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ASEAN REVIEWER checking out the next day (and yes, of course we

returned to pay before we left).

Borneo's Green Heart

Official Name: Brunei Darussalam Brunei is a tiny,
independent, oil-rich country wedged between the states
of Sarawak and Sabah on the Malaysian side (northeast) POEM ANALYSIS
of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. Brunei is
Title: known moniker of Brunei
considered a "developed" nation, and thanks to an
abundance of oil, continues to prosper. Its capital city, Speaker: either a citizen or resident of Brunei Tone:
Bandar Seri Begawan, is only a two-hour flight from proud; Mood: pride / patriotism Language: Figurative
Manila Language - metaphor Theme: Tourism; Patriotism
A Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures
Type of Poetry: Free verse - Descriptive poetry Usage
First: A Gem of a Nation of language: Visual imagery

Temburong district Rhythm: Caesura

Brunei, a rainforest covered gem of a country nestled on

the northern coast of Borneo in South-East Asia, is a
refreshing tourist destination offering a richly diverse “BED BUG AND THE LOUSE”
natural and cultural heritage, a centuries old majestic
- There are self-care activities that help to maintain
Royal heritage and an exciting contemporary side of
good health and improve well-being. Some self-
magnificent accommodation, premium golf, first class
diving and modern and efficient infrastructure. care activities might already be part of your routine,
such a seating regular meal, enjoying a hobby, or
2nd and 4th: An abode of peace & A HAVEN of spending time with friends. Nevertheless, during
tranquility periods of stress, frustrations or bad habits, and
The name Brunei Darussalam means " abode of peace " busy schedules, self-care sometimes takes a
which is mostly true given the country ' s higher standard
- Bed bugs belong to the group of insects which can
of living and longer life expectancy (average is 75.93
years as of 2020) than many of their neighbors in
cause a lot of harm and stress to humans. These
Southeast Asia. parasites have been around humans for thousands of
years. These insects feed on human blood and they
3rd & 13th: A TREASURE of Empire & An usually do it during night when people are sleeping.
ANCIENT Sultanate Kingdom Their bites are unpleasant for many reasons. They
The word sultan has many different meanings in Arabic, don’t just cause a psychological sense of disgust
including " strength, " " ruler, " "king, " " queen, " and " and anger, but they produce skin rashes or allergy
power." reactions. Every person reacts differently to their
5th & 12th: A KINGDOM of Treasures & An
bites, and symptoms appear in different intervals,
ENVIRONMENT of Treasures from several minutes to days.

Kingdom and Environment - The bite is accompanied by itchiness. Some people

feel a sense of These bugs are tiny, and their size is
6th, 9th, 10th: An OASIS of Modern Empire; A between 1 to 7 mm. They spread by people carrying
them in their personal items, or by crawling. They
beyond comports
usually remain hidden in dark places, like
7th, 8th, 11th: A SPACE of Warmth Greeting; A DEN mattresses or cracks in the walls.
of Hospitable People; An AVENUE of Understanding
Strangers are warm, polite and generous, they always EXCERPT FROM THE SHORT STORY:
say hello and when they speak to you, it is without any -In the room of a dirty girl, there were swarms of
hidden agenda other than to be friendly; they aren ’t
bed bugs living in the pleats of mattress, mat,
asking if you want to buy anything or if you want a taxi,
they just want to say hello, or to give you a lift
pillows, bolsters, and mosquito net. And there were
somewhere because they can see you have missed the a lot of dirty lice in her head with kinky hair. (What
bus! figure of speech is used in this part?)

One (of many) example of their kindness is a story of a EXCERPT FROM THE SHORT STORY:
shopkeeper next to our hotel. He didn ’t have change to
One day, the girl was combing lice out of the hair,
give us for our $15 goods, so he said “it’ s OK, pay me
later ”. He let us walk out the shop, knowing we were putting them down on the mat and crushing them
with thumbnail when a big louse ran away to hide in
the lace of the mat. (What figure of speech is used Bed bugs are usually related to lack of maintenance
in this part?) and good hygiene. It could reveal your guilty
conscience and feeling dirty because of something
Although people try hard to plough or harrow, we
you did.
will never be completely destroyed except when the
end of the world by fire comes. (What figure of (What is the meaning of inserting ‘bed bug and
speech is used in this part? Explain its meaning) the louse in the story?)
Bed bugs are not easy to eliminate. Usually, it takes What is the life lesson that you may get from this
specialized personnel to do the extermination part. story?
These bugs are very enduring insects. They can
survive a year without food.
Swarms of bed bugs on seeing the frightened lice
hiding themselves laughed mockingly at them and
said: eh, brother lice! Have you stolen sucking
people’s blood enough? Why do you come to greet
us? You must be very happy because there are a
plough and a harrow to plough and harrow you
every day. As for us, we do not have such to eat like
you, brother.
Some bed bugs tried to bite the girl’s shaved head.
The girl kept scratching the head and thought: my
hair is all gone and what lice are biting my head?
Later on, when her head was bitten again, the girl
got up and saw some beg bugs crawling on the
pillow. She became so furious that she gathered
pillow, bolster, mosquito net and the mattress and
soaked them.
The girl felt so annoyed when she could not sleep as
her head was bitten hard by the lice that she got up
and asked her mother to shave her head. While her
head was being shaved, the lice panicked and told
one another that: it is the end of the world now and
we will soon be destroyed. After having had her
head shaved, the girl gathered the hair fraught with
dirty lice.
(What descriptions can you give to the girl in the
While the bed bugs and the lice were arguing, the
girl stopped combing the hair and lied to sleep. Out
of being very angry with the bed bugs, the lice bit
the girl’s head so hard that she could not sleep still
so that the bed bugs could not suck her blood.

(Are bugs and louse, friends or foe? Explain



Relate and compare the girl in the story to the girls

in this generation.

Checkov’s Gun
-The definition of intertextuality was created by the
French semiotician Julia Kristeva in the 1960’s. She
created the term from the Latin word intertexto,
which means “to intermingle while weaving”
Kristeva argued that all works of literature being
“THE TWO WOMEN SCRAMBLED FOR A produced contemporarily are intertextual with the
BABY” works that came before it. As stated, “[A] ny text”
CONNOTATIVE MEANING she argues, “is constructed” of a mosaic of
quotations any text is the absorption and
-Connotations is the implied or suggested meaning transformation of another.
associated with the word. In denotation, cellphone is
an electronic device while in connotation, it is a ALLUSION
communication or bonding -Is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place,
-Impostor thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary or
political significance.
- Literary
-Words that conjure a favorable emotional response.
For example, describing someone ambitious as a -Religious
“go-getter” or someone who is lively and curious as How would you described the two women in the
“youthful” story?
NEGATIVE CONNOTATION -The women whose baby had been dead quickly
-When negative connotation is mode, it presents the snatched the baby’s leg mercilessly without being
person or thing in an unfavorable light. Using the afraid of tearing its arm and legs. As the woman
example above, the same ambitious person might be who was the baby’s real mother, she was very angry
described as an “overachiever” while the curious with the impostor, but she pitied the baby so much
person might be referred to as “childish” that she tired to hold the baby gently. However,
when she saw the impostor doing her utmost to get
NEUTRAL CONNOTATION the baby without caring about breaking the kid’s
-This is when a word says what it means with a bones, the woman who was the real mother let go of
neutral point of view and no at. her poor kid and allowed the impostor to get it
Denotation is the lexical or dictionary meaning of
word. How was the relationship of the characters in the
-The woman with the baby handed her baby to the
- Pitied woman, who kissed and breastfeed the baby and
-Resembles walked to her home with the baby being held in her
Described the king and the way he solved the
-Is the way that one text influences another. This problem of the two women?
can be a direct borrowing such as quotation or
plagiarism, or slightly more indirect such as parody, -The judge spent three days and nights solving the
pastiche, allusion, or translation. The function and case, but could not settle it, so he took the two
effectiveness of intertextuality can often depend women to see the king and told the king what had
quite a bit on the readers prior knowledge and happened. Out of his insight and extra ordinary
understanding before reading the secondary text, wisdom, the king was able to see through the
parodies and allusions depend on the reader problem quickly. So he ordered the kid to be placed
knowing what is being parodied or alluded to. in the middle and told the two women to scramble
for it.
“WISDOM IS KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS Here in the Philippines, our farmers are also
TRUE AND RIGHT COUPLED WITH JUST exerting their effort, working under the heat of the
JUDGMENT AS TO ACTION” sun, just to provide the needs of their family, and
for us consumers. That’s how much of a sacrifice
they give for all of us. What other sacrifices of the
farmers can you notice?
Other sacrifices of the farmers:

“THE MOSQUITO” Farmers aren’t in it for the money. They say the

(FROM THE COUNTRY OF LAOS) investment they put into their crop takes away a
very large chunk of their profit. Which is a proof of
▪ Have you ever wondered where these mosquitos the sacrifice of the male mosquito as a farmer. Also
came from? here in the Philippines, farmers have the unjust
▪ A lot of tales has emerged explaining the origin of wage. They are the ones providing for the world,
a mosquito. giving their all, physical hard work, however, they
are still one of the underestimated jobs. They
▪ Let us see a tale that came from Laos, and let’s receive what they do not deserve. Just like in the
find out how a character/s portray the same story, male mosquito gave everything but
characteristics as the mosquitos that annoy and received insufficient loyalty and love in return.
disturb us at night.
Let us have some facts about these mosquitoes.
▪ Most Laotians live in rural areas, with around 80%
▪ Legs- mosquitoes rely on super-hydrophobic working in agriculture mostly growing rice. It’s
(extremely water repelling) legs to allow them to very relevant that the author chose farmer instead of
stand on pond surfaces. a fisherman because this is something that reflects
▪ Mosquitoes love wet places. They lay their eggs in their locality. This is known as local color.
puddles, birdbaths, and anywhere else they can find ▪ Local color is used to refer to customs, traditions,
standing water. But new research finds that dry dress, and other things which give a place or period
weather can cause mosquito problems, too. of history in its own particular character.
▪ The female mosquito is the one that bites (males Why do you think the author chose the character
feed on flower nectar). She requires blood to as a farmer?
produce eggs. Her mouthparts are constructed so
that they pierce the skin, literally sucking the blood CHARACTERIZATION: Nhan Deep
out. Her saliva lubricates the opening. Short Description: frivolous and lazy girl who
▪ As a biting mosquito fills itself with blood, it dreamt only of luxury and pleasure
injects saliva into your skin. Proteins in the saliva DEEPENING:
trigger a mild immune system reaction that results
in the characteristic itching and bump. When she died, her husband sold all of his
possessions and sailed with her coffin and drifted
CHARACTERIZATION: Ngoe Tam down in the river. Her husband donated his blood,
DEEPENING: so she could live again. However, she became
ungrateful, and she chose to be with the rich
A poor famer who married an ungrateful woman merchant. Because of her husband’s anger, she had
named Nhan Deep. When Nhan Deep died he to return the three drops of blood that he donated to
showed his undying love when he sold all his restore her life. And as soon
possessions, so he could sail with her coffin and
drift down the river. In the latter part of the story, he as the blood began to flow, she grew dreadfully pale
donated three droplets of his blood to resurrect the and fell lifeless to the ground. She then returned to
life of his wife. Sadly, in the end of the story, his the world in the form of a little insect, and she kept
wife left him, which left him in deep anger. on whining and pleading incessantly as she
endeavored to steal the three drops of blood which
What can you do for your partner? Will you also would restore her life.
do the same?
Compare the mosquito and Nhan Deep.
Compare the personality of male mosquito to the
Filipinos. Are they the same? ▪ Perhaps, you would also think that female
mosquitoes are the ones that whine and sting
because they need the protein from our blood to THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE
develop her eggs. She whines and stings from CHARACTERS
person to person because she needs their blood for
-The relationship of the two characters also tells us
her to survive.
the deep ties that a husband and wife have.
▪ Just like Nhan Deep, she also whines and stings in
▪ Why mosquitos are small insects?
a sense that she only chooses to be with someone
based on the benefits that she can gain. She chose to Metaphorically, mosquitoes are small insects
be with the merchant because he could provide the because they only depend on other living things for
kind of life that she really wanted. their survival.
Why do you think the narrator chose the female ▪ Why mosquitos whine and sting?
character as the origin of a mosquito instead of a
male character? -As said, mosquitoes whine and sting, because
based from the story, they are searching for blood.
Her life was restored because of the blood of her They want to steal droplets of blood for them to
husband. Just like her, the life of a female mosquito survive.
is also sustained by blood. According to the story,
she keeps on whining because she’s pleading and What is the life lesson that you may get from this
trying to steal the blood that would restore her life. story?

LIFE LESSON: -Sacrificial Love

The action portrayed by Nhan Deep represents

temptation. It is a lesson for us that we should avoid “SUMMARY OF THE LITERARY PIECES”
temptations, and that we need to be appreciative and
grateful for the efforts and sacrifices of those people Khmer Literature
who truly love us. We are not sure about their -body of literary works of Khmer peoples of
experiences just for them to support us. Southeast Asia, mainly Cambodia.
CHARACTERIZATION: Genii -Cambodia has a long literary tradition, based
The genii of medicine travels over the world on his largely on Indian and Thai literary forms.
magic mountain to teach his skill to mortal and to -Khmer are familiar with the stories of such
relieve their suffering. traditional epic figures as Neang Kakey and Dum
-When he said that “‘I want to grand your wish but I Deav as well as the Jataka tales relating episodes in
hope that in time to come you will not regret its the life of the Buddha, all of which are widely
fulfilment’, he reminds us of the importance of our broadcast on radio and distributed in comic-book
decision. It is true that it is a humility for us to ask form. Folktales called reuang preng are also widely
help from others when deciding. However, that known
last/final decision still relies on us. And sometimes,
when we are blinded by what we feel, just like what
happened to the husband, we might commit a “The Crocodile and the Five Judges”
decision that we might regret in the end. Moral:
-In reality, the presence of the genii from the short -Be grateful and contented
story serves as our family, friends, God, and those
people who are willing to help, support, and advise Figurative Language
us in times of despair. There will always be Metaphor
someone to guide us.
Rabbit- for justice, pertains to being fair and just
-Religiously, God will always give us wisdom.
However, because of too much love, eventually Hyperbole
deviate God’s will and opt to follow what the heart
"... you tied me so tightly that almost choked me to
dictates. The genii already warned the male
death; The crocodile was
mosquito of sacrificing everything for an unfaithful
wife but he resisted and still tried to do everything wedged to tightly that his eyes stuck out."
for his wife. Suddenly, the girl was blinded by the
money so she left him even though he gave
everything. -Crocodile head- justice served
An example of fable
Fables are brief stories that teach a moral lesson. A Significance of Parable in Literature
fable's plot consists of a simple struggle and
Parables are generally simple narratives, and easy
resolution, followed by a maxim. The principal
for anyone to follow and glean the chief message.
protagonists of Fables are anthropomorphized
There is often a character involved who has made a
animals and natural elements.
bad decision earlier in life, or in the story, and must
-A fable's moral—an overarching rule to live by that face the consequences. Parables thus contain a
transcends the story's specifics—is usually subtext of how to lead a moral life and how to
expressed at the conclusion. behave.
4 Central Characteristics of a Fable
Symbolism- Fable characters are human stand-ins, “The Bed Bug and the Louse”
and their escapades are designed to represent human
Anthropomorphization- Animals and even
inanimate objects (such as the wind or the sun) are
central characters in fables and are given human
characteristics. do not celebrate someone’s failure; control extreme
emotions; envy/ jealousy is not a good character to
Lessons- Every fable concludes with a moral lesson possess;
derived from the story.
-Taking care of oneself (proper hygiene)
Humor- When depicting the folly of human nature,
fables are frequently hilarious.
Figurative Languages
-Although people try hard to plough or harrow, we
will never be completely destroyed except when the
“The Two Women Scrambled for a Baby” end of the world by fire comes. (Euphimism)
-Genuine love reveals the truth. Type of Short Story
-Similar to the Parable “Judgement of Solomon” -Descriptive- Narrative Short story
-Solomon, King David's son, was required to decide
which of two women was the mother of a baby,
when each of them claimed parenthood. Both had
recently given birth, but one child had died. The
story is recounted in the Old Testament (I Kings 3:
-Solomon announced that the child should be cut in
two, so that each mother should have half. The real
mother, unable to bear her son being killed,
immediately offered it to the other woman, to save
the child's life, whereas the other agreed to the
proposal. The false mother was thus exposed, and
Solomon returned the living child to its real mother.
-Solomon's judgement showed his wisdom.
-A parable is a brief, didactic story intended to
convey a lesson or principle. Human characters in
believable settings are used in parables so that the
reader or listener can relate.
-parable comes from the Greek word παραβολή
(parabolē), which means “a comparison,” “an
illustration,” or “an analogy.”
long-length silk or satin “ htain-me-thein”—the bride
looks somewhat like a princess of the Royal Court in the
olden days of the Myanmar kings. And the bridegroom
surely looks elegant an dhandsome in this traditional
Myanmar men's attire which consists of a head-dress
called “ gaung baung” (a long sleeve stiff

collared shirt), a double-length men's silk longyi called

a“ taung shay longyi” and a traditional men's jacket and
velvet slippers.

MARXISM(Marxist Theory)- ideology

A text reflects the existing ideology of the
There are many superstitions regarding
certain society.
marriage in Myanmar. Tradition holds that

those born on particular combinations of

The bride usually wears a decorated
days of the week are not right for each
silk dress and has her hair drawn
other. For example: those born on
into a coil and several jewelries on
Saturday would not be suitable for those
all her.
born on Thursday. Likewise, Friday and
Her hair was done in a high chignon, and
Monday, Sunday and Wednesday, and
the false tress that dangled on the side was
Wednesday evening and Tuesday are all
darker than her own hair. The rhinestone
poor matches. If the couple is poorly
hairpin sparkled. Around her neck she wore
matched, they will go to an astrologer and ask for help
a gem necklace and a strand of pearls, and
to avoid future difficulties.
in photos they would surely look real.

Astrologers also advise on the date and time of the

ceremony, and the color of the wedding dress. However, there are couples in Myanmar married by
registering at the registrar of marriages or by going
through a ceremony conducted by a respectable couple
Wedding is marked by a ceremony at a grand hotel or by sheer mutual consent with no
ceremony at all. Marriages have traditionally been
at the wedding hall
monogamous but not sacramental. Often couples
Simple wedding from the traditional would simply live together for a period and then
announce to everyone they were married. The union
remote village was formalized when they announced this to a senior
person or respected member of the community. Today
a couple is considered married if they have lived
Most weddings are marked by a ceremony, feast, or together and are recognized as a couple by their
party at the bride’s house, a hotel, or a hall of some neighbors. Some couples formalize the union by signing
sort. The bride usually wears a decorated silk dress and a contract before witness or attorneys or a judge in a
has her hair drawn into a coil and several jewelry on all court.
her. Men usually feast first and then women take their
turn. The money that the groom brings to marriage is
placed in an earn next to offerings of fruit. Wedding ceremonies are relatively simple except
among wealthy families. After speeches by the
parents, members of the families and guests share
On the wedding day it is customary for the bride's pickled tea. Big
family—parents, brothers, and sisters—to dress her up
in the finest of attire and bedeck her with the best weddings are usually held at hotels. There is often
jewelries they can afford. With her hip-length jack— music, and singing and dancing troupes to entertain the
guests. The ceremony, presided over by a Master of
Ceremonies, climaxes hen the couple’s hands are tied each guest.
together with silk and placed in a silver container filled
The car came back to pick up the bride (Mar Mar Tin)
with water.
from the beauty salon as the

wedding is about to start.

Conch shells are blown and silver coins and confetti are
thrown. Cakes, sandwiches and ice cream are served at
the reception. The ladies manning the gifts table were busy making a
list of the presents, while eating cake and gulping down
Marxism (Marxist Theory)- Class

Big weddings are usually held at hotels. There is often

The newly weds had already given pocket money to the
music, and singing and dancing troupes to entertain the
young men. It is called ‘Payment for Stones’, a sum paid
guests. The ceremony, presided over by a Master of
off to avoid the teasing throwing of stones on the house
Ceremonies, climaxes hen the couple’s hands are tied that night.
together with silk and placed in a silver container filled
with water. Conch shells are blown and silver coins and
confetti are thrown. Cakes, sandwiches and ice cream Sociocultural Approach: Character Analysis
are served at the reception.
What is the relationship between the

characters in the text and their society?

As the car went back for the third trip two kids did not
stay behind but went back for another ride; it was a
treat for them. One kid started to howl because he There were still traces of the morning’s make-up on her
could not go with them. The ladies manning the gifts (the bride) face. As it had cost her all of Kyat 150, she
table were busy making a list of the presents, while thought that surely she must still look as nice as
eating cake and gulping down tea. The elders sat in a
group, happily this morning. Sein Hla, the groom, tried to pack in as
many as possible, for he did not want his friend making
too many trips. Gas prices were not cheap, as he well
A flower-girl dips her hand into the silver bowl she’s knew.
holding and gently scatter the flowers with the nuptial
couple following behind. Walking on the flowers is
meant as good omen for their life-long union as The group of ladies who were left standing in the lane
husband and wife. This is the moment everyone has began to gossip. “No, the dress is too big on her, must
been waiting for. Now everyone’s attention is drawn belong to her sister who lives downtown.”
towards the couple who are walking down the carpeted
aisle of the hall. This is the auspicious moment! The
bride and groom enter the All the way back the guests discussed the wedding, the
dresses and the cakes.
ceremonial hall, attended by the best man and
bridesmaids, and followed by their parents. Upon
reaching the stage and before seating themselves they
They all came as fast as they could to have a look at the
turn towards the guests and, with hands clasped
together, pay their respects with their heads bowed.
The garlanding of the auspicious couple is one of the
auspicious customs in
There were comments about how pretty she (the bride)
Myanmar weddings. In ancient days it was the custom looked and they all asked how much it cost, the name of
for the bride and groom to garland each other, but the shop and in the melee they heard a piping voice of a
nowadays a couple with a long martial standing, and
girl: “She doesn’t look pretty at all!”
who have only been married once,bestow the garlands
—and wedding rings—on the

Couple. Figurative Languages

Actual Scenes : Wedding Ceremony ‘The car rolled on the bumps as if it were a boat riding
the waves.’- Simile
There were young girls in charge of handing out sprigs
of flowers and cigarettes to
‘The car began to look like a piece of candy with ants instrumental in bringing men and women
climbing all over it.’- Simile
together during the services, temple fairs,

and fund-raising ceremonies, where the

‘The group of people dressed in their best stood in the
atmosphere of sanuk (fun and enjoyment)
narrow lane, necks stretching to catch a glimpse of the
car coming towards them on the bumpy road. They predominates..

see it in the dust, rolling as slowly as if it were a horse-

drawn cart.’- Imagery Boatman’s Love Song?

A happy and reckless youth I am

Type of Short Story As I ply boat on the deep. Menam;

Descriptive- Narrative Short Story My song shall end and my song

- As to how the story was told in sequence and detail Begin In praise of there, my darling.

BOATMAN’S LOVESONG Robert Stenberg: Types of love

Remember: In Thailand, if you are male, you end Infatuation (passion)- Sexual
sentences with the word (khrup/krap) similarly if you desire (physical attraction) without intimacy and
are female, you end your sentences with the word commitment “fades quickly”
(ka/kap). This is used to make your sentence or
question polite and respectful. Romantic Love (passion and

intimacy)- It is a combination of both passion and

intimacy which may be present during the first phase of
LYRICAL POETRY a relationship. This is characterized by emotional
Ode- ‘praising, describing, and admiring a intensity and physical attraction.


CHORUS: Begin with the head and end with Zick Rubin: Liking Vs. Loving

the toes; My praise shall be strong as the tide That Rubin believed that sometimes we experience a great
flows. amount of appreciation and admiration for others. We
enjoy spending time with that person and want to be
around him or her, but this doesn't necessarily qualify
as love. Instead Rubin referred to this as liking.

Premarital sex outside the commercial-sex context is

forbidden, and the distinction between love and lust are Chorus
inculcated in young people to deter them from
premarital sex within a romantic relationship. In such The chorus of a song is meant to be the most
warnings, love is usually idealized as pure, noble, and memorable part, containing the ultimate message of
epitomized by patience, responsibility, and maturity, the piece.
whereas While the lyrics in verses convey the background
lust embodies the qualities opposite to these virtues. information needed to understand the emotional or
narrative structure of the song, the lyrics in the chorus
provide listeners with the real message. For this reason,
chorus lyrics tend to be simpler and more direct than
the lyrics of verses.
“In urban areas, shopping malls, coffee

shops, school activities, and, to a lesser

To really drive home the point, the chorus lyrics tend to
extent, nightclubs and discotheques provide be based on a theme of repetition to ensure maximum
places for young people to meet. In rural

Thailand, Buddhist temples (wat) are

Frequently, the words of a chorus are identical after
every single verse. This makes the chorus easy to
memorize, and

subsequently, easy to sing along with.

A mood is a feeling or a person's specific state of mind

at any particular time. A mood is also the prevailing
emotion found not only

in people but also in literature, music, and other

expressive arts. Moods set the overall tone for speech
or writing and are an important element in literature as
well as in everyday life.

Examples: Amused, Blissful, cheerful, content, happy,

mellow, romantic, frustrated, depressed


New Criticism is distinctly formalist in character. The

method of New Criticism focuses on a close reading of
meter, theme, imagery, metaphor, etc.

This theory believes that literature is an organic unit. It

is independent of its author or time when it was written
or the historical context. It is concerned with the text

with its language and organization.



Hatred stirs up conflict, but

love covers over all wrongs.

Proverbs 10:12

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