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Personal, Social & Emotional Development Literacy

Bwldrng confidence 10 choose actMtles and discuss fdeas
Bulld awareness of needing help, and confidence to ask
Confidence to speak in a group of familiar peers
Woncing as part of a group, following rules where appropriate
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Use phonics to decode straightforward words
Read simple sentences
Discuss what has been read
use phonics knowledge to write simple words and sentences

• Forming posiffie relationships with peers and adults

• Playing co-operatively, taking turns Mathematics
• c.ountreliablywith numbersupto20
• Use counting on and number knowledge for simple addition
mmunlaition & Lancuace • Begin to recognise and descnoe simple patterns
• Use everyday language to talk about sae, position, time , etc.
• Ustenlng attentively, lndudlng whfle completing tasks • Use mathematical language to describe shapes and obJects
• Ustenfng to stories and responding to prompts and Ideas
• FolloW1ng Instructions to carry out activities
• Expression of Ideas, lndudlng real-life and fictional Ideas Understand the World
• Using past, present and future forms of language • Talk a vents In their own lives and that o
• Know about slmllaritles and differences between communities
• Talk about slmllarltfes and differences between objects
Physlail Development • Make observations of plants and animals
• Recognise that tl!(hnology Is used in homes and schools
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Expressive Arts & Desi
• Developing control and coordination ot movement
• Handling equipment and tools, including for writing • Expenmen with songs, music and dance
• lnmfng about healthy diet and exercise • Use a range of artistic materials, tools and techniques
• Managing their own hygiene and personal needs • WorklmagJnatM!lytoaeatenewworks
• Represent ideas through art. music, rol""play, dance and stories

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