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In 4th Grade, we Promise to…

D Make responsible ecisions online.

Understand that everyone has a dIgital footprint, whether it is good or bad.
Ask ourselves- Would my teacher, parent, or Guardian be okay with seeing what I post online?
Use privacy tools, antivirus software, and vIrus protection software to my advantage.
Understand that hurting someone’s feelings online is a Type of bullying know as cyberbullying.
Tell a trusted adult when A person or thing online makes me feel uncomfortable.
Know that there are some companies or individuaLs who want to steal my personal information.

Never post my location or private information to anyone ex ept for my close family members.
Only view age-approprIate content when I’m online.
Understand that almost everyThing we say online cannot be taken back.
Always treat ourselves and others with kIndness and respect.
Be the same citiZens online and offline.
Never steal someone Else’s information online without permission.
Not open or reply to suspicious liNks or emails.
Know that my bad comment on an InStagram post could negatively affect my future.
Ask questions about anytHing online that I am confused about.
Not say anything online that I would not say in-person.
Use strong Passwords and two-step verification whenever possible.

Addressed Standards- Safety and Security [3-5.CAS.a5], [3-5.CAS.a7], Interpersonal and Societal Impact [3-5.CAS.c2]
Common Sense Education. (2022, February 8). Safer internet day. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from
Educatorstechnology. (2021, September 29). The do’s and don’ts of online safety- Practical tips for teachers and students. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from
M, Laura. (2022, January 24). What is a digital footprint?. DeleteMe. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from
Smart Social. (2020, October 14). Positive internet comment etiquette: 14 experts weigh in. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from

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