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e25erv Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

1. What does the term
'locking' refer to?
Locking is the process of database
Locking is a process preventing users authentication.
from reading data being changed
Users, and prevents concurrent users from by otner
d Locking is a process, which changing the sarne data at the 5arnie v m
logs database usage
2 Which of the bellow is not a type of SsQL?
3. What Primary Key?
is a
a) Primary key is the first Column in Table.
b) Primary key is a column whose values uniquely identify every row in a table.
Primary key is a column whose valuas uniquely identify every Colurnn in a table
d) Primary key is the first row in Table.
Which is niot an Aggregate function in SQL?

a) Minb)Maxc)Lengthd) Sum
5. Answer the Below ScenarioTabie 1 w>Manager Table 1

Mgr 1d Manager Narne ld MgriD Ernp_Narme

Don Tin
Jon Jirn
Bon Kirn
Gon Sim

A) Write a Query to Display 1D, Emp_Name, Manager_NarmeUsing lnner Join

a)Select E.ID, E.Emp_Name, M.Manager_Name frorn Manager MInnerJoin
Employee F Where M.Mgr_Jd= E.MgrlD
b) Select E.ID, E.Emp_Narne, M.Manager_Narne fron Manager M Inner Join
Employee E onM.Mgr_jd = E.MgrlD
Select E.ID, E.Emp_Nane, M.Manager_Nane from ManagerM InnerJoin
Employee EWhere E.Mgr_Jd = M.MgriD

d) Select EJD, E.Emp_Nane, M.Manager_Narne fron Manager MinnerJoin

Employee E onE.Mgr_jd = M.MgriD

B) Write a Query To Display Manager_Name who doesn't have Employee

a) Select M.Manager_Name From Manager M Inner join Ermployee E
On M.Mgr_Jd = E.MgrlD Where E.MgrlD is null
b) Select M.Manager_Name From Manager M left join Employee E
On M.Mgr_Jd = E.MgriD Where E.MgriD is nuli
)Select M.Manager_Name From Manager MRight join Employee E
On M.Mgr_Jd =E.MgrlD Where E.MgriD is null
d) Select M.Manager_Name from Manager M Inner join Ermployee E
On E.Mgr d = M.MgriD Where E.MgriD is null

6. What does C stands for In ACID in SQL?

a) CommunicationConcurrency ChangeabilityConsiste ncy
7. A) Truncate and Delets can have where clause condition
B) Truncate is a DDL command and Delete is a DML CommandajStaternent Ais True and Statement B
is Falseb)Staterment
Statement A and B are False
Ais False and Statement B is
Truec]Both Statement A and B Trued]Both

8. Which of the following statements are TRUE about ar SQL query?

P: An SQL query can contain a HAVING clause even if it does not have a GROUP BY clause
QAl 3QL query can contain a HAVING cause only if it has a GROUP BY clause
R: All attributes used in the GROUP BY clause must appear in the SELECT clause
e2Serv Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
$: Not allatrbutes used in the GROUP BY clause need to appear in the SELFCT cdause
a P and R b) P and SejQ and R djQ and S
9. How many Null values can
unique key contain?
a)0b)1c)2d)Count less

18) Can we use where' clause in an Insert statement?

a) True
b) False

rows to the client

. YOu can use.function to return the number of deleted




D) eacoUNT

field Nmbr that has rows with the following values:

12.Given a table TBL with a

1,0,0,1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,1, 0,1

where Nmbr is 1.
whe re Nmbr is O and add 3
Write a query to add 2

I1- Algorithm

code to Display below output (any

1) Write a




c) 12345



1. One of the following statements regarding inline functions is correct?

a It
speeds up execution. Serv Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
b) It slows
I t increases theexecution.
d) Both A and C.
code size.

2. A) Interface
contains no definition
B) Interface for method but
cannot contain
any Event
only declaration
Statement declaration
Ais True and
Both Stater Statement BIs
Falseb) Statement A is false and Statement P is True
ent A and B are
Give the Out Put Trued) Both Statement A and B are False
of the
class Test Following programme
static void
Main(string[l) args)
Test t= new Test();
public void SimpleMethod()
inti = 100;
int b = 10;
string a = "10";


a) 1001010b]11010c) 1110d) None of the Above

4. Give the Out Put of the Following programme
class Test

void Main(stringl] args)

Console.WriteLine("He llo World !");

a) Display Hello World !Ib] Compile Time Errorc)Run Time Errord)None of the above
5. Give the Out Put of the Following programme
Class Program

int a, b
static void Main(string [l args)

Program p = new Program();

p.SetVariables(1, 2);

public void SetVariables (int a, int b)

a= a;

b b
Dublic void GetVariables()

Console.WriteLine ("Value of a = "+ a + " Value of b = "+ b);

S e ennstern

e2Serv Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

A) Method
None of the above
B) Method
overloading is executed at runtime
overiding executed at
compile timea) Statement A is true and
talse.b]Statement Ais false and Statement B
Statement 5 i5
Statement Aand B are fhlse is true.cjBoth
Statement A and Bare trued)Both
7. Which statement is true
about Static
a) Lazy Bind ing?
Bindingb]Early Bindingc)|Late Bindingd) None of the above
8.Which statement is
not true about
Collection of Methods and Class?a]Class provides Abstraction and Encapsulations.b)ClassIsa
Collection of Namespace Function.clClass concrete representation of an entity.djClass is a

Which is the correct

syntax to declare a Constructor for a class
Example()b]public Examplel);c)public Example(jd) public string
Example ?a]public void

10. Consider the Example 0

following C function
Intffint n)

Ifn>=5) return n;
return f{n);

a) 7b]5c)8d)6
IV-Scripts and CSS
1. How to refer an externalava Script file Called "Demo.js" ?a) <script href="Demo.js"/>b)<script

link="Demo.js"/>c)<script src="Demo.js"/>d)<script rel="Demo.js"/>

2. Which tag is introduced in HTML5?
a Divb)Pc) Sectiond) FieldSet
3. In CSS # sign is used to declare a Class?
a) TruebFalse
4 How can you eliminate the border?
a) border : none }b}{ border =block c}{ border = none }d){ border : block }

5. Which event is fired when an element loses focus?

a) Onfocusb)Onblur c) Onlostfocus d) Onchange
6. Which is correct Css syntax?
a) p: border:1pxb)p: border=1pxc{ p:border:1px Jd)p( border : 1px)
7. Which element is no more a part of HTMLS?
a) Frameb)divc)tabled)article
8. Which JavaScript functions is used for converting nonnumeric values into numbers?
a) Convert.Tolnt()b] parselnt()c)parselnteger()d) Convert.Numeric()
9. Java is base of Java Script?
a) Trueb)False
10. JavaScript can have different datatype in one
a) Trueb)False
1. Multiple Classes and Interface can be Inherited
a True b)False
2. Which of the
following statements is correct?
n Seve Tranatomabon

a) The rank of e2Serv Ventures Pvt.

Array is the total
b) The length of an
an Ltd.
Array is the number of of elements it can contain.
cThe default value of numeric dimensions in the Array.
d) The Array array elements is zero.
elements are
3. Which of the guaranteed to be sorted
a) int] i;
following is the correct way to
define and initialise an
i= new
array of 3 integers?
in (3];
i[o)= 10;
i[1]= 30;
i13]= 2;

b) int[] i;
i new int (5,
3, 4,);
) int] i (12, 13,
d) int[3] i= {12, 13,
4. Which of the
following is the right way to implement interface
Interface ITestinterface given below?

intTestFunc(int b);
Class TestClass
b) Class TestClass: Interface. ITestinterface

TestFunc (int b) as int

intTestFunc(int b)
Console.WriteLine (b); Console.WriteLine (b);

cClassTestClass: ITestinterface d) Class TestClass

intTestFunc(int b) intTestFunc(int b) : ITestinterface

Console.Write Line (b); Console.WriteLine (b);

5. Which of the following is true about the below given code?

Class Test

string_name = string.Empty;

public void printName(string_name)

this._name =_name;

static void Main (string l] args)

Test t=new Test ();

Test.printNarne ("Jon");
Console.WriteLine name);

a) Code will run and display the Jon b)It will throw a compile time Error
-) k wll) ehrow=runtime Error
d) Code will run and display nothing
6. What will be the Output of the following Code?
class Program
S a v e 1iansmmar

e2Serv Ventures Pvt. Ltd.


Console.Write ("irst Constructor

static Prog ram ()

Console.Write ("Second Constructor Cal1") ;

Program ()

Console.Write ("Third Constructor Call") :

staticvoid Main (string []

Program () p = new Program ()

a First Constructor Call Second Constructor Call Third Constructor Call

b) Second Constructor Call First Constructor Call Third Constructor Cal
c) Second Constructor Call
d) None of the above
Which of the following assemblies can be stored in Global
Assembly Cache?
a) Private Assembliesb)Shared Assembliesc]None of the aboved)All of the above
8. Which of the following is the root of the .NET type hierarchy?
a System.Rooth]System.Objectc]5ystem.rootd)System.Parent
9. Which of the following is not a part of the NET Framework?
1) Mobile Applications 2) Common Language Runtime
3) Microsoft Published Web Services All of the above

a) 1,3b)1,2c)4d)2,3
10. Why is Global.asax used?
a)Declare Global variablesb}Used to implement Web.configc)Implement applicatior and session
level events d)No of the above
11. Given the basic ER and relational models, which of the following is INCORRECT?
a) In a row of relational table, an attribute can have more than one value
b) An attribute of an entity can have more than one value
cAn attribute of an entity can be composite
d) Ina row ofa relational table, an attribute can have exactly one value or a NULL value.
12. Which of the following modifer is used when a virtual method is redefined by a derived class?
a) Overrideb]overloadc)overrideabled)dooverride
13. Which of the following statement is not true about Session in Asp.Net?
a) It stores user states and data to all over the application.
b) Stores every user data separately.
cSession is secure and transparent from user because session object is stored on the local
d) Easy mechanism to implement and we can store any kind of object.
14. Which of the
following navigation methods is not a server side method ?
15. What Does MSIL stands for?
a)Microsoft Information Languageb] Microsoft Intermediate Languagec) Microsoft Intellectual
Language.d)None of the above

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