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When we hear the term politics, we usually think of the government politicians and political
parties. For a country to have an organized government and work as per specific guidelines,
require a certain organization. This is were poitics come in, as it essentially forms of the

Politics does not limit to those in power in the government. It is also about the ones who are in
the run to achieve the same power. The candidates of the opposition party question the party on
power during political debates. They intend to inform people and make them aware of their
agenda and what the present government is doing . All thing done with the help of politics only.

Therefore, I conclude that politics take place in an organized framework of a presidential

representative and democratic republic whereby the president is both the head of state and the
head of government.

Nature is Every where

Sounds of singing birds so early in the morning

Is a beauty in life that no one can adorn
Their wonderful voices touching our soul

Soothing peace of waves gently

Caressing the sand
Like embracing lovers, amidst placidity they stand

The scent of flowers, paint a smile on the face

Sorrounded by nature's love, most peaceful escape
Showered by warmth and richness from heavenly rays
The Good Friends
Before cow and carabao wore skins that fit them exactly and they walk only by their two hind
feet. They both served to a farmer who was so mean to them but one day this two animals
realized that they shouldn't work so much hard and so they decided to take a break where it was
a noon where they go to a nearby river and take a bath but as soon as the farmer woke up he
couldn't find his two animals and so he searched them. He found them on the river, the two
animals wear their skin immediately but it was too late when they realized that their skin was
switched. By that time the farmer punished them that they could no longer walk only by their two
hind feet and that they could never switched off their skin again.


Theme: When you extend forgiveness and it's not reciprocated.

(Irene in here early 50's -60' is in her kitchen making a pasta salad. She is a contained woman
who wants things pleasant and on their terms. Jay arr, her adult son arrives. He is not expected.
She has her back to him as he enters)

Jay arr: Hello.

Irene: Yes?
Jay arr: Hi, Mom.
Irene: Well, hello Jay arr. what brings you over to this side of town.
Jay arr: Oh well… actually I drove over because I have something I'd very much like to say to
Irene: Well, come in. You'll excuse me if I don't sit down, I've got to finish this pasta salad for my
friends tonight and I've got an awful lot to get done before then.
Jay arr: This won't take long.
Irene: Dear, you know you can stay as long as you like. You know you are always welcome
Jay arr: That wasn't always the case though, was it?
Irene: Pardon me?
Jay arr: When you left dad. I wasn't welcome here.
Irene: Jay arr, please don't tell me you've driven all the wayup from Valencia City simply to
dredge that awful subject.
Jay arr C. Abales
Grade XI- Magalang

My name is Jay arr and my portfolio is a representation of all that I've learned and accomplished
as a student of creative writing.

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