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Lesson 5

Exercises Pack 1 – Do the following exercises:

A. In each sequence below identify one item, which makes the sentence ungrammatical and
correct it.

a. Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States

b. The culinary expert Fannie Farmer taught dietetics, kitchen management, to cook at her
famous Boston school.

c. The elephant relies more on its sense of smell than any other sense.

d. A few of the natural elements exist in such small amounts that they are known mainly from
laboratory-made samples.

e. Some insects hear ultrasonic sounds more than two octaves higher humans can.

f. To stay warm in cold weather, cold-blooded animals must expose themselves to a source of
warmth such as direct sunlight.

g. A severe illness when she was just nineteen months old deprived the well-known writer and
lecturer Helen Keller of both her sight and her hearing.

h. Like all ecological systems, a forest is made up of a living environment and a nonliving
environment, the later composed of air, rocks, soiled and water.

i. The purpose of the elementary school is to introduce children to the skills, information, and
attitudes necessary for a smooth adjustment to society.

j. Notorious as a host for wheat rust, the barberry bush has been banned from many areas.

k. Christopher Plummer is a Canadian actor who has starred in stage, television and film
productions on both sides of Atlantic Ocean.

l. A microphone enables musical tones to be amplified, thus making it possible the gentle
renditions of soft songs in large halls. (The definite article should be removed).
m.The poetry of E.E. Cummings illustrates the way in which some poets bend grammatical rules
as they strive to express their insights.

n. In the wild, tea plants become trees of approximately thirty feet high.

o. Accounting is defined as art of classifying, recording and reporting significant financial


p. The development of the watch depended upon the invention of the mainspring.

q. The ordeal of the Cherokee Indians, who were forcible moved from their homeland in the
1930’s, are remembered as the Trail of Tears.

r. Physical fitness activities can lead to an alarming variety of injuries if participants push them
greatly hard.

s. The structure as well as the behaviour of many protozoans is amazingly complex for single-
celled animals.

t. Alaska’s rough climate and terrain divide the state into isolated regions, making highway
maintenance difficult.

u. For hundred years, sailors relieof on echoes to warn them of other ships, icebergs or cliffs in
foggy weather.

v. Although it is employed in the scientific and technical fields, the metric system is not
generally utilized in the United States of America.

w. Beneath the deep oceans that cover two-thirds of the Earth, intriguing secret of the planet is

x. The pioneer John Chapman received the nickname Johnny Appleseed because he planted
apple seedlings during his travels in what are now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

B. Below, identify the option, which best completes the sense of each of the following
sentences. If there is an expression you don’t know, make sure you find its meaning. You may
be asked about it:

a. Helium........ all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal air pressure

i. More than difficult ii. The most difficult of

iii. More difficult of iv. Most difficult
b. Every year Canadian........ about 75 percent of their exports to the United States

i. Businesses that sell ii. Selling businesses

iii. Businesses sell iv. That sell to businesses
c. An innovator, ballerina Augusta Maywood was........ a traveling company

i. To form the first ii. The first to form

iii. Who formed the first iv. Forming the first
d. When water freezes in the cracks of rocks........ expands, causing the rocks to break apart

i. it ii. but iii. then iv. and

e. With x-ray microscopes scientists can see through live insects........ even through solid
pieces of metal.

i. however ii. nevertheless iii. or iv. yet

f. Dennis Chavez of New Mexico........ to the House of Representatives in 1930 and to the
Senate in 1930

i. when elected ii. elected

iii. who was elected iv. was elected
g. ......... are not leached out of soil, reclamation procedures are needed to restore the land’s

i. for concentrations of salt ii. salt concentrations that

iii. if salt concentrations iv. with concentrations of salt
h. ........ social crusade aroused Elizabeth William’s enthusiasm more than the expansion of
educational facilities for immigrants to the United States

i. no ii. iii. not iv.

nothing none
j. ........ as 2500 B.C., the Egyptians used mirrors made of highly polished metal

i. In early ii. As early iii. In iv. As

earlier earlier
k. The quantum theory states ........, such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite
units called quanta of photons.

i. energy ii. that it is energy

iii. it is energy iv. that energy
l. Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable........ spring into full flight instantly
when disturbed in their hiding places.

i. they ii. to their iii. its iv. them to

m. Geysers are found near rivers and lakes, where water drains through the soil.........

i. Surface below the deep ii. Deep below the surface

iii. The deep below the surface iv. The deep surface below
n. Algebra generalizes certain basic laws........ the addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division of all numbers

i. govern ii. that govern

iii. have governed iv. which they govern

o. Even at low levels, ........

i. The nervous system has ii. Lead’s detrimental effects are

produced detrimental effects by producing the nervous system
iii. Lead produces detrimental iv. The detrimental effects
effects on the nervous system produced by the lead on the
nervous system
p. ........ a lonely and rugged life, far from home and family.

i. However the early gold ii. The early gold prospector

prospector often lived often lived
iii. Not only did the early gold iv. The early gold prospector often
prospector often live living

C. Read the text that follows and then in the questions below identify the vocabulary item in
question by choosing the appropriate option from A – E.

Myths, taboos, rites and beliefs

Every community on Earth has its set of myths, taboos, rites and beliefs, and
Mozambique is no exception. When it comes to such concepts, religion is an
important factor to look at. For example, there are people who have reinterpreted the
story of the Tower of Babel in Christianity. The reinterpretation tries to explain why
there are so many different languages in the world. The story goes that Man started
building a very high tower that he wanted to use to reach God in the sky. At the time,
people had only one language and everyone understood each other and lived in
harmony. The story goes on to say that on seeing the tower and its purposes, God
made everyone on Earth start speaking a different language. This caused them to stop
understanding each other, and an immediate effect was the abandonment of the idea
of the construction of the tower. Do you really think this is why we have so many
languages in the world? Do you believe that God didn’t want us to understand each
other? Do you know of another reinterpretation from another religion? What do you
think about it?

In our own traditional faiths and/or beliefs, the figure of God is an important one, so
much so that many of us believe that even if/when somebody hates you so much,
nothing bad will happen to you if God is in your life. Still in the spiritual realm, many
of us believe in a kind of resurrection whereby at least the soul comes back and is
vengeful of the action or the person that victimized us in some way. What do you
think about this?

Socially, unlike Europe, where marriage is a bilateral union between a man and a
woman, in our traditions, marriage is a bilateral union between families: the family of
the man and the family of the woman. Can you think of the different implications
from these two kinds of union? Our traditions also have their share of rites, taboos
and folktale. We will leave the rites and folktales for you to tell each other in your
group, but let’s see some taboos. In some regions of our country, it is taboo for
women to eat chicken legs. It is said that a chicken uses its legs to spread sand in
order to find something to eat. A woman who ate chicken legs would be expected to
do the same: she would use her legs and … look for many men! What do you think?
Here is another. It is also a taboo for women to eat eggs – their children will be born
bald! What would a modern nutritionist say? And what do you say?

A group (paragraph 1):

A. factor B. religion C. set D. people

A tall building (paragraph 1):

A. hygiene B. sky C. earth D. Christianity

Legendary story with or without factual or natural basis (paragraph 1):

A. rites B. beliefs C. myth D. taboos

To be in agreement or concord (paragraph 1):

A. religion B. harmony C. Christianity D. everyone

Belief in and worship of a supernatural power (paragraph 1):

A. Christianity B. religion C. beliefs D. God

The reason for which something is done (paragraph 1):

A. reinterpretation B. abandonment C. purposes D. why

Define or explain something in a new or different way (paragraph 1):

A. idea B. purposes C. D. think

Complete trust or confidence in someone or something (paragraph 2):

A. faith B. God C. spiritual D. soul


Existing as part of a long-established entity (paragraph 2):

A. resurrection B. important one C. traditional D. vengeful

Domain, sphere or field (paragraph 2):

A. life B. realm C. way D. faiths

Vindictive or unforgiving (paragraph 2):

A. victimized B. whereby C. believe D. still

Rising from the dead (paragraph 2):

A. God B. realm C. resurrection D. life

Immaterial part of human being or animal regarded as immortal (paragraph 2):

A. faith B. resurrection C. soul D. spiritual

Different from (paragraph 3):

A. other B. also C. kinds D. bilateral

An act of bringing together two or more different entities (paragraph 3):

A. union B. group C. family D. country

Possible consequences or effects from an act (paragraph 3):

A. expected B. implications C. marriage D. traditions

Popular story passed by word of mouth (paragraph 3):

A. order B. share C. folktale D. rites

Social customs, practices or acts (paragraph 3):

A. order B. share C. folktale D. rites

Extend an action over a larger or increasing area (paragraph 3):

A. union B. region C. leave D. share

Having a scalp which partially or totally lacks hair (paragraph 3):

A. sand B. legs C. egg D. man

D. Read the text that follows and then in the questions below identify the vocabulary item
in question by choosing the appropriate option from A – E.

Promoting hygiene in our communities

Hygiene plays a very important role in the promotion of health, well-being and comfort.
When it comes to health, staying hygienic is vital especially because most new diseases in
our world nowadays are associated with lack of hygiene. Some of those diseases include bird
flu and the swine flu. In Mozambique, a killer disease that is associated with hygiene is
cholera. Therefore, it is important to inculcate in our population, especially in the children
the habit of hygiene. Hygiene is not only about our bodies. It is also about the surroundings
in our communities.

Here are some tips on hygiene:

1. Bodily hygiene

It is recommended that you always brush the teeth twice a day. While brushing your teeth
will avoid that they get damaged, it is said that dental problems can cause serious conditions
such as high blood pressure or heart attack. We must always take a bath once or more every
day. Taking bath often is very important, especially in the city, where humidity and pollution
will attract bacteria to our body. Another hygienic move has to do with always covering the
mouth when coughing. You don’t want to pass germs on to others. Changing clothes as often
as possible may prevent very serious skin disorders. A final hygienic tip relating to our body
concerns our genital areas. We have to keep these areas extremely clean. If we don’t do that,
we are prone to infections and bacterial attacks. And then, there are our hands. Let’s wash
our hands as often as possible. Many places that we touch are not clean.

2. Hygiene in the environment

The environment where we live in can be a source of diseases caused by bacteria and
viruses. So, here are some tips to keep our environment safe. One of the first things that we
must all do is dispose of waste properly. If waste material is inappropriately disposed of, it
can cause an outbreak of deadly diseases. Cholera is one of those diseases, which can be
caused by improper disposal of garbage. Do not keep swamps near residence areas. They
may be mosquito breeding locations. One type of mosquitoes, the anopheles, causes malaria.
So, this is what we should always do: keep the home clean; do not throw garbage around
residential areas; use garbage cans (in cities) or bury garbage (rural areas. Do not incinerate
it in the open. You will pollute the environment); never spit or urinate in public places. Such
actions cause the entire surrounding area to stink and breed bacteria and viruses that are
dangerous to our health.

The state of being in a satisfactory condition of existence (paragraph 1):

A. hygiene B. health C. well-being D. comfort E. promotion

Something which is absolutely necessary or essential (paragraph 1):

A. hygiene B. health C. disease D. E. vital


In the current times of our lives (paragraph 1):

A. our world B. our communities C. nowadays D. comfort E. vital

To teach persistently someone an attitude or idea (paragraph 1):

A. role B. include C. habit D. E. promotion


Of the kind that or like (paragraph 2):

A. while B. such as C. another D. as often E. often


Heat usually causes it (paragraph 2):

A. serious B. humidity C. dental D. cholera E. bacteria

conditions problems

Bring closer (paragraph 2):

A. brush B. pass C. attract D. attack E. touch

Practice (paragraph 2):

A. move B. bath C. pass D. disorders E. wash hands

Diseases (paragraph 2):

A. coughing B. damaged C. D. serious E. infections

disorders skin

... is related to ... or ... is about ... (paragraph 2):

A. is said B. concerns C. D. such as E. once or more


A recommendation or suggestion (paragraph 2):

A. very important B. changing C. hygienic D. brushing E. tip

Likely or liable to suffer from (paragraph 2):

A. get damaged B. has to do C. prone D. heart attack E. prevent


The cause or beginning of something (paragraph 3):

A. environment B. outbreak C. source D. swamps E. diseases

To get rid something (paragraph 3):

A. garbage B. breed C. outbreak D. keep E. dispose of

Sudden increase in the rate of a harmful activity (paragraph 3):

A. outbreak B. garbage C. breeding D. swamps E. cholera

An area flooded with water (paragraph 3):

A. mosquitoes B. swamps C. cholera D. malaria E. surrounding

The act of reproducing (paragraph 3):

A. source B. outbreak C. D. disposed of E. incinerate


To have a very strong and unpleasant smell or odour (paragraph 3):

A. outbreak B. incinerate C. garbage cans D. stink E. urinate

Destroy by or consume by fire (paragraph 3):

A. dispose of B. tips C. outbreak D. throw E. incinerate

whole (paragraph 3):

A. deadly B. properly C. safe D. E. viruses


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