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Artificial Intelligence Security




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Artificial Intelligence Security

Modern times have witnessed numerous attempts to influence the application of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) tactics in a broad range of security needs. Artificial Intelligence Security involves using AI in the
identification and mitigating of a security threat. Unlike traditional security approaches, AI often includes
minimal human intervention and the process allows automatic learning and detection of flag changes. The
current application of AI in security includes healthcare, finance, military, gaming, social media, and the
automotive industry. The advantage of AI in security includes improvement of the overall performance of the
system security, learning about threats over time, reduced duplication, and it can handle large data. On the other
hand, AI is criticized for allowing system manipulation leading to the false prediction of risks, data corruption,
reduced data privacy, and transfer learning of attacks. as AI tools become commoditized and applied in many
advanced firms, there is a need to understand how this could have an impact on the security landscape. The
challenge of securing the AI system is however compounded by the constantly evolving risk landscape making
AI security an interesting topic. 
Thesis Statement: Although AI is widely being applied in security, it can be considered as a double-edged
sword because it can either support the malicious attack or act as a shield to counter security threats. 
The purpose of the paper is to review the risk and benefits associated with Artificial Intelligence
Security. The document will allow comparison and contrasting the findings and literature of different reputable
articles related to the application of artificial intelligence in security. For example; the application of AI in
cyber-security will review different scholarly perspectives on AI’s deep learning for better security as well as
how deep learning could be misused to create system attacks. The significant topic which the paper will
consider includes cyber-attacks, crime prevention, Military technology, and home security. Therefore, the
keywords would be used in the searching and selection of articles and texts to be used in the review of the topic. 
Finding a peer-reviewed article is vital for achieving a quality research paper. Peer-reviewed articles
are scholarly articles written by experts in the field and are reviewed by other scholars to ensure that are of high
quality. The easiest way to find articles related to the research top was by searching the keywords on the Google
Scholar search engine. The service searched across different library databases categorizing them according to
their relevance to the keywords and the year of publication. The next step included locating a complete
document of the articles by searching it through the internet. The final step was a critical analytical summary of
the selected sources to come up with only five related articles that would be used to complete the rest of the
Summary and Synthesis
Summary of Main Points
Taddeo, Tom, and Luciano focused on considering the use of AI in cyber security to have the element
of trust by improving security practices while it can facilitate new tactics for cyber-attacks. The main point in
the article is that trusting the application of AI in cyber-security is unpredictable hence the need to minimize the
security risks with the deployment of some forms of control measures. The author reports that investment in in-
house development, dynamic and parallel monitoring and adversarial training could minimize the deceptive
nature of security attackers. Taddeo, Tom, and Luciano conclude that focusing on the design, development, and
deployment of artificial intelligence in security would improve its future performances.
Garcia’s article focuses on engaging the different perspectives of the practitioners, policymakers, and
scholars’ aspect on the current depend on AI policy in mitigating international relation risks and fostering
security of the Global South. According to Garcia, the militarization of AI is irreversible with developed nations
increasing their investment in AI to secure their dominance and enhance their national security. Garcia argues
the need to draw a connection between the militarization of AI and International relations to improve global
security. Garcia concludes that militarization of AI should not only happen in developed nations hence
developing nations should not be relegated to the levels of waste technology takers, spectators, or even victims
of technology. 
The purpose of the article by Melnychenko is to determine the readiness of artificial intelligence in the
assessment of the stability of a firm's finances. One of the main points from the article is that the assessment of
economic indicators is no longer a consideration due to the global shift to AI in financial security. However, the
use of AI to assess the financial security of a firm is biased because AI does not think hence the findings would
be based on the thoughts and feelings of the expert evaluating it. The article concludes that the risk of inaccurate
assessment of the financial security depends on the bias assessment and limiting individual influence could lead
to more accurate results.
Zarina, Begishev, and Sidorenko aimed at providing a detailed 
analysis of the main challenges of AI concerning artificial intelligence. The article utilized a systematic
analysis methodology with active use of scenario analysis to develop analogy and prediction of risk-related
situations. One of the significant points addressed by the author is the need to include compensation on the risk
posed by the utilization of AI while bringing to responsibility the attackers. Another point is that there is a need
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for those utilizing artificial intelligence to recognize it as a potential source of increased security danger. Zarina,
Begishev, and Sidorenko conclude that the future inclusion of the alternative type of responsibilities like
reprogramming and endowing status of crime could reduce the crime-related risk of using AI.
The article by Johnson focuses on addressing the potential effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on the
future of military power and its implication on global security. Johnson’s article can be summarized in three
major points. First, Johnson reports that AI could lead to the emergence of new weapons leading to a military
strategic balance between state and potential non-state entities. Second, the emerging US-China race to AI
innovation could be a source of mistrust and suspicion. Finally, Johnson argues that the risks and uncertainties
surrounding AI in the military could exerberate current threats and advance the levels of these threats.
Combination/Synthesis of results
Taddeo, Tom, and Luciano (558) found out that the security vulnerabilities posed by AI are a serious
limitation to its chance to advance the level of cybersecurity. Taddeo, Tom, and Luciano (558) add there is a
need to introduce a new testing approach that includes advanced certification and testing procedures. Similarly,
Zarina, Begishev, and Sidorenko report that there is a need to review the certification procedures and standard
documentation to address the concept of moral choices and data ethics in AI security. Although Zarina,
Begishev and Sidorenko, and Taddeo, Tom and Luciano (558) focus on the need to review standard and testing
procedures for AI, Taddeo, Tom and Luciano (558) focus on the evolving security vulnerabilities while Zarina,
Begishev and Sidorenko, and Taddeo addressed the need to integrate ethics in AI assessment methods. On the
other hand, Garcia found out that the irreversible nature of AI requires flexibility in assessment procedure to
capture the evolving nature of threats while changing the standardization procedure may not work because
different nations have a different aspect of certification. 
Garcia reports that the militarization of AI is a reversible process that could ruin the global goal to
international relations. Suspicions and mistrust are common between the US, China, Russia, and South Korea
because the nations are heavily involved in AI research for their defense system. Also, Johnson (150) provides
similar findings by reporting that international relations are at risk because of the increased use of AI for
criminal purposes. Increased Malware and cyberattacks between China and USA worsen the political relations,
reduce trust and cooperation creating new forms of uncertainties in the future interaction relations. But
Melnychenko reports that AI could be an opportunity for the two major global powers to strengthen their
conflict management and steer the words to a more prosperous and peaceful future. Melnychenko adds that the
high level of competition between China and the USA should not be viewed from a warfare perspective but as a
chance to increase the level of innovation and technological progress across the globe. 
Melnychenko reports that there is a significant problem of criminal prosecution for irregular use of AI
in criminal offences. According to Melnychenko criminal prosecution are strategic means of minimizing AI
crimes by punishing the offenders. Likewise, Taddeo, Tom and Luciano found out that there is a need to grand
the robots and AI a legal status so that they can also be brought to justice for crimes. Nevertheless, Garcia
reports that the legal personality of humans cannot be equated to robots and AI because people with legal status
act according to their mental process which is guided by subjective beliefs. However, AI acts independently, and
subjecting AI to legal status conflicts with humans regarding dignity, social-legal value, autonomous legal will.
Moreover, Johnson (150) opens up another significant source of contradiction by reporting that there is a need to
consider the designers and developers of AI when in case of a criminal offense. 
According to Melnychenko AI can be a strategic tool for financial security because banks and financial
institutions are better equipped with improved fraud detection while the government can detect terrorism
financing and money laundering. Also, Taddeo, Tom and Luciano (571) support the use of the financial
application of AI by reporting that AI will help financial institutions and governments address the issues of data
protection and privacy. Similarly, Zarina, Begishev and Sidorenko reports that the current privacy laws are a
major barrier to the optimal utilization of information to address capture financial irregularities. On the other
hand, Garcia argues that there is an imminent risk of a financial institution being the victim of illegal use of AI
to destabilize currencies or manipulation of the markets. 
Analysis and Interpretation
One of the significant findings derived from the literature is that there is a need to review the current AI
to provide the latest certification and standardization of the AI approaches. The new testing methods would
address the issues related to transparency and the evolving nature of cyberattacks. Such findings bring a major
contribution to the current literature because they will address emerging problems related to data privacy and
ethical issues. Moreover, this finding would fill the literature gap related to forms of control needed to mitigate
AI transparency risks and the lack of consistency and robustness of the findings. I believe that the focus on
standardization and certification of AI security technologies is the right move towards limiting the potential
danger of cybersecurity. However, the certification and standardization literature should address the evolving
nature of threats to allow flexibility when dealing with new threats and system failures. Moreover, there is a
need for universal standardization of the AI process to ensure that everyone is protected from emerging
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The literature reviewed revealed that the high level of militarization by top superpowers could risk the
current international relations. In other words, AI has introduced a wide array of advanced weapon systems
creating mistrust and suspicion ruining the IR among top global economies. The study is beneficial for the
current literature considering that there are limited studies that connect the militarization of AI and its impact on
international relations. Also, these findings open room for future studies to explore on utilization of AI in the
military as a strategic way to improve trust between competing nations, increase the level of technological
innovation and advance global peace. Based on the findings, literature should not consider militarization of AI
as a significant threat to IR but an opportunity for the top economies to renegotiate the standards and project
positive innovation to improve international peace. To sum up, AI militarization and IR have not been widely
explored by literature, hence future studies can utilize these findings to review the IR opportunities and
improved trust between competing nations. 
Another interesting finding from the research is that there is a current debate on the need to grant legal
status to robots and AI systems as a means of minimizing criminal activities done by the system. Although
Taddeo, Tom and Luciano argues that the robots and AI should receive legal status so that they can be convicted
for their criminal offenses, Garcia differs by reporting that legal status can only be provided to humans because
they have the mental process which is often guided by specific believes. However, Taddeo, Tom and Luciano
findings are weak because the authors do not go ahead with a scholarly argument supporting their position. The
findings open room for future studies to explore the endowment of AI and robots with a limited legal personality
and the consideration of whether the AI legal personality corresponds to that of humans. I believe that the
exploration of AI as subject to laws advances the current literature and offers direction to the future of AI which
will include diverse automation and an increased level of intelligence. Moreover, the study will provide
significant literature on the future AI practices focusing on the ability of AI and robots to bear legal
responsibilities, exercises subject rights, have their own legal interests, and independently make decisions. 
One more critical finding of the research is that there are significant challenges and opportunities
related to the application of AI in the management of finance by a financial institution and the government.
According to Melnychenko the government has an opportunity to utilize AI in curbing frauds and terrorism
fundings while financial institutions can achieve transparency in their data protection and privacy. Although
Garcia claims that AI is likely to escalate the financial issues for government institutions due to increased
vulnerability to market manipulation and currency destabilization, the findings are insufficient because the
authors did not support them with the current literature. On the other hand, Melnychenko findings are more
reliable because there was a balance between the subjection of the findings to critical scholarly perspectives.
The integration of AI in financial management and control is inevitable and these findings contribute to the
current literature by paving way for future research to minimize focus on building on the technology but
naturing its governance and framework need to advance the level of financial security. Also, future studies can
address the need for interrogating human endeavors and AI technology to improve the effectiveness and safety
of financial systems.
Evaluation of Strength and Weakness
One of the strengths of the article by Johnson is that it included clearly stated objectives. Also, the
article cited included the latest studies, and a list of utilized literature was provided. One of the weaknesses of
the article by Johnson is the potential of bias when addressing competition AI innovation competition between
US and China. Johnson is an American and he considers Russia and China on an aggressive mission related to
military AI technology while considering the USA as a protagonist. Also, the article has a vague description of
the design and methodology reducing its worth.
Zarina, Begishev, and Sidorenko utilized a systematic analysis methodology that reduced bias in the
finding leading to the development of an accurate and reliable conclusion. Another strength of the study is that
the abstract is well written and organized while it includes the research problem, methodology, findings, and
recommendations. Also, the article included expert authors with a disclosed field of professionals related to
information technology. The main weakness of the article includes the scope of the research problem. The
research problem is too ambiguous and it lacks a narrow scope in which the author can provide an effective
focus. Also, the article included a limited utilization of quantitive research articles because statistical articles
would produce stronger support to the research findings. 
A significant strength of the article by Melnychenko is that the researcher received no external funding
while they declared no conflict of interest. Moreover, the article was logically organized with a title, problem
statement, research question, methodology, results, findings, discussions, limitations, and conclusion. Another
strength of the paper is that it included a balanced review of both qualitative and quantitive literature leading to
more accurate findings. One of the limitations of the study is that the conclusion and future suggestions are
based on literature that lacks empirical data, models, and surveys. Also, the statistical and graphical analysis of
quantitative data was too simplistic and unlikely to yield reliable results. 
The strength of the article by Taddeo, Tom, and Luciano is that it included a critical review and
comparison of different peer-reviewed articles. Also, publication bias was conducted and it was found that there
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was a limited risk of publication bias. However, the study included significant weaknesses that are worth noting.
First, the paper lacked a logical flow of research, with a missing research question, problem statement,
methodology, and a theoretical framework. Also, the authors did not declare of conflict of interest considering
that the research received external fundings.  
One of the strengths of the article by Garcia is that the literature review is logically organized and there
is a balanced review of the previous findings. Also, the reviewed literature is major of recent origin focusing on
primary sources. The author was able to link the research findings to the literature review while the strength and
weaknesses of the findings were used to develop a recommendation for future studies. A critical limitation of
the paper is that it lacked a clear theoretical framework while the aims, hypothesis, and research questions were
not stated. Although the text was well-cited using footnotes, their article did not include a list of references at
the end of the study. Finally, the author did not declare a conflict of interest. 
The study substantiates that the application of AI in security is a double-edged sword that requires
careful control and planning to achieve benefits to society. A review of the current standards and certification of
the AI processes and procedures could improve AI security because the world will have universal procedures
that are frequently adjusted depending on the evolving nature of cyber-attacks. The increased level of AI
militarization among top global economies like China and the USA is a threat to international relations because
it raises suspicion and mistrust which could destabilize global security and due to competition in developing
highly destructive weapons. Other critical findings of the literature are that there is a need to address the debate
on subjecting legal status to robots and AI systems so that they can become accountable for their criminal
activities. Moreover, the level of intelligence of AI systems and robots is likely to advance hence reviewing the
legal responsibility, exercising of individual rights, and independence in decision making for AI need further
review. Finally, the research finds out that the government and financial institutions have the opportunity to
maximize AI in improving data privacy and tracking potential sources of terrorist fundings. 
The research was able to address the research question by focusing the literature on the security threats
and opportunities related to the application of AI in security. Although there are uncertainties on the future of AI
in security, the study attempted to compare and contrast current findings to predict future trends that could
benefit as well as a threat to safety. One of the limitations of the study is that there is minimal utilization of
statistical findings hence a reduced level of accuracy. future studies can focus on positive integration between
human endeavor and AI to improve the quality of decision making. Also, studies can address the issue of
managing the transition to allow society to effectively adjust to the constantly changing policies and procedures
that address the evolving nature of AI cyberthreats. 
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Work Cited

Garcia, Eugenio V. "The militarization of artificial intelligence: a wake-up call for the global
south." Available at SSRN 3452323 (2019).
Johnson, James. "Artificial intelligence & future warfare: implications for international
security." Defense & Security Analysis 35.2 (2019): 147-169.
Melnychenko, Oleksandr. "Is Artificial Intelligence Ready to Assess an Enterprise’s Financial
Security?." Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13.9 (2020): 191.
Taddeo, Mariarosaria, Tom McCutcheon, and Luciano Floridi. "Trusting artificial intelligence in
cybersecurity is a double-edged sword." Nature Machine Intelligence 1.12 (2019): 557-560.
Zarina I, Khisamova, Begishev Ildar R, and Sidorenko Elina L. "Artificial Intelligence and Problems of
Ensuring Cyber Security." International Journal of Cyber Criminology 13.2 (2019).

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