Aaco Pathway (Final)

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This document/publication is a guide to the services we rendered. This leaflet is written
for all ages and sex in a local community groups, and answers some of the most
common questions about the organisation worldwide. It is for information only and you
should consult a solicitor if you are unsure of your legal rights or obligations. This leaflet
is published on Question and answer format:
1. What is All Agreed Campaign Organization (Aaco)? It is a non-governmental
charitable organization formed which, in general is to assist the less privileged
among human race in certain difficult situations.

2. What is the purpose of having the organization? To protect vulnerable people

and bring significant changes to the face-off between the common people and
those vested with power and authority. This protection is particularly important
where fundamental rights are being grossly denied.

3. Is the organisation for a particular race? No, although as overseas developed,

we target black race as most likely to face challenges but the organisation
provides human services in any democratic state. We are to do popular
legitimate pushback against any distortion to individual or group peace.

4. What categories of people can the organization protect? All types, but not when
one deliberately destroys or harmed. The organization can protect from
individuals to group within a defined area or society. Anyone can be protected,
but no individual or group is automatically protected by the organization.

5. How can I find out if I am protected by the organization? Contact the local official
of the organization, details of associated issues will be examined for necessary

6. There are other organizations which I think can protect me. What can I do?
Contact any other organizations, give details and the reasons why you think we
can also get involved.

7. When does the organization come into effective action? Provisional protection
comes into effect as soon as we receive your concern/s. The organization will
then need to confirm the further action for protection.
8. How will I know the organization makes a representation order? The
organization will write to those who may have a right to deal with the issue,
generally the relevant body sometimes others, such as individuals any partners

9. How does it present or express support for my concern/s? We will write to the
authority/institution within the period and allows for comments (usually 28 days),
then identify the issue of facts and law in question. Then our organisation will
take your opinion into account when deciding whether or not to take further

10. Does the authority or any private body become responsible for my concern/s?
Yes, our main responsibility is to hold any faulty party responsible for any
damages caused. But their explanation is usually required before any further
action can be carried out. The organization may also offer help and advice on
how the issue/s could be managed.

11. What if I want to work or volunteer for the organisation? Unless you are
exempted, you may seek permission from the Organization administrative
officials by submitting a standard application form to it or subscribe to be

12. Do I need a qualification before becoming a member? You do not need a

qualification. However, for effective performances of our objectives, we are
covered by a training and experience legal and non-legal expertise.

13. Do I always need the permission of the organisation before campaigning for it?
No, for general publicity in accordance with our objectives every individual are
obliged to support and campaign for our cause, this directly is the way of
developing the origanisation.

14. Can the organisation get compensation for carrying out such a wonderful task?
In all circumstances the organisation is not to be compensated, the organisation
provide free services to humanity. However, we will appreciate any limited
financial support for the cause.

15. How can I contact the Organisation?

Access the link below to view our sites, and also take note that web sites come and go
and addresses change with even greater frequency. Email us where possible, engage
with us, join us: Enquiries:allagreedcampaign@gmail.com



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