center on the base plate of the
 The movable portion will be rotated gently so that it will touch the top surface of the
 Then the load will be applied gradually and continuously at a rate of 140 kg /cm2 /minute
until the specimen fails.
 The maximum load should be noted and in addition if there are any unusual features in
the kind of failure, it should be noted as well.
 After performing the relevant calculation, compressive strength will be found.

Compressive Strength=
Cross sectional Area

Slump Test

Slump Test can be conducted in the laboratory or even in the site itself for the purpose of
measuring the consistency of concrete. It is an indication of the uniformity of concrete while the
shape of the concrete slump gives an idea about the workability and quality of concrete. Here for
the three grades of concrete prepared using the river sand taken from the sampling locations,
slump test will be conducted to find out the workability with respect to the river sand used.


 Metallic mould of shape of a frustum of a cone with bottom diameter 20 cm , top diameter
10 cm and height 30 cm
 Steel tamping rod


 The internal surface of the mould needs to be cleaned so that it is not wet and do not
contain any impurities.
 Then the mould should be places on a smooth horizontal, rigid and non-absorbent
 The mould will then be filled with freshly prepared concrete in four layers while each
layer needs to be taped 25 times with the tamping rod. The top surface of the mould will
be leveled with a trowel.
 Then after the mould will be slowly pulled out vertically and removed from the concrete.
Cautions have to be taken not to disturb the concrete cone.
 The free concrete will deform due to the influence of gravity.
 The subsidence caused is called the Slump of concrete.
 The height difference between the height of subsidence concrete and height of the
frustum cone in mm is the Slump value of concrete.

Figure 2: Slump Test


2021. Basic Civil Engineering. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 24 May 2021].

The Constructor. 2021. Compressive Strength of Concrete -Cube Test, Procedure, Results.

[online] Available at: <
%20strength%20of%20concrete.> [Accessed 25 May 2021].

Cement Concrete. 2021. Slump Test of Concrete, slump cone for Workability - Procedure,
Apparatus - Cement Concrete. [online] Available at:
%20is%20a%20laboratory,workability%20and%20quality%20of%20concrete.> [Accessed 25
May 2021].

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