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Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.

Office of the College of Nursing

PACUCOA Level III Accredited

Name of Students: _____________________ Date of Exam: __________________________


TYPE 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE : Direction: Select the letter with best answer.

__ 1. It is an assessment method used by touching the body with different parts of the hand, using varying degrees of pressure.

a) Percussion c) Inspection
b) Auscultation d) Palpation

__2. Pinch up a large fold of skin on the interior chest (over sternum or under the clavicle) or forearm and release, inspect for
ease of skin rising and time to return to place. This procedure is called.



__3. An instrument used to determine the dilatation and constriction of the eye.

a) penlight c) cellphone
b) flash light d) bright light

__4. An instrument used to check the small deviation in the skin to magnify and identify skin disorder classification.

a) Magnifying glass c) Small Ruler

b) Tongue Deprerssor d) Gloves

__5. Which part of hand you need to use to assess temperature bilaterally particularly in high and lower extremities?

a) proximal c) posterior
b) dorsal d) anterior

__6.It is an excellent indicator of adequate hydration and nutrition.

a) Peristalsis c) Crepitus
b) Capillary d) Turgor

__7. It is present upon palpation it leaves a dent in the skin or mark that returns after a few seconds or more than in case of

a) Inflammation c) Edema
b) Infection d) tumor

__8. Which of the following is the correct layers of the skin?

a) Epidermis c) Subcutaneous Facia

b) Hypodermis d) Dermis

1|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

__9. Which of the following is not the vital function of the skin

a) Regulation of Temperature c) Protection

b) Metabolism d) Sensitivity

__10. Equipment used to determine the characteristics of the skin and to visualize its texture.

a) Tongue Depressor c) Towel

b) Magnifying Glass d) Penlight

__11. What is the assessment nursing skill used in gathering data through general survey?

a) Inspection c) Palpation
b) Auscultation d) Percussion

__12. In the assessment of the skin, it varies from pinkish-tan to ruddy dark tan or flight light to dark brown and many have
yellow or olive overtones

a) Characteristic c) Odor
b) Color d) Texture

__13. It includes perspiration that appears normally on the face, hands, axillae, and skinfolds in response to activity, a warm
environment or anxiety.

a) Vapor c) Perspiration
b) Sweat d) Moisture

__14. In normal skin it feels smooth and firm, with an even surface. Moderately mobile, * (smooth and elastic; returns to place
and original shape in less than 3 seconds]

a) Perspiration c) Sweat
b) Moisture d) Texture

__15. What are you trying to find when palpating the feet, ankles, and sacrum. It is present when it leaves a mark.

a) Texture c) Temperature
b) Edema d) Moisture

__16. What are you trying to find to pinch up a large fold of skin on the anterior chest (over the sternum or under the clavicle) or
forearm and release, inspect for ease of skin rising and time to return to the place.

a) Moisture c) Temperature
b) Turgor d) Capillary Refill

__17. Have the patient placed the first phalanges of the forefingers together? Inspect the space between the opposing four
fingers. This is assessing the?

a) Schamroth’s Window Test c) Edema

b) Capillary Refill d) Temperature
2|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

__18. Touching the body with different parts of the hand, using varying degrees of pressure.

1. percussion 3. palpation
2. inspection 4. auscultation

__19.Characterized by watery, clear, fluid-filled area on the skin

a) hives c) blister
b) carbuncle d) rosacea

__20. Red, painful, and irritated lump under your skin and may be accompanied by fever, body aches, and fatigue

a) blister c) carbuncle
b) hives d) rosacea

__21.Scaly, silvery, sharply defined skin patches, commonly located on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back

a) measles c) psoriasis
b) cellulitis d) melanoma

__22.Loss of pigment in the skin due to the autoimmune destruction of the cells that give skin its color

a) Melanoma c) Cellulitis
b) Vitiligo d) Lupus

__23.Caused by many different types of a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV)

a) Wart d) Impetigo
b) Melasma
c) Ringworm
__24.A flat area of altered color less than 1.5cm in diameter.

a) macule c) papule
b) crust d) nodule

__25. A solid raised palpable lesion greater than 0.5 - 1 cm in diameter.

a) nodule c) cyst
b) macule d) vesicle

__26. Place the base of the tuning fork on the mastoid bones, behind the ear and level with the canal, then when the patient can
no longer hear the sound, quickly place the fork close to the ear canal and ascertain that the sound can be heard, conduction is
greater through the air than bone. This is what kind of test.

a) Snellen chart test c) Weber Test

b) Auditory Acuity d) Rhine Test

__27.WHEN YOU ask the patient to look up as you lower both lids with your thumb, YOU ARE ASSESSING?

a) Iris b) Eye Lids

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Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

c) Pupil d) Conjunctiva

__28.What we are trying to assess using six cardinal direction of gaze, using H?

a) Conjunctiva c) Ocular Movement

b) Visual Fields d) Lacrimal Gland/Apparatus

__29.It refers to your eyes’ ability to see things that are both close-up and far away.

a) Equal d) Light
b) Accommodation e) Reactive
c) Pupil f) Round

__30.They control how much light enters the eye by shrinking and widening.

a) Reactive d) Accommodation
b) Equal e) Round
c) Pupils f) Light

__31.Your pupils should be the same size. If one is larger than the other, your doctor will want to do some additional testing to
figure out why.

a) Accommodation d) Pupils
b) Round e) Reactive
c) Equal f) Light

__32.Your pupils react to your surroundings to control how much light enters your eyes

a) Pupils d) Reactive
b) Equal e) Light
c) Accommodation f) Round

__33.Ask patient. to occlude one ear, standing behind the pt. 1-2 feet away and whisper softly the words “nine four” towards the
unoccluded ear. This is what test?

a) Bone Conduction c) Auricular Test

b) Auditory Acuity d) Trigeminal Test

__34.Modified Romberg TEST is a test for what?

a) Gait c) Auditory Acuity

b) Body movement and balance d) Eyes vision

__35.When the nurse notes facial expression and contour; observe for asymmetry, involuntary movements, edema, and masses.
She is assessing?

a) Hair c) Scalp
b) Face d) Skul
e) l

4|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

__36.Ask the patient to look with both eyes into yours, place your hands about 2 feet apart, lateral to the patient’s ears. Slowly
move the wiggling fingers of both your hands along the sides.

a) Visual Acuity c) Ocular Movement

b) Snellen Eye Chart d) Visual Fields

__37.In the assessment of the eye, 20/20 means.

a) visual acuity c) visual fields

b) visual movement d) visual number

__38.It measures peripheral vision.

a) Visual Acuity c) Visual mobility

b) Confrontation Test d) visual fields

__39.Which part of the ear is the normal placement of earing for females?

a) pinna c) lobule
b) tragus d) concha

__40.It is a brown, orange, red, yellowish or gray waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals also
known as earwax

a) Colostrum c) HELIX
b) Papillae d) Cerumen

__41.It is an opening or split in the upper lip that occurs when developing facial structures in an unborn baby don't close

a) Cleft Lip c) Cleft Palate

b) Left Lip d) Left palate

__42.Occurs when the roof of the mouth does not completely close, leaving an opening that can extend into the nasal cavity.

a) Ectropion c) cleft lift

b) cleft palate d) left lip

__43.It is an inflammation of the eyelids in which they become red, irritated and itchy with dandruff-like scales that form on the
eyelashes. It is a common eye disorder caused by either bacteria or a skin condition, such as dandruff of the scalp or rosacea.

a) BLEPHARITIS c) Ectropion
b) HORDEOLUM d) Entropion

__44.It is an acute, localized swelling of the eyelid that may be external or internal and usually is a pyogenic (typically
staphylococcal) infection or abscess

a) HORDEOLUM c) Entropion
b) Ectropion d) BLEPHARITIS

5|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

__45.It is a condition in which your eyelid, usually the lower one, is turned inward so that your eyelashes rub against your eyeball,
causing discomfort.


__46.Excessive constriction of the pupil of the eye.


__47.It occurs when the roof of the mouth does not completely close, leaving an opening that can extend into the nasal cavity.

a) Hereditary c) Cleft Palate

b) Cleft Lift d) Congenital Anomalies

__48.Which of the following methods of assessment is not included in the assessment of the head.

a) Positioning c) Turning
b) Percussion and Auscultation d) Inspection and Observation

__49.It measures peripheral vision compared to the examiner, both examiner and the patient cover one eye with a card and
stand 2 feet away and maintain eye contact.

a) Confrontation Test c) Weber Test

b) Rhine Test d) Snellen eye chart

__50.It is a small, slow-growing lump or cyst that develops within the eyelid. They are not usually painful and rarely last longer
than a few weeks.

a) miosis c) Chalazion
b) ectropion d) nystagmus

__51.The bell of the stethoscope is used to assess what characteristic?

a) High-amplitude sounds c) Low-pitched sounds

b) Low-amplitude sounds d) High-pitched sounds

__52.Which percussion sound is loud in intensity, moderate-long in duration, low in pitch, and has a hollow quality?

a) Resonance c) Dullness
b) Tympany d) Flatness

__53.A 59-year-old woman with emphysema is admitted to your unit. In what order would you conduct the physical assessment
of the thorax and lungs?

a) Auscultation, palpation, percussion, inspection

b) Inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion
c) Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
d) Palpation, percussion, inspection, auscultation

6|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

__54.Which percussion sound is loud in intensity, moderate-long in duration, low in pitch, and has a hollow quality?

a) Resonance c) Tympany
b) Dullness d) Flatness

__55.Vibration is best palpated with which section of the hand

a) Finger pads c) Fingertips

b) Ulnar surface d) Dorsal surface

__56.One of the four (4) cardinal techniques for physical assessment of the thorax and lungs is percussion.A purpose of
percussion is to:

a) Assess breath sounds both normal and abnormal

b) Assess diaphragmatic excursion
c) Assess the anatomical appearance
d) Assess skin temperature, skin texture, and respiratory excursion

__57.An essential part of respiratory assessment includes determining past smoking history. All of the following statements about
smoking history data are true EXCEPT:

a) Nonsmokers need to be carefully questioned about previous smoking including duration and amount.
b) Smoking history is generally quantified in pack years . The formula is: 1 pack year =1 pack per day for 1year.
c) Baseline respiratory status and degree of risk for developing lung disease can be estimated more accurately by
evaluating smoking status.
d) Generally it can be assumed that a client's smoking pattern (e.g., packs per day) has been consistent over his smoking

__58.Which percussion note would you hear over the airless area in atelectasis?

a) Hyperresonant c) Flat
b) Resonant d) Dull

__59.Which is correct about vesicular breath sounds?

a) Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones. c) Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are about equal
b) Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are d) Expiratory sounds last longer than inspiratory ones

__60.Bronchial breath sounds are normally heard

a) over the manubrium c) over the trachea in the neck

b) over most of both lungs d) between the scapulae

__61.Normal breath sounds heard over most of both lungs are described as being

a) intermediate c) very loud

b) loud d) soft

__62.Which continuous breath sounds are relatively high pitched with a hissing or shrill quality?

7|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

a) rhonchi c) fine crackles

b) coarse crackles d) wheezes

__63.Louder, clearer voice sounds during auscultation of the lungs are called

a) egophony c) bronchophony.
b) fremitus d) adventitious sounds

__64.High-pitched breath sounds are best heard by using

a) the diaphragm of the stethoscope c) both the bell and the diaphragm of the stethoscope
b) a stethoscope with tubing at least 20" (50 cm) in d) the bell of the stethoscope

__65.Soft and low-pitched breath sounds normally heard over most of both lungs are

a) tracheal. c) bronchial.
b) vesicular d) bronchovesicular

__66.The area between the lungs is known as the

a) pleura. c) hilum
b) thoracic cage d) mediastinum

__67.A rounded shape of thorax with increase anteroposterior(AP) diameter

a) Barrel chest c) Perctus incarnatum

b) Pectus excavatum d) Kyphosis

__68.Refers to slow breathing pattern

a) Apnea c) Hypopnea
b) bradypnea d) Hyperpnea

__69.Refers to rapid breathing pattern

a) Tachypnea c) Hyperpnea
b) Hypopnea d) Apnea

__70.Refers to increase breathing pattern after strenous exercise

a) Apnea c) Tachypnea
b) Hyperpnea d) Hypopnea

__71.Three paired muscles located in the lateral aspect of the neck

a) Epiglottis c) Trachea
b) Scalene muscles d) Bronchi

__72.A vibration felt on the chest as the patient speaks while each part of the chest is tested as for percussion

8|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

a) None of the above c) Diaphragmatic excursion

b) Scalene muscles d) Tactile fremitus

__73.Pectus carinatum is also referred as______

a) pigeon chest c) barrel chest

b) Kyphosis d) pigeon chest

__74.Pectus excavatum is also referred as______

a) funnel chest c) Kyphosis

b) pigeon chest d) barrel chest

__75. There is an increase antero-posterior curvature of the spine and can cause a restrictive lung defect

a) kyphosis c) pectus excavatum

b) pectus carinatum d) barrel chest

__76.Commonest symptom that is associated with pure respiratory disease

a) rhonchi c) hemoptysis
b) cough d) stridor

__77. listening to breath sounds.

a) Auscultation c) Inspection
b) percussion d) Palpation

__78. The art of touching the chest wall to evaluate underlying structures

a) percussion c) Palpation
b) Auscultation d) Inspection

__79.A comprehensive visual assessment that provides a baseline for measuring improvement or deterioration in condition

a) Inspection c) percussion
b) Auscultation d) palpation

__80.A comprehensive visual assessment that provides a baseline for measuring improvement or deterioration in condition

a) percussion c) Inspection
b) palpation d) Auscultation

__81.Normal breath sounds are the following EXCEPT;

a) Vesicular c) bronchovesicular
b) Cheyne’s strokes d) Bronchial

__82.Low-pitched sharing sound that is continuous and can be heard in inspiration and exhalation

a) Crackles b) Wheezes
9|P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

c) Rhonchi d) cough

__83.High-pitched continuous musical sound generally heard on inspiration

a) Rhonchi c) cough
b) Wheezes d) Crackles

__84.The act of tapping on the chest wall to evaluate underlying structures

a) Percussion c) Palpation
b) Tactile fremitus d) Thoracic excursion

__85.The expectoration of blood alone or mixed with mucus from the lower respiratory tract

a) Pneumonia c) Cough
b) Hemoptysis d) Pseudomonas arguinosa

__86.The basic steps of lung assessment are the following:

a) Inspection,palpation,percussion,auscultation c) auscultation,percussion,palpation,inspection
b) percussion,palpation,inspection,auscultation d) palpation,inspection,auscultation,percussion

__87.The key symptoms of respiratory disease are the following EXCEPT:

a) chest pain c) dyspnea

b) cough d) fever

__88.A portable,inexpensive, hand held device used to measure how air flows from the lungs in one fast blast

a) Stethoscope c) Peak flow meter

b) PEFR d) Spygmomanometer

__89.The cancer cells block the lymphatic vessels and causes fluid to accumulate in the breast is known as____________.

a) Paget’s disease c) Retraction

b) Dimpling d) peau d orange

__90.Palpation methods for breast assessment are the following EXCEPT

a) Wedge method c) circular method

b) triangular method d) parallel method

__91.Technique for breast assessment includes:

a) Inspection & percussion c) Inspection & palpation

b) Auscultation & palpation d) Palpation & percussion

__92.Technique for breast assessment includes

a) Inspection & palpation b) Auscultation & palpation

10 | P a g e
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of the College of Nursing
PACUCOA Level III Accredited

c) Palpation & percussion d) Inspection & percussion

__93.A pigmented circular area of skin around the base of the nipple and contains sebaceous glands which enlarges during

a) breast c) papillia mammaria

b) Montgomery tubercles d) Nipple

__94.Vertically, the base of the breast is located from_____________.

a) 2nd to 7th rib im the midclavicular line c) 2nd to 4th rib im the midclavicular line
b) 2nd to 6th rib im the midclavicular line d) 2nd to 5th rib im the midclavicular line

__95.The primary chemical stimulus for breathing is the concentration of

a) oxygen in the blood c) carbon dioxide in the blood
b) carbon monoxide in the blood d) carbonic acid in the blood

__96.Which of the following describes a correct order of structures in the respiratory passageways?

a) pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles c) larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi
b) pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles d) trachea, pharynx, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles

__97. Surface tension of the alveolar fluid is reduced by the presence of

a) mucus c) sebum
b) surfactant d) water

__98. The nose serves all the following functions EXCEPT

a) cleansing the air c) as a passageway for air movement

b) warming and humidifying the air d) as the initiator of the cough reflex

__99. The exchange of gases between blood and cells is called

a) internal respiration c) external respiration

b) pulmonary ventilation d) cellular respiration

__100. Depression of sternum outward, bowing of the chest that client may be suffered childhood respiratory illness that may be
reduced lung capacity

a) Pectus excavatum c) Kyphosis

b) Perctus incarnatum d) Barrel chest

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Instructor Instructor Dean, College of Nursing

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