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8507 Sarasota Woods
(210) 386-1187
San Antonio, Texas 78250 kralvarez7@aol.
High energy purchasing and operations professional with successes in global proc
urement, strategic sourcing, operations, and inventory management. Adept at cult
ivating strong business relations with diverse suppliers and corporate customers
in both domestic and international settings. Extensive experience purchasing c
ommodities, capital equipment, contract services, and maintenance materials. Pro
ficient at forecasting materials demand, market trend, and order fulfillment to
minimize inventory and costs while increasing sales and gross margin.
Operations Management Procurement Management Supply Chain Management
Forecasting / Analysis Inventory Control Negotiation
Account Management / Sales Vendor Relations Market Research
Training and Development Product / Project Management Trade Show Planning
* Led foreign and domestic purchasing functions for a $48 million manufacturer w
ith 13 branches throughout the U.S. and two production facilities in Mexico. Man
aged a corporate staff of 35. Directed material resource planning and acquisitio
n, contract services and administration, and a supplier diversity program. Conso
lidated buying leverage, analyzed supply markets, developed strategy, and conduc
ted effective negotiations. Focused on demand forecast accuracy, order fulfillme
nt accuracy, and cost reduction. Created annual supply chain plan and 37 process
improvement initiatives. Realigned department staff for increased operating eff
iciency. RESULTS: Reduced supply chain cycle time by 28% and staffing costs by
* Managed materials demand, fulfillment, and strategic sourcing of a high demand
manufacturer/distributor. Planned appropriate inventory control and processes a
nd availability of materials and equipment to support critical business operatio
ns. Spearheaded multiple systematic processes to communicate trends and develop
ments in supplier markets to executive staff. Streamlined number of vendors from
91 to 23. Reinforced goal of continuous cost improvement. Established effectiv
e measurement and tracking systems to monitor results using supply chain metrics
. RESULTS: Increased sales by 19% and profit margin by 22% while reducing inven
tory on hand by 27%.
* Rescued a failing showroom renovation project less than one month away from a
scheduled opening event. Analyzed all aspects of the situation and developed act
ion plan. Identified products for showroom display representing latest industry
trends. Conducted complex negotiation with manufacturer's distributor for crea
tive solutions available under tight timeline. Negotiated development of sales
materials and coordinated training conducted by vendor staff. Planned and execu
ted all elements of grand opening events. RESULTS: Newly refurbished showroom
was ready for opening event on time and 80% under product display budget. Galler
y exposure enhanced market advantage.
* Analyzed artistic market trends. Identified adverse conditions: lack of prod
uct on hand, unfavorable gross margin, and excessive freight. Stocked inventory
at palletized pricing. Shipped inventory via consolidation. RESULTS: Reduced
shipping costs by 26%. Increased sales by product line by 30%. Increased profi
t margin by 25%.
* Traveled extensively worldwide establishing, enhancing, and supporting vendor
and branch relations. Negotiated for new products and advantageous pricing. Cond
ucted product and service training for diverse employees. RESULTS: Facilitated
launch of exclusive new product lines and aggressive pricing. Solidified busines
s relationships. Well-trained staff delivered superior service and sales.
* Designed, developed and presented diverse management training manual for all s
taff. Conducted Web-Ex collaborations on topics ranging from order entry and sta
tus, product availability, client bids and estimates. Authored content for train
ing manuals. Performed training assessments with executive and branch managemen
t team to determine training and educational needs for seasoned vs. non projecte
d staff. RESULTS: Use of critical organizational training document facilitated
monumental improvement of customer service. Reduced training time by 33%. Rec
eived recognition of achievement by showroom managers during annual managers mee
MATERIALS MARKETING LIMITED (architectural stone fabricator), San Antonio, Texas
2001 - 2010
Director , Purchasing 2007 - 2010
Assistant Manager, Corporate Operations 2004 - 2007
Manager, Purchasing 2001 - 2004
Branch Customer Service Manager (concurrent with above) 2001 - 2004
WALKER ZANGER (premier ceramic and stone tile manufacturer), Houston, Texas 1999
- 2001
Account Specialist
B. A. coursework - three years, Psychology and Management, St. Mary's University
, San Antonio, Texas

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