Peasant Revolt Summary-1

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Peasant Revolt 1381

Peasant Revolt: A revolt started in 1381 Essex and Kent in England when started to revolt
against King Richard I.

- The rebels were mainly poor peasants, serfs and reeves

- The revolt was led by a man called Wat Tyler
- The rebels attacked the houses of tax collectors and advisors to the king
- They attacked Rochester Castle and freed all the prisoners

• What is a chronicle and a chronicler?

- Chronicle: a book recording important events that happened in a year

- Chronicler: monks who wrote the chronicles

• What were the main causes of the peasant revolt?

1- Wages rose after the Black Death due to the shortage of workers
2- John Ball, a priest who said “God did not make rich and poor” was imprisoned by
3- Poll Tax was imposed on peasants to wage a war against France
4- King Richard was 14 years old and he was influenced by his advisors
5- Peasants were fed up with the feudal system and they asked for more freedom
• What are the demands of the peasants during the revolt?
1- Freedom for all men
2- Church’s wealth should be handed to
poor people
3- Poll tax should be eliminated

• What is the King’s promise? What

happened next?
- King Richard promised the peasant that he
would grant them freedom and punish his
- He asked the peasants to go home and some
of them obeyed
- Wat Tyler was killed by the Mayor of London while he was having a quarrel with the
- The King did not keep his promise and most of rebel leaders were arrested and hanged
- The King told the rebels “Villeins You are, Villein You will remain”.

• What were the impacts of the Peasant Revolt?

The Peasant revolt did not have immediate impact on the lives of the rebels, but after a
century so many things changed such as:

1- By 1500, the Magna Carta which guaranteed rights of people was applied to
everyone in England
2- Unpaid work gradually ended
3- Feudal system was gradually abolished and no more villeins existed
4- Poll tax was no more collected

Questions for discussion:

1) Do you think John Ball was right when he said, “God did not make rich and poor?
2) What is Magna Carta? Why it is significant?
3) What happened to the wages of workers after peasant revolt?

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