BSBINS603 - Assessment Task 2

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Table of Contents

Section 1: Plan and Develop an Applied Research Strategy......................................................4

2.1.1 Organization name and main activities:........................................................................4

2.1.2 Role in the organization:...............................................................................................4

2.1.3 Strategic practice and outcome.....................................................................................4

2.1.4 Research task description..............................................................................................5

2.1.5 Meeting with relevant stakeholders..............................................................................5

2.1.6 Summarization of legislation, regulations and code of practices..................................6

2.1.7 Organization’s policies and procedures........................................................................6

2.1.8 Tools and available resources.......................................................................................7

2.1.9 Evaluation of methods and techniques..........................................................................7

2.1.10 Technology and technology services..........................................................................8

2.1.11 Research strategy for tools and resources...................................................................8

2.1.12 Limitations of the research..........................................................................................9

Section 2: Collect and Analyse Data........................................................................................11

1. Technology and Technology Services to Gather Data..................................................11

2. Sources of Information..................................................................................................11

3. Data Analysis................................................................................................................12

4. Research Findings.........................................................................................................12

5. The integrity of Collected Data and Analysis...............................................................13

Section 3 – Comprehensive Research......................................................................................14

2.3.1- In a manner consistent with the stakeholder requirements including............................14

2.3.1a Research summary (purpose, hypothesis, findings, surprising/important/outlying


2.3.1b Methods used (how you carried out the research, collected data and performed an

2.3.1c Results obtained (recorded in an appropriate format)...............................................15

2.3.1d Detailed description of findings (if relevant)............................................................15

2.3.1e Relevance and impact of results (on the organisation/customer/stakeholders etc.). .16

2.3.1f Accuracy (of data and analysis).................................................................................16

2.3.1g. Further research required (including the approach required)...................................17

Section 1: Plan and Develop an Applied Research Strategy
VET: Evaluation of methods used to support student learning

2.1.1 Organization name and main activities:

King Edward VII College was started in 2010 and it is based on the CBD of Melbourne. The
college used to offer courses in the field of international business, management, human
resources and marketing. The college is very popular because of its innovative teaching
methods, competitive pricing structure and facilities in the state. The main purpose of the
college is used to give high quality services in training that used to satisfy the needs of the

Mission and values:

King Edward VII college used to give quality service in education used to make more
participation and achievement. The values are promoted with the innovation that comes
across business operations and equality and integrity of the opportunities is demonstrated
over all activities.

Objectives or goals:

● To be a leader in the field of vocational education and training

● To be a leader in the innovation sector of VET
● To maintain and then establish infrastructure with high quality which supports staffs
and clients

2.1.2 Role in the organization:

The role of operations manager is performed by a student and they are responsible for applied

2.1.3 Strategic practice and outcome

The valuation of the methods is used for supporting the student learning where the
organization is supported with the mission that has excellence in the assessment and training
and they are used to promote innovation in business operations and collaborate with the
community. The strategic objective is supported with high quality infrastructure where
student learning is supported to make use of best practice methods that experience improved
learning in outcome and results (Killcross, 2021).
2.1.4 Research task description

The existing methods are evaluated in the college that used to support student learning.


95% of the learning support services are provided with the examples of the best practices.

Target group and profile needs

The current students are enrolled in the college. Because of the COVID-19 reasons, the needs
of the new enrolled students taking their education through social well being and online


Among the RTO, it used to carry out research. The students of the college have their socio-
economic background from middle to upper class. The students are from international even
though the covid-19 pandemic has made their shift with enrolment demographics.

Data requirements

● Providing learning support services currently

● Experiences of students in learning support
● Preferences of student learning

2.1.5 Meeting with relevant stakeholders

● Every project which is carried out by the employees of King Edward VII college have
to be authorized and assessed by the CEO of the organization prior to the
● The findings have to be recorded and then presented in a form that can be understood
easily which is intended to the audiences. It has to be in the written format(Gregory,
Executive management meeting

Meeting with consultant: CEO

Requirements of the stakeholders: The projects which are carried out in the organization
have to fulfill the requirements of the students. They have to help them in learning methods
and give innovative ideas so students show their preferences.

2.1.6 Summarization of legislation, regulations and code of practices

The students are required to summarize their legislative requirements that are applicable in
conducting the organization’s applied research. The legislation is included with,

Privacy act: The privacy act helps in the protection of the records regarding the individual
who used to retrieve their personal identifiers. They are introduced in promoting and then
protecting the privacy of every individual and then it regulates with the organization
government agencies with $3 million annual turnover.

Standards of registered training organizations 2015: It is ensured with the purpose that
training is delivered with RTO that meets requirements of the organization. The employment
with integrity and then its study. The RTO’s are ensured in an ethical and considered way
that helps in considering both students and organization (Tsvetkova, 2016).

Australian qualifications framework: RTO’s have to comply with the commonwealth in

territory or the state legislation and its requirements of regulation. VET quality framework is
prepared with the legislative components of the RTO.

The research ethics where the students rely is the declaration of Hesinki is based on the
human experimentation that is developed for the community of the medical community in
World Medical Association. It is the human research ethics and they also doubted the
research of the students. The ethical considerations are reported honestly in the subjects of
the interview and its responses.

2.1.7 Organization’s policies and procedures

It is a policy which has a set of guidelines which used to outline its plan in the organisation
which used to tackle an issue. The policies used to communicate a connection that comes
between values and vision in the organisation that has the day to day operations. The
simulation pack contains the documentation of the organization. The set out procedures
comply with the research strategy with the policies and then procedures of the applied
research. The privacy policy and then the procedures comply with the data retention and
2.1.8 Tools and available resources
Resources have the research in both primary and secondary way. It has the experiences with
the journals, Medias, and so on. There are various tools available in collection of the data and
it can be used through questionnaires, interviews, surveys so on. The information which is
given in the simulation pack used to state that the applied research which has to be conducted
in the house that relies on the time of the staff and which does not have any budget for the
current research. The length of the assessment time used to give the time frame. The students
are the ones who used to conduct the research.

2.1.9 Evaluation of methods and techniques

Research on Summary of research Evaluation to apply most on

the correct methods or

Applied research theories ● Specific problems are The VET learning is used to
researched that gives tell regarding the research of
unexpected solutions the new learning methods that
● The practical solutions gives unexpected solutions
used to be the drivers
of the process

Methods or techniques that Methods ● Best practice learning

used to collect data supported is reviewed
● Interviews that gives
from search of internet
responses for a
● College staffs are
specific question
interviewed in
● Historical data review
understanding the
in internet
support efforts of
● Comparison of
established standards
and internal
● Searching solution in
internet similar with
● Specific group
targeted for
● Interviews

Methods or techniques that ● Average calculation ● Data displayed

used to analyze the data ● Percentages graphically
● Graphs ● Statistical correlation
is confirmed with
student experiences
and internal

Methods or tools that ● Sample size is ● The questionnaires

maintaining integrity of the calculated for the gained from the
data needed level of the insights is said as a
confidence representative for the
current student in the
RTO with learning
support services

2.1.10 Technology and technology services

The search information which is related with the learning support is done from the repository
research publication of the best practice information. The questionnaires to the students is
distributed through an online survey tool, example survey monkey. An excel table is used for
recording the responses which are used to determine response of the frequency.

2.1.11 Research strategy for tools and resources

● The best practice learning support is reviewed from the search of internet
● College policies and procedures are read in establishing among the college with
formal learning support
● Staff members of the college is interviewed in the support establishment
● College learning support is compared with examples of best practice
● Questionnaires are provided to the student who attends the college
● Statistical correlation is confirmed in the student experiences and internal document
● Graphical data display

Available tools and research

The main tool and resources for the strategies which carried out in this organisation is,
 First thing is they use the library for the resources
 Computer and its software
 Measurement techniques
 Statistics
 Mind of the human
 Languages
 The research method also on quantitative, mixed qualitative.

2.1.12 Limitations of the research

Sample size

The size of the sample which is given by the student is small and used to consider restrictions
of the time. Also students can tell the valid research of the sample size. For the larger sample
size, it needs adequate power to make its condition feasible. Students should know about the
limitations and data to be strong enough in trend establishment. The sample size it used to
make difficult in determination in the outcome that has true in finding the cases which used to
have the error in type II.


● Research project does not have budget

● Within short amount of time, the project have to be done
● It has the flaws or the shortcomings which may be result in unavailable of the
resources, flaw methods and limited sample size.
Validity used to refer to the project in freedom with the distortions, unsupported conclusions,
and biases. The people number is limited by opportunity in check and then findings are
verified with the given conclusions. There is extend with the researcher who takes control in
the extraneous variables and it used to say their intervention is accounted in the results. The
threats used to have the internal validity which has to be control with the extraneous


It refers that it used to have the same answer through the measure in the instrument which has
something once. A measure is considered as a reliable when the application which has the
same object that used in giving same results. The data reliability is increased in making
performance with the project many times that ensures the results in a consistent way but also
they lack in the resources or the time which cannot be done here.

Data integrity

It used to describe their consistency, overall accuracy and then completeness in the dataset.
The integrity of the data is ensured by making a review with the entered data in excel sheets
and every formula which is entered in the excel sheet by an independent person.

Research proposal or plan

The report for the research proposal plan is attached.

Section 2: Collect and Analyse Data
1. Technology and Technology Services to Gather Data

To choose own career with an improvement of practical version, mobile technology can be
used. The service facilitated by this process will be enabling the digital services to gain
related information. This type of data collection can improve the crowdsourcing process with
real-time data collection methods and involving different technologies. This technology is
used to exploit the entire potentiality of information. It acts as a volunteer of its own data
processing program to collect the information. This service also monitors social media to
extract relevant information in order to collect the data for gaining an enhanced skill level. It
assumes a constant stream for new software to gather data from various traditional methods
to utilize the targeted techniques and technologies. This research also can be enabled with the
personal research assistant for employing the modern information to accomplish the current
research terminologies. It also enables the quantitative and qualitative methods to improve
the research process and related approaches. Besides, this technology can able to facilitate the
key information for violating the conflict process and supporting the conflict prevention
process. It can also automate the process of communication with the supporting rescue
operation. This mobile-based technology in career choice also makes the digital version of
response with the relevant search. The database tool has been emerged with this type of
technology to facilitate the solution for unconditional automation which makes a smarter
decision than the human. This experimental result will be enabling the different data
collection that has been related to learning for skill development (DEFONTAINE|, 2018).

2. Sources of Information

The research work is carried out in the field of mobile technology. To more about this
technology, it is necessary to collect the relevant details. It is recommended to go through
various research articles which will be explaining the role of mobile technology in the new
era. Mobile technology is updating and it is coming up with new versions each and every day.
Hence it is necessary to understand the progress happening in this field. It is essential to have
an understanding of the 4 G and 5 G communication. This kind of information is made
available on the internet and hence the student should keep himself updated with the latest
The data collection can be extended by having a consultation with experts to understand how
the technology operates and what are its benefits rendered to society and the business market.
One will be able to get a vast knowledge after having a discussion with experts about the
chosen technology and into that one can add his own perspective to enrich the knowledge.

It is also suggested to attend various meetings and conferences related to technology

advancement. Through an interactive session, one will be able to understand the current
trends and where the technology is driving. All these measures will support understanding
more about mobile technology (Ng, 2021).

3. Data Analysis

Data analysis on mobile technology and related processes are envisioned with the current
trends and patterns. The usage of mobile technology experimentally supporting for the
collaborative learning process and activities (, 2020). Elicit positive
responses from this technology and user side can be used to perceive the activities that are
related to the technology attitude to increase the higher gains. When the test is happening in
the data collection process, there will be a significant difference between time and
probability. The major mathematical difference can be t(3) = 4.56 and p = 0.005. This tiny
change in current mobile technology can touch with the major processing system (Fabian,

4. Research Findings

The exploration work is done in the field of portable innovation. In addition with regards to
this innovation, it is important to gather the pertinent subtleties. It is prescribed to go through
different exploration articles which will clarify the job of portable innovation in the new
period. Portable innovation is refreshing and it is thinking of new forms every single day.
Thus it is important to comprehend the advancement occurring in this field. It is fundamental
to have a comprehension of the 4 G and 5 G correspondence. This sort of data is made
accessible on the web and thus the understudy should keep himself refreshed with the most
recent news.

The information assortment can be stretched out by having a counsel with specialists to see
how the innovation works and what are its advantages delivered to the general public and to
the business market. One will actually want to get a piece of immense information in the
wake of having a conversation with specialists about the picked innovation and into that one
can add his own viewpoint to improve the information.

It is likewise proposed to go to different gatherings and meetings connected with the

innovation progression. Through an intuitive meeting, one will actually want to comprehend
the latest things and where the innovation is driving. This multitude of measures will uphold
in seeing more with regards to the versatile innovation (Vannoy, 2022).

5. The integrity of Collected Data and Analysis

The collected data from various sources will be used here to ensure the process of preserving
validity and accuracy. In integration, the error checking and validation process have been
enabled. All collected data related to reliability would be trustworthy collection throughout
the lifecycle. It is used to preserve the accuracy of data (, 2022). The collected
data from mobile technology and other sources like the cloud and social media have been
combined to evaluate the knowledge accomplishment. The establishment of information has
to be applied with the common methods of integrity to ensure reliability. As mobile
technology is always embedded with the cloud, social media content can be easily accessible
and promoted with cloud access techniques. To the true integrity reference, the accuracy and
consistency documents can be attached to this approach. Comprising of all data has been
maintained with the core focus of enterprise security level and solution. It ensures the
completeness of healthiness of process accomplishment to the privacy terms. A certain
constraint about the real-world improvement has been applied with the specific database in
addition to the general integrity rule which can be applied to the database protection and
formulation (, 2022).
Section 3 – Comprehensive Research

2.3.1- In a manner consistent with the stakeholder requirements

The projects which are carried out in the organization have to fulfil the requirements of the
students. They have to help them in learning methods and give innovative ideas so students
show their preferences.

2.3.1a Research summary (purpose, hypothesis, findings,

surprising/important/outlying results)
The main purpose is the existing methods are evaluated in the college that used to support
student learning. 95% of the learning support services are provided with the examples of the
best practices will be ahypothesis. The findings will be considered as the current students are
enrolled in the college. Because of the COVID-19 reasons, the needs of the new enrolled
students taking their education through social wellbeing and online learning.The importance
is followed by the research is among the RTO, it used to carry out research. The students of
the college have their socio-economic background from middle to upper class. The students
are from international even though the covid-19 pandemic has made their shift with
enrolment demographics(Gregory, 2020).

2.3.1b Methods used (how you carried out the research, collected data and
performed an analysis)
The method to carry out the research are specific problems are researched that gives
unexpected solutions and the practical solutions used to be the drivers of the process

The methods that used in the data collection are interviews that gives responses for a specific
question, historical data review in internet, comparison of established standards and internal
documents. Here, the techniques of Searching solution in internet similar with issues, specific
group targeted for questioning, and interviews are used.

The method that used to analyse the data are average calculation, percentages, and graphs.
The methods or tools that maintaining integrity of the datawill be sample size is calculated
for the needed level of the confidence(Johnson, 105-497).
2.3.1c Results obtained (recorded in an appropriate format)
The VET learning is used to tell regarding the research of the new learning methods that
gives unexpected solutions. Best practice learning supported is reviewed from search of
internet and the college staffs are interviewed in understanding the support efforts of
teach(Johnson, 2016). Data displayed graphically and statistical correlation is confirmed with
student experiences and internal documents. The questionnaires gained from the insights is
said as a representative for the current student in the RTO with learning support
services(Killcross, 2021). The VET learning is used to tell regarding the research of the new
learning methods that gives unexpected solutions. Best practice learning supported is
reviewed from search of internet, college staffs are interviewed in understanding the support
efforts of teach (Johnson, 2016). Data displayed graphically, statistical correlation is
confirmed with student experiences and internal documents. The questionnaires gained from
the insights is said as a representative for the current student in the RTO with learning
support services. The best practice learning support is reviewed from the search of internet,
college policies and procedures are read in establishing among the college with formal
learning support. Staff members of the college is interviewed in the support establishment,
college learning support is compared with examples of best practice. Questionnaires are
provided to the student who attends the college, statistical correlation is confirmed in the
student experiences and internal document.

2.3.1d Detailed description of findings (if relevant)

The exploration work is done in the field of portable innovation. In addition with regards to
this innovation, it is important to gather the pertinent subtleties. It is prescribed to go through
different exploration articles which will clarify the job of portable innovation in the new
period. Portable innovation is refreshing and it is thinking of new forms every single day.
Thus it is important to comprehend the advancement occurring in this field. It is fundamental
to have a comprehension of the 4 G and 5 G correspondence. This sort of data is made
accessible on the web and thus the understudy should keep himself refreshed with the most
recent news.

The information assortment can be stretched out by having a counsel with specialists to see
how the innovation works and what are its advantages delivered to the general public and to
the business market. One will actually want to get a piece of immense information in the
wake of having a conversation with specialists about the picked innovation and into that one
can add his own viewpoint to improve the information.

It is likewise proposed to go to different gatherings and meetings connected with the

innovation progression. Through an intuitive meeting, one will actually want to comprehend
the latest things and where the innovation is driving. This multitude of measures will uphold
in seeing more with regards to the versatile innovation (Vannoy, 2022).

2.3.1e Relevance and impact of results (on the

organisation/customer/stakeholders etc.)
Data analysis on mobile technology and related processes are envisioned with the current
trends and patterns. The usage of mobile technology experimentally supporting for the
collaborative learning process and activities (, 2020). Elicit positive
responses from this technology and user side can be used to perceive the activities that are
related to the technology attitude to increase the higher gains. When the test is happening in
the data collection process, there will be a significant difference between time and
probability. The major mathematical difference can be t(3) = 4.56 and p = 0.005. This tiny
change in current mobile technology can touch with the major processing system (Fabian,
2018). The search information which is related with the learning support is done from the
repository research publication of the best practice information. The questionnaires to the
students is distributed through an online survey tool, example survey monkey. An excel table
is used for recording the responses which are used to determine response of the frequency.
The best practice learning support is reviewed from the search of internet, college policies
and procedures are read in establishing among the college with formal learning support. Staff
members of the college is interviewed in the support establishment, college learning support
is compared with examples of best practice. The questionnaires are provided to the student
who attends the college, statistical correlation is confirmed in the student experiences and
internal document, and graphical data display. Best practice learning support will be
improved with the research(Tsvetkova, 2016).

2.3.1f Accuracy (of data and analysis)

The collected data from various sources will be used here to ensure the process of preserving
validity and accuracy. In integration, the error checking and validation process have been
enabled. All collected data related to reliability would be trustworthy collection throughout
the lifecycle. It is used to preserve the accuracy of data (, 2022). The collected
data from mobile technology and other sources like the cloud and social media have been
combined to evaluate the knowledge accomplishment. The establishment of information has
to be applied with the common methods of integrity to ensure reliability. As mobile
technology is always embedded with the cloud, social media content can be easily accessible
and promoted with cloud access techniques. To the true integrity reference, the accuracy and
consistency documents can be attached to this approach. Comprising of all data has been
maintained with the core focus of enterprise security level and solution. It ensures the
completeness of healthiness of process accomplishment to the privacy terms. A certain
constraint about the real-world improvement has been applied with the specific database in
addition to the general integrity rule which can be applied to the database protection and
formulation (, 2022).

2.3.1g. Further research required (including the approach required).

The further research will be related to the major implications and the limitations of the
research development process.

The size of the sample which is given by the student is small and used to consider restrictions
of the time. Also students can tell the valid research of the sample size. For the larger sample
size, it needs adequate power to make its condition feasible. Students should know about the
limitations and data to be strong enough in trend establishment. So the size could be
considered for further research. Research project does not have budget. Within short amount
of time, the project have to be done. These issues are considered for the further development
of research.

DEFONTAINE|, C. (2018, May 30). Exploiting the full potential of new technologies for
data collection, monitoring, and conflict prevention. Retrieved from

Fabian, K. (2018). Using mobile technologies for mathematics: effects on student attitudes
and achievement. Educational Technology Research and Development , 1119–1139 .

Gregory, A. J. (2020). Stakeholder identification and engagement in problem structuring

interventions. European Journal of Operational Research, 321-340.
Johnson, L. (105-497). Assessment techniques for each kind of control. Security Controls
Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook, 2016.

Killcross, M. (2021). Develop an initial commissioning plan, philosophy, and strategy.

Chemical and Process Plant Commissioning Handbook. (2022). How Technology Is Changing Market Research. Retrieved from

Ng, C. (2021, March 25). What is Data Integrity and How Can You Maintain it? Retrieved

Tsvetkova, E. (2016). Procedures for challenging regulations in the Russian legislation: From
civil procedural code to administrative procedural code. Law. Journal of the Higher
School of Economics. (2022). 8 Ways to Ensure Data Integrity. Retrieved from

Vannoy, M. (2022). Using Technology to Enhance Data Collection & Decision Making.
Retrieved from
enhance-data-collection-decision-making.html (2020, August 20). 5 Mobile Trends That Are Considered The Future Of
Mobile Development. Retrieved from

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