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13 Synthetic Systems

In the early 1980s, efforts were made to fluids. The boundary which separates
reduce the environmental impact of oil- first- from second-generation SBMs
base muds by substituting more highly is generally delineated by both the
refined petroleum products, referred to cost and kinematic viscosity of the
as mineral oils, for diesel oil as the base synthetic-base liquid.
fluid in invert emulsion oil muds. Muds Typically, second-generation synthetic-
made with these more refined oils were base muds are cheaper and thinner.
less toxic than muds made with diesel Therefore, the first-generation SBMs
oil, but many still contained sufficient can be considered to be based on ester,
aromatic compounds to be environ- ether and poly-alpha olefin, while the
mentally objectionable, and they did second generation is based on linear
not degrade rapidly. alpha olefins, internal olefins and lin-
An environmentally acceptable sub- ear paraffins. A listing of first- and sec-
stitute for these mineral-oil drilling ond-generation synthetic-base liquids
fluids was first seen with the use of a is as follows:
mud made from a synthetic-base fluid
First-Generation Second-Generation
(an ester) in the Norwegian sector of
Ester LAB
the North Sea in March 1990. Other
synthetic-base muds quickly followed. Ether IO
An ether-base synthetic-base mud was Acetal LP
used offshore Norway later in 1990.
The first Poly-Alpha Olefin (PAO) was The acetal-base mud is considered
used in May 1991. Other synthetic- to be a first-generation type primarily
base fluids were introduced to the due to its cost, while the defunct lin-
industry in the following order: Linear ear alkylbenzene is the first entry to
Alkylbenzene (LAB), acetal, Linear Alpha the second-generation type, synthetic-
Olefins (LAO), Internal Olefins (IO) and base mud because of its price and
Linear Paraffins (LP). These compounds kinematic viscosity.
The general may be found in petroleum and other The general definition of a synthetic
sources, but they should not be called material is something that is produced
definition of synthetic-base fluids unless they are by chemical synthesis. Synthetic-base
a synthetic synthesized or manufactured. The use fluids must meet two criteria to be used
material is of pure feedstocks and strict control of in drilling fluids. First, they must meet
the manufacturing process assure that local environmental standards and reg-
something synthetic-base fluids will not contain ulations for the discharge of drill cut-
that is trace amounts of priority pollutants tings into the sea. If the cuttings have
produced as even the purest highly refined and to be collected and transported to land,
by chemical processed liquids do. then there is no advantage in using a
Drilling with Synthetic-Base Muds synthetic-base mud rather than an oil-
synthesis. (SBMs) has become commonplace in base mud other than from a health
both the Gulf of Mexico and North and safety perspective. Second, the syn-
Sea areas as well as other regions such thetic material must be the base fluid
as the Far East, Australia, Mexico and for a stable mud system with the inhib-
South America. Because of the evolv- itive properties of an invert-emulsion
ing marketplace, it is viewed that the oil mud.
industry has moved to at least the
second generation of synthetic-base

Synthetic Systems 13.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

Due to the complexity of issues sur- an overview of the chemistries, envi-

rounding SBM, this chapter, in addition ronmental issues and special precau-
to providing an overview of M-I’s tions that may be required when
synthetic systems, will also provide using an SBM.

General Systems Descriptions

Synthetic Synthetic fluids are used as the base M-I has seven different synthetic-
fluids are fluid or continuous phase of invert- base systems, not all of which are still
emulsion muds. These muds behave currently active. Each contained a dif-
used as the like oil-base muds. The products used to ferent base fluid for the continuous
base fluid or make and maintain SBMs are similar to, phase. They are as follows:
continuous or in some cases, are the same as those
used to build and maintain oil-base System Name Base Liquid
phase of muds. These products are emulsifiers, AQUAMUL I* Ether
invert- wetting agents, Low-Shear-Rate Viscosity
emulsion (LSRV) modifiers, filtration-control NOVADRILT* Poly-alpha olefin
additives, viscosifiers and thinners.
muds. The products used in synthetic invert
NOVAPLUST Internal olefin
NOVATECE Linear alpha olefin
emulsion muds can be used in oil-base PARADRILE Paraffin
invert emulsion muds, but products for * No longer actively marketed.

oil-base muds should, in general, not be

used in synthetic-base muds. Many of The system of choice depends on the
the products in oil-base muds contain particular local conditions (environmen-
refined oils that would contaminate a tal, regulatory, logistical and commer-
SBM. Different oil- and synthetic-base cial) as well as the technical needs of the
fluids have distinctly different chemical particular application. The local opera-
and physical properties and they will tions management will address the mar-
require different product concentrations ketplace concerns, while the technical
to achieve the same mud property. limitations of a particular fluid are deter-
Estimates of the chemicals required to mined by its base-fluid chemistry (see
make a mud should not be based on “Chemistry of Synthetics” section). The
formulations made with different base table below can be used as a general
fluids. It is recommended to pilot test guideline to the technical application
if this is uncertain. of M-I’s synthetic-base systems.

High High High Water

System Name General Temperature Density Deepwater Content
AQUAMUL II x x x x x
NOVAPLUS x x x x x
NOVATEC x x x x x
PARADRIL x x x x x

Synthetic Systems 13.2 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

The two The two basic factors for deciding are better for deepwater and high-
basic factors the technical application of a synthetic- density applications. High-temperature
base fluid are kinematic viscosity and applications must avoid the use of
for deciding thermal or chemical stability. Thinner esters (ECOGREEN) due to problems with
the technical base fluids such as those used in the thermal degradation or hydrolysis of
application of NOVAPLUS, NOVATEC or PARADRIL systems the base ester.
a synthetic-
base fluid are
Systems and Formulations
viscosity and This section will discuss the three pri- particular mud system. Products that con-
thermal or mary Synthetic-Base Muds (SBMs) tain diesel oil, mineral oil or aromatic-
chemical which M-I markets. These are NOVAPLUS, containing compounds must not be added
the SBM with an internal olefin as the to any of M-I’s synthetic-base systems.
stability. continuous phase; NOVATEC, the SBM Products such as VERSAMULT, VERSACOAT,T
with a linear alpha olefin as the contin- VERSAMODE , VERSATROLT and gilsonite (to
uous phase; and ECOGREEN, the SBM name a few) should not be used in M-I’s
with an ester as the continuous phase. synthetic-base systems. If you are unsure
As will be seen, many aspects, includ- about whether or not a product can be
ing some products, are the same as added to one of M-I’s synthetic-base
those for M-I’s conventional invert- systems, contact your local M-I office
emulsion or non-aqueous systems. or M-I’s environmental department.
There are, however, some important
differences and these will be empha-
The NOVAPLUS sized throughout the remainder of The NOVAPLUS system is M-I’s synthetic-
system…uses this chapter. base system that uses internal or iso-
Products used in both M-I’s synthetic- merized olefins as its continuous
internal or phase. NOVAPLUS systems are tightly
base systems and in the VERSADRILT and
isomerized VERSACLEANT systems are listed below emulsified and can be engineered
olefins as its and discussed in Chapter 12, Oil-Base to have a low fluid loss or be stable
Systems. to temperatures in excess of 350°F
continuous (176°C). The drilling properties and
phase. VERSA Product Function limitations are the same as those for
VG-69T, VG-PLUSE Rheology conventional (diesel or mineral oil)
VERSAGELT Rheology invert systems. CaCl2 brine is recom-
VERSAGEL HT, VG-HTE High-temperature rheology mended for the internal phase. The
VERSA SWAT Supplemental wetting most common concentration of CaCl2
VERSA-HRPT Rheology modification
brine is 25% by weight, which has a
VERSALIGT HTHP fluid-loss control
density of 10.3 lb/gal (1.23 SG). Higher
Calcium chloride
(CaCl2) Water phase activity concentrations of CaCl2 brine can be
Lime (Ca(OH)2) Alkalinity used, but the CaCl2 concentration
Calcium oxide (CaO) Alkalinity should not exceed saturation, which is
40% by weight. To be on the safe side,
NOTE: Product composition for prod- the CaCl2% concentration should stay
ucts used in M-I’s synthetic-base systems below 35% by weight. At concentra-
is critical to environmental compliance. tions above this, the internal phase
That is why it is important to use only can become destabilized and severe
those products recommended for that problems may occur with the system.

Synthetic Systems 13.3 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

_______________________ Additive Function Concentration (See Table 2)

_______________________ NOVAPLUS B (IO1618) Continuous phase 60 - 95% vol., liquid phase
Freshwater Water phase 5 - 40% vol., liquid phase
CaCl2 Salinity, water phase 15 - 30% wt water phase
_______________________ VG-69 Viscosifier 3 - 10 lb/bbl (9 - 30 kg/m3)
NOVAMULT Primary emulsifier 6 - 8 lb/bbl (17 - 23 kg/m3)
NOVAWETE Wetting agent 2 - 4 lb/bbl (6 - 11 kg/m3)
_______________________ NOVAMODE Rheology modifier 1 - 3 lb/bbl (3 - 9 kg/m3)
_______________________ Lime Alkalinity control 4 - 8 lb/bbl (11- 23 kg/m3)

TABLE 1: NOVAPLUS system additives.

_______________________ The products for the NOVAPLUS sys- • NOVAMOD is a liquid organic gelling
tem are listed in Table 1 with their agent for NOVADRIL, NOVAPLUS and
function and typical concentration. NOVATEC synthetic-base mud systems.
_______________________ A brief description of each product NOVAMOD increases the LSRV and gel
_______________________ is given below. strengths with minimal effect on the
• NOVAPLUS B is the internal olefin-base high-shear-rate viscosity. Its primary
liquid for the NOVAPLUS synthetic-base application is in large-diameter direc-
mud system and may be referred to tional, high-angle, horizontal and
_______________________ either as NOVAPLUS B or as IO1618 extended-reach wells to improve hole-
(internal olefin C16 to C18). cleaning ability or cuttings-carrying
• NOVAMUL is a liquid primary emulsi- capacity. The higher the water con-
fier for the NOVADRIL, NOVAPLUS and tent of the SBM, the lower the con-
NOVATEC synthetic-base mud systems. centration of NOVAMOD is needed to
NOVAMUL provides excellent emulsion achieve the desired effect. NOVAMOD
stability, preferential wetting of solids requires the addition of lime at
by the continuous phase, filtration equal pound per barrel ratios to
control and temperature stability. function properly.
• NOVAWET surfactant is a liquid wetting • NOVATHIN liquid deflocculant is
agent used in NOVADRIL, NOVAPLUS and used as a thinner and conditioner
NOVATEC synthetic-base systems. It will for the NOVADRIL, NOVAPLUS and
increase the preferential wetting of the NOVATEC synthetic-base mud sys-
solids in the continuous phase. It can tems. It reduces viscosity and gel
aid in emulsion stability and High- strengths in the mud without the
Temperature, High-Pressure (HTHP) need for dilution or changing the
fluid-loss control. Additionally, it can synthetic-to-water ratio.
be used to reduce the overall amount
of synthetic-base mud retained on
drill cuttings.

Synthetic Systems 13.4 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

NOVAPLUS FORMULATION CHART and viscosifier will vary, depending on

BARITE (25% BY WT CaCl2 BRINE: mud density, Synthetic-to-Water Ratio
96% SALT PURITY) (SWR), required fluid properties or ther-
Table 2 lists are generalized formulations mal stability. For example, a 9 lb/gal
based on typical drilling demands that (1.08 SG) 90:10 synthetic/water ratio
dictate that lower mud densities can NOVAPLUS system would require more
have higher water contents, or that viscosifier and less wetting agent than
higher densities require higher synthetic shown in Table 2. As always, pilot test-
contents. The amount of emulsifier, ing is recommended prior to action
wetting agent, fluid-loss-control additive taken at the rig.

SWR → 60:40 70:30 80:20 90:10

(Mud Weight) (8.5 - 10 lb/gal) (11 - 13 lb/gal) (14 - 16 lb/gal) (17 - 18 lb/gal)
NOVAMUL 6 - 10 lb/bbl 5 - 9 lb/bbl 4 - 8 lb/bbl 3 - 7 lb/bbl
NOVAWET 1 - 2 lb/bbl 1 - 2 lb/bbl 2 - 3 lb/bbl 3 - 4 lb/bbl
NOVAMOD 0.5 - 1 lb/bbl 1 - 1.5 lb/bbl 0.5 - 1.0 lb/bbl 0 lb/bbl
Lime 4 - 8 lb/bbl 4 - 8 lb/bbl 3 - 7 lb/bbl 2 - 6 lb/bbl
VG-69 2 - 4 lb/bbl 3 - 6 lb/bbl 3 - 6 lb/bbl 2 - 5 lb/bbl
VERSA-HRP As required As required As required As required

Synthetic:Water Mud Weight IO1618 Water CaCl2 M-I BAR

Ratio (lb/gal) (bbl) (bbl) (lb/bbl) (lb/bbl)
8.5 0.542 0.375 46.2 9.4
60:40 9 0.531 0.368 45.3 36.8
10 0.510 0.354 43.6 91.3
11 0.566 0.253 31.2 162.1
70:30 12 0.542 0.242 29.9 216.0
13 0.517 0.232 28.6 269.8
14 0.566 0.147 18.1 339.7
80:20 15 0.538 0.140 17.2 392.9
16 0.509 0.133 16.4 446.0
17 0.547 0.063 7.7 514.0
18 0.516 0.059 7.3 566.4
NOTE: 1 lb/bbl = 2.85 kg/m3.

Table 2: NOVAPLUS system formulations.

Synthetic Systems 13.5 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

NOVATEC SYSTEM system. NOVATEC P can be used alone

The NOVATEC The NOVATEC system is M-I’s synthetic- to form tight water-in-olefin emul-
base system that uses Linear Alpha sions, but is particularly effective when
system…uses used in conjunction with NOVATEC S. It
Olefins (LAOs) as its continuous phase.
Linear Alpha NOVATEC systems are tightly emulsified provides high emulsification and wet-
Olefins and can be engineered to have a low ting and contributes to the HTHP
fluid loss and be stable to temperatures fluid-loss control of the NOVATEC sys-
(LAOs) as its tem. NOVATEC P is a liquid and does
in excess of 350°F (176°C). The drilling
continuous properties and limitations are the same not contain hydrocarbon solvents.
phase. as those for conventional (diesel or • NOVATEC S is the secondary emulsifier
mineral oil) type invert systems. CaCl2 in the NOVATEC synthetic-base mud
brine is recommended for the internal system. The product is designed for
phase. The most common concentra- use in the NOVATEC system to provide
tion of CaCl2 brine is 25% by weight, high emulsion stability and organic
which has a density of 10.3 lb/gal wetting. NOVATEC S can be used
(1.23 SG). Higher concentrations of alone to form tight water-in olefin-
CaCl2 brine can be used, but the CaCl2 emulsions, but is particularly effective
concentration should not exceed satu- when used to complement NOVATEC P.
ration, which is 40% by weight. To be When used in combination, NOVATEC S
on the safe side, the CaCl2% concen- and NOVATEC P react to form very tight
tration should stay below 35% by emulsions and impart powerful wet-
weight. At concentrations above this, ting properties. NOVATEC S contributes
the internal phase can become destabi- to the HTHP fluid-loss control of the
lized and severe problems may occur NOVATEC system. It is a liquid and does
with the system. not contain hydrocarbon solvents.
The products for the NOVATEC system • NOVATEC F is a liquid fluid-loss reducer
are listed in Table 3 followed by a brief for the NOVATEC synthetic-base mud
description. system. NOVATEC F is used to provide
• NOVATEC B is the LAO-base liquid supplementary fluid-loss control in
for the NOVATEC synthetic-base mud the NOVATEC system normally at high
_______________________ system and may be referred to as synthetic/water ratios and at tempera-
NOVATEC B or as LAO1416 (Linear tures above 300°F (149°C). NOVATEC F
Alpha Olefin C14 to C16) or LAO1618 effects rapid reduction in HTHP filtra-
(Linear Alpha Olefin C16 to C18). tion when used at relatively low con-
_______________________ • NOVATEC P is the primary emulsifier centration levels. NOVATEC F is stable to
for the NOVATEC synthetic-base mud high temperatures (> 390°F (200°C)).

_______________________ Additive Function Concentration

NOVATEC B Continuous phase 60 - 95% vol, liquid phase
Freshwater Water phase 5 - 40% vol, liquid phase
_______________________ CaCl2 Salinity, water phase 15 - 30% wt water phase
_______________________ VERSAGEL Viscosifier 3 - 10 lb/bbl (9 - 30 kg/m3)
NOVATEC P Primary emulsifier 3 - 10 lb/bbl (8 - 30 kg/m3)
NOVATEC S Secondary emulsifier/ wetting agent 2 - 8 lb/bbl (6 - 22 kg/m3)
_______________________ NOVATEC F Fluid loss control 3 - 7 lb/bbl (8 -20 kg/m3)
NOVAMOD Rheology modifier 1 - 3 lb/bbl (3 - 9 kg/m3)
Lime Alkalinity control 4 - 8 lb/bbl (11- 23 kg/m3)
TABLE 3: NOVATEC system additives.


Synthetic Systems 13.6 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

NOVATEC FORMULATION CHART thermal stability, the amount of emulsi-

BARITE (25% BY WT CaCl2 BRINE: fier, wetting agent, fluid-loss-control
96% SALT PURITY) additive and viscosifier will vary. For
Table 4 lists generalized formulations instance, a 9 lb/gal (1.08 SG) 90:10
based on typical drilling demands that synthetic/water ratio NOVATEC system
dictate that lower mud densities can would require more viscosifier and less
have higher water contents, that or wetting agent than shown in the chart
higher densities require higher synthetic below. As always, pilot testing is rec-
contents. Depending on mud density, ommended prior to action taken at
SWR, required fluid properties or the rig.

SWR → 60:40 70:30 80:20 90:10

(Mud Weight) (8.5 - 10 lb/gal) (11 - 13 lb/gal) (14 - 16 lb/gal) (17 - 18 lb/gal)
NOVATEC P 6 – 8 lb/bbl 7 - 9 lb/bbl 8 - 10 lb/bbl 9 - 11 lb/bbl
NOVATEC S 2 - 4 lb/bbl 3 - 5 lb/bbl 4 - 6 lb/bbl 5 - 7 lb/bbl
NOVATEC F 3 - 5 lb/bbl 3 - 5 lb/bbl 4 - 6 lb/bbl 4 - 6 lb/bbl
NOVAMOD 0.5 - 1 lb/bbl 1 - 1.5 lb/bbl 0.5 - 1.0 lb/bbl 0 lb/bbl
Lime 4 - 8 lb/bbl 4 - 8 lb/bbl 3 - 7 lb/bbl 2 - 6 lb/bbl
VERSAGEL 2 - 4 lb/bbl 3 - 6 lb/bbl 3 - 6 lb/bbl 2 - 4 lb/bbl
VERSA-HRP As required As required As required As required

Synthetic:Water Mud Weight NOVATEC B Water CaCl2 M-I BAR

Ratio (lb/gal) (bbl) (bbl) (lb/bbl) (lb/bbl)
8.5 0.527 0.373 46.0 12.2
60:40 9 0.517 0.366 45.1 39.4
10 0.495 0.352 43.4 93.8
11 0.548 0.252 31.0 165.4
70:30 12 0.523 0.242 29.7 219.0
13 0.498 0.231 28.5 272.6
14 0.538 0.146 18.0 341.3
80:20 15 0.510 0.139 17.1 394.2
16 0.482 0.132 16.3 447.1
17 0.516 0.062 7.7 515.4
18 0.485 0.059 7.3 567.6
NOTE: 1 lb/bbl = 2.85 kg/m3.

Table 4: NOVATEC system formulations.

Synthetic Systems 13.7 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

ECOGREEN SYSTEM • ECOGREEN B is the ester-base liquid for

The ECOGREEN The ECOGREEN system is M-I’s synthetic- the ECOGREEN system. Depending on
base system that uses an ester as its base its origin (an ester derived from veg-
system… etable oils such as palm or coconut
liquid. ECOGREEN systems are tightly
uses an ester emulsified and can be engineered to or from fish oils), the actual name
as its base have a low fluid loss. Temperature sta- and technical information may vary
bility is less than that of either NOVAPLUS accordingly. The variations in physical
liquid. properties between different types of
or NOVATEC systems. Applications for the
ECOGREEN system should not exceed esters will effect the final properties
300°F (149°C). The drilling properties are of the ECOGREEN system.
similar to those for conventional (diesel • ECOGREEN P is the primary emulsifier
or mineral oil) invert systems with the for the ECOGREEN system. ECOGREEN P
exception of the Plastic Viscosity (PV) can be used alone to form tight water
that typically runs higher in ECOGREEN in ester emulsions but is particularly
systems than for conventional invert effective when used in conjunction
systems with comparable densities and with ECOGREEN S. It provides emul-
oil/water ratios. sification, wetting and contributes
CaCl2 brine is recommended for the to the HTHP fluid-loss control of
internal phase. The most common the ECOGREEN system. ECOGREEN P
concentration of CaCl2 brine is 25% is a liquid and does not contain
by weight, which has a density of hydrocarbon solvents.
10.3 lb/gal (1.23 SG). Higher concen- • ECOGREEN S is a blend of surfactants
trations of CaCl2 brine can be used and is used as the secondary emulsi-
but the CaCl2 concentration should fier and primary wetting agent for
not exceed saturation, which is 40% the ECOGREEN system. ECOGREEN S is
by weight. To be on the safe side, the an integral part of the ECOGREEN sys-
CaCl2% concentration should stay tem and should be used in conjunc-
below 35% by weight. At concentra- tion with ECOGREEN P when preparing
tions above this, the internal phase fresh drilling fluid. The properties of
can become destabilized and severe ECOGREEN S assist in the dispersion and
_______________________ problems may occur with the system. suspension of solids for better rheolog-
The products for the ECOGREEN sys- ical control. It contributes to HTHP
tem are listed in Table 5 followed by fluid-loss control in the ECOGREEN
a brief description. system. It is a liquid and does not
_______________________ contain hydrocarbon solvents.
_______________________ Additive Function Concentration
_______________________ ECOGREEN B Continuous phase 70 - 95% vol, liquid phase
Freshwater Water phase 5 - 30% vol, liquid phase
_______________________ CaCl2 Salinity, water phase 15 - 30% wt water phase
_______________________ ECOGREEN VIS Viscosifier 3 - 10 lb/bbl (9 - 30 kg/m3)
ECOGREEN P Primary emulsifier 3 - 12 lb/bbl (9 - 36 kg/m3)
ECOGREEN S Secondary emulsifier/ wetting agent 1 - 4 lb/bbl (3 - 12 kg/m3)
_______________________ ECOGREEN FP Fluid-loss control 1 - 4 lb/bbl (3 - 12 kg/m3)
Lime Alkalinity control 4 - 6 lb/bbl (11- 23 kg/m3)
TABLE 5: ECOGREEN system additives.




Synthetic Systems 13.8 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

• ECOGREEN FP is used as a fluid-loss- and ECOGREEN VIS, ECOGREEN FP will

control additive for the ECOGREEN assist in increasing rheology.
system. It is specially designed to • ECOGREEN VIS is an organophilic clay
complement the emulsifiers of the specially designed to yield in the
ECOGREEN system to provide tight ECOGREEN system. ECOGREEN VIS will
HTHP fluid-loss control at low prod- provide viscosity and suspension of
uct concentration. Used in conjunc- weight material.
tion with other ECOGREEN emulsifiers

ECOGREEN FORMULATION CHART or thermal stability, the amount of

BARITE (25% BY WT CaCl2 BRINE: emulsifier, wetting agent, fluid-loss-
96% SALT PURITY) control additive and viscosifier will
Table 6 lists generalized formulations vary. For instance, a 9 lb/gal (1.08 SG)
based on typical drilling demands that 90:10 synthetic/water ratio ECOGREEN
dictate that lower mud densities can system would require more viscosifier
have higher water contents, or that and less wetting agent than shown in
higher densities require higher syn- the chart below. As always, pilot testing
thetic contents. Depending on mud is recommended prior to action taken
density, SWR, required fluid properties at the rig.

SWR → 70:30 80:20 90:10

(Mud Weight) (9 - 11 lb/gal) (12 - 14 lb/gal) (15 - 17 lb/gal)
ECOGREEN P 8 – 10 lb/bbl 10 - 12 lb/bbl 10 - 12 lb/bbl
ECOGREEN S 2 - 4 lb/bbl 3 - 5 lb/bbl 4 - 6 lb/bbl
ECOGREEN FP 1 - 2 lb/bbl 2 - 3 lb/bbl 2 - 3 lb/bbl
Lime 3 -4 lb/bbl 3 - 4 lb/bbl 3 - 4 lb/bbl
ECOGREEN VIS 2 - 6 lb/bbl 2 - 6 lb/bbl 2 - 6 lb/bbl

Synthetic:Water Mud Weight ECOGREEN B Water CaCl2 M-I BAR

Ratio (lb/gal) (bbl) (bbl) (lb/bbl) (lb/bbl)
9 0.618 0.276 34.0 41.8
70:30 10 0.593 0.266 32.8 96.3
11 0.568 0.255 31.4 150.7
12 0.612 0.162 20.0 220.0
80:20 13 0.583 0.155 19.1 273.4
14 0.555 0.148 18.2 327.1
15 0.592 0.70 8.6 393.8
90:10 16 0.560 0.66 8.2 446.9
17 0.528 0.63 7.8 500.0
NOTE: 1 lb/bbl = 2.85 kg/m3.

Table 6: ECOGREEN system formulations.

Synthetic Systems 13.9 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

Mixing Procedure

It is essential It is essential that contamination with 14. Add the lime, if required, and
diesel or mineral oil be avoided. Any shear the system for 15 to 20 min.
that contam- oil contamination could prevent syn- 15. Add the primary and secondary
ination with thetic-base mud from complying with emulsifier and mix for 15 to 20 min.
diesel or local environmental regulations and 16. Add the wetting agent.
thus prohibit the discharge of cuttings 17. Slowly add the CaCl2 brine over a
mineral oil associated with the use of this fluid. period of 20 to 30 min and continue
be avoided. Therefore, all diesel and other petro- mixing for as long as practical.
leum oil lines must be isolated, and 18. Add the fluid-loss additive.
the pits and mixing lines cleaned out. 19. Add the barite to weight up the
In addition, precautions must be drilling fluid to the desired density.
taken to ensure that no losses occur. 10. Add rheology modifier, if needed.
Precautionary procedures for the han- 11. Continue to mix for at least one
dling of the synthetic-base mud more hour, and then make a full
should be implemented to ensure mud check.
losses are kept to a minimum. NOTE: The final rheology and HTHP
The mixing procedure is as follows: fluid-loss properties, as for oil-base muds,
11. Prior to mixing the synthetic-base will not be achieved until the mud is
mud, mix the CaCl2 brine in a exposed to temperature and shear as it is
separate pit. circulated through the well. Consequently,
12. Fill the mixing pit with the required the final adjustments of these properties
volume of synthetic-base fluid. should not be made until the system has
13. Add the viscosifier with maximum stabilized over several circulations.
possible shear applied.

The general maintenance and treatment or break down esters to form alco-
_______________________ of any of M-I’s synthetic-base systems is hols and fatty acids (see Synthetic
_______________________ similar to that of conventional oil-base Chemistry section which follows).
muds, including product treatment and ECOGREEN should not be used if H2S
fluid property adjustment. Please refer to contamination is anticipated.
_______________________ the Non-Aqueous Emulsions chapter 2. Caution must be exercised when
_______________________ for further details on properties, displacing the ECOGREEN system
maintenance and treatments. with cement. Cross-contamination
should be avoided to prevent prob-
lems with either the ECOGREEN fluid
1. The ECOGREEN system will not tolerate
_______________________ or the cement itself. Sufficient
H2S or acid gas due to the nature of
_______________________ spacer volume is a must.
the base ester. Acids will hydrolyze





Synthetic Systems 13.10 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

Field test procedures for synthetic-base management or Integrated Fluids
muds are the same as those for conven- Engineering (IFE) purposes. Remember
tional invert systems (see Chapter 3, that synthetic-base systems are expen-
Testing). Acceptable mud properties are sive and any unnecessary waste can be
somewhat dependent on the base fluid costly. Different areas may have their
and may vary from one to another. own limits or protocols for the amount
There is one additional test, however, of synthetic-base fluids on cuttings and
that may be requested when discharg- the method of determining this amount.
ing a synthetic-base system. This is Make sure you are familiar with the
the retort analysis of the retention of local protocol when required. The
synthetic-base mud on cuttings. This API RP-13B-2 test procedure, “Oil
test is used to monitor the amount and Water Content from Cuttings for
of synthetic-base mud discharged on Percentage Greater than 10%,” method
the cuttings. It may be required for is given at the end of this section.
environmental compliance, mud

The calculations for M-I’s synthetic-base Calculations that are covered in Chapter
mud systems are the same as those for 11 on Non-Aqueous Emulsions include:
conventional diesel or mineral-oil-base • Solids analysis.
muds. Information regarding the • Alkalinity and lime content.
Specific Gravity (SG) of the particular • Salinity and activity.
synthetic-base fluid (i.e. IOC1618, • Adjustment to oil/water ratio.
NOVATEC B or ECOGREEN B), can be found • Adjustment to salt concentration.
on the Material Safety Data Sheet
The calculation related to the
(MSDS). A list of general SG ranges for
amount of synthetic-base mud
internal olefins, linear alpha olefins,
retained on drill cuttings is provided
esters and other base fluids are provided
at the end of this chapter.
in the chemistry section of this chapter.

Synthetic Systems 13.11 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

Chemistry of Synthetics
A quick review of the chemistry of the
CH3 (CH2)n C=O
synthetic-base materials is important Ester linkage
to the understanding of some of their O (CH2)m CH3

The basic applications and limitations. The basic

chemistry… chemistry of these materials dictates CH3 (CH2)n C=CH (CH2)m CH3
the physical properties, technical limi- (CH2)p CH3
dictates the tations and environmental fate and
physical effect of each base fluid. CH3 (CH2)n O (CH2)n CH3 Ether

Ether linkage

limitations Generalized structures of these first- n, m and p are integers;

PAOs can be either hydrogenated or unhydrogenated.
generation products are shown in
and environ- Figure 1 with their relevant physical Figure 1: Structure of first-generation synthetics.
mental fate properties given in Table 7.
and effect Esters, ethers and acetals contain resistant to acid or base hydrolysis. The
oxygen in their structures. This com- trick would be to balance these aspects
of each mon feature does not equate to com- of an ester compound with the physical
base fluid. mon reaction paths either chemically properties suitable for using the fluid as
or biologically. In the ester molecule, a drilling mud. Although the ester mol-
the two oxygens create an active car- ecule is not associated with any aro-
bon site that is susceptible to attack by matic type structure, esters have a low
either acidic or basic reactants. The aniline point and have been implicated
result would be a degradation of the in the failure of elastomers.
ester to give the corresponding alco- The oxygen in the ether does not
hol and carboxylic acid. It is this sufficiently activate the carbons sur-
breakdown process that affords the rounding it to make them readily sus-
ester-type SBM such a rapid biodegra- ceptible to attack from acids or bases.
dation rate in both laboratory tests This factor, combined with its molecu-
Esters, ethers and seabed conditions. lar weight and the degree of branching
and acetals In a drilling situation, concerns in its carbon skeleton, contributes to
regarding the use of esters would focus the ether-type SBM’s slow degradation
contain around high-temperature applications, rate. The ether SBM has, however, a
oxygen cement contamination and acid-gas high hydrolytic stability and does not
in their influx. Esters can be chemically suffer some of the technical limitations
designed by adjusting the alkyl associated with the esters.
structures. side chains R1 and R2 (i.e. n, m and p Although the acetal-base material is a
are optimized as in Figure 1) to have gem-diether, its reactivity is somewhat
greater thermal stability and to be more different from that of the ether. Like the

Typical Properties PAO Ester Ether Acetal

Density (SG) 0.80 0.85 0.83 0.84
Viscosity at 40°C (cSt)* 5.0 - 6.0 5.0 - 6.0 6.0 3.5
Flash point (°C) >150 >150 >160 >135
Pour point (°C) <-55 <-15 <-40 <-60
Aniline point (°C) 108 25 40 —
*cSt = centi-Stokes = cP ÷ SG.

Table 7: Typical properties for first-generation synthetic-base liquids.

Synthetic Systems 13.12 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

ether, it does exhibit high-temperature

CH3 (CH2)n CH = CH2 LAO
hydrolytic stability under basic condi-
tions typical of invert-type drilling flu- CH3 (CH2)n CH = CH2 (CH2)n CH3 IO

ids. Acidic conditions, however, result CH3 (CH2)n CH3 LP

in hydrolysis of the acetal to its base
components, alcohol (2 moles) and Figure 2: Structure of second-generation synthetics.
aldehyde (1 mole). The R1 and R2
These molecules, like PAOs, contain
hydrocarbon side chains must be opti-
only carbon and hydrogen. They are
mized to obtain a proper balance of
often referred to as synthetic hydrocarbons
physical properties as a drilling fluid
when they are derived strictly from a
and chemical reactivity for technical
synthetic process as opposed to ones
and environmental requirements.
that involve refining of a petroleum dis-
PAOs are PAOs are synthetic hydrocarbons
tillate. Typical physical properties for
synthetic formed from LAOs (see next section).
IOs, LAOs and LPs are shown in Table 8.
PAOs are either branched alkenes
hydrocarbons (unhydrogenated) or branched alkanes
The poly-alpha olefins, internal or
isomerized olefins and linear alpha
formed from (hydrogenated). The term PAO is a
olefins are essentially from the same
LAOs… generic one that refers to both the
chemical family - olefins. They are all
hydrogenated or non-hydrogenated
manufactured from pure ethylene (see
materials. PAOs exhibit low pour points
Figure 3). Ethylene is the monomer
because of their highly branched nature.
(building block) in this process to oli-
This branching, however, causes their
gomerize or form LAOs. Oligomerization
rate of degradation to be much slower
is polymerization to a low molecular
than more linear hydrocarbons such as
weight product. With the proper heat
LAOs, IOs or LPs. Unlike esters, ethers
and catalysts, this process can be car-
Ethylene and acetals, PAOs do not contain oxy-
ried further, linking the oligomers into
gen and thus are stable to high tempera-
is the tures, high alkalinity, acid gases and
branched molecules (PAOs). When two
monomer… identical oligomers react to form a mol-
other chemical contaminants.
ecule, the process is called dimerization.
in this Even though esters, ethers and acetal
Likewise, if three identical oligomers are
process to are also produced via a synthetic proc-
linked together, the process is called
ess, their starting materials are more
oligomerize trimerization. IOs are synthesized by iso-
expensive then ethylene. This increased
merizing LAOs (isomerization changes
or form cost for raw materials, combined with
a molecule’s structure but not its atomic
LAOs. the different manufacturing process
results in a more expensive base fluid Isomerization
for these materials. Oligomerization IO


The general structure of an internal
olefin, a linear alpha olefin and a linear
paraffin are represented in Figure 2. Figure 3: Relationships of LAOs, IOs and PAOs.

Typical Properties LP LAO IO

Density (SG) 0.77 0.77 - 0.79 0.77 - 0.79
Viscosity at 40°C (cSt) 1.75 - 2.5 2.1 - 3.1 3.1
Flash point (°C) >90° 113° - 146° 137°
Pour point (°C) -10° -12° - +3° -24°
Aniline point (°C) >93° ~94° ~94°

Table 8: Typical properties for second-generation synthetic-base liquids.

Synthetic Systems 13.13 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

is seen with respect to the pour point

(see Table 9). The internal double bond
Structure 1: C16H32 LAO. of the IO gives rise to additional struc-
tural isomers (cis and trans) that do not
allow the molecules of the IO to pack
Structure 2: C16H32 IO (one of several structures). together as uniformly upon cooling.
…the pour Figure 4: Structural difference between IO and LAO.
Therefore, the pour point of the IO is
point of the lower than the pour point of the LAO.
composition). Likewise, PAOs are made Olefins are thermally stable and toler-
IO is lower by dimerizing or trimerizing LAOs. ate contamination well. They are unaf-
than the After the LAO, IO or PAO materials fected by high alkalinity from drilling
pour point are formed, they are distilled to isolate cement, and additions of lime for treat-
particular molecular weight ranges ment of acid gases will not affect them.
of the LAO. based on the total carbon number. For They are unaffected by salt and anhy-
instance, LAOs range in molecular drite. Olefins will not hydrate clays or
weights from approximately 112 cause them to swell.
(C8H16) to 260 (C20H40). This mixture The linear paraffin materials share
of LAOs is distilled to give distinct cuts similar chemistries to the LAO and IO
of an individual LAO or blends of products except that they contain no
LAOs. Therefore, the term LAO C14C16 double bonds and their carbon back-
is a blend of C14H28 and C16H32 LAOs. bone, like the LAO, is essentially linear.
Likewise, the C16C18 LAO is a blend of The LPs are classified alkanes (without
C16H32 and C18H36 LAOs. double bonds) vs. LAOs and IOs, which
The IO material is formed by heating are alkenes (with double bonds). The
the LAO with a catalyst. Isomerization absence of the double bond and the
of a compound means that only the linearity of the molecule in an LP will
structure of the material is changed and raise the pour point and kinematic vis-
not its molecular weight. Therefore the cosity relative to an LAO or IO contain-
C16C18 LAO is converted to a C16C18 IO ing the same number of carbon atoms.
…to adjust with the same proportion of C16H32 Therefore, to adjust the base fluid com-
the base fluid and C18H36 materials. LAOs and isomer- position to obtain the suitable flow
ized or internal olefins are very similar properties of an SBM, lower-molecular-
composition in both chemistry and structure. The weight LPs must be blended together.
to obtain the structural difference between the IO These lower-molecular-weight LPs
suitable flow and LAO products is that the double affect other properties such as flash
bond is in the terminal or alpha posi- point and vapors as well as environ-
properties tion in the LAO (Structure 1), while in mental characteristics such as toxicity
of an SBM, the IO (Structure 2) the double bond is and biodegradation.
lower- between two internal carbon atoms. Linear paraffins can be manufactured
This structural variation results in dif- by either a purely synthetic route or
molecular- by a multistep refinery process that
ferences in physical properties between
weight LPs the LAO and IO materials of identical includes hydrocracking and the use
must be molecular weights. The biggest difference of molecular-sieve separation.
blended Material Viscosity at 40°C (cSt) Flash Point (°C) Pour Point (°C)
together. LAO C16C18 3.1 146 +3
IO C16C18 3.1 137 -24
LAO C14C16 2.1 114 -12

Table 9: Physical properties of LAO- and IO-base liquids.

Synthetic Systems 13.14 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

Environmental Health and Safety Issues

The regulatory restrictions regarding the Biodegradation tests are usually made
discharge into the sea of drill cuttings under both aerobic (with oxygen) and
coated with a particular synthetic-base anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions
mud have determined which types of to determine how rapidly a substance
SBMs are marketed and sold in a partic- will degrade. Large cuttings piles that do
ular area. These restrictions are typically not degrade are a serious environmental
linked to environmental assessment concern in some discharge environ-
tests that can be grouped as those per- ments. Biodegradation tests are used to
taining to toxicity, biodegradation, estimate how long a substance will per-
bioaccumulation and seabed impact. sist or last in the environment before
General principles of environmental sci- breaking down. Rapid degradation of
ence are covered in greater detail in the substances is generally considered to be
Health, Safety & Environmental chap- desirable. However, substances that
ter. This section will provide a brief undergo rapid aerobic degradation can
overview on how these principles drive deplete oxygen from the area around
the synthetic market. the discharge and create a toxic effect.
Toxicity is determined by tests on The chemistry of the synthetic-base
living organisms. Different regulatory fluid, such as molecular weight or struc-
bodies and governments use different ture, has a direct effect on the biodegra-
organisms and test protocols for deter- dation (both aerobic and anaerobic) of
mining toxicity. The response to a the SBM. There are numerous test pro-
substance varies from organism to tocols for both aerobic and anaerobic
organism, therefore the toxicity and biodegradation testing and some cau-
acceptability of each material may vary tion must be taken when comparing
from one country to another. Toxicity is results between test methods. Some
generally reported as the concentration countries require biodegradation testing
of a substance that will produce a speci- for approval of SBMs. Check with your
fied mortality rate in the test organism local M-I representative or contact M-I’s
after a specified period of time. This environmental department for details
number is referred to as the LC50, or the on local compliance.
Lethal Concentration (LC) to cause a Bioaccumulation tests determine if
50% mortality of the population of a a substance collects in the tissues of
specific organism. organisms that are exposed to it or in
The chemistry Some countries require that more the tissues of predatory species that
of the than one organism be tested to deter- feed on organisms exposed to the
synthetic- mine acceptability of a given mud substance. Nontoxic levels of a sub-
system. For example, the North Sea stance in the environment can reach
base fluid countries (Norway, Holland, Denmark toxic levels in tissues if it accumulates.
such as and the UK) require three species to be Bioaccumulation of a substance is of
molecular tested — an algae, a herbivore and a concern to personnel exposed to the
weight or sediment reworker. The chemistry of substance and also for the potential
the synthetic-base fluid such as mol- threat it presents if the substance accu-
structure ecular weight or structure has direct mulates in the tissue of organisms used
has direct affect on the toxicity of the SBM. for food. The chemistry of the synthetic-
affect on the Toxicity issues are also balanced with base fluid, such as molecular weight
other factors such as biodegradation or structure, has direct affect on the
toxicity of and bioaccumulation to assess overall bioaccumulation of the SBM.
the SBM. environmental acceptability.
Synthetic Systems 13.15 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

13 Synthetic Systems

Seabed studies are designed to deter- such as calcium chloride and lime. This
mine the impact of SBM discharges on means that SBMs can be quite irritating
the sea floor. These studies can include to the skin and eyes if certain precau-
the presence or residue of any SBM and tions are not taken. Likewise, mist and
assessment of the organisms that live vapor from SBMs, especially in the area
on the seabed itself. Physical properties around the shakers, can be irritating to
such as grain size, oxygen content and the respiratory system.
salinity of water may also be measured. Self-protection when using SBMs
These studies measure the combined GENERAL PRECAUTIONS
effect of toxicity, biodegradation and • Always have the Material Safety Data
bioaccumulation in a particular dis- Sheets (MSDSs) available on location
Factors such charge environment. Factors such as for all materials that are being han-
as current, current, water depth and seabed condi- dled. Read and follow all instructions
tions play a big role in what happens on the MSDSs.
water depth to SBM discharges in a particular area. • Avoid unnecessary contact with
and seabed Other tests are used to address the mud.
conditions regional environmental concerns. • Wipe mud from skin as soon as
For example, the static sheen test is possible, and wash with soap.
play a big designed to prevent oil contamination • If mud soaks through clothing,
role in what in drilling fluids. More sophisticated change and wash as soon as possible.
happens analytical techniques such as Gas • Use good personal hygiene, washing
Chromatograph/Mass Spectroscopy
to SBM (GC/MS) or Ultraviolet (UV) tech-
thoroughly after each tour.
• SBM is very slippery. Keep decks and
discharges in niques may be used to perform the stairs clean.
a particular same function.
Personal Protective Equipment
area. The primary point with regard to
(PPE) recommendations
environmental issues and health and
safety concerns as they relate to SBMs For jobs that require significant con-
is that they are fundamental to the tact with the mud use the following
ability to utilize a particular type procedures and PPE. Always follow
of synthetic-base system in an area. manufacturer’s instructions when
Environmental issues will continue using PPE.
to play a very important role in the • Skin. The most commonly reported
_______________________ development of synthetic-base muds. health problem associated with han-
Short-term marketing issues will be dling SBMs is dermatitis or skin irrita-
driven by regulatory compliance while tion. The following four-step regimen
long-term usage will be driven by is designed to prevent dermatitis
_______________________ environmental impact. when handling SBMs and to relieve
minor irritation. If left untreated,
HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR minor skin irritation can progress and
_______________________ SYNTHETIC-BASE MUDS result in intense itching and blisters
_______________________ The hazards involved with which are susceptible to infection.
using SBMs Cases of severe dermatitis, especially
Like all chemicals, SBMs can be health if infection is suspected, should be
_______________________ referred to a physician immediately.
hazards if handled improperly. The syn-
_______________________ thetic liquids used to make SBMs are less ▪ Protection. In addition to the pro-
_______________________ toxic and less irritating than the oils tective clothing and equipment
used in oil-base muds. However, SBMs mentioned below, before any poten-
are difficult to remove from the skin, tial contact with exposed skin, apply
_______________________ and contain some irritating chemicals barrier cream to areas of skin that can

Synthetic Systems 13.16 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

not be covered by some other form ▪ Respiratory. Use a NIOSH-approved

of PPE. Use a silicon-base cream or P95 half-mask disposable or reusable
one specifically designed to protect particulate mask for mist/aerosol
against oil-base hazards. or use a NIOSH/MSHA-approved
▪ Cleaning. Use a soap designed to organic vapor respirator for vapors.
remove oil and grease from skin, Laundering recommendations
such as the waterless soap prepara- Be sure that your clothes are clean
tions used by mechanics. Do not before wearing them. For clothing that
wash skin with diesel or rig wash. is heavily soiled with SBM this will
▪ Reconditioning. To prevent chafed, require special laundering procedures.
cracked skin apply a recondition- Laundering procedures must be adapted
ing skin lotion to replace the to available equipment and conditions,
moisture and natural oils lost however, the following suggestions
by frequent washing. have been proven to be effective:
▪ Relief. If necessary, use over-the- • Designate one washing machine
counter hydrocortisone cream to for washing only muddy clothes.
relieve minor irritation. Follow Clothing which is not soiled with
instructions and precautions SBM should be washed in a separate
provided by the manufacturer. washing machine.
▪ Eyes. Use chemical splash goggles. • Pre-soak muddy clothes 1 to 2 hr
▪ Body. Use impermeable clothing in a laundry detergent solution
such as TyvekT disposable coveralls before laundering. This can be done
in warm weather or slicker suits in in a container such as a clean 55-gal
cold weather. drum or large plastic trash can.
▪ Hands. Use impermeable gloves • Do not overload washers.
made of nitrile, neoprene or • Run muddy clothes through at least
equivalent. two wash cycles using hot water and
▪ Feet. Wear impermeable boots regular laundry detergent. Additional
made of neoprene, urethane/vinyl cycles may be necessary for extremely
or equivalent. muddy clothes. Each time the wash
cycle is repeated, add more detergent.

Rigs that use Special Applications for Synthetic-Base Muds

synthetic- Due to the high cost of Synthetic-Base fluids dictates that discharges of these
base muds Muds (SBMs) and the severe conse- fluids must be minimized. Rigs that
should quences if an SBM is contaminated, use synthetic-base muds should be fit-
there are special precautions and items ted out with the same equipment as
be fitted with which the mud engineer needs those using oil-base muds. The rig
out with to be familiar when using an SBM. should be modified as follows:
the same These items relate to the rig, solids- • Centrifugal pumps should have
control equipment, drilling practices mechanical packing to prevent
equipment and problems. contaminating the system with
as those fluid from the packing.
using • Check the seals on mechanical
Although synthetic-base fluids may equipment and replace any that
oil-base be more environmentally acceptable might leak oil into the system.
muds. than oil-base muds, the price of these

Synthetic Systems 13.17 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

• Plug off water and diesel lines to – Excessive discharge to

mud pits. environment.
_______________________ • Check BOP elastomers for ▪ Drying shaker.
compatibility with the base fluid. – Used to process and dry cuttings
• Pressure-test hoses that will be used from secondary shakers.
_______________________ to offload mud from boats. – Reclaimed fluid contains high
_______________________ • Check for leaks in the mud pits, concentration of fine solids.
ditches and gates. – Centrifuge reclaimed fluid before
• Shale dump lines: returning it to the active system.
_______________________ ▪ Install seawater lines on each ▪ Rig should have enough shaker
_______________________ end of cuttings trough. capacity so neither drilling nor flow
▪ Shale chute should have a rates are restricted by lack of shale
minimum ID of 16 in. shaker capacity.
_______________________ ▪ Should be free of obstructions ▪ At least 3 primary over 3 secondary
_______________________ with a minimum of turns. shakers are needed for fast drilling
▪ Shunt line should extend 40 ft in 121⁄4-in. or larger holes.
below the water surface. • Centrifuges.
• Mud pump liners and pistons ▪ A barite recovery and high-speed
_______________________ should be continuously flooded tandem unit are usually used.
_______________________ with seawater. – High-speed unit processes overflow
• Synthetic-base-fluid holding tanks from barite recovery unit.
should be cleaned and dried out – Discard all solids including barite.
before usage.
SOLIDS-CONTROL EQUIPMENT • Drilling assemblies:
Design solids-control equipment ▪ Minimize full-gauge stiff drilling
to handle maximum flow and assemblies.
drilling rates. ▪ Limit directional assemblies to
• Shale shakers: collars and Measurement While
▪ Screens should be washed with Drilling (MWD) equipment needed
synthetic-base fluid instead of to control direction.
water or oil. ▪ Use spiral collars and heavy-weight
▪ Primary/scalping: elliptical motion. drill pipe when possible to minimize
– Processes flow from flow line. wellbore contact.
– Drier discharge than linear • Drill to casing point with
motion shakers. water-base mud.
– Deck angle aids in handling • If possible, displace casing and drill
heavy load of cuttings. out with seawater.
– Reduces load for fine screen • Clean lines, pits, troughs and shale
secondary shakers. shaker possum bellies before putting
▪ Secondary: linear motion. synthetic-base mud in system.
– Processes underflow from primary • Displace seawater with synthetic-
shakers to remove fine solids. base mud and test surface casing
– Use finest possible screens. with synthetic-base mud.
▪ Discharge from shakers is normally • Use unweighted SBM for drill ahead
50 to 60% drilling fluid. volume when drilling soft formations;
– Expensive with synthetic-base use the largest jets available.

Synthetic Systems 13.18 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

_______________________ • Hole cleaning: ▪ Monitor the cuttings load in

_______________________ ▪ Minimize hydraulic diameter the annulus.
of annulus: ▪ Rotate and reciprocate the drill pipe
– Use the largest drill pipe possible. when circulating in directional wells.
_______________________ Increases annular flow rates. ▪ Pump the hole clean before tripping.
_______________________ Minimize pressure losses in • Eliminate short trips.
the drillpipe. ▪ Back ream out of each new
– Maintain >100 ft/min annular hole section.
_______________________ velocity if possible. ▪ Circulate until the shakers are
_______________________ ▪ Maximize flow rate. clean before tripping.


Synthetic-Base Mud Problems and Applications
PROBLEMS • Cementing practices.
_______________________ • Gauge hole. ▪ Spacer selection critical, viscosity,
_______________________ ▪ Minimize BHAs to the minimum chemistry.
required for directional control. ▪ Use water-base or waste mud to
▪ Limit the number and size of recover mud from behind casing.
• Limit surge and swab pressures.
• Good applications for synthetics.
▪ Development wells.
• Lost circulation.
▪ High-cost deepwater drilling.
▪ Use higher margin between shoe
▪ Deviated wells.
tests and mud weights.
– Extended reach.
▪ When losing returns, add LCM
– Horizontal.
continuously while drilling.
– Extreme azimuth changes.
▪ Use M-I-X II,E calcium carbonate,
▪ Applications on rigs with limited
torque, re-entries using workover rigs.
▪ Do not use paper, cane fiber, wood
▪ Offshore wells that typically use
fiber or cellophane.
oil-base mud.
• Kicks.
▪ Exploratory wells with good
▪ Gas solubility makes kick detection
offset data.
more difficult and critical than in a
• Poor applications for synthetics.
water-base mud.
▪ High risk of lost circulation.
▪ Oil contamination in a synthetic-
▪ Wells where zero-discharge is
base system makes the mud unac-
ceptable as a synthetic-base mud.
▪ Routine exploratory wells without
▪ Salt water.
good offset data.
– Additions of synthetic-base liquid
to adjust synthetic/water ratio is

Synthetic Systems 13.19 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

Test Procedure for Determining Oil (or Synthetic) and Water

Content from Cuttings for Percentages Greater Than 10%
(After API Recommended Practice 13B-2(RP 13B-2) Appendix B)

DESCRIPTION E. Collect a representative cuttings

_______________________ This procedure measures the amount sample.
of oil from cuttings generated during F. Partially fill the retort cup with cut-
a drilling operation. It is a retort test tings and place the lid on the cup.
_______________________ G. Screw the retort cup (with lid) onto
which measures all oil and water
_______________________ released from a cuttings sample when the retort body, weigh and record the
_______________________ heated in a calibrated and properly total mass. This is mass (B), grams.
operating Retort instrument. H. Attach the condenser. Place the retort
_______________________ assembly into the heating jacket.
In this retort test a known weight of
_______________________ cuttings is heated in the retort chamber I. Weigh and record the mass of the
_______________________ to vaporize the liquids associated with clean and dry liquid receiver. This is
the sample. The oil and water vapors mass (C), grams. Place the receiver
are then condensed, collected and mea- below the condenser outlet.
_______________________ sured in a precision, graduated receiver. J. Turn on the retort. Allow it to run
_______________________ NOTE: Obtaining a representative sam- a minimum of 1 hr at roughly
ple requires special attention to the details 1,000°F (500°C).
of sample handling (location, method, NOTE: If solids boil over into receiver,
frequency). The sampling procedure in a the test must be rerun.
_______________________ given area may be specified by local or K. Remove the liquid receiver. Allow
governmental rules. it to cool. Record the volume of
water recovered. This is (V), cm3.
EQUIPMENT NOTE: If an emulsion interface is
The recommended retort instrument is present between the oil and water
a 50 cm3 volume with an external heat- phases, heating the interface may
ing jacket. The liquid receiver should be break the emulsion.
a 50 cm3 graduated cylinder with 1 cm3 L. Weigh and record the mass of the
graduations and ± 0.5 cm3 precision. receiver and its liquid contents (oil
NOTE: The receiver volume should be plus water). This is mass (D), grams.
verified gravimetrically. M. Turn off the retort. Remove the
retort assembly and condenser from
the heating jacket and allow them
A. Clean and dry the retort assembly to cool. Remover the condenser.
and condenser. N. Weigh and record the mass of the
B. Pack the retort body with oil-free cooled retort assembly without the
steel wool. condenser. This is mass (E), grams.
C. Apply lubricant/sealant to threads O. Clean the retort assembly and
of retort cup and retort stem. condenser.
D. Weigh and record the total mass
of the retort cup, lid and retort
body with steel wool. This is mass
(A), grams.

Synthetic Systems 13.20 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


13 Synthetic Systems

_______________________ CALCULATIONS The procedure should be repeated if

_______________________ A. Calculate the mass of oil from this requirement is not met.
the cuttings as follows: C. Reporting oil from cuttings:
1. Mass of the wet cuttings sample 1. Mass of oil (g) per kg of wet
(Mw) equals the mass of the cut- cuttings sample
_______________________ tings and retort assembly prior to Mo
retorting (B) minus the mass of = x 1,000
_______________________ Mw
the cooled retorted cuttings and
_______________________ 2. Mass of oil (g) per kg of dry
retort assembly (A).
_______________________ Mw = B – A retorted cuttings
_______________________ 2. Mass of the dry retorted cuttings = x 1,000
(Md) equals the mass of the Md
cooled retort assembly (E) minus NOTE: When reporting oil from cuttings
the mass of the empty retort in terms of the dry (retorted) cuttings, the
_______________________ assembly (A). oil content may be higher than that calcu-
_______________________ Md = E – A lated from the wet cuttings sample due to
_______________________ 3. Mass of the oil (Mo) equals the interstitial water extracted during retorting.
mass of the liquid receiver with Also, a cutting containing a higher percent-
_______________________ age of water than another cutting contain-
its contents (D) minus the sum of
the mass of the dry receiver (C) ing a lesser amount of water will appear to
and the mass of the water (V). give a higher oil retention weight for the
Mo = D – (C+V) same reasons.
NOTE: Assuming the density of the
water is 1 g/cm3, the volume of water is
equivalent to the mass of the water.
B. Mass balance requirements:
The sum of Md, Mo and V should
be within 5% of the mass of the
wet sample.
Md + Mo + V
= 0.95 to 1.05

Synthetic Systems 13.21 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

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