The Call

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The Call

After a day, full of thoughts and success, detective Benjamin Moore was getting ready to
return home. Benjamin quickly went down the stairs, to the ground floor, where the exit of the
police station was located. His phone started ringing, when he was about to get in his car. He
took the phone out of his pocket, and accepted the call indolently.
Benjamin rushed upstairs, to talk with the police captain, Austin Martin. “I’m sorry to disturb
you at such a time, Mr Austin. I would appreciate it, if you could spare a few minutes for me. It’s
really important.” Said Benjamin, disoriented. “Of course, Benjamin. Go ahead please.” Replied
Mr Austin. “We found fifteen dead bodies, at a cafe closed specifically for a birthday party. They
were all children. The walls of the cafe were filled with triangle symbols, drawn with blood.
They interrogated the person who reported the murder. He didn’t say anything useful, but he
wasn’t lying. I could tell by his gestures.” Said Benjamin. “So, do you need help Benjamin?”
Asked Mr Austin. “Mr Austin, the person that got interrogated was found dead in his house. The
walls were filled with those foolish symbols again. I was about to get in my car, and he called
me.” Answered Benjamin. “Did you locate the phone?” Asked Mr Austin.
After tedious hours, they arrived at the location. They found a wooden shelter, and started
walking to it. While the others were searching for evidence, Benjamin found a small box. He
quickly opened the box, it was full of envelopes. Benjamin grabbed one and ripped it, there was
a white paper inside, with a drop of blood in the middle. Mr Austin got inside the shelter,
checked Benjamin, and they started opening them together. They were all the same, white papers
and a drop of blood on each of them. Benjamin called his assistant Joseph to send all of the
envelopes to the laboratory. Mr Austin found an old, rusty phone at the bottom of the box. He
immediately checked its number, and of course, it was that number.
“How is this possible? Mr Austin, he is literally wasting our time by doing this. He is doing
this, so we can waste our time by trying to find evidence! We need to work out another way to
find him!” Mr Austin took the results from Benjamin, and started reading. “He’s playing a
strategic game with us. Eighteen blood samples, they all belong to different people he killed.”
Said Benjamin desperately. “No evidence? ” Asked Mr Austin. Benjamin looked at Mr Austin,
he was feeling ashamed. He got outside the laboratory. It was very windy and cold, the wind
slapping him in the face made him feel forceful. While thinking about his case, he was watching
people walking down the streets. A little boy got out of his house, looked around, and started
walking to Benjamin. Benjamin was watching him now, the little boy looked intelligent, he had
big eyes, and golden yellow hair. He came, and looked at Benjamin curiously.“Hi, what’s your
name?” asked Benjamin. “Hello, detective Mr Benjamin. My name is Peter. I read all of the
newspapers about your new case!”
“Nice to meet you, Peter. Do you want to be a detective?”
“Yes! I really do!” Peter looked down at the ground, then to Benjamin. “I’m going to be an
amazing detective like you, but mommy, daddy, and my friends are all at home. We are scared to
go out, we would always play our detective game with my friends. Can you please find that bad
person, and tell him to go away? I need to go outside to be a detective.” Said Peter miserably. He
then hugged Benjamin, and ran back home. Benjamin got in his car, and started driving to the
police station, flustered.
“Joseph! Can you bring me the file of case number seven?” Benjamin waited for an answer,
but after a while, he got out of his office and started walking around the corridors. The walls
were yellow, they reminded him of Peter, Peter made him feel confident and ambitious. He kept
on walking, but when he was near to the lavatory, he heard Joseph’s voice. “He went to the
laboratory with Mr Austin. No, he is not here yet. They don’t have any evidence. You’re doing
really good. I’ve never seen Mr Benjamin this way, he’s pathetic!” He was on the phone, talking
to someone. Benjamin took soundless steps, and sneaked into the cabin next to Joseph.
”Apollyon, you’re doing amazing. Everything is going just like we planned!” Whispered Joseph.
He was talking about Benjamin’s case, he was betraying. Benjamin was furious. He quickly got
outside the lavatory, and started getting ready to leave.
The other day, Benjamin had a plan. He quickly called Joseph to his office. “Joseph, I need
you to make me three copies of case number five. Also, can you please leave your phone here? I
need it to call someone.” Said Benjamin. Joseph looked fearful “Of course, Mr Benjamin. B-but,
why d-don’t you use the one upstairs?” Said Joseph. “Because, using your phone will take less
time. You don’t have to leave it if you are uncomfortable.” Answered Benjamin, assuredly.
Joseph took a deep breath. “I understand. W-why would I be uncomfortable? I’m not
uncomfortable at all.” Said Joseph, with a trembling voice. Benjamin waited until Joseph got
inside the copy room. He watched Joseph for a few seconds, then immediately saved the number
Joseph called yesterday. He got outside of his office, and went downstairs. He asked some of the
assistants to help him locate the number. Once he was done, he ran outside the police station to
his car. This time, he was reliant.
Benjamin was next to a phone booth, he examined it, and called the other police to look for
evidence. They found some evidence, and quickly sent them to the laboratory. It was really dark,
and they were still waiting for someone to go in the phone booth. Benjamin got outside his car,
he directly went to the phone booth, he got inside to look at the phone, he was interested. He
turned to his left, and he saw a man walking towards the phone booth. The man looked
horrendous. He got nearer and nearer, but when he saw Benjamin, he turned back and started
running. Benjamin and the other police got in their cars, and followed him. He looked old, but he
was quite sprightly for his age. They missed him when he jumped over the fences.
The next morning, they got the results from the laboratory. They only found one fingerprint,
and it belonged to an old man. Benjamin was the only one who saw his face, so they showed a
photo to Benjamin. It was him, the same horrendous face he saw yesterday, in the phone booth.
His name was Apollyon, and he was sixty seven. The news spread around the whole city, and
now, the whole city was looking for him.
“Mr Benjamin, please believe me, I didn’t do anything! Please! He threatened me.” Joseph
begged Benjamin. “I have had enough of this Joseph Finley, I don’t want to hear you anymore.
After tomorrow, you’re getting fired!” Shouted Benjamin angrily. “Mr Benjamin! Please!”
Yelled Joseph, crying. Benjamin called the guards, and sent Joseph to his office. At the same
time, Mr Austin came inside. “I have good news, Benjamin! They found him, they found
Apollyon!” Exclaimed Mr Austin. Tears went down from Benjamin’s eyes, real tears, of joy and
achievement. “He has to be in court tomorrow, he has a lawyer, but it’s still not possible for him
to win.” Added Mr Austin.
They came out of the courtroom. “He is in prison awaiting execution.” Said Mr Austin.
“I want Joseph to take him there, that’s why I kept him.” Said Benjamin. Benjamin and Mr
Austin picked up Joseph, and they went to the Wakefield prison. “Mr Benjamin, I can’t do this to
him. He is my friend. Don’t. Please.” Said Joseph while they were walking to Apollyon’s cell.
“You did something extremely wrong, Joseph Finley.” Replied Benjamin “I’ve kept you to do
this. From now on, you cannot work at any police station.” He added. They were in front of
Apollyon’s cell, Joseph opened the door, and they saw each other. Joseph was trembling again,
he crossed Apollyon's arms, and they started walking to the execution chamber. Joseph was
remorseful for what he had done, they both, didn’t say a word until they were next to the door.
Apollyon went inside. Mr Austin and Benjamin drove back to the Police station.
Benjamin had one more thing to do, to go and see Peter. He first went to the laboratory, then
there, he recognised Peter’s house. He ran to their door and rang the bell. A woman opened the
door “Hello, I came here to talk with Peter, is he inside?” Asked Benjamin excitedly. “Hello, Mr
Benjamin! Sorry, he’s outside right now.” She answered. “Where can I find him?” Asked
Benjamin. “He’s at the park next to that school.” Said the woman, pointing at the park. Benjamin
dashed to the park, and he saw Peter playing with his friends. “Peter!” Shouted Benjamin,
joyfully. “Detective Mr Benjamin!” Exclaimed Peter. He ran to Benjamin and gave him a big
hug, he held Benjamin’s hand and they walked near, to Peter’s friends together. “Watch us,
please! We’re playing the detective game.” Said Peter, jubilantly.

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