Fur Trade Game

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The Fur Trade Game

There will be three groups:

RED-The Hudson’s Bay Company-Needs-Beaver Pelts
BLUE-The North West Company-Needs-Beaver Pelts
GREEN-The Indigenous People of Canada-Needs-All other goods

You are trading for what your group needs.

For example, if I am part of the HBC I will want beaver pelts and I will have kettles, rifles, and
fish hooks to trade to get those pelts.

You will be given Trading Tokens. Each group will have a different color of token to trade.
Every time you make a trade you need to get and give a Trading Token . These will be worth
bonus points at the end of the game.

At the end of the trading session we will count all goods and tokens to see what group won.

Item Number of Beaver Pelts

1 Kettle 2 Beaver Pelts

1 Rifle 12 Beaver Pelts

12 Fish Hooks 1 Beaver Pelt

1 Knife 10 Beaver Pelts

1 Wool Blanket 6 Beaver Pelts

1 Flour 4 Beaver Pelts

1 Salted Meat 5 Beaver Pelts

24 Buttons 1 Beaver Pelt

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