Case Study 1

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Table of Contents
a) VicStock WSN suitable frequency...........................................................................................2
b) Calculation of channel capacity...............................................................................................2
I Control center channel sensed with single device....................................................................2
II ISP channel from Control channel...........................................................................................2
c) Calculate the noise level experienced by both the channel types.............................................2
I Calculation of Thermal noise...................................................................................................2
II Calculation of Total noise experienced....................................................................................3
d) Control center maintains the SNR of 63 for the sensor signals................................................3
I Calculation of signal power......................................................................................................3
II Control center channel senses the device through BW...........................................................4
III Calculate the Bandwidth for the multiplexed signal...............................................................4
e) Calculation of Free space loss.................................................................................................5
f) Transmission required from signal strength.............................................................................6
g) Agricultural sector for Cloud...................................................................................................6
h) The real time application with WSN and IoT..........................................................................7
a) VicStock WSN suitable frequency

The WSN uses the frequency band of 2.4 to 2.5 GHz because it uses to reduce the
cost which suggests with the use of the unlicensed band. The unlicensed band has been
commonly used in the world which obviously uses the ISM frequency. The scientific,
medical and industrial research uses the frequency which has been accepted as universal
band range and it is allowed as free range of frequency.

b) Calculation of channel capacity

I Control center channel sensed with single device

The control center channel transfers the data with the data rate of 5kB per minute with
every single device. Then the channel capacity will be,
Channel capacity used to divide the 5 kBps with 60 seconds which gives 0.0833
kBps and the channel capacity is 83.3 kBps.

II ISP channel from Control channel

The wireless ISP receives the signal which has been sent from the control channel.

The control channel capacity multiplies with the 2500 Bps which gives 208.250 kBps.

c) Calculate the noise level experienced by both the channel types

I Calculation of Thermal noise
The given expression is the expression used in the thermal noise,
N = 10log k + 10 log T + 10 log B

In this given expression,

N is said to be the thermal noise which is in decibel watts

Where N is the thermal noise in decibel watts

The Boltzmann’s constant is k and it has the value of 1.3803 * 10-23
The term T is temperature which is said to be in Kelvins and here 20 0 C that is equal to
293.15 K
The term B is the bandwidth which is said to be in Hertz and 2.4 GHz that is equal to 2.4 *
Calculate the thermal noise for the given expression and it gives the given value,
N = 10 log (1.3803 * 10-23) + 10 log (293.15) + 10 log (2.4 * 109)
10 log (1.3803 * 10-23) = -228.6
10 log (293.15) = 24.67
10 log (2.4 * 109) = 93.8
Then, the expression is
N = -228.6 + 24.67 + 93.8
After adding the value it gives,
N = -110.13 dBm

II Calculation of Total noise experienced

We can calculate the total noise experienced with the help of the given data. The
thermal noise has contributed 5 % and the thermal noise is integrated with the total
Therefore, the total noise is experienced by the given expression
Total noise experienced = 20* -110.13 = -2202.6 dBm.
Therefore, the total noise experienced is -2202.6 dBm.
d) Control center maintains the SNR of 63 for the sensor signals.

I Calculation of signal power.

The below given is the expression to calculate the signal power with SNR.
SNR = 10 log (signal power / noise power)
The value of SNR is 63 and it is given as,
63 = 10 log (signal power/noise power)
The value 10 is divided by 63 and given as,
6.3 = log (signal power/noise power)
The log is taken to the other side and gives 80 as a value,
80 = signal power/ noise power
Let us calculate the signal power of the given formula,
Signal power = 80 * noise power
Here the noise power is calculated with kTB and it is calculated by the given expression,
= 80 * kTB
= 80 * 1.3803 * 10^-23 * 293.15 * 2.4 * 10^9
The value of 80 * kTB is,
= 77690 * 10 ^ -14
Here the signal power is calculated and given as,
= 0.7769 Nanowatts

II Control center channel senses the device through BW.

The given formula is used for calculating the control center channel through the
C = B * log2 (1+SNR)
Let us take the bandwidth for the same formula
B = C / log2 (1+SNR)
The value of C is 83.3 and the value of SNR is 63,
= 83.3/log2 (1+63)
The log is taken from the 64 and the value is divided by the 83.3. Now the log of 64 is 6.
= 83.3/6
Let us take the control center channel value to be 13.88 Hz.
= 13.88 Hz

III Calculate the Bandwidth for the multiplexed signal

C = B * log2 (1+SNR)
The above given formula used to calculate the bandwidth and let us interchange the
bandwidth and the control center channel
B = C/log2 (1+SNR)
The value of c is 208.250 and the log of 64 is 6,
= 208250 / 6
Now divide the control center channel and log to get the bandwidth for the multiplexed
= 34.708 KHz

e) Calculation of Free space loss

Free space loss = 20 log (d) + 20 log (f) + 32.44

The above given formula is used for calculating the free space loss.

In that the term d is the distance which gives maximum distance with half of the
diagonal and shows (3√ 2)/2 km

= 2.12 km
Convert kilometers into meters

= 2120 meters

The term f is the frequency of the signal and it has the value of 13.88 Hz.

Substitute the value of the given expression,

Maximum Free space loss, L = 20 log (3/√ 2) + 20 log (13.88) -147.56 dB

After calculating the log value,

= 22.1 + 75.8 -147.56 dB

Therefore, the free space loss is

= -49.66 dB

f) Transmission required from signal strength

The total signal strength includes the attenuation and the loss which is given for the
required signal strength which are considered before the transmission occurs. The
previously calculated signal strength is 0.7769 watts and now let us calculate the
required signal strength with the transmission.

The required signal strength of the transmission is calculated by the previously

calculated value which is added to the loss in path and attenuation.

Required Transmission signal strength = 0.7769 + attenuation and path loss (30% of

The value calculated from the loss in path and attenuation is 0.333

= 0.7769 + 0.333

After adding the value , the signal strength is

= 1.1099 nanowatts

= -9.58 dBm

g) Agricultural sector for Cloud

The enormous resources integrated with the cloud application at any point of view
which used for creating value for many fields. The production is supported for high
requirement and the agricultural products are marketed with the cattle rearing since the
agricultural sector will be the optimized area. The agricultural sector used to develop the
business which used to create tremendous choice uses the infrastructure, platform and
the software as the service model which has been shared over the wireless medium. The
traditional methods are used to invest highly in the infrastructure and the hardware to
design which is a difficult job and the agricultural sector uses the cloud with high
advantage when compared to traditional methods which host the application, virtual
machines and storage. The plug and play option is supported by the cloud computing
system. After requesting the entity it has to be hosted and the billing has to be done
with the job which is convenient for the job.

The equipment which is attached to the animal body used to transmit the
information to the virtual machines which is obtained from the sensor data with the
devoices. The basic troubleshooting has the requirements which are reacted with the
applications. The fog network is used with the analysis purposes since it cannot used to
sent the sensor data and local network used to carry out the jobs in fog framework. The
cloud receives the exclusive data which have been used for the further analysis.

h) The real time application with WSN and IoT

The real time data is very effective for monitoring and it has mobility which is very
beneficial for the Wireless Sensor Network. In most of the development field and the
research field the sensor networks are used as a promising technology. The wireless
sensor network uses the operation to be performed with thousands of wireless
networks. The internet of everything uses the IoT has the basic terminology. Therefore,
the budding technologies are developed and supported by quite vast applications. The
internet of things uses the sensors as the important input. The IoT devices are related to
the sensors in more ways. The wireless sensor network is a one way communication and
the IoT is the two way communication which is capable to calculate the individual
devices in such situations. The WSN uses the node as a common device or the
component and the IoT needs more nodes for every single device. The IoT is
communicated in two ways and it is mandatory for connecting with every device which
accomplished with every other device. Every device in the network can detain and join at
any of the points.

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