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Name: Christian Mamawag Activity Name: M6 Learning activity

Subject/Section: Art Appreciation/D12G Date Submitted:24/03/2022


ANSWER the following:

1. Why is it an ART for you?

Art is creating a masterpiece out of imagination, or creating something amazing out of scraps, or even nothing at all. It
is a form of expression where everyone can be an artist, and they can use it as a medium of communication between
themselves, the artist, and someone who hears it, sees it, or reads it, someone who truly appreciates it. Art is the creation of
beauty, as it is beauty itself, and it is everywhere. It is an imitation of the world, of how an artist views it from his perspective.
Art can also be either simple or complex, as there are landscapes, portraits, and abstracts. And last, art is art itself or it
actually depends to the perspective of the person who sees it.
2. Identify the visual elements?

Visual elements
Line: Curved lines convey comfort and ease, while horizontal lines suggest distance and tranquility in one of my paintings. On
the other hand, I employed vertical lines to convey height and strength, as well as jagged lines to convey chaos and fear.

Shapes: Different shapes are utilized in the composition to manage sentiments.

Tone: To show contrast, I utilized light tones on the first painting and dark tones on the second.

Colors: I utilized bright colors in the first painting and dark hues in the second to match the tones and reflect the emotions I
wanted to convey. To demonstrate consistency, I utilized white and black in both paintings.

Texture: as of texture the first one looks smooth white the other is rough.

3. Identify the plan and the intellectual meanings of the plan as you perceived it.

Intellectual meaning:
As unbelievable as it may seem, we are living in one of the most tranquil periods in human history. For millennia,
homicides have been on the decline in most regions of the globe. Despite the horrors broadcast through the internet, violent
deaths in interstate wars are at an all-time low. Civil war deaths have increased in recent years as a result of wars in
Afghanistan, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, although they have plummeted so dramatically since the conclusion of the Cold
War that they are still a fraction of what they were in the past. Even violent extremist–related deaths are on the decline after
climbing for a decade and a half. However, there is still chaos in this ostensibly peaceful world, so I decided to create these
paintings that represent both chaos and peace. In a world where equality appears elusive, I don't believe we will be able to tell
whether it is peaceful or chaotic like these paintings because this is reality.
The tree in the first painting represents growth and peace while the white stokes represents the wind.
The used of dark colors like green, red and black represents the environment and the white strokes represent the life and
structures that are present.
Emotional suggestion:
First painting suggest calmness/peace and happiness while the other suggests turmoil/chaos and sadness

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