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Project Management


Strategic project management in healthcare has emerged as one of the most prominent

management skills in the modern environment because it leads to effective control of cost,

improve outcomes while reducing risks. According to Dilly et al. (110) project management is

the systematic planning, organizing and implementing a process to maximize on resources while

achieving specific objectives. Therefore, project process includes the development process ,

implementation process, and the assement of the aftermath impacts on the organization. The

purpose of the paper is to review the process of developing and implementing a project. The

paper will also asses how project management affects health care organizations.


Healthcare project development process requires a complete planning and diligence of the

project roadmap. Critical processes during this phase include the identification of the technical

needs, creating a project schedule and a strategic communication plan for the clinical process.

Risk mitigation is also a critical component of the development stage and it ensures that the

project manager identifies potential risk and develops strategy to minimize the impact.

According to Call and Kenneth (8) development process of a healthcare project management can

take almost half of the project timespan. Call and Kenneth (8) adds that the project development
process allows the project manager to plan all the variables related to the project, including the

resources, budget, and tasks for project team.


The project implementation stage includes the team doing the actual work hence the project

manager needs to establish an efficient workflow while monitoring the process. Moro and

Donato reports that the project manager has a critical role of maiantaing effective collerboration

to ensre the the project is excuted smoothly and correctly. Moreover, there is a need to measure

and monitor the project prorgress regukart to ensure that the progress is on track. Unlike other

sectors, healthcare project implementation process is often unique because there are more

stakeholder to approve each step to ensure that specific regulations are met. In other words, time

is a challenging factor during healthcare implementation process because more time is spend on

meeting regulations and obtain approvals. Patient and staff follow-up are also impotranty during

the process becase it if the organization is achieving its intended purpose.

The Affects of project management

The biggest effects of project management in healthcare is the improvement of care delivery and

process used to deliver medication. In other words, application of project management in

healthcare organization will focus on addressing process and delivery concerns. Another

outcome of project management in healthcare is that it improves communication between the

staff, management and patients. According to Mosavi and Manuel a strategic healthcare project

management process ensyre that team memvers communicate in an effective means to ensure

that they track the execution process. Another outcome is the improved budgeting tactics because

the healthcare project manager works within the organization’s financial conditions. The final
benefit of project management is that it minimizes the risk or legal issues related to failure to

introduce the authorized procedures or equipemnst.


Healthcare project management has become more important than ever due to the increasing

technological advancement and the need to improve customer experience. Healthcare project

development includes planning, scheduling, budgeting and mitigating potential risk related with

the project. The ouctomes of a healthcare project management include improved quality of care,

better organizational planning, stronger budgeting approach, and improved communication

between various stakeholders. In short, project management in healthcare focuses on addressing

the current challenges within healthcare and offering alternative procedures.

Work Cited

Call, Steven, and Kenneth Sullivan. "An educational framework for healthcare facility

management: Preparing future professionals." Journal of Facility Management Education

and Research 3.1 (2019): 8-17.

Dilly, Christen K., Katie A. Klochan, and Gabriel Bosslet. "Project management tools for

healthcare education." The Clinical Teacher 18.2 (2021): 109-114.

Moro Visconti, Roberto, and Donato Morea. "Big data for the sustainability of healthcare project

financing." Sustainability 11.13 (2019): 3748.

Mosavi, Nasimsadat, and Manuel Santos. "Implementation considerations for the applied

business intelligence in healthcare." (2021).

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