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Let us study more.

1. The Philippines' education system is regarded as one of Asia's most advanced, with rates of basic
school completion, higher education participation, and adult literacy similar to significantly more
developed nations such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea.

2. Basic education in this country can equip students and young adults with the skills, information, and
values they need to become compassionate, self-sufficient, productive, and patriotic citizens.

3. A social institution that teaches basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural standards to a
society's children. It is the social institution that offers knowledge to society's members, such as basic
facts, work skills, and cultural norms and values.

Let us practice.

Activity no. 2

1. A government should take steps to empower school leaders and teachers to take on professional
responsibilities, set standards, and support them, as well as provide high-quality, universally accessible
basic education that provides the groundwork for lifelong learning and public engagement.

2. Giving students the skills they need to succeed in this new environment, as well as helping them gain
the confidence to use those skills, is at the heart of a 21st-century education. With so much information
at their fingertips, 21st century talents focus on making sense of it, sharing it, and putting it to good use.

Let us practice more

Activity 3. Essay writing

1. why is education important to each individual in our society of quality education

- Education is critical in today's world. People are molded into leaders not just via their
knowledge of (college) courses, but also through their demonstration of how to lead with emotions and
true principles. Because educated people can easily distinguish between good and wrong, education
aids in the reduction of crime.

Let Us Remember

1. What do you want in your life ten (10) years from now?

- I want my life to be happy and stable financially and I want my family to have a better living.

2. How education will help you in the future?

- By studying hard, the knowledge I obtained will provide me with more opportunities to open
up and will assist me in achieving better career and personal growth opportunities. I may boost my
confidence by learning new communication and problem-solving abilities and attaining my objectives.
Let us assess. Activity 5. (naay answer key)

Let us enhance

1. For most of these poor households, only about 60% of the family members have education up to
elementary school. There are lots of damages or problems because of not being educated. Due to
inadequate care and proper education, many Filipino children take to the streets to fend for themselves
and their families. They are searching for a means of survival. These children see prostitution and other
forms of harmful activities as an easy route out of their current predicament. Traffickers are constantly
on the lookout for young children of very tender age to service clients. Various security agencies have
raided brothels and found young children as young as 13 years old servicing about 15 individuals every
night. Children from low-income families often spend most of their time on the streets or the farm.
Instead of getting proper classroom education, they engage with harmful activities on the streets. Most
Philippine parents that are unable to meet up with the financial needs of their children often send them
out to work on the streets or factories. Instead of striving for better education to help shape their
future, these children are forced to start earning money for their food and shelter at an earlier age.
Children raised in poverty experience many emotional and social challenges, chronic stressors, and
cognitive lags due to significant changes in brain structure in areas related to memory and emotion,
which result in lower academic achievement and more behavioural issues in the classroom. Poverty is a
reality today and will continue to be a significant factor in our society. There will always be a split in
society between those who have and those who have not.

https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1230212.pdf (ayaw lang ni apila HAHAHAHAHAH)

Let us reflect

1. I learned that education teaches us the value of hard work while also assisting us in our growth and

2. I realized that It assists people in becoming better citizens, obtaining a higher-paying career, and
demonstrating the distinction between good and wrong.

3. If given a chance I would like to give young people an introduction to values, providing understanding
of the rules that must be followed in order to function in this style of relating to others, and attempting
to build in the student a sense of certain fundamental concepts.

Post test (naay answer key)

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