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n this glorious, Chess competition, Med-
momentous and ical Camps, Lecture
memorable occa- Series, Jubilee special
sion o f the Silver Jubilee Onam festival and An-
Celebration of Kairali Cul- nual Day Celebrations.
tural Association (KCA), I These are apart from the
am delighted to express annual athletic, sports,
my Heartiest Congrat- relay games, drawing
ulations to all members competition, walkathon,
of KCA, current and past marathon, arts and dra-
Committees and its Pa- ma festivals, series of
tron members who have welfare activities for se-
put in their creativity, nior citizens, essay & el-
time and hard work into ocution contest and de-
making every event of bating competitions as
KCA successful and all parts of Kairali’s flagship
our Well wishers who programs like COSMO
have steadfastly contrib- and Annual day involv-
uted for our activities and ing the entire Brindavan
events year after year. Complex and neighbour-
Looking at a glance, 25 hood societies. As part of
years of exciting and our Social Responsibility
eventful journey is not a Kairali generously, donat-
small activity for a cultur- ed to Latur earthquake
al organisation like KCA, relief funds, extended fi-
which solely depends on nancial aid towards med-
the voluntary donations ical assistance to needy
and contributions from from among its members
its members and well and regularly visit elderly
wishers for its variety of and lonely citizens during
activities. During these
years of steadfast jour-
Dr. K. Suryanarayanan their hardships. Recently
Kairali members went all
Convenor, Silver Jubilee Celebrations
ney we continuously up- the way to Aurangabad
held our unique principle Kairali Cultural Association, Brindavan, Thane region along with water
of free participation to all tanks and food aids to
artists and contestants extend a helping hand to
and generously promot- Association catering to the ever increasing socio,
govt agencies engaged
ed and encouraged them cultural and charitable needs and welfare of Brin-
in Vidarbha drought re-
davanites and surrounding societies of Thane is
with liberal prizes and lief.
successfully completing 25 years of its existence
recognitions, all enabled
in April, 2018. In order to commemorate the occa- Kairali has over these
through sponsorships
sion and to expand and strengthen our activities years instituted over 20
and donations.
KCA had scheduled an elaborate year-long activ- scholarships and mer-
On this joyful moment, ities and events commencing from April 2017 and it awards to promote
Kairali Cultural Associa- lasting in April 2018. The highlights of the series scholastic achievements
tion, Brindavan, purely a of events include a Grand Kerala Cultural Festival of students from school
Cultural depicting various art forms of Kerala, District level level to professional,
other arts form like music and in India. Obviously this growth ings, authors for contributing
even to students who excel in led to non availability of open the articles and the benevolent
Marathi language from Marathi spaces, playgrounds and af- Sponsors for their donations
medium School. fordable community halls for which has made this Souvenir
our programs and events. We possible.
Our journey from its humble
have been able to circumvent
origin in 1993 till now has been Thanking you all once again
these constraints so far by mo-
illustrious and eventful. Its for your continued support and
bilising additional resources
Flagship programs like COS- trust for all these 25 years which
and with better cooperation
MO, Annual Day celebrations,
from members and our well helped KCA to become stron-
ONAM feast and famous Vi-
wishers. ger, more responsive and bet-
shukkani celebrations, and
ter engaged in serving you all
Health camps year after year Today and on this cheerful oc-
and the community at large and
are events looked forward by casion, it is my pleasure to
its members and residents in place on record KCA’s appreci- thank you all for joining us in the
general. During these years, ation and gratitude for the valu- festivities. Hope you will have
Kairali has also witnessed the able services rendered by ev- a fruitful time of engagement,
gigantic growth of Thane from eryone associated with Kairali. entertainment recreation and
tiny hamlets of Majiwade and My sincere thanks to everyone community bonding among es-
hilly villages of Ghodbunder to who helped in making this Sou- teemed members and patrons.
the present Thane City, to be- venir in time. I am also thankful Wishing you all A Happy Vishu
come the fastest growing City to all dignitaries for their bless- & New year
Message from Kerala Chief Minister
Shri. Pinarayi Vijayan

I am happy to note that the Kairali Cultural

Association, Brindavan, Thane, is bringing out
a Souvenir in connection with the Silver Jubilee

I extend my good wishes to the celebrations and

to the souvenir, which is being brought out to mark
this occasion.

Pinarayi Vijayan

I am pleased to know that Kairali Cultural Association, Brindavan, Thane is celebrating its Silver
Jubilee in year 2018. I am also happy to note that Kairali Cultural Association as a unifying body
of Keralite residents of Brindavan and adjoining housing complexes is not only meeting the socio
cultural needs of its members in and around Thane City but also helps in facilitating Kerala culture
and its rich traditions among other residents of the area through its variety of activities and programs.
You are wonderful community living out your passion and helping to create a world in which every
human life is valued and human dignity are shared by all. I am touched by the kind words of the
I wish to congratulate Kairali Cultural Association on the occasion of celebrating its Silver Jubilee
and pleased to convey its members my Best wishes.
Dear Committee Members,
Kairali Cultural Association,
Kairali Cultural Association in celebrating Silver Jubilee year this year. Kairali
Cultural Association (KCA) is known for good positive activities in the whole
area. Every year KCA conducts sports activity, social gatherings, medical
camps, traditional Kerala day and so many events for last 25 years.
As a representative from this area, I really feel proud that we have social
organization like KCA. The Committee members have managed all the ac-
tivities srnoothly, without
any controversy throughout the tenure, vvhich is cornmendable job.
I wish you lot of success in future and wish the KAC celebrates Golden Ju-
bilee also with same enthusiasm and lot of credits.
Wishing you best luck.
Thank you.
P. Prabhakaran Nair

feel privileged to address the illustrious Dances both Classical and Cinematic, Chess
members of Kairali Cultural Association on Classes, Yoga classes and as part of Mala-
the occasion of our Grand Finale in the Silver yalam Mission initiated by Kerala Govern-
Jubilee Year of our vibrant Association which ment, free Malayalam language classes are
was established in 1993. The Association has also regularly conducted in our KCA.
gained its fame through the wholehearted With wholehearted support of our Mem-
support right from the Founder Members and bers we are fortunate to have our own office
subsequent Managing Committee Members premises.
in all our activities. They have displayed their
dedication in every activity viz. COSMO WIN- This is an occasion to celebrate and our As-
TER FAIR, Medical Camps, Trekking and An- sociation is doing it in a grand way. In the
nual Family Get-togethers where members coming years we also hope to see much
are given opportunity to demonstrate their greater engagement of our Association par-
cultural talents. It is noteworthy to mention ticularly towards making our mother planet a
here that Cosmo Winter Fair was free and greener one and other charity activities.
open to all with Prizes and Mementos given May our contributions and friendships to you
away to Winners and participants alike. They and future generations to not only enrich
have not only given leadership of the highest their social activities but the life of millions of
calibre but also set new standards of excel- others through their efforts in nation building
lence in every activities of our Association. and service to humanity.

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About Ourselves
It was on the 5th of May 1993, that the first meeting of the keralites residing in Brindavan complex
took place at flat no.1 of building no: 84 /B . About eleven persons participated in a detailed discus-
sion of whether they should have an association for themselves to promote their cultural activities
full fill their social obligations, encourage education and inculcate scientific approach to problems
etc. The answer was a unanimous “YES “ . Subsequently they convened second meeting on 16th
May. 1993. This was a relatively larger meeting of 39 persons. At the meeting Mr. M.shekhar briefed
those present about the aims and purpose of the meeting. They then named association as ‘KAIRALI
CULTURAL ASSOCIATION “. The objects were very much clear. An organisation to meet social ob-
jectives but strictly on a non- political and secular basis.
They formed an ad-hoc committee of which Shri. P. M Baby was selected as president. They also
elected other member of this committee formed a sub-committee to frame a constitution and to reg-
ister the same. A cultural committee was also formed to develop the cultural talents viz to encourage
music dance etc. And instill and to pass on to our younger generation the kerala cultural and make
them proud of being Malyalee though they are away from Kerala.
A plan to mobilise membership was chalked out and accordingly different teams started functioning.
The result was quite encouraging. Today the membership is approaching 300.
ONAM The most important festival of keralites was decided to be celebrated by the association. Ac-
cordingly a cultural committee under the chairmanship of shri A. Ramamchadran was entrusted with
the task of organising the programmes. Within a span of three months they have come out with a
variety of entertainment programmes for the function dawn entirely from the artists from amongst our
members and their family. To be held on 11th September at holy cross convent high school.
Today kairali is forging ahead in many field to fulfil its objectives on the occasion we are please to
issue a souvenir as a first step in that direction. As you turn the pages you will come to know the
main functionaries of the association and their contributions to the common mite. The response from
members, advertisers and well wishers has been tremendous. They have been very co-operative and
organisation helping the needy and suffering generously motivated by the feeling of sympathy and
Our children who are born and brought up here, live like Malyaleees yet to do not know to read
and write MALAYALAM, We have therefore started Malayalam classes to teach Malayalam to our
members and their children and family free of cost. Shri C.U NINAN CALSSES for conducting these
classes on all Sundays. We are greatly indebted to him. Some of our dedicated members volunteered
to teach Malayalam and they are Shri K. V Ramakrishnan , shri T. V Ramesh, Smt. Jolly Baby , smt,
Hema Manmohan , Smt. Nalini warrier and Smt. Ammukutty Menon. Soon many of our members
and their children will be able to read bus routes easily when they go to kerala. Our women’s wing
will soon be functioning. Even though out ambitions soar high, there are certain constrains, such as
funds. Our members and well wishers have so far been kind enough to help us. We need to grow at a
faster rate and we dream to have a piece our own in order to achieve our objectives to discuss about
our problems and to cherish the good members. I hope we will also to successful in the mission.
We have got many more things in store for you, which i hope will bring forth a brighter and cheerful
K.V. M NAIR (First Secretary, 1993)
Present Managing Committee

P Prabhakaran B Padmanabhan V P R Nair

President Secretary Treasurer

Ramachandran Nambiar K Unnikrishnan Mohan K Menon

Vice President Vice President Vice President

K Balakrishnan E Ramachandran Ajitkumar Vakkat

Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Joint Treasurer
K.N. Kutty R Jayakumar
Member Member

R Ajit Kumar Sajin Nair K M Suresh

Member Member Member
Scanned by CamScanner

B Prasad P K Ramesan Jinachandran

Member Member Member

Shashikumar Menon A P Mohandas Ravikumar

Member Member Member
Kairali Highlights
Kairali Cultural Association (KCA) is the KCA Programs:
oldest and the most popular Cultural
Association in Brindavan, Thane.
Since its inception in 1993 KCA has Flagship Programs:
been upholding and promoting certain • COSMO (An annual 3 day event spread
core values and principles, which over two months)
has made KCA a unique Association • Onam Feast and Cultural events
with maximum acceptance among all Showcase programs:
sections of Brindavan and surrounding
• Annual Day Get together and Cultural
residential complexes including
Shreerang, Anand Park, Rutu Park,
• Health Care and Medical check up camp
Rabodi and Rustomji Complex:
Developmental programs:
These Core values and • Dance Classes, music classes, Chess
Principles include: game coaching Classes, Lecture se-
ries, Summer camp,
• Cosmo outlook and freedom for all
residents for participation in events Membership oriented programs:
• Coverage of its prgamms to all age • Malayalam mission classes,
groups – a tiny tot to most veterans
• Free entry with no fee to all participants Community assistance:
• Generous promotuion of talents through • Drought relief, Diasaster assistanc, Char-
attaractive prizes and recognition ity, Medical aid,
• Orientation towards Community welfare • Financial assistance for sick
Important milestones of the
Glorious 25 years
Oru Thira Nottam
Compiled by

Dr. K. Suryanarayanan,
Convener KCA Silver Jubilee Celebrations
& Former Vice President

KRJ Nair
Former President and Secretary

From a humble beginning in 1993

Sailing through eventful 25 years of
actions and programs and reaching
its first destination of 2018 – Silver
Jubilee Year becoming in the process

The most organized, well respected

and popular
Cultural Organization of Brindavan

Proud of every KCA member and their

family member
Era of Formation: 1993 -1994: Important milestones

1993 First ever meeting at Flat no 1- Building No 84, Brindavan Complex

Meet of 11- Keralites residing at Brindavan Complex

Second meeting attended by 39 persons for setting aims and objectives

16th May Presided by Mr. M Shekhar
Naming of the association as “Kairali Cultural Association” .

Formation of 14 member Ad hoc Committee with Mr P M Baby as President. For-

mation of a four member Constitution Committee under the Chairman ship of Mr C
G G Nair

First ever membership drive – enrolling 300 members

Process setting for:

Formation of 15 Member Managing Committee with Mr P M Baby as President, Mr
K V M Nair as Secretary, Mr K P G Nair as Treasurer. Other Office Bearers: M/s. C P
Menon & C G G Nair as Vice Presidents, A Narayanan & K V Ramakrishnan as Joint
Secretaries, M Shekhar, A S Warrier, V P R Nair, A P Valsan, Shrikantan Nair, T D Nair,
Ramachandran Nambiar and M N Kannanunni as Committee Members.
Formation ofa Seven Member Fund Raising committee with Mr K P R Menon as
Seven Member Cultural Committee with Mr A Ramachandran as Chairman.
Five Member Souvenir Committee with Mr K N Kannanunni as, Chairman)
Mr. Geevarghese M K, (M/s.M K Varghese- C.A), appointed as Auditors.

First ONAM Celebrations of KCA at Holy Cross Convent High School Hall with
11th Sept Kelikottu, Group Dance, Folk Dance, Orchestra, Ballet and Kaikottikali
Every participant encouraged with prizes/gifts.

Free Malayalam Classes on the premises of Ninan Classess- courtesy C U Ninan

Teacher Volunteers: Mr. K V Ramakrishnan, Mr T V Ramesh, Smt. Jolly Jacob, Smt.
Hema Manmohan, Smt. Nalini Warrier, Smt. Ammukutty Menon

Nucleus for formation of KCA Women’s Wing of Kairali

Release of First Souvenir (1993) on Onam Celebration Day

Era of Consolidation 1994 - 1995
Introduction of first ever Kairali COSMO Winter Fair organized by the Youth
Wing with Mr. Kannanunni at the forefront.
Mr. K R J Nair appointed as Internal Auditor
Fund Raising for own Office through Donations, Lucky Draw, Organization of a
Magic show, Souvenir and through Voluntary loans.
Received a Loan (which was later converted into donation) from Thane
Malayalee Samajam
Acquisition of Own Office Building @ B A 101, Shyam Apartments, Brindavan
– A dream come through. Office starts functioning from own Premises.
Association got Registered under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 with
recognition as a Charitable Organization and under Society Registration

Second COSMO Winter Fair: Covering Children, Ladies & Veterans. Participant’s
coverage extended to residents of Shreerang & Anand Park.
Events include: Sports, Fun Games, Drawing, Dance Competition & Walking
Attractive prizes to winners – fully sponsored by well wishers
February Organization of repeat magic show at M H School Compound to raise funds.
Formal Luncheon get together of members & families @ Shreerang School
1995 for self introduction and entertainment.
Second AGM of KCA: Mr P M Baby relinquishes as President.
As Founder President, Mr Baby to be a permanent invitee to the MC.
New 15 member MC with two year term (1995-97) takes over with Mr
27th August K V M Nair as President, Mr C G G Nair as Secretary and Mr Ramachandran
Nambiar as Treasurer with the support of other Committee members.
Formation of Sub Committees on Fund Raising, Fund Management, Cultural,
Sports, Editorial & Souvenir with respective Chairmen
Classes on Music, Dance and Languages commence
17th Sept. ONAM Feast -@ Shreerang School Hall
An Ayurvedic dispensary by Dr Radha Kaladharan - a life member - starts
Second Annual Day Celebrations at M H High School Compound involving 70
artists from among KCA member families present Singing, Group Dance, Folk
Dance, Action Songs, Orchestra, Oppana, Kaikottikali (Choreographed by
Kalamandalam Leela Sudhakaran) and a One Act play, Written and Directed by
Mr V P R Nair.
Era of setting trends: 1996 – Evolving of Grand COSMO
COSMO hither to a “One day event” attracts over thousand participants and
evolves into a “Three day Fair of Brindavan”
Sports day consisted of Athletic events in the morning session covering all age
groups. Sports activities were methodically planned and introduced by Mr T J
Devassy with due support from Mr Prakash Nair.
Novel Group Games, forming the evening session of Sports Day, introduced by
21,26 & 27 Dr K Suryanarayanan, a Corporate Game Planner.
Jan. 3 day KCA’s liberal principle of free entry and promotion of talent through prizes and
COSMO opportunity encouraged participation from all sections of society, making it a
Hit and COSMO Fair become the Festival of Brindabanites to show case their
Walkathons & Marathons for Senior Citizens and Treasure Hunt for the youth
of Brindavan become events of prestige and mass appeal.
Popularity of games like Tug of War leads to introduction of Rolling Trophy.
Drawing Competition conducted on the lawn attracts over 800 participants
June MC decides to transfer proceeds of the Lucky Draw to ‘Medical Aid Fund’.
1996 Dr R Premchandran, Member of KCA, commences Ramakrishna Clinic within
Brindavan premises and extends his services to Kairali members especially for
conducting medical Camps.
Organises a Cardio-Vascular check-up camp with premises support from Dr
Premachandran and medical support from Dr Jeeya G Nair and final check-up
by Dr. Kumble.
15th Sept. Annual Cultural Event held at Holy Cross High School.
As extension of promoting scholastic talents, KCA institutes Academic
Scholarships and merit awards for outstanding performance in Class 10 and 12
among member’s children.
Special awards for professional achievement instituted
Creation of endowment funds by contribution of funds from members.
Membership grows to 322 including, 5 Patron members and 58 Life Members
Classical Music teaching classes by Mrs. Alamelu Ramachandran – member of
KCA – attracts large number of students
Era of Grand Scale Mega COSMOS: 1997-2000
Mr C G G Nair wanted to relieve himself from the responsibilities of Hon.
Secretary owing to health problems.
6th April
MC agrees to relieve him and entrusts Mr KRJ Nair with the Secretary’s
responsibilities effective 20th April.
Family Get together of 400 with Lunch @ Shreerang School Hall.
13th April
Cost borne from Family Welfare Fund of KCA.
On Vishu Day Dr Smitha Jayakumar – Jt Secretary Jayakumar’s wife -starts her
14h April
Homeo Dispensary at KCA office .
Kairali sends greeting to K R Narayanan, on becoming Indian President
Celebrates independence Day by Organizing Free Diabetics check-up camp
15th August
which was attended by 85 residents of Brindavan
21st August KCA receives income tax exemption, 80G, under IT Act
1997 Eminent Yoga guru and KCA member Mr M K Iyer starts Yoga classes at KCA
Mr K V M Nair gets re-elected as President for a second two-year term of 1997-
99 with Mr. K R J Nair as Secretary and Mr P J Thomas as Treasurer.
MC of 15 members constituted -7 new members join in place of the 8 outgoing
Mr T V Raveendran Nambiar appointed as Internal Auditor and
Mr Geevarghese continues as External Auditor.
Onam Feast organized @ Shreerang School Hall
Restarts Ayurvedic Dispensary by Mrs Saila Ramachandran W/o Patron
member, Ramachandran
Organizes Annual cultural program @ Shreerang School Hall.
70 artists from within KCA perform
Increase in number of merit awards given to children of members

Three day COSMO -98 becomes a major attraction and become more popular.
Attracts over 1500 entries under 61 categories with prizes for 287 winners.
26th Jan Clamour for participating in Relay Games and Treasure Hunt organized by Dr K
1st and 7th Suryanarayanan increases and makes Brindavan standstill.
Feb Grand Finale attracts entire Brindavan.
Regular sponsors like Federal Bank Ltd & Pidlite Indsustries Ltd become more
1998 Dr K Suryanarayanan, KCA member & an Industrial Psychologist by profession,
29th March
organizes a Work shop on Stress Management for KCA members and families
1st April Dr Smitha Jayakumar discontinues the Homeo Clinic because of her relocation
Membership increase to 8 patrons, 111 Life Members and 198 Ordinary.
Mrs Mary Ninan given permission to conduct extended Ninan classes at KCA
Premises effective June 1998 on compensation receivable basis.
18th Oct Onam Feast cum get together in Shreerang School Hall.
Annual Cultural Program in Shreerang School Hall
2nd January Mrs Alamelu Ramachandran and Mr B S Pillai felicitated during the Annual Day
in consideration of their outstanding honorary services to KCA.
COSMO 99 held with its usual flair. Big support received from Municipal
Corporator, Mr Milind Patankar, for the successful conduct. Mr T D Nair
arranged Mr Sahadadpuri’s help in getting his shops free of cost for COSMO
sponsorship activities. A record 1600 entries were registered covering all age
groups for COSMO Fair 99 events and 222 prizes distributed .
April Dr Smitha Jayakumar restarted the Homeo Clinic at KCA Premises
I.T Exemption under 80G got renewed up to 31st March 2000.
13thApril Ninan classes discontinued.
1999 Sai Geetha Mohan starts Classical Dance coaching classes, under the banner
of ‘NatyaDeepam’ at KCA office premises.
Since then, every year, a major slot in the Annual Day Program gets covered
with Classical Dance items choreographed by Sai Geeta Mohan.
June Famous Yoga Exponent Mr M K Iyer starts his third batch of YOGA Classes.
Mr K R J Nair elected President on completion of the second term of Mr K V
M Nair who moved out to Mulund. Mr Bharatan Menon becomes Secretary
and Mr T D Nair becomes treasurer. Mr P S Ramachandran becomes Internal
Auditor as Mr Ravi Nambiar wanted to discontinue. Mr M K Geevarghese
continues as Auditor
October Onam feast, Annual Day Celebration

Era of Reinforcing: 2000-2003

Jan-Feb. COSMO Winter Fair conducted with usual flair.
22nd April Free ENT check-up Camp by Dr Uppal and his team of Doctors.
An Osteoporosis cum Blood Sugar free check-up Camp was organized with
15th Au-
GLAXO’s Equipment arranged through the good offices of Dr Suryanarayanan
and Dr Premachandran.
18 Feb. A blood donation camp. 25 persons were selected for donation.
Classes on Yoga, Music, continued
1st Oct. Onam Feast and Annual Day in Shreerang School Hall.
Mr P M Baby institutes an Endowment to cover Merit Awards in the name of
‘Founder President’
21st, 28th
COSMO Winter Fair with an improvement in entries of 1700 and 311 prizes in
of Jan. and
various categories including an improvement in Sponsorship receipts.
3rd Feb.
SUMMER Fitness Camp, conceived and organized by Mr T J Devassy. 87 children
of 8 to 14 years age group participated in the first camp with 6 am to 8 am ,
23 April to
Monday through Saturday, time slot. Physical exercises, games, cricket, yoga
2001 13th May
and mountaineering expedition to Mulund Yogi Hills were specialties of the
New 15 member MC takes over with Mr V P R Nair as President, Mr Prakash
5th August
Nair as Secretary and Mr K Balakrishnan as Treasurer.
Mr S HariSubramanium is appointed Internal Auditor. His services continued
until the Financial year 2015 -16. M/s. M K Varghese continues as Auditors.

20th, 27th
Jan & COSMO Winter Fair with overall entries of 1500 and 305 prizes in various
2nd Feb

2002 May Held a 3-week Summer Fitness Camp.

29th Sept Onam Feast and Family Get-together
Annual Cultural Program in Shreerang School Hall.
30th Nov.
Presented a Malayalam skit, written and directed by Mr Mohandas.
Acquisition & occupation of Current Office premises @ ground floor -
30 B 4. Funds towards new office acquisition met partly with the sale of
15th June BA/ 101, Shyam Apartments and partly from the net accumulations from
sponsorships of COSMO Winter Fairs over the years. Remaining amount was
arranged through loans from Members and well wishers.
Received a loan of Rs 50,000/- from Thane Malayalee Samajam through
2003 the good offices of Mr Gopalan Nair and Mr T D Nair. This loan was later
adjusted as Donation as proposed by the Donors and as accepted by KCA.
A Souvenir was organized as a source of Funds generation towards settling
the outstanding loan amount.
3rd Summer Fitness Camp held from 30th April to 17th May. Additional
April-May feature, apart from regular coaching and Mountaineering, was the Kalva
Swimming Pool experience for participants.
Free Medical Check up Camp for OSTEOPOROSIS DETECTION with the
17th Aug. support of Pharma major Nicholas Piramal Ltd. With the guidance of
Dr Premachandran.
New 15 member MC takes over with Mr Bharathan Menon as President, Mr
28 Sept
Prakash Nair as Secretary and Mr K Blakrishnan as Treasure.
As per the decision of the AGM, KCA got affiliated with membership of The
All Thane Malayalee Association.(ATMA)
12th Oct Onam Feast and Family Get-Together at Shreerang School Hall
Started : blossom Nursery” for kids under Mrs Devi K Unni
23 Nov Lucky Draw towards funds generation
Dec Annual Day was celebrated in Dec.

Decade of Continuity
amidst changes and infra Constraints: 2004-2013
COSMO Fair held as an extended four-day Mega Event on 18th& 21st Jan and
Jan-Feb 1st& 17thFeb.Drawing Competitions were sponsored by M/s. Pidilite Industries
arranged through the good offices of Mr Suresh Kumar, KCA Life Member.
Mr K Balakrishnan resigned as Treasurer upon his transfer with Promotion to
31st Jan.
Kerala. Mr T D Nair, on request from MC, takes over the responsibilities.
Souvenir 2003-04 released
On popular deman A repeat OSTEOPOROSIS DETECTION Camp was conducted
23rd May
with the support of Dr Premachadran,
Yoga Classes, Dance Classes and Malayalam Classes continued.
Weekly Malayalam classes by Mrs Devi Unni
Summer Camp discontinued.
COSMO Winter Fair held with usual flair
Modern Dance Classes by Creative Dance Academy started in KCA office premises by
Mrs Megha Sampath & Mr Sampath.
Yoga classes by Yoga Exponent Mr Iyer & Mrs Saroja Iyer continued.
Malayalam classes discontinued.
Mr Bharatan Menon re-elected President, Mr Prakash Nair continued as Secretary.
Vishu with Vishukani was celebrated.
Mr T D Nair resigned as Treasurer owing to ill health. Mr V P R Nair takes over..
3 Medical Camps to cover check-up of Bone Densitometry and Nerve Sensitometry
and counseling thereof. 185 persons attended.
Ayurveda Dispensary Services being continued at KCA Premises under Aayurjani
Healthcare & Services Pvt. Ltd.
Christmas was celebrated with cake cutting in the presence of Santa Clause
Onam Get-together cum feat was celebrated with laying of POOKKALAM.

12th,19th 25th COSMO Winter Fair continues. T Shirts sponsored by Federal Banks continues to
Feb-06;28th be an attraction over the years. Sponsorship of COSMO Fair and Kairali Events
Jan,4th&17th by Mr George Joseph and his Rank Shipping Agency Pvt.Ltd., started from 1994,
Feb-07 continues.
Vishu celebrated with Mr K M Suresh & Team preparing the Vishukani.
15th April-07 Attendees received Kaineettam, as usual, from Mr V P R Nair along with a
traditional ‘payasam’ treat for all.
Medical Camp on Osteoporosis and Glaucoma under the supervision of Dr
7th May
Kaveri Viswanathan and Dr Mrudula Bhave.
2007 Annual Day Celebrations held at Brindavan Gardens with traditional items,
6th Jan.2007
Merit awards, President’s address etc.
7th Oct. Onam Feast cum Get-together.
Classes for classical dances, Modern Dance and Yoga continue.
Effective 2007-08 academic year, KCA Instituted a Merit Award for The Most
Outstanding Marathi Medium Student of Class 10 to be selected every year by
the Shreerang School.
AGM elected Mr Prakash Nair as President and Mr Prabhakaran Nair as
28th Dec.07
Secretary for the 2 year term. Mr V P R Nair continues as Treasurer.
Annual Day celebrated at Brindavan Grounds in front of Bldg no.93.
24th Feb.08
Presented Raagalaya’s Orchestra including Ventriloquism & Plate Dance.
3rd, 17th,
While COSMO 2008 was held as a three day Fair as usual, COSMO-2009 was re-
23rd Feb-08;
stricted to a two day Fair, owing to various aspects such as shifting of location
to garden in front of bldg. no.93, optimizing available manpower resources etc.
2009 Annual Day celebrated at Brindavan Grounds in front of Bldg no.93 with regu-
15th Feb.09
lar events.
Onam feast cum get-together couldn’t be held for want of venue.
Mr Abhijit Joshi’s Chess Academy started coaching classes in KCA office premis-
May 2009
es for children above 5 years of age
Mr Prakash Nair re-elected President with Mr K Balakrishnan as Secretary and
13th Dec-09
Mr V P R Nair continuing as Treasurer.

Annual Day celebrated at Shreerang School Hall. Apart from the regular items,
a Skit presented by Mr K M Suresh, Mr B Prasad, Mr B Padmanabhan & Mr. P
Prabhakaran was appreciated by one and all.
30th Jan &
COSMO Winter Fair
5th Feb-11
18th Sept-
Onam feast and family get-together held.
15th April
2011 VISHU celebrated with Vishukkani, Vishukaineettam & Payasam
KCA started Malayalam Classes as part of the ‘Malayalam Mission’ initiative by
the Govt. of Kerala
KCA, on the initiative of Mr Rajan V Nair, helped, through documentation and
June 2011 fund raising support, a 7 year old daughter, of a Brindavan residing Carpenter,
through her cardiac surgery and recovery process.
Major repair work of KCA Office completed.

8th Jan- Mr P K Gopinathan elected President for the 2 year term with Mr K Balakrish-
2012 nan as Secretary and Mr V P R Nair continuing as Treasurer.
2013 Annual Day in Shreerang School Hall.
5th Feb-12 COSMO events held accommodating all events within the day.
VISHU celebrated with Vishukkani, Vishukaineettam & Payasam
14th Oct.12 Onam Feast and Family Get-together held at Shreerang School Hall.
Regular activities such as Malayalam classes, Dance classes and Chess classes
Mr Milind Patenkar , Corporator representing Brindavan area and being a reg-
ular Sponsor and Well Wisher of KCA events, elected Dy. Mayor of Thane. KCA
felicitated him on his elevation at a function organized in his honour.
Annual Day in Shreerang School Hall. A Malayalam skit, ‘Nadu -Nammude
Nadu’, conceived and directed by Mr P K Gopinathan, Mrs Prabha Pradeep &
13th Jan- Mrs Jayalakshmi Vijayakumar and presented by Malayalam Mission students
2013 was the highlight of the evening. A short Drama in Malayalam, ‘Daaham’,
directed by Mr Mohandas, was well appreciated. Mr.K M Suresh and team
presented another hilarious comedy skit.
17th Feb-
COSMO Winter Fair held as a one-day event.
AGM elected Mr Bharatan Menon as President and Mr B Padmanabhan as
27th Secretary with Mr V P R Nair continuing as Treasurer for the two-year term. Mr
Oct.2013 S Hari Subramanium continues as Internal Auditor. M/s. M K Varghese contin-
ues as Auditors.

Era of Rediscovery and Re-engineering:2014-2018

2014- Emergence of Next Gen members and their involvement
2016 Re-emergence of a an enthusiastic Ladies Wing
9th Feb.
COSMO Winter Fair held as a one-day event.
9th March Free Eye check-up camp held with the support of Vasan Eye Care.
2014 2014 165 persons availed the facility.
Onam Feast cum Get-together held in Nakshatra Hall with Pookkalam, fol-
lowed by entertainment items including Kaikottikali and ‘NadanPattu’ by Mr
K M Suresh.
COSMO winter Fair not held for various reasons.
25th Free Medical Check-up Camp in association with Healthspring, arranged by
Oct.2015 Mr. Jayakumar
21.Feb- Mr P Prabhakaran elected President and Mr B Padmanabhan as Secretary
2016 with Mr V P R Nair continuing as Treasurer for the two-year term.
Mr Atul A Raut is appointed as Statutory Auditor for the year 2015-16.
13th Sept- Onam Feast cum Get-together held in Nakshatra Hall with Pookkalam, fol-
16 lowed by entertainment items including Kaikottikali.
Year-long Silver Jubilee celebrations started.
Silver Jubilee Committee formed with Dr K Suryanarayanan as Convener and
M/s. Bharatan Menon & Rajan V Nair as Joint Conveners.
Kairali hosted a major District level chess championship at Shreerang School
First ever Kairali Procession held through Brindavan with traditional cos-
tumes, Kaikottikali, Opana and ‘ChendaMelam/Vadyam’ in November, con-
necting the ‘Kerala Piravi’, as part of Silver Jubilee Celebration.
10th Jan 16 Annual Day held in Shreerang School Hall
Encouraging involvement of members from Ladies Wing
A souvenir initiated towards Fund Raising connecting the Jubilee year.
Various events such as Chess Competition, Law related Awareness program/
presentation on Family matters, Labour Unions & Lease Agreements and
Free Dental Check-up Camp with Dr Raj Krishnan’s support, held as part of
Jubilee celebrations.
President Mr Prabhakaran and the Office Bearers were re-elected for anoth-
er 2 year term.
Silver jubilee Committee under the guidance of Dr K Suryanarayanan chalked
out a detailed program to make the event a grand Finale and to conduct the
2017- Feb
event at Kashinath Ghanekar Auditorium with entertainment program by
2018 RAGALAYA and to ensure maximum participation
Grand Scale preparations were and arrangements were done to facilitate all
22nd April those who were instrumental for the growth of Kairali, Invite Local leaders as
2018 guests , arrange for Blessing from Dignitaries as well Gen next members of
Kairali members and for a musical treat and lunch for all invitees.
Extended invitation through over 1500 free entry passes for Kairali members,
their extended families and all associates of Kairali
Ensured Participation of Mrs Srividay Jayakumar as Chief Guest, Rajan Vich-
are M P, Sanjay Kelkar M L A, Milind Patankar-Corporator and National level
football player Mrs Bindu Prasad Unnithan as Guest of honour and felicitat-
ed them.
Felicitations arranged for 79 awardees and dignitaries as under:
First MC(13) Former Presidents (5)Veteran - Senior Citizens (15)Exemplary
Contributors (16) Major Associates & Partners(17) and Major Sponsors(13)
Video Connect with 6 GenNext members arranged
“Kairali Sri”-first ever instituted title and a Citation was awarded to Mr.K R J
Nair for his distinguished services to Kairali.
Silver Jubilee Souvenir -2018 released.
Most office bearers and members generously contributed to Kairali funds
Successful conduct of Silver Jubilee made the program a Grand Hit
ी क ा. . .
फर . . . जिंदग

सफर ना जाने हमें
कितनी मुश्किलो ं से ले जाता हैं..
शायद कही ं बिछड़े हुए हमसे
वो हेम मिलाता हैं..

इस अनुभव को तुम
कोई किताब में नही ं ढू ंढ पाओगे..
Shreya Ajithkumar पर उसका क्या फायदा होगा अगर
मं जिल को पाके तुम इस अनुभव को भूल जाओगे..

तो मं जिल को पाने की लगन में

तुम सफर को महसूस करना ना भूल जाना..
और हाँ.. मं जिल को पाकर तुम
बस वही ं ना रुक जाना..
“सफर”.. इस तीन लब्ज़ के शब्द में आशा हैं तुम इन बातो ं को समझ पाओगे
ना जाने कितनी बातें छु पी हैं.. और मं जिलो ं को पाने की फिक्र से ज़्यादा..
इसे पूरा कर उस मं जिल को पाने पर इस सफर का जश्न मनाओगे
तेरी ये निगाहे रुकी है..
अगर पहुँच गए तुम अपनी मं जिलो ं के पास
क्योंकि मं जिल को पाकर फिर एक पल ठहरना सही हैं..
कु छ लोग खुद को सं भाल नही ं पाते.. पर इतना याद रखना की
जैसे उन ऊँ चे पहाड़ को चढ़कर उसे पाके तुमहें रुकना नही ं हैं..
वो वही ं बैठ जाते हैं..
बस चलना हैं.. और चलते रहना हैं..|
Divya “H er ”
A woman is always labeled these days, by her attire,
the way she walks and there is an endless list that follows….
But her parts were not made for you to try on clothes; she was not a doll
to play dress up with her.
She was not a living chalk outline to shape her the way you desire.
Nobody ever saw the passion in her heart, the energy in her veins, and the
love in her eyes.
This is her.
These are her choices.
This is the wild that she fits into.
Only because you cannot see her beyond your eyes, not understand and
sympathize with her, you can never define or explain her.
She is the magic with a stubborn spirit for which the universe falls.
She is a woman.
Rest is for to decide.
Hom e LifeMaster Hrishikesh Prasad

Ahead the sea in deep blue hue, Life is a strange road

Jyoti Menon (Late)

As the ship sails, my home adieu, Which spirals off in different directions;
And here in this grave freedom rests, And ends in the same pit of death.
And i bear the chains and a slave’s crown But life still blooms·
In the form of a bud Into a flower.
A new born baby, into a person
Lost are the grasslands deep in time,
A tender plant, into a strong tree.
So is my soul, my mother, my home,
Lost am i in this rain of tears,
In this blooming life,
And darkness hugs the life’s lights. There is always a hidden hope.
In the burst of nature,
The world, once the lost Eden, Development of mind, body & soul
Now nothing but different shades,
White, the empire of the Eternal Sun, And hope remains ...
And darkest nights painted in blacks. As we take the road of life,
Before it enters the pit of death,
The dawn of the dreams far away, As earth envelopes all blooming life,
When sea hugs the shores of grey,
As the ship sails in this deep blue hue, In its loving bosom
And nurtures the life within.
My dearest home, i bid adieu.
tIc-fw a-\p-jy-sâ
\m-SmIWw sI. cmP³

H-cp an-¯v- P-\n-¡p¶p: Po-hn-X-¯n\v, hn-I-k-\-¯n-\v aq¶-Sn cm-b bp-h-X-eap-d _m-dp-Ifpw t]m-¨
a-®p-tX-Sp A-h³ Im-Sp-IÄ Ip-Sn-tbdn. hn-ev-]-\ tI-{µ-§fpw tX-Sn-bn-d§n.
hÀ-jw 1989 ap-{Z ]-c-ky-¡-¼- a-e-IÄ C-Sn-¨p \n-c¯n. \-Zo X-S-§-fn B-scm-¡tbm A-²zm-\-¯n-sâ a-lXzw
\n-bn-se hmÄ-«À sa³-Un-kv tIc-fm \n¶pw a-®p-hm-cn hnäp. \m-ev-]-¯n-\m-ep Ahsc HmÀ-an-¸n¨p. ]-g-s©mÃp- tIÄ-
Sq-dn-kw sU-h-e-]v-saâv tImÀ-]-tdj-\p \-Zn-Ifpw ]n-s¶ ]p-g-Ifpw tXm-Sp-Ifpw ¸n¨p: Xm³ ]mXn, ssZ-hw ]mXn, tImÀ-
th-ïn H-cp ]-c-ky-hmN-Iw I-S-sa-Sp-¯p hen-b Im-b-ep-I-fp-saÃmw N-h-äp-Ip-gn- ¸-td-äp X-{´-ap-]-tbm-Kn-¨v A-hÀ Xm³
\ÂIn: I-fm¡n (FÃm am-en-\y-§-fpw sh-Å- ]m-Xn ]p-dw tPm-en-h-ev-¡-cn¨p. A-\y
""ssZ-h-¯n-sâ kz-´w \mSv.'' ¯n X-Åp¶-Xv H-cp C-´y³ ]m-c-¼-cy- kwØm-\ sXm-gn-em-fn-IÄ tI-c-f-¯n-
s]m-§-¨-¡mcm-b a-e-bm-fn-IÄ A-Xv am-W-tÃm!). C-¶p ]p-g-I-fn-en-d-§n-bm te-s¡m-gpIn. tIc-fw ssZ-h-¯n-sâ kz-
A¸-Sn hn-gp§n. ap-¼v A-bÀ-eïv, kv- sNm-dn-bpw: \m-ä-an-sÃ-¦n `m-Kyw. `qKÀ- ´w \mSv, A-hcpw Dd-s¡ hn-fn¨p.
` P-ew hän. im-kv-Xmw-tIm« t]m-ep-Å
tIm-«v-eïv, sh-bnÂkv, \yq-kn-eïv,
hen-b ip²-P-e X-Sm-I§Ä-t]mepw
tIc-fw tI-gp¶p:
B-kv-t{S-en-b, Im-en-t^mÀWn-b(A-ta-
cn-¡) F-¶o {]-tZ-i-§fpw cm-Py-§fpw h-cïp. Ip-Sn-sh-Åw ap«n. hn-I-k-\-¯n- A-Sn-b-´n-c-am-bn tI-cf-s¯
D-]-tbm-Kn-¨v Xnf-¡w a-§n-b H-cp ]-c- sâ \-h-am-]n-\n-I-fn-sem¶m-b P-¸m³ hoïpw a-\p-jy-sâ \m-Sm-¡n am-tä-ïn-
ky hm-Iy-am-Wv C-sX-¶p a-\-Ên-em- b P-e-\n-[n Ip-Sn-sh-Å-¡p-g-ep-I-fn-eq- bn-cn-¡p¶p. a-\p-jyXzw \-S-am-Sp-¶ \
¡m-sX \Ã Ip-sd ]-c-ky-§-fnÂ-s¸-«v sS ]-e-bn-S¯pw Im-äp hoin. am-en-\y mSv. Po-h³ A-aq-ey-am-sW¶ t_m[-
{`-an-¨ hn-t\m-Z k-©m-cn-IÄ Io-i Ip- kw-kv¡-c-W ]-²-Xn-I-fnÃm-sX Xo-{h ap-Å \mSv. {]Xy-b im-kv-{X-§-sfÃmw
ep-¡n Im-ip-am-bn h-¶p ssZ-h-¯n-sâ \-K-c-h-ev-I-c-W-¯n-teÀ-s¸«p. ]-f]-fm a-\p-jy-\·-sb e-£y-am-¡n-bp-Å-Xm-Wv
\m-Sp-Im-Wm³ (ssZ-h-¯n-sâ a-säm-cp an-\p-§p-¶ ]m-¡-äp-I-fn-em-¡n N-¸p-Nh- F-¶v Xn-cn-¨-dn-hp-Å \mSv. Ir-jnbpw
\m-Sm-bn-cp-¶ Im-iv-aoÀ A-t¸m-tg¡pw dp Iq-¼m-c-§Ä A-\y-sâ ]-d¼ntem ]-¨-¸p-ap-Å \mSv. A-²zm-\-¯n-sâ hn-
sN-Ip-¯m-sâ Xm-gv-h-c-bm-bn am-dn-¡- \-S-¸m-X-bv-¡-cpIntem XÅn. I-¡q-kp bÀ-¸n-sâ am-lmßy-tam-Xp-¶ \m-Sv.
gn-ªn-cp-¶p-h-tÃm!) tI-c-f-¯n-sâ am-en-\y-§Ä A-\y-sâ \n-e¯ntem \o-Xnbpw \ym-bhpw ]p-e-cp-¶ \mSv.
b-YmÀ-° kmw-kv-¡mcn-I Zq-X-·mcm-b P-em-i-b-§fntem cm-{Xn-Im-e-§-fn {]-Ir-Xn-bp-sS h-c-Zm-\-§Ä Im-¯p kq-
a-dp-\m-S³ a-e-bm-fn-Ifpw G-Xm\pw X-Åp¶-Xv H-cp hen-b hym-]m-c-am-bn £n-¡p-¶ \mSv. k-µÀ-i-I ku-lr-Z-\
C-©v s]m-§n \S-¶v hen-b hm-bn amdn. A-Sn-ªp-Iq-Sp-¶ am-en-\y-§-fm mSv. ZoÀ-L ho-£-W-t¯msS, `-c-Wm-
B ]c-ky hmIyw sNmÃn \-S¶p: ssZ- k-ap{Zw hn-j-en-]v-X-ambn. A-Xn-_-Ô- [n-Im-cn-IÄ P-\-\-·-bv-¡p-th-ïn `-cn-
h-¯n-sâ kz-´w \mSv! \-¯m a-Õy k¼-¯v £-bn¨p. a-e- ¡p-¶ \mSv. Np-cp-¡-¯nÂ, a-\p-jy-\n-
bm-fn-bp-sS C-ã-a-Õy-§fm-b a-¯nbpw te¡pw {]-Ir-Xn-bn-te¡pw Xn-cn¨p-t]
BtLm-jwþtIc-fm A-b-ebpw tIc-fm Xo-c-t¯-¡p h-cm- m-Ip-¶ H-cp tI-cfw.
Xmbn. hn-jm-Wp-¡-fp-tSbpw kmw-{IanI
kv-ssäÂ: tcm-K-§-fp-tSbpw tI-fo-cw-K-am-bn tI- IcWo-b am-XrI:
a-e-bm-fn-¡ k-l-Pam-b Nn-e cfw. a-\w s\m-´v I-hn ]mSn: C-\n h-cp- B-[n-Ifpw hym-[n-I-fp-
Kp-W-hn-ti-j-§-fp-ï-tÃm. A-Xn-sem¶v, s¶m-cp X-e-ap-d-bv-¡v C-hn-sS hm-kw anÃm-¯, am-\p-jy-scÃm-cp-sam¶p-t]
A-Sn-Øm-\-]-c-am-bn A-h³ \n-tj-[n- km²y-tam...? a-e-bm-fn-bÃm-¯ ta-[ ] m-se B-tam-Z-t¯m-sS h-kn-¡p-¶
bm-bn-cn¡pw F-¶-XmWv. \Ã-sXÃmw ] m-Sv-IÀ A-Xv D-¨-¯n G-äp-]mSn. H-cp Bkp-c k-¦-ev-]-ap-ïv \-ap-¡v
m-Xm-f-¯n N-hn-«n-¯m-gv-¯m³ Iq-«p-\ ]cn-W-X kq-NnI: A-XmI-s« \-½p-sS hnI-k-\ k-¦-ev-]-
nÂ-¡pw. ]n-¶o-Sv I-Y-IÄ sa-\ªv, sF- §-fp-sS h-gn-hn-f¡v!
Xn-ly-§Ä N-a-¨v B-tLm-j-am-¡pw. G-Xm-ïv aq-¶n-sem-¶p tIc-
fw kw-Øm-\-¯n-\p ]p-d-¯mWv. a-lm-cm-{ã-bn-se {Km-ao-W-sc-t¸m-se
C-hn-sSbpw A-XpX-s¶ kw-`-hn¨p.
a-dp-\m-S³ a-e-bm-fn-I-fn \n-¶p-Å \-ap¡pw B-iw-kn-¨p Xp-S-§mw:
tI-cf-s¯ sN-Ip-¯m-sâ \m-Sm-¡m³
A-h³ I-¨-sI-«n-bn-d§n. hm-kv-X-h-¯n- ]-W-sam-gp-¡v [-\-a-{´n-bp-sS B-`y-´-c Cu-Um ]o-Um S-fp tZ!
se ssZ-h-¯n-sâ kz-s´ \m-Sm-sW- h-cp-am-\-t¯-¡mÄ I-hn-bm³ Xp-S§n _-eo-tN cm-¨p tb-hptZ!
¦n ssZ-hw X-s¶ Im-¯p-sIm-Åp-a- (]-ecpw B-Sp-Po-hn-Xw \-bn-¡p-¶p-sh- (B-[nbpw hym-Zn-bp aI-¶p t]m-Is«!
tÃm! ¦n-epw.) A-e-k-cm-b, kp-J-tem-ep-] _-en-bp-sS cmPyw h-¶p tN-c-s«!!)
An Unassuming Social Worker

he time to be happy is KPAC Theatre from Kerala were
NOW, the place to be staged in Thane on three con-
happy is HERE, and the secutive days. It was a huge
way to be happy is to make oth- success. [Later we could jointly
ers happy and you will have a K. Rajan undertake many such projects.
little heaven down here”. This Gradually we could form a coor-
nursery rhyme has been an eter- dination committee of all Mala-
nal motivational song for all so- yali samajams in Thane]. One
cial workers. And a second-gen- person who took a very active
eration Malayali in Mumbai has role in coordinating the theatre
had truly imbibed the spirit of it cultural activities transcending festival which entailed meticu-
and been working towards this party politics, I had mooted the lous planning, a lot of legwork,
goal, and it is none other than idea of working together in the public relations, marketing
Bharathan Menon, the devoted areas of culture and social work. and sale skills, was a dynamic
social worker in Thane. Late Rajan Kurup, a leading so- young man from Thane Malayali
Considering my long associ- cial activist of Thane and who Samajam: Bharathan Menon.
ation with Bharathan Menon I was an office-bearer of Thane Like they say `love at first sight’,
was asked to contribute a piece Malayali Samajam, was of im- I was impressed by this person
about him in the souvenir being mense help. He had the support in the very first meeting. He
brought out on the occasion of and blessings of Shri Gopalan had winning smile, a lot of ideas
the Silver Jubilee of Kairali Cul- Nair, its President (presently and enthusiasm to translate
tural Association, Brindavan. the President Keraleeya Kend- them to action. My impression
Yes, my happy association with ra Sanghatana, the apex body grew as I realized that he was
him goes back to early 1980’s of Malayali organizations in the a second-generation Malayali
when I was General Secretary Mumbai region), and involve- in Mumbai, talking his mother
of Keraleeya Samithi Thane, and ment of members like late T tongue quite fluently and also
Convener of the Coordination D Nair, Shri George et al. We well versed in all the local lan-
Committee of Thane Samajams. could work together and break guages. His father, late K. Ra-
Malayalis being highly politically the ice between many such makrishnan Menon was a well
conscious were divided on party `inimical’ families and make known leader and social worker
lines then, often inimically, which them work together for com- in Thane, and his mother late
adversely impacted the social mon causes. The first project Rajeshwari Amma too played an
bonhomie. With a view to ush- that we undertook together was active supporting role.
ering in harmonious and conge- staging a Drama Festival in 1980 As time passed by, Thane town
nial social relations and united when three plays of the famous started growing into the subur-
ban gram panchayats. the inborn urge for help-
Malayalis had settled ing others. He is knowl-
in this old City of Lakes edgeable, resourceful
from the early stages of and yet essentially a
migration. Art and cul- team man. His mot-
ture flow in the veins of to could be, as a young
Malayalis and the needs poet wrote:
of a migrant communi- Helping those who are bro-
ty enlisted the social work ken
element in it. The early set-
tlers of Thane formed their sa- Helping those who are mis-
majams in the town area and in guided
the nearby Panchayat areas too. Lending a hand to someone
Thane Malayali Samajam of who needs it
Thane town, Progressive Mala- Bharathan Menon
Sharing love and light to those
yali Samajam of Majiwada Pan- who seek it
chayat and Wagle Estate Ma-
layali Samajam in the industrial The lines of another poet also
estate were the forerunners, and and his friends lost no time in reverberate in my mind as I write
in due course many such sam- forming the Kairali Cultural As- about him: .
ajams sprang up far and wide sociation, which is now cele- I believe in the power of hope
and now there are more than brating its Silver Jubilee. As
I mentioned earlier, Bharathan As hope is what drives us, hope
16 in Thane alone. The primary is comfort, hope is strength
need was to read the Malayalam Menon is a second-generation
newspapers and books; those Malayali and with his upbring- I believe in the power of change
days were different – people ing in the city he and his friends As change is what keeps us
craved for reading a Malayalam could give a new dimension to moving forward
newspaper which arrived on the the scope of activities of the
I believe in the power to do good
third or fourth day. The erstwhile Samajam. Apart from the con-
in the world, to fight for justice,
Thane district itself (which had a ventional activities of traditional
samajams, they broke the shell and for human rights
peculiar and unique combina- I have no hesitation to say,
tion of modern city on one side and emerged into cosmopoli-
tan activities involving the en- Bharathan Menon is a role mod-
and totally undeveloped adivasi
tire citizenry. Kairali’s annual el for social workers, especially
areas on the other) was bifurcat-
ed into Palghar and Thane. New sports and cultural activities are the new generation in the me-
municipal corporations were looked forward to by the entire tropolis. Now that he is retired
formed. From a municipality new generation of the area and from service I am sure he
Thane grew into a corporation in they get good patronage from all would be devoting more time for
1982 with a population of about around. This speaks well of the social work. I wish him and his
7.9 lakh. It is growing by leaps foresight of the management, family good health and long life!
and bounds; the 2011 census and Bharathan Menon’s role in On the occasion of the Silver
showed a figure of 18.5 lakh and the path-breaking approach is Jubilee, my greetings and good
in 2018 it is estimated to cross noteworthy. They have practi- wishes to Kairali Cultural Asso-
30 lakh. Many Mumbaikars cally drawn a new template for ciation for greater service to the
sold their flats in Mumbai and other organizations. Besides, society.
settled in Thane and became the benefits of his experience
and expertise are extended to Let me end with two relevant
Thanekars, in local parlance. quotes:
The Brindavan complex came other organizations too through
up adjacent to Srirang Society, ATMA, the umbrella body of “Only a life lived for others is a
with a sizable Malayali popula- Thane Malayali Samajams. life worthwhile” (Unknown)
tion. Many a new housing proj- One notable trait of Bharathan “Alone we can do so little; to-
ect sprang up in the neighbour- Menon’s personality is his sim- gether we can do so much”
ing areas. Bharathan Menon plicity, unassuming nature and (Helen Keller)
• Licensed Custom
House Agent
• International Freight
• Clearing & Forwarding
• Consolidation Services

102, Abhay Steel House,

59-E, Baroda Street,
Mumbai - 400 009.
E-mail :
Tel.: 2348 2007/08/09
Fax: 2348 2011

C.H.A No. 11/1082

900/751, Opp. Tharanchlik Gramin Bank, 22, Lalpura Colony, lndraprasth Complex, B-16,
PalRoad, Jodhpur-342008 Near Hotel Purohit, Adani Port Road, Shakti Nager,
Tel.: 0291-2745 765, 2787 622 Vanasthali Marg, Jaipur - 302 001. Mundra - 370421
Fax: 0291 -2785 861 Tel. : 0141 -2364 221, Tai. : 02838 - 222 160
E Mall : Telefax: 0141-2364 165 Fax: 02838 - 222 662
E Mail : E Mail :
Present Managing Committee
Name Position Mobile Name Position Mobile
P Prabhakaran President 9819851818 R Jayakumar Member 9869997349
Ramachandran Nambiar Vice President 9820093185 R Ajit Kumar Member 9820380289
K Unnikrishnan Vice President 9867523320 Sajin Nair Member 9892490171
Mohan K Menon Vice President 9869577344 K M Suresh Member 9769610720
B Padmanabhan Secretary 9821827494 B Prasad Member 9223368243
K Balakrishnan Joint Secretary 9619540784 P K Ramesan Member 9819546150
E Ramachandran Joint Secretary 9819002955 Jinachandran Member 9967923224
V P R Nair Treasurer 9820803277 Shashikumar Menon Member 9821207376
Ajitkumar Vakkat Joint Treasurer 9867640005 A P Mohandas Member 9167346142
K.N. Kutty Member 9757192731 Ravikumar Member 9819045020

Ayurvedic Medical Camp in association with Ayushakti

Permanent Invitees Special Invitees

P M Baby Ex President 25855995 Dr. K. Suryanarayanan 9820163412
K V M Nair Ex President 9930812982 Rajan V Nair 9004972655
K R J Nair Ex President 8086479340 N.K. Nambiar 9821622462
P K Gopinathan Ex President 9900486865
Bharatan Menon Ex President 9322285113
Prakash Nair Ex President 9967635865


Fsâ Nn-´-IÄ-¡v
A-Xo-X\m-b A-h³
A-S-¨n-« ap-dn-bn Rm-s\m-äm-¡m-bn-cp¶p. ]pd-¯v Zn-¡-
dn-bm-sX Ae-ªp \-S-¡p-¶ X-Wp-¯ Im-än Kpemw A-en-bp-sS
K-k-en-sâ t\À-¯ i-Ðw hm-Xn-en-\-Sn-bn-eq-sS IS-¶p h-¶n-cp¶p.
Rm-\-t¸mÄ t\À-¯ a-b-¡-¯n-te-Iq-fp-I-bm-bn-cp¶p.
hm-XnÂ-¡Ä km-h-[m-\w Btcm ap-«p-¶Xp-t]m-se tXm-
¶n a-b-¡w XqIn-b I¬-t]m-f-IÄ {]-bm-k-s¸-«v Xp-d¶p. C-t¸mÄ
B-cm-Wv F-s¶ Im-Wm³ ?
AXpw Cu A-k-ab-¯v B-tem-Nn-¨p In-S-¡-th hoïpw i-Ðw.
F-gp-t¶äm-tem......? th-ï Cu A-k-ab-¯v C-t¸mÄ C-\n Bcpw
h-cm-\n-e-tÃm. ]ns¶ Cu ap-«v ? B Nn-e-t¸mÄ Im-äm-bn-cn-¡pw.
F-t¶m-Sp X-s¶ kz-bw ]-dªp. A-S-ªp Xp-S-§n-b I¬-t]m-fI-
sf H-cn-¡Â Iq-Sn A-aÀ-¯n sh-¨v In-S¶p. ]-s£ C-t¸mg-s¯ ap«vv
Ipd-¨v Dd-s¡ B-bn-cp¶p. B-cm-Wv ]pd-¯v kz-X-th Xm-W F-sâ
kz-cw A-kp-J-¯n-\p-ti-jw H-¶p Iq-Sn Xm-Wn-cp-¶p Rm-\m-Wv ]
pd-¯p \n-¶p h-¶ i-Ðw F-s¶ B-sI A-¼-c-¸n-¨p H-cn-¡epw
tI-«n-«nÃm-¯ iÐw. B-cp-tS-Xm-Wn-Xv ? I-gn-ª Ip-td am-k-§-fm-
bn F-sâ A-Sp-¯ kv-t\-ln-X-cÃm-sX th-sd Bcpw C-hn-sS IS-
¶v h-cm-dnÃ. c-à-_-Ô-¯n s]-«-h-sc-t¶ D-t]-£n¨p-t]mbn!
FÃmw Cu \-in¨ tcm-Kw Im-cWw. i-co-c-¯n-eq-sS s]m-«n-sbm-
en-¡p-¶ {h-W-§-fn t\m-¡n In-S¡-th ho-ïp tI«p. Rm-\m-Wv
kp-lr-t¯ hm-Xn Xp-d¡q.
F-\n-¡v `-b-ambn Cu A-k-ab-¯v ]-cn-N-b-anÃm¯ Hc-
mÄ-¡v F§-s\ Rm³ hm-Xn Xpd-¶p sIm-Sp¡pw ]-s£ Xp-d-¶p-
sIm-Sp-¡m-Xn-cn-¡p-¶-sX-§s\? ]p-d-¯-bmÄ F-s¶ kp-lr-t¯
F-¶m-WtÃm hn-fn-¨Xv. In-S-¡-bn F-gp-t¶-än-cp-¶ B-tem-Nn¨p.
N-{µ³, ap-cfn, hn-Pb³, sUm-WmÄ-Uv....AÃ A-h-cp-sS B-cp-tS-
XpaÃ. ]ns¶ Cu i-Ðw B-cp-tS-Xm-bn-cn-¡pw.
Xm-§-fp-sS t]-sc-´m-Wv ? F-\n-¡v \n§-sf bm-sXm-
cp ]-cn-N-b-hp-anÃm-¯Xp-t]m-se tXm-¶p¶p. Rm³ ]-dªp.
A-t¸mÄ tI«-Xv D-¨-¯n-ep-Å s]m-«n-¨n-cn-bm-bn-cp¶p.
t]-cn-se-´n-cn-¡p-¶p kp-lr-t¯ F-s¶ A-dn-bn-tà HmÀ-¯p
t\m¡p. \o H-ä-¡n-cp-¶-t¸m-sgÃmw F-s¶ ]-än F{Xtbm HmÀ-¯n-
cn-¡p¶p. A-t¸m-sgÃmw Rm-\o hm-XnÂ-¡Â \nÂ-]m-bn-cp¶p. \n-
s¶ Rm³ F{Xtbm {]m-hiyw H-fn-ªp t\m-¡n I-ïn-cn-¡p¶p.
\o A-s¶m-s¡ k-lm-bn-¡-W-sa-¶v ]-d-ª-t¸m-sgÃmw Rm³
\n-\-¡p-th-ïn H-cp A-hk-cw H-cp-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p. C-¶n-Xm B
A-hk-cw h-¶n-cn-¡p¶p. C-¶v \n-s¶ tZ-tlm-]-{Z-h-taÂ-¸n¨m-tem. sâ I-®p-IÄ Np-h-¡p-¶Xpw aq-¡n-sâ
Rm³ XoÀ-¨-bmbpw k-lm-bn-¡pw. A-se-¦n X-s¶ ]-Ip-Xn Po-h³ A-äw hn-d-¡p-¶Xpw Nn-an-\n sh-fn-¨-
Rm³ B-sI A-´n-¨p \n¶p. D-ÅXp-t]m-se-tb-bpÅp. ap³ Im-e- ¯n Iq-Sn I-ïp F-\n-¡v k-ln-¡m-
C-sX-s´m-cp ieyw F-\n-¡v t]cp-t] §-fn-se hà i-{Xp-¡-fp-am-bn-cn-¡p-tam. \m-bnà Rm³ X-e Xm-gv-¯n \n¶p.
mepw A-dn-bm-¯ Cu kp-lr-¯v B-cm- hm-Xn Xp-d-¡p-¶-Xn-\p ap³-]v Rm³ \n-\-s¡-s¶ a-\-kn-em-bnà A-tÃ
bn-cn-¡pw. Xm-¦Ä-¡v t]-cn-tà ? A-sX- ap-dn-bn H-¶p I-t®m-Sn¨p. ap-\n-ªp H-¶p Iq-Sn {i-²n-¨p t\m¡q. Rm-\m-cm-
¦nepw ]-d-bq. Rm³ tIm-]-¯n I-¯p-¶ a-s®-® hnf-¡v I-®nÂ-s]- sW-¶v..?
]-dªp. «Xv. kp-lr-¯p-¡Ä h-en-¨p Ip-¯n F-sâ Nn-´-IÄ-¡-Xo-X-am-Wv A-h-s\-
ho-ïp B ]-g-b Nn-cn H¶v sI-Sp¯n. B{tã am-{X-am-bn-cp¶p. ¶-\n-¡-cn-bm-am-bn-cp¶p.
HmÀ-¯p t\m-¡p kp-lrt¯. F-t¶ A-sX-¦n AXv. AXpw ssI-¿n ] Ah-sâ ]-Xn-ª Im-e-Sn-IÄ t\m-
am-k-§Ä-¡p ap³-]v \n-sâ {]n-b-s¸-« n-Sn-¨v Rm³ hm-Xn Xp-d¶p. ¡n \n¡-th ho-ïp tI«p-b Rm³
`-«n-sâ a-c-W-k-ab-¯v \mw X-½n hm-Xn Xp-d-¶-t¸mÄ IS-¶p h-¶ A-g³ X-s¶ \o X-s¶ hn-fn-¡m-dp-ïm-
I-ïn-cp¶p. A-¶v \n\¡v Fs¶ X-Wp-¯ Im-än A-Xp-h-tcbpw F-\n- bn-cp¶p. \n-sâ a-cWw.
{i-²n-¡p-hm³ I-gn-ªn-cn-¡p-I-bnà ¡v Iq-«p \n¶ B Nn-½n-\n hn-f¡pw Rm³ sR-«p¶-Xp I-ïv A-h³ Nn-
A-¶v \n\-¡v F-t¶m-Sv sh-dp-¸m-bn-cp- sI«p-t]m-bn-cp¶p. ]p-d-t¯-¡v ]n-Sn-¨ cn¨p.
¶tÃm \n-sâ G-ähpw A-Sp-¯ kp-lr- C-cp-«n H¶pw Im-Wm-\nÃm-bn-cp¶p.
¯n-sâ ac-Ww \n-s¶ B-sI th-Z-\n- A-tX \n\-¡p ap³-t] IS-¶v t]m-b-h-
Noªv \mdn-b Ft´m K-Ô-ap-Å Im-
¸n-¨n-cp¶p. cp-sS Iq-sS \n-s¶bpw sImïp-t]m-Ip-
äv ho-in-sIm-ïn-cp-¶p Rm³ B-tcm-sS-
hm³ h-cq...\-ap-¡p t]m-Imw.
A-¶v tamÀ-¨-dn-bn \n¶pw ¶nÃm-sX ]-dªp.
`-«n-sâ X-Wp-¯v hn-d-§-en-¨ i-co-cw Cu-iz-cm...C-h³....a-cWta
F-\n-s¡m¶pw Im-Wm³ h-¿-tÃm. Xm-
sImïp-t]m-Ip-t¼mÄ Rm\pw \n-t¶m- ¦Ä F-hn-sS-bm-Wv ? C-Xm C-hn-sS B Rm-\-edn. IS-¶v t]mIq. C-hn-sS
sSm-¸-ap-ïm-bn-cp¶p. i-Ð-¯n-\v B-Zy-t¯-¡mfpw I-«n Iq-Sn- \n-¶pw.
si-Sm C-sX-s´m-cp ieyw bn-cp-¶p F-¶v tXm¶n. km-[yaÃ. Cu bm-aw I-gn-bp-¶-Xp-
Rm-t\mÀ¯p-t\m-¡n A-¶v B-tcm- F-hn-sS ho-ïp tNm-Zn-¨p \n\-¡v I-s¿v- h-tc-sb \n\-¡o `q-apJ-¯v Øm-\-
s¡-bp-ïm-bn-cp-¶p F-sâ-sbm¸w. Xn sXm-Sm-hp-¶ Øe-¯v H-¶v {i-an-¨p apÅq. A-Xv I-gn-ªm A-\-iz-c-am-
tdm-_À«v, ssa-¡nÄ, {^m-¦v-fn³ kmÀ, t\m¡q. sbm-cp tem-I-¯v s]m-«n-sbm-en-¡p-¶
]-Wn-¡À kmÀ, F-©n-\o-bÀ tPmÀ-Öv {h-W-§fpw aäpw I-S-¶p h-cm-¯ H-cp
Rm³ Im-än sh-dp-sX ssI-hoin.
th-sd Bcpw D-ïm-bn-cp-¶nÃtÃm temI-¯v \n-s¶ h-c-thÂ-¡m³ A-h-
A-Xv H-cp ]m-gv th-e-bm-sW-¶-dn-
Rm³ sXÃp-¨-¯n ]-dªp. cp-ïmIpw \n\-¡p ap³-t] \n-s¶ ]
bm-am-bn-cp¶p. t\m-¡p kp-lr-t¯
Cà A-s¶m-¶p \n-s¶ Rm³ I-ïn- n-cn-ªhÀ. A-Xn-\m th-Kw h-cq..
F-s¶-´n-\v i-ey-s¸-Sp-¯p¶p. F-s¶
«nà sh-dp-sX I-Åw ]d-ªv ]-än-¡m- hn-t«¡p. Rm³ I-c-¨n-en-sâ h-t¡m-f- ]-s£ F-\n-¡n-\nbpw Po-hn-¡-W-sa-
sa-¶v I-cp-tXï ? sa-¯n-bn-cp¶p. ¶p tXm-¶p¶p. C-t¸mÄ F-s¶ hn-Sq-.
hoïpw B Nncn. C-\n-sbm-cn-¡epw \n-s¶ Rm³ hn-
C-\nbpw \n-\-s¡-s¶ Im-W-W-sa-
fn-¡nÃ. \o \n-sâ C-ã-{]-Im-cw h-cq
i-cn Rm³ \n-s¶bpw \o F-t¶bpw ¶ptïm A-tà icn. t]m-bn hnf-
]n-¶oSv. C-t¸mÄ F-s¶ hoSq. Rm³
Im-Wm-sX C-¶v F-\n-¡v t]m-Im³ ¡p I-¯n¡q. A-sXm-cp AÚm-X
Ic-ªv Xp-S-§n-bn-cp¶q.
I-gn-bp-I-bnÃ. iàn-t]m-se F-\n-¡p tXm¶n. Nn½n-
\n hn-f-¡n-sâ sh-«w ho-ïp D-bÀ-¶- km-[y-aà kp-lr-t¯ Po-hn-Xw ]-cn-
\n\-¡p thïn Cu ka-bw am-{X-ta
t¸mÄ A-h³ A-hn-sS \nÂ-¸p-ïm-bn- Wm-b hn-t[-b-amWv. A-Xp-sIm-ïv
Fâ-cn-In-ep-Åp H¶p HmÀ-¯p t\m¡p.
cp-¶p I-dp-¯ I-cn¡-«-t]m-se A-h³ X-s¶ A-Xn k-¦Â-¸n-¡m³ t]mepw
C-Xpw Iq-Sn \o \-ã-s¸-Sp-¯n-bmÂ
Nn-cn-¨-t¸mÄ ]-Ãp-IÄ C-cp-«n Xn-f- I-gn-bm-¯ ]-e am-ä-§fpw kw-`-hn¡mw
Rm³ B-sI hn-j-a-¯n-embn.
§p-¶p c-Xv-\-§-fm-sW¶vv tXm¶n. a-\p-jy-sâ B-{K-l-§Ä ]-e-t¸mgpw
F-\n-¡v bm-sXm-cp ap³-]-cn-N-b-hp- I-cn-bn-e-I-fmWv. s\-cn-t¸m-Sp-I-sf-t¸m-
anÃm-¯ Cu a-\p-jy-\p th-ïn A-k- Rm³ tNm-Zn-¨p B-cmWv ? F-´m th-
se B B-{K-l-§Ä Po-hn-Xm-h-km-\w
a-b-s¯§-s\ hm-Xn Xpd-¶p sIm-Sp- ïXv, F-s¶ A-I-t¯-¡p hn-fn-¡p-¶n-
h-sc \o-dn-sIm-ïn-cn-¡pw. H-cp ]-s£
¡pw. tà A-h³ tNm-Zn¨p.
H-cn-¡epw k-^-eo-Ir-X-am-sb-¶v h-cnÃ.
C-\n F-s¶ t]-Sn-¸n-¨ h-eXpw F-Sp- IS-¶v h-cq AÂ-]w i-¦-tbm-sS Rm³
]-s£ F-\n-¡v F-sâ i-Ðw sXm-ï-
¯p-sImïp-t]m-Im-\m-sW¦ntem Xm- ]-dªp. A-h³ I-S-¶-t¸mÄ a-\:]qÀ-
bn X-s¶ X-Sªp.
¦Ä-¡ F-´m-Wv th-ï-Xv..? sÆ Rm³ hm-Xn Xpd-¶p X-s¶ sh-
¨p A-h-s\-s´-¦nepw sN-bvXm-tem..? I-gn-bnà kp-lr-t¯ G-hÀ¡pw H-cp
F-sâ D-jv-W-¸p-®p ]n-Sn-¨ i-co-ctam k-a-b-ap-ïv P-\-\-¯n-\p-ti-jw a-c-W-
k-lm-b-¯n-\m-sc-sb-¦nepw hn-fn-¡m-
tIm-]-t¯m-sS tNm-Zn¨p. A-sX A-sX- sa-¶-t]m-se hcq
¦n A-Xv hm-Xn Xp-d¡p.
Rm³ hoïpw tNm-Zn¨p. ]-s£ kp- ]pd-s¯ C-cp-«n A-h-t\m-sSm-¸w C-d-
Ipd-¨v k-a-b-¯n-\p tijw Rm³ hm- §pw-t¼mÄ Kpemw A-en-bp-sS K-k-en-
lrt¯. Xm-¦Ä B-cmWv?
Xn Xp-d-¡m³ X-s¶ X-Xo-cp-am-\n-¨p sâ t\À-¯ i-Ðw X-Wp-¯ Im-änÂ
]-s£ C-\n A-bm-sf-§m\pw F-s¶ Ah-sâ Nn-cn A-hn-sS ap-g§n. Ah-
Ae-ªp \-S-¡p-¶p-ïm-bn-cp¶p.
Kairali Cultural Association (KCA) Brindavan, a Socio cultural Association catering to
the ever increasing socio, cultural and charitable needs and welfare of Brindabanites and
surrounding societies of Thane is successfully completing 25 years of its existence in 2018.
To commemorate the occasion and to expand and strengthen our activities KCA have
scheduled an elaborate year-long activities and events commencing from April 2017 and
lasting in May 2018. These activities include a series of events cultural festivals, athletic and
sports, games, drawing competition, arts and drama festivals, walkathon and marathon,
series of welfare activities for senior citizens, events covering essay, elocution, debating
competitions and involvement of eminent personalities from government as well as from
community. Spread along Four theme based full day celebrations centred on Onam feast
festival Day, KCA Annual Day, COSMO Day the scheduled series of eventful activities, will
culminate with The Silver Jubilee Grand Finale scheduled to be held in April/May 2018 at
Thane with the planned involvement of distinguished personalities from all walks of life.
The KCA Silver Jubilee Celebration is a unique opportunity for Brindavanites and residents
of surrounding Building Complexes, which include Srirang Society, Anand Park, Rutu Park,
Mukund, Lodha Complex, Rustomji Complex and Rabodi.  Members of about 10000 resi-
dent families generally get involved in our annual events and we expect a larger gathering
to participate in the series of monthly and annual Events spread over the full year. 
As a practice, participation is free for all events (except nominal entry fee in se-
lective cases for strategic reasons) and attractive award and recognitions
for winners in each category are the highlights of the Jubilee celebra-
tions.  Every event with detailed pamphlet will be widely publicised
and entry forms are being circulated to each and every family of
these Residential Complexes. Response to this event so far is
The late 1980s and early 1990s witnessed a huge complex of
about 100 buildings rising in Thane, under one gated com-
munity called as Brindavan. This presented a golden op-
portunity for many to reap tangible dividends in the form of
larger space at lower price. Also the complex proved a safe
and comfortable heaven for the retired persons. Slowly and
steadily it had become a cosmopolitan society consisting of
residents of various hues with the development of neighbour-
hood societies. As is usual few of the Malayalam speaking
population began to look for a social outlet. Deliberations and
discussions took place at residences. The outcome was the
The constitution of KAIRALI CULTURAL ASSOCIATION underlined
the following aims and objectives.
• To bring together the people of Brindavan Society (Thane) and surround-
ing areas to build a common platform for their welfare and progress and to
attend to social and cultural needs facing them.
• Create awareness particularly among the upcoming generation about our an-
cient culture and modern teachings through Science, Literature, Cultural pro-
grams and Health activities.
• Locate new talents in various spheres, provide them with opportunities to de-
velop their abilities and bring out the best in them, by providing reading materials,
conducting lectures, demonstrations, competitions and other theoretical and or
practical means for their own benefits and for the benefits of the society at large.
We take this opportunity to express our encomiums • Annual Cultural Program: Mainly intended to pro-
to all the persons who were and are instrumental vide an opportunity to the budding talents of mem-
in the formation of KAIRALI CULTURAL ASSOCIA- ber families to display their skills in the Fine Arts
TION and its constitution. apart from honouring them in their curricular and
Brief enumeration of the programs and the activities professional achievements.
of KAIRALI CULTURAL ASSOCIATION. • Cosmo Winter Fair: This unique annual event
• Medical: Free check- up cum counselling camps, comprises of competition in sports, drawing, fan-
bringing in eminent specialists in the field of Health- cy dress, singing, dancing, etc. spread over three
care for the benefit of all local residents. weekends. A remarkable feature of this event is
that ‘No Fee’ for participants, while attractive priz-
• Charity: Since its inception 25 years ago, KCA
es are given to winners
has been in the forefront in organising charity
events and in donating its proceeding to char- COSMO Winter Fair is conducted by KAIRALI ev-
ity oriented activities in the form of donation, ery year during January – February. It consists of
resource mobilisation and voluntary support. competitions in Drawing, Singing, Dancing, Fan-
These include participation and donation to cy Dress, and Sports. Participants are in the age
Latur earth quake victims, drought affected group of 3 years to 15 years. Apart from this there
farmers of Aurangabad and financial support are competitions for elders, Games for couples, Re-
to medically ill and disabled. lay games, Running race, Shot-put, Musical chair
for Ladies, Walking race for veterans. The most
• Promotion of Academic Excellence:Apart from
popular and competitive event being the Treasure
recognition and promotion of academic excellence
Hunt, in which around 150 children participate.
among the children of its members through a series
The speciality of COSMO is that it is FREE FOR ALL
of endowment awards and prizes, KCA upholding
and is open to not only KCA members, but also to
its secular values and philosophy has been pio-
all residing in and around Brindavan. The number of
neer in establishing an award to the top ranker of
participants are tremendous and Kairali gives away
10th standard Marathi medium of Seerang Vidya-
attractive Prizes to the winners. 
laya, Sreerang Society, Thane

Traditional Pookkalam- unique art

form representing the colourful and
eventful life of typical Keralite- along
with participants of “Kaikottikali”
Q. Q. Health and Success! What more a person Spiritual laws operate in human life through Breath
can ask in life? Brahmavidya seems to be a for- and Thought. We cannot think of life without
mula for complete life! Breath or Thought. Hence Brahmavidya teachings
A. Yes, that sounds fantastic isn’t it? I will briefly emphasize on Breath and Thought, which are the
explain here the principles of Brahmavidya. I do basic elements of life.
hope that it will inspire you to join the Brahmavidya Though we are using Breath and Thought right
class and verify the efficacy of these methods by from our birth no one has ever taught us correct
your own personal experience. way of Breathing or Thinking. You will be surprised
Q. But, Health and Success are so different to know that average person uses only 10% of his
from one another! Health is of the Body, where- lung capacity. Brahmavidya teaches a) Spiritual
as Success is related to so many different Breathing Exercises, which improve breathing and
things, How can Brahmavidya help to achieve b) Meditation techniques, which improve thinking.
both? The Breathing Exercises purify the body and Med-
itation purifies the mind.
A. It is quite true that Health and Success appear
to be very different from each other. Yet both these Q. What ailments are cured with Brahmavidya?
are dependent upon following the Order of Life. A. Brahmavidya is not like a medicine, which is
All truth is hidden and if we limit our observation meant for a particular ailment. It is a system, which
only to the appearance we can never comprehend helps to remove root cause of illness and promote
the truth. One may say that every scientific dis- health. Breathing exercises and Meditation have
covery is a proof of this ‘Appearances are decep- been found useful to get rid of asthma and other
tive’! For example the earth looks quite flat, but breathing troubles, diabetes, high blood pressure,
Jayant Divekar - Chief Trustee actually it is round; it appears that the sun rises spondilitis, backache, heart trouble, chronic cold
Brahmavidya Sadhak Charitable Trust every morning in the East, but actually there is no and cough and many other ailments.
sunrise. The practice also improves mental outlook of the
As the modern science tells us about the laws of person and makes him more positive, cheerful,
BASIC COURSE BATCHES the material universe, Brahmavidya tells us about optimistic and confident. Due to better physical
IN ENGLISH AT deeper truths of your life, my life-human life! When and mental health a person can do his daily work
we follow these laws in our life, it makes our life more efficiently. This can make him more suc-
Andheri, Anushakti Nagar, orderly. And what we call as Health or Success is cessful at his job, his business or his profession.
nothing but ORDER of Life.
Bandra (W), Borivali, Q. How much time one has to devote for these
Chembur, Churchgate, Dadar Q. How is it useful to a common man in his daily breathing Exercises and Meditation?
(W), Grant Road (E), Juhu, A. Depending upon the level of interest and avail-
Goregaon (E), Khar (W), A. Brahmavidya teaches that every human being ability of time one can devote more time, but
minimum requirement is 20 minutes for Breathing
is potentially divine. Hence he has within him all
Kharghar, Kandivali, Malad the power required to overcome his difficulties Exercises in the morning and 20 minutes for Med-
(W), Mulund, and problems. Brahmavidya gives definite meth- itation at night. The methods are simple yet very
Parel (E), Powai, ods by which a person can overcome his physical effective. Any person above the age of 18 years
Santacruz (E), Sion, and mental problems and lead a healthier, more can learn and practice without any difficulty.
Thane (W), Vashi, successful and happier life. Q. What is the origin of this teaching?
Vile Parle (W), Wadala Q. Can we say Brahmavidya is science of happy A. This is a very ancient system of Spiritual Prac-
(E), Walkeshwar, Nerul, life? What methods are taught in Brahmavidya? tice or Sadhana. The System of Practice originat-
Koparkhairane. A. Yes, Brahmavidya is a Science of Life teach- ed in India, then migrated to Tibet and has now
ing human beings the Spiritual laws of Life. These come back to us from Tibet.

For Details Contact W /BrahmavidyaSadhakSangh

Ms. Ruchira Godbole - 99873 83384
Mr. Murari Patankar - 98215 24146 /BrahmavidyaSadhakSangh /BrahmavidyaSS
With Best Wishes from
Murali Mattummal

1305, Cyber One, Sector - 30A, Vashi - 400 703

This magazine
conceived and printed at

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