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Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.


Free Goods in SAP is giving certain material/quantity as free of charge based on Order quantity.
Free Goods are of two types in SAP, Inclusive Free Goods and Exclusive Free Good.
If the Free Goods quantity is a part of Order quantity, it is said to be Inclusive Free Goods.
Example: Buy 10 get 1 free is the Policy. Customer is charged for 9 qty. only and one is given
If the Free Goods quantity is in addition to Order quantity, it is said to be Exclusive Free Goods.
Example: Buy 10 get 1 free is the Policy. Customer is charged for 10 qty. and one is given

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Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Tile _Customizing Project Management

SAP Referance IMG

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Materials Management

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

In this section, you make the system settings that are relevant to the maintenance of conditions and price
determination in the purchase of materials.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Define Price Determination Process net price or effective price

The following steps describe how the price determination process is controlled.

Before you set up the price determination facility in the SAP System, you should do the following:

• Check the dependencies under which prices, discounts, and surcharges are arrived at.
For example, determine whether different conditions apply to individual material groups and the basis
on which surcharges and discounts are calculated.

• Then bring your pricing dependencies into line with the criteria for price determination in the SAP

• After this, work through the following sections.

For further information on this topic, please refer to the documentation "SD Pricing and Condition Technique".

Define Schema Groups

Short Text

Define schema groups for your suppliers and purchasing organizations, and assign schema groups to
purchasing organizations.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

In this step, you define schema groups.

These allow you to group together purchasing organizations that use the same calculation schema.

You can also use them to group together suppliers for whom the same calculation schema is valid.

(Note: calculation schemas may also be referred to as "pricing procedures".)

For example, you can define one schema group that uses a simple calculation schema with just a price and a
discount, and another that works with a more complex schema containing a large number of conditions.

Define a schema group that uses a simple calculation schema with only one price and a discount, and a
schema group that works with a more complex schema containing a large number of conditions.


In this step, you can:

• Define schema groups for purchasing organizations and suppliers

• Assign schema groups to your purchasing organizations

You assign suppliers to schema groups in the relevant supplier master records.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Define Schema Groups for Suppliers

Discount in Kind (Discount in Form of Bonus Goods)

In this step, you make all of the settings that are necessary for the use of the free goods functionality.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Maintain Access Sequence

In this step you define access sequences for free goods determination.

The access sequence is a search strategy which is used by the SAP system to search for a free goods type
according to valid free goods rates.

The free goods rates are used in the SAP system to model free goods elements.

You enter an access sequence in every free goods type. In doing so you define the fields checked by the
system in searching for a valid free goods rate.


• You group together all the free goods types that are to be taken into account by the system in
determining a free goods discount for a business transaction in a pricing procedure/calculation
schema. See "Define and Assign Free Goods Schemas").

Please note that only the free goods types contained in the free goods schema can be entered

• You can manually change the result found by free goods determination. You can limit the change
options possible for free goods in this menu.

SAP recommendation

• If you define your own free goods types and access sequences, the key should start with the letter Z,
since SAP keeps this name range free in the standard version.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

• You should not change the free goods types and access sequences contained in the standard version
of R/3.


1. Check whether you can use the free goods types and access sequences contained in the standard
version of R/3.
2. To create new access sequences, copy a similar access sequnce and change it as desired. Enter
an alphanumerical key of up to 4 characters and a short text.
3. Maintain accesses for the access sequence by entering the free goods tables in the desired
sequence. The sequence defines the priority of the tables accessed. You can display the combinations
of key fields that have been defined via the F4 possible entries help.
4. You can create new free goods types by copying a similar free goods type and changing it. You
must make the following entries:

o Enter an alphanumerical key of up to 4 characters and a short text for the free goods type.

o Enter an access sequence for the free goods type.

5. Maintain the details screen for the free goods.

When free goods discounts are very similar, you can assign a reference free goods discount. Then all
you have to do is maintain free goods rates for the reference.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.


Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Define Free Goods Types

In this step, you create new free goods types.

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

• If you define your own free goods types and access sequences, then the key should start with the
letter Z because SAP does not use this name range in the standard system.

• You should not change the access sequences and free goods types that are contained in the standard
SAP R/3 System.


1. Check to what extent you can use the free goods types and access sequences in the standard SAP
R/3 System.
2. Create new free goods types by copying a similar free goods type. You must specify the following:

o An alphanumeric key with a maximum of 4 characters for the discount-in-kind type and a
textual description.

o An access sequence for the free goods types.

3. Maintain the Detail screen for the free goods type.

In this case, if you have free goods types that are very similar, you can assign a reference free goods
type. You then only need to maintain free goods records for the reference free goods type.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Define And Assign Discount-in-Kind Schema

In this step, you define the free goods schemas. You also assign the free goods schemas to the transactions
by specifying the dependencies between the free goods schemas and:

• the purchasing organization schema group

• the vendor schema group

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Maintain Free Goods Schema

In this step, you define a free goods schema.

In the free goods schema, you define which free goods types are to be taken into account and their sequence.
When determining the free-goods discount, the SAP System automatically determines which free-goods
schema is valid for a business transaction, and takes the types of free-goods contained in the schema into
account one after the other.


• If you define your own free goods schemas, then the key should start either with the letter Z or with the
number 9, because SAP does not use these name ranges in the standard system.

• You should not change the free goods schemas that are contained in the standard SAP R/3 System.


1. Check to what extent you can use the free goods schemas in the standard SAP R/3 System.
2. Create new free goods schemas by copying a similar free goods schemas.

o Enter a key which can have a maximum of 6 characters and a textual description for this.

o Specify the free goods types for a schema in the order that the are used.

o Maintain the lines of the free goods schemas.

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Control Data
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Determine Free Goods Schema

In this step, you set the determination of the free goods schema.


To determine the schema, you define the allowed combinations of:

• Schema group, purchasing organization

• Schema group, vendor

• Free goods schema

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Select schema group supplier which we already created

Entre free goods schema

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Go Back
Create a material for free goods allowed_MM01
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Go to purchasing view
Qual.f.FreeGoodsDis _ Please see highlighted in black colour

Drill down
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Select _ 2 Eligible for discount in kind only for purchasing

Create BP / supplier / vendor

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Go to MM vendor
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Tick mark “grant free goods”

Go more down in same screen

Schema Grp Supp: highlighted in black colour
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Select schema group & save

Create purchse info record for material with same vendor , purchse
organization & plant _ME11
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Puech org data 1

Entre desired information & save
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Go to _ MBN1_ create free goods determination

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Entre document type

An information box will apprear

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Entre desire requirements

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Entre min quantity for 100 items out of which which 10 items will be
free of cost. Meaning , if you will create PO for 100 items you have to
pay for 90 items & 10 items will be free.

Create PO _ME21N
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Entre the same vendor

Entre Material , PO quantity, net price & plant

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

When you will entre storage location & 10 free items will appear in
line item 11
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Standard PO created under the number 4500000196 created

MIGO_ carry out goods receive note_ Post it

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Go to MMBE Display Stock overview

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

100 items “unrestricted use” will appear against plant SD00,Storage

location FG00 Finished Goods. It is giving 200 items as 100 items are
of some previous transaction

MIRO_ Logistic invoice posting

Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Post the invoice

So in this way in Logistic invoice posting only cost of 90 items will

populate & 10 items will be free of cast.
Document prepared by Mr Behram SAP MM & PM Master Trainer.

Thank You

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