Aon Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

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Organizations that reimagine how they deploy, reward
and listen to their people will be ready for the future

Reshape and Optimize

Your Workforce for the Future
Executive Summary · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

What people need and
want from their
employers is changing.
Organizations that
reimagine rewards in
the changing context
will be able to maximize
their investment and
reshape their workforce
for the future.

Total rewards programs need to be revamped in order to

address a post-pandemic world and changing employee
expectations. A successful rewards program will help
build a resilient workforce by encouraging the right
behaviors, driving performance outcomes and uniting
a workforce by focusing people in a common purpose to
deliver on the business’s mission. This paper provides a
roadmap for realizing the full potential of total rewards.

Introduction · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

Organizations need to reshape and optimize

their workforces for the future

Nearly everything about As companies face challenges and difficult

the way people work is choices, business leaders must take advantage
changing. Planning for the of the opportunity to fully reimagine their
future requires organizations rewards strategies. With the workforce
to build agility and resilience change that is certain to continue, an
among their workforces. effective total rewards strategy needs to:
We believe there are four
issues that firms should • Align to organizational performance (but also
prioritize that to help them provide a threshold level of benefits’ protection);
future-proof their business
by leveraging their greatest asset — their people. In • Afford greater flexibility for a diverse talent base;
our Future of Work series, we explore the future of
pay, where and how people will work, future skills • Support various working models in
and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Within the move to an agile workforce;
each of these issues, we present a framework for
addressing meaningful and lasting change. • Be grounded in compliant
and fair standards; and
However, the work does not end there, as none
of these issues have an end date. Through Aon’s • Differentiate and provide a
Accelerate Model organizations can apply insights competitive advantage.
around rewards, future skills, where and how people
work and DEI through a data-driven approach, In this paper, we explore why businesses need
allowing them to continually assess opportunities for a fresh approach to their rewards structures
action with speed and scale. It is through this lens and how to design them in order to answer
that adjusting to constant change in the workplace today’s compensation challenges.
— no matter your firm’s unique profile — is possible.
With many firms starting on their journey to
The purpose and possibilities of an reimagine rewards in a post‑COVID-19 era,
effective rewards strategy we know change is only beginning.
Reshaping the workforce is a top priority for
organizations across geographies and industries, Brooke Green
as the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates workforce Partner, Employee Rewards Leader
changes that had already been underway. Consider at Aon’s Human Capital Solutions
how quickly the business world has changed
since the beginning of 2020. Remote working
has become widespread. Unemployment shot
up in some industries while others experienced
high demand as a result of the pandemic. The
scope of essential workers expanded and, as
schools moved online, employees began asking
more questions about their childcare benefits and
looking for flexibility in their work schedules.

Introduction · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

Reimagining rewards
will influence a variety of
related human capital issues.
Topics in blue are the biggest areas that will be influenced.

Digital Talent
readiness assessment
& future & selection
Talent Pay equity
development and DE&I
& mobility analytics

Job Aligning
architecture Total
& career Rewards to rewards
navigation Changing Needs

& Competitive
productivity pay
planning Pay for
& location performance

Table of Contents · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

CONTENTS Reshape Your Rewards Approach

for a Changing Workforce
Recent events have provided catalysts to modernizing rewards schemes 06

Diverse Working Models

Accelerate Rewards Change
Using rewards to enhance and drive the employee experience 12

Rewards Must Be Designed

To Attract Future Skills
Determining the best way to hire and reward employees 18

Delivering on Employee Expectations

of Rewards
Ensure rewards are delivering on their purpose 24

References and Resources 30

Reshape Your Rewards Approach for a Changing Workforce

Reshape your
rewards approach for
a changing workforce

Recent events have provided catalysts to modernizing rewards

schemes. These include an increase in remote working, competition
for future skills and a greater demand for flexibility and choice.

Organizations should reimagine their rewards Many organizations have not reviewed their rewards
systems against this backdrop with three core approach since the end of the last big, global
principles in mind: agility, simplicity and transparency. recession in 2008–09. Until recently, rewards programs
While we have been advocating these principles were often viewed by business and HR leaders as fairly
for a while, they are particularly relevant in the static, requiring occasional modifications to different
current environment. Using these as a guidepost components, but rarely a rethink of the entire system.
will deliver a program that is more resilient to Today, rewards represent an important part of a
disruption in whatever form it may take. Future of Work toolkit that can help drive change.

Definition of total rewards

Organizations and their employees do not always have a consistent definition of what constitutes
‘total rewards’. In our surveys on the topic, we have found broad agreement that total rewards include
compensation, health and benefits. The definition gets more complicated when factoring in ‘softer’ benefits,
such as workplace environment, flexible working schedules and learning and development programs. To
accommodate for these differences, we generally define ‘total rewards’ as everything an employee gets
and perceives as valuable or rewarding.

Reshape Your Rewards Approach for a Changing Workforce

Employers will have different rewards’ needs through goals. In times of uncertainty, employees are more
their stages of maturity. While we encourage firms to likely to seek out stable employment. To that
take a holistic approach in reshaping their rewards end, organizations that provide a level of security
in light of workforce change, it is important to in industries that have remained stable or even
keep in mind what is realistic and necessary given thrived during the pandemic are attracting talent.
where an organization is within its life cycle. However, when we surveyed over 2,000 US workers
in the early days of the pandemic, employees that
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the surface said their company proactively communicates HR
some of the chasms between what employees want issues also reported a higher level of trust in their
and need from their employers and what they are employer. Similarly, Aon’s Rising Resilient report
currently receiving. We see this in the desire for found that employers who do more for the health
health and wellness policies – from financial security and well-being of their staff were more likely to
and mental health protection to career pathing that have taken quicker and more meaningful actions to
accommodates non-traditional career moves and ensure the safety and well-being of their workforce
incentive plans with understandable and realistic during the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aon Rewards Maturity Model:

Different rewards’ needs at different company life stages
Start-Up Development Acquisition Private Growth Maturity
Phase Merger Ready to Public Phase Phase
Market reference Key hire sign-on Short-term Governance Revise Benchmark total
points packages incentive review compensation rewards
Initial Executive Disclosure Optimize
broad-based compensation preparation Build new salary rewards
benchmarking review structures
Build career
Assessment of Equity retention Re-balance pay framework
cash and equity analysis mixes
Job architecture
Salary structure Transition
design Strategy
Equity guideline

Reward distinctions

As we dig further into the topic of total rewards, it is important to make clear certain distinctions.
In this paper, we are focusing primarily on employee rewards and total rewards. While some of these
issues are applicable to executive compensation, we are not touching on the unique factors that influence
executive pay (including details around long-term incentive plan design and payouts, investor and
proxy advisory firm voting policies, as well as other governance considerations). To learn more about
our executive compensation services please visit

Reshape Your Rewards Approach for a Changing Workforce

Employers offer more

than employees realize.

offer initiatives
offer initiatives
offer initiatives
focused on focused on focused on
healthy living emotional wellbeing flexible work and
skill development


believe no initiatives
believe no initiatives
believe no initiatives
focused on focused on focused on
healthy living emotional wellbeing flexible work and
are available are available skill development
are available

Reshape Your Rewards Approach for a Changing Workforce

Consider how the following trends • Delayed or phased-in retirement: Aon’s

have influenced what workers want research in North America found that only one
from rewards and how employers in three workers will have saved enough to retire
are addressing those needs: comfortably by age 67. Aon’s research in UK
found that one in four workers think they will
• Remote working: This trend is the single never be able to retire. It also found that many
largest disruptor of the workforce in 2020. employees are putting off retirement to work
It has led to a diverse range of working part time before fully exiting the workforce. With
models and responses by organizations. The increasing recognition from employers that those
implications of a larger remote workforce over traditional retirement age still have a lot to
are vast when it comes to rewards — from offer but also present a greater flight risk, rewards
geographic pay differentials to improving the customization for this group is important.
employee experience in a virtual environment.
• Purpose-driven employees: In the past
• Rise of the gig economy: With more contract decade, various surveys have found that
and part-time workers, the percentage of more workers are motivated by working
on-site, full-time employees that are on the in a job and for an organization that is
corporate payroll is shrinking. Questions are purpose-driven. The employee experience
already being raised among legislators on and employer brand are inextricably linked
the protections contract gig workers should these days. ‘Delivering clarity and purpose’ is
receive. Companies are expanding their one of the 10 factors identified in the Rising
definition of an employee to make it broader. Resilient report as underpinning workforce
The pandemic has accelerated this change resilience. While pay is important to employees,
and has made it a higher-profile issue. companies must look at the bigger employee
value proposition in order to stand out.
• Greater focus on pay equity: Pay equity has
become a higher priority at organizations across • Rapid evolution of future skills: As technology
the globe following widespread legislation, spreads and businesses find themselves
investor scrutiny and demands from internal competing across industries for similar skills,
stakeholders. It is much more common for there are divergent practices on how to
organizations to conduct regular pay equity align pay to attract and retain employees
analyses and audits, as well as ensure fairness and with future-leading skills. Determining the
transparency are lived principles followed within best way to use rewards to drive these
a firm’s compensation policies and practices. goals is a matter of urgent debate.

• Meeting the needs of a multigenerational

workforce: With a more dispersed,
multigenerational workforce, employers need
to better understand what their workers value
in their rewards and determine areas with
potential for customization. For example, some
firms now allow equity-eligible employees to
choose their preferred mix of stock options
(which have more inherent risk and could be
attractive to younger employees) and restricted
stock (which is treated more like cash).

Diverse Working Models Accelerate Rewards Change

Diverse working
models accelerate
rewards change

With more diverse working models at play (e.g., fully remote

working, hybrid models, flexible schedules), organizations should
use rewards to enhance and drive the employee experience.

The increase in employees working remotely through various programs, such as meal delivery,
has a significant impact on rewards programs. childcare services and providing more flexibility
As companies spent years building an enhanced in their workday. As more employees settle into
in‑person working environment, many of those a new normal of continuing to work remotely
efforts were erased almost overnight. The one- or a hybrid schedule, it is time for businesses to
upmanship that occurred among many Silicon evaluate their rewards programs for the long term.
Valley tech firms for best office perks matters little to
employees who are not in the office or where offices Diverting office perks for a remote setting may be
are reconverted from open, collaborative spaces back one of the easier actions to take. Ensuring managers
to closed areas to accommodate the pandemic. are trained to lead remote teams and performance
management systems and onboarding programs are
As global lockdowns hit in the early spring of set up for the new working environment are likely to
2020, many organizations quickly diverted funds be more difficult. The bottom line: firms must ensure
to aid employees in setting up home offices or that employees who continue working remotely
boosting their morale and mental well-being or in a hybrid capacity do not get left behind.

Diverse Working Models Accelerate Rewards Change

Providing more opportunities for employees to to recognize these moves as promotions rather than
take on new skills and roles (i.e. job mobility) lateral transfers. Out of 645 global respondents to an
is one way to ensure all employees, including Aon survey in December 2020, 45% gave employees
non‑traditional workers and remote employees, the opportunity to move into a new role that was
have opportunities to grow in their career without at a similar job level and a pay increase that was
leaving the firm. This will reduce attrition rates and equal to or smaller than a promotional pay increase
maximize organizations’ investments in their people. (the remainder provided no pay increase). At the
same time, organizations should be careful not to
In recent years, we have seen an increase in lateral job award pay increases for all lateral movements or they
changes, as employees desire new opportunities to could have internal pay equity issues. Pay equity
grow their skillset without needing to move up the legislation limits the ability to pay very different
corporate ladder. Some companies are even beginning amounts for roles that are at the same grade or level.

“Policies that enable job mobility allow employees to grow in

their career without becoming a flight risk. As certain job roles
become automated and outdated, job mobility programs will
ensure employees can be upskilled into new, relevant roles.”

Marinus van Driel, Associate Partner, Aon’s Human Capital Solutions

New approaches to lateral job moves

upend the traditional career ladder

Climb Y Career Career Career Open

the Ladder Ladder Paths Maps Patterns Market
One-dimensional One- or two- Progression Progress Grouping of roles Movement
upward dimensional within within and that encourage throughout the
progression managerial a function across career movements organization
or technical functions across functions driven by the
progression to build depth employee
and breadth

Case Study · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

Tailoring rewards for

employee expectations
to improve retention
A new compensation plan was preferred by employees
without any additional cost to the client.

lower employee turnover by introducing the new plan.

A telecommunications firm in Asia had allowances or cash benefits were prevalent

operations in one country where employees as well as tax efficient. The firm also surveyed
were on a fixed-term contracting model. As their employees to better understand what
such, workers would want to leave once their was causing some to leave prematurely and
contracts expired or even before the end of what kind of compensation plans they would
their term. High turnover made it difficult find more motivating. The exercise allowed
to build upon these employees’ good work our client to introduce a new plan that
and meet the company’s aggressive growth employees preferred without an additional
plans. Aon partnered with the client to cost to the company. As a result, employee
study the unique compensation structures turnover — and those costs associated with
in the country and better understand which replacing workers — were greatly reduced.

Diverse Working Models Accelerate Rewards Change

Revisiting geographic
pay differentials
due to remote working
When an employee working remotely decides to move locations,
should employers adjust their pay based on the new location?
More than one-third (36%) are addressing this question
on a case-by-case basis. The same percentage (36%) of
firms have adjusted (or are considering adjusting) their
geographic pay differentials since the start of the pandemic.
The changes they are making run the spectrum.

have, or are
have, or are
have, or are
considering, considering, considering,
adding more broadening narrowing
geographic zones their zones their zones

With these types of situations arising more frequently,

we encourage organizations to spend time on a comprehensive,
well-communicated policy. However, there is more consensus on
the need to re-examine geographic differentials with new market
data — with 85% of firms saying they are undertaking this review.

Source: Aon COVID-19 HR Pulse Survey #6, December 2020, with responses from 1,484 organizations

Diverse Working Models Accelerate Rewards Change

Remote Working Provides

New Opportunities To Source
Talent Far and Wide
With more remote workers, employers are revisiting The question of location-based pay depends
their approach to location-based pay and whether upon the size and difference in cost of labor
they need to double down on making sure the cost throughout a particular country or region where
of living and cost of labor are reflected in how their a company is hiring talent. In China, cities are
staff are paid. At the same time, some employers generally classified into three tiers, with tier-one
are also asking whether location matters less now cities paying the highest. Our data finds that pay
that so many employees are planning to continue differentials for tier-two cities as a percent of the
working remotely. Some country governments, such average of tier-one cities varies depending on
as Ireland, are ensuring the choice of where to work the city and industry. Meanwhile, in Germany,
lies with the employee and employers must comply. our compensation data has found a 16% swing
In the latter scenario, a decentralized compensation between Munich and Berlin for technology jobs.
scheme focused on merit- and skills-based pay is the Intercountry nuances underscore the need to
focus. In the former scenario, an employer might apply a consistent policy across borders but tailor
place more value on a sense of fairness and structure. it to the data available in the specific market.

However, the debate is more nuanced than one There is also the added complexity of employees
path versus another. In reality, most organizations moving across borders and not just within. This is
are trying to balance both. They want merit- happening more often in the European Union where
based pay that is easy to administer given an free movement of people is possible. Organizations
environment of more remote, mobile employees. face pay-related questions in these situations,
They also want to ensure pay equity is preserved including analyzing cost of living, market pay, tax
and that there is a unified approach to handling and accounting-related laws in local jurisdictions.
location‑based pay. Taking an uneven approach
to adjusting compensation for remote employees
that move compared to employees hired in a
physical office can create systemic inequities in
pay. Creating a unified approach to location- Creating a unified
based pay that applies to all types of workers (e.g.
remote, on-site, non-traditional) will be a top approach to location‑based
priority in the future of work. This approach should pay that applies to all
balance the three principles of an effective rewards
program: agility, simplicity and transparency.
types of workers will
be a top priority in
We should note that geographic pay differentials are the future of work.
a bigger debate in North America compared to other
regions. In particular, many companies throughout
Europe have developed a single set of ranges in their
country that are broad enough to capture differentials
but narrow enough to control salary creep.

Rewards Must be Designed to Attract Future Skills

must be designed to
attract future skills

Determining the best way to hire and reward employees with

future-leading skills is urgently top of the agenda for organizations
as they reshape and optimize their workforces for the future.

Organizations tend to have rewards aligned to There are multiple ways to reward future
current and past business models, even while skills. We have outlined three primary ways to
driving a big-change process (e.g. digitizing the reward future skills aligned to the timeframes
business model). Therefore, rewards must be of finding, assessing and retaining or
redesigned so as to not overvalue old roles or upskilling existing talent with future skills.
skillsets and undervalue those skills driving the
success of the aspired business model of the future.

Organizations’ investment priorities
Over half (58%) of organizations we surveyed are identifying future
skills gaps, while 51% are investing in career paths and/or job leveling.

Source: Aon COVID-19 HR Pulse Survey #6, December 2020, with responses from 1,484 organizations

Rewards Must be Designed to Attract Future Skills

Short term: premiums for scarce skills Before determining if a skill’s premium is necessary,
There are numerous pros and cons to paying a companies need to assess the gap between current
bonus or salary premium to employees or job skills within the organization, future skills that are
candidates with in-demand skills. On one hand, needed and which workers can be upskilled to
with digitization strategies being a top priority bridge that gap versus those hired from outside
across industries, many organizations outside of the organization. Using market and benchmarking
the technology sector are competing for new types intelligence, future skills in terms of roles and mindset
of job roles and skills. Firms that offer a skills-based can be defined and act as a critical component in
premium may have a leg up on the competition. future-proofing the workforce and informing rewards.

On the other hand, paying a premium for skills that

will later become ubiquitous or obsolete is a real
concern. Additionally, paying a premium for hot
skills has the potential for creating or worsening Companies need to
pay equity gaps through rewarding certain skills
without paying attention to salary structures, job assess the gap between
leveling and other mechanisms meant to bring current skills within
structure and fairness to compensation decisions.
There are also situations where an employer may
the organization, future
still be paying a premium for skills the employee skills that are needed and
no longer uses in their current role or for a skill which workers can be
that is now widely held among similar job roles.
upskilled to bridge that gap
Therefore, setting parameters for the premium versus those hired from
is important. If a firm can ensure that they also
hire for adaptability, learnability and curiosity
outside the organization.
(in addition to whatever hot skills they need),
that talent will be able to reskill, redeploy and
continue to grow and add value – even if the
particular hard skills have become obsolete.

Pay gap multiples inhibit development of future skills in Asia

“One of the biggest challenges for rewards in Asia is unsustainably
high pay gaps between senior leaders and entry-level positions.
This dynamic stands in the way of attracting new talent with
future skills into an organization. On a positive note, we are
starting to see signs that this multiple is decreasing, partly driven
by the move to remote working and a more fluid talent pool.”

Alexander Krasavin, Partner, Regional Commercial Head APAC, Aon’s Human Capital Solutions

Case Study · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

to understand
the best fit with
future skills at Siemens
Reshaping the workforce for the future.

50% of all
will need reskilling by 2025 as the adoption of technology increases.
Source: World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs Report 2020

Siemens knows that skills needed in the matching algorithm. Once completed, the
future are scarce in the external hiring market employee receives a report highlighting the
and that the firm faces stiff competition top three best matches between their own
for talent from cross-industry competitors. interests and those identified as a future
However, it recognizes the strength and skill by Siemens. It also offers development
power of its current internal talent and action suggestions and ideas to acquire
its ability to pivot to acquire new skills. new skills. Armed with these top three
suggestions, the employee is then able to
Siemens worked with Aon to bring together request an in-depth feedback session with
a new combination of fully mobile-enabled one of the Siemens Professional Education
assessments of vocational interests and team members. From there, they may apply
abilities, attitudes, learning styles and to join one of the 30 reskilling routes the
cognitive abilities as well as an indicator of firm has researched, sourced and will fund
‘willingness to change’. The results from these – ultimately closing the future skills gap.
assessments, together with the biographical
information, pass through Aon’s complex Read more here.

Rewards Must be Designed to Attract Future Skills

Medium term: future skills roles Longer term: hire and retain for
In the short and medium terms, organizations can mindset and train for skills
use Aon’s future skills framework to understand Job architecture and salary structures have a
their current future skills profiles, how this strong role to play in ensuring a company hires,
compares with peers and what the opportunities retains and reskills employees with future skills.
are for reskilling and skill mobility in the future. However, screening for competencies, behaviors
and values may be even more critical in the long
Examining future skills consists of several steps. term. Companies need to assess future skills that
Firstly, understand the gap. This entails looking at are needed in their organization to meet strategic
the future skills prevalence in the market. Secondly, growth goals, determine what skills they have
once the skill prevalence for each role has been among their current workforce and evaluate which
identified, an organization can understand the employees can be reskilled into new roles as well
internal value and compare the roles with highest as how easy those skills will be to learn. Employees
future skills prevalence with external benchmarking. and job candidates should be assessed for their
This will help to identify flight risk of future crucial mindset and ‘softer’ skill set (e.g. agility, ability to
talent. Thirdly, develop a strategy to close the gap. learn, curiosity, digital leadership) just as much,
Closing the gap involves understanding where if not more so, than technical ‘hard’ skills.
the right talent may be located for external hires,
quantifying the potential for internal redeployment Companies need a compensation system that
and identifying any future skills pay gap. Competitive recognizes performance, encourages acquiring
benchmarking and adding retention-based pay for new skills for personal development as well as
key roles and high-impact employees is also investing meeting the business’s changing needs of the
in future skills. Employees that make outsized business and reflecting the specific needs of
contributions to the business are more likely to be different lifestyle choices within the workforce.
more agile and adaptable to learning new skills.

benchmarking and adding
retention-based pay for
key roles and high‑impact
employees is also
investing in future skills.

“We hire ninjas and find the best role for them within the company.”

Large, US-based technology client

Delivering on Employee Expectations of Rewards

Delivering on
employee expectations
of rewards

The biggest expense for a business is its people. Optimize

rewards and ensure they are delivering on their purpose.

Rewards are most effective when the design and While traditional approaches to rewards
messaging is aligned with employee priorities. Since customization have tended to group
not everybody wants or values the same thing, data employees by generation, current thinking
must be leveraged to inform rewards customization. has evolved. Research has found preferences
do not vary as much by age and are more
Few organizations can afford to provide a superior accurately grouped by surveying employees’
rewards experience on all levels. In order to maximize preferences and categorizing their lifestyles.
the ROI of your rewards spend, a total rewards
strategy needs to incorporate employees’ preferences.

“Brand values have become very important in recent years.

What a company is really good at and the personality it has
or wants to show really needs to influence and shape the
nature of the reward strategy for that organization.”

Stuart Hyland,
Associate Partner and Head of Employee Rewards in Europe, Aon’s Human Capital Solutions

Case Study · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

A large tech firm

focuses on
tenured employees
to slow attrition
Refining communication strategies for rewards.

Cost savings were found through changes to stock ownership

and retirement plans and career paths.

A large, US-based technology firm struggled The client refined its internal and external
with low employee engagement and high communications strategy for rewards and
turnover. The firm’s reputation was helping took specific action to benefit engagement
attract talent, but the work environment and retention of incumbent employees
was driving turnover. Aon took a closer look across different lifestyle groups. Cost‑saving
at internal data to identify existing lifestyle opportunities were found with stock
types within the new-hire population. ownership plans, retirement savings, the
Each had very different career, learning work environment (most employees valued
and rewards preferences. Aon also learned autonomy) and career paths (faster career
that tenured employees had very different progression during early employment).
needs and preferences than new hires.

Delivering on Employee Expectations of Rewards

Reimagining total rewards strategies requires us As organizations reimagine their rewards for a future
to address not just the financial and professional way of working, they know they cannot afford to
needs of employees, but also physical, social and do it all. This is why optimizing total rewards is
emotional well-being. Investing in meaningful and so important. Making tough choices should be
holistic total rewards programs will make an agile, done through the lens of the three principles of
resilient and diverse workforce of the future a reality. reward: agility, simplicity and transparency.

cial Ph
an ys
Fi Financial Healthy

security behaviors

Rewards & Physical
nister Com health


Inclusivity Clarity &
& equity Total purpose

S o ci

s ig


Adaptable Me Connection

Emotional Resilience

E m ot io n a l

Delivering on Employee Expectations of Rewards

Here are some core questions to ask 3. Make changes to rewards and communicate
that relate back to these principles: these transparently and with employees’
preferences in mind. There is a growing focus
1. Agile rewards will, in turn, support an agile on providing better total rewards packages
and resilient workforce. By June 2020, 90% overall, not just in cash. The pandemic exposed
of organizations said they have, or are actively some of the shortfalls in companies’ health and
considering having, flexible compensation programs benefits policies, such as inadequate sick leave
to build and maintain an agile workforce.1 or lack of mental health benefits. Workers are
demanding more transparency in how their pay is
To embrace agility, firms should be asking: determined and what is included in total rewards.
• What level of flexibility will be optimal
for the organization so that rewards To embrace transparency, firms should ask:
can be delivered effectively? • How can we deliver fairness in our
rewards programs across different worker
• How can rewards scale as the organization grows? types and models while enhancing
the attractiveness of plans?
• What factors should be considered
for personalizing pay? • How can the pay structure deliver maximum
value to both the organization and the worker?
• How do we optimize pay structures for different
working models while catering to individual needs? • How can organizations and employees co-create
and share value for the near and long term?
• Should pay be adjusted when a
remote worker moves locations? • How can we increase efficacy of the total
pay package for an individual worker with
2. Simplify rewards for new ways and definitions preferences across cash and benefits?
of working. Firms are quickly realizing that, if
they are to sustain and thrive in the future, they • What financial well-being programs should
must adapt to different working models. we offer to support employees in using
and valuing the rewards on offer?
To embrace simplicity, firms should:
• Ensure the compensation philosophy
speaks to a diverse workforce.
“With our best-in-class
• Build resilience and agility in the pay design workforce data and industry
for different working models and workers.
expertise, we are dedicated to
• Determine optimal pay structures that helping our clients navigate
will facilitate ease of movement between whatever obstacles lie ahead.
working models and worker types. The time is now to reimagine
• Define and benchmark the market value of jobs, how your rewards can help
skills and individuals while meeting worker needs. reshape your workforce
for a better future.”
• Ensure the desired level of pay equity is
maintained proactively rather than corrected
annually. David Knopping,
President of Rewards,
Aon’s Human Capital Solutions

Source: Aon COVID-19 HR Pulse Survey #4, June 2020, with responses from 1,940 organizations
Case Study · Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

employee experience
through simplicity
in rewards design


Effective incentive plans are easily understood and motivating.

Embracing agility, simplicity and the world. In more than one instance,
transparency in your rewards programs over 50 employees would claim some
means employees need to understand how form of credit on a single sale, dramatically
their goals directly relate to pay outcomes. reducing the firm’s profit margin.
Aon worked with a UK-headquartered
client that had a 48-page sales incentive We worked with the client to streamline and
program written with legal and technical simplify the plan so that it was understood
jargon. The plan was difficult for sales and applicable to a global sales force (and
staff to understand. While headquarters fitted on a single page). Following the
thought they had a single global sales rollout, the client saw the benefits of an
scheme, every region and country actually aligned and consistent scheme in terms
did its own thing with no consistency. This of performance and behavior outcomes
resulted in inconsistent outcomes around that they were better able to budget for.

References and Resources

and resources

For more information on the topics discussed in this paper, please see these references:

• Reimagining total rewards for a changing world

• European life sciences firms address pay implications of cross-border talent

• Retailers need to build workforce agility to reshape for the future

• As European technology firms consider a more virtual workforce,

they must decide how location factors into pay

• To create a win-win total rewards strategy, start by understanding employee preferences

• The physiological repercussions of coronavirus on home workers

• Creating a culture of lifelong learning without a ‘job for life’

• Gig economy – Financial security or greater control?

• Stepping back, or stepping up? Getting the right financial support to employee

• Delivering excellence by aligning organizational purpose with employee values and aspirations

• Building a future-ready business alongside your employees

• Keeping on track in challenging times: Aon’s DC pension and financial wellbeing employee research 2021

Enabling Workplace Change Through Rewards

“With our best-in-class

workforce data and
industry expertise, we are
dedicated to helping our
clients navigate whatever
obstacles lie ahead.
The time is now to
reimagine how your
rewards can help reshape
your workforce
for a better future.”
David Knopping,
President of Rewards, Aon’s Human Capital Solutions

To learn more about Aon’s
Human Capital Solutions, visit us at:

Or contact us at:

About Aon
Aon plc (NYSE:AON) is a leading global
professional services firm providing a broad range
of risk, retirement and health solutions. Our
50,000 colleagues in 120 countries empower
results for clients by using proprietary data and
analytics to deliver insights that reduce volatility
and improve performance.

About Human Capital Solutions

Aon’s Human Capital business provides
leaders with a powerful mix of data, analytics
and advice to help them make better
workforce decisions. Our team, spanning
2,000 colleagues in more than 30 countries,
includes the firm’s rewards, talent assessment
and performance and analytics practices.

© Aon plc 2021. All rights reserved.

The information contained herein and the statements expressed
are of a general nature and are not intended to address the
circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we
endeavor to provide accurate and timely information and use
sources we consider reliable, there can be no guarantee that
such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it
will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on
such information without appropriate professional advice after a
thorough examination of the particular situation.

C1310US 04.21

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